I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 189: Auction in progress, 10% off coupons available [Monthly ticket requested! ]

Mu Rufeng never mentioned this.

When she was having dinner with Zhou Sheng, Xu He and other big guys, Bai Jingwei was sleeping in the contract slot while joking.

So, she didn't know about this.

A contract worth 5.5 billion. At this moment, Bai Jingwei felt that she was really lucky and was really glad that she could sign a contract with Mu Rufeng.

5.5 billion, that was a fortune that Bai Jingwei couldn't imagine.

Before, when she had the most savings, it was only 20,000 yuan when she inherited her father's inheritance.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Mu Rufeng seemed to be twinkling with stars.

Liu Xiao reacted quickly, and quickly straightened his mind, and then said: "Mr. Mu, the total value of your share contract is 5.5 billion. According to our regulations, you can borrow 4.4 billion from our Baibao Building."

"As long as you sign the contract, the money will be credited within two minutes."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, and took out his other two share contracts.

"What about these two?" Mu Rufeng said again.

The appraiser immediately activated his ability again and looked at the two documents.

"Mr. Mu, the value of your two contracts is about 110 million." The appraiser said.

"110 million? It seems that the shares of Xuetong Hotel and Qingshan Pig Farm have increased in price again." Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at Liu Xiao.

Liu Xiao immediately said: "Mr. Mu, I can make the decision. If you use these three contracts as collateral, you can borrow 5 billion."

"Sign the contract, and within two minutes, 5 billion will be credited."

"Well, then sign it." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Mu Rufeng is not afraid of his wealth being leaked.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, Mu Rufeng, as a shareholder of Scarlet Optimum, can use shareholder privileges.

Once Scarlet Optimum comes, even the ninth-level ghost emperor can repel it.

Even if those people want to come to test and consume shareholder privileges, Mu Rufeng still has the shareholder privileges of the Blood Tun Hotel.

As for the Qingshan Pig Farm, its level is still too low, and it is not possible to break through the space and descend for the time being.

The most important thing is that Mu Rufeng can still summon the bloody train to descend, and he is not afraid of those cats and dogs at all.

Of course, the main reason is that he is a contractor in the real world. As long as he completes the copy, he can return at any time.

This auction is too important. Mu Rufeng feels that his funds are still insufficient.

With a loan of 5 billion, plus those discount coupons, he must buy a lot.

Soon, Liu Xiao took out a professional contract.

Mu Rufeng looked through it and did not find any mistakes or unreasonable terms.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also knew that as long as this contract was signed, the three share contracts in Mu Rufeng's hand would be marked with a mortgage label.

Once marked, this contract cannot be changed.

As long as this contract is completed, it will be automatically eliminated.

Moreover, if the loan is expected, these three contracts will appear directly in Baibaolou under the effect of the rules.

Mu Rufeng was quite satisfied with this. In this way, he didn't have to put the three contracts in Baibaolou as collateral, but could keep them with him.

After checking the contract again and finding that there were really no mistakes, Mu Rufeng signed his name and pressed his handprint.

Speaking of which, this contract is much simpler than the real world. It is not a densely packed dozens of pages.

There is only one page with dozens of rules.

These rules completely include the interests of both parties. At first glance, they are simple and convenient.

The interest rate of a loan of 5 billion is 10% per month, which is 500 million.

The interest of 500 million is really high. If Mu Rufeng doesn't take out the share contract, he really can't pay it back.

Fortunately, as a distinguished guest of the No. 1 box of Tianzi, his first loan will be interest-free within one month.

And Mu Rufeng signed a contract to repay within one month.

In this way, he borrowed 5 billion without any burden at all.

On this side, after Liu Xiao took the contract, he smiled and said, "Mr. Mu, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. The 5 billion loan will be deposited into your bank card within two minutes."

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Mr. Mu, I won't bother you anymore."

Liu Xiao said goodbye and left the box with the appraiser.

"Brother Mu, Brother Mu, you are so rich and a major shareholder of Scarlet Preferred!!!"

