I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 178 Get another blind box of rules and props [5,000 words, monthly votes requested! ]

"By the way, Master, I just found out that the soul notes I consume have to be doubled." Ma Qiu said again.

"Double? Why?" Mu Rufeng was also a little confused.

"This is the real world, there is no ghost power, so it depends entirely on the ghost power in the soul notes, so the consumption is a bit greater." Ma Qiu explained.

"Hehe, it's okay, I still have enough money." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Rufeng came to an empty alley near the subway station.

After checking that there was no one around, Mu Rufeng immediately put Ma Qiu into the inventory, and then walked towards the subway station.

Wancheng District is still too remote and not very convenient. Even the nearest subway takes twenty minutes to get there.

However, as long as you get on the subway, it will be very convenient to go to the headquarters of the relevant departments.

The Wuyi Business District is the transfer point for several subway lines.

After another forty minutes, Mu Rufeng finally appeared in front of the gate of the headquarters of the relevant departments.

This time he was not stopped. The employee on guard recognized Mu Rufeng and greeted him.

Mu Rufeng also nodded politely.

Following his memory, Mu Rufeng found Tian Lin's office.

"Knock, knock!" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Tian Lin's voice came from the room.

With permission, Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and entered immediately.

"Team Tian, ​​did Captain Zhou say you were looking for me?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's Xiao Mu, come, sit down first, I'll sign these documents, there's water over there, pour it yourself." Tian Lin pointed to the sofa and said.

"Okay, Tian." Mu Rufeng nodded and sat on the sofa immediately.

It took only two or three minutes for Tian Lin to close the documents in his hand and then put them in the drawer.

"Xiao Mu, I heard from Captain Zhou that after you returned this time, you were drunk and slept for a whole day." Tian Bu stood up, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Well, I drank some wine in the dungeon." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's better to eat less things from the strange world, unless they are spiritual things." Tian Lin said.

"Yes, Tian Bu, I know."

"By the way, the first payment of Scarlet Optimization has been transferred yesterday. Guess how much it is." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"How much?" Mu Rufeng didn't know, mainly because he didn't pay much attention.

Even though he saw the order volume and transaction amount in Scarlet Optimization that day, he didn't remember it very much.

"A total of 10 million!!!"

"10 million?" Even though Mu Rufeng had hundreds of millions of funds in his card, he was still surprised.

Moreover, this is not 10 million in transaction amount, but 10 million paid to them after the share.

In other words, Scarlet Optimization must earn no less than them.

One thousand cows, one thousand pigs, and three thousand sheep, roughly estimated to be more than 60 million.

So, they were given one-sixth of the share.

Scarlet Optimization did bear some labor, wear and tear and other miscellaneous expenses, and it is estimated that it will have to pay taxes.

"I really don't know whether it is profitable or loss." Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that it should be profitable.

Although the bulk of the money was earned by Scarlet Optimization, to be honest, the relevant departments actually earned more.

According to the ratio of soul coins to cash of 1:1000, the 10 million is equivalent to 10 billion RMB.

"This fund really brought us a huge boost."

"Moreover, every day, we can probably have an income of about 2 million."

"2 million a day, that is 60 million a month, 700 million a year, a full 700 million."

"This is soul money, not RMB." Tian Lin said here, and it can be clearly felt that Tian Lin's emotions are more excited.

Mu Rufeng heard this, and the whole person was a little confused.

This income seems to be really high.

"Xiao Mu, originally this kind of secret needs to be told to you at level 3, but now you are qualified to listen." Tian Lin suddenly said.

"Secret, what secret?" Mu Rufeng looked at Tian Lin in confusion.

"Xiao Mu, what do you think is the relationship between the strange world and our real world?" Tian Lin did not answer the question, but asked Mu Rufeng.

"Relationship? Mutually dependent relationship?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

"Yes and no, a few days ago, the Weird Affairs Bureau in Beijing confirmed one thing." Tian Lin said.

"Confirmed what?" Mu Rufeng's face also became a little serious.

"One year, at most one year, the dungeon will be fully opened." Tian Lin said slowly.

"Fully opened? What does it mean?" Mu Rufeng had a guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about it.

"Eighteen years old, as long as they reach the age of eighteen, regardless of gender, they will enter the dungeon world to survive one after another."

"Eighteen years old? All enter the dungeon world? This... That world will be in chaos." Mu Rufeng stood up directly.

"So, I said that this cooperation, the soul coin funds obtained have helped the country a lot." Tian Lin said.

A few days ago, Tian Lin received instructions from his superiors.

The general meaning is that the relevant departments should start recruiting reserve players.

However, things should be done step by step, first recruiting from the armed police, army, and police forces.

Secondly, gradually release news about the dungeon world to the general public.

The most important thing is that the country is going to purchase a large number of three types of first-level attribute fruits from the Treasure House in the strange world to improve the physical fitness of the major reserve players.

