I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 191: Changes in the venue, Western Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce [asking for monthly votes! ]

Faced with Lu Xueqing's inquiry, the foreign contractor ignored him and was already crazy.

"I say, Miss Lu, you haven't made a move yet, are you waiting for me to come?" The owner of the box spoke again.

"Sir, I'll give you another chance, now, immediately, sit down." Lu Xueqing's words became a little cold.

"You bitch, you will not die well, you dare to auction Lady Lilith." The contractor turned his head and looked at Lu Xueqing.

Then he glanced at everyone and said coldly: "Today, none of you will think of leaving here."

"It's really interesting. You dare to make trouble in my Baibao Building. Although you are not the first one, you are the only one who is level 6 and a contractor."

Lu Xueqing sneered when he heard it, slowly stretched out his hand and aimed at the foreign contractor.

Lu Xueqing's strength is not weak. He is an eighth-level peak ghost king. If he wants to kill a sixth-level contractor, it is definitely a matter of waving his hand.

However, before Lu Xueqing could make a move, the contractor exploded.

A large amount of blood and broken meat splashed in all directions. Seeing this, the weird creatures not only did not disdain it, but opened their mouths greedily to absorb the splashing blood and flesh.

Some of the weird creatures even approached the center of the explosion, absorbed the blood on the ground or on the seats with their ghost power, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

There was no way, such fresh blood and flesh, and the blood and flesh of the sixth-level contractor, appeared in front of these weird creatures, it was hard not to be moved.

However, compared with those weird creatures that ate blood and flesh, Lu Xueqing frowned.

She was a little confused, why did this contractor suddenly explode, did someone else take action?

"Not good!" At this time, the owner of the second box of the letter A shouted.

Then, a black illusory hand appeared, and then fell straight to that place.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

That slap killed dozens of level 5 and level 6 monsters.

It can be seen that these dead monsters were all the monsters that devoured the flesh and blood of foreign contractors before.

"Mr. Ming, what's wrong?" Lu Xueqing looked at Box No. 2 at this time.

"Lu girl, hurry up, quickly awaken the power of Baibaolou and drive out these guys I killed with their flesh and blood."

Beside Lu Xueqing, a figure covered in black air appeared at some point.

"Okay." Lu Xueqing glanced at Mr. Ming and reacted quickly. Without asking too much, she awakened the power of Baibaolou at the first time.

A terrifying momentum spread out immediately.

Lu Xueqing's strength was directly upgraded from the eighth-level ghost king to the ninth-level ghost emperor.

However, the corpses of the monsters that were killed by Mr. Ming's slap had turned into blood at some point, forming a strange symbol on the ground.

"No, the rune has taken shape. It's over. Lu Xueqing, contact your Baibao Building's main building immediately. The Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce in the west has taken action." When Mr. Ming saw the rune, his face changed drastically.

As soon as he finished speaking, he made another move, trying to destroy the rune.

Unfortunately, the black palm twisted a few times before it got close to the rune and dissipated into nothingness.

This Mr. Ming is a ninth-level ghost emperor, and the only ghost emperor who came to participate in the auction this time.

To be honest, it is difficult to attract a ninth-level ghost emperor for this auction item.

Even if an invitation letter is sent to others, the ghost emperor is too lazy to pay attention.

Only the eighth-level ghost king is flocking to it.

And the reason why he appeared here is naturally to support Lu Xueqing.

"What? Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce? Damn, they dare to take action against us?"

Lu Xueqing's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

The Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in the West, just like the status of Baibao Building in the East.

In the past, the two sides were actually at peace.

There were branches of Baibaolou in the west, and branches of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce in the east.

However, ten years ago, the Wartie Chamber of Commerce in the west, who knew if it was a brain-twitch, joined forces with some other chambers of commerce to wipe out all the Baibaolou in the west at lightning speed.

Baibaolou lost the market in the west.

And at the same time, all the branches of Wartie in the east also launched an attack on the headquarters of Baibaolou in the imperial capital.

