I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 188 Loan of 5 billion, rich now [ask for monthly pass! ]

"10%? Calculated monthly? So, if you only borrow for one day, the interest is also 10%?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, do you need a mortgage? As long as you show the collateral, we will complete the appraisal within one minute and complete the loan within two minutes." Liu Xiao said.

"I have a share contract here, what do you think?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, please wait, I will arrive in your box in five minutes to appraise it for you." Liu Xiao said.

"Well." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then hung up the service bell.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at the meeting room below.

While Mu Rufeng was consulting, the bidding sounds below had already come one after another.

"30,000!" A weirdo holding a sign shouted loudly.

"35,000." Another weirdo shouted.

"Bai Jingwei, what do you think the market price of this blood mine is?" Mu Rufeng asked Bai Jingwei beside him.

Bai Jingwei chewed a few times, swallowed the pork in her mouth, and then said: "Brother Mu, the market price of this blood ore is about 100,000 yuan."

"This fist-sized blood ore, if combined with enough fresh human blood, is enough to attract a level 7 ghost general."

"The spiritual medicine guarded by the level 7 ghost general is at least a level 7 spiritual object. If you get it, you will definitely make a profit."

"Then these people add thousands and thousands, isn't that a problem." Mu Rufeng pointed at the people below and said.

"I have also seen many auctions, and these people are just some guys who join in the fun." Bai Jingwei said with a smile.

"Huh? I didn't realize that you have been to an auction?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"How is it possible? To enter the auction, the minimum assets must reach 500,000 yuan."

"This auction is recorded, and it will be broadcast on TV after the auction." Bai Jingwei said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Fifteen hundred thousand!" At this time, Mu Rufeng spoke.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng's voice was spread from the box to the entire venue.

It was very strange. Mu Rufeng just said an ordinary sentence, but it was spread throughout the venue through some magical power.

This was of course not because Mu Rufeng was using his ability, but because of the special effect of this No. 1 box.

As long as the price was called, the sound would automatically spread to the entire venue.

If it was a normal chat, it would be completely closed in the box, which was extremely intelligent.

"Fifteen thousand, the distinguished guest in the No. 1 box bid fifty thousand, is there anyone who offers a higher price?"

"Fifteen thousand for the first time, fifteen thousand for the second time!"

Blood ore is still relatively rare in the weird world.

Because those who can enter the blood sea to mine are too rare, only Baibaolou has built a mine in the blood sea, which has a stable source.

However, what is dug out is only low-grade blood ore, which needs to be refined before it can be sold.

Baibaolou controls the blood mine and strictly restricts its outflow. It is for this reason that Baibaolou can obtain spiritual objects in the wilderness at a relatively low cost by relying on the existence of the blood mine.

Now, it is a bit surprising that a fist-sized one is sold.

Although some are sold every day, at most only about ten are sold, and this is only the size of a ping-pong ball.

"Two hundred thousand!" At this time, another voice sounded.

"Two hundred thousand, the first time, the guest in the No. 3 box of Tianzi bid two hundred thousand, is there a higher price?" Lu Xueqing said.

The market price is one hundred thousand, and most of them are unsalable. The price on the black market is one hundred and fifty thousand, which is already much higher.

"Three hundred thousand!" Mu Rufeng spoke again.

It's not that Mu Rufeng is a sucker, but the price is low now, so he must buy it.

He wants to collect five items and get the 10% discount coupon.

When Mu Rufeng called out the price of three hundred thousand, there was silence at the scene.

Then, after Lu Xueqing's three calls, he successfully took it into his pocket.

Lu Xueqing took a small hammer and struck the small gong beside him: "Third time, sold, this blood ore belongs to the guest in the No. 1 box."

Lu Xueqing waved to the woman beside him, signaling her to take the blood ore away.

"Then, next is the second item of our auction."

"Pa pa pa!"

Lu Xueqing clapped his hands a few times, making a crisp sound.

Soon, another scantily clad woman came up from the side of the stage pushing a cart.

Lu Xueqing lifted the black cloth, and suddenly, a palm-sized dressing mirror appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, this dressing mirror is a level 5 item. Although it is only level 5, it has a special ability."

"Use it to look in the mirror every day, once in the morning, noon and evening, and it can make women more beautiful."

"Even if it is caused by skin decay, swelling, sores, scars, etc., it can be effective."

"Speaking of which, this is also my treasured treasure, but for this auction, I reluctantly took it out for auction."

"The starting price of this item is 200,000, and each bid must not be less than 10,000." Lu Xueqing immediately announced the initial price.

When Lu Xueqing reported the properties of this item, there was an uproar at the scene.

Women love beauty, this is their nature, even female weirdos are no exception.

Especially in this weird world, the skin rot, swelling, sores, scars, etc. caused by some reasons mentioned by Lu Xueqing are common.

In this way, the value of this mirror is reflected.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, I want this, I want this."

Almost at the moment when the mirror appeared, Bai Jingwei threw away the half roasted pig, hugged Mu Rufeng's arm and said coquettishly.