In this way, when these reserve players enter the dungeon game, they can also greatly improve their chances of survival.

Because the amount required is too large, and the output of soul coins is too small, the country is going to prepare attribute fruits for the relevant departments of major provincial capitals first.

Now, this 10 million soul notes is enough to purchase the attribute fruits needed by more than 600 people.

Counting the daily 2 million, it is equivalent to buying 133 people every day, and the three types of attribute fruits required for a total of 15.

In this way, the target can definitely be met to a large extent.

After the overall strength of the country increases and it has a higher connection with the strange world, it can start to distribute attribute fruits to ordinary residents.

"Xiao Mu, the country really needs this soul money, so 99% of these soul money need to belong to the country."

"And you only take 1%, but we can give you other compensation, house, car, RMB, powerful props, attribute fruit, etc."

"If you have any other requirements, you can put them forward. As long as it is not a matter of principle, the country can agree to it." Tian Lin said slowly.

Mu Rufeng didn't know what to say for a moment after hearing this.

"Relax, don't be anxious, drink a sip of water." Tian Lin poured a glass of water and put it in front of Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng picked up the glass of water and sipped it, but he kept thinking in his heart.

Ten million is nothing compared to two million a day.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng said that he was not tempted by the income of two million a day, that would be a lie.

It only took two months for this money to exceed the savings in Mu Rufeng's hands.

However, his current money is enough for the time being. His own assets, after calculating, are actually quite a lot.

First, 5% of the shares of Xuetong Hotel are worth 15 million.

At the same time, the eighth and ninth floors of Xuetong Hotel can be put into use in half a month at most.

Once they are put into use, Xuetong Hotel can be promoted from the seventh-level group to the eighth-level group.

Because of the special nature of the VIP room, the shares of Xuetong Hotel can definitely be multiplied several times.

As for the dividend income, Mu Rufeng has not calculated it, but at least he can get tens of thousands every month. If he waits for the eighth and ninth floors to open rooms, he thinks that 70,000 or 80,000 per month should not be a problem.

Second, 40% of the shares of Qingshan Pig Farm are worth 4 million here, but recently Qingshan Pig Farm has a bigger business, and it has risen to about 6 million.

At the same time, the monthly dividend can be about 80,000.

Third, and the most valuable, 7% of the shares of Scarlet Optimization, he spent 5 billion to buy this share alone.

Now, because Scarlet Optimization has opened up real channels, it has borrowed 10 billion yuan to expand to more cities and is about to take off.

This 7% of the shares will be more valuable.

As for the monthly dividends, Mu Rufeng doesn't know and can't calculate it.

Fourth, it is the more than 120 million yuan in Mu Rufeng's own deposits.

Fifth, the 100 million yuan in the black gold phone card of Ghost Communication.

Sixth, Mu Rufeng recharged two black gold membership cards on the bloody train, each with a balance of 100 million yuan.

Adding up everything, Mu Rufeng's current total assets are about 5.4 billion yuan.

If you wait for Scarlet Optimization to take off, it will be easy to have 10 billion yuan in assets.

Now thinking of the 2 million yuan a day, Mu Rufeng finally made a decision.

"Okay, I agree." Mu Rufeng said.

The country really needs this soul money more than him. The country can use this money to buy attribute fruits in large batches for everyone to use, which can be regarded as a great country.

With this batch of attribute fruits, the mortality rate of reserve players can be greatly reduced.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Mu Rufeng has no ability to get those pork, beef and mutton, and all of them are in the charge of the relevant departments.

Even if it is only one percent, it is enough to get 20,000 yuan a day. It is not bad to lie down and get 20,000 yuan a day.

In the real world, a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan is probably better than more than 90% of peers.

"Agreed? Okay, Xiao Mu, I didn't misjudge you." Tian Lin slapped Mu Rufeng on the shoulder with an excited expression.

"But I still have a few small requests." Mu Rufeng said.

"You say."

"First, give me a few hundred million to spend." Mu Rufeng said.

Money is not omnipotent, but without money, that is absolutely impossible.

"No problem, I'll make the decision. I'll give you 1 billion first. If it's not enough, come to me." Tian Lin patted his chest and said.

"Then, I need rule props and powerful attack props." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Powerful attack props are OK. You can choose three props from the prop library at will, but rule props are a bit difficult."

"Most rule props have owners, and we can't force them to be given to you." Tian Lin said.

"Tian Bu, you just said that most of them have owners, which means there are still unowned ones?" Mu Rufeng grasped the key point.

"Haha, you are quite good at grasping the key point. How should I put it? Those rule props are either garbage that no one wants, or have unbearable usage costs." Tian Lin said.

"Do you have a name and attributes? Let me see." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I'll take you to the prop library later. In the prop library, you can see all the props in the prop libraries of major relevant departments across the country, and you can also see the props in the headquarters."

