I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 179 Skill Card: Eighteen Ways to Kill a Pig [Five thousand words, monthly vote requested! ]

[Locke's Homemade Revolver]: This is a revolver made by a cowboy named Locke.

Effect: Level 6 item. Open the safety bolt and pull the trigger to fire a bullet that ignores level 7 and below ghosts. Level 5 and below will die if hit. Level 6 vital points can be seriously injured or even killed. Level 7 can be damaged. Level 7 and above will reduce most of the damage.

Number of bullets remaining: 1

Note: After the bullets are used up, please go to Locke to buy exclusive bullets.

It is indeed an extremely powerful item. It can ignore ghosts. Combined with Mu Rufeng's sandbag, it is really a perfect match.

After fixing the enemy with a sandbag, level 5 and below will die. If it is level 6, he has good marksmanship and can hit the vital points to kill it.

It's just that there is only one bullet left, which means that you can only attack once.

The most important thing is that you have to go to the weird named Locke to buy exclusive bullets before you can use it.

If there is no shortage of bullets, it can threaten or even kill the seventh-level weird.

"Locke? Next time, ask Xu He to see if he knows Locke." Mu Rufeng murmured.

At this time, the power of his connections is demonstrated.

"I hope this Locke is not in a foreign country."

Locke, a cowboy, feels that there is a high probability that he is in a foreign country.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at another sixth-level prop.

[Subwoofer Microphone]: This is the favorite subwoofer microphone of the heavy artillery Lei Luo.

Effect: A sixth-level prop, when rapping, a huge subwoofer will be generated to cause indiscriminate attacks on the surroundings.

Note: Only rappers with a certain reputation and a level of at least three can use it.

Good guy, this actually has an identity restriction, and it must be a rapper with a certain reputation.

The attribute is very good, but because of this restriction, it is left in the prop library to collect dust.

It is also possible that the country has trained preparatory players in this area, but no one has yet reached this requirement.

Mu Rufeng looked at the level 5 props again.

There were slightly more level 5 props, thirteen in total.

However, most of them were props with poor properties and had no effect on Mu Rufeng.

As for the level 4 props, there were more than a hundred of them, and the level 3 ones were not few either, hundreds in total.

As for the level 2 and level 1 props, there were absolutely a huge amount, and Mu Rufeng was too lazy to look through them.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng clicked on the rule props column.

There were eight rule props, which was not too many, but not too few either.

However, after Mu Rufeng read the properties of these rule props, he knew why they were left in the prop library and no one used them.

[Red high heels]: It is said that people who wear these high heels will eventually have their legs amputated for various reasons.

Effect: Rule props. After wearing these leather shoes, you can dodge all attacks during a tap dance, even large-scale attacks, and can directly teleport away.

Note: Only for women. After using this item, the luck value will be reset to zero. Within ten days, both legs will be amputated for some reason.

This attribute is very strong. A tap dance lasts only two or three minutes. During this time, you can avoid all attacks and almost be invincible.

According to the attribute, even if a nuclear bomb explodes, the high heels can directly teleport the wearer to a safe area.

It is this cost that makes people unbearable.

First of all, the luck value is reset to zero, which is not easy. After that, you will definitely have bad luck. If you are in a weird world, the mortality rate will also be greatly increased.

In this regard, amputation of both legs does not seem to be so serious.

Although with the current medical means and the strength of the contractor, there is a high probability that it can be reattached after amputation.

This is completely useless to Mu Rufeng, and he was directly PASSed by Mu Rufeng.

"What beautiful high heels." Suddenly, Bai Jingwei's voice sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"Hmm? Bai Jingwei, do you want this high heel?" Mu Rufeng suddenly felt something in his heart.

Can the high heels be used by the weird?

It's true. If the weird can use it, then the price of the high heels is nothing.

The luck value is reset to zero, so just stay in the contract slot all the time. It's impossible for bad luck to be passed on to Mu Rufeng.

If it's amputation, Bai Jingwei can even cut off both legs on her own and then connect them seamlessly.

"I want it, I want it. It's not only beautiful, but also has the ability of rules." Bai Jingwei said excitedly.

Mu Rufeng immediately asked Tian Lin on the side: "Tianbu, this high heel weird should be usable? I think there should be no shortage of contracted female weirds among so many contractors in the country, right?"

"I knew you would ask that. This amputation is regular. No matter what method is used, the amputated legs cannot be reattached or grown again."

"Otherwise, with its powerful properties, why do you think it would still be in the prop library? It must have been exchanged long ago." Tianbu said with a smile.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng immediately lost this thought.

"Bai Jingwei, how about it? Do you still want it?" Mu Rufeng joked.

"Then I don't want it. My long legs can't be amputated." Bai Jingwei refused sternly.

"Haha." Mu Rufeng laughed in his heart, and then continued to look through the remaining rule props.

[Ear Pick]: This is an unusual ear pick.

Effect: Rule props, when you dig your ears, you will definitely dig out a large amount of earwax.

What do you think this is for? To clear the earwax from your ears?

[Turning gold into copper]: It can turn gold into fake brass.

