I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 181 The Yongcheng Branch Under Attack [5,000 words, please give me a monthly pass! ]

"Shunde Mall? Corpses?" Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

He knew that Shunde Mall Wealth Center was a building in the most prosperous area of ​​Yongcheng.

It has 33 floors and is the earliest building in Yongcheng that integrates office buildings, shops, and commercial housing.

Since its construction in 2005, it has been a landmark building here. Of course, with the development of the times, it is no longer the tallest building.

Shunde Mall still has a certain weight in the hearts of Yongcheng people.

Mu Rufeng often eats, drinks and has fun in nearby shopping malls or snack streets. The first to fourth floors of Shunde Mall are also shops, which can be counted as a shopping mall. Mu Rufeng has been there many times.

"Well, the police just found three bodies in a hotel room on the sixth floor and notified us immediately."

"Get in the car first, and the rest will be discussed later." Messi hurriedly opened the door of a BYD electric car next to him.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng didn't say much, nor did he drive his own van. Instead, he followed Mei Xizi into the car and sat in the back seat.

Soon, a group of eight people drove two cars towards Shunde Moore Wealth Center.

"Mei Xizi, tell me the details." After getting in the car, Mu Rufeng asked directly.

Mei Xizi heard it and immediately told Mu Rufeng briefly.

Five days ago, someone called the police and said that a body was found in the bushes on Shuangzhou Road. The police blocked the scene and checked the body.

Only a layer of skin and bones were left on the body, and the flesh and internal organs inside were all gone. The senior police officers also knew the existence of the relevant departments.

This weird corpse is definitely not a normal homicide, so the relevant departments were contacted as soon as possible.

Finally, Mei Xizi from the relevant department confirmed that the corpse was a weird one.

Because this kind of thing is not strange, Mei Xizi initially determined that the corpse was a new player who had not cleared the dungeon.

After confirming his identity, they contacted his family and handled his affairs.

Of course, they did not give up the investigation, and conducted a deeper investigation by investigating surveillance, looking for witnesses, etc.

However, on the second day, another similar body was found in a sewer somewhere.

On the third day, the fourth day, and every day, a body was found.

Moreover, the locations where the bodies were found were far apart, which might be in Lingling District or Fenghuang District.

But, in the final analysis, those bodies were found in relatively remote places.

Now, on the fifth day, three bodies were found at once in the most prosperous area of ​​Lengtang District.

As early as when the second body was found, the relevant departments determined that it was not the new players who failed to pass the dungeon, but the contractors who were causing trouble.

"Is this contractor mentally ill? Why didn't he dispose of the bodies when he killed people, but threw them out instead? Isn't this thinking that we will discover the existence of these bodies and the murderer?" Mu Rufeng said puzzledly.

If the contractor's contract was strange and the corpse was eaten up, there would be no corpse, but it was just missing, and there would be two completely different situations.

"I don't know, maybe the contractor is mentally ill." Mei Xizi shook her head and said.

"Are there any clues about the murderer?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"No." Mei Xizi shook her head.

"Surveillance and so on, didn't they find any related suspects?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"The surveillance turned into snowflakes, or it couldn't capture any valuable clues at all. It should be that the ability was used." At this time, Wen Yao in the co-pilot seat spoke.

"It's okay. This time I brought the latest equipment from the headquarters. As long as there is residual ghost energy on the corpse, the equipment can collect the residual ghost energy and then track the breath of the contractor." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's great. The discovery of so many corpses in recent times has caused a great impact." Mei Xizi said.

"Yes, you don't know how crazy the short video uploads are. Fortunately, it was blocked by comrades on the Internet at the first time." Wu Peng, who was driving, said.

"By the way, Mei Xizi, I remember you were a casual player, how come you became Team Mei of the relevant department?" Mu Rufeng said.

"If it weren't for your help last time, I might have had a hard time clearing the level. A casual player knows too little information, so I chose to join the relevant department." Mei Xizi said.

"Team Mei is very powerful. He completed the dungeon a few days ago and is already a level 3 contractor." Wen Yao said proudly.

If you don't know, you would think he is a level 3 contractor.

"That's not bad. The relevant department has a lot of benefits and information." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I heard you say before that after we returned, you fought with the pig-headed factory director. What's going on?" Mei Xizi asked curiously.

"Well, the pig-headed factory director stipulated that work was not allowed at night, and then he wanted to take action against me in the state of no rules and no suppression at night."

"It's okay. My ability is not bad, and my props are not bad. I fought with him a few times and returned quickly." Mu Rufeng said.

"Fortunately, I'm back, otherwise I'd be in danger." Mei Xizi could imagine how dangerous Mu Rufeng was at that time.

"The relevant departments in Yongcheng are also quite strong, and they are all Level 2 contractors." Mu Rufeng looked at Wen Yao and Wu Peng at this time.

These two people are both contractors, and they are both level 2 contractors, just like Mu Rufeng.

"Of course." Wen Yao said calmly.

