I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 177 Return, Settlement Rewards [Five thousand words, monthly vote requested! ]

Mu Rufeng didn't expect that there was such a special item.

But after thinking about it, Mu Rufeng was relieved.

To be honest, this kind of item cannot be touched by people without a certain status.

If Mu Rufeng himself was not a little special, he would not be able to contact big figures like Xu He and Zhou Sheng.

If he could not contact such big figures, how could he know about this invitation letter.

"Then I will not refuse it." Mu Rufeng did not pretend and took it directly.

This thing is really useful to him.

If nothing else, just the number of times he completed the level clearance of that dungeon is enough to prove its preciousness.

Although it is only one clearance number, it is really important to Mu Rufeng.

Now his strength has exceeded his own level, isn't it his own level that limits his strength?

This clearance number can allow Mu Rufeng to upgrade his level faster.

He is now in the fifth dungeon, and if he completes it again, he can reach level three.

"The auction of Baibaolou is held once a year, and the branches in every five cities take turns to hold it."

"This year, it is the turn of our Baibaolou in Qingshan City to hold it, and many big figures in the other five cities will come to participate."

"Even because of that ninth-level spiritual object, people from more distant cities came. In addition to the ninth-level spiritual objects, there are also many good things." Zhou Sheng said with a drunken face.

"Ninth-level spiritual object?" Mu Rufeng was immediately confused.

He didn't know what ninth-level spiritual objects were. After all, he didn't even know about the auction of Baibaolou.

"Mr. Mu didn't know?" Zhou Sheng said in surprise.

"Mr. Mu is a contractor. He can't stay in our world for a long time every time he comes. It's normal that he doesn't know." Xu He said.

"That's right. That ninth-level spiritual object is extremely precious. I heard that it was originally going to be auctioned at the headquarters in Beijing, but the owner of the Qingshan branch has a strong background, so he kept this ninth-level spiritual object for himself to auction." Zhou Sheng said.

"Then I must go and see it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Hearing them say that, Mu Rufeng was really looking forward to it.

After the group walked out of the box, Han Chun immediately came to meet them.

Obviously, Han Chun also knew that there were big shots in the box, but they were not qualified to eat at the table, so he was waiting outside all the time.

Mu Rufeng was also full of alcohol and felt a little dizzy.

He glanced at the restaurant and found that the players were still cleaning the restaurant.

Each of them was very excited because they would return in a few minutes.

The players wanted to say hello when they saw Mu Rufeng coming out, but when they saw the big shots around Mu Rufeng, they didn't dare to come forward.

Soon, Mu Rufeng sent Zhou Sheng and his group away from the Xuetong Hotel.

He looked at the time and found that there were only three minutes left before the end of get off work.

Originally, Mu Rufeng wanted to gather the players.

However, the aftereffects of the Moutai liquor of the Ghost Emperor series he drank before were too strong, and now he was more dizzy than before.

Even his physique with ten times the superposition was a little bit unable to resist.

"Boss Han, I'm very drunk and will be back soon. I'll leave Xuetong Hotel to you." Mu Rufeng said to Han Chun, who had three shadows beside him.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, I will take good care of Xuetong Hotel." Han Chun nodded solemnly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked to the lounge area in the lobby and fell directly on the sofa.

Zhao Youfeng saw this scene and walked over here.

"Zhao Youfeng, don't bother Mr. Mu, he's very drunk." Han Chun said.

"Okay, Manager Han." Zhao Youfeng heard this and retreated helplessly.

She wanted to leave a contact number for Mu Rufeng, but now it seems that there is no chance.

In a flash, three minutes passed, it was time to get off work, and their return time was also up.

[Ding! It is detected that the player has reached the conditions for passing the dungeon. ]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

This prompt sounded in the minds of all players.

"The relevant departments of Changsha City?" Zhao Youfeng murmured, and then silently said "return".

The rest of the players, with excited expressions, chose to return immediately.

As for Mu Rufeng, he fell asleep on the sofa, and was not affected by the prompt sound in his mind at all.

In this way, after three minutes, Mu Rufeng automatically returned and disappeared from the spot.


In the real world, the Wancheng District branch of the relevant departments.

Mu Rufeng's figure appeared in the secret room.

No one noticed Mu Rufeng's appearance.

Because it was seven o'clock in the morning, although the relevant departments were on duty, this floor was not open to the public, and ordinary employees could not enter.

After another hour, Zhou Wen slowly came to the third underground floor.

Then, he came to the monitoring room as soon as possible, wanting to see if there were any changes in Mu Rufeng's secret room.

"Huh? Returned? Wait." When Zhou Wen saw Mu Rufeng lying on the ground, his pupils contracted violently.

Generally, after returning, lying on the ground motionless, there is a high probability that he was teleported back to the corpse.

"No way." Zhou Wen's face suddenly became a little ugly. He left the monitoring room and walked quickly towards the secret room.

Zhou Wen came to the door of the secret room. He didn't see any movement from Zhou Wen, but saw the shadow under his feet move, and then directly disappeared into the crack of the door.

