I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 172: Strange Explosion Grenade, You Are a Pig, Kill the Level 7 Ghost General in Seconds [6,

Mu Rufeng ignored them completely, rubbed her heart and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Mu, are you okay?" Liu Mei looked at Mu Rufeng nervously and asked.

"It's okay." Mu Rufeng waved her hands and said.

"It's just, Manager Liu, are you okay?" Mu Rufeng looked Liu Mei up and down and said.

When she jumped down from the office and saw Liu Mei, Mu Rufeng didn't use [Life or Death], so she couldn't notice Liu Mei's state.

When his strength improved, he noticed something was wrong with Liu Mei's state.

Although his appearance did not show whether he was injured or not, his aura was a bit gloomy, and his strength seemed to only reach level five from level six.

"I'm fine, I just accidentally got cursed by the enemy and could only use level five strength. Then, I was transferred from Gate No. 2 to Gate No. 1," Liu Mei said.

"Curse?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Lin Chen ran over from a distance.

He was covered in color and his aura was a little confused. On the other hand, Wang Dazui didn't seem to have consumed much.

It was obvious that Lin Chen, who had just reached the seventh level, was still no match for Wang Dazui, the veteran ghost general at the peak of his powers.

"They shouldn't dare to come out, Big Mouth, I'll leave this place to you. I'll go back to the car and take a nap." Xingui yawned, then turned and walked towards the black mist.

"Huh, you guy, he just sleeps every day." Dazui snorted coldly, and then sat down on the ground.

"Boy, if you don't dare to take action, just stay inside. Don't worry, I will definitely not take action against you."

Wang Dazui sneered and looked at Mu Rufeng and others.

Their purpose is actually very simple, just to block the door.

As long as they are not allowed to send out the goods, then their purpose will be achieved.

As for breaking down the wall, that's just a joke.

The wall around the logistics park is the perfect hideout for Scarlet Prime.

The Scarlet Optimal Group itself has no intelligence and will only act according to the rules. Anyone who dares to destroy its ghosts will be suppressed, regardless of whether you are a member of the group or an outside enemy.

Lin Chen and others did not speak. They stood inside the first choice, their faces extremely ugly.

"What should we do now?" Lin Chen looked at Liu Mei.

Although Lin Chen has been promoted to level seven, he was recruited by Liu Mei, and he is even more interested in Liu Mei.

In addition, Liu Mei has a lot of things to do on weekdays.

Therefore, he subconsciously asked Liu Mei, treating Liu Mei as his backbone.

"There are two level seven ghost generals outside, and you have just broken through to level seven. You are no match for them. If we go out, we will die. I'll call the general manager."

Liu Mei didn't know what to do at this moment, so she called Xu He directly.

Mu Rufeng waited quietly without saying anything.

The call was quickly connected, and Liu Mei briefly explained what happened at Gate 1.

After a long while, Liu Mei nodded, responded a few times, and then hung up the phone.

"What did the general manager say?" Lin Chen asked.

The employees on the side are also looking forward to it.

"Let us stay here first and don't go out." Liu Mei said.

When everyone heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing two seventh-level ghost generals, it's true that although they were given chicken blood, they were not given phoenix blood. They really didn't know how to seek death.

Everyone felt comfortable when they heard that they didn't have to attack forcefully.

As for whether it can be defended, there must be no problem.

Lin Chen's current position is not low, and with the blessing of strength, he can be promoted to level eight.

Not to mention resisting, as long as those two guys dare to come in, they will be killed.

There is also Mu Rufeng. He is currently at level six. Although he does not have a position, he can increase his strength and his strength can reach level seven.

"Everyone, please take a rest. The battle just now consumed a lot of ghost power." Liu Mei said to everyone at this time.

"Yes, Manager Liu." A group of strange people responded in succession.

"Lin Chen, you should also take a rest, drink some drinks, and recover your ghost power and injuries." Liu Mei said.

"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded.

"Mr. Mu, why don't you go back to the rest room and take a rest?" Liu Mei looked at Mu Rufeng again and said.

"Rest? No, no, no, I'm not happy enough yet." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

The next second, Mu Rufeng directly mobilized Scarlet's optimal power to bless her body.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng found a pure power pouring into his body.

In an instant, he felt that his strength had greatly increased.

His strength soared directly from level six to level seven.

Liu Mei on the side also noticed the change in Mu Rufeng's strength and was slightly startled.

"Mr. Mu, what are you doing?"

"Haha, of course I'll fuck them."

Mu Rufeng smiled lightly, and then took out the black wood slingshot.