"Although Yongcheng is large, it has a small population and no branches. We are the only department in the whole Yongcheng."

"So, there are a little more people. Counting the three of us, there is one level 1, one level 2, and one level 3."

"The level 3 one is Zhou Liulong, the director of our relevant department, but the director went to Dao County because his grandmother passed away."

"Wang Wen, a level 2 contractor, is in charge of the relevant department. There is also a level 1 contractor Liu Xiaoxiao, who entered the dungeon this morning."

"There are also four players who have no strange contracts." Mei Xizi told Mu Rufeng about the general situation.

"That's not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The relevant departments of Yongcheng are also strong, roughly equivalent to the Wancheng branch and Changsha County branch of the relevant departments of Changsha.

Just when the few people were chatting, the vehicle had entered the underground parking lot of Shunde Moore.

After parking the car, the eight people got off the car quickly and took the elevator to the sixth floor of Shunde Moore.

At this moment, the sixth floor had already been completely blocked.

All guests in the guest rooms were also required to stay in the room and were not allowed to go out.

Four or five police officers were asking the guests in the guest rooms one by one.

There were two police officers pulling a cordon at the elevator entrance.

When they saw Mu Rufeng and others coming, they were about to scold them, but they saw Mei Xizi directly took out the documents of the relevant department.

"Related department, Mei Xizi."

The two police officers were stunned for a moment when they heard it, and then they reacted and quickly pulled the cordon.

The group quickly came to the room.

At this moment, there were also three or five police officers in the room, and a forensic doctor wearing a white coat and a mask.

"Captain Mei, you are finally here. The bodies are exactly the same as those found in the previous few times." A middle-aged police officer said.

"Sorry to bother you, Captain Liu." Mei Xizi nodded to the middle-aged police officer, and then looked at Mu Rufeng: "Mu Rufeng, it's up to you."

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Xiaoying, come out." Mu Rufeng shouted.

The next moment, a little Lolita girl appeared on Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

The appearance of Xiaoying immediately shocked the people around.

But they soon calmed down. Those who could be in this room were either contractors, reserve players, or police officers who knew about the existence of contractors.

"Is this your contract ghost? So cute." When Mei Xizi saw Xiaoying, her eyes seemed to brighten a little.

"Daddy, why did you ask me to come out?" Xiaoying hugged Mu Rufeng's head, as if she was afraid that she would fall down.

"Daddy?" Everyone looked at Mu Rufeng with a weird look.

"Ahem, Xiaoying, take out that black ball." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Xiaoying nodded, and then opened her mouth and spit out a fist-sized black sphere that fell into Mu Rufeng's hand.

[Ghost Qi Tracker]: This item was developed by the Weird Affairs Research Bureau under the headquarters of the relevant departments in Beijing.

Effect: A second-level item that absorbs the remaining ghost qi of the target and can track within a range of five miles. During the tracking period, ghost power must be continuously injected.

"Xiaoying, go back to the contract slot first, I have something to do." Mu Rufeng said.

"I know, but, daddy, can I go to the beautiful aunt to play for a while?" Xiaoying said again.

"As long as the aunt agrees." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Agree, agree, I agree." The bored Bai Jingwei quickly responded in her heart.

When Mei Xizi heard Mu Rufeng's words, her pretty face suddenly blushed, and she was about to agree.

Then Xiaoying said happily: "Thank you, daddy, auntie agreed."

After the voice fell, Xiaoying disappeared directly and went to play in Bai Jingwei's contract slot.

Mei Xizi was a little embarrassed. It turned out that the beautiful auntie she was talking about was not her.

She quickly straightened her mind and then said: "Mr. Mu, it seems that you have contracted the second weird."

Mu Rufeng smiled and said: "Well, it's a coincidence. I contracted it in the last copy."

Wu Peng and Wen Yao were slightly surprised when they heard it.

You know, one contracted weird and two contracted weird are completely different.

Under the same level, even the difference of one level, it is definitely stronger for the contractor who has contracted two weirds.

In order to enhance their own strength, some contractors will not care about qualifications or not. If there is a ghost willing to contract, they will agree.

Although there will be great restrictions on strength in the future, it is definitely very strong in the early stage.

The most important thing is that people can't survive anymore, so what about the future.

Moreover, most of the contractors think so.

Only some far-sighted contractors will consider the upper limit of their contract ghosts.

Then Mu Rufeng took the black ball and came to the three corpses, and immediately urged his own ghost power and injected it into the black ball.

Mu Rufeng placed the black ball on a corpse.

Strands of breath invisible to the naked eye were sucked into the black ball from the corpse.

When the breath was absorbed, Mu Rufeng picked up the black ball and placed it on another corpse.

After the ghost energy on the three corpses was absorbed, Mu Rufeng took the black ball back.

As Mu Rufeng operated, a blood-red arrow appeared on the black ball.

"Hmm? That contractor is actually within our five-mile range." When Mu Rufeng saw the arrow appear, his face changed slightly.

"What? Within our five-mile range?" Mei Xizi was also shocked when she heard this.

