I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 182 Liu Yi, the man-eating cunning man, easily suppressed [5,000 words, please give me a mon

"Mr. Mu, you're back? Someone robbed the prop library, and Sister Wen went to stop them. Where are Captain Mei and the others?"

The security guard in the security booth came out of the security booth as soon as he saw Mu Rufeng coming.

At this moment, the security guard was holding a pistol in his hand, and he had put on a bulletproof vest.

"They will be here soon, you evacuate the crowd first, and why are you the only security guard?" Mu Rufeng said.

"They all went to help, leaving me here to guard the door," the security guard said.

"Have you contacted the police?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I have contacted them, and they should be here soon." The security guard said.

"Okay, you evacuate the crowd immediately. That guy has a bomb, and it might affect them." Mu Rufeng paused here, and then said: "If you can't disperse them, you can consider using firearms and shoot at the sky."

"Yes, Mr. Mu." The security guard nodded, and then watched Mu Rufeng enter the building.

The security guard immediately came to the door and shouted to the crowd: "It's very dangerous here, everyone disperse immediately, don't gather here."

However, the crowd of onlookers ignored the security guard.

They even commented on the security guard.

"This security guard is really strong."

"Yes, there is a gun. Do you think this gun is real or fake?"

"This relevant department has been here for several years. They come in and out every day. I don't know what they are doing."

"Yes, there are often police officers coming in and out. There was an explosion today. It must be some criminal."

"It shouldn't be. I think it should be a gas tank explosion."

"It feels like it will explode again. I'd better stay away."

As these people spoke, about one-third of the crowd left.

However, the remaining two-thirds still stayed at the door to watch the excitement.

In modern society, which has been peaceful for a long time, these ordinary people have no idea what danger is.

When encountering any major incident, the first reaction is not to escape, but to come over to watch the excitement.

Seeing this, the security guard was at a loss.

He looked inside and then at the gun in his hand.

Recalling Mu Rufeng's words, he pulled the trigger towards the sky with a hard heart: "Bang!" A gunshot.

The noisy surroundings were instantly quiet.

The onlookers looked at the security guard with a look of fear.

Real gun, the security guard actually had a real gun in his hand, and he actually fired a gun.

"Everyone, disperse immediately, disperse immediately! Bang!"

The security guard shouted a few times, and then fired another shot.

This time, the onlookers finally reacted and hurriedly scattered.


When Mu Rufeng entered the building, there were not many people inside, only two reserve players holding guns.

When they saw Mu Rufeng coming in, they immediately pointed their guns at Mu Rufeng.

"I am Mu Rufeng, sent by the relevant departments of Changsha. What's the situation now?" Mu Rufeng took out his ID and said.

"That. Mr. Mu, Sister Wen and her people have taken the elevator down. The two of us are guarding here just in case."

Both of them put down their guns.

Mu Rufeng nodded, came to the elevator, and then pressed the button.

However, the elevator stopped at the negative fourth floor and could not go up at all.

At this time, two gunshots were heard outside.

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then relieved, probably knowing that the security guard must have fired to disperse the crowd.

However, the two reserve players suddenly became nervous.

"I'll go and see." The two looked at each other, and one of them walked outside.

The other looked at Mu Rufeng nervously.

"Is the only way to go down by elevator?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, only the elevator can go down."

Mu Rufeng did not answer, and took out the black ball.

On it, a blood-red arrow appeared, and the direction pointed by the arrow was underground.

"The contractor is still down there, you evacuate first and stay in the yard." Mu Rufeng gave an order.

"Mr. Mu, I'll be here." The reserve player said.

"Whatever you want." Mu Rufeng didn't force it. He came to the elevator door, grabbed the gap with both hands, and then pulled it hard to both sides.

With a sharp friction sound, the elevator door was opened by Mu Rufeng.

Then, Mu Rufeng jumped directly from the elevator shaft in the eyes of the two.


At the same time, the relevant departments of Yongcheng were on the fourth floor.

The elevator was parked here at this moment. In the middle of the elevator door, there was a person with a broken arm lying there.

Blood flowed from the broken arm, leaving a large pool of blood in the elevator. .

The elevator door will automatically close after a while, and then be placed on the person who fell to the ground, and then open again, and so on and so forth. This is also the reason why the elevator can't be pressed.

However, this person's chest was still slightly up and down, so he was still alive.

Around the elevator entrance, there were five or six seriously injured reserve players lying on the ground and fainted.

Among them, the most serious one actually lost both legs. Strangely, the wound seemed to be corroded by something and did not bleed.

At this moment, a man covered in black mist grabbed a woman's neck with one hand and slowly walked towards the elevator.

Faintly, one could see wisps of black aura entwined around the female contractor, and it seemed that it was these auras that restricted the woman's power.

"So many delicious foods, we are in for a treat today." A voice came from the man's body.

