I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 175: 10 billion yuan loan, the soaring Scarlet Preferred [5,000 words, monthly vote requeste

Liu Mei was also extremely shocked by the emergence of Tiandi Bank.

Hearing Mu Rufeng's words, she immediately said: "Tiandi Bank is the oldest group force in the entire weird world. Its predecessor was Tiandi Bank, but it was only renamed Tiandi Bank in modern times."

"Even branches have the ability to suppress everything, and every branch in each city is a top-level nine-level group."

"Tiandi Bank? Excuse me, Manager Liu, were you also a person in the real world when you were alive?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course not, I am a native resident of the weird world. The kind you are talking about, Mr. Mu, only occupies a small part of the weird world." Liu Mei said.

"Native resident?" Mu Rufeng was a little stunned at this time.

Because from the beginning, Mu Rufeng felt that the weirdness in the weird world was evolved from the dead humans in the real world.

In the first copy, the driver Chang Feng, the warehouse supervisor Wang Kun, and the firefighters in the second copy were all people in the real world.

So, Mu Rufeng thought it was all like this, and never asked about it.

Now Liu Mei actually told him that those only account for a very small part, and most of them are native residents of the weird world?

It seems that Liu Mei saw Mu Rufeng's doubts and immediately explained: "Mr. Mu, human players have only started to descend into the weird world five years ago..."

Before human players descended, there were two ways for the weirdness of the weird world to be born.

One is that male weirdness and female weirdness blend with each other, and then give birth to new weirdness, and Liu Mei was born in this way.

The initial strength of this kind of weirdness is generally the most common first-level weirdness. As time grows, their strength will be further improved.

Of course, even if they grow up, most of them with low talents will only become the bottom-level weirdness of level one, two or three.

For example, some with high talents and strong abilities can make more money, and the upper limit of the level is also higher than that of ordinary weirdness.

Similarly, there are also those with high resources but weak talents, who can also give you a high level, but no matter how rich the resources are, if the upper limit is reached, you cannot become a ghost king or even a ghost emperor.

The second is that those who died in the real world due to great injustice, and whose resentment is extremely strong, will be resurrected in the weird world and become new weirds.

Even some special scenes or group companies will be reflected in the weird world and become a new group company.

Generally, these new weirds will have certain strengths, and even some with strong resentment can directly reach the seventh level, or even the eighth level ghost king.

This is the first time that Mu Rufeng knows these secrets. It turns out that the weird world has existed for a very long time.

But Mu Rufeng is still a little curious. Before the human players came, there was also a second kind of new weird?

Mu Rufeng immediately asked Liu Mei.

Liu Mei pondered for a moment and said, "Yes, but those new weirds at that time had no memory, only the strong resentment."

"When the human players came, those new weirds had the memory of the real world."

"You just said that there are those who directly became the eighth level ghost king, so are there any who became the ninth level ghost emperor?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"The Ghost Emperor doesn't have one, but the Level 9 vehicle does, and there's more than one!" Liu Mei said slowly.

"Level 9 vehicle? Wait, there won't be one called Titanic here, right?" This name suddenly appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Huh? Mr. Mu actually knows about it? Yes, the Titanic is also very famous in the real world." Liu Mei nodded and said.

The Titanic was the largest passenger ship in the world at that time, with the most luxurious internal facilities, and had the reputation of "never sinking".

In 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg, causing the starboard bow to the middle of the ship to break, and five watertight compartments were flooded.

Then the Titanic's hull broke into two and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean at 3,700 meters. Among the 2,224 crew members and passengers, 1,517 people died.

"At that time, no one in our world knew that this was the Titanic of the real world. It was only when human players came five years ago that they learned the true information of the Titanic."

"As soon as the Titanic appeared, it was directly a level nine vehicle. Among them, the weakest members on the ship were all level four, and the captain was a level nine ghost emperor, and there were also many level eight ghost kings."

"The Titanic has been wandering on the Dead Sea, occasionally stopping in various countries. It is an extremely terrifying cruise ship." Liu Mei said.

"In that case, is there another level nine aircraft vehicle?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of the super event that shocked the world.

"Yes, and it's not just that plane. There is also a burning central building that appeared with the plane. That building is also a level nine group force." Liu Mei explained.

Mu Rufeng nodded. He now knows that there is a high probability that the tragic events in the real world will be reflected in the weird world.

"By the way, how old is Manager Liu this year?" Mu Rufeng asked another question.

".24." Liu Mei was silent for a moment, then told her age.

"Haha, Manager Liu, then we are still the same age." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.


Just as Mu Rufeng and Liu Mei were talking, the outside world was changing.

Four level nine groups appeared in this area, and the ghosts from all directions merged to form an extremely chaotic area.

In this area, everything was shredded.

However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the ghosts of Tiandi Bank were the most powerful, the most powerful, and the most extensive in the four directions.

With the arrival of Tiandi Bank, the three-party battle instantly ceased.

A huge figure appeared above the Undead Optimization.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you mean by this?" Chen Shan looked at Tiandi Bank and asked with anger.

Sun Xiaotian's huge figure also appeared above Xixi Optimization.