Effect: Rule props, wearing this finger sleeve and touching gold can turn gold into brass.


On the market, ordinary brass is about 30 yuan per catty, which is equivalent to about 0.068 yuan per gram.

As for gold, Mu Rufeng searched it and found that the current gold price is 592 yuan per gram. (Check the gold price on August 13th online)

The price difference between the two sides is 8,705 times.

Who the hell would use this? Using this prop to turn gold into brass, there is no place to spend the money?

In the end, Mu Rufeng chose a rule prop that was pretty good.

[Wolf Fang Headphones]: An ordinary Bluetooth headset.

Effect: Rule props, after wearing, can be matched and connected with the mobile phone. When the mobile phone plays songs, the mood will be increased by 100%. When you are in a good mood, your fear will be reduced by 20%.

Note: A full charge can only be used for one hour, and ten soul coins can be consumed to fully charge the battery.

The rest of the rule props are really unbearable to look at.

So, Mu Rufeng chose [Wolf Fang Headphones] and [Locke's Homemade Revolver].

Immediately, Mu Rufeng looked at the classification of skill cards again.

Skill cards are really pitiful, only three types.

It's not that there are few skill cards, but because most of the skill cards have been used, or as soon as they appear in the prop library, they are exchanged for contribution points.

The three skill cards left are really a waste of use and a pity to throw away.

[Burning in Flames]: When used, you can bathe yourself in flames. Every attack will be accompanied by a flame attack, but you will also have to endure the pain of burning in flames.

Take a look, this skill really hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts yourself by two thousand.

Even if it is used by a weirdo, it will burn the weirdo and make him scream.

It can be used by a weirdo with fire attribute, but the weirdo with fire attribute will also attack with fire when it attacks, which is a pity to discard and a waste of use.

[Cold Light Flash]: After using it, the body moves with the knife, and a 200% damage knife is slashed out at an extremely fast speed, and the enemy can also be frozen. To use this knife technique, you need to use an ice knife made of ice, and the strength and constitution attributes must reach 200 points before you can use it.

"Tanbe, this skill of Cold Light Flash is very good. If you use an ice knife, you can build it in advance and put it in the inventory, so there should be no problem, right?" Mu Rufeng asked Tianbe.

"It's really good. Speaking of which, this skill card is the second one. The first one has been used."

"He also made an ice blade and met the physical attributes, but found that he couldn't use it at all because the ice blade didn't meet the requirements."

"Even the ice blade made of ice generated in the weird world can't be used. We guess that it should be a special ice blade made of some special ice." Tianbe explained.

Obviously, these props or skill cards that look good can be left in the prop library, basically they can't be used, or the requirements are too high.

"You are also unlucky. Now there are more and more contractors in the country, and the pressure on the country is getting greater and greater.

There used to be a lot of good things. Recently, props have been constantly distributed or exchanged, and you can only find good things in the garbage dump." Tian Lin shook his head.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then looked at the third skill card.

[Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs]: This is a unique pig-killing knife technique that a butcher has learned after decades of killing pigs. There are eighteen styles in total. The first style is the neck-throwing method, the second style is the neck-slashing method, the third style is the throat-cutting method... The eighteenth style is the Qi-killing method.

The first style can cause 100% damage bonus to the enemy, and each subsequent style can enhance the power by 20%. If you perform the first to the eighteenth style continuously, the power of the last style will be superimposed and burst out again.

The target is pig creatures, and the damage is enhanced by 30% on the original basis.

Note: To perform the first style, the three attributes must reach 100, the second style requires the three attributes to reach 200, and so on. The required weapon must be a pig-killing knife of at least level 5 or above. The stronger the pig-killing knife, the stronger the power.

"How about it, this Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs is very powerful, but unfortunately, no one has reached the conditions for using it so far."

"Or, someone has already reached the first few styles, but there is no level 5 killing pig knife. Of course, there are also those knives, and the attribute value is enough to perform the first few styles, but no one will use the contribution value to exchange for the Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs."

"It's really hard to imagine how powerful it would be if all the eighteen styles were used together." Tian Lin also sighed.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng looked at the exchange value behind the skill card. Wow, it actually takes 10,000 contribution points.

From the rewards given by the relevant departments before, it can be seen that one contribution point is equal to 100 soul notes.

Ten thousand is one million soul notes. This price is expensive, it is really expensive, but the attribute is really strong.

"Tian Bu, I have chosen, I want the skill card of [Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs], [Locke's Homemade Revolver] and [Bluetooth Headset]." Mu Rufeng said.

"Are you sure? The requirements for [Eighteen Styles of Killing Pigs] are very high. Don't just choose it because it has a high contribution value." Tian Lin said in surprise.

"Tianbu, you should know that my third copy is a pig farm, and I can be a butcher, right?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Hey, so you got the level 5 butcher knife?" Tianbu's eyes lit up immediately.

"Well, my own attributes are not low, so I can use it." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you contact them right away."

"【Slaughtering Pigs Eighteen Styles】 is at the headquarters, and the Bluetooth headset is in Haicheng. I'll write a report and it will be delivered tomorrow."

