I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 173 Scarlet Preferred Strong Suppression [Five thousand words, monthly vote requested! ]

Liu Mei's arm exploded, which was understandable, as she was just a cursed level 6.

But Lin Chenlu was also a level 7 ghost general, and his arm was blown off like this.

What is more worrying is why Mu Rufeng was fine?

Mu Rufeng's face was still calm, why was he fine?

That was naturally because he used a plug-in.

[Absolute defense: It can only be turned on for one hour a day, and can be turned on and off at any time, with the time accurate to the second. After turning on absolute defense, all attacks are ignored, even rule annihilation can be ignored. ]

Mu Rufeng has loaded this plug-in for three days and has never used it.

It just happened to come in handy now.

Even rule annihilation can be ignored, so the attack of a small level 7 ghost general is nothing to worry about.

"Hmph!" Xingui snorted coldly, and the heart in the chest bone trembled violently again.

However, Mu Rufeng still did not react.

This time, Xingui was a little confused. He couldn't figure out why his attack was useless.

Even if the opponent is also a level 7 ghost general, he will never ignore his ability.

"It seems that you have a powerful item."

"However, let's see how long your powerful item can last."

The darkness spread from Xingui's body to all directions, instantly covering the surroundings, including the place where Mu Rufeng stood.

The heart in Xingui's chest cavity grew larger with each beat.

After more than ten beats, the heart had filled the entire chest cavity.

The next scene surprised everyone.

Xingui raised his hands and actually broke open all his ribs, exposing his heart completely.

Then, he clenched his fist and hit his heart hard.


This sound was like the beating of the heart of an ancient giant beast.

The whole space was shaking, even Lin Chen's ghost cave was shaking.

Fortunately, Lin Chen now has the strength of level eight, and he also used the ghost cave to protect a group of weirdos, otherwise, it might have exploded directly.

The black fog behind Xingui was also directly dispersed, revealing the seven or eight large trucks.

The remaining weirdos had long been hiding in the cars, otherwise, they would have exploded and died just now.

"Impossible, why are you okay?" Xingui's face was distorted, extremely painful.

Just now, he hit his own heart, the power was absolutely explosive, and the heart of a level seven ghost general would explode on the spot.

And he himself would also suffer severe pain, which can be said to be a move that hurts the enemy a thousand and hurts himself five hundred.

"Is it possible that you are too weak?" Mu Rufeng taunted.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I wonder how you can resist this time."

Xingui's face was extremely distorted, and his hands suddenly began to beat his heart.

"Boom! Boom~ Boom Boom Boom~!"

With every knock, Xingui's face twisted deeper, and his body seemed to be trembling.

Obviously, with every knock, he himself had to endure unimaginable pain.

Of course, the deeper the pain he endured, the stronger the attack.

The beating power penetrated the Scarlet Preferred Ghost Cave and acted on Lin Chen's Ghost Cave.

Although it could not affect him, Lin Chen's ghost power was also rapidly consumed.

Mu Rufeng was still like a normal person, even with his hands on his chest, looking at Xingui as if watching the fun.

"Pah Pah Pah~!"

With every knock, the glass products of the surrounding buildings were all broken.

Even the windows of those trucks were directly shattered.


The weird screams in the car, and then they exploded one by one.

As the number of heartbeats continued to increase.

The body of the truck began to twist, and finally, after many vibrations, the trucks exploded directly.

No truck was spared, and all turned into scrap metal.

At the same time, all the enemies at the gate of the logistics park, except for the Xingui, died.

"You are a pig!"

Mu Rufeng pointed at Xingui and spoke calmly.

The next moment, Xingui's distorted face became a little horrified.

Before he could react, he turned into a super adult pig with a shoulder height of three meters.

This pig was a little different from other pigs.

Not only was it larger in size, but there was no flesh and blood in the chest cavity, and the huge heart was exposed.

"The power of rules!" Xingui looked at Mu Rufeng, his expression became a little shocked.

The power of rules has always been taboo for everyone. Whoever can possess the power of rules must be far stronger than others.

No matter how strong you are, the rule skills can force you to be hit.

The enemy they least want to face is the opponent with the power of rules.

When I saw Wang Dazui turned into a pig before, I thought it was Mu Rufeng who used a powerful prop.

Now that I have been hit, I know that this is simply the power of rules.

Mu Rufeng moved to the side of Xingui in an instant, and then swung the butcher knife in his hand and slashed at Xingui's heart.

Xingui reacted very quickly, opened his mouth and spit out a black light, heading straight for Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not dodge at all, and his knife and the opponent's attack hit almost at the same time.

Mu Rufeng, who had absolute defense, suffered no losses.

However, what made Mu Rufeng a little concerned was that his butcher knife was actually blocked by Xingui's heart.

Mu Rufeng looked carefully and found that it was just a layer of skin that was broken.

Yes, it was just a layer of skin that was broken.

Now Xingui has turned into a pig, and Mu Rufeng's [Pig Killer] and butcher knife have multiple bonuses, but it was just a layer of skin that was broken.

The huge pig's hoof hit Mu Rufeng's temple heavily.