"Click~!" There was a slight sound.

The door lock was opened.

Then Zhou Wen pushed open the door of the secret room.

When Zhou Wen came to Mu Rufeng, he was hit by a strong smell of alcohol.

"Huh, not dead." When Zhou Wen checked Mu Rufeng's condition, he was relieved.

"However, how come you are so brave to drink in the dungeon with a smell of alcohol?"

"Wake up, Xiao Mu, I'm back, and the rewards are settled." Zhou Wen patted Mu Rufeng's cheek.

However, Mu Rufeng still didn't react.

The aftereffects were too strong, and he drank too much.

And because the duration of his ten-fold superposition attribute ended.

Without the support of a strong body, Mu Rufeng got even more drunk.

Zhou Wen shook his head, helped Mu Rufeng up, and then took him to the safe house on the second floor below ground.

Zhou Wen put Mu Rufeng on the bed, took off his shoes, and then covered him with a blanket, turned on the air conditioner and left the room.

As time went by, the scorching sun had slowly set, and a full moon was already hanging in the sky.

Mu Rufeng was still sleeping, and from time to time there was a thunderous sound coming from his stomach.

It was not until nine o'clock the next morning that Mu Rufeng woke up in a daze.

"So hungry~~! My mouth is so dry." Mu Rufeng woke up, smacked his lips, swallowed his saliva, and then found that his throat was a little dry and sore.

"Wait, where am I?" Mu Rufeng looked around and didn't react for a while.

"Is this a safe house? Have I returned?" Mu Rufeng only reacted at this time.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and found that it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

"Huh? The eighth?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

"I remember that I should have returned at seven o'clock in the morning on the seventh. Have I slept for a whole day?"


Mu Rufeng's stomach burst into a roar again.

"So hungry." Mu Rufeng didn't care about anything now, he just wanted to eat.

He immediately took out the [Gourmet Tablecloth] and spread it on the table in the room.

Soon, a large table full of food appeared on it.

"Gulp!" Mu Rufeng looked at the fragrant roast goose, swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help it anymore, so he pulled off a goose leg and stuffed it into his mouth.

About ten minutes later.

The door was suddenly knocked.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Brother Mu, are you awake?" Zhao Dayong's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Awake." Mu Rufeng responded vaguely.

The next second, the bandage flew out and opened the door directly.

Zhao Dayong walked closer and found that the bandage was retracted. He was slightly stunned, and then he looked at Mu Rufeng and the food on the table and was stunned again.

"Brother Mu is eating, I also asked the kitchen to leave some food for you." Zhao Dayong said.

"Burp~~!" Mu Rufeng burped and said, "I was so hungry that I ate a little. What's wrong? Do you want to talk to me?"

Mu Rufeng stood up and walked to the bedside table, took a tissue and wiped the oil on his mouth.

"Brother Mu, you slept for a day. Captain Zhou asked me to come and see you. If you wake up, I'll ask you to go to the headquarters." Zhao Dayong said.

"Okay, I'll take a shower and go." Mu Rufeng said, and came to the tablecloth.

I saw Mu Rufeng shook slightly, and the leftovers on the table disappeared instantly. Then Mu Rufeng folded the tablecloth and put it away.

Zhao Dayong was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, and then said: "Brother Mu, is this a prop? Can it turn into food?"

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded.

"Brother Mu, take a shower first, I have something to do here." Zhao Dayong said, turned around and left.

However, when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped again and took out a small notebook from his pocket.

"By the way, Brother Mu, your driver's license has been issued." Zhao Dayong came over and handed the driver's license to Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, thank you, I can finally drive openly." Mu Rufeng took it with a smile.

Mu Rufeng flipped open the driver's license, took a look, smiled, and put it away.

After watching Zhao Dayong leave, Mu Rufeng took off his clothes and strode towards the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet, feeling the coolness of the tap water, Mu Rufeng silently recited the settlement reward.

[Congratulations to LV2 player Mu Rufeng, clearing the multiplayer copy: Blood Boring Hotel]

[The player successfully worked for three days and received three good reviews, promoted to the position of deputy manager of the Blood Boring Hotel, and the clearance completion rate was 800%. He received props: an inventory expansion card and 1,100 soul coins]

Three good reviews, the basic clearance rate is 300%, so, this means that he was promoted to the position of deputy manager of the Blood Boring Hotel, which increased his clearance completion rate by 500%.

[It is detected that the host has cleared the dungeon, the plug-in has been uninstalled, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Absolute Defense (weakened version)]

"Hey, inventory expansion card?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that there would be such a prop.

[Inventory expansion card]: A special prop that can expand the inventory position by three grids.

Note: It can only be used at the current level of the card, and it is a bound prop and cannot be traded.

"Expand three grids? Not bad." Mu Rufeng immediately used this inventory expansion card.

[The inventory expansion card was used successfully, and the inventory increased by three grids. The current number of inventory grids: 9]

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at the weakened version of the plug-in he obtained.