As long as they were foreign chambers of commerce, they all attacked the headquarters of Baibaolou.

It seems that they want to destroy the headquarters of Baibaolou in one fell swoop.

Once the headquarters is destroyed, the destruction of those branches is only a matter of time.

In this way, the Wartie Chamber of Commerce can occupy the market in the east on a large scale.

Unfortunately, they still underestimated the headquarters of Baibaolou.

Baibaolou easily suppressed all the attacking chambers of commerce, and then wiped out all the Western chambers of commerce in the east at lightning speed.

Thus, the two families became mortal enemies.

However, in the past few years, due to the emergence of the real world and the emergence of players, the two sides have eased.

Baibaolou also rebuilt a branch building in the west, and the Wartie Chamber of Commerce did not refuse, which was considered the beginning of a goodwill.

The Wartie Chamber of Commerce also wanted to establish a chamber of commerce in the east, but was sternly rejected by Baibaolou.

The reason was that they were the first to start ten years ago. If they wanted to establish it, no problem, one branch for three branches.

Meaning, if they wanted to build a branch in the east, then they had to build three branches in the west.

The Wartie Chamber of Commerce naturally disagreed.

Because Lu Xueqing is a senior executive and has a background, she knows some news. She heard that the two sides have reconciled recently, with one branch building for each branch.

One-to-one construction.

So, under this situation, Lu Xueqing couldn't understand how the Wartie Chamber of Commerce dared to attack them.

At this time, Lu Xueqing also recognized that the strange symbol was the emblem of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce.

"I'll contact the main building now." Lu Xueqing didn't dare to delay and immediately took out his mobile phone to call his father.

"You are stupid, this is blocked, how can you make a call, use special props." Mr. Ming saw Lu Xueqing using his mobile phone to contact, and he was speechless.

"Ah? Oh oh." Lu Xueqing immediately took out an old BB machine.

After pressing a few buttons, her face changed.

Because even this BB machine with super communication capabilities could not transmit information.

At this moment, a huge figure appeared on the strange rune.

"Hehehe! I didn't expect it to be so smooth." A strange syllable came out of the mouth of this figure.

Mu Rufeng didn't understand because it seemed to be a foreign language.

"Troll, it's the Troll Demon Emperor, the president of a certain area of ​​the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce." Mr. Ming saw the person coming, and his face instantly became solemn.

"If he doesn't have other means, I can easily suppress or even kill him in this Hundred Treasures Building." Lu Xueqing said.

"How can it be so easy? At this moment, you must not be able to mobilize the power of the Hundred Treasures Building. I'm afraid you can only rely on the power of the two of us." Mr. Ming said.

"Huh?" Lu Xueqing tried to mobilize the power of the Hundred Treasures Building, and as expected, it really couldn't be mobilized.

Fortunately, she let the power of the Hundred Treasures Building bless her body from the beginning, otherwise, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to have the strength of the Ghost Emperor.

Mr. Ming made another move, but, again, he didn't get close to the rune, and he twisted twice and disappeared.

"What other ways do you have to contact the headquarters? It seems that they are well prepared. Maybe we can't get out of here today."

"It's blocked all around. With my ability, I can't break it."

Mr. Ming said in a deep voice.

He had thought about escaping as early as the moment the rune was not formed, but this is the Treasure House.

Even if he is a ninth-level ghost emperor, he can't leave by force in a short time, but has to go out through the gate.

After the rune is formed, there is no chance to escape.

Lu Xueqing didn't say anything, and immediately took out a jade pendant.

"This is the concentric jade pendant my father gave me. If I crush it, he should be able to know."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Xueqing crushed the jade pendant directly.

When the jade pendant was crushed, it turned into starlight and then disappeared.

But soon, Lu Xueqing's face became a little ugly.

"The jade pendant has left the Baibao Building, but it was blocked by a layer of ghosts outside. It will take three minutes to break through that layer of ghosts." Lu Xueqing said.

