I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 185 I'll give you the title of Deputy Minister! [5,000 words, please give me a monthly

"Mom, it's okay. I'll tell you when I come back tomorrow. I can't explain it clearly over the phone." Mu Rufeng said.

"Tomorrow? You're not coming back tonight?" Liu Meizhu caught the point.

"Well, I have something to do tonight, so I have to stay here." Mu Rufeng said.

"I bought a lot of dishes for you, including old duck, yellow duck, and your favorite shrimp..." Liu Meizhu muttered.

"Mom, I have something to do here, so I really can't leave. You can just keep the yellow duck and shrimp in the basin. I'll come back tomorrow to eat them, okay?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, okay, tomorrow, tomorrow, but Xiaofeng, you really have to be careful." Liu Meizhu warned.

"I know, mom, just tell dad, I'll tell you when I come back tomorrow. That's it, I'll hang up first."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng sighed.

"Brother Mu, what's wrong? Don't aunt and uncle know what you are doing specifically?" Wu Peng said.

"Well, I have only been a contractor for a short time, and I am from Changsha. I just came back and I haven't figured out how to tell my parents." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Hey, what's wrong with that? Look at me. After becoming a contractor, I showed my ID to my parents."

"I took my parents to the house given by the company. When the property certificate was shown, my parents were so happy."

"Even if they still don't believe it, they will believe it after showing their abilities." Wu Peng said with a smile.

"Haha, that's a way." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's right, and I took this opportunity to popularize the dungeon world with my parents and my sister, so that they can be prepared in the future."

"Also, I heard that the higher-ups are preparing to release some news appropriately." Wu Peng said again.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Mu Rufeng nodded, and made a decision in his heart.

As the strange dungeons become more and more frequent, it is time to tell his parents about some things.

"Brother Mu, the corpse turtle is back." At this time, Bai Jingwei's figure returned to Mu Rufeng's side.

I saw the six corpse turtles hanging on Bai Jingwei's arms.

They were all alive, biting Bai Jingwei's long sleeves, unwilling to let go, and let Bai Jingwei manipulate them.

"What did you call me?" Mu Rufeng looked at Bai Jingwei.

"Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei said playfully.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng looked at Bai Jingwei with cold eyes.

"Okay, Brother Mu, the corpse turtle is for you, then I'll go back and rest." Bai Jingwei threw the corpse turtle down with a bored look, and then went back to the contract slot directly.

Wu Peng looked at Mu Rufeng with envy.

Obviously, he really liked this kind of beautiful, good-looking, and weird contract.

Mu Rufeng ignored Wu Peng's gaze, but looked at the corpse turtle on the ground that was fleeing around.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and the bandage shot out instantly, and then rolled back all the corpse turtles without missing a single one.

Mu Rufeng raised his foot and stepped on a corpse turtle to death.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, no reaction.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, and then raised his foot and stepped on another one to death.

Again, there was no reaction.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He squatted down and checked the corpse worm that was crushed into pieces.

Mu Rufeng did not detect ghost energy from the pieces. It was obvious that it was dead and could not die anymore.

However, if it was dead, why did it not trigger the attribute of [Becoming Stronger by Killing Monsters]?

You know, even if Xiaoying swallowed the man-eating ghost before, he had gained 0.1 physical fitness.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to kill another one, he saw Wu Peng on the side saying: "Brother Mu, we can't kill all of these corpse turtles. We have to study why the corpse turtles came out of Liu Yi's body."

"That's right, Wu Peng, do you think this corpse turtle is a creature from the strange world?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course it is. There is still ghost energy in its body. But I can't figure out why the corpse turtle appears in the real world."

"It's impossible that someone has contracted the corpse turtle king and then gave birth to a little corpse turtle in the real world, right?" Wu Peng joked.

"Hmm? What you said seems to make sense." Mu Rufeng heard the words, pondered for a moment, and spoke.

"But even so," Mu Rufeng said here, but paused again.

"Find something and lock them up." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, I'll go find something now."

Not long after, Wu Peng grabbed the remaining four corpse turtles and put them in a glass box.

The glass seemed to be made of a special material, and even if the corpse turtle hit it, it would only leave a very shallow mark.

"This glass is quite strong." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, this high-strength bulletproof glass can't even be penetrated by submachine gun bullets." Wu Peng said.

"By the way, where is your training room? There is no activity today, so we need to practice." Mu Rufeng said.

"Come on, Xiao He, take Brother Mu down." Wu Peng ordered.

"Okay. Brother Peng, Mr. Mu, please follow me." Xiao He, who was sitting in front of the monitor, stood up quickly.

Under Xiao He's guidance, Mu Rufeng came to the training ground on the negative third floor.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen people doing routine training in the training ground.

They were all sweating profusely. There was no air conditioning here.

It was scorching hot outside, and even though it was underground, the temperature was about 34 or 35 degrees.

"Some people are working outside, otherwise, we would have to double the number of people." Xiao He said.

"So many people?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

If you count them, there must be 30 reserve players.

If you add the players and contractors, there must be more than 40.