"I said, your hands are full of oil, do you think I like the greasy feeling?" Mu Rufeng said unhappily.

"I'm wrong, Brother Mu, I'm too impatient, I'll wipe it off for you."

Bai Jingwei immediately used her ghost power to shake off the oil stains on her hands, and then brushed her hands over the dirty parts of Mu Rufeng's body.

Suddenly, all the filth disappeared.

"Brother Mu, please buy it for me. You said that Xiaoying and I would choose the same one." Bai Jingwei hugged Mu Rufeng's arm and shook it twice, saying in a tender voice.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Yeah? Brother Mu agreed? That's great." Bai Jingwei was overjoyed.

"Xiaoying, if you like something, you can also tell daddy, and daddy will buy it for you." Mu Rufeng said to Xiaoying beside him.

"Okay, daddy." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly, and then stuffed another spicy strip into her mouth.

Xiaoying is still young now, and she doesn't care about beauty. Otherwise, she might compete with Bai Jingwei for the dressing mirror.

"One million!" At this time, a voice came from a box.

The emcee Lu Xueqing on the stage smiled upon hearing this: "The guest in the No. 8 box of Tianzi offered one million."

"One million is the first time, is there a higher price?"

You know, the previous price was only 500,000, and the person who bid the price actually doubled it.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei looked at Mu Rufeng.

"You want it yourself, just bid the price, and see what I do, and I will pay you later." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Bai Jingwei's face showed excitement upon hearing this, and then she shouted loudly: "One million and one hundred thousand!"

"." Mu Rufeng looked at Bai Jingwei, a little speechless.

Just increased by ten thousand? Is this because Mu Rufeng has too few enemies?

On the basis of this price, the price is increased by ten thousand at a time, which is obviously offending people.

"One million and one hundred thousand!"

Before Lu Xueqing shouted, the previous voice sounded again.

It can be faintly felt that the owner of the voice seems to be a little angry.

Bai Jingwei was not aware of this at all, and opened her mouth to bid again.

"I say, you don't want to add another 10,000 yuan, do you?" Mu Rufeng pulled Bai Jingwei.

"Yes, Brother Mu, the emcee just said that the price should be increased by at least 10,000 yuan." Bai Jingwei nodded and said seriously.

"You, hey, how long will it take for you to increase the price by 10,000 yuan?"

At this time, Mu Rufeng looked down, and then said in a deep voice: "One million and a half million!"

"One million and a half million! The guest in the No. 1 Tianzi box bid one million and a half million, the first time, one million and a half million for the first time!"

Lu Xueqing remained calm on the surface, but also looked at the box.

Unfortunately, the glass is one-way, and you can only see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

However, Lu Xueqing also knew who was in the No. 1 Tianzi box.

After the invitation letter was changed, Lu Xueqing knew it at the first time, and specially asked Zhou Sheng, the president of the Qingshan Branch of Tiandi Bank.

Zhou Sheng only told him that he was the third largest shareholder of Scarlet Optimization.

Scarlet Optimization has been in the limelight recently. It is unknown where it got a large amount of fresh blood and flesh, and it is supplied in large quantities every day.

Although Scarlet Optimization has not been listed, its stock price has also been rising steadily. In just such a short period of time, it has risen by 50%.

The group company, whose stock price was originally 50 billion, soared to more than 70 billion in just a few days.

Just from this identity, we can know how strong Mu Rufeng's assets are.

As Mu Rufeng bid 1.5 million, there was some uproar at the scene.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the real price of this dressing mirror is probably around 500,000.

Those who bid 1 million were all powerful female weirdos who were not short of money.

After all, this is a weird world, and what is relied on is not beauty, but strong strength.

Mu Rufeng's price directly exceeded three times of its own value, which surprised those weirdos.

"One million and a half for the second time, is there a higher price?" Lu Xueqing shouted.

The person who had made the previous bid also stopped bidding at this moment, and had no intention of competing with Mu Ru.

"One million and a half for the third time, deal, this dressing mirror belongs to this guest."

"Dong!" There was a crisp sound.

When Lu Xueqing finished speaking, the gong was struck together.

"Ahhh~~! Brother Mu, I love you." Bai Jingwei was extremely happy and wanted to kiss Mu Rufeng.

But Mu Rufeng held her head.

"Get the things first." Mu Rufeng immediately took out his Tiandi Bank card and then looked at the table in front of him.

This table was long, and there were some fruits and cakes on it, as well as the food that Mu Rufeng had ordered before.

On it, there is also a card slot and a device the size of a foot basin.

Jiang Yan explained to him that if he wanted to get the auction item immediately, he only needed to swipe the card in this card slot to pay, and then the auction item would be transferred to this device.

Mu Rufeng immediately swiped the card and paid for the two items he had purchased earlier.