At the same time, he also hung the bag of marbles on his waist.

He took out a marble, put it in the magazine, and then pulled the rubber band to the limit.

Mu Rufeng could continue to pull, but Mu Rufeng was afraid of damaging the prop by using too much force.

A level 5 prop, when pushed to the extreme, can barely reach level 6 in power.

Although he could not threaten the seventh-level ghost generals, Mu Rufeng felt that there would be no problem in destroying those trucks.


A sound broke through the air and shot directly towards Wang Dazui who was sitting on the ground.

Wang Dazui also noticed the attack at the first time, but he didn't even stand up to dodge.

Then, the attack hit Wang Dazui's forehead directly.

It's not really a hit.

A crack appeared on Wang Dazui's head in an instant, and a mouth appeared on his forehead, swallowing the marble in one gulp.

Then, nothing happened.

The whistling marble didn't make Wang Dazui fluctuate at all.

"Boy, you have enough strength, but the props are a bit poor." Wang Dazui looked at Mu Rufeng with a sneer.

"Haha, I didn't expect to hurt you, but I don't know if I can blow up the truck?" Mu Rufeng showed a faint smile on his face.

Wang Dazui said calmly: "Boy, you can try."

"Of course I have to try." Mu Rufeng sneered and took out another marble.

This time, Mu Rufeng aimed at the black fog behind.

Although the trucks were shrouded in black fog, Mu Rufeng had already memorized the locations of those trucks.

"Swish!" The sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

However, before it sank into the darkness, a fat hand stopped the marble.

Similarly, a mouth appeared on the fat hand and swallowed the marble in one gulp.

"Heh, you caught it quite accurately. Let's see how it goes this time?"

This time, Mu Rufeng took out two marbles and shot them out.

However, a black light spit out from Wang Dazui's abdomen, which actually shattered the two marbles.

"Boy, do you underestimate the seventh-level ghost general? If you dare to stand in front of me, I can swallow you in one bite." Wang Dazui said with a sneer.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, took out another marble, and then placed the magazine, and suddenly pulled the rubber band to the limit.

Wang Dazui looked at the flying marble, smiled disdainfully, opened the big mouth in his belly, and swallowed the marble in one gulp.

However, at the moment of swallowing, Wang Dazui seemed a little dazzled.

Why did that marble suddenly become a little bigger?

"The seventh-level ghost general is really strong, but I wonder if you have heard of the strange explosion grenade? You are a pig!"

Mu Rufeng smiled indifferently and threw away the pin in his hand.

Then, a black light flashed in his hand, and the butcher knife appeared in his hand, and then the whole person disappeared directly on the spot.

"Strange explosion grenade?!" Wang Dazui's face instantly became horrified.

Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and wanted to spit out the grenade.

However, it was too late.

"Boom!" A muffled sound.

The strange explosion grenade exploded directly in Wang Dazui's abdomen.

Because the strange explosion grenade has no lethality, but it can shake the enemy's ghost power and make it unable to use it.

Wang Dazui only felt that a special power burst out from his abdomen and instantly expanded to his whole body.

At this moment, the original seventh-level ghost power was completely imperceptible, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Dazui's physical strength is only about level five, and his strength is greatly reduced.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng's rule skill [You are a pig] was also successfully used.

Wang Dazui's body instantly turned into a huge super adult pig.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's figure appeared behind Wang Dazui at some point.

There was almost no reaction, and dozens of knife lights flashed up.

Wang Dazui's body was instantly cut into countless pieces of meat.

Even hard bones had no resistance under the multiple attacks of [Pig Killer] and [Ferocious Butcher's Knife].

In this way, only a complete pig head was left, and then it was grabbed by Mu Rufeng.

"Looking for death!"

A loud shout came from the black fog.

But before he could make a move, he saw Mu Rufeng had already returned to the Scarlet Optimum with the pig head.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The beating of the heart sounded.

Even in the Scarlet Optimum, Mu Rufeng felt his heart being moved by it.

It was just a trigger, and his ghost den also weakened the power of Xingui.

The strange employees around were even more unbearable, covering their chests one by one, with extremely distorted faces, obviously too painful.

Even Liu Mei hunched her body a little, and her face was a little ugly.

And Lin Chen also added strength at the first time, reaching the eighth level of combat power, and the ghost den bloomed instantly, covering everyone, and directly eliminated that power.

To be honest, if it weren't for the Scarlet Preferred Ghost Den weakening a lot of Xingui's power.

Just now, the hearts of these ghost den employees would definitely burst instantly.

"Mr. Mu Mu, this is..." Ling Chen looked at the pig head in Mu Rufeng's hand, his face full of horror.