"You can choose three at that time. Even if they are rule props." Tian Lin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, excited.

Props from all over the country, let him choose three? This is so cool.

"By the way, this is for you." Tian Lin took out a black box.

This blind box is a fist-sized, square red box, and there is a big black question mark on several sides of the box.

"This is a rule prop blind box. As you took the lead in reaching a cooperation with Scarlet Optimization, the country gave you a reward."

"This rule prop blind box has been targeted by many contractors since it was obtained. In the end, the country decided to reward you."

When Mu Rufeng saw this rule prop blind box, he was immediately happy and connected it.

"Okay, okay, I just like rule props." Mu Rufeng said with a smile, and then put them away directly.

"Do you have any other requests? Tell me together." Tian Lin said.

"Well, Tian Bu, I wonder if the relevant department has skill cards?" Mu Rufeng said.

Speaking of which, Mu Rufeng only has two skills now, and they are both rule skills. There is really no ordinary skill.

"Skill cards? There are relatively few, because most of them are used by the contractors themselves."

"You can look for them in the prop library at that time. Anyway, you can choose three at will, props and skill cards or spiritual objects." Tian Bu said.

"Oh, by the way, you can also take five of the first-level attribute fruits. Calculating the date, it should be delivered from the capital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Tian Bu said again.

"Okay, Tian Bu, let's go to the prop library now." Mu Rufeng didn't care about the attribute fruit, because he had already eaten all the first to third levels.

Now he can't wait to see if there are any good things in the national prop library.

"Okay, I'll take you there right away. By the way, do you have any other requirements? Car, house? Don't you need it?"

"No, I have 1 billion, I can buy the car and house myself." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yes, by the way, if you need a wife, we can also arrange one for you. What do you think of my Xiaoyi?" Tian Lin suddenly said.

"Oh, no need for that, no need, I'll just go with the flow." Mu Rufeng blushed when he heard this.

"Haha, you're still shy. It seems that you haven't had a relationship yet. Young man, it's not good to not have a relationship at such a young age." Tian Lin patted Mu Rufeng on the shoulder and laughed.

Mu Rufeng didn't know what to say, so he could only scratch his cheek and smile awkwardly.

Afterwards, Tian Lin personally took Mu Rufeng to the prop warehouse on the tenth floor underground.

The prop warehouse can be said to be the most strictly guarded place in the entire relevant department.

There is a contractor guarding it every day, plus a dozen people with real guns and live ammunition.

In addition, the surveillance here is 360 degrees without blind spots.

Even missiles can't break the alloy door.

After a series of checkpoints and certification, Tian Lin took Mu Rufeng into the prop library.

It's just that there is only a room of no more than 20 square meters here.

In the center of the room is a table, and on the table is a huge LCD screen.

And on the wall in front, there is a huge glass.

Through the glass, you can see that there are stone pillars inside.

On the stone pillars, there are strange objects.

If I guessed correctly, those objects should be props.

"Come on, Xiao Mu, take a look at our props to see if there is anything you need, I will call it out for you."

Tian Lin walked to the screen and started to operate it.

After a while, the prop information in the prop library was listed and presented to Mu Rufeng.

The props of the relevant departments are not actually that many, a total of only thirteen.

There are no skill cards and rule props.

"By the way, I'll tell you in advance that when you reach level three, there will be a small benefit, that is, before entering the dungeon every time, you can apply for a prop to bring into the dungeon."

"As for you, you can apply for props starting from the next dungeon." Tian Lin said again.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that after reaching level three, he could apply for a prop every time he went to the dungeon.

However, he felt relieved after thinking about it. He guessed that because there were few contractors, they could apply for it.

As for why they were not given directly to the contractors.

This is also very simple. Although there were few contractors, there were many in the several major departments. If all the props were divided, no one could get one.

If you apply for it, even if you can apply for it, it would be good.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded and began to look through the props.

After looking for a while, Mu Rufeng was a little uninterested.

The prop library of the relevant departments in Changsha was full of useless low-level props, and the highest was only a level three prop.

Mu Rufeng really looked down on it.

"Tian Bu, how can I view the prop library across the country?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Only I have the authority to view this. Wait a minute, I'll pull it up for you."

Tian Lin immediately operated it again.

Soon, dense text appeared on the screen.

"When you click in, you can see the attributes of the props. If you feel tired of looking at them, you can click here to view the levels and categories."

Tian Lin immediately demonstrated it to Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, Tabe." Mu Rufeng thanked him and then looked at it from a high level.

There are nine levels here, corresponding to props of levels 1-9.

Just saying. The number of props for levels 7-9 is displayed as 0.

The highest level is level six, and there are only two pieces.

If there is anything wrong with the data, you can point it out and I will modify it as appropriate. Thinking about these things makes my brain hurt. I will try my best to make the article as reasonable as possible.

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