"Most of them were recruited recently. After the document was issued, they recruited a large number of people." Xiao He said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then came to the equipment area.

Mu Rufeng glanced at it, pulled the weight to the maximum, and then took a chain and tied it to his body. At the other end of the chain was a large tire.

This was not over yet. Mu Rufeng grabbed some small sandbags and stuffed them into the tires of the truck one by one, making the tires heavier.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng began to run around the training ground.

When Wu Peng saw this scene, his eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

Those reserve players who were training also looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

Although they already knew the information about the dungeon and knew that the strength of the contractors was far beyond that of ordinary people.

However, being able to carry hundreds of pounds and drag a fully loaded large tire, it takes a very strong physique to accomplish such a difficult task.

If it was in the Changsha Wancheng District Branch, those employees would definitely not feel anything when they saw it.

Because they were numb, this kind of training was already Mu Rufeng's daily routine.

The next day.

Mu Rufeng woke up from his sleep in a daze.

He looked at the clock on the wall and it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

"It's ten o'clock, no wonder, why am I so hungry." Mu Rufeng then got up from the bed and went into the bathroom.

Fortunately, there were disposable toiletries in the bathroom, which made it much more convenient for Mu Rufeng.

After washing up, Mu Rufeng left the room and walked towards the cafeteria on the second floor.

"Brother Mu, are you up?" Wu Peng came towards him just as he arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Yeah. I'm hungry, let me eat something." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, Brother Mu, Minister Zhou came back this morning and is now in the office on the first floor."

"Minister Zhou wanted to see you, but he didn't wake you up when he knew you were sleeping." Wu Peng said.

"Okay, I'll go to Minister Zhou after dinner." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, then Brother Mu, go eat. I have to go to work too. I also have to go to the home of a colleague who died yesterday."

Wu Peng's face was full of regret and sadness when he said the last part.

Obviously, it was a pity that Xiao Han died in her prime, and he didn't know how to explain to Xiao Han's family.

He could already imagine how sad Xiao Han's parents would be when they knew the news.


Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng came to Minister Zhou's office after eating and drinking.

"You are Mu Rufeng, right? Tian Bu told me that you are very strong."

"Thank you for what happened yesterday." Zhou Liulong said with a smile.

"What is Zhou Bu saying? We are all family members, so we can't just stand by and watch." Mu Rufeng also said with a smile.

"Haha, no matter what, I still have to thank you." Zhou Liulong said with a big laugh.

"Bu Zhou is too polite."

"You are from Yongcheng, otherwise, I will ask for you from Tian Bu."

"How about I make you the deputy director of my Yongcheng branch?" Zhou Liulong said with a joking tone.

"I would like to, but it depends on whether Tian Bu agrees." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Haha, just kidding, Tian Bu needs talents like you more." Zhou Liulong said with a big laugh.

After chatting with Zhou Bu for a while, Mu Rufeng left the office.

Zhou Bu is actually only level three, but he has a long experience.

He has been in the Yongcheng branch for two years.

At first, he was just a reserve player, then he became a contractor, and now he is already a level 3 contractor. At the same time, he has cleared three dungeons on the basis of level 3.

He only needs to clear one more dungeon to reach level 4.

Mu Rufeng greeted Mei Xizi on WeChat, and then rode his van directly to the outside.

As soon as he came out, Mu Rufeng saw the hemp ball that was moved to the side under the tree.

And the hemp ball also saw Mu Rufeng, and quietly looked around, and found that there was no one, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, Master, I'm here."

Mu Rufeng was also stunned when he saw the hemp ball, and then he remembered.

When he came back from Shunde Moore yesterday, there were too many onlookers, so he just parked the hemp ball at the door and went in.

Later, because of the entry of vehicles and people, they moved the hemp ball to the side.

Mu Rufeng also forgot about the hemp ball, and stayed in the relevant department without going out.

After putting the hemp ball in the inventory, he drove towards home.

Mu Rufeng parked the car in front of his own storefront and got out.

In front of the storefront next door, there was also a car parked, a Volkswagen Tiguan L.

Needless to say, it must be the car of Uncle Long’s son, Long Xiao.

His full name is Long Xiao, and his nickname is Xiao Xiao.

However, there was a white ticket stuck on the wiper.

Mu Rufeng went up to take a look and saw that it was a ticket from the traffic police. He did not park in accordance with the regulations and was fined 100 yuan.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the surrounding vehicles and found that only the cars parked in the parking spaces had no tickets.

Cars without parking spaces will have stickers posted on them.

Originally, you could park at will on the roads here, and the traffic police would not care.

But in the past few years, the road on this street was paved with asphalt and parking spaces were divided.

Within a week or two, the traffic police will come around and post stickers.

Unfortunately, the parking spaces are on the right side of the road.

Mu Rufeng's family is in the row of houses on the left.

"The traffic police came today, so they won't come a second time, that's all." Mu Rufeng locked the car and walked upstairs.

"Hey, Brother Feng, are you back?" At this time, Long Xiao, who was half a head shorter than Mu Rufeng, came down from upstairs.

