I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 170: Scarlet Elite is promoted to level nine, with a sudden increase in attributes [5,000 wo

That's 2,500 heads in seven days.

No matter if it's a living person, pig, sheep or cattle, as long as it's fresh blood and flesh, even if they are all released today, they will definitely be snatched up like crazy.

"I am a contractor, my level is fixed, and I can only upgrade by completing dungeons. I don't know what kind of benefits I can get from the Scarlet Preferred Upgrade."

Mu Rufeng drove the van slowly and stopped in front of the lifting pole at the gate of the logistics park. At this moment, he was still a little expectant.

"Beep beep~~!"

Mu Rufeng honked the horn.

Not long after, a uniformed security guard came out of the security booth with an electric baton and a registration book.

"Register." The security guard came to the car window and spoke slowly.

The aura of this security guard is very strong. He is a level 5 ghost, and at this moment, ghost power is brewing in his body. It seems that as long as Mu Rufeng is slightly wrong, he will take action.

Mu Rufeng lowered the car window and registered the information honestly.

The security guard did not make it difficult for Mu Rufeng. After registering, he opened the lifting pole and motioned Mu Rufeng to enter.

Yes, there are a lot of vehicles and people coming in and out of Scarlet Optimization every day, so it is impossible to make things difficult for others.

Mu Rufeng parked the car in the parking space next to the office.

Immediately, he walked towards the office.

However, just as he walked up the steps, he saw the door of the office was pushed open, and Liu Mei, who was wearing a professional suit, came out with a mobile phone in her hand and put it to her ear, as if she was making a call.

Behind her, there was another strange woman who was also wearing a professional suit, holding a stack of folders in her hand.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!"

At this time, Mu Rufeng's mobile phone rang.

"Ah, Mr. Mu, you are here, I thought you were not here, and I wanted to call you."

Liu Mei put down the phone immediately.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng's mobile phone stopped ringing.

"Xiao He, take the files down to the office on the third floor first." Liu Mei ordered.

"Okay, Manager Liu." The woman behind Liu Mei responded strangely, turned left immediately, and walked towards the stairwell.

"Mr. Liu, good morning." Mu Rufeng greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Mr. Mu, the event will start in twenty minutes. So, I will arrange for you to rest in the lounge first. When it is almost nine o'clock, the event will officially start."

"You can watch our online live broadcast in the lounge. At that time, I will open a permission for you to see our daily transaction volume on the mobile APP." Liu Mei said.

"Okay, I will stay here today." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Soon, Liu Mei took Mu Rufeng to a lounge on the second floor.

The lounge was not big, only 20 square meters, but it was small but complete.

Not only was there a toilet, but there were also beds, sofas, TVs, and even refrigerators.

"Mr. Mu, you can rest here. If you need anything, you can press the bell and someone will come to serve you."

"You can also call me." Liu Mei said.

"Well, okay, go and get busy."

Watching Liu Mei leave, Mu Rufeng closed the door and locked it.

At the same time, the curtains were drawn, and the room suddenly fell into darkness.

The sound insulation of this room is also quite good, and the noise generated by the trucks outside could not be transmitted into this rest room.

"I am a little sleepy, so I will take a nap. I hope that when I wake up, the Scarlet Optimization Group will have been upgraded to level nine."

Mu Rufeng lay on the bed, took the blanket and covered himself, and fell into a deep sleep.


Time passed quickly, and it was 8:57.

In the freezer of Scarlet Optimization.

All around, there were piles of fresh pork, mutton and beef, from the ground to the roof.

Only at the gate, there was an open space of more than 100 square meters.

At the edge of the open space, there was a table, and there were several female weirdos with high looks and extremely cool clothes.

On the table, there were also a lot of equipment, which seemed to be ready for a live broadcast.

On the other side, there were a large number of weirdos cutting flesh and blood there.

Around, there were several high-level executives of Scarlet Optimization, directing on the side.

"There are still two minutes left. Get ready. There must be no mistakes in this live broadcast."

A senior executive shouted.

When the countdown ended, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

The female weirdos also started live broadcasting.

First, they introduced themselves, and then they aimed the camera at the fresh blood and flesh around them.

They talked loudly for half an hour, and then, at the signal of the senior executives, they put the fresh blood and flesh on the shelves.

The first wave directly put 100 pigs, cattle and sheep on the shelves, and they were sold by one pound.

In less than three minutes, they were sold out.

As for the price, it was calculated at 20 yuan per pound, including bones, blood and meat.

This price is exactly the same as the price of a second-level adult pig.

However, this is fresh blood and flesh. Even pigs, cattle and sheep have souls. For these weirdos, fresh blood and flesh are fatally attractive.

Weirdos are basically unable to resist fresh blood and meat, and at the same time, the value of fresh blood and meat exceeds the meat quality of second-level adult pigs.

The cow is Simmental cattle, and the weight of slaughter is about 900 kilograms.

The pig is white pig, and the weight of slaughter is about 400 kilograms.