"Quick, don't let him run away." Mei Xizi immediately prepared to take action.

However, soon, the blood-red arrow on the black ball disappeared.

"What happened? Why did it disappear?" Wen Yao pointed at the black ball and said hurriedly.

"That guy left the five-mile range." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"I'll open a WeChat shared location, you follow me, I'll go first."

As early as in the car, Mu Rufeng and Mei Xizi added each other on WeChat.

When opening the shared location, Mu Rufeng launched the [Life and Death] skill towards the three corpses.

Three corpses, but he still succeeded in triggering it successfully, and the attributes were also tripled.

When the shared location was opened, Mu Rufeng disappeared in the room with a flash.

"Disappeared!" Wu Peng said with some stammering.

"That's his ability. Come on, let's go and chase him by car."

"Captain Liu, I'll leave this to you. Let's go arrest the criminal first." Mei Xizi left a word and hurried away with a group of people.

"The world is getting more and more chaotic. It seems that I still have to let my kid go to the relevant department." Captain Liu, the captain of the Yongcheng Criminal Police Brigade, stood there and muttered to himself.

His son graduated from the police academy and was assigned to a police station under his jurisdiction as a police officer last month.

Last week, Minister Zhou of the relevant department came to him and wanted to recruit a group of young police officers to join the relevant department, including his son.

However, he was a little hesitant and crossed out his son's name.

Now, he regretted it a little.

"After get off work today, go and talk to Captain Mei."


Mu Rufeng appeared in front of the elevator in a few flashes.

However, the elevator is now on the 20th floor, and the other elevators are the same.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the window at the end of the corridor on one side.

This is the back of the property, even if there are not many people.

Immediately, under the gaze of several police officers, he jumped directly from the window.

The police officers were immediately shocked and ran over shouting.

However, when they came to the window, they could no longer see Mu Rufeng.

With Mu Rufeng's current strength, he could land safely after jumping from the sixth floor.

It's just that the impact would be a little uncomfortable.

Then, Mu Rufeng chose to teleport when he was about to land.

The teleportation was indeed powerful, and it perfectly offset the inertia of falling, allowing Mu Rufeng to stand steadily on the ground.

Mu Rufeng did not dare to delay, and left here after a few teleportations.

He came to the exit of the parking lot, walked more than a hundred meters and turned a big corner, and it was the street.

At that time, people were coming and going, and if he used his ability, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

He looked around and found no one, then took out the sesame ball and drove outside.

The blood-red arrow on the black ball has disappeared, which proves that the man is already five miles away.

However, Mu Rufeng remembered the direction the arrow pointed to.

As long as he has a general direction, and then he speeds up, there is still a high probability that he can catch the guy.

A few minutes later, Mu Rufeng rushed through the traffic at a speed of 80 yards.

If there were not too many traffic lights, Mu Rufeng felt that he could be faster.

"Strange, why haven't I caught up yet? Did he change direction, or is he driving too?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the motionless black ball and murmured.

Then, Mu Rufeng continued to speed up and started to drive towards the road ahead at a faster speed.

A minute later, Mu Rufeng finally saw the blood-red arrow reappear on the black ball.

And the direction pointed by the arrow happened to be the direction Mu Rufeng was moving.

"Caught up." Mu Rufeng was relieved.

As long as he caught up, then this guy, he couldn't run away.

"Ring ring ring ~ ~!" At this time, Mu Rufeng's phone rang.

When he took it out and looked at it, he found that it was a WeChat call from Mei Xizi.

"Mei Xizi, I--" Mu Rufeng was interrupted by Mei Xizi before he finished speaking: "It's not good, the relevant department was attacked, you are closer, go quickly, we will be there soon."

"What? The relevant department was attacked?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng thought that he had been walking all the way back to the relevant department, right?

The arrow on the black ball also pointed to that side.


A roar came from a distance.

Mu Rufeng looked up and saw that direction seemed to be the relevant department.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded and hung up the phone directly.

Putting away the phone and the black ball, Mu Rufeng directly increased the speed of the ball again.

The pedestrians or vehicles on the side only felt a gust of wind blowing, and Mu Rufeng's voice had become very small.

"What the hell, what is that? How dare you drive so fast in the city?"

"A motorcycle? But what kind of motorcycle is that? It looks small, but it can go so fast."

"It's really cool, but at such a high speed, if you hit it, I'm afraid it will be a feast."

The pedestrians on the side of the road sighed a few times as they watched Mu Rufeng go away.

Because Mu Rufeng's speed reached the limit of what the city can achieve.

In just five minutes, Mu Rufeng returned to the relevant department.

From a distance, one could see a thick smoke rising from the relevant department.

There were also many residents standing outside watching the excitement.

Mu Rufeng drifted and stopped the ball at the door.

The onlookers were startled by the sudden appearance of Mu Rufeng.

Without waiting for them to speak, they saw Mu Rufeng jump directly from the car and rushed into the relevant department like a fly.

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