I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 180 Yongcheng Relevant Department, Familiar Captain [5,000 words, please give me a monthly t

At six o'clock in the evening, Mu Rufeng arrived home on time.

This time, he didn't come back on a horse, but drove his Level 4 vehicle van with a brand new license plate.

The van's logo has also been replaced by Mu Rufeng's Wuling logo.

No way, who makes this van look more like the Wuling Rongguang V?

Parking in the parking space attached to the house, Mu Rufeng took the elevator back home.

I had eaten in the canteen of the relevant department before, but I was only half full.

It was not that he was not allowed to continue eating, but because the food was gone and Mu Rufeng had eaten it all.

Some employees who haven't eaten yet have to wait for the next batch of stir-fried vegetables to come out.

I took out the [Gourmet Tablecloth] and ate another meal, and then I was satisfied.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng took out her phone and dialed her mother's number.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Xiaofeng, have you eaten?" The sound of chewing came from the other end of the phone.

"Eat, Mom, you are eating."

"Well, I'm eating. Why did you remember to call back today?" Liu Meizhu responded.

"I'll go home tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said.

"Go home? Tomorrow seems to be Tuesday. Aren't you going to work?" Liu Meizhu asked in surprise.

"I resigned and found a new job. The branch of my unit is in Yongcheng. I am on a business trip." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Resigned? Okay, okay, that stevedore job is very physically demanding. How many days will it take you to come back this time? What is your new job?"

"How is the salary? Is there any social security?" Liu Meizhu asked a series of direct questions, which confused Mu Rufeng.

"The salary is quite high, and there is social security. Let's talk about the details when I come back tomorrow." Mu Rufeng said vaguely.

"Okay, I'll clean up your room right now." Liu Meizhu nodded repeatedly.

"Xiao Feng, what time do you take the high-speed train? I will pick you up at the train station." At this time, Mu Shan's voice came from the phone.

Mu Shan is Mu Rufeng’s father.

"No, Dad, I drove back." Mu Rufeng said.

"Driving? Did you buy a car?" Mu Shan suddenly said in confusion.

They knew that Mu Rufeng had saved some money, but they didn't expect that Mu Rufeng would just buy a car.

"Well, I bought a second-hand van." Mu Rufeng said.

"A minivan? That's okay. It can seat quite a few people. How much did it cost?" Mu Shan asked.

"Not much, more than six thousand." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's okay, you can save some money. When you get married, you will have to buy a RV." Liu Meizhu said at this time.

"I know, hang up, you can eat first." Mu Rufeng responded with a smile.

"Okay, hang up. Come back tomorrow morning and drive slower. You kid, you really learned how to drive without saying a word, and even bought a car."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng went to the bathroom. After washing up, she lay on the bed and read the novel happily.

However, just after opening it, Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that she seemed to have some blind boxes that she had not yet opened.

The next second, a black light flashed on Mu Rufeng's right hand, and a black cube with a question mark appeared in the palm of his hand.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng crushed it directly.

The blind box was easily crushed by Mu Rufeng, and a strange symbol appeared from inside the blind box.

The notes gathered in Mu Rufeng's palm and finally formed a banana peel.

It's soft when pinched and smells like banana.

[Banana peel]: A banana peel that has been eaten.

Effect: It is a regular prop. After being thrown, the enemy will definitely step on it and then fall. After use, it will be automatically recycled.

"Huh? Must I fall?" Mu Rufeng looked at the banana peel in his hand in surprise.

"Not bad, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

After putting away the banana peel, Mu Rufeng took her cell phone and continued reading the novel.

Early the next morning, around eight o'clock, Tian Lin called without even waiting for the alarm clock to ring.

"Hello, Tabe." Mu Rufeng answered the phone in a daze.

"Xiao Mu, come here quickly, the skill cards and props you want have arrived." Tian Lin said.

"Arrived? So soon? Okay, I'll be right away." Mu Rufeng woke up immediately.

I washed up quickly, went to the toilet, and headed straight to the underground parking lot with my suitcase that I had packed last night.