"Three minutes, fight hard, hold on for three minutes, it should be no problem." Mr. Ming said slowly.

Swish swish swish~!

Dozens of figures appeared on the stage one after another.

They were all big figures in several nearby cities, all of them were level eight ghost kings.

"Hello, Lord Ming!" The ghost kings immediately saluted Mr. Ming.

"This time things are a bit troublesome. When you fight later, you will go all out. If you have any rule props or special abilities, you must use them as soon as possible."

"Three minutes, as long as you hold on for three minutes, you can notify the main building, and then the main building can cross the void and come to rescue as soon as possible." Mr. Ming said.


The ghost kings responded in succession, and no ghost king dared to ask anything more.

Although the two sides are only one level apart, this level is really a world of difference.

When facing a level 8 ghost king, a level 9 ghost emperor can be crushed to death with just one finger.

Although there is no hope for these level 8 ghost kings, so many people can always have some special abilities or props.

At this time, a figure appeared again on the strange rune.

This is a female fallen angel with twelve pairs of black wings that are so rotten that you can see the bones, but her figure is so good.

"Fallen angel? Another level 9 ghost emperor." Mr. Ming's face became more solemn.

"What a wonderful smell. I haven't been to the East for almost ten years. The seductive fragrance of a young girl."

Another figure appeared. This is a vampire wearing a black robe, tall, with a sinister and handsome face.

"Damn, it's the vampire Duke Dracula, the vice president of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce."

"Why did Dracula, the fallen angel, and the troll ghost emperor come here?" Mr. Ming's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Lu Xueqing's face also became extremely ugly at this moment.

Although she had never seen these people, she immediately understood their identities after Mr. Ming told her.

"What was the reason? It couldn't be that ninth-level spiritual object, right? But it wouldn't attract three ninth-level ghost emperors, right?"

Although that ninth-level spiritual object could increase the probability of breaking through to the ninth-level ghost emperor, it was not 100%, it only increased the probability by 20%.

Even if it was 100% to break through to the ghost emperor, it wouldn't be necessary to dispatch three ghost emperors, right? And one of them was the vice president of the Weird Chamber of Commerce.

"Girl Lu, what is the other of the three items you are auctioning this time, besides the succubus and the ninth-level spiritual object?" Mr. Ming asked.

"It is an extremely hard meteorite iron block, also a ninth-level spiritual object."

"I bought it from the warehouse of the Baibao Building headquarters for auction some time ago."

"But according to the appraiser, this can only be the material for refining weapons and props. They can't come here for this, right?" Lu Xueqing said.

"Where is the thing?" Mr. Ming asked.

Lu Xueqing immediately looked at the back of the stage, and then, with a wave of her hand, she saw a two-meter-high huge meteorite iron flying out from the curtain beside her and falling in front of her.

Mr. Ming immediately reached out and pressed on the meteorite iron.

"It is indeed just a piece of meteorite iron." Mr. Ming nodded, and then hit it hard.

But the meteorite was not damaged at all, and then he said: "It is an extremely hard meteorite."

Just when the two thought they were looking for something else, they saw the three ghost emperors of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce staring at the meteorite.

"That's it, haha, to use an old saying from the East, this is getting it without any effort. Haha!" Dracula pointed at the meteorite and laughed.

"Okay, don't waste time, there is a communication jade pendant that can break the blockade in two minutes. We have to deal with them within two minutes, and then take the things and leave." The fallen angel said coldly.

"Two minutes? Hehe, it will be done in one minute." The troll sneered and strode forward.

When the troll stepped out of the range of the rune, a violent breath swept out instantly.

The weirdos in the venue were terrified, and they were frightened by the breath of the sugar lady and could not move.

"It's over, it's over, I'm afraid I'm going to die here today."

"Damn it, how dare someone attack Baibaolou?"

"I didn't expect to encounter such a big thing today, I'm definitely dead."

