I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 184 Cult? Deacon? Evil forces? [5,000 words, please give me a monthly ticket! ]

"Woo, woo, woo~~!"

The cannibal ghost on the side kept whimpering and struggling.

Because she disliked the cannibal ghost for being too noisy, Xiaoying directly pulled off its tongue first, and then removed its jaw, making it completely unable to speak.

This is not just a simple physical restriction. Xiaoying's ghost power remains in the wound, making it impossible to recover from the injury.

Xiaoying held the cannibal ghost's arm and was biting it bit by bit. If ordinary people saw this weird scene, they would be scared to death.

"Mu Rufeng, you can do whatever you want. I have already informed the unit, and you can come and go as you please."

"Call me if you have anything. I have some work to do next." Mei Xizi glanced at Xiaoying, and then said to Mu Rufeng.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He was not from the Yongcheng branch, and it was impossible for him to do some miscellaneous work.

So, he directly gave Mu Rufeng the authority to act independently.

Soon, Mei Xizi left the interrogation room, leaving Mu Rufeng alone.

Oh, no, there is Xiaoying who is gnawing on the man-eating ghost.

"Xiaoying, can you get him into the contract slot to eat?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, daddy." Xiaoying shook her head and said.

"Then how can you enter Bai Jingwei's contract slot." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Because Aunt Bai is also daddy's contract ghost, but this man-eating ghost is not. Is daddy in trouble? Should I eat faster?" Xiaoying looked at Mu Rufeng with a pair of big eyes and said.

"Nothing." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, daddy." Xiaoying started to eat slowly again.

Mu Rufeng came to the table in the interrogation room, found a chair to sit on, and then put his legs on the table, the chair leaned against the wall, and took out his mobile phone in a very comfortable posture to watch short videos.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

Xiaoying strictly followed Mu Rufeng's previous words and devoured the cannibal ghost bit by bit.

Not even a bone was left.

It must be said that Xiaoying ate it very cleanly.

"Dad, I'm done. I'm going to go back to sleep and digest it." Xiaoying wiped her mouth, and then the ghost energy surged all over her body, directly shaking off the filth on her body.

Even the blood stains on her clothes disappeared instantly.

"Go." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

Xiaoying disappeared on the spot.

"Brother Mu, I want to eat meat too." At this time, Bai Jingwei's coquettish and gentle voice sounded.

"Speak nicely." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Okay, Brother Mu, I want to eat meat too." Bai Jingwei's tone immediately returned to its original cold appearance.

"Beef, pork? Give you a whole head, is it enough?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I want to eat a pig and a cow." Bai Jingwei replied.

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you right away." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Brother Mu. It seems that Brother Mu still likes a cold tone." Bai Jingwei was immediately happy when she heard this, and then joked.

Mu Rufeng didn't bother to pay attention to Bai Jingwei.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Mei Xizi.

It just rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Helpless Mu Rufeng could only walk out of the interrogation room.

Looking at the busy crowd, Mu Rufeng grabbed a familiar person at random and asked, "Where is your team leader Mei?"

"Ah, it's Mr. Mu. Team leader Mei is meeting in the conference room now." The employee replied.

"Where is the conference room?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The conference room is on the left hand side of the second floor."

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him and then walked towards the conference room.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng came to the conference room on the second floor.

The door of the conference room was closed at this moment, and some discussions came from inside.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Mei Xizi's voice came from inside.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened the door of the conference room: "I shouldn't have disturbed your meeting?"

"No. It just so happens that I also want to call you over. I have something to trouble you." Mei Xizi said.

"What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I just talked to Zhou Bu on the phone. He wants you to stay in the branch until he comes back. Zhou Bu's grandmother's funeral can be completed today. He will be back early tomorrow morning." Mei Xizi said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Thank you, by the way, what are you looking for me for?" Mei Xizi asked again.

"I want to ask if you have any channels for pigs and cattle." Mu Rufeng said.

Mei Xizi suddenly realized it after hearing this.

How do the contracted ghosts in their bodies improve their own strength? Naturally, they rely on the supply of fresh blood and flesh in the real world by the contractors.

The flesh and blood of living people can't be counted on, but animals like pigs, sheep and cattle are really not a big problem.

In particular, their relevant departments directly opened a ranch just to solve this weird food problem.

"We opened a ranch in the countryside, where we raise many cows, pigs and sheep. I'll let Xiaofeng bring you a cow later." Mei Xizi said.

"Plus a pig." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem." Mei Xizi nodded.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

"Xiaopeng, take Mu Rufeng to the room upstairs to rest first." Mei Xizi said again.

"Okay. Brother Mu, let's go."


Somewhere in Yongcheng.

A man wearing takeout clothes and a yellow safety helmet rode a small electric donkey into an old community.

The little eDonkey wandered around inside and finally stopped in front of a building.

This building has seven floors, only stairs, no elevator.

"Xiao Mao, did you get off work so early today?" An old woman in her seventies or eighties walked out of the stairwell and happened to see Xiao Mao locking her car.

