I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 176 Special props, increase the number of times to clear a dungeon? [5,000 words, please giv

Mu Rufeng guessed that Xu He probably made a lot of profit from it.

However, this is not Mu Rufeng's business. The better the Scarlet Optimization is, the fatter his wallet will be.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to leave, he saw the door of the office behind him was pushed open, and a familiar voice sounded.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, you are finally here."

Mu Rufeng turned his head and found that it was a brand new vending machine.

"It's me, it's me, the vending machine of the pig farm."

"I recognized it, haha, you are not bad now, much better looking than before." Mu Rufeng naturally recognized it.

"Mr. Mu, the business here is good. By the way, I haven't given you the dividends these days. You didn't leave me a bank card number at that time." The vending machine said quickly.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to leave it for you." Mu Rufeng also suddenly realized, and then reported his bank card number to the vending machine.

No matter how small the mosquito leg is, it is still meat, and Mu Rufeng does not despise it.

[Your card with the last number 3318 received 1,305.1 yuan in transfers at 15:45 on August 6, with a balance of 125 million yuan]

"1,300 yuan?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

It has only been twelve days since Mu Rufeng returned from Qingshan Pig Farm.

And he gets 30% of the profit, which means that the vending machine can make more than 10,000 yuan every month, and this is pure profit.

"Hehe, Mr. Mu, thanks to you, I was arranged in the cafeteria with the most people, and the business is very good every day. I made nearly 4,000 yuan in twelve days." The vending machine smiled foolishly.

"Not bad, keep working hard, and you can just transfer money to my card once every Monday in the future." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I am still level one now, and I should be able to upgrade to level two in a few days. By then, my purchase price will be lower, and the variety of goods I purchase will be more. By then, the profit will definitely be higher." The vending machine said.

"Yes, by the way, aren't you in the cafeteria? Why are you in the office?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Someone transferred me to the office early this morning." said the vending machine.

At first, the vending machine was not happy because the flow of people in the office was not as good as that in the cafeteria.

Then, now he knows why he was transferred here, because the office is the safest.

I heard that the cafeteria is about to collapse.

"Okay, you work here well. If you have anything, find Liu Mei. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng patted the vending machine and said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, have a drink." As he said that, the vending machine took out a few bottles of drinks and some snacks and stuffed them into Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng did not refuse, and asked the bandage to wrap these drinks and snacks.

Immediately, he took the sesame ball out of the inventory, sat on it, and went to the Xuetong Hotel.

"Wow, Master, what happened here? Why did the road outside collapse?" Ma Qiu stopped in front of a door and looked around in shock.

Although the road collapsed, the ground was connected by pieces of blood-colored iron plates, forming a road.

Those brand-new trucks entered Scarlet Optimum from this iron plate.

"Well, there was a big battle, let's go back to the hotel first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh, okay, Master." Ma Qiu responded, and followed the iron plates and left Scarlet Optimum.

"Wow, wow, wow~~!"

In the distance, a shrill siren sounded.

More than a dozen vehicles from the Public Security Bureau flashed their lights and rushed from a distance.

When Ma Qiu saw these police cars from the Public Security Bureau, he was immediately shocked: "It's over, Master, the people from the Public Security Bureau are here to catch us."

"Quick, Master, give me the Flame Vehicle Card, I'll take you away."

"They are not here to catch us, things here are over, they are here to clean up." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

As expected, the dozen police cars ignored Mu Rufeng and Ma Qiu, and then entered Scarlet Optimum from the Logistics Park Gate 1.

When Mu Rufeng returned to the entrance of the Xuetong Hotel, it was already 4:30 in the afternoon.

When Mu Rufeng got off Ma Qiu, he saw seven brand-new electric donkeys rushing out from the lush grass across the road.

"Ma Qiu, Ma Qiu."

Those electric donkeys ran over, shouting Ma Qiu's name.

Mu Rufeng and Ma Qiu were immediately attracted by the sound and turned their heads to look.

Before Mu Rufeng and the others could react, they saw the twenty black electric donkeys under the tree next to them rushing towards them one by one.

Obviously, this group of electric donkeys was ready to kill them all.

"Master." Ma Qiu immediately looked at Mu Rufeng.

When they came back yesterday, they didn't see Ma Qiu's friends.

It is estimated that because these black electric donkeys are here, those friends dare not show up.

(Maqiu and his friends are blue e-scooters, while the enemy's e-scooters are black)

Presumably, these blue e-scooters have been guarding there for a whole day, and when they came out, they probably didn't see Mu Rufeng.

Now that they are back, they must have seen him, so they showed up directly.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng immediately took out his slingshot and shot the e-scooter in front with a single shot.

This change instantly stopped the e-scooters on both sides.

"From now on, your Blackwater shared bikes are not welcome at the entrance of the Xuetong Hotel, otherwise, I will destroy every one I see." Mu Rufeng scolded.

The Blackwater electric donkeys looked at each other when they heard this, and then did not dare to refute, and quickly fled to the distance.