"Give me a face, and you two parties should retreat." Above Tiandi Bank, the figure of a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes slowly emerged.

"Mr. Zhou, I didn't expect you to come. This is a matter between us. Can you please not interfere?" Sun Xiaotian said at the right time.

"Haha, Mr. Zhou, long time no see. Once we send them away, we can sign the contract."

A loud laugh was heard, and a huge figure also appeared in the sky above Scarlet Optimization.

"Mr. Xu, I have been waiting for your news for several days, and I am looking forward to working with you."

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Sun, you two families, please leave." Mr. Zhou replied to Xu He, and then spoke to Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization.

Neither Chen Shan nor Sun Xiaotian moved, they were obviously considering whether to force a move.

However, once a move is forced, Tiandi Bank will inevitably make a move, and the two of them cannot beat Tiandi Bank even if they are tied together.

"Mr. Zhou, I agree to the loan contract you mentioned last time, and the loan amount will double, and the interest rate can be increased by one point." Sun Xiaotian said.

"Me too." Chen Shan said coldly.

Mr. Zhou of Tiandi Bank has a loan performance every quarter.

Some time ago, Mr. Zhou came to the door and wanted to lend money to the two families, 1 billion each, with an annual interest rate of 6 points.

It was just that the Undead Optimal and Xixi Optimal were not short of money for the time being, and the interest rate was not low, so they did not borrow from the Tiandi Bank.

They thought that it should be Scarlet Optimal that found Mr. Zhou for a loan and made up for his performance, so they came to speak for Scarlet Optimal.

However, Mr. Zhou's answer was unexpected. What surprised them was.

"Loan? Sorry, you two do not meet the requirements for the loan."

"I say it again, leave immediately." Mr. Zhou almost said the last sentence in an imperative tone.

The two were stunned when they heard it, and they suppressed their anger.

"Mr. Zhou, why bother? For a Scarlet Optimal, are our two families not as good as a Scarlet Optimal?" Chen Shan wanted to make a final struggle.

Mr. Zhou of Tiandi Bank did not speak, but just looked at them quietly.

"Let's go!"

Sun Xiaotian and Chen Shan looked at each other and finally left.

The strength of Tiandi Bank is too strong. Although they are both ninth-level group forces, the size gap between the two sides is too large.

If they start fighting, I'm afraid their own ghosts will be destroyed in an instant.

Soon, the Undead Optimal and Xixi Optimal disappeared in this area.

Seeing the two parties leave, Tiandi Bank also slowly dissipated.

The mixed ghosts slowly dissipated, and the chaotic area gradually calmed down.

However, wherever you look, it's like a battlefield, with potholes and cracks everywhere.

In front of the first gate of the logistics park, the figure of Tiandi Bank's general manager Zhou slowly emerged.

Before he stepped into the Scarlet Optimal, he saw Xu He and Xu Yin appeared in front of the door and greeted General Manager Zhou.

"General Manager Zhou, it may be a bit chaotic here now. Please bear with me. Let's go to my office to talk." Xu He said.

Zhou Sheng nodded slightly, and with a smile on his face, he was led by Xu He to the office on the top floor.

In the office, the cracks on the wall had disappeared at some point, as if brand new.

"Boss Zhou, this time it's really thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't be able to send them away." Xu He thanked him.

"Haha, Boss Xu is too polite. I think, even if I don't do anything, you are sure to repel them, right?" Zhou Sheng laughed and said.

"No, no." Xu He said modestly.

"Okay, let's talk about the contract. This time, I will lend you 10 billion. Once the contract is signed, it will be credited immediately." Zhou Sheng took out a rule contract.

"Of course." Xu He nodded, took the contract and began to check it.

After a long time, Xu He, who had finished reading the contract, took the paper and pen and signed the contract directly.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Both of them shook hands with smiles on their faces.

Zhou Sheng is not a ninth-level ghost emperor, but an eighth-level ghost king.

He was transferred from the imperial capital to serve as the branch president here, and it has only been eight months.

In other words, he was transferred here at the beginning of this year.

As the performance was not satisfactory, they set their sights on the three recently rising ninth-level group forces.

They agreed to give them money the first two times, after all, they also needed funds for expansion.

But when they came the third time, they refused directly.

It was because they felt that the interest rate of 6% was not worth it and wanted to reduce it to 4%.

Zhou Sheng naturally would not agree, so the matter was shelved.

Just when Zhou Sheng was worried about whether to lower the interest rate, Xu He from Scarlet Optimization came to his door.

The first thing he did was to borrow 10 billion yuan to expand to more cities, and the interest rate was one percentage point higher than the ordinary loan.

Zhou Sheng naturally knew that Scarlet Optimization was in a precarious situation because of the suppression of the other two parties. At the same time, he did not have such great authority, so he was naturally unwilling to borrow money.

However, when Xu He took out the contract for the channel transaction, Zhou Sheng was shocked and agreed to it immediately.

Even if he did not have the authority to lend 10 billion soul notes, he believed that as long as he reported it to the headquarters, the headquarters would definitely delegate authority as soon as possible.