He never thought that Mu Rufeng would dare to take action directly, and succeeded, and caught Wang Dazui's pig head back.

The huge body of Xingui walked out of the black fog.

His face was extremely gloomy.

The pile of minced meat was filled with the breath of Wang Dazui. It was obvious that Wang Dazui, a level 7 ghost general of the same level as him, had been dismembered.

And the head was still in the hands of the enemy.

However, the next scene surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

Xingui opened his mouth and sucked the minced meat and blood directly into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

"Give me his head." Xingui looked at Mu Rufeng with cold eyes.

"Haha, it seems that you colleagues don't get along well with each other."

"Wang Dazui, do you think I should give you back to him?"

Mu Rufeng lifted Wang Dazui's head and spoke slowly.

"No, no, I am willing to change jobs, sign a contract with Scarlet Optimization, and join you." A grape-sized mouth suddenly appeared under Wang Dazui's nose.

A babyish voice came out of this mouth.

Obviously, Wang Dazui's body was chopped into pieces. Without his body, Wang Dazui, coupled with the fact that he could not use his ghost power, had dropped to a freezing point.

"Join us, haha, Manager Liu, you are the manager of the human resources department, do you think you are willing to let him join?" Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Mei and said with a smile.

At this moment, Liu Mei opened her mouth slightly and looked at Mu Rufeng with a shocked face.

After hearing Mu Rufeng's words, she came back to her senses and said quickly: "I'm sorry, we already have a lot of staff at Scarlet Optimization, and we don't need new employees for the time being."

"You see, it's not possible." Mu Rufeng said.

"I am a level 7 ghost general. I am very strong. I really joined you sincerely."

"Besides, you don't need to pay for the liquidated damages. I will pay for it myself. I am really useful." Wang Dazui was a little impatient at this moment.

His life is now in Mu Rufeng's hands. He is really panicking.

Moreover, he still doesn't know why he ended up like this.

It was obviously an ordinary marble. Why did it turn into a strange explosion grenade after entering his stomach?

Mu Rufeng ignored Wang Dazui and looked at Xingui outside.

"How about this, Mr. Xingui, how about we make a deal?" Mu Rufeng said.

"What deal?" Xingui looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"You want his head, no problem, but I lost a level 6 item strange explosion grenade for him."

"You either take out two level 6 items or a level 7 item, then I can give it to you."

"Oh, by the way, under the premise of the transaction, you should give me that item first." Mu Rufeng pointed to a place not far away and said.

That was where Wang Dazui had stood before.

The minced meat was eaten by Xingui, and a prop appeared in front of everyone.

Obviously, the prop belonged to Wang Dazui.

Xingui stared at Mu Rufeng after hearing this. After a long time, he slowly walked forward and picked up the prop.

It seemed that he checked the properties, and then he saw Xingui's mouth twitched, and then he threw the prop directly over.

Mu Rufeng caught the prop, and after reading the properties of the prop, Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched.

[Wang Dazui's Large Intestine]: This is made of Wang Dazui's own large intestine as raw material, looking for a ghost weapon forger, adding various precious materials to make a powerful prop.

Effect: Level 7 prop, which stores a lot of filth, and can replace its own large intestine with the large intestine. For every 1% of filth stored, it can enhance its own strength by 1%, and the maximum storage is 100%.

Note 1: After replacing the large intestine, the foul breath will be transmitted without hindrance.

Note 2: When the person who replaces the large intestine is not Wang Dazui, it is only effective for level 7 and below. The current storage capacity is 50%. Please note that the effect will also be weakened tenfold, and the foul breath will be doubled.

No wonder Wang Dazui's body stinks so much, it turns out that it is because of Wang Dazui's large intestine.

No wonder Xingui was so disgusted when he picked up this prop, and directly threw this level 7 prop to Mu Rufeng.

This thing, for them, can only enhance their strength by 10%, and they have to endure double the stench all the time.

Let alone the level 7 prop, the level 9 prop, Mu Rufeng feels that he can't use it.

Mu Rufeng held his breath and looked at the prop in his hand with disgust.

He wanted to throw it away, but it was a level 7 prop after all. Even if it was weakened a lot, it would be a pity to throw it away.

Finally, Mu Rufeng put it into the inventory.

There was no way, he didn't dare to let the bandage wrap around him, because it was too smelly.

Mu Rufeng raised his hand and sniffed, the stench was still very strong.

"Hey, go buy me a bottle of water." Mu Rufeng casually pointed at a weird employee and ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I'll go now." The weirdo didn't hesitate at all and strode directly inside.