The sheep are ordinary sheep, with a slaughter weight of about one hundred kilograms.

Above, there is no loss.

In accordance with Scarlet Optimal's requirements, the relevant departments suffocated all the pigs, cattle and sheep to death, and preserved everything on their bodies.

When it is transported to Scarlet Preferred's cold storage, it will be stored, and then cut into pieces during the live broadcast. Meat, bones, blood, etc., each portion is one kilogram, strictly according to the amount.

The speed is not slow at all, because the weirdos that are divided are carefully selected, and their respective abilities are extremely suitable for division.

One hundred heads each. Counting this way, in just one minute, 1.12 million soul coins have been recorded.

This is only 300 heads sold.

In the past few days, Scarlet Hongzhi had stored a thousand cattle, a thousand pigs, and three thousand sheep.

It was not more than two thousand as Mu Rufeng thought.

Such a large amount of flesh and blood, if calculated based on one kilogram per unit, would amount to more than three million units.

Moreover, Scarlet Preferred also has strict restrictions. Each account is only limited to purchasing ten pounds of flesh and blood.

Attracting such huge traffic can also drive sales of other products.

Today’s order volume must be explosive.

Today, all Scarlet Preferred employees and drivers have canceled their vacations and returned to work.

Moreover, in these few days, a large number of employees and drivers have been recruited.

Just for this day, we can successfully deliver all the goods to the customer's pick-up point on the next day.

As new flesh and blood continue to be put on the shelves, Scarlet Preferred’s traffic and transaction volume have shown explosive growth.

The senior executives of Scarlet Premiere gathered in the conference room were all staring at the big screen in front of them.

On the big screen, the transaction volume, daily active users, and transaction amount are displayed.

These three types of data are refreshing crazily every second, which also makes the general manager extremely happy.

"I have already felt that Scarlet Optimum is growing rapidly. You don't have to sell out all your flesh and blood. Scarlet Optimum will be able to return to level nine in half the time at most."

Xu He looked around, looked at the senior executives, and said with a smile.

"Yes, I feel it too. Unfortunately, I have experienced it once before, and this time, the effect will be compromised." Xu Yin nodded and said with a little pity.

"Old Xu, you are not authentic. Although you have to discount your skills, you can definitely reach level eight."

A senior executive looked at Xu Yin with envy.

Xu Yin was already at the peak of the seventh level. At the same time, in order to get promoted this time, he also spent a lot of money to consume all his savings and purchased a lot of seventh-level spiritual objects and an eighth-level spiritual object.

Then with the help of Scarlet Optimization, he was promoted to level nine, allowing himself to break through the shackles of level eight in one fell swoop.

"Ashamed, ashamed. After this time, I have to work hard to make money. Otherwise, the bank interest will not be paid back." Xu Yin said modestly.

"You rich guy, didn't you spend more than 10 million to buy the shares of the Blood Boring Hotel a few days ago? If you have no money, how about I pay 30 million to buy your shares of the Blood Boring Hotel? Sample?"

Xu He said with a smile.

"Forget it, I want to keep this hotel for my retirement." Xu Yin refused with the same smile.

Just kidding, it is extremely difficult to obtain shares in these group companies.

It's not something you can buy if you have money.

Because most people who own group shares rely on the group company to be promoted to high levels more easily.

It can be said that few of the weird people in the weird world have reached the eighth level ghost king or the ninth level ghost king themselves.

Even if there are, most of them relied on group companies to get promoted, and then either the group went bankrupt or they resigned, thus becoming independent.

Take Xu He, for example, over the years, in addition to shares in Scarlet Preferred, he also has shares in several group companies.

It’s just that they are all small group companies, and the highest level is only Level 6.

"If our group hadn't been able to reach level nine again by relying on activities, I think there would be no way to recruit so many powerful drivers in a short period of time." Another senior executive said.

"Those new recruits may not have any sense of belonging to our group." A senior executive shook his head and said.

"Haha, a sense of belonging? So what if you don't have it? They have already signed a contract anyway and have benefited from us. Naturally, we have to let them work here until the contract expires." A senior executive said disdainfully.

"By the way, is Mr. Mu here?" Xu He suddenly asked.

"General Manager, Mr. Mu has arrived and is resting in the rest room." Liu Mei said at this time.

"Well, okay, without Mr. Mu, our event would not be possible."

"Today, the channel has been successfully opened. We can put a lot of new blood and meat on the shelves every day, and we can get enough orders and traffic every day."

"Starting from today, we can also start to fight back against the Undead Preferred and Xixi Preferred." Xu He said with high spirits.

He can already imagine that after defeating Xixi Preferred and Undead Preferred, he will seize most of the market and make the Scarlet Preferred Group No. 1 in the industry.

In this way, maybe he can also use the opportunity to break through the shackles of the ninth level and become the supreme ghost emperor.

"In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, we can't be idle and are always ready to take action." Xu He said.

"Yes." The senior officials nodded.

No matter what, it makes sense to have a big fist.

They have now launched the first counterattack, and the Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization will definitely fight back.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

The cold storage was now mostly empty.