[Congratulations to the host, buy the first auction item, get a 10% discount coupon, pay 270,000 soul notes]

[Congratulations to the host, buy the second auction item, get an 80% discount coupon, pay 1.2 million soul notes]

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned when he heard the prompt sound in his mind, and then laughed.

A 10% discount coupon and an 80% discount coupon saved Mu Rufeng a total of 330,000 soul notes, which was not bad.

After only three or five seconds, the fist-sized blood ore and the dressing mirror appeared on the device.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took the two things in his hand.

[Blood ore]: A special spiritual object, weighing two kilograms, from the Xuehai Baibaolou mine.

Effect: Grind it into powder and add blood, it can have a great temptation effect on evil spirits and monsters.

Note: The more the amount, the fresher the blood, the stronger the temptation.

[Princess's dressing mirror]: It is said that this is a dressing mirror exclusive to a princess who is so beautiful that she can make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide and shame the flowers.

Effect: Level 5 prop, look in the mirror once a day in the morning, noon and evening, can make the skin more delicate and firm, and can reduce wrinkles, abscesses, scars, dark melanin, rot, swelling... and a series of skin problems.

Note: Only for women to use, each time you look in the mirror, you can produce a beauty effect. When you look in the mirror three times in the morning, noon and evening, you will get an additional beauty effect.

Before Mu Rufeng could react, Bai Jingwei on the side grabbed the dressing mirror.

When she saw the properties of this dressing mirror clearly, she was so happy that she was almost crazy.

"Brother Mu, I love you, I love you to death." As she said, Bai Jingwei rushed to Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng wanted to dodge, but found that Bai Jingwei disappeared directly from the spot.

Then she reappeared, this time, and appeared directly in Mu Rufeng's arms.

The whole person hugged Mu Rufeng like an octopus, and then kissed him directly on the cheek.

The cold touch made Mu Rufeng lose consciousness for a while, but he quickly reacted, pinched the back of her neck and grabbed her down.

"Be serious, otherwise, don't blame me for giving your dressing mirror to Xiaoying." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"I know, I know, Brother Mu, I don't dare." Bai Jingwei's soft spot was pinched.

Mu Rufeng immediately let go of Bai Jingwei.

The latter immediately sat next to Xiaoying: "Xiaoying, come, let me take a picture of you first. When my Xiaoying grows up, she will be more beautiful than me."

"Aunt Bai, wait a minute, I'm eating spicy strips." Xiaoying shook her head and refused. Nothing can compare to the deliciousness of spicy strips.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the venue below. At this moment, the third item had been pushed up.

It was a level 5 spiritual object with a flame aura, which could enhance the strange power of fire attribute.

Although it was only a level 5 spiritual object, it was extremely rare and effective for level 7 ghost generals, so the price had now been raised to 300,000.

"400,000!" At this time, a familiar voice sounded.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that the person who shouted was Zhang Xiaojie.

Yes, Zhang Xiaojie himself was a scorched ghost and had the power of fire attribute, so this spiritual object was indeed useful to him.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaojie's appearance here proved that his pollution had been alleviated a lot, and he had even recovered.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng did not bid.

"400,000, the third time, deal, this red flame fruit belongs to this gentleman."

Lu Xueqing struck the gong to confirm the ownership of the item.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Mr. Mu, the appraiser is here." Jiang Yan's voice sounded.

"Come in."

As Mu Rufeng's voice fell, the lock of the box door opened automatically.

Then, Jiang Yan pushed the door open, followed by two strange people.

One was Liu Xiao, who was wearing a professional suit and glasses, and the other was a bald appraiser in a suit.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Liu Xiao, the head of Baibaolou mortgage loans, and this is our Baibaolou Group's appraiser."

Liu Xiao came forward and introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am Tian Mu, the appraiser of Baibaolou Group."

"Well, Jiang Yan, clean up the garbage." Mu Rufeng responded, and then instructed Jiang Yan.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Jiang Yan immediately stepped forward and cleaned up all the garbage on the table at a very fast speed.

When leaving, she also glanced at Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei.

She knew that when Mu Rufeng came in, he was alone.

Now there are two more people here, no, no, two weirdos.

In this case, it must be Mu Rufeng's contracted weirdo, which proves that this distinguished guest is really a contractor like her.

"Mr. Mu, I don't know what contract you want to mortgage." Liu Xiao said.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but took out the loan contract directly.

However, he didn't give it to the two people. After all, the loan contract is extremely important.

After being robbed, as long as you spend money, you can force the contract to be signed.

Liu Xiao naturally knew this, so he winked at the appraiser beside him.

The latter nodded immediately, and then he saw a halo in his eyes, looking at the contract in Mu Rufeng's hand.

After a long time, the appraiser was shocked, and then he said solemnly: "Mr. Mu, this is the share contract of Scarlet Optimization."

"According to the market price of Scarlet Optimization, your 7% of the shares are worth about 5.5 billion."

Liu Xiao, who was standing by, was also shocked when he heard this.

And Bai Jingwei, when he knew that Mu Rufeng owned the shares of Scarlet Optimization, he was confused.

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