I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 186 The Glowing Treasure House Auction Invitation [5,000 words, please give me a monthly tic

Ten minutes later, Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu still didn't believe it.

Even with the balance of one billion, the real estate certificate and the video, they all felt that Mu Rufeng had deceived them.

Especially the one billion balance, I thought Mu Rufeng had done something online, modified the data or something.

What Mu Rufeng said was really unbelievable.

It is really too difficult for these two people who are about to enter old age to accept.

Mu Rufeng did not explain any more, but stood up and walked towards the four-door refrigerator placed not far away in the living room.

Mu Rufeng bought this refrigerator for his family during the Chinese New Year, and it cost him more than 8,000 yuan.

In terms of weight, it is about 120 kilograms. If you add the items stored inside, it will only be heavier.

Without saying a word, Mu Rufeng leaned down, stretched her arms directly into the bottom of the refrigerator, then slowly stood up and actually lifted the refrigerator with one hand.

"Mom and Dad, do you believe it now?" Mu Rufeng shook the refrigerator in her hand slightly and said.

"you you."

"Little Fengqi."

When Liu Meizhu and Mu Shan saw this scene, their eyes widened and they looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

They also know how much this refrigerator weighs.

When we moved up from the first floor, there were four people.

After placing it on the ground, it was difficult for anyone to move it, but now his son actually lifted it up with one hand?

It really hit them hard.

Is this still their familiar son?

"Slow down, slow down, there are so many things inside, don't spill them." Liu Meizhu suddenly shouted.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng slowly put the refrigerator down, then opened the refrigerator and took a look inside.

"Mom, I didn't break it, I didn't use too much force." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

After saying this, Mu Rufeng sat back on the dining table.

"So, everything you said is true?" Mu Shan also calmed down and said in a deep voice.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, can I show you my other abilities?"

While Mu Rufeng was speaking, she took off her slippers, then lightly jumped upwards, turning her whole body over and stepping straight on the roof with her feet.

His feet seemed to be glued to the roof, and then, he actually started walking on the roof while hanging upside down.

When Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu saw this scene, their pupils shrank slightly. This ability was much more shocking than when Mu Rufeng had just lifted the refrigerator.

After all, they often watch short videos and see many strong men who can even lift half of a car.

And this ability to walk on the roof can only appear in TV series and movies.

After showing off her abilities, Mu Rufeng jumped down and sat back on the dining table.

"How is it? Do you believe it now?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Believe it, we believe it, but can we not enter that copy?" Liu Meizhu said worriedly.

"Mom, this is mandatory. It's okay if you don't go. But if your son is capable, it will be no problem." Mu Rufeng patted her chest and said.

"Since you have joined the relevant departments, then do your best. I think you should have a sense of proportion, regardless of danger."

"Your mother and I don't understand this, and we can't help you with anything, but remember, your mother and I will always be waiting for you at home." Mu Shan said.

"I know, Dad." Mu Rufeng nodded solemnly.

"By the way, you are so strong now. After dinner, follow me to the river and help me lift the stone," Mu Shan said suddenly.

"Ah?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

"Yes, help your dad lift the stone. Your dad has a weak waist and the material of the stone railing is heavy. Your mom and I are weak. Your dad is the one who exerts his strength every time." Liu Meizhu said.

"Huh? Mom, are you going to help too?" Mu Rufeng said doubtfully.

"I asked a young man to work for me and gave him three hundred yuan a day. He was not serious about his work. He was still weak when he lifted the stone and almost hit me."

"I leave at 5:30 every day. The cement has been mixed. I asked him to finish the last one. I can't stop shouting. So I just asked him not to come. I asked your mother to help me lift the stones. I will do the rest. Do it yourself." Mu Shan said.

"Mom and Dad, please tell me your bank card number, and I will transfer 100 million to each of you. You can also think about your happiness, and you don't have to do all these dirty work." Mu Rufeng said.

"As long as you have this intention, you don't need to give so much. You can use it yourself. And no matter what, if you have already taken this job, you must finish it."