Seeing the outsiders leave, Bai Jingwei couldn't help it anymore and grabbed Mu Rufeng's hand and said excitedly.

"You have been following me for so many days, don't you know? I talked about it with Xu He and Zhou Sheng when we had dinner." Mu Rufeng said.

"I don't know, you guys were too noisy when drinking, so I blocked it and went to sleep." Bai Jingwei said.

"Okay, it's enough to know now." Mu Rufeng sent Bai Jingwei away and then looked at the stage.

The fourth lot is being auctioned at this moment.

This is a level 6 attack prop, which is not bad.

However, since it was useless to Mu Rufeng, he did not bid for it, and it was bought by a strange man at a price of 500,000.

Speaking of which, the items that appeared at the auction were all fine products, but the prices were also higher.

Mu Rufeng could imagine that the ninth-level spiritual object that Xu He needed would probably be sold at a sky-high price.

Soon, the fifth item was pushed up.

When Lu Xueqing lifted up the black cloth, he saw Xiaoying's eyes brightening up as she was eating spicy strips.

"Daddy, daddy, I want it, I want that, it's so cute." Xiaoying took Mu Rufeng's hand and pointed downwards and shouted.

At this moment, Lu Xueqing said: "The fifth lot is the grumpy little bear doll. Although it is cute, it is a fifth-level boutique prop."

"After using it, you can summon a level five grumpy bear to fight for you. It lasts ten minutes and has a six-hour cooldown."

A prop that can summon level five weird battles. It has to be said that Mu Rufeng was a little moved.

"Daddy, daddy, that little bear is so cute, I want it, I want it." Xiaoying hugged Mu Rufeng's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you some daddy." Mu Rufeng pinched Xiaoying's cheek and said with a smile.

"The starting price is 100,000 yuan! Each bid increase must not be less than 10,000 yuan." Lu Xueqing said.

One hundred thousand yuan, that's the price of an ordinary level six prop.

However, this level 5 prop is superior to ordinary level 6 props.

It's really because you can summon a level 5 grumpy little bear that it's worth so much.

It's just that there are only a few people calling out prices.

Those who can enter here have assets of at least five hundred thousand.

Anyone with half a million is at least level five.

They really don't want to spend their money to buy a grumpy little bear, so they might as well buy some attack props or spiritual objects to enhance their strength.

"One hundred and ten thousand!" A strange person was the first to bid.

"One hundred and ten thousand for the first time, is there any customer who has offered a higher price?" Lu Xueqing shouted as usual.

"One hundred and fifty thousand!" Mu Rufeng directly called out the price.

Because Mu Rufeng was in Room No. 1 of Tianzi, no one dared to raise the price with Mu Rufeng.

Because there is no need at all.

"The first time is 150,000, the second time is 150,000...the third time is 150,000, the deal is done. Congratulations to this gentleman, you got this prop for 150,000."

It seems that Lu Xueqing also knew that no one would bid on this lot, so he quickly established the ownership.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng swiped the card directly into the card slot on the table.

[Congratulations to the host, you purchased the third lot, received a 10% discount coupon, and paid 15,000 soul coins]

"10% off coupon, ha, I'm pretty lucky." Mu Rufeng smiled.

Now because of the unknown ghost hand, he has lost two points of luck.

When talking about lucky value, Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of [Gambler's Dice]

If he is lucky and increases his luck value, then lower discount coupons will be more likely to appear when purchasing.

At this time, the bear doll also appeared on the table.

Mu Rufeng immediately reached out and grabbed it in her hand.

[Grumpy Little Bear Doll]: This was sewn by an unknown old woman for her granddaughter, and it is very popular with children.

Effect: If you throw a level 5 prop on the ground, it will transform into a grumpy bear with level 5 strength. It lasts for ten minutes and can only be transformed once a day.

"Here." Mu Rufeng handed the bear doll to Xiaoying.

"Thank you, Dad. You are so kind, Dad." Xiaoying took the bear doll, very happy, and then kissed Mu Rufeng directly on the cheek.