When he arrived at the parking lot, Mu Rufeng looked around and found that his parking space happened to be a blind spot for surveillance, and then put it directly into the inventory.

Immediately, he took out the sesame ball again.

It's the morning rush hour, and if you go near the 500 million business district, it's like a traffic jam.

Just like yesterday, the best option is to ride an electric donkey to the subway station and go directly to the headquarters of the relevant department.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the headquarters of the relevant department, it was already 9:10.

After arriving at the headquarters, Mu Rufeng went straight to the canteen.

After he filled his stomach, he went to Tabe's office.

"Xiao Mu, why did you go straight to the canteen when you came here? The canteen in our headquarters must be more delicious than the one in your branch." Tian Lin joked with a smile.

"Pretty much. The main reason is that I'm too hungry. My body is very strong and I get hungry easily."

"Tanabe, where are the things? I'll go home directly after taking them." Mu Rufeng said.

"Here." A black light flashed on Tian Lin's hand, and two things appeared in his palm.

"The skill cards and the Wolf Fang Headphones are all here. By the way, the soul coins you earn, you can see whether they will be paid to you directly every day, every week, or every month." Tian Lin said.

"Let's settle it once a month." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, but I will take out the one hundred thousand soul coins and give them to you later." Tian Lin said.

One percent of ten million is one hundred thousand yuan.

Tian Lin thought that Mu Rufeng did not have a bank card, so he was going to hand over the cash directly to Mu Rufeng.

"Just put it in my card." After saying that, Mu Rufeng directly reported his Tiandi Bank card number.

"I didn't expect you actually opened a bank card. I'll transfer it to your card right now." Tian Lin was slightly surprised.

Then, he took out the bank card used for payment and transferred 100,000 yuan to Mu Rufeng.

[Your card with the last number is 3318, and the transfer income was 100,000.00 yuan at 09:33 on August 8, with a balance of 125 million yuan]

"Got it." Mu Rufeng smiled, then said goodbye and left.

Walking on the street, although it was only after nine in the morning, there were pedestrians everywhere.

There are tourists here and workers going to work. The bustle makes this place look so prosperous.

After a while, Mu Rufeng arrived at the subway entrance.

A large number of office workers took the escalator and came up from below. Suddenly, sharp-eyed Mu Rufeng saw an acquaintance.

"Old Li?" Mu Rufeng called out.

"Huh? Brother Feng? Why are you here?" Li Yaocun walked out of the crowd, looked for the sound, and saw Mu Rufeng who was preparing to go down.

"Went to the headquarters, now, I'm ready to go back." Mu Rufeng said.

There is still too much traffic around here. It takes half an hour to get to the nearest highway entrance.

Mu Rufeng thought it would be better to take the subway to a less crowded station and then drive home.

"That's it. Captain Lao Hei asked me to send a document to the headquarters."

"It's very urgent, so I'll leave now. We'll meet up later when we have time."

"Okay, let's go." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Twenty minutes later, Mu Rufeng was driving a van speeding on the highway.

Changsha is more than 300 kilometers away from Yongcheng, and the entire drive will take three and a half hours without taking a break.

It's not close, but it's not too far. It's not too far, either.

Mainly, I hope Mu Rufeng won't encounter the traffic police checking the car.

He just got his driver's license. If he wants to get on the highway, he needs an experienced driver to accompany him.

Soon, more than three hours passed.

After driving for three hours and fifteen minutes, Mu Rufeng was still in high spirits.

After paying the expressway toll of more than 100 yuan, Mu Rufeng got off the expressway.

After driving for another ten minutes, Mu Rufeng stopped in front of the door downstairs of her house.

He took off the car keys and got out of the car with the suitcase.

"Hey, Xiaofeng? Are you back?" At this time, a middle-aged man standing in front of the door next to him said.

"Uncle Long, yes, I'm back." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

This is his neighbor. Not only is the house he lives in a neighbor, but the storefront is also a neighbor.

"Did you buy a car?"