Mu Shan was a little moved. He wanted to enjoy peace and happiness. He already wanted to retire.

Although I am doing technical work, this kind of technical work comes with extremely heavy physical work.

There are minor ailments all over my body, including low back pain from time to time, numbness in my hands, etc.

For Mu Rufeng's sake, he had to keep going through it to earn a down payment for a house and money for a wife.

Now that Mu Rufeng has so much money in his hands, he can indeed retire.

"Okay, then I'll go help in the afternoon. Mom, don't go. Stay at home and take a rest." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, it just so happens that your Aunt Jiang asked me to play mahjong in the afternoon." Liu Meizhu said with a smile.

"Then I'll transfer 10 million to each of you first. If it's not enough, tell me again."

When Mu Rufeng saw that her parents didn't want as much as 100 million, she settled for the next best thing and reduced it tenfold.

"Okay, okay, you can transfer it, but don't show off your wealth. Remember, don't spend money lavishly." Liu Meizhu warned.

"Don't worry, Mom, I know." Mu Rufeng responded with a smile.

He didn't tell his parents anything. After all, they knew more than Mu Rufeng about keeping wealth secret.

"By the way, parents, take this. You must carry it close to your body." Mu Rufeng said and took out two thousand soul coins.

"What?" The two looked at Mu Rufeng's empty arms and asked in confusion.

"Ah, I almost forgot. You can't see it. This is the coin from another world I mentioned."

"This money is very important in the weird world. It is worth more than our RMB. Keep it close to you. If you are accidentally selected into the dungeon, this little money can save your life." Mu Rufeng said.

"Can't we see?" The parents were a little suspicious when they heard this.

"Well, otherwise I will put it in your mobile phone. I hope you never see it." Mu Rufeng said.

Seeing it means that you are about to enter the dungeon.

"Since it is so important, then you should keep it yourself. We were not so lucky to be chosen." Mu Shan said.

"Yes, we are all over fifty anyway. If we are really selected, there will be nothing in death." Liu Meizhu said.

"I'm not short of this little money, just take it. I won't give you more because I'm afraid you won't be able to carry it with you."

"You can just put this thousand yuan in your mobile phone case." Mu Rufeng said.

The thickness of the soul banknotes is slightly thinner than RMB. If the ten of them are added together, they are almost the same as five.

Putting it inside a mobile phone case will not affect it too much.

Moreover, the number of soul coins is not large, and the soul coins they carry will not be perceived by the contractors.

"Okay, you said so, then we'll put it away." Mu Shan nodded.

"Bring your phone here, I'll install it for you." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

Soon, Mu Rufeng took her parents' mobile phones over, took off the phone cases, then each put in a thousand soul notes, and then put the phone cover back on.

Later, while eating, Mu Rufeng explained to her parents the basic precautions in the copy.

With these Thousand Soul Coins and some reminders from myself, as long as the dungeon we go to is not the extremely scary dungeon, there is a high probability that we can clear the first dungeon.

"You really ate everything." Liu Meizhu said with some surprise as she looked at the empty plates and the inner pot of the rice cooker.

You know, Mu Rufeng asked her to cook more, so she just cooked meals for five people.

I thought I would have to eat leftovers in the evening, but Mu Rufeng ate them all.

"The stronger you are, the more you will eat." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"By the way, parents, you can eat this."

Mu Rufeng said and placed thirty attribute fruits on the table.

Ten fruits of soul, ten fruits of strength, and ten fruits of flesh are enough for two people to eat.

One set was given to Mu Rufeng by Tianbe, and the other set was bought by Mu Rufeng earlier from Bloody Train at a tenfold price difference.

Mu Rufeng originally planned to buy more attribute fruits last time at Baibao Tower, but considering that she did not have the space to store them, she gave up.

In this way, I only bought the second- and third-level attribute fruits that I wanted to eat in Baibaolou.

"What is this?" Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu asked with some confusion as they looked at the fruit.