"As long as you like it, if you like something, Dad will buy it for you." Mu Rufeng touched Xiaoying's head and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

"Papa, I want it too." Bai Jingwei didn't know when she sat on Mu Rufeng's right hand side again.

She held Mu Rufeng's arm with both hands, and then looked at Mu Rufeng with a cute expression, exactly like a little girl.

"I said, please don't challenge my bottom line, okay?" Mu Rufeng frowned and looked at Bai Jingwei.

Obviously, when Mu Rufeng met Bai Jingwei for the first time, she thought she was a cold female spy.

After getting in touch with him, I realized that this guy was completely out of character.

Even Dad screamed, Mu Rufeng wondered, would this guy push him down one day while he was sleeping?

"Huh? Dad, don't you like this tone?" Bai Jingwei said sincerely.

Mu Rufeng raised her hands, pinched Bai Jingwei's delicate and cold face, and then pulled and kneaded it hard.

"Ooooooo, it hurts, it hurts, Brother Mu, I was wrong." Bai Jingwei suddenly began to sob.

"Don't call me nonsense, I'll let you go this time." Mu Rufeng snorted coldly and let go of her cheek.

"I know." Bai Jingwei pouted and rubbed her cheek in response.

"It's pitiful. I gave you two things for Xiaoying, but only one for me. Wuwuwu, Xiaowei is so pitiful and has such a hard life. Wuwuwu..." Bai Jingwei huddled in the corner of the sofa, looking miserable.

"..., I'm really impressed by you. You can choose one of the next lots and I'll give it to you, okay?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei instantly brightened up, with a smile on her face, and then leaned towards Mu Rufeng, even preparing to give Mu Rufeng a cold kiss.

But under Mu Rufeng's eyes, Bai Jingwei gave up this move.

At this moment, the Tiandi Bank Card in Mu Rufeng's inventory suddenly moved.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the bank card.

[Your card with the last number 3318 received a transfer income of 5000000000.00 yuan at 18:15 on August 13, and the balance is 5.124 billion yuan]

Five billion yuan, it has arrived!

At the same time, the Tiandi Bank card in Mu Rufeng's hand has also changed.

I saw that Mu Rufeng's platinum card was directly upgraded to the Tiandi Bank Black Gold Card.

To upgrade a bank card to a black gold card, you need a deposit of 1 billion.

Now, Mu Rufeng has a deposit of 5.1 billion yuan, which naturally meets the upgrade conditions.

The power emitted by the black gold card made Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei pale and their bodies seemed to tremble.

"Daddy..." Xiaoying hugged Mu Rufeng's arm at this time, looking at the black gold card in his hand with some fear.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Mu Rufeng comforted him, and then hid the breath on the black gold card.

He can hide the breath on the bank card at will, and he had hidden it when it was a platinum card before.

The sudden upgrade to a black gold card still caused the aura to leak out again.

When the aura disappeared, Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei had returned to their previous appearance.

On the stage below.

The sixth lot has been pushed up.

When Lu Xueqing lifted the black cloth, Mu Rufeng saw the things on it clearly, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"I guess everyone is familiar with this thing. Here, there are always fifteen pieces, five flesh fruits, five strength fruits, and five soul fruits."

"After taking it, you can increase your strength, physique, and spirit. This whole set of attribute fruits is a fourth-level spiritual object."

"We have a limit on the purchase of attribute fruits of level 4 and above in Baibaolou, and only sell ninety-nine pieces a day. This time, I've spent a lot of money."

"I won't waste my words. This sixth lot starts at 500,000, and the bid increase is at least not less than 10,000 yuan." Lu Xueqing shouted.

Mu Rufeng still remembers that the third-level attribute fruit he bought in Baibaolou was 30,000 soul coins per piece.

The third-level attribute fruit costs thirty thousand, and this fourth-level spiritual object costs fifty thousand at least.

Fifteen pieces, that's seven hundred and fifty thousand soul coins.

