I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 192 Banana Peel BUG of the Mouth That Loves to Sing [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

Chapter 192 A Mouth That Loves to Sing + Banana Peel = BUG [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

It was barely five seconds after the mission was issued, and Mu Rufeng was already standing in front of the meteorite.

Before the contractors even stepped onto the stage, Mu Rufeng's palm had already been pressed on the meteorite.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he saw the meteorite being put into his inventory.

"Well, you are indeed worthy of being praised by President Zhou!" Lu Xueqing glanced at Mu Rufeng and praised him.

"Miss Lu, you are too kind." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

At the same time, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Ding! It is detected that the player has reached the conditions for passing the dungeon]

[Return countdown 600, 599, 597... PS: You can also return immediately]

At this time, the contractors who were running towards the stage stopped in their tracks one by one.

They never thought that someone could be so fast.

Especially the contractors in the seats on the steps.

The fastest one even stepped on the edge of the stage with both feet.

"You return quickly. When you return the meteorite in the next copy, my Baibaolou will definitely reward you handsomely!" Lu Xueqing said immediately.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then silently said to return immediately.

[Please note that you cannot return now. The other party has used the rule props. Your return time is extended to ten minutes]

Mu Rufeng was stunned when he heard the prompt in his mind.

There is such a rule prop? It can even delay the return time?

At this time, Mu Rufeng realized that the return countdown was actually a countdown of 600 seconds.

In other words, before Mu Rufeng completed the task, the other party had already used the rule props.

Lu Xueqing seemed to notice Mu Rufeng's abnormality, and immediately said: "Mr. Mu, what's wrong with you? Why don't you return?"

"Return? Haha, you want to return, did you ask me?" The loud voice of the troll made everyone's ears hurt.

Surprisingly, the troll spoke fluent Mandarin.

"Master Lu, your idea is good, but unfortunately, I happen to have a rule prop that can delay the return of these contractors."

The fallen angel looked at Lu Xueqing with a cold face, and finally set his sights on Mu Rufeng: "It's not easy for a small two-level contractor to have the strength of level six."

"Hehe, they are just ants. You two stop them, and the troll and I will deal with Minggui and Lu Xueqing. The fallen angel, you go and catch the contractor, and then return to the Chamber of Commerce through the teleportation rune." Dracula said.

"Okay." The fallen angel nodded.

Although the other party is a contractor who is about to return.

As long as they return to the headquarters of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce, they have a hundred ways to make Mu Rufeng obediently hand over the meteorite in ten minutes.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate at all, and immediately performed instant movement and headed towards the gate of the venue.

The Baibao Building is very large, and this venue is just one of its areas.

Mu Rufeng dared not stay here.

However, as soon as Mu Rufeng landed, he froze in place and could not move at all.

"You still want to run in front of me?" The cold fallen angel looked at the immobile Mu Rufeng and sneered.

Lu Xueqing and Ming Gui wanted to stop him, but they couldn't spare their hands.

Because the trolls and Dracula attacked them.

Those dozens of level eight ghost kings ran away almost at the moment of the battle.

Only Xu He of Scarlet Optimization gritted his teeth and did not leave.

Instead, he took out a prop.

He felt very painful, but there was no way, because Mu Rufeng was a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization.

If Mu Rufeng was taken away, then the share contract would definitely not be protected.

He knew that the contractors put the contract in their own inventory.

When Xu He crushed the prop in his hand.

Then Xu He's momentum suddenly rose, emitting an aura that was no weaker than that of a ninth-level ghost emperor.

The changes here instantly attracted the attention of the five ghost emperors present.

Dracula and others frowned, while Lu Xueqing and Ming Gui were overjoyed.

"Mr. Xu, I didn't expect you to have such a trump card." Lu Xueqing said in surprise.

"Mr. Lu, I've invested a lot this time." Xu He said with a wry smile.

The fallen angel took a step forward and instantly appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, grabbing Mu Rufeng with his delicate jade hands.

However, Xu He grabbed Mu Rufeng first and protected him behind him.

The fallen angel immediately looked at Xu He.

"Humph, a little eighth-level ghost king, even if he temporarily becomes a ghost emperor, how dare he stop me?" The fallen angel snorted coldly, and the flesh wings behind him fluttered violently.

