I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 174 The arrival of Tiandi Bank, suppressing the three major group companies [5,000 words, mo

At the same time, Sun Xiaotian, the general manager of Xixi Select, and Chen Shan, the general manager of Undead Select, were in the office of the deputy director of the Qingshan City Public Security Department.

Chen Shan took out a black box, placed it on the table, and pushed it to the deputy director.

"Deputy Director, there are 100 million here. I hope people from the Public Security Department will not appear in the west of the city today." Chen Shan got straight to the point without any hesitation.

"One hundred million, you are really generous this time." The deputy director picked up the cup, took a sip of fresh blood, and said calmly.

"Deputy Director, don't worry, we are only targeting Scarlet Prime this time." Chen Shan said again.

The deputy director said nothing and drank the fresh blood quietly.

Seeing this, Sun Xiaotian said, "Deputy Director, let's add another 100 million."

"You should know that Scarlet Preferred is also a major taxpayer in Qingshan City. Moreover, you blocked the road and also had a great impact on the travel of surrounding residents."

"The most important thing is that as the Public Security Department, we need to maintain the security of Qingshan City." At this time, the deputy director said.

"Deputy Director, if you want to say that, then our two families are also big taxpayers. Just tell me how much money you need. I'm too lazy to argue with you here."

Chen Shan said impatiently.

The deputy director is just a seventh-level ghost general. However, because of the special nature of his position, he has law enforcement power in Qingshan City and can use the power of the Public Security Department at any time.

An ordinary eighth-level ghost king really can't beat the deputy director.

Chen Shan is not an ordinary eighth-level ghost king, and he is not afraid of the deputy director at all.

If it weren't for the face of the Director of Public Security, he would not be so polite to the Deputy Director.

When the deputy director heard this, his expression paused and he felt a little angry.

"Mr. Chen, you have to understand that although I am only the deputy director of the Qingshan City Public Security Department, but the director is not here now, I make the decision here."

"What about the eighth-level ghost king? What about the ninth-level group? You have to understand that the entire Qingshan City is my territory."

The deputy director's power is already very powerful. Now that the director is not in Qingshan City, his power is even stronger.

Their Public Security Department, strictly speaking, is the rule of Qingshan City, and no one can shake it.

"Sorry, Deputy Director, you also know my abilities. My strength is all based on my brain. Sometimes I am always a little unclear."

"How about I donate 200 million to the Public Security Bureau and give you another 200 million privately?"

Chen Shan immediately apologized politely, and then increased his chips again.

"Brain is a good thing. You should eat more human brains to replenish your brain."

"As long as you don't cause too much trouble, no one from the Public Security Department will go to the west of the city today." The deputy director said calmly.

"Thank you, deputy director, I will transfer the money to you right now."

Chen Shan looked at Sun Xiaotian, and they both nodded slightly, then together they took out a black gold bank card from Tiandi Bank, and each transferred 200 million to the deputy director.

"Let's go. Remember to close the door when you go out. By the way, a reminder, if there is too much noise, you only have ten minutes." The deputy director leaned on the seat, his face full of indifference.

It didn't seem like he had just accepted a bribe.

Just when the two stood up to leave, their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

"How dare he?" Chen Shan scolded angrily.

"We've all knocked on the door, why doesn't he dare? So, since he has taken action, we must take action quickly, otherwise, our people will be in danger." Sun Xiaotian also said immediately.

At the same time, the whole person disappeared directly in place.

Chen Shan, who was standing aside, turned to look at the Deputy Director: "Deputy Director, you should be more patient. I will give you a generous gift afterwards."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Shan's body exploded and turned into black energy and disappeared.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's interesting. I didn't expect Scarlet Prime to really dare to take action directly."

"It's a pity that Scarlet Premium is going to close down."

The deputy director crossed his legs and looked contented.

But soon, he remembered something, and his pleasant expression softened a little.