"Grandma Zhong, it's past three o'clock now, and I don't have much to do, so I'll just come back and take a rest."

"Grandma Zhong, are you throwing away the trash? Didn't I tell you that if you put the trash at the door, I will throw it away for you when I go out." Xiao Mao had a warm smile on his face.

"Hey, although I'm old, I can still move my body. It's just you, Xiaomao, who is so kind."

"By the way, how about the girl I introduced to you last time?" Grandma Zhong really liked Xiao Mao at this moment.

If her granddaughter hadn't been married long ago, she would have been introduced to Xiao Mao.

"Grandma Zhong, don't introduce me to her. That girl is very good, but I am not worthy of her." Xiao Mao said with a wry smile.

"How could it be that she's not worthy? I know it. That girl must have high ambitions and low abilities, and she looks down on you. She only has three thousand a month, but your salary is more than six thousand."

"In this way, I will do some more planning in a few days and introduce you to a better one."

Xiao Mao waved his hands and said: "Grandma Zhong, no introduction is needed."

"Okay, you're tired too. Go home and rest quickly. I'll go for a walk in the yard." Grandma Zhong said and walked towards the garbage truck nearby.

"Grandma Zhong, please slow down, remember, next time put the garbage at the door, I will help you throw it out when you go out." After Xiao Mao said, he walked up the stairs.

"This kid has such a kind heart and is very efficient at work. Oh, I must introduce him to a good girl next time." Grandma Zhong muttered twice and threw the garbage into the garbage truck.

Xiao Mao went straight to the seventh floor in one breath, and then opened the door of a room on the left.

The highest building in this old community is actually only the sixth floor, and the floor above is a privately added floor by the owner of the sixth floor.

This is also the news that this place was to be demolished a few years ago, and then all the residents on the sixth floor immediately built an additional floor.

Of course, the roof of the building was shared by everyone. In order to block the mouths of the residents on the floors below, each household put in 2,000 yuan before it was successfully built.

It's a pity that five years ago, demolition workers came, but they demolished the area next door.

In this case, the newly built floor has no meaning, but it is used exclusively for renting or living with family members.

After Xiaomao locked the door, he placed the safety helmet in his hand on the table. Then with a wave of his hand, black aura emerged, sealing the doors and windows instantly.

The room that was originally slightly bright suddenly became extremely dark.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mao took out an old mobile phone with blood on it.

After getting a series of numbers, Xiao Mao dialed a phone number.

"Say." A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Master Deacon, you missed it, Liu Yi has been arrested." Xiao Mao replied.

There, there was silence.

"Why did it fail? Could it be that Saturday Dragon was at the Yongcheng branch?" the deacon said slowly.

"No, it was a contractor sent by Changsha headquarters, who caught Liu Yi." Xiao Mao said.

"In this case, he failed the entrance examination, so give it up. Also, keep a low profile in recent times. I don't want this matter to affect major events in the teaching." The deacon said.

"Yes, Mr. Deacon." Xiao Mao responded.

"I know your abilities, but just in case, it's best to let Liu Yi die." Master Deacon added.

"Don't worry, Mr. Deacon, if you count the time now, he should be dead." Xiao Mao glanced at his watch, and then said.


Soon, the call was hung up and Xiao Mao put the phone away.

"What a loser. A third-level contractor actually fell into the hands of a second-level contractor, and he wasted one of my recommended places to join the cult."

Then he saw Xiaomao shaking his arm, and the darkness around him faded away.

"Forget it, let's take a nap, we have to deliver food at five o'clock." Xiao Mao sighed and walked into the bedroom.

At the same time, inside the Yongcheng branch.

Mu Rufeng was lying on the bed and taking a nap.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu." Wu Peng's slightly urgent voice sounded.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng woke up with a start.

"Here. What's wrong?" Mu Rufeng stepped forward and opened the door.

"Brother Mu, Liu Yi is dead."

"Dead? How did you die? Don't tell me it was suicide." Mu Rufeng asked quickly.

"It's not suicide. A corpse turtle emerged from his body. The corpse turtle is very powerful. I almost got bitten to death by him when I entered."

Wu Peng said, stretching out his arm that had a large piece of flesh bitten off, and then there was a wound on his neck that was infected and swollen.

"Let's not talk about anything else. Do you want to treat the wound first? It seems to be infected." Mu Rufeng pointed at his neck and said.

"The antidote has been injected. No, let's ask Brother Mu to help me recover from my injuries." Wu Peng said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. She raised her hand to release the bandage and wrapped it around the wounds on her arm and neck.

"Let's go take a look. By the way, where's Captain Mei?" Mu Rufeng strode outside.

"Captain Mei has gone to the police station. We still need to report the matter to them." Wu Peng said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then the group appeared in front of the secret room.

The secret room was completely closed, with only an iron door left.

Of course, there were surveillance cameras inside to see what was going on inside.

"When I opened the door and went in to check the body, I didn't expect that the corpse turtle suddenly attacked me and got me in trouble."

