I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 187 Please select the plug-in to load! [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

When the female voice sounded, Mu Rufeng found that two options, [Agree] and [Disagree], appeared in front of him.

"It's really an invitation system?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he saw the options of agree and refuse in front of him.

If he agreed, he would definitely respond to the call and enter this Baibaolou copy.

What would happen if he refused? There is no doubt that this copy would be gone.

"Agree." Mu Rufeng immediately chose to agree.

The next second, the golden light on the invitation letter spread instantly, covering Mu Rufeng.

When Mu Rufeng regained consciousness again, he had already appeared in a gorgeous room.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that this seemed to be a lounge.

There were beds and sofas, and the table next to it was full of fruits, desserts, snacks, etc.

"Dong Dong Dong!" At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Mu Rufeng was refreshed, and then he immediately wrapped the bandage around himself.

"Hello, Mr. Mu. I am a service staff of Baibaolou. The auction will start in half an hour. You can enter in advance now."

A beautiful female voice came from outside the door.

Mu Rufeng was about to answer when he heard it, but he saw a series of prompts in his mind.

[Enter the copy: Baibaolou Auction]

[Copy type: Special copy]

[Participation method: Invitation letter summon]

[Identity type: Guest]

[Clearance task: Please buy any item at the auction to complete the clearance task. Each additional item purchased can increase the clearance rate by 100%]

[If you do not buy props, the copy clearance fails and will be teleported back to the real world after the auction ends]

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu? Are you in there?" The waiter's voice came again.

"I'm coming." Mu Rufeng calmed down, then responded and strode towards the door.

When Mu Rufeng opened the door, he saw a woman in her twenties wearing a black cheongsam.

She is not bad looking, and with this cheongsam that shows off her figure, it is really hard to take your eyes off her.

"Mr. Mu, please follow me." The female waiter looked at Mu Rufeng cautiously, and then lowered her head and said.

"Jiang Yan? Contractor?" Mu Rufeng looked at the waiter and said lightly.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Jiang Yan nodded, and on the surface he was calm, but he was still a little flustered inside.

He was afraid that the weird in front of him would suddenly attack him.

You know, before they went to work, they were specifically told by the supervisor that the guests who rested in this kind of rest room were extremely distinguished, so they were asked to be careful.

But Jiang Yan couldn't figure it out. Since it was such a distinguished guest, why did she, a newcomer, come to receive him?

"Lead the way." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Mr. Mu, please follow me." Jiang Yan was relieved when she heard this, and then led Mu Rufeng.

After walking out of the room, Mu Rufeng looked around.

There were many weirdos and waiters on the corridor outside.

Those weirdos, each exuding a terrifying aura, walked out of the lounge on the side.

Obviously, these were also distinguished guests of Baibaolou.

In front of each guest, there was a waiter to lead the way.

Including Mu Rufeng, there were eight people, and those waiters were all contractors and all of them were level three contractors.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, the eyes of the seven weirdos fell on Mu Rufeng.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng's invitation letter was the most distinguished, and his lounge was actually located in Room 1.

"Shouldn't Room 1 be Mr. Zhou from the Tiandi Bank Branch in Qingshan City? How did it become a level two contractor?" An eighth-level ghost king slowly said.

"Who knows, maybe he couldn't come, so he sent this guy to watch the fun?" Another weirdo said.

"I think it's too bad. Anyway, it's none of our business. Let's go in first."

"Baobaolou is not stupid. They won't let irrelevant people come in with Mr. Zhou's invitation."

"Let's go, let's go. What are you still standing there for? Lead the way." A waiter was scolded in a strange way.

"Sorry, sorry, Mr. Liu, this way." A waiter turned pale and apologized repeatedly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at those people without paying attention. He said to Jiang Yan: "Lead the way."

"Yes, Mr. Mu, this way." Jiang Yan also reacted and quickly led Mu Rufeng to the venue.

On the way, Jiang Yan looked back several times and wanted to speak, but he held it back.

A few minutes later, Jiang Yan brought Mu Rufeng to a room.

"Mr. Mu, we have arrived at the No. 1 box. We need your invitation to open it." Jiang Yan turned around, pushed it open a little, and then said to Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the invitation letter from Baibaolou.

Mu Rufeng looked at the long and narrow card slot on the door of the box.

He immediately inserted the invitation letter and swiped it.

"Ding! Welcome to the distinguished Mr. Mu. I wish you can get the item you like today."

The door of the box was opened directly.

Mu Rufeng immediately strode into it.

Jiang Yan also followed immediately and closed the door of the box directly.

As soon as Mu Rufeng came in, she took a look at the No. 1 box in Tianzi.

It's huge, a hundred square meters.

There is a bed and a leather sofa in the corner. The sofa faces the wall in front that is covered by curtains.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng could also feel that there was an extremely strong ghost energy inside, which was being absorbed by his body.