The blue electric donkeys saw this and ran over quickly.

"Thank you, Manager Mu, thank you, Manager Mu." The electric donkeys hurriedly thanked him.

"From now on, you can pick up customers here. I will say hello to the security guards. If the Blackwater people come, you can go to the security guards." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Manager Mu!"

"Thank you so much, Manager Mu."

The electric donkeys said with tears of gratitude.

From now on, they are also electric donkeys with their own territory, and they don't have to hide from place to place anymore.

"But you must remember that if you are blocked outside, I can't do anything about it." Mu Rufeng said.

The electric donkeys didn't care at all. To be honest, as long as they carried passengers, the black water electric donkeys couldn't attack them.

At the same time, the electric donkeys of the Blue Water Company couldn't leave those fixed parking spots for a long time.

As for them, because the company had closed down, they didn't have this concern, so they were able to survive the encirclement until now.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Ma Qiu, and seemed to know that this guy wanted to reminisce with his friends.

He said, "I'll go in first, and you can go to the hotel later and park in the parking space."

"Okay, master." Ma Qiu nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng went directly into the Xuetong Hotel.

Mu Rufeng vaguely heard those friends flattering Ma Qiu crazily.


"Manager Mu, you're back."

As soon as Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the security booth, he saw the security guard inside walk out directly.

"Well, by the way, outside our hotel, there are those blue electric donkeys. If the people from Blackwater or the electric donkeys attack them, you can help them." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, Mr. Mu. Speaking of which, I also like to ride these blue bird electric donkeys. They are cheap and don't require a deposit."

"Unlike the Blackwater electric donkey, the price is almost twice as expensive, and you need to pay a deposit of 50 yuan before you can ride it."

"I think the Blackwater company will go bankrupt sooner or later." The security guard snorted.

"Haha, you are busy, I will go in first." Mu Rufeng smiled and walked towards the hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, he saw Zhao Youfeng, Ouyang Li and Shi Lan, each of whom was receiving a customer.

I have to say that the business of Xuetong Hotel is really good.

It is estimated that the business will definitely be better after the VIP suites on the eighth and ninth floors are officially opened to the public.

"Manager Mu!"

The three of them greeted Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng also smiled and nodded at them.

Then, Mu Rufeng went to the fourth floor.

Liu Yong was squatting by the wall, seemingly dozing off. When Mu Rufeng came, he didn't react.

"Wake up, wake up, the light is on." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah~~!" Liu Yong woke up instantly, and then stood up in a panic.

"Brother Mu, you are back? But you scared me."

"I see you are not missing any limbs. How many good reviews do you have today." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Brother Mu, there are only two good reviews and three ordinary ratings today." Liu Yong said excitedly.

"There are still a few hours before get off work ends. Hold on." Mu Rufeng patted Liu Yong on the shoulder and said.

"Yeah. Brother Mu."

"Okay, you are busy, I'll go upstairs to see an old friend."

"Brother Mu, take care."

Under Liu Yong's gaze, Mu Rufeng entered the elevator again.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived on the eighth floor.

He stood at the door of room 802, glanced at room 801, and then knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened, and Zhang Xiaojie appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, you are here, please come in." Zhang Xiaojie saw that it was Mu Rufeng, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

"How do you feel? How is your recovery?" Mu Rufeng asked as he entered the room.

"It's okay, but it will take some time to fully recover." Zhang Xiaojie said.

"That's fine. I will return after get off work tonight. If you have anything, you can find Han Chun." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Well, thank you Mr. Mu. If you have anything in the future, you can tell me, I will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation." Zhang Xiaojie said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find you when I need you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.


After leaving the eighth floor, Mu Rufeng came to the third floor again, and then returned to his dormitory.

He took out his phone and called the conductor directly.

However, what made Mu Rufeng speechless was that the conductor's phone was not connected again.

He wanted to use the privilege of forced call, but it was already used during the Scarlet Optimization.

"This conductor is really unreliable." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

"Bai Jingwei, are you there?"

"Yes, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei's tender voice rose in his heart.

"I will be back in more than two hours. While there is still time, I will help you deal with the hanged ghost and the smoker." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? That's great." Bai Jingwei exclaimed immediately.

"Let's discuss it first and see how to lead them out." Mu Rufeng said,


Ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng stood in front of the door of Room 419.

At this moment, there was no light on the door.

"Knock, knock, knock! Hello, Miss, your room has expired today, do you want to renew it?"

Mu Rufeng knocked on the door and said.

"Miss Bai? Are you in there?"

"Then I'll open the door and come in?"

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he waited for a moment, and when he heard no movement inside, he opened the door and entered, and then immediately closed the door.

On the other side, Room 419.

The Hanged Ghost and the Smoker, who were always paying attention to the situation here, also came to the cat's eye to check the situation outside.

"Husband, that bitch has no money, and she must be kicked out." The Hanged Ghost said excitedly.

"Yes, she must have no money. When the time comes, we will follow her and do it after leaving the hotel." The Smoker nodded and said.