"We have already got the food, we don't have time to stay here, let's leave here first, there are plenty of food outside." The man said.

"Hehehe, this is what you said, but if I want to take this woman away, I will eat her together with the weirdness in her body." The weirdness in the man's body said.

"Yeah." The man said.

"You can't run away, you dare to attack the relevant departments." Wang Wen was very uncomfortable because of being strangled by the neck, making her face a little hideous.

"Hehe, whether you can run away or not is not up to you." The man pinched Wang Wen's pretty face, then came forward and whispered: "Beauty, we still have to communicate well tonight."

Soon, the man walked towards the elevator.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

A dull sound suddenly came from above the elevator.

The man's footsteps stopped instantly.

"There is a weird breath, it is the contractor." The weirdness in the man's body said.

"How is it possible? It will take them at least fifteen minutes to get back from Shunde Moore after they get the news."

"It hasn't even been ten minutes since I started." The man frowned slightly.

He made a very detailed plan. As long as there is no mistake, he can get the things and leave safely.

"It's just a level two contractor. Just kill him. Catch him alive and I'll eat him." Weiyi said.

"Level two? That's not bad." The man nodded slightly.

They didn't delve into who the person was. It was enough to know that he was a level two contractor.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The iron sheet above the elevator was smashed directly, and then a figure fell into the elevator.

"You are the one who attacked the relevant department?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the reserve players around him, and then looked at the man.

"Who are you? I remember that the relevant department doesn't have a level two contractor like you?" The man looked at Mu Rufeng and found that he didn't know him.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and kill him and run away." This time, it was Weiyi's turn to be impatient.

"Okay, okay." The man immediately raised his hand, and a black smoke quickly went towards Mu Rufeng.

"You are quite confident." Mu Rufeng smiled indifferently, and then his figure flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

"Huh? Gone?" The man was shocked and looked around.

"Be careful, your right." Weird shouted, and at the same time, the ghost power burst out directly and blasted towards Mu Rufeng.

Unfortunately, Mu Rufeng directly resisted the burst of ghost energy, and his right hand penetrated the black fog and pressed directly on the man's shoulder.

The power of the nameless ghost hand was triggered instantly, and the man and the weirdness in his body were restricted in the first time.

The black fog around the man slowly dissipated, and his right hand also released Wang Wen's neck.

"Hmm!" Wang Wen's legs fell to the ground first, and then he couldn't support it, fell back, sat on the ground with a butt, and groaned.

"What did you do? Why can't I move?"

"I can't use my ghost power. Man-eating ghost, hurry up and do it." The man was anxious and shouted at the strangeness in his body.

"I can't move either. The ghost power in my body is also restricted. There is something wrong with this kid's hand." The man-eating ghost shouted.

"Cough cough cough~~!" Wang Wen fell to the ground, covered her neck, and coughed hard a few times before she recovered.

"Tell me, what do you want to do by attacking the relevant departments?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Props, he took away the sixth-level prop in the prop library."

"Also, who are you? Where are Captain Mei and the others?" Wang Wen said.

"Sixth-level prop? Wait, it can't be that revolver?" Mu Rufeng knew that the relevant departments in Yongcheng only had one sixth-level prop, which was [Locke's homemade revolver]

"Yes, it's that revolver." Wang Wen stood up and nodded.

"You dare to take my things? You're really looking for death." Mu Rufeng snorted coldly and began to search the man's body.

Soon, he found a revolver on his waist.

[Locke's homemade revolver]

Effect: Level 6 item. Open the safety bolt and pull the trigger to fire a bullet that ignores level 7 and below ghosts. Level 5 and below will die if hit. Level 6 vital points can be seriously injured or even killed. It can cause damage to level 7, and most of the damage is reduced above level 7.

Number of bullets remaining: 1

Note: After the bullets are used up, please go to Locke to buy exclusive bullets.

This guy didn't put it in the inventory. It seems that either the inventory is full or he is always ready to use this level 6 item.

At the same time, some other low-level items were found on him, which were obviously taken from the prop library.

Mu Rufeng threw those low-level items directly to Wang Wen.

"Take these, I'll put the revolver away."

"Sir, you should be Mr. Mu from the relevant department of Changsha, right?" Wang Wen quickly picked up the props and then spoke.

"It's me. Captain Mei and the others are behind us. They should be here in a few minutes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Let me go, brother, I was wrong. I still have a few good props in my inventory. How about I give them all to you if you let me go?" The man was ready to bribe Mu Rufeng.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Just shut up. Otherwise, I don't mind ripping out all the teeth in your mouth." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

The man was extremely anxious and terrified when he heard this, but he still didn't dare to continue speaking.

"Man-eating ghost, find a way quickly, otherwise we will all die here." The man shouted to the man-eating ghost in his heart.

"Damn, this kid is very powerful and directly suppressed us. Wait for death, I don't have that ability." The man-eating ghost cursed.