"Well, the 200 million donated to the Public Security Department will definitely not be moved now. It takes 200 million to suppress the police for ten minutes. Of my 200 million, I have to give 150 million to the director." The deputy director sighed.

In Qingshan City, the Public Security Department has law enforcement privileges, but accordingly, it needs to maintain public security in Qingshan City.

If it's an ordinary fight or a few strange deaths, as long as you don't meet them on the spot, you basically don't care.

But once it involves a big scene, a scene that causes huge damage, the Public Security Department must take action.

This is why Sun Xiaotian and Chen Shan came to the Public Security Department to bribe the deputy director.

Two hundred million will be donated to the Public Security Department, and two hundred million will be given to the deputy director, just to make the deputy director turn a blind eye.

Then let the deputy director use the 200 million donated to the Sheriff's Department to temporarily silence the rules of the Sheriff's Department.

However, this time is very short. Two hundred million people can only be silent for ten minutes.

Therefore, this is why the deputy director warned them.

"Fifty million is a lot. This is more than I have earned in my entire life. I don't know when the director will break through the Ghost Emperor. This time, it should be almost there. By then, I will be the director."

The deputy director said happily.

the other side.

After Xu He mobilized Scarlet's optimal power to kill the weird ones blocking the door, he held back his hand and continued to kill the two remaining eighth-level ghost kings.

However, Chen Shan and Sun Xiaotian reacted very quickly and mobilized the power of their respective groups at the first time.

In the dark clouds, two huge logistics parks slowly emerged.

The terrifying momentum began to spread, and the power of Scarlet Optimization was instantly suppressed.

The Undead Optimization Logistics Park and Xixi Optimization Logistics Park directly crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers and landed here.

Without any obstacles, the three logistics parks collided with each other.

Strictly speaking, it should be the Undead Optimization Logistics Park and Xixi Optimization Logistics Park that collided with Scarlet Optimization, and the latter could only passively bear it.

"Boom boom!"

A series of explosions sounded, and the ordinary buildings around were instantly destroyed.

The earth, the road, and the trees all collapsed.

The two eighth-level ghost kings saw that the situation was not good and fled at the first time.

Wang Zhi was unlucky. His strength was too low and his speed of running was slow. He actually died directly in the aftermath of the three-way collision.

A place very far away from here.

Two eighth-level ghost kings appeared here.

"Sir!" Xingui saw the two people appear and hurriedly dragged his seriously injured body to greet them.

Jiang Zheng, the eighth-level ghost king of the Undead Optimal, said: "Luckily you are not dead."

"Thanks to your great blessing, sir, I left first when I saw that the situation was not good." Xingui said respectfully.

Jiang Zheng looked at the weak, fist-sized heart in Xingui's chest and said: "Don't forget what I told you, and recover from your injuries as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir, I will definitely not delay your business. I will definitely recover within ten days." Xingui said hurriedly.

"Well." Jiang Zheng nodded slightly, and then looked into the distance.

"This time, we can finally destroy Scarlet Optimal." Liu Ke, the eighth-level ghost king of Xixi Optimal, said.

"According to me, we should have taken action when Scarlet Optimal was downgraded before. I don't know what your general manager of Xixi Optimal thinks. He actually disagrees." Jiang Zheng said.

"Who knows? I would like to, but Sun Xiaotian is the general manager." Liu Ke said.

Jiang Zheng's eyes flickered slightly when he heard this, but he didn't continue talking.

"Boom boom!"

In the distance, there was another violent roar.

The powerful ghost power fluctuations could make their blood surge even at such a long distance.

"It's really powerful. If only I could control such a powerful group one day." Jiang Zheng said.

"Yes, if only I could control such a powerful group one day." Liu Ke's eyes flickered slightly, and then he spoke.

The two looked at each other immediately, and everything was beyond words.


The roads inside Scarlet Optimization were already in tatters, and most of the walls had collapsed.

Even the storage warehouses had become a little distorted.

As for the trucks inside, it was really a heavy loss.

