I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 171 A beating heart, Mu Rufeng on a killing spree [5,000 words, monthly vote requested! ]

"What if Scarlet Prime takes action against us directly?" Sun Xiaotian asked again.

"Haha, if they take action, won't we take action? Our logistics park is only more than ten kilometers away from them." Chen Shan said lightly.

"Okay, I'll go back and transfer people." Sun Xiaotian said slowly.

"Remember, this is our last chance. Scarlet Preferred. If they attack us, we don't have to hide and do it together." Chen Shan said again.

His idea was also very simple. After they blocked the door, if Scarlet Preferred did not take action against them, then the goods would not be delivered the next day.

Scarlet Prime will experience great turmoil and be weakened. In this way, if they join forces to attack, it will be easier to defeat Scarlet Prime.

If the Scarlet Prime attacked them directly, then they would not be afraid at all.

The two of them can directly control the Undead Prime and Xixi Prime to besiege the Scarlet Prime.

They did not believe that the Scarlet Preferred could withstand attacks from both sides.

Even if the Scarlet Optimal counterattack will cause them to suffer damage, the development of the matter has reached the final moment.

Already had to take action.

He even regretted why he didn't forcefully take action when the Scarlet Elite fell to level eight.

"I will." Sun Xiaotian said, and immediately, his figure gradually dispersed and disappeared.

Obviously, Sun Xiaotian did not come in person, but just a clone.

Mu Rufeng stood up from the bed and stretched her muscles.

Then take out your mobile phone and open the scarlet preferred APP.

His authority has been opened by Liu Mei. At the same time, because he is a shareholder of Scarlet Preferred, his authority has been automatically further enhanced.

He can now view all the data through the Scarlet Preferred APP.

Including today's transaction volume, daily activity volume and transaction amount.

Mu Rufeng just glanced at it and closed it. He had no interest in this.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu~~~!"

After moving for a while, Mu Rufeng's stomach roared like thunder.

His attributes at this moment have exceeded that of ordinary people by more than ten times. He gets hungry quickly every day, and the food he eats has also increased dramatically.

Mu Rufeng did not go to the cafeteria, but took out the gourmet tablecloth.

After having a gourmet tablecloth, Mu Rufeng could say that she ate every meal by herself.

Mu Rufeng took out a lot of soul money and threw it directly on the tablecloth.

Soon, a table full of food appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was not polite and started to enjoy the meal.

However, as Mu Rufeng was eating, suddenly, a violent roar came from outside.

Even Mu Rufeng felt that the floor beneath her feet was shaking slightly.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng put down her chopsticks, came to the window, and opened the curtains directly.

Because he is not a dungeon person, when he looks at the outside world, there is no fog.

He could clearly see through the window that outside the door of the logistics park, there were many large trucks more than ten meters tall, blocking the road.

At the first gate of the logistics park, a large number of trucks were also blocked inside the gate and unable to go out.

The huge roar that was heard earlier was actually caused by the explosion of a large truck.

That large truck was not Scarlet's preferred vehicle, but one of the large trucks blocking the door.

The one who did it was actually an acquaintance of Mu Rufeng.

It was Lin Chen, the strongest driver of Scarlet Preferred.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen was actually exuding a level seven aura.

This is not due to the blessing of Scarlet Preferred, but Lin Chen has truly upgraded to level seven.

If you guessed correctly, he should have taken advantage of the scarlet selection to advance from the eighth level to the ninth level, prepared a variety of spiritual objects, and after swallowing them, he was promoted to the seventh level in one fell swoop.

"Immediately, immediately, drive away, otherwise, don't blame me for blowing up your trucks one by one." Lin Chen said coldly.

"Oh, what a loud tone." At this time, a fat and strange man got off a truck.

When this weird guy got out of the car, the truck actually moved up some distance.

Obviously, we can see how serious this weirdness is.

This weird mouth is not under the nose, but at the belly button.