And Mu Rufeng, still did not move, raised the butcher knife and chopped at the heart again.

Similarly, that knife only broke the skin.

Mu Rufeng knew that the gap between level 7 and level 6 was huge.

Mu Rufeng was able to kill Wang Dazui, but it was also because of the one-time explosion of the Guibao grenade that prevented him from using ghost power.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng might not be able to chop Wang Dazui's body into pieces.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng's butcher knife is only a level 5 item. Even if it can reach the power of a level 6 item with the blessing of all aspects, it cannot cut Xingui's heart.

Soon, Xingui's body was seen to have changed back.

Mu Rufeng calculated that the ability of the rule skill lasted for about three seconds.

The difference in strength between the two sides was too big. If Mu Rufeng did not have the blessing of skills, it was estimated that he could only force it for about one second.

Xingui, who had changed back to human form, continued to attack Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng ignored it completely and instead checked the props he had.

After looking around, Mu Rufeng found that he seemed to have no way to kill Xingui.

There was no other reason, the strength difference was really too big.

Unless Xingui dared to enter the Scarlet Optimal Selection, his strength could be further improved in the Scarlet Optimal Selection, so that he would have the ability to kill Xingui.

But Xingui was not a fool, how could he dare to enter the Scarlet Optimal Selection.

Mu Rufeng's shareholder privileges could easily kill Xingui, but he had already used it.

If he wanted to use it again, he had to wait until this time next year.

"Forget it." Mu Rufeng shook his head, and under the violent attack of Xingui, he leisurely returned to Scarlet Optimum.

"Mr. Mu, you really are." Lin Chen didn't know what to say at this moment.

Lin Chen raised a thumbs up, representing his recognition of Mu Rufeng's strength.

"Mr. Mu is awesome!" A group of weirdos also shouted excitedly.

"Mr. Mu, you are really amazing. You can actually ignore the attack of Xingui."

Liu Mei was also very excited at this moment, and hugged Mu Rufeng's arm.

Mu Rufeng only felt that his arm fell into a cold and soft.

Mu Rufeng remained calm and said, "Are your arms okay?"

"It's okay, it's just an arm, and it will recover quickly." Liu Mei said.

"Mine has recovered." Lin Chen showed his newly grown right arm and said.

"That's good, Brother Lin, you just stay here, I'll go to other doors to see, although those trucks have been destroyed, but you'd better not go out first, wait for the general manager's call." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded.

"Mr. Mu, I'll call the general manager." Liu Mei was not idle either. She took out her phone and called Xu He.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything and walked directly to the second gate.

Seeing this, Liu Mei followed Mu Rufeng while making a phone call.

"Mr. Mu, why don't you go back to the rest room to rest first." Liu Mei hung up the phone and said immediately after catching up with Mu Rufeng.

"No, I slept for a whole morning and I'm very energetic." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and continued to walk towards the second gate.

"Mr. Mu, there may be a big fight at the second gate later, and the general manager seems to be ready to take action." Liu Mei explained.

"Oh? Isn't that just right." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and even quickened his pace.

Seeing this, Liu Mei's face was full of helplessness.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the second gate of the logistics park.

At this moment, there were many strange things at the second gate, and Mu Rufeng even saw an acquaintance.

Level 7 ghost general, Xu Yin.

Oh, no, it's the ghost king Xu Yin who has been promoted to level 8.

In addition to Xu Yin, there is actually another senior executive here.

The strength of this senior executive is level 7.

Mu Rufeng did not see Xu He.

And outside the second gate, there were also seven or eight large trucks blocking there.

Two powerful and strange people stood in front of the trucks.

An eight-level ghost king and a seven-level ghost general.

This ghost king is not Chen Shan, the general manager of Undead Optimal, nor is he Sun Xiaotian of Xixi Optimal.

Undead Optimal actually has a second eight-level ghost king.

You know, if it weren't for the second promotion of Scarlet Optimal this time, Xu Yin would not have been promoted to level 8.

Although they are all large groups, after all, these groups have been established for too short a time.

If it were some old-fashioned nine-level groups, let alone eight-level ghost kings, there would be nine-level ghost emperors.

Before Mu Rufeng could pull away the crowd, a melee broke out directly.

Xu Yin actually rushed out first and fought with the hostile Level 8 Ghost King.

Another high-ranking official also went after the hostile Level 7 Ghost General.

Not to mention, Mu Rufeng knew the hostile Level 7 Ghost General, Wang Zhi from the Xuetong Hotel.

The two groups did not say anything, and a terrifying battle broke out directly.

The ghost general and the ghost king seemed to consciously shift the battlefield, so as to prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the subordinates of both sides.

When Mu Rufeng saw this big scene, he immediately showed excitement.

He liked killing so many weirds the most.

Mu Rufeng was about to rush out to fight.

However, he was directly stopped by Liu Mei.

"Mr. Mu, put on this vest, so that our people will not attack you." Liu Mei directly stuffed a red vest to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, and then immediately put it on.

In fact, Mu Rufeng was not going to participate in the melee.

But Liu Mei gave it to him, so he couldn't refuse.