As long as the trucks parked on the ground, whether they were vans, cars, small trucks or large trucks, were completely scrapped after the collision.

After several confrontations, Scarlet Optimization was obviously at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, the walls of Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization were only slightly collapsed.

Even the trucks on the road were fine.

However, some employees inside died directly in the aftermath because they did not hide in the storage building in time.

In comparison, Scarlet Optimization lost assets such as buildings and trucks.

On the other hand, Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization lost weird employees.

Mu Rufeng could also feel the sense of oppression in the rest room.

The originally new walls around also had a lot of cracks.

"Manager Liu, can Scarlet Optimization really withstand the attacks of the two level nine group companies?" Mu Rufeng asked with some concern.

He was not worried about his own safety, but he was worried that Scarlet Optimization would be destroyed by the other two parties.

In this way, the 5 billion he invested would be wasted.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, it will be fine." Liu Mei comforted Mu Rufeng.

"Boom boom!"

The earth was shaking, the house was swaying, and a huge hole was directly cracked on the wall on one side.

The whistling wind blew in from the hole, which cheered up Mu Rufeng.

"Manager Liu, are you sure?" Mu Rufeng could see the warehouse opposite through the hole, which was already shaky and seemed to be about to collapse.

"This time, the Undead Optimal and Xixi Optimal took action against us, which will inevitably cause the Public Security Bureau to intervene."

"As long as the Public Security Bureau intervenes, this battle will definitely end." Liu Mei said.

"Public Security Bureau? Are you sure they will take action?" Mu Rufeng said with some doubt.

"The Public Security Bureau's duty is to maintain the public security of Qingshan City. With such a big move, they will definitely not stand idly by, because this is the rule of their Public Security Bureau." Liu Mei said confidently.

"Boom boom!"

Another burst of explosions.

The sense of oppression became even stronger.

And, the storage warehouse opposite also collapsed at this moment.

Mu Rufeng saw everything clearly through the hole in the wall.

"It's impossible. It's been several minutes. Why haven't the people from the Public Security Bureau shown up yet?" Liu Mei also felt a little strange at this time.

"Do you think that the Undead Selected Group bribed the Public Security Bureau?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

Mu Rufeng knew that soul notes were an extremely important currency in the weird world.

No matter what you do, you need soul notes. Even if you have a certain amount of soul notes, you can make powerful weird people laugh in front of you.

Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization, there is not much else, but soul notes are definitely enough.

Bribing the people from the Public Security Bureau is not impossible.

Liu Mei did not speak, because she also felt that Mu Rufeng was right.

At this moment, her face suddenly became a little ugly, and her heart was a little flustered.

If this is the case, if the Public Security Bureau does not take action, then their Scarlet Optimization will definitely not be able to resist the siege of two level nine groups.

Even if they die in the end and drag one to death, it will be useless because their Scarlet Optimization is gone.

Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Mei in such a state and was a little speechless.

So Scarlet Optimization really has no tricks?

"I'll call the general manager." Liu Mei immediately took out her mobile phone and called Xu He.

But, it didn't get through at all.

"I'll try." Mu Rufeng took out his cell phone.

He had a black gold phone card from the Ghost Communication Group, which allowed him to use a forced call once a day.

However, contrary to Mu Rufeng's expectations, he was unable to get through.

Soon, Mu Rufeng knew the reason.

Because the ghost power here was too chaotic, it disrupted the communication signal, so how could the phone be connected?

The seventh-level ghost generals standing outside would probably die instantly.


At the same time, in a luxurious office on the top floor of the office area.

Xu He and Xu Yin were sitting on the sofa in the office.

They looked relaxed, with a cigar in their mouths, as if they didn't care about the attacks of the Undead Optimal and Xixi Optimal from the outside world.

"It should be almost done." Xu Yin exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer. Warehouse 1 is destroyed now, so we have to destroy Warehouse 2." Xu He said.

Xu Yin flicked the ash, and then said, "You should be about to break through to the ninth-level ghost emperor, right?"