"As for 【Locke's Homemade Revolver】, it's in Yongcheng, Xiao Mu, I remember you are from Yongcheng, right?" Tianbu said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He is from Yongcheng, and he took the college entrance examination and was admitted to a third-tier college in Changsha, Hunan, the provincial capital.

After graduation, he stayed in Changsha to work.

It's not that he didn't consider returning to Yongcheng, but the salary level in Yongcheng is hard to describe, and two thousand yuan is the norm.

Although he doesn't need to worry about food and accommodation expenses at home.

Even if you are lucky enough to find a job that matches your major, you can only make three or four thousand at most.

"It just so happens that there is something going on in Yongcheng that needs to be sent someone to handle. How about going home?" Tian Bu said with a smile.

"Things? What are they?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Going home, Mu Rufeng naturally wants to go back home. It has been half a year since he came to Changsha at the beginning of the year, and he hasn't been home yet.

He only calls or video chats with his family a few times a month.

"Many people have disappeared in Yongcheng recently, and no bodies have been left. It should be a casual contractor who is causing trouble. You go there, track it down, and solve the contractor."

"By the way, take the revolver, I will say hello to them." Tian Bu said.

"Okay, then I'll go there." Mu Rufeng nodded.

It's not bad to go home from a business trip and see your family.

To be honest, there are contractors who are causing trouble in his own home, and he is really afraid that his family will suffer.

"You can go tomorrow, and the two props should be here tomorrow morning." Tian Lin said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll have someone bring you the three attribute fruits."

Tian Lin immediately asked someone to take out fifteen attribute fruits from the prop library.

Mu Rufeng carried the box, said hello to Tian Lin, and left.

Although the attribute fruit had no effect on him, it was still okay to give it to his family to enhance their physical fitness.

Just as Mu Rufeng was riding the subway, a text message alert sounded from his mobile phone.

Mu Rufeng opened it and smiled immediately.

[Changsha Bank] Your card with the last number 7713 received (remitted from other banks) 100000000.00 yuan at 10:52 on August 7, and the balance was 1000262251.5 yuan.

It's only been half an hour, and the 1 billion has arrived at the station. The relevant departments are really fast.

1 billion, just got it so easily.

To be honest, it really felt like a dream. In less than a month, his life had changed drastically because of the strange copy.

"Ding Dong, we've arrived at Guanziling. Passengers heading to XXX Building Materials Market and XXX Hotel, please prepare to get off. When getting off, please pay attention to the gap between the train and the platform."

The train arrived at the station, Mu Rufeng put his phone in his pocket, and then walked off the subway quickly.

"It seems that I still have to buy a car first, so I can drive home directly tomorrow." Mu Rufeng thought.

However, soon, Mu Rufeng thought of the level 4 vehicle van in his inventory.

"If I have a van, why buy an ordinary car? It's safe to drive, and I'm afraid that even a large truck can't break it." Mu Rufeng made a decision in his heart.

Then, he found a deserted place and took out the sesame ball.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Rufeng returned to the Wancheng District Branch.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Dayong's number.

"Dayong, are you at work?" Mu Rufeng asked after the call was connected.

"I'm here, Brother Mu. I'm in the training ground on the third floor below ground." Zhao Dayong replied.

"Huh? Is the third floor below ground open to the public?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Well, the instructions from above a few days ago required that the reserve players also undergo strict training on the third floor below ground." Zhao Dayong explained.

"Okay, I'll be down right away." Mu Rufeng hung up the phone immediately.

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he went directly to the elevator, swiped his card and took the elevator down to the third floor below ground.

"One, two, one, two, one, two!"

As soon as Mu Rufeng came out, he heard a loud slogan.

Looking up, he found that there were more than a dozen reserve players running with weights on the track in the training ground.

In the middle of the training ground, there were five players doing strength training.

There were probably people training in the mental training room.

Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong were not seen, and they should still be investigating the incident in Chetoutang Village.

Captain Zhou was not seen, and he was probably busy.

Excluding Mu Rufeng, there was only one contractor, Xue Fan, present.

"Brother Mu, I'm here." Xue Fan was sitting on a chair beside him, resting and drinking water. When he saw Mu Rufeng coming, he immediately stood up and greeted him.

"Yes, I'm here, Dayong, Dayong, come here." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then shouted to Dayong who was running in the crowd.

Hearing this, Dayong immediately left the team and trotted over.

"Brother Mu, what do you want to talk to me about?" Zhao Dayong asked, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his clothes.

"I got a van from the strange world. Can you give me a license plate?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"A van from the strange world?" Zhao Dayong was stunned.

"Brother Mu, a van from the strange world should be a vehicle, right?" Xue Fan was a contractor after all, so he knew something.

"Well, it's a vehicle. If you get a license plate, you can drive it on the road." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's no problem, but you have to drive to the vehicle management office." Zhao Dayong said.

"Okay, let's go now. By the way, do you want to take a shower?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu, wait for me, I'm going to take a shower." Zhao Dayong immediately pressed the elevator.

There is no place to take a shower on the third floor below ground. You have to go to the second floor below ground.

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