I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 183 The special ability of the nameless ghost hand

Around him, there were many people kneeling.

They are all wearing sackcloth and mourning.

Whenever guests come in to worship, they must bow to express their gratitude and then kowtow to the coffin.

There were three middle-aged men around who were crying very sadly. Obviously, they must be the sons of the deceased.

"Ring ring ring~~!" At this moment, Saturday Long's cell phone rang.

All of a sudden, everyone around them looked at Saturday Long.

Saturday Long took out his mobile phone and was about to hang up, but when he saw that it was Messizi, he knew that the contractor's rebellion should have come to an end.

"Dad, second uncle, third uncle, I'm going to take a call."

Saturday Long said in a deep voice.

"Go, work is important, you have been kneeling all day, take a rest." Zhou Qi wiped his tears and nodded.

The second uncle and the third uncle didn't say anything. They also knew that Saturday Long was in a government unit and was in charge of dozens of people and had great power.

Long came to the backyard on Saturday and answered the phone.

"Meixi, how's the matter?" Saturday Long said.

"Zhou Bu, we've caught him, it's the Liu Yi we met in Dao County last time."

"This Liu Yi was so bold that he actually attacked our relevant departments. Many of our colleagues were injured, and Xiao Han even died." Messizi said.

"What? It's him. How dare he? Attack the relevant departments? And Xiaohan." Saturday Long became angry all of a sudden.

"Liu Yi just wanted to snatch the level six prop [Locke's homemade revolver]. Fortunately, the people from Changsha headquarters were very helpful, otherwise he would have succeeded this time." Messizi said.

Saturday Long was about to speak when suddenly he thought of something and his expression changed: "Now, you immediately interrogate that guy and ask him if my grandma died because of him."

Hearing this, Messizi was slightly surprised: "Okay, Zhou Bu, I will interrogate him right now."

"Also, ask Liu Yi again. Forget it, I'll come back tomorrow and try again."

After hanging up the phone, Saturday Long's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Although his grandma is eighty-one years old, she is in good health. She even planted a vegetable patch in the backyard and watered it every day.

A few days ago, I fell down in the vegetable field, and before I even got to the hospital, I was already out of breath.

He knew that even though some old people were physically strong, their decline began with a fall.

However, the ninety-year-old man next door fell and rolled down the stairs when he was going up the stairs. He persisted for a month before passing away in the hospital.

His grandma fell flat on the ground, and there were no stones, just some soft soil for growing vegetables.

He didn't think it was anything before, but now that he thinks about it, it seems to be full of weirdness.

"You wanted to get me out of the way, so you killed my grandma?" Saturday Long had to speculate maliciously.

He is a left-behind child who was raised by his grandmother since he was a child, so he has a deep affection for her.

If it was true as he guessed, Saturday Dragon would definitely let Liu Yi suffer the most painful death in the world.

After hanging up the phone, Saturday Long returned to the mourning hall and continued to kneel in front of the coffin.

Relevant departments in Yongcheng.

At this moment, the police cordoned off the gate to prevent onlookers from approaching.

An ambulance had just taken some injured people to the hospital, and another ambulance had left here pulling a body covered with white cloth.

An interrogation room.

Mu Rufeng, Mei Zi, and Wu Peng gathered around a chair.

Sitting on the chair was Liu Yi, the murderer who caused this chaos.

Liu Yi was still tied up with a bandage at this moment, with only one head exposed, and he was completely suppressed and unable to move.

"Liu Yi, did you do something to our Zhou department's grandma?" Meizizi said.

Liu Yi turned a deaf ear and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep.

"Liu Yi, what are you asking for?" Wu Peng scolded him immediately.

However, this guy still didn't react at all.

Immediately, Wu Peng slapped Liu Yi on the face.

There was a crisp sound of "Pa!", and Liu Yi's cheek instantly became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Liu Yi didn't even hum, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Seeing this, Messizi raised his hand, pulled the bandage off Liu Yi's shoulder, and then pressed it on Liu Yi's shoulder.

The next second, there was a small gnawing sound.

Liu Yi, who was originally expressionless, suddenly became a little distorted.

"Uh-huh!" Liu Yi gritted his teeth and remained silent, but he still couldn't help but groaned.

Messizi picked up the palm of his hand, Mu Rufeng stared at it, and then his eyes narrowed slightly,

There were actually tiny spikes on Messizi's palms.