"Too difficult." Xu He shook his head slightly.

"I remember that the annual auction of Baibaolou will be held in a while." Xu Yin said again.

"Well, I hope that this time, I can successfully win the ninth-level spiritual object. As long as I win it, there should be no problem." Xu He said here, and he was much more energetic.

"Too many people with status are eyeing the ninth-level spiritual object. If you want to successfully get it, you can only reduce your own shares." Xu Yin said.

"Well, that's what I plan to do. This time, I'm going to give up 3% of my shares to Scarlet Optimization." Xu He said.

Not only can the group company give shares to senior executives, but senior executives can also give shares to the group company.

Moreover, the group company will purchase at a premium of 30% above the market price.

Of course, even so, it is rare for Weird to sell shares.

"Three percent? Then you still have 10% left, which is still the largest shareholder, but is three percent enough?" Xu Yin said.

"This time, I must do it." Xu He said in a deep voice.

"If you don't have enough money, you can find Mu Rufeng. He should have a lot of soul notes in his hand."

"That human contractor is really weird. He is just a second-level contractor, but he can actually take out 5 billion to buy 7% of the shares." Xu Yin said.

"Just before, he killed Wang Dazui, the preferred undead. This person must have a big secret. It's better to be safe and don't provoke him. You can try to borrow money." Xu He's eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

"Wang Dazui? The Wang Dazui at the peak of level 7?" Xu Yin was slightly surprised.

He found that he still underestimated Mu Rufeng.

You know, when Xu Yin was at level 7, he couldn't get any advantage if he fought with Wang Dazui.

And Mu Rufeng, a second-level contractor, could actually kill him directly?


There was another loud noise, and a large number of cracks appeared on the wall of this luxurious office.

"Warehouse 2 collapsed." Xu Yin looked at the surveillance screen and said.

"Well, that's fine."

Xu He nodded slightly, and then took out an old-fashioned BB machine from his pocket.

"Your thing is still good. Even in a chaotic place, you can contact others." Xu Yin looked at the BB machine and said.

Xu He smiled and then sent a message.

Soon, there was a message from the other side.

"Okay, let's go, let's go meet these two 'old friends' Chen Shan and Sun Xiaotian." Xu He swallowed the cigar in one gulp, and then slowly stood up.

"It's really a waste of heaven's gifts. You actually ate such a good cigar." Xu Yin carefully cut off the burning part of the cigar, and then put away the remaining half of the cigar.

"It's just a cigar. Do you need to be so frugal?" Xu He said.

"You don't understand."


At this moment, two warehouses of Scarlet Optimization have collapsed.

At the same time, cracks are all over the major buildings, which can be said to be shaky.

The walls and roads of the Undead Optimal and Xixi Optimal also collapsed due to multiple collisions, but the main buildings did not suffer much damage.

Just as both sides were preparing to continue the attack, suddenly, a ray of light tore through the dark sky, tearing apart the three mixed ghosts.

A building with a strange shape suddenly broke into the three-way melee.

This building is also a level nine group company.

However, when it descended, it actually suppressed all three group companies in an instant, showing an invincible posture.

On the building, a huge sign can be vaguely seen.

"Is that. Tiandi Bank?" Mu Rufeng, who was by the window, saw the building that appeared, and saw the big words on the sign clearly, and became a little shocked in an instant.

"How could Tiandi Bank appear here?" Liu Mei was also greatly shocked.

"Wait, this is the Qingshan City Tiandi Bank branch, right? It can actually suppress the three level nine group companies with the power of the branch?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

Two updates of 10,000 words are presented! Thank you for the 700 points reward from the Nuclear Peace Road! Thank you for the 500 points reward from Yinren Buchan_ and Mingyue Palace Master! Thanks to 808 Luxury Dormitory, Book Friend 20231011151653822, Mysterious Brook, Ruoyuxuan, Qinshang, Huaxia Zhengshuo, Fenglin Canzhou for their 100 points! Thank you for your monthly tickets and subscription support!!!

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