"Yes, I bought a van. It will be more convenient for everything in the future." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not bad. My son also got his driver's license last month. Since he is a novice, I asked him to buy a van to practice his skills."

"This guy refused to listen and just bought a Tiguan L. Tell me, if it got bumped, wouldn't it be broken?" Uncle Long said.

"It's still a big smile. I just graduated a year ago and I bought a car. I remember the Tiguan L cost over 200,000 yuan." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Hey, that guy has some money and wants to buy it. I even gave him half of the down payment."

After chatting with Uncle Long for a few words, Mu Rufeng said goodbye and went upstairs.

His home is 202 on the second floor.

Their house is not a community house, but a street. The highest floor is only the fourth floor. There are two families on each floor, and the first floor is a facade.

He took out his house keys from his pocket, opened the door, and walked in.

"Huh? Xiaofeng, are you back? Quickly, wash your hands, Meizhu, go and serve the food." Mu Shan, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, immediately noticed the sound of the door opening.

"Mom and Dad." Mu Rufeng smiled and called twice.

Mu Rufeng felt a sense of relief looking at the two familiar faces after not seeing each other for half a year.

On the dinner table, five dishes have been fried, all covered with large dishes.

After opening it, a burst of vegetable aroma came, making Mu Rufeng move her index finger.

"Beef with coriander and yellow duck call, I haven't eaten them for a long time." Mu Rufeng picked up the bowl and chopsticks and picked up a yellow duck call.

"It's all what you like to eat. Eat more. If it's not enough, there will be more." Liu Meizhu said with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaofeng, you said you were on a business trip when you came back this time. What is your new job?" Mu Shan put a yellow duck into Liu Meizhu's bowl and asked.

"It's a government unit." Mu Rufeng said.

"Government unit? Real or fake?" Liu Meizhu said with a look of disbelief.

You know, it's not that easy to get into government units. They are all civil servants, and they can only be assigned after passing the exam.

"It's true, but I'm a non-staff member responsible for running errands and handling some chores," Mu Rufeng said.

"Non-staff personnel? How about the treatment?" Mu Shan asked.

"The treatment is not bad, the basic salary is 7,000, and the regular salary is 8,500. There are also commissions, six insurances and two funds, as well as meal allowances, housing allowances, and high temperature allowances."

"After all the miscellaneous calculations, it can be more than 10,000 a month."

Mu Rufeng couldn't tell the truth, so he could only make up some nonsense.

"That's not bad." Liu Meizhu's eyes lit up when she heard it.

This treatment is really much better than the previous job as a loader.

The most important thing is that it's not so tiring.

"What is the name of this unit?" Mu Shan asked again.

"Related department." Mu Rufeng told the truth.

"Related department? What relevant department?"

"It's the relevant department, four words, relevant department." Mu Rufeng said.

"How can there be a unit with this name? Have you been deceived? What exactly do they do?" Mu Shan asked worriedly.

"Of course there is. We have a branch in Yongcheng, near the old train."

"As for what it does, basically everything can be managed." Mu Rufeng said.

"You are not talking nonsense, are you? There is no such unit." Mu Shan still didn't believe it.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone, clicked on Alipay, and opened his social security payment from it.

"Yes, you see, I started to pay my social security last month, in July, you see the name of the company, isn't it called the relevant department."

Mu Rufeng had thought about it a long time ago, as long as he showed it to them, they would have to believe it.

"It really is." Liu Meizhu said.

"The name of this government unit is really weird." Mu Shan nodded, and his heart was relieved.

"Look, I searched on the map, can I still find it."

Mu Rufeng opened the map again, searched for the four big words "relevant department", and found the address of the relevant department.

The location is indeed at the old fire station.

"It's good that it's true. Since you have found a good job, you should work hard there." Mu Shan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Ten minutes later.

The five dishes on the table and the rice in the pot were all cleared away.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. Your appetite has become so good?" Liu Meizhu looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

She cooked five dishes, knowing that there would be some leftovers. She would cook one more side dish and make soup at night.

Unexpectedly, they were all eaten up.

"If you are strong, you must have a big appetite." Mu Rufeng flexed the muscles on his arms like a show-off.