"Xiaoxiao? I haven't seen you for half a year. You seem to have lost some weight." Mu Rufeng smiled and said hello.

"Hehe, no, I've been losing weight every day for the past two months, and I've lost fifteen pounds." Long Xiao said proudly.

"Oh, by the way, that Tiguan is yours, right? I think it seemed like it was ticketed by the traffic police." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? No way, I took a day off today to go on a blind date, and I got posted before I even left the house?" Long Xiao was shocked.

"Hey, no wonder you are dressed so handsomely and have wax on your head. You are going on a blind date." Mu Rufeng joked.

"Hey, if I had Brother Feng's figure and your face, I would have been married a long time ago. By the way, Brother Feng, you should also have a girlfriend, right?" Long Xiao looked at Mu Rufeng with some envy.

To be honest, he really envied Mu Rufeng's figure, height and appearance.

A few months ago, he went on a blind date and was rejected by the woman for being too fat. His self-esteem was hit, so he began to exercise hard.

Not to mention, just let him lose some weight. If he keeps working hard, as long as he loses weight, Long Xiao will definitely not be ugly, and he can still be called a handsome guy.

"You have to make money, so why bother looking for a girlfriend." Mu Rufeng shook her head.

"Come on and make money. My car loan is 3,000 yuan a month. I'm tired! I still have to buy a house, and I also need gifts when I get married. It's too difficult." Long Xiao sighed as he spoke.

"Take your time, why are you in a hurry? You are only 23 this year. Okay, hurry up and go on a blind date, don't be late." Mu Rufeng patted Long Xiao on the shoulder and said.

"Ah, yes, let's go. Brother Feng, I'll treat you to dinner when you have time." Long Xiao waved his hand and quickly walked down the stairs.

Although there is a year difference in age between the two, they have been neighbors for many years. They even played together every day when they were young, and there was no problem even though they were growing up.

After returning home.

Mu Shan was not at home, but Liu Meizhu was making lunch.

Mushan is in the dry stone carving and guardrail industry. He has many things to do and is quite busy. He doesn't have time to come back for lunch at noon and only comes back at night.

If the distance is not very far, Liu Meizhu will prepare lunch, pack it in a lunch box, bring some fruits, and ride a small electric donkey to deliver it.

"Xiao Feng? Are you back? You kid, you didn't even say a word when you came back."

"Fortunately, I just washed the rice. I'll add a little more." Liu Meizhu listened to the movement at the door and walked out with the inner bag in her hand.

"Well, cook more and I'll eat more." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll cook more, so you don't have to finish it by then." Liu Meizhu said with a smile.

After returning home, Mu Rufeng took the remote control and turned on the air conditioner in the living room.

At the same time, all balcony windows and doors are closed.

After a while, the stuffy living room suddenly became cooler.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the closed kitchen door. Mu Rufeng silently went to the room and took out a standing fan.

Then, he directly opened the kitchen door, placed a fan at the door, and blew it on Liu Meizhu, who was washing vegetables.

"Huh? Why are you opening the door? Close it, close it. When I start cooking, the oil smoke will go out in a flash." Liu Meizhu said.

"The weather is already hot, and cooking will make it even hotter. I turned on the air conditioner, opened the door, and turned on a fan to keep you cool," Mu Rufeng said.

"No, just close the door. You're used to it." Liu Meizhu said.

"Just blow it. I'll buy an air conditioner later in the afternoon and have someone install it in the kitchen." Mu Rufeng said.

"I'll just blow it, but don't buy an air conditioner. If you put it in the kitchen, it will be so dirty from the oil fumes." Liu Meizhu shook her head repeatedly.

"Just listen to me. Besides, I have made a lot of money now. You cook first, and I will talk to you about the relevant departments when we eat later." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, just in time, your dad will be back at noon, let's talk about it later," Liu Meizhu said.

"Dad, will you be back at noon?"

"Well, the job your dad took on this time was to install railings by the river. It only takes seven or eight minutes to walk. Now that the weather is hot, he will rest at home before going out to work." Liu Meizhu said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

half past twelve.

Mu Shan has come back, and the family of three is sitting at the dining table eating.

"Mom and Dad, I think I still need to tell you about the unit where I work now."

"Maybe what I say next will be hard for you to believe, but everything I say is true." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"That's what you say."

Mu Shan paused, then spoke.

Soon, Mu Rufeng informed them of some information from the relevant departments.

At the same time, he also told the two of them some information about the copy.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Xiaofeng, don't lie to us, what you said is too..."

Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu were completely incredulous.

Mu Rufeng did not answer, but silently showed them his ID, his real estate certificate, and the balance of his bank card.

The ID and real estate certificate were normal for them, but they were dumbfounded when they saw Mu Rufeng's balance of a series of 0s.

Mu Rufeng still felt that it was not good enough, so he took out some videos he shot in the weird world, which were not too scary but could be seen to be completely different from the real world, and showed them to his parents.

Two updates of 10,000 words are presented, please vote for me! I am so tired today, my back and waist are sore.

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