When Messizi raised his hand, the spikes were slowly retracted.

Looking at Liu Yi's shoulder, a large piece of flesh and blood has disappeared, and even the bones of the shoulder can be seen.

There are also small marks on the bones.

"You are really a tough guy, but I have plenty of time to take my time with you."

"I forgot to tell you, this bandage can heal the injury." Messizi said calmly, and then put the bandage back on.

Then, the interrogation continued at a different location.

Not long after, Liu Yi's body was seen to be chewed with flesh and blood in many places.

However, even though the veins on Liu Yi's forehead popped out and his face was a little distorted, he still remained firm and silent.

It is hard to imagine that Mu Rufeng only threatened to pull out his teeth to shut him up before, but why did he become so tough this time.

"Captain Mei, let me do it, I promise to make him speak obediently." At this time, Wu Peng on the side spoke up.

"No, with your ability, I am afraid that Mu Rufeng's bandages will not be able to recover, and he will be killed by you directly." Mei Xizi refused sternly.

"Captain Mei, I will definitely pay attention, I won't die." Wu Peng said.

"Then you try." Mei Xizi nodded.

"Wait." Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand to stop him at this time.

"What's wrong?" Wu Peng, who was about to take action, looked at Mu Rufeng in confusion.

"Haha, you almost succeeded. I have to say that you hide it very well." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"What?" Mei Xizi and Wu Peng were even more confused.

However, Liu Yi's face changed slightly, and then the whole person suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying power.

The bandage was stretched up instantly, and then Liu Yi's figure came out of the bandage.

However, he seemed to underestimate the binding ability of the bandage.

He only showed half of his body, and the bandage quickly shrank again, directly wrapping his lower body.

Then, when he didn't react, he wrapped him again.

Wu Peng finally reacted at this time, and kicked him hard on the chest.

Liu Yi was kicked out and hit the wall heavily.

"You want to run after entering the interrogation room?" Wu Peng showed a cruel look on his face.

The dead college student was a girl, and she had joined them for less than two weeks.

Although the time was short, Wu Peng had already liked this girl and was ready to chase her.

Unexpectedly, she was killed by Liu Yi.

Although the relationship had not reached that point, Wu Peng really wanted to kick Liu Yi.

But reason told him that he still needed to interrogate those secrets.

"This guy's man-eating ghost seems to have some unusual abilities. Let's get him out first."

Mu Rufeng stepped forward, picked him up, and then inserted his right hand directly into his abdomen.

A sharp ghost cry burst out from Liu Yi's body.

It kept echoing in this small room, making Mei Xizi and Wu Peng's ears a little unbearable.

But Mu Rufeng was like nothing happened, but he pulled his right hand violently and actually grabbed a weird head directly.

Then the body, legs, and a weird thing were actually grabbed out of Liu Yi's body by Mu Rufeng.

"Man-eating ghost!!!" Liu Yi looked at Mu Rufeng with horror on his face.

Mei Xizi and Wu Peng on the side also looked terrified when they saw this.

Mu Rufeng actually grabbed the contract ghost directly from the contractor's body?

And, looking at Liu Yi's abdomen, there was no damage at all.

What happened when his hand was inserted into his abdomen just now?

Mu Rufeng's right hand was very pale, completely different from the skin on his arm.

The man-eating ghost caught in his hand was completely unable to move, and even couldn't speak, only a pair of eyes were rolling in fear in the eye sockets.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I really caught it." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

He also just discovered another ability of [Nameless Ghost Hand].

Not only can it suppress the target, but it can also catch the weirdness in the body of the contractor without hurting the contractor at all.

"Strange, this ability is not clearly stated in the attributes, why can it be done?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused at this moment.

However, no one explained it to him.

"How did you do it?" Mei Xizi asked in surprise.

"Of course it's the ability of the prop." Mu Rufeng showed his right hand and said.

Mei Xizi and Wu Peng immediately looked at Mu Rufeng's right hand.

At this time, they also found that the skin color of the palm and the arm was completely different, which means that this right hand is a prop?

Or, wearing a glove?

"Liu Yi, tell me what you know, and I can make you suffer less."

At this time, Mei Xizi came to Liu Yi, pulled the bandage, and then took off his pants.

A little bird appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Wang Wen told me that you should have a good time with her at night. Now, how about I play with you?"