Mu Rufeng made up his mind almost instantly, he wanted this set of fourth-level attribute fruit.

The fourth-level attribute fruit is only sold 99 pieces a day in Baibaolou, which means 33 pieces of each kind are sold.

At the same time, each customer is limited to buying one.

The price is fifty thousand per piece.

It is so difficult for ordinary customers to collect fifteen pieces.

So much so that the fourth-level attribute fruit on the black market has doubled.

The starting price of five hundred thousand is simply a drop in the bucket.

"One million!" A voice came from a certain Tianzi box.

Some wealthy and powerful weirdos may have already eaten the fourth-level attribute fruit, but they will definitely bid for it.

Whether it is given as a gift or taken by relatives and friends in the future, it is very good.

The most important thing is that this attribute fruit is a very popular thing, and there is no worry about buyers at all.

Attribute fruit is a very special spiritual fruit.

Whether it is level 1 or level 9 attribute fruit, the attributes are exactly the same.

Starting from level 1, the price of attribute fruit will increase by multiples.

However, once it reaches level 5, the price is basically fixed.

Level 5 attribute fruit, the price in Baibaolou is 100,000 per piece, and level 6 attribute fruit, is also 100,000 per piece.

Even level 9 attribute fruit, is also 100,000 per piece.

Even on the black market, it is 100,000 per piece.

Although the price has not changed, the higher the level, the smaller the quantity, or even none.

Why do you say? Naturally, it is because the higher the level, the added attribute can not improve the strength at all.

Otherwise, spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions to buy a level 9 attribute fruit, good guy, just increase a little strength, do you think there is any sucker who would buy it?

"One million and two hundred thousand for the first time, is there anyone bidding?" Lu Xueqing said with a smile on his face, holding the small hammer.

"One million, two hundred and ten thousand."

"One million, two hundred and fifty thousand!"

"I'll pay one million, two hundred and eighty thousand!"

The price is slowly rising.

This price is almost doubled, and it is almost the same as the price on the black market.

"One million, five hundred thousand!" At this time, Mu Rufeng made another move.

Well, as soon as Mu Rufeng spoke, the surroundings fell into silence again.

Even the people in the Tianzi box, who are of noble status, don't want to compete with Mu Rufeng, the owner of the Tianzi No. 1 box, for this set of level 4 attribute fruit.

As for the weird things below, there are also some rich people, but there is no need to make enemies with the guests in the box because of this.

The most important thing is that at this price, they can also buy it on the black market.

"One million, five hundred thousand, the first time."

"One million, five hundred thousand, the second time."

"Are there any customers who offer a higher price?"

Lu Xueqing paused, and then said: "One million, five hundred thousand for the third time, congratulations to this gentleman for bidding on the level 4 attribute fruit."

Mu Rufeng looked at the auction items that were sold, and a smile appeared on his face.

These properties may not be very useful for high-level weirdness.

But for him, who can stack properties tenfold, the effect is extraordinary.

Mu Rufeng took out the bank card and went to the card slot on the table.

But soon, Mu Rufeng reacted and took out the [Gambler's Dice] at the first time.

"I almost forgot, let's throw the dice first."

Mu Rufeng immediately threw the dice.

[You threw three points on the dice, your luck value +3, current luck value 6]

"Three points? Not bad." Mu Rufeng put the dice away.

Then, he took out his bank card and swiped it directly on the card slot.

[Congratulations to the host, buy the fourth auction item, get a 50% discount coupon, pay 750,000 soul notes]

Don't mention it, this 50% discount coupon is the same as the price he normally buys in Baibaolou.

"There is still one auction item missing, and I won't worry about it when I get the 10% discount coupon." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Next, one by one, the auctions were pushed up.

During this period, Mu Rufeng didn't make many moves, and only bought one useful prop.

He spent 300,000, and then the 20% discount coupon, a total of 240,000.

In this way, Mu Rufeng successfully obtained the 10% discount coupon.

It is also very simple to use. When swiping the card, just silently recite the 10% discount coupon.

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