These weirdos were absolutely terrified at this moment.

Even those level 8 ghost kings were panicking.

On their side, there were two ghost emperors and dozens of level 8 ghost kings.

But there were three ghost emperors on the opposite side. Not to mention the many, two ghost emperors could deal with the ghost emperor and Lu Xueqing.

The remaining one could quickly clear out the other existences in the field, including their dozens of ghost kings.


In the No. 1 box of Tianzi.

Mu Rufeng had already stood up from the sofa.

Because of the obstruction of the box, Mu Rufeng did not feel the terrifying momentum.

But he could also know how terrifying it was from those weird performances.

Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei were both scared and hugged Mu Rufeng's arms on the left and right.

"Brother Mu, will we be okay?" Bai Jingwei said fearfully.

"I'm here, nothing will happen, you go back to the contract slot first." Mu Rufeng comforted.

"Dad, you have to be careful."

"Brother Mu, be careful, you still have 5 billion to spend, it would be a pity if you die."

After the two finished talking, they went back to the contract slot directly.

".What do you mean it's a pity to die?" Mu Rufeng shook his head.

Then, Mu Rufeng directly used the skill [Life and Death] to the weirdness below.

The attributes were instantly multiplied tenfold, and Mu Rufeng's momentum instantly became stronger.

Then, he looked at his attribute values.

[Strength]: 1886.5 (171.5+1715)

[Spirit]: 1733.6 (157.6+1576)

[Constitution]: 1700.6 (154.6+1546)

Mu Rufeng had already eaten the fifteen level 4 attribute fruits he bought.

Now, his strength has expanded to a terrifying level.

Combined with his own abilities and a series of props, level 6 is no match for him at all.

For level 7, even if he doesn't kill them, he should be able to run away.

However, the enemy is three ghost emperors, and his strength seems to be a little insufficient.

Of course, he doesn't need to face them, he just needs to hide.

Ten seconds of invincibility can also give him some self-protection ability.

He heard Lu Xueqing's conversation clearly, and he only needed to hold on for three minutes, and now one minute has passed.

He only needs to hold on for another two minutes.

It's a pity that this time, I'm afraid I'll have to...

The two 10% discount coupons haven't been spent yet.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to find another safe place, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[Lu Xueqing, the owner of Baibao Building, issued a special emergency task]

[Special emergency task]: The Wartie Chamber of Commerce has invaded aggressively to snatch the mysterious meteorite. The owner is defeated. Please go to the stage immediately and put the meteorite in the inventory. After putting it in the inventory, you will immediately get 1000% clearance and can return at any time.

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows.

Mu Rufeng knew that the Wartie Chamber of Commerce was actually for this meteorite.

At the same time, he also knew Lu Xueqing's thoughts. He must have known that he was defeated. Even if he died, he didn't want the meteorite to fall into the hands of the Wartie Chamber of Commerce.

But with their strength, they couldn't stop the three ghost emperors at all.

And the contractor is the key to breaking the situation.

Because the contractor has an inventory, he can collect the meteorite iron. At the same time, even if the contractor is killed, he cannot get the meteorite iron.

If the contractor dies, the items in the inventory will disappear.

Of course, Lu Xueqing is the boss of this dungeon and can issue such a task of returning immediately.

Moreover, if the player returns with the meteorite iron, the three ghost emperors may retreat when they see that the items are gone.

In this way, Lu Xueqing and the others may not have to fight desperately.

As for the ownership of the meteorite iron, as long as that person enters the dungeon, they can find it with the power of their Baibaolou.

These thoughts flashed through Mu Rufeng's mind, and then, he flashed and appeared below.

At the moment Mu Rufeng took action, the contractors in the field also rushed towards the stage.

Whether it was the passengers below or the employee contractors in the dungeon, without exception, they all rushed over.

However, although they were fast, how could they be as fast as Mu Rufeng who could teleport?

It was so cold, so cold! ! ! When typing, my hands were frozen and cracked.

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