"Oh, it's not me who wants to play, it's the weirdness in my body that wants to play with you."

Mei Xizi had a faint smile on her face.

Then, another palm stretched out from Mei Xizi's palm.

What's unbelievable is that it's called a palm, but it's actually a claw covered with barbs.

It seems that the weirdness of Mei Xizi's contract is simply a monster without a human form.

"No, no..." Liu Yi's face was suddenly full of horror.

Then, he felt a cold thing touching his indescribable thing.

"Ah~~! No, I'll tell you everything. I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Liu Yi lost the man-eating ghost, and was frightened by the weirdness of Mei Xizi. His whole spirit seemed to collapse directly.

It can only be said that the contract ghost seemed to be Liu Yi's strongest back and support. When his support was gone, he would collapse with a casual scare.

"Level 3 man-eating ghost, tell me, what is your ability?" Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Rufeng was a little curious about the ability of the Man-Eater Ghost. Although he was restrained by the bandage, he could still burst out such a terrifying ghost energy and temporarily break free from the bandage.

The Man-Eater Ghost rolled his eyes, but did not speak.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You can't speak even if the suppression is fully activated." Mu Rufeng immediately released a finger.

"Let me go." The first sentence the Man-Eater Ghost said was to beg for mercy.

The nameless ghost hand is calculated according to the contact area. The whole hand grabs the target and the suppression is fully activated.

If one finger is released, the suppression will be weaker, and the target can speak.

"Answer my question." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"My ability is that I can accumulate strength as long as I suffer a blow, and then burst it out all at once." The Man-Eater Ghost said.

"What else?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"No more." The Man-Eater Ghost replied.

"No more? Are you sure? Do you want to think about why Liu Yi called you?" Mu Rufeng asked calmly.

Man-eating ghost, man-eating ghost, naturally the strongest ability is above the aspect of cannibalism.

Man-eating ghost heard this and fell silent.

"Daddy, can you eat him for me? If I eat him, I will become more powerful."

At this time, Xiaoying's voice suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiaoying, can you become more powerful after eating it?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised, and then asked Xiaoying.

"Yes, daddy, I feel that the power in his body seems to match me." Xiaoying said.

"Okay, then I give it to you." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Thank you, daddy." Xiaoying shouted happily, and then appeared directly from the contract slot and appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

"Xiaoying, it's up to you. Eat slowly, let him feel the pain of the people he eats." Mu Rufeng touched Xiaoying's hair and said.

"Okay, daddy, I will taste it slowly." Xiaoying nodded seriously.

"Hey, hey, little sister, what are you doing? Sir, I'll tell you my ability, I--"

Before the cannibal ghost finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Rufeng: "Sorry, I don't want to know, you can go at ease."

"Ah~~!" The cannibal ghost was about to speak, but he screamed directly.

Because Xiaoying had bitten off one of the cannibal ghost's fingers.

If it was normal, even if his arm was broken, he could bear it.

But this time, only one hand was lost, and the pain was unusually clear, making him scream.

"Uncle, although it will hurt when I eat you, I think you'd better not scream, otherwise, I will be angry." Xiaoying said seriously.

At the same time, he was chewing the finger bone that was bitten off.

At this time, Wu Peng's voice came from the side.

"It's over, Zhou Bu's grandmother is very important to him. I didn't expect that it was really this guy who did it."

"Liu Yi, Liu Yi, I have to say that you are really too brave." Mei Xizi said in a deep voice.

Liu Yi curled up, his face full of fear.

"Wu Peng, lock him in the secret room, be careful, don't let him run away." Mei Xizi said.

"Don't worry, Captain Mei, this guy can't escape from me without the contract ghost." Wu Peng laughed grimly, grabbed Liu Yi and left the interrogation room.

I had a disagreement with my boss and resigned. I packed up until the afternoon today, and then it took me a long time to cancel the phone broadband card. Because the weather was cold and the road was icy, I drove slowly and was very sleepy. It took me five hours to drive more than 300 kilometers. I got home very late and was very sleepy. So today I have 4,000 words. Tomorrow I have to clean up the house. The gift in the car has not been taken out yet. The broadband and other things have to be re-set up. It's very troublesome. If there is enough time tomorrow, I will update 10,000 words. If there is less time, there will be at least 6,000 words updated. Sorry, I went back to my hometown these days. There are indeed more chores to do. I am so sleepy. I will take a shower and go to bed.

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