The flesh and blood had been cut up and sent to various warehouses.

At the same time, it was two o'clock in the afternoon, and the truck drivers officially started working. They needed to load the goods sorted by the sorters onto the trucks and then transport them to each pick-up point in the nearby twenty cities.

It was also thanks to the weirdness of those live broadcasts that they only put some flesh and blood every once in a while, and the rest of the time they were explaining other products.

From nine in the morning to two in the afternoon, they never stopped. I have to say that they were very dedicated.

Just when the flesh and blood orders released at two o'clock were all sold out, a special breath rose in the entire Scarlet Optimization.

These breaths were constantly absorbed into the bodies of those employees, allowing their strength to increase rapidly.

At this moment, everyone knew that Scarlet Optimization was about to start promotion.

At this moment, all the employees seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. They worked harder and their efficiency was maximized.

Even Mu Rufeng, who was still asleep, noticed the abnormality and woke up from his sleep.

[Absorbing soul power, strength +1, ghost power +1%]

[Absorbing soul power, spirit +1, ghost power +1%]

[Absorbing soul power, physique +1, ghost power +1%]

"Soul power? What is this? And it actually increased my attributes and ghost power?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

Mu Rufeng just heard the prompt sound in his mind, and his own attributes were increasing a little bit at a time per second.

This situation lasted for a full minute.

It was also during this minute that Mu Rufeng directly increased 20 points of strength, 20 points of spirit, 20 points of physique, plus 60% of ghost power.

Of course, it was definitely not just 60% of ghost power, because it was directly increased by percentage.

After a minute, that feeling disappeared.

However, Mu Rufeng could feel that Scarlet Optimum had successfully been promoted to level nine.

If Mu Rufeng's level had not been fixed, he would have been able to easily upgrade to level three, or even level four.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV2 (1/3)

[Strength]: 166.2

[Spirit]: 152.2

[Constitution]: 148.7

[Contract Slot]: LV3 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV3 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 4

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig]

[Luck Value]: 4

Items: [Scarlet Optimum Share Contract] [Qingshan Yang Pig Farm Share Contract】【Blood Boring Hotel Share Contract】【Bloodthirsty Bandage】【Singing Mouth】【Tian Di Bank Platinum Card】【Flame Vehicle Card】【Bloody Train Black Gold Membership Card】【Clown's Crazy Chainsaw】【Light Energy Flashlight】【Security's Electric Baton】【Boat Ticket】【Ferocious Butcher's Knife】【Gambler's Dice】【Worn Sandbag】【Gourmet's Tablecloth】【Nameless Ghost Hand】【Worn Van】【Small Electric Donkey Ma Ball】...

Soul Coins: 125 million

Ghost Power also broke through from Level 3 to Level 4.

It is hard to imagine that a Level 2 Contractor has a strong ghost power that has reached Level 4. This is simply terrifying.

Now Mu Rufeng, even in his normal state, can easily kill low-level weirdness.

In the real world, he is definitely a little superman.


On the other side.

Five players are sorting goods in the warehouse.

Among them, one is a contractor, two are Level 1 players, and two are new players.

Every player's face was extremely excited.

Because they also received the system's prompt sound.

"Haha, it's so cool. I didn't expect that this dungeon would yield such a big harvest. Six points, it increased my attributes by six points, and also increased my ghost power by 3%."

The contractor couldn't hide his excitement and laughed.

"Me too, I feel full of strength now." The first-level player said excitedly.

"Me too, me too." The two new players also came up and said.

"Look, those weirdos are also as excited as chicken blood, and they must be the same as us. What happened?" Another first-level player pointed to the weird employees not far away and said curiously.

"Who cares, we just do our job well. There must be something we don't know about this dungeon." The contractor waved his hand and asked everyone to continue working.

Not only these players, but also those who chose other positions, also gained the growth of attributes and ghost power.

However, compared with Mu Rufeng, the attributes are ten times different, and the ghost power is twenty times different.

Qingshan City, in the office of Undead Optimization.

“What have you considered?”

Chen Shan, the general manager of Undead Optimization, looked at Sun Xiaotian, the general manager of Xixi Optimization, and said.

Sun Xiaotian lowered his head in thought and did not answer Chen Shan’s words.

“Sun Xiaotian, you should know the seriousness of the matter.”

"I don't know where Xu He got so much fresh blood and flesh from, and he said that there will be fresh blood and flesh every day in the future."

"Do you know what this means? It means that our customer flow will be taken away by Scarlet Optimization. In that case, we will have no way to survive." Chen Shan said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I promise you, I will dispatch people to block the third and fourth doors of Scarlet Optimization." Sun Xiaotian said.

"That's right, you must block the third and fourth doors for me, and never let them get even one car in or out."

"Leave the first and second doors to me. When their things cannot be delivered tomorrow, it will cause great turmoil to Scarlet Optimization."

"When the time comes, we will work together to forcibly break Scarlet Optimization." Chen Shan said.

There will be another chapter later

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