The fact was just as Zhou Sheng thought. After the report was submitted and the headquarters confirmed it, Zhou Sheng was delegated authority as soon as possible.

Then the two parties immediately finalized the details of the contract. At the same time, Xu He also asked Zhou Mao to help at the critical moment.

Zhou Sheng also agreed directly.

Because he did not think that Undead Optimization and Xixi Optimization dared to disobey him.

The value of Tiandi Bank was still beyond doubt.

Not to mention the 10 billion yuan loan, the fact that it opened up the channel in the real world was enough for Zhou Sheng to take action.

It can be predicted that Scarlet Optimization will rely on this point to rank among the top national group companies.

What Xixi Optimization, what Undead Optimization, will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Moreover, Xu He deliberately revealed that he was about to break through the ninth-level ghost emperor.

In this case, there would be absolutely no problem for Zhou Sheng to invest.

If Xu He had not disagreed, he would even want to acquire some shares of Scarlet Optimization.

Of course, he personally could not afford so much money, but only used the name and funds of Tiandi Bank to acquire it.

"Mr. Xu, are you really unwilling to give up your shares? There are many people eyeing the ninth-level spiritual object in Baibaolou."

"I am willing to pay double the price for it." Zhou Sheng asked again.

"No, Mr. Zhou." Xu He refused with a smile.

It is impossible for him to let other group companies acquire shares of Scarlet Optimization, especially those companies with rich financial resources.

"That's a pity, but Mr. Xu, if you are interested in the future, you can come to me, double the market price." Zhou Sheng said.

"Okay, I'll definitely find you if I need anything in the future." Xu He said a polite remark.

"Then I'll leave first. The 10 billion yuan will still need my signature before it can be credited to the account." Zhou Sheng said.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Zhou. This 10 billion yuan has helped me a lot. I've booked a private room at the Xuetong Hotel tonight. We won't leave until we're drunk." Xu He said.

"No problem." Zhou Sheng nodded and left Scarlet Optimization.

"I'll go and appease the employees first, and the ordered trucks can be delivered."

"Remember, the road must be repaired first, otherwise, there will be no way to ship." Xu Yin stood up and said.

"Well, when the loan from Tiandi Bank arrives, I'll arrange for Scarlet Optimization to repair the road." Xu He nodded.

Roads, walls, etc., as well as cracks in the main building, Scarlet Optimization can directly consume soul coins for repair and restoration.

However, the damaged main building, that is, the two warehouses and the damaged trucks cannot be restored.

The former needs to contact the construction team for construction, and the latter needs to be purchased again.

In the rest room, Mu Rufeng looked at the brand new walls and breathed a sigh of relief.

This proved that the crisis had passed.

“I didn’t expect that Tiandi Bank would help us.” Liu Mei was also very surprised.

“I’ll go to the general manager to ask.” Liu Mei stood up and walked outside.

“I’ll go with you.” Mu Rufeng’s doubts were no less than Liu Mei’s. He also wanted to know why Tiandi Bank would help Scarlet Optimization.

The two of them left the rest room and walked up along the stairwell.

However, before reaching the sixth floor, they met Xu Yin who was coming downstairs.

“Mr. Mu, we meet again.” Xu Yin smiled and greeted Mu Rufeng.

“Mr. Xu.” Mu Rufeng also smiled and greeted.

“Just right, Liu Mei, hurry up, follow me, those employees still need to be appeased and let them get into work as soon as possible.”

“Mr. Mu, you are going to the general manager’s office, he is still upstairs.” Xu Yin said.

Mu Rufeng responded, glanced at Liu Mei, and walked upstairs.

Liu Mei followed Xu Yin downstairs.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the general manager's office on the sixth floor.

After knocking on the door and entering, Mu Rufeng asked his questions, and Xu He did not hide it and told Mu Rufeng immediately.

"So that's the case. It seems that the weight of the channel contract is still very heavy." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, the share you should give will definitely not be less. Moreover, the 10 billion I borrowed from Tiandi Bank has arrived."

"Next, it will be the time for our Scarlet Optimization to take off, and the shares in our hands will also rise." Xu He said.

"Then I'm waiting to get rich." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

5 billion, bought 7% of the shares, although it has doubled the premium, but Mu Rufeng still thinks it is worthwhile.

"Mr. Mu, I have booked a table at the Xuetong Hotel at 6pm. Please come and have a look. Mr. Zhou from Tiandi Bank will also be there." Xu He said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded in response.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng left Scarlet Optimum.


When he walked out of the office, Mu Rufeng also saw the collapsed warehouse.

As for the cracked ground and walls, they are recovering rapidly.

When Mu Rufeng just walked out of the office building, the damaged walls and roads had been restored.

At the same time, he saw brand new trucks coming from outside and entering the logistics park one by one.

Mu Rufeng looked at the abandoned trucks piled up everywhere in the logistics park, and then looked at these brand new trucks.

Mu Rufeng found that Xu He had already arranged everything.

Even knowing that these trucks would be directly destroyed, he still let them be placed here.

Here it comes, the first chapter is here!

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