Not only him, but Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei inside him were also surprised by the intensity of the ghost energy here.

Mu Rufeng looked at the wooden table next to the sofa.

It seems that because the guest this time is a contractor, there are many fresh fruits and exquisite pastries on top.

Jiang Yan walked to the wall on one side and pressed a switch. Suddenly, she saw the curtains in front of her slowly opening to both sides.

Suddenly, a huge glass appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

Through the glass, Mu Rufeng also saw the auction venue below.

Directly below is a typical stage with fan-shaped stepped seats.

There is also a circle of boxes on the second floor. Mu Rufeng is in the box No. 1 in the world in the center of the second floor.

It is the place with the best view in the whole venue.

There seems to be a third and fourth floor above, with a lot of private rooms, but they are probably too high and the view is not as good as their second floor.

Looking at the stepped seats below, Mu Rufeng estimated that it could accommodate at least a thousand people.

At this moment, many guests have already entered the venue.

It was probably two-thirds full.

Most of them were weird. What surprised Mu Rufeng was that among these guests, there were actually a small number of contractors.

"There are actually contractors among these guests. Where did they get the invitation to the auction?" Mu Rufeng was surprised.

"Mr. Mu, do you need any other services? Food and clothing are all available. We also have specially equipped massage technicians."

"I can also help you arrange it if you need it."

At this time, Jiang Yan on the side spoke.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng glanced at Jiang Yan, waved her hand and said, "Send me an iced watermelon and cold noodles for five people."

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

After Jiang Yan finished speaking, she respectfully withdrew.

When Jiang Yan left, Mu Rufeng immediately sat on the sofa with a golden sword.

Then he grabbed a peach on the side and started eating it.

He hasn't had breakfast yet, so he is naturally hungry.

Although it was night in the weird world, Mu Rufeng still wanted to eat some food like noodles.

"Papa, can I come out?" At this time, Xiaoying's voice rang.

"Of course." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Then I want to come out too." Bai Jingwei's voice also sounded.

Then, Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei appeared one after another, and then sat next to Mu Rufeng, one on the left and the other on the right.

Moreover, they all held Mu Rufeng's arms.

"Bai Jingwei, be serious," Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Bai Jingwei responded and let go of Mu Rufeng's arm.

"Daddy, daddy, I want to eat spicy food." Xiaoying suddenly said.

"Spicy? Are you talking about the kind of spicy food that daddy eats or the kind of spicy food that you eat weirdly." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course it's the kind of spicy food we eat," Xiaoying said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Brother Mu, I want to eat too, but I want to eat meat, mad cow steak." Bai Jingwei said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then pressed the service bell.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Jiang Yan's voice came from the service bell.

"Get some weird spicy strips and spicy food, and then get some more mad cow steaks."

"By the way, let's get another roasted suckling pig." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Mu, the dishes will be here soon." Jiang Yan replied.

After hanging up the call, Mu Rufeng said to Bai Jingwei: "Xiaowei, see what you like this time. As long as the price is reasonable, I can give you a lot.

"Xiaoying is the same. Whatever you like, take a photo and give it to daddy."

"Really?" Bai Jingwei was overjoyed when she heard this.

"Thank you, Dad." Xiaoying said happily.

"Of course it's true, I'm not short of money either," Mu Rufeng said.

"That's great, Brother Mu, you are so good to me." Bai Jingwei was extremely happy, and then she hugged Mu Rufeng's head and prepared to take a bite.

But Mu Rufeng directly pressed her head down: "Be more serious."

Time passed minute by minute.

In the last three minutes of the auction officially starting.

Jiang Yan brought everything Mu Rufeng needed.

I have to say that the efficiency is quite high.

"Mr. Mu, everything you need has been prepared for you."

"I will be waiting outside the door. If you need anything, just press the service bell on the table." Jiang Yan said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"It's so delicious." Xiaoying ate a pack of spicy strips with a happy face.

This spicy strip is dark and greasy, and I don’t know what ingredients it is made of.

Look at Bai Jingwei on the side, holding a roast suckling pig and chewing it.

This roasted suckling pig is similar to the 8888 soul coin roasted suckling pig on the Bloody Train. It should be the same model.

Just saying, it’s free to eat here.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 18:00


The lights in the venue below were all turned off.

The originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet at this moment.

At this time, a beam of light came on, illuminating the stage below.

A tall, beautiful woman wearing a green cheongsam came slowly with her plump body, and finally stood in the center of the stage.

"Hello, dear guests, I am the host of this Baibaolou auction. You can call me Lu Xueqing."

Lu Xueqing covered her chest with one hand, and then slowly bowed to everyone.

"Hua La La ~ ~!"

A warm cheer rang out in the venue.