[Absolute Defense]: After turning on Absolute Defense, all attacks will be ignored, even those that are blocked by rules. It can only be turned on for ten seconds a day, and can be turned on or off at any time.

"Ten seconds, one hour and ten seconds, the difference is really big."

"But ten seconds is not bad." Mu Rufeng did not dislike it.

After all, even if it is only ten seconds, it can bring great help to Mu Rufeng.

"I have now cleared five dungeons, and I only need one more to upgrade to level three."

"The invitation letter to the Baibaolou auction can allow me to increase the number of dungeon completions. In this case, the next time I go to a formal dungeon, it will be next month."

Mu Rufeng scratched his hair full of bubbles and thought.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel again.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV2 (2/3)

[Strength]: 166.5

[Spirit]: 152.6

[Constitution]: 149.5

[Contract Slot]: LV3 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV3 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 4

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig]

[Luck Value]: 4

Props: [Scarlet Optimization Share Contract] [Qingshan Pig Farm Share Contract] [Xuetong Hotel Share Contract]...

Soul Coins: 125 million

Now his physical attributes are more than ten times that of ordinary people.

Fortunately, he exercises every day in the training ground to master his own strength.

Otherwise, the surge in attributes will definitely make Mu Rufeng difficult to control himself in all aspects of life.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Rufeng left the room wearing an ordinary casual suit.

Fortunately, clean clothes are always prepared in the room.

"Hey, Xiao Mu, are you awake?" Mu Rufeng just pressed the elevator button and saw Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong in the elevator.

"I heard from Captain Zhou that when you returned, you were drunk and couldn't be called. What did you do? What dungeon was it?" Qu Lianhong also asked curiously.

"Hey, I just drank a little. It's a dungeon called [Blood Boring Hotel]." Mu Rufeng walked into the elevator and replied with a smile.

"Blood Boring Hotel? This name, as soon as you hear it, you know that this dungeon must be not simple." Cheng Youlin said.

"Yes, it is indeed not simple. By the way, where are you going?" Mu Rufeng said.

The elevator is now going up.

"Something happened in Chetoutang Village. We have to go there." Cheng Youlin's face became a little serious.

"Chetoutang Village? What happened?"

"This morning, a villager called the police and found a human head in a pond." Cheng Youlin's voice became much smaller.

"Originally, this is not our responsibility, but the wound on the head and neck of that person has traces of gnawing." Qu Lianhong said.

"Is the body a player who failed to pass the level?" Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not clear yet. We need to investigate to find out. Maybe it could be a contractor who is causing trouble." Cheng Youlin said.

"Contractor who is causing trouble?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

"Well, some contractors will catch living people to feed in order to satisfy the contracted ghost in their bodies."

"Catching living people to feed? Can't the flesh and blood of other animals be used as a substitute?" Mu Rufeng said with a frown.

"Hehe, the flesh and blood of living people is a fatal temptation to the weird, and it has a strong effect on their breakthrough."

"Another point is that there are some weirds who have contracts with players, and the first thing to sign is that they need to supply the flesh and blood of living people every once in a while."

"And most of these contractors are individual people, or even people from evil organizations." Cheng Youlin explained.

"Evil organization?" It was the first time that Mu Rufeng heard this term.

"You have joined for a short time, so it is normal that you don't know. You can look through the information and find relevant information when you have time."

As they talked, they had already arrived at the courtyard on the first floor.

"Go to the headquarters, we will investigate the incident."

Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin drove towards Chetoutang Village with three or five reserve players.

Mu Rufeng walked to the brand new electric donkey he bought and sat astride it. Suddenly, he remembered the hemp ball in his inventory.

Immediately, he took it out directly, and then put his electric donkey into the inventory.

"Let's go to the headquarters of the relevant department." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Master, where is the headquarters of the relevant department? Also, the sun here is so bright, there is no ghost air, master, is this the real world?"

He became excited.

"Silence, this is the real world, if you can speak, it will be very strange." Mu Rufeng scolded immediately.

Hearing this, he shut his mouth immediately.

It's also good that the parking area of ​​the electric donkey here is relatively remote, so it didn't attract the attention of others.

"Let's follow the navigation." Mu Rufeng took out his phone and looked at the navigation, then said.

"Okay, Master." With the navigation, Ma Qiu knew the way.

"Huh? Ma Qiu, why are you a little different? You look different than before." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Hey, Master, I'm a level 3 vehicle now, and I've digested all the money you gave me." Ma Qiu laughed.

"Level 3? Not bad, should I give you more money to upgrade it?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, Master, my upper limit is level 3." Ma Qiu replied.

"The upper limit is level 3? Is there a way to continue to upgrade?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

"Yes, give me the core of the level 4 vehicle." Ma Qiu said with some expectation.

"Oh." Mu Rufeng responded.

Ma Qiu heard that Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, so he closed his mouth.

The two were already speeding on the road.

The speed had reached 80 yards without knowing it.

"Slow down, 50 yards is about right." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

Because this place is relatively remote, there are few pedestrians and vehicles, and no one noticed the abnormality.

Ma Qiu also obediently slowed down the speed.

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