"Ah~~!" At this time, Wang Wen suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wang Wen.

"They, they are injured, I have to call 120 quickly." Wang Wen immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

However, her phone, the screen had already shattered, let alone making a call, she couldn't even turn it on.

"Legs, why are my legs gone!!!" At this time, a terrified scream rang out.

Not far away, the reserve player who lost both legs and whose wounds were corroded but not bleeding woke up.

When he saw that he had lost both legs, it was a little difficult to accept for a while.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng could only sympathize with the reserve player.

If it was an ordinary wound, Mu Rufeng could still use bandages to recover.

But his legs were eaten directly, and it was difficult to recover at all.

"Let me recover their injuries first."

As Mu Rufeng said this, a bandage flew out and then wrapped the injured people around him.

But it didn't wrap them all, just their wounds.

After a while, the bandage was retracted.

While the bandages were healing their injuries, they woke up one by one.

"Okay, my wounds are actually healed."

"It doesn't hurt anymore, not at all."

When these people looked at the recovered wounds, they all showed surprise.

Even the person who lost an arm showed a little smile on his face.

However, the reserve player who lost both legs still looked unbelieving and terrified.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Wang Wen's injuries were also recovered, and she hurriedly thanked Mu Rufeng.

"It's just a small favor." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then tied up the rebellious contractor tightly with bandages and threw him aside.

"Did anyone of ours die?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wang Wen and asked.


"It was a college student who had just joined us, only 20 years old, and his flesh and blood were sucked out, leaving only a layer of skin and bones."

"How can I explain this to his parents?" Wang Wen said a little sadly.

"Things are unpredictable, no one knows when we will die." Mu Rufeng came forward, patted Wang Wen on the shoulder, and comforted her.

"Go up first, these colleagues still have to go to the hospital for a check-up to be safe." Mu Rufeng dragged the contractor and walked towards the elevator.

"Xiao Wang, go and carry Xiao Huang over." Wang Wen said to the tall and strong reserve player.

"Okay." Xiao Wang nodded and strode towards Xiao Huang who had lost his legs.

Then, Wang Wen followed Mu Rufeng into the elevator.

Soon, the people below entered the elevator one after another.

Not to mention, the top of the elevator was smashed by Mu Rufeng, but it did not affect the use of the elevator at all. That is to say, when the elevator was running, strong winds blew in from the big hole above.

Soon, the elevator reached the first floor.

Because the elevator door on the first floor was broken by Mu Rufeng, the situation on the first floor could be seen before it stopped.

After everyone walked out of the elevator, the two reserve players waiting outside immediately came up.

"Sister Wen."

"Where is Captain Mei? Hasn't he come back yet?" Wang Wen asked.

"Not yet." The reserve player shook his head.

"He's back, how is the situation?" At this time, Mei Xizi came in from the gate in a hurry.

Behind him were Wu Peng and other contractors.

"It's solved. This guy just wants to snatch the sixth-level prop [Locke's homemade revolver]." Mu Rufeng threw the man on the ground and let the bandage reveal his face.

"It's him." Mei Xizi was slightly surprised when she saw the man's face.

"Do you know him?" Mu Rufeng looked at Mei Xizi.

"I dealt with him once. He was a casual contractor from Dao County, Liu Yi. I didn't expect that he was the one who did it." Mei Xizi's face became a little solemn.

"This guy is a third-level contractor. I guess he has killed a lot of people. You should look for the missing people in Yongcheng recently."

"Also, we should check Dao County as well." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mu Rufeng, thank you very much. If it weren't for you this time, this guy might have taken the props and ran away." Mei Xizi thanked Mu Rufeng.

"By the way, I put away this revolver. You should also know why I came here." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, Minister Zhou told me that the revolver was exchanged by you. It happened that you were from Yongcheng, so I sent you on a business trip. One is to get the revolver, and the other is to help us deal with this guy." Mei Xizi nodded.

"I'll call Captain Zhou first. He's still in Dao County attending his grandmother's funeral." Mei Xizi immediately took the phone, walked aside, and dialed a number.


Dao County, Yan Town.

Yan Town is more than 100 kilometers away from Yongcheng City.

Although it's only more than 100 kilometers, Dao County is located in the mountains, and the route is extremely complicated. It takes two and a half hours to drive there.

This is also because many tunnels have been opened. Otherwise, it would take four or five hours to reach the destination by taking the winding mountain road.

Dao County is also under the jurisdiction of Yongzhou.

If there is an emergency, people from the relevant departments will not go there by car because it takes too long.

Instead, they will take a helicopter directly, which can reach Dao County in just half an hour.

With the status of their relevant departments, helicopters can really be used at will.

In Yan Town, in a rural village.

A man in his twenties is kneeling in front of a mourning hall.

This man is Zhou Liulong, the director of the relevant department of Yongcheng.

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