"Okay, are you going to exchange his head for a level 7 item or two level 6 items?" Mu Rufeng said.

Xin Gui didn't say anything, but took out two items from his body.

"Give me the head, and these two level 6 items are yours." Xin Gui said.

"No, don't, I have soul notes, I have props, I'll give them to you, let me go?" Wang Dazui shouted loudly.

However, the next moment, the bandage flew directly over, wrapped the head around, and stuffed the mouth tightly, making it unable to speak again.

"Give me the prop first, and I'll give you his head." Mu Rufeng said.

"Give me the head first." Xin Gui said again.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Then do you think I'm a fool?" Xin Gui asked back.

"Why don't we both take a step back and give me a prop first? After all, you've already got his body." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Xin Gui didn't say anything, but thought quietly for a long time before he replied, "Okay!"

Xingui immediately threw an old notebook to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng reached out and grabbed it, and then checked the properties of the item.

[Secret Diary]: This is a diary that records secrets.

Effect: Level 6 item, after opening it in a level 6 or lower copy, you can view the hidden rules. In a level 7 copy, one page of paper is consumed to view a hidden rule. In a level 8 copy, five pages of paper are consumed to view a hidden rule. Level 9 copies are invalid.

Note: Current page number 35

"Not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then put the notebook close to his body.

"Give me the head, and I'll give you this item." Xingui said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. After calling back the bandage, he directly threw the head of Wang Dazui to Xingui.

It's just that at this moment, Wang Dazui's head has become dry.

[Triggering Success, Constitution +0.1, Ghost Power +0.1%]

"What a fool, giving me two props for nothing." Mu Rufeng showed a mocking look on his face.

"Bang!" With a sound.

In mid-air, Wang Dazui's head exploded directly.

"You, dare to play tricks on me?" Xingui's face was gloomy, as if he was forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Of course I'm playing tricks on you, otherwise, I'll watch you become stronger?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Mr. Mu, you are so amazing." Liu Mei had a deeper understanding of Mu Rufeng's strength at this moment.

"Mr. Mu is mighty!"

"Mr. Mu is mighty and domineering!"

The weirdos on the side finally reacted at this time and cheered loudly.

Level 7, that's a level 7 ghost general, and he was killed by Mu Rufeng just like that.

And he also cheated another level 7 ghost general's props, which simply refreshed their three views.

"Mr. Mu, the water you requested is here." At this time, the errand runner came over with seven or eight bottles of mineral water in his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work." Mu Rufeng took a bottle of water, unscrewed it, let the bandage wrap it, and then poured water to wash his hands.

"Not hard, not hard." The weirdo was excited, but shook his head repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng poured three bottles of water in a row, and then the stench on his hands dissipated.

"Okay, very good, kid, you'd better not leave Scarlet Optimum for the rest of your life, otherwise, you will die miserably." Xin Gui said word by word.

Mu Rufeng completely ignored this guy, took out a few hundred-yuan bills and put them directly in the hands of the errand runner.

"Mr. Mu, no, no." The errand runner was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to return the soul banknotes to Mu Rufeng.

"There is no reason to take back the money I gave, just take it." Mu Rufeng's tone was full of irresistible meaning.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." The errand runner nodded and thanked him.

At this time, Mu Rufeng looked at Xingui.

To be honest, he killed the seventh-level ghost general Wang Dazui and lost a ghost explosion grenade, which was indeed a loss.

Even if he got the seventh-level prop and the notebook that could see the hidden rules, Mu Rufeng still felt a little bit of a loss.

However, Mu Rufeng did not regret it. After all, the one he killed was a hostile seventh-level ghost general.

"Stay in Scarlet Optimal for your whole life? That may disappoint you. I want to leave, and you can't stop me." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Can't stop me? Haha, then you can come out and try." Xingui said.

"Then I'll try it." Mu Rufeng took a step forward.

"Ah, Mr. Mu." Liu Mei was shocked when she saw Mu Rufeng go out, and quickly reached out to pull Mu Rufeng out.

Lin Chen on the side was also shocked, and quickly pulled towards him.

However, someone was faster than them.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

A series of heartbeats sounded.

The air seemed to be trembling.

Liu Mei and Lin Chen's outstretched hands suddenly lost consciousness.

"Bang, bang!"

Liu Mei and Lin Chen's hands exploded directly.

On the other hand, Mu Rufeng was still as if nothing had happened, looking at Xin Gui expressionlessly.

I got off work too late today, and didn't get home until 8:30. I wrote as much as I could, and wrote 6,000 words. I'm really sorry.

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