When he came to the second gate, Mu Rufeng did not go out, but took out the black wood slingshot.

Yes, Mu Rufeng was going to use the slingshot to quietly kill the enemy.

This is not only fast, but also efficient.

I saw a marble whistling away, and then a level 4 weird head exploded directly.

[Triggering Success, Constitution +0.1, Ghost Power +0.1%]

Mu Rufeng did not look for those level 5 weirds, but focused on killing the level 3 and 4 weirds.

Because level 5 can not kill instantly every time, but level 3 and 4 weirds, as long as they hit, there is a high probability that they will die directly, which is simply killing randomly.

Mu Rufeng watched his attributes continue to improve.

In a short period of time, his attribute points successfully increased by 1.2.

As Mu Rufeng killed more and more weirds, some people also noticed Mu Rufeng who fired a black gun.

Everyone turned their eyes to Mu Rufeng.

However, even if the level 3 and 4 weirds were always on guard, it was difficult to avoid Mu Rufeng's attack.

Some level 5 weirds subconsciously pulled their opponents away.

In this way, when the distance is far enough, they can also have more reactions.

So, it didn't take long for some of their own weirds who were a little confused to be left at the door of the second gate.

In the distance, some level 5 weirds were fighting.

Further away, the battle of level 7, and further away, the battle of level 8 ghost king.

The battlefield of level 8 ghost king was shrouded in darkness, that was the ghost den, which made everyone unable to see the battle between the two sides clearly.

They could only feel the horrible breath fluctuations coming from there.

To be honest, if there were no ghost den, the destructive power they generated would definitely be able to easily destroy the ordinary buildings around.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that those hostile weirds were beyond the attack range. Even if they could still attack, they could be easily avoided by the weirds.

So, Mu Rufeng put away the black wood slingshot.

Then, Mu Rufeng walked towards the third gate of the logistics park again.

Seeing this, Liu Mei hurriedly caught up with Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, are you going to the third gate?" Liu Mei said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"We really can't go. A big war is about to break out. Let's go back to the rest room first." Liu Mei stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Big war? Hasn't this big war already broken out?" Mu Rufeng pointed at the battle of the eighth-level ghost king and said.

"I just got the news. Later, the general manager will use the power of Scarlet Optimization to kill the enemies outside the 1-4 gates with thunder."

"At that time, Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization will definitely mobilize the power of their group companies. In this case, staying outside is seeking death. Only by entering the building can we avoid being killed by the aftermath."

Liu Mei opened her mouth with a big news.

"Well, it seems that we can only go back." Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and said.

If the three parties start a big war, although there is absolute defense protection, Mu Rufeng still thinks it is better to be safe and not wasteful.

It is not certain that these big guys have any powerful rule props in their hands.

And he can't maintain absolute defense all the time.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked quickly towards the rest room.

At the same time, all the weird employees also received text messages.

Without exception, they were all asked to retreat immediately and enter the warehouse.

These weird employees did not hesitate at all and quickly withdrew from the battle and returned to Scarlet Optimization.

Even Xu Yin, the eighth-level ghost king, withdrew as soon as possible.

However, seeing that his breath was a little chaotic and there were still some blood stains on his clothes, he was obviously still injured.

After all, he had just been promoted to the eighth level. Being able to fight with the old eighth-level to this extent was already a gifted Xu Yin with strong combat power.

The hostile weirds did not chase them. Their primary goal was just to block them, not to fight to the death.

Not only the second gate was like this, the weird employees at the other three gates also retreated and returned to the nearest warehouse.

At the first gate, Xingui looked at the people who left, his face changed instantly, without any hesitation, he directly used the ghost, and the whole person disappeared on the spot.

At the second gate, the eighth-level ghost king also changed his face slightly, without any hesitation, he directly used the shareholder privileges of the undead optimization.

At the third gate, a level 7 weirdo from Xixi Youxuan was sitting leisurely in the truck, not noticing anything unusual.

At the fourth gate, the level 8 ghost king from Xixi Youxuan changed his expression drastically, and similarly, without any hesitation, he directly used his shareholder privileges.

Yes, Xixi Youxuan also had two level 8 ghost kings.

It can only be said that Xixi Youxuan has developed too quickly. Although it has two ghost kings, it lacks the foundation. If it faces them, it is no match for Scarlet Youxuan or Undead Youxuan.

"Buzz buzz buzz ~ ~!"

There was a vibration in the air.

The next moment, a terrifying force erupted from Scarlet Youxuan.

Almost instantly, the trucks and the weird in front of the four gates were directly swept away.

Of course, there are still survivors.

There are two level 8 ghost kings who have used their shareholder privileges.

In addition, the level 7 ghost general Wang Zhi who is blessed by them.

It seems that Xingui, because of his own ability, has a high perception of danger and fled the scene at the first time. He was only attacked by the aftermath, which made him seriously injured, but he did not die directly.

Scarlet Youxuan's attack was too terrifying. If it weren't for the two level 8 ghost kings who used their shareholder privileges to offset the attack, they would definitely die on the spot.

There are not many things to do today, so I will update one chapter first. There will be another chapter in the evening. I am so sleepy, I will take a nap.

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