In other words, the mouth replaced the belly button, and the mouth directly occupied one-third of the belly.

The rows of yellowed and thick teeth, and the bottomless, dark depths of the mouth, make people shudder when they look at it.

Whenever he opened his mouth, there was a foul smell, and some finger bones could be vaguely seen between the teeth.

"Wang Dazui? Why, are you, the undead elite, ready to officially start a war with us?" Lin Chen looked at Wang Dazui with a look of fear.

This Wang Dazui is also a seventh-level ghost general, and he is still at the peak of the seventh level.

The gap in strength between the two sides was definitely not small. After all, Lin Chen had just been promoted to level seven.

However, Lin Chen didn't panic at all, because this was Scarlet's top choice.

He can use the power of Scarlet Optimal to bless himself at any time, giving him the strength of an eighth-level ghost king.

"Starting a war? Didn't you start it first? Come on, let's talk about compensation."

Wang Dazui stopped ten meters away from Lin Chen and did not continue to get closer.

Lin Chen frowned when he saw this scene.

At this moment, the position where he stood happened to be within the range of Scarlet Optimization.

Within this range, he could mobilize the power of Scarlet Optimization to bless himself, so that he could have the strength of the eighth-level ghost king.

However, as long as he took two more steps, he would be out of Scarlet Optimization, so he could not mobilize the power of Scarlet Optimization.

Even if he first blesses the power and has the strength of the eighth-level ghost king, once he leaves Scarlet Optimization, this power will dissipate instantly.

A few days ago, at the Blood Boring Hotel, Hua Wenliang was able to mobilize the power of the Blood Boring Hotel because he was in the parking lot.

The main building of the Blood Boring Hotel is naturally the hotel itself.

The expansion part is the parking lot, which can be mobilized, but it does not belong to the main building.

Scarlet Optimization is similar. Those warehouses are the main buildings, and the roads in the logistics park belong to the expansion part.

Wang Dazui obviously knew this, so he stopped ten meters away.

Otherwise, after Lin Chen blesses the power and rises to the eighth-level ghost king, he can't beat him.

"This truck is a level 5 vehicle. The cheapest level 5 vehicle costs 300,000 soul coins."

"Let your people drive the car away." Lin Chen said coldly.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Wang Dazui ignored him and continued, "Trucks are different from those ordinary level 5 vehicles. The value can almost be doubled."

"I don't want more from you. Just pay 500,000."

"500,000? Buy you a coffin?"

"Go, I'll stop this guy. Go and smash those trucks for me."

Lin Chen shouted and rushed directly to Wang Dazui without hesitation.

Behind Lin Chen, a large number of drivers and even the security guards of the logistics park heard the words and rushed directly to those trucks without saying a word.

Today, they all got the benefits of Scarlet Optimal Promotion.

Even the worst ones have improved their strength by several percent. If they are stronger, they have been directly promoted to one level.

Now, it is a moment of excitement and excitement. I am worried about having nowhere to vent, not to mention that I am being bullied by others. I have to beat them up.

"Haha, you are the only one? Come on!" Wang Dazui also shouted.

As the voice fell, a large number of weird people came down from the trucks.

At the same time, a large amount of ghost energy began to emerge from the trucks, covering all the trucks, making it difficult to see the situation inside.

Soon, the employees of both sides collided with each other in an instant.

Most of them were level 3 and 4 employees, a few were level 5, and no level 6.

And Lin Chen and Wang Dazui also collided with each other.

Every time the two fought, they could cause a violent impact.

The situation here is not just happening at the first door.

There are also two, three and four doors.

At this moment, in the rest room, Mu Rufeng frowned when he saw the chaotic first door.

Mu Rufeng turned around and came to the dining table, and then stuffed the food on the table into his mouth.

Since he was here, he would not stand by and watch.

The most important thing was that he had to kill so many weird things and earn some attribute points.