These fruits are divided into three colors, are all the size of ping pong balls, and are fruits they have never seen before.

However, this fruit exudes a refreshing fragrance, which makes people think that this fruit must taste very good.

Mu Rufeng immediately explained to them the function of the fruit.

"Really or not?" Liu Meizhu was the first to speak out, somewhat unbelievable.

"Of course it's true. You'll know after you eat it," Mu Rufeng said.

Mu Shan picked up a fruit, looked at it in his hand for a while, and then said: "Since this fruit is so powerful, you should eat more of it. The more powerful it becomes, the safer it will be in the other world."

"Yes, yes." Liu Meizhu nodded repeatedly.

"Mom and Dad, each person can only eat five of each kind of this fruit. If you eat too much, it will have no effect."

"I've already eaten it, and it won't be effective if I take it again." Mu Rufeng explained.

"In that case, I'll eat it." Mu Shan didn't show any pretense and directly put the meat fruit in his hand into his mouth.

Without waiting for Mu Shan to bite it, it melted directly. It can be said that it truly melts in the mouth.

"Huh? It seems to have some effect. I was very tired at first, but I am not so tired all of a sudden." Mu Shan said with a surprise.

"I'll try it too." Liu Meizhu also grabbed a fruit and put it in her mouth.

After a while, the thirty fruits on the table were devoured by Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu.

Mu Rufeng was surprised to find that the white hair on her parents' heads seemed to be missing.

The wrinkles on my face have also disappeared a lot, and the loose skin has become firmer.

Some of the small wounds on Mu Shan's hands healed immediately, and even the calluses like old trees fell off directly.

Not to mention reborn, but there is really nothing wrong with strengthening your body.

"I feel so comfortable. My shoulders and waist no longer hurt." Mu Shan said with a happy look on his face.

"My feet have been hurting for a few days, but now they don't hurt anymore. Hey, husband, your white hair seems to be almost gone." At this time, Liu Meizhu pointed at Mu Shan and exclaimed.

"Really? But, Meizhu, your white hair seems to be gone, and your skin seems to have improved a lot." Mu Shan pinched Liu Meizhu's face as if he had discovered a new world.

"Really?" Liu Meizhu rubbed her face quickly and found that it seemed to be a little smoother.

Immediately, without caring about so much, she ran back to the room and sat in front of the dressing table.

"Really, really."


After lunch, Mu Shan was going to take a nap and go to work after the hottest period was over.

But because of the attribute fruit given by Mu Rufeng, he was full of energy.

As soon as he finished lunch, he couldn't wait to go to work, wanting to see the effect of increasing the strength of an ordinary adult by 50%.

Mu Rufeng naturally followed him.

As for Liu Meizhu, she was going to study her skin and hair, and then take a beauty nap.

After going downstairs, I saw Mu Shan open the shutter door of his storefront, and then pushed out a Haojue motorcycle inside.

There was a large iron box tied to the rear of the motorcycle.

There were also two large barrels hanging on the windshields on both sides below the motorcycle's faucet.

Whether it was a large barrel or an iron box, there were many tools for work.

Mu Rufeng wanted to go over to help, but Mu Shan smiled and solved it.

Now that his strength has increased greatly, it is definitely easy to hold a motorcycle.

"Xiaofeng, pull the door down." Mu Shan sat on the motorcycle, and then ordered Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng responded, and then directly pulled down the shutter door.

"Where is the key, I'll lock it." Mu Rufeng said.

"No need to lock it, get in the car."

Mu Rufeng heard this, and didn't say anything, and directly sat on it.

In just about a minute, the motorcycle left the long street and arrived at Xiangjiang East Road.

Then, after driving along this road for only six or seven minutes, it arrived under the Xiaoxiang Bridge.

Looking at the Xiaoxiang Bridge, which is more than 20 meters above, Mu Rufeng was a little emotional.

After crossing this bridge, the opposite side is Hexi, which is the most lively and prosperous place in the entire Yongcheng urban area.

Shunde Moore is there.