"I'm still dizzy now, and my contracted ghost strength has been reduced by half. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been killed in it." Wu Peng said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. He checked the surveillance and found that Liu Yi only had the lower half of his body left.

The upper half of his body was only a pile of bones.

On the lower half of Liu Yi's body, a bowl-sized corpse turtle could be seen eating Liu Yi's body quickly.

"Level 1 corpse turtle?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Peng.

He didn't believe that a level 1 corpse turtle could hurt Wu Peng, a level 2 contractor.

"Mr. Mu, there are more than one." Wu Peng said.

The next second, Liu Yi's flesh and blood suddenly moved, and soon, five corpse turtles came out one after another.

After these corpse turtles bit through the flesh and blood, they actually ate directly and spread in all directions.

Including the one that Mu Rufeng saw before, there were actually six corpse turtles.

"Six level one ones, what? Can't you take them down?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Peng with some suspicion.

Even if there are six corpse turtles, they are only level one. With Wu Peng's strength as a level two contractor, there is absolutely no problem.

"I was ambushed, and I was poisoned by corpses. Look, I stepped on a few of them to death." Wu Peng pointed to a few black things in the corner and said.

"Okay, but why did the corpse worms appear in the place where Liu Yi was imprisoned?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Brother Mu, you will know if you look at the surveillance. Xiao He, turn on the surveillance." Wu Peng pointed to an employee next to him and said.

"Okay, Brother Peng." The employee named Xiao He immediately got started. After a few operations, the surveillance video was called up.

This picture was fifteen minutes ago.

Liu Yi, who was originally sleeping on the hard bed in the secret room, suddenly began to twist his body, and then sat up straight.

Immediately, he was seen beating his chest with a painful expression.

About a minute later, a large amount of blood suddenly appeared on his chest, and then a dead turtle drilled out of his chest.

Liu Yi, on the other hand, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, without a breath.

Two minutes later, Wu Peng hurried over, opened the door of the secret room, and directly killed the dead turtle that was gnawing at the corpse.

Then, Wu Peng squatted down to check on Liu Yi's situation.


Just at this time, Wu Peng came forward and turned off the video screen.

Mu Rufeng immediately looked at Wu Peng with a puzzled look.

"That... You don't have to watch the rest. I'll have to trouble Brother Mu to get rid of those corpse beetles. It would be better if they can be caught alive."

Obviously, Wu Peng didn't want to show Mu Rufeng the scene of him being attacked by a level 1 corpse beetle and being poisoned by corpse poison.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng knew Wu Peng's thoughts, but he didn't say anything.

This was the first time Mu Rufeng had seen a living corpse beetle. It must be said that it looked quite scary.

As for dead corpse beetles, Mu Rufeng had seen them quite often.

Even the vending machines in the dungeon sold snacks made from corpse beetles.

This kind of snack is naturally for weirdos, not humans.

"Xiao Wei, go catch those corpse beetles." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" Wu Peng, who was standing aside, was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

"Okay, Brother Mu." At this time, a clear and beautiful female voice sounded.

Wu Peng turned his head and found that a woman in white had appeared beside Mu Rufeng at some point.

She was tall and beautiful, with curves where they should be and curves where they should be.

At the same time, the aura she exuded made him a little scared.

Even the weird in his body warned him: "Boy, this female weird is very powerful, be careful, don't provoke her."

"I'm talking to my contracted weird." Mu Rufeng looked at Wu Peng and said with a smile.

"Oh, oh." Wu Peng nodded repeatedly.

But he was extremely envious in his heart, envious of the two weirds that Mu Rufeng had contracted, both of them were level three weirds, and one was a cute little girl, and the other was a foul-looking young lady with a good figure.

Then he looked at the old man with yellow teeth and toes in his contract slot, and he felt a little unwell.

It seemed that this weirdo sensed Wu Peng's disdain and immediately said with dissatisfaction: "What? Disdain me? If you have the ability, contract a beautiful sister next time."

"In this way, I don't have to stay here so lonely."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely contract a beautiful sister to keep you company next time." Wu Peng rolled his eyes and said.

Ring, ring, ring...

Just then, Mu Rufeng's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and found that it was his mother calling.

"Hello, Mom." Mu Rufeng shouted after answering.

"Xiaofeng, you said before, what is the place where you work called?"

"Related department, Mom, what's wrong?" Mu Rufeng asked with some confusion.

"Oh, it's really the relevant department. Aunt Jiang next door just told me that there was an explosion in a company near the old train station in Hexi."

"She happened to go there to buy something, so she went to see the excitement. The security guards there were shooting. It was so scary. She said that place was the relevant department."

"What exactly is that place doing? Are you there now?"

"Mom, it's okay, it's a small problem, it's been solved." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not peaceful recently. I heard from your Aunt Jiang that three more bodies were found in Shunde Moore today. When they were taken away by 120, many people saw it."

"What exactly does your department do?" Liu Meizhu was already a little anxious when she said this.

There will be another chapter later. It was really too cold when I was typing, and the air conditioner didn't have much effect.

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