So, Mu Rufeng did not want to fight on an empty stomach.

Because he was in a hurry, Mu Rufeng cleared all the food on the table in just a few minutes.

Mu Rufeng did not need to worry about it, the bowls and chopsticks disappeared directly on the tablecloth.

Mu Rufeng put away the tablecloth immediately, came to the window, opened the window, and jumped down.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Mu Rufeng fell to the ground.

As soon as he landed, he saw a figure rushing towards him.

The pair of objects kept rising and falling, and the people who saw it were dry-mouthed.

The person who came was Liu Mei.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, why did you come down? The situation is a bit chaotic now. Why don't you take a rest in the rest room." Liu Mei stopped and said to Mu Rufeng.

"Haha, how can I be missing in the battle." Mu Rufeng pointed to the melee of a sect and said.

"Mr. Mu, how can we let you fight? Besides, we are seriously short of manpower now, and it is difficult to protect you. Not only the first gate, but also the second, third and fourth gates are surrounded by a large number of weird things."

"I won't talk to you for now. I will also go to the first gate to fight. Mr. Mu, you just stay in the logistics park, and don't go out."

After Liu Mei finished speaking, she pulled out the long whip from her waist and ran out.

"Hehe." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, took out the butcher knife, and strode towards the first gate.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the front of the gate.

He didn't go out immediately, but took out the [Gambler's Dice] and threw it directly.

[The throw points are four points, and your luck value increases by 4 points]

"Huh, add four points of luck value, not bad." Mu Rufeng relaxed a little. He was afraid that if he threw 1 point, it would be miserable.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng used the rule skill [Life and Death] towards the strangeness in the melee outside

[Life and Death, skill activated successfully, the enemy is dead, all attributes are enhanced tenfold, lasting for one hour]

Instantly, Mu Rufeng's attributes are superimposed tenfold.

[Strength]: 1828.2 (166.2+1662)

[Spirit]: 1674.2 (152.2+1522)

[Constitution]: 1635.7 (148.7+1487)

[Ghost Power]: Level 5

[Luck Value] 8

"This is." Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

At this moment, he felt that his strength was probably at level six.

At the same time, because his ghost power reached level five, his ghost cave actually gained another ability.

[Burning ghost power]: It can burn its own ghost power. When burning, the consumption of ghost power is twice the original, which can double the power of ghost power.

Although it did not increase his own attributes, the enhancement of the power of ghost power can also greatly increase Mu Rufeng's attack power.

Mu Rufeng stroked the butcher knife, and blood light flashed slightly on the blade of the butcher knife.

"Ding!" Mu Rufeng flicked the butcher knife, making a crisp sound.

Bai Jingwei's contract ability, sharp, has been blessed on the butcher knife by him, and the butcher knife has become sharper.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng kicked his feet and rushed directly into the weird melee.

A cold light flashed, and in an instant, several heads soared into the sky.

[Triggering success, spirit +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

[Triggering success, physique +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

[Triggering success, physique +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

With one knife, Mu Rufeng directly killed three weirds.

The powerful evil spirit on the blade directly wiped out the lives of these three people.

The Scarlet Optimization employees who were fighting against the three weirds looked at Mu Rufeng in a daze, and they hadn't reacted yet.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng began to harvest the heads of local weirds in the weirdness.

And the prompt sound was also constantly ringing.

Fortunately, the Scarlet Optimization employees were all wearing red vests, and there were a few big words of Scarlet Optimization on the back, so Mu Rufeng could recognize them clearly.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng was afraid that he would accidentally hurt friendly forces.

"How brave, kid, you are looking for death."

At this time, there was a loud shout, and Wang Dazui, who was fighting with Lin Chen two hundred meters away, shouted loudly.

The battle between him and Lin Chen had unknowingly reached more than 200 meters away from the gate, so he did not notice the situation here.

It was Wang Dazui who was playing tricks on Lin Chen. In the battle between the two sides, Wang Dazui obviously had the upper hand.