"It's right over there. There is a whole 300-meter stone railing. Now there is only 100 meters left. It will be completed in a few days."

Mu Shan pointed to the newly built stone railing in front and said.

The long strip on the left is all newly built stone railings, while the right side is empty.

And below, there is a slope, on which are planted flowers and other plants.

And under the slope, there is also an asphalt road, and there is also an iron railing on the edge of the asphalt road.

Below this asphalt road, there is a slope made of cement, and below the slope there is a half-meter wide stone platform, and below the stone platform is the river.

The scenery here is very good. At night, whether it is the road below or the road above, there are a large number of residents walking here, or even running at night.

Like the road they came from, there is also a large square.

At night, it is more lively here, with aunties dancing in the square.

There are also many small vendors setting up stalls here, such as playing balloons, catching goldfish, hooping, etc.

There are snacks, but less, because the urban management often chases them away, because there is too much garbage generated by snacks.

And they don't clean up, even when they close the stall at night, in order to save trouble, they can directly pour the garbage in the bucket on the ground and then walk away.

"Let's go, let's carry some stones up first."

After Mu Shan parked the motorcycle, he directed Mu Rufeng to the steps.

There are a lot of stones here, all of which are materials for stone railings.

Because this section happens to be a low-lying area, and the road above is a river embankment, the difference is relatively high.

In this way, they had to carry the stone up the seven or eight meter steps.

Soon Mu Rufeng and Mu Shan started to move the stone together.

Although the stone was heavy, it was as light as a toy in Mu Rufeng's hand.

At the same time, Mu Shan's strength and body were strengthened, so it was not an exaggeration to say that he had recovered to his youth.

There was no feeling of effort when he and Mu Rufeng moved the stone.

In this way, under the efficient work of the two, the remaining 100 meters of stone railings were installed in less than an afternoon.

If it weren't for the fact that it took a little time to mix with cement, they could have finished it faster.

When returning home, Mu Rufeng never saw the smile on Mu Shan's face disappear.

Obviously, this physical condition similar to that of his youth made Mu Shan always in an excited state.


In a blink of an eye, four days passed and it was August 14th.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was lying in a secret room in the Yongcheng branch, playing with his mobile phone, waiting for something.

According to the time calculation, he returned on August 7th after completing the previous copy.

At 19:13 tonight, you can enter the next dungeon.

However, he did not forget that he still had the invitation letter from Baibaolou in his hand.

[Invitation letter for the auction of Baibaolou]: Invitation letter for the annual auction of Baibaolou.

Special props: With this invitation letter, you can go to Baibaolou to participate in the auction at a specific time.

Auction time: 18:00 on August 13.

Seat number: Box No. 1.

Owner: Zhou Sheng, president of Tiandi Bank Branch.

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation letter, he can summon the holder from the real world to participate in the auction in the form of a copy within a specific time.

The auction of Baibaolou will start on August 13.

The current time is 5:29 in the morning of August 14.

However, the time in the strange world is twelve hours slower than the real world.

In other words, the strange world is now 17:29 in the afternoon of August 13.

There are still 31 minutes to the designated time of the auction of Baibaolou.

In order to prevent accidents, Mu Rufeng had been in this secret room at 5 o'clock yesterday evening.

When the time came to 5:30, the invitation letter in Mu Rufeng's hand emitted a strange wave.

Mu Rufeng's eyes were immediately attracted.

"Hurry up, the flowers I've been waiting for are almost withered."

A classic quote from Happy Landlord came from the phone.

Mu Rufeng immediately became energetic, and he didn't care about playing cards. He closed the game immediately and stood up immediately.

Then, he saw the invitation letter of the Baibaolou auction, which emitted a golden light.

Under Mu Rufeng's gaze, the invitation letter slowly unfolded.

"The annual auction of the Qingshan Branch of Baibaolou is about to begin. Mr. Mu is sincerely invited to participate. May I ask if Mr. Mu agrees?"

A very pleasant female voice came from the invitation letter.

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