It was only two or three minutes before Mu Rufeng and Bai Jingwei walked out of the room.

The two looked at each other, opened the door and walked out.

When Bai Jingwei saw the two people appear, her face became paler and she begged Mu Rufeng again.

However, Mu Rufeng was not moved at all.

This scene made the smoker and the hanged ghost behind her even more excited.

Mu Rufeng took Bai Jingwei to the front desk and checked out for her, but Bai Jingwei still stayed in the hotel and refused to leave.

Mu Rufeng could only call the security guard and carried Bai Jingwei out.

Mu Rufeng followed her with a blank expression.

When Bai Jingwei was thrown out of the hotel, the hanged ghost and the smoker who followed behind rushed out of the hotel and attacked Bai Jingwei without hesitation.

But when the attack fell on Bai Jingwei, the surrounding space suddenly changed.

They were not attacking Bai Jingwei, but Mu Rufeng who was looking at them with a sullen face.

The most important thing is that they are still standing in the parking lot and have not walked out of the scope of the Bloody Hotel.

"You dare to attack me?" Mu Rufeng patted the non-existent dust on his chest and said coldly.

"Ah, what's going on? Where's that bitch?" The Hanged Ghost was full of disbelief.

"Let's go!" The Smoker dragged the Hanged Ghost away from the hotel.

They had broken the rules by attacking the employees in the hotel. If they didn't leave, they would be dead.

"Want to run? Can you run away?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

Mu Rufeng appeared behind the two of them with a teleportation, and then punched a kid, instantly killing the couple.

In order to make a quick decision, Mu Rufeng also directly called on the power of the Blood Boring Hotel to bless himself, and his strength soared.

One of them was level 4 and the other was level 5, so how could they escape Mu Rufeng's punch in his strongest state?

[Triggering Success, Physical Fitness +0.1, Ghost Power +0.1%]

[Triggering Success, Spirit +0.1, Ghost Power +0.1%]

"Mr. Mu, are you okay?" The security guard beside him also reacted and asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, you do your thing." Mu Rufeng waved his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." The security guard nodded immediately and returned to the security booth.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Mu." Seeing the death of her enemy, Bai Jingwei was overjoyed and looked at Mu Rufeng with a flushed face.

"Okay, come back quickly, it's almost time." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei responded, and then returned to the contract slot directly.


Time flew by, and it was six o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, it was the time for the restaurant to open.

And when the restaurant closed, it was the time for these players to return.

Mu Rufeng was not entertaining guests in the restaurant, but in a luxurious private room.

Xu He and Xu Yin were both there, but there were two other unfamiliar faces that Mu Rufeng did not recognize.

Through Xu He's introduction, Mu Rufeng learned that the middle-aged man in a suit was Zhou Sheng, the president of the Tiandi Bank branch.

The other middle-aged man was the fourth shareholder of Scarlet Optimization, Liu Dao.

Well, he was also Liu Mei's father.

This is why Liu Mei, a level 5 ghost, could become the HR manager of Scarlet Optimization.

It can be said that except for Mu Rufeng, a level 2 contractor, the other four are all level 8 ghost kings.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Mu, a contractor, is also a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization." Zhou Sheng looked at Mu Rufeng with an incredible look.

"If it weren't for Mr. Mu, we Scarlet Optimization would not be able to open up the channels in the real world." Xu He said with a smile.

"As a shareholder, I am still very happy to facilitate this channel cooperation." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Come on, let's have a drink to celebrate our strategic cooperation."

Several people clinked their glasses and then drank the Moutai in the glass.

"It's really worthy of the Ghost Emperor series Moutai, the taste is different!" Zhou Sheng praised.

"Haha, I have quite a bit here. Have enough today. Don't leave until you are drunk." Mu Rufeng bought a lot of wine. Even if he drank it all this time, it was worth it.

Eating, drinking, and chatting, nearly an hour had passed unknowingly, and the restaurant was about to close.

And they had almost finished eating.

"By the way, Mr. Mu, this is the invitation letter for the auction of Baibaolou. I just happened to be going back to the headquarters in Beijing that day."

"If you are interested, you can go and have a look. Besides, it should be useful to you." Zhou Sheng, who was drunk, handed a gold-rimmed invitation to Mu Rufeng.

"Invitation?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned and took it.

[Invitation to the Baibaolou Auction]: Invitation to the Baibaolou's annual auction.

Special props: With this auction, you can go to the Baibaolou to participate in the auction at a specific time.

Auction time: August 13, 18:00.

Seat number: Tianzi No. 1 box.

Owner: Zhou Sheng, president of Tiandi Bank branch.

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation, he can summon the holder from the real world to the Baibaolou to participate in the auction in the form of a copy within a specific time.

[Do you want to bind this invitation? ]

A prompt sounded.

"This invitation can increase the number of times you can pass the copy. It should be useful to you, right?" Zhou Sheng said.

"Summon in the form of a copy? Increase the number of times you can pass the copy." Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank slightly.

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