However, when he looked at the gate, he found that there was a guy who had been chopping his men.

"Hehe, if you want to leave, it's not that easy." Lin Chen had obviously discovered the situation over there a long time ago.

In order to make it easier for Mu Rufeng to chop the strange, he also deliberately tried his best to distract Wang Dazui's sight. Now that he was discovered, it was absolutely impossible to let him return for help.

"You are looking for death." Wang Dazui was furious and attacked Lin Chen fiercely.

Although Lin Chen was in a mess, he could still resist.

"Damn, Xingui, why don't you take action and wait for all our people to be killed?" Wang Dazui roared angrily.

"Here it comes, really, you have to call me for such a small matter."

An impatient voice came from the truck shrouded in black fog.


"Boom boom!"

A huge and dull sound rang out.

It seemed to be the sound of a beating heart.

Every time it beat, the weirdos around felt a palpitation.

Even Mu Rufeng, who had just killed another hostile weirdo, felt his heart beat a little bit, and there was a slight sting.

A giant three meters tall emerged from the black fog.

In addition to being tall, the most concerning thing about this giant was his chest.

There was not a trace of flesh and blood on his upper body, only a skeleton.

And in the skeleton, you can see a huge beating heart.

The heart occupies almost half of the space.

Every time it beat, people felt a little palpitation.

"Retreat!" Mu Rufeng immediately shouted to the weirdos.

After hearing this, his own employees retreated back to Scarlet Selection without any hesitation.

You know, Mu Rufeng's lightning-fast killing had convinced all the weirds in his family, so they obeyed his orders without any hesitation.

"Mr. Mu, let's retreat quickly. This is the Minister of Transportation of Undead Optimization, Xin Gui, level 7 peak."

Liu Mei approached Mu Rufeng and said.

At this moment, most of the people of Undead Optimization were killed by Mu Rufeng, and only about six or seven people were left.

She also retreated behind Xin Gui as soon as possible.

"Run? Do you think you can run away in front of me?" Xin Gui stood in place, looking at Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei with a playful face.

To be honest, he didn't care about those dead weirds at all. This kind of low-level weirds, if they die, they die, and they can recruit again.

Three-legged toads are not easy to find, but two-legged weirds are everywhere.

It's just that Wang Dazui has spoken, if he doesn't take action, it will be difficult to explain to the higher-ups.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, grabbed Liu Mei and prepared to teleport.

At this moment, a dull sound sounded again.


Xingui's heart shook violently.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's face suddenly twisted, and then he covered his chest.

At this moment, he felt his heart was like a knife.

But Liu Mei next to him seemed fine.

Mu Rufeng knew that the attack just now was aimed at him alone, and no group attack was launched.

However, Mu Rufeng's body was strong after all, and his heart was only twisted for a while, and then he recovered.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly used instant movement and took Liu Mei back to the Scarlet Selection.

On the other side, after being hit hard by Wang Dazui, he actually used that power to fly over the wall, entered Scarlet Optimization, and successfully escaped.

Speaking of which, only Lin Chen had a certain status in Scarlet Optimization, otherwise, he might not be able to pass through the ghost den of Scarlet Optimization and enter it.

"Good boy, your heart didn't explode." Xingui looked at Mu Rufeng who was intact, a little surprised.

His attack just now was difficult to resist even with a level 6 weirdness, and his heart would explode.

"Damn, that guy ran away, Xingui, how did you do it? That bandage weird killed so many of us, and you let him run away?"

Wang Dazui ran from a distance, his face full of irritability.

"If you have the ability, then go and kill him." Xingui glanced at Wang Dazui and said lightly.

"Hmph, hey, kid, if you have the guts, come out again, I will crush your head." Wang Dazui snorted coldly and looked at Mu Rufeng.

Two updates of 10,000 words are here. Please give me monthly votes and recommendation tickets!

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