"Yes, eat more. Your figure is just right. Don't be like the grandson of Grandma Ma's house downstairs. He is only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he weighs more than two hundred pounds." Liu Meizhu said.

"I know. I'm going out for a while and I have to go to the company. I won't be back for dinner tonight." Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't you take a break? You're going to the company right after dinner?"

"You just drove for a few hours. Take a nap before going."

Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay. I'm not sleepy. I'm leaving."

Mu Rufeng waved his hand and left the house directly in his shoes.

The relevant departments of Yongcheng are located near the old railway station.

When the old railway station was still in operation, it was extremely prosperous.

However, due to the development of the city and the increase in passenger flow, the old railway station was too small to carry the huge passenger flow, so it was completely abandoned when the new railway station was built.

However, there are still many people living here around.

Mu Rufeng stopped in front of a brand new building.

This building has nine floors, is very modern, and is surrounded by a large courtyard, which seems a bit out of tune with the surrounding buildings.

At this moment, it was already 1:30 in the afternoon.

The gate was open, but there was a lifting pole, that is, there was a security booth.

Mu Rufeng drove the car directly to the lifting pole.

"Beep beep!" Mu Rufeng pressed the horn.

Immediately, the window of the security booth opened, and a muscular security guard appeared there.

"Where are you from? What are you doing here?" The security guard's louder voice sounded.

"I am Mu Rufeng, sent by the relevant departments of Changsha. I was sent here to help you deal with the incident." Mu Rufeng lowered the car window and said.

"Changsha relevant departments? Wait a minute, I'll scan you." The security guard quickly took out a scanner and pointed it at Mu Rufeng.

Soon, Mu Rufeng's brief identity information appeared on the terminal of the instrument.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll open the door for you now." The security guard immediately pressed the button.

Then the lifting rod was lifted directly.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and drove the car in.

The yard is very large, most of which are parking spaces, but only about one-third of them are parked.

There are more battery cars.

After Mu Rufeng parked the car, he just got off the car and saw a group of seven or eight people hurriedly coming out of the building next to him.

However, the leader looked familiar to Mu Rufeng.

"Mei Xizi?" Mu Rufeng shouted immediately.

"Huh?" Mei Xizi paused and then looked at Mu Rufeng.

"You are..." Mei Xizi felt that the voice sounded familiar, but she was sure that she had never seen Mu Rufeng before.

She looked at Mu Rufeng with a puzzled look.

The people behind her also stopped.

"Ah, sorry, wait a moment."

The next second, the bandages in Mu Rufeng's clothes expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a bandage monster appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow!" The people behind Mei Xizi were startled and looked at Mu Rufeng with wide eyes.

"Mu Rufeng? It's you." Mei Xizi recognized Mu Rufeng at once.

"Why are you here? Wait, I remember you said in the copy that you are from the relevant department of Changsha."

"So, the person sent by Tianbu is you?" Mei Xizi was overjoyed.

She knew clearly how powerful Mu Rufeng was.

If the person who came was Mu Rufeng, then this matter might really be solved.

"Yes, it's me. I happen to be from Yongcheng, but I didn't expect you to be from Yongcheng too." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's a coincidence that you are also from Yongcheng? But why didn't you call me the phone number I left for you last time?" Mei Xizi said again.

"Sorry, the note you gave me was destroyed when we fought with the Pighead Factory Manager later." Mu Rufeng said with some embarrassment.

"Pighead Factory Manager? Why did you fight with the Pighead Factory Manager after we returned? I remember that the factory manager is a level 5 weird, right??" Mei Xizi said in shock.

"Well, Captain Mei, why don't we talk about the past in the car? We need to rush to Shunde Moore as soon as possible." A young man came up and said.

"Ah, yes, Mu Rufeng, let's go together. Three bodies were found on the 18th floor of Shunde Moore." Mei Xizi said hurriedly.

I went to my sister's house today. Time is a bit tight. I will post it first and then correct the typos. If you find any typos, please point them out and I will correct them.

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