"No way, the owner of the Qingshan branch of Baibaolou actually came on stage to host it?" Bai Jingwei looked at Lu Xueqing on the stage and was a little shocked.

"Huh? He is the owner of the Qingshan Baibaolou?" Mu Rufeng looked at Bai Jingwei and asked.

"Yes, that's her. As far as I know, the auctions in recent years have been hosted by special emcees, and I have never seen the host end up like this." Bai Jingwei nodded.

"Haha, it seems that there are a lot of good things in this auction." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

His deposit of more than 100 million should be able to buy some good things, right?

Mu Rufeng really hopes to have another plug-in with unlimited soul coins.

In this way, he will buy out all the auctions directly.

"Now, I declare that the auction officially begins!"

As Lu Xueqing's voice fell, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind again.

[Detected that the host entered the copy, the plug-in was loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Eye of Insight: Focus your sight on the target for one second to find out the specific information of the target. ]

[2. Stupid Thief: You can quietly take away an item from the target within ten meters of the target. It can be used three times a day, with an interval of one minute each time. 】

【3、Discount coupons: When you bid on an auction item, you can get a 1-9% discount coupon at random. After getting five discount coupons, you will definitely get a 10% discount coupon】

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

To be honest, for so long, he thought that the plug-in would not appear.

After all, this is a special copy, not a regular copy.

Unexpectedly, when the host announced the start of the auction, the plug-in was loaded.

However, when Mu Rufeng looked at the three plug-ins, he frowned slightly.

These three plug-ins, how to say, for combat, it is estimated that only the first one, the Eye of Insight, is somewhat useful.

You can check the enemy's abilities, weaknesses, and even pick up good treasures. In this auction, it can be regarded as a little useful.

And the magic of the hands is a magical skill of stealing. According to the introduction, I am afraid that even if the ninth-level ghost emperor is in front of him, Mu Rufeng can steal items from him quietly.

However, the stolen items are random. Maybe high-level items are stolen, but some useless items are stolen instead.

And the last one seems to be specially for this auction.

Whether it is fighting or assisting, it has no effect. It is just for buying things.

Mu Rufeng does not expect to get a discount coupon from 10% to 90% off randomly.

What he cares most about is that after buying five items, he must get a 10% discount coupon.

10% off, Mu Rufeng's 120 million soul banknotes can buy 1.2 billion things.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng pressed the service bell.

"Mr. Mu, what do you want?" Jiang Yan said.

"Do you have a mortgage loan business here?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, do you need me to connect you to the staff responsible for this business?" Jiang Yan said.

"Connect it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, please wait."

During this period, the emcee also started the first auction item.

Lu Xueqing made a gesture.

Then a scantily clad woman came to the center of the stage with a cart on the side of the stage.

On the cart was a fist-sized crystal blood-colored ore.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first lot is the blood ore from the sea of ​​blood."

"I believe everyone knows that blood ore can be ground into powder and added to blood to attract evil spirits in the wilderness."

"This fist-sized piece of blood ore can attract even the evil spirits of the seventh-level ghost general."

"Whether it is hunting evil spirits or leading them away and stealing spiritual objects, it is indispensable."

As soon as the emcee finished speaking, the chatter below began.

"Wow, the first item is actually blood ore. This auction is a big investment."

"This blood ore is really effective in attracting evil spirits, but unfortunately, the amount used is relatively large."

"Yes, this fist-sized blood ore can only attract level 6 evil spirits at most, level 7 is still too difficult."

"If you want to attract level 8 ghost kings, ten pieces can barely attract them. If it's a ghost emperor, at least a hundred pieces are needed."

Mu Rufeng didn't hear the discussions below, it's really that the sound insulation effect is too good.

But, strangely, the words of the host can be clearly heard.

And, this is not a speaker or something like that, it is likely that useless information is automatically filtered out.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Liu Xiao, the manager who specializes in mortgage business, may I ask if there is anything I can help you with."

At this time, the communication was also connected.

"I need a mortgage loan. How do you handle the business here?"

Mu Rufeng asked while paying attention to the auction situation below.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, you are a guest of our most distinguished Tianzi No. 1 box. You have the authority to borrow 100 million soul notes without collateral, and no interest will be charged in the first month."

"One hundred million? I still need more loans." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Mr. Mu, if you need to borrow more, you need to use some items as collateral, whether it is high-level props, spiritual objects, or share contracts."

“We mortgage can lend you 80 percent of what you mortgage.”

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng pondered for a moment and said, "Then how do you charge interest?"

"Mr. Mu, our interest is calculated on a monthly basis. The interest for one month is 10%. At the same time, if it is less than one month, it is calculated as one month." Liu Xiao said.

I revised it a bit and it only lasted ten minutes, so not many people should have read it, right?

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