A black and rotten breath suddenly blew towards Xu He.

Xu He's face changed slightly when he saw this, but he was not afraid. He stepped lightly and a halo appeared under him.

Before the breath arrived, it had already soared into the sky, covering Xu He and Mu Rufeng.

Xu He had heard about the Fallen Angel a long time ago, and its speed was second to none among the Ghost Emperors.

The reason why he was able to capture Mu Rufeng from the Fallen Angel just now was because he was close to her and had made a move in advance.

Now, if he wanted to stop the Fallen Angel, he would definitely not be able to run away, and he would definitely not be able to fight, so Xu He decided to defend directly.

There is only one and a half minutes left. With his own ability and the help of props, he can hold on for one and a half minutes.

As long as the main building knows the news, he will definitely come to rescue as soon as possible.

The main building has come, let alone the three ghost emperors, even if they are doubled, they can be easily suppressed.

Never underestimate an ultimate old-fashioned force that can compete with the Bank of Heaven and Earth.

"Chi Chi Chi~~~!"

The black decayed breath hit the light curtain, making a corrosive sound.

After a long time, the breath dissipated, and the light curtain was safe and sound.

"You have some skills, but not enough." The fallen angel took a step forward, and the whole person instantly turned into a black light and reached the light curtain in an instant.

I saw its twelve pairs of wings spread out instantly, and then crossed the light curtain.

The terrifying attack directly cut a hole in the light curtain.

Immediately, the figure of the fallen angel appeared beside Mu Rufeng, and his delicate jade hand was already on Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

She did not attack Xu He, because the most important thing now was to catch Mu Rufeng. As long as Mu Rufeng was teleported back to the Wartie Chamber of Commerce, the most important task would be completed.

Just as the fallen angel was about to leave, a red light shot out from Mu Rufeng's hand.

The fallen angel was shocked. She could feel the power of rules contained in the red light.

As a ninth-level ghost emperor known for her speed, she reacted very quickly. The ghost cave burst out with all its strength, twisted the red light, and then caught Mu Rufeng and flew towards the direction of the strange rune.

However, the red light quickly resumed its pursuit, and when the fallen angel was only three meters away from the rune, it was hit.

In an instant, the figure of the fallen angel stopped in mid-air.

[The designated target fallen angel was successful, and the designated song "Cherry Blossom Grass" was successful]

Then, a crisp and soft song sounded.

"The evening breeze blows the bamboo forest, the moonlight stretches the shadows

Fireflies flicker, and the coins fly all over the mountain


The cherry blossom grass in the hands of lovers, the smile full of spring colors

Planted one by one, the youthful and brilliant youth

The cherry blossom grass in the arms of lovers, hear the heart beating in the chest

Secretly missing, that is the sign of our love..."

"Cherry Blossom Grass" is the theme song of the idol drama "Mike, GO!" and the episode of "Star Apple Paradise" which was very popular in the past.

Although Mu Rufeng has not watched the TV series, he has heard this song countless times when he was in school.

Not to mention, the voice of this fallen angel is really nice.

Such a cold style, singing such a gentle and light song, really has a unique flavor.

However, what makes Mu Rufeng speechless is that even if the fallen angel dances, he still holds him in his hand.

If he hadn't used the 1-second absolute defense to free him from the restrictions, and then used the [Singing Mouth], Mu Rufeng would have gone to the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce in the West.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng wanted to break free, but found that he couldn't break free at all. Even the ghost power and strength in his body were suppressed.

Just like an ordinary person.

Mu Rufeng activated the absolute defense again.

His strength was instantly restored, and then he was dumbfounded. Even if he had restored all his strength, he still couldn't break free from the delicate hand of the fallen angel who was singing.

At this moment, the fallen angel was dancing with a very gentle smile on his face, singing "Cherry Blossom Grass".

However, the pair of beautiful eyes stared at Mu Rufeng, and the blue veins on his white forehead could be seen.

This was enough to prove how angry the fallen angel was at this moment.

"Fallen angel, what are you doing?" The troll broke Lu Xueqing's attack with a punch, and then shouted at the fallen angel.

The fallen angel was still singing the song, with no response at all.

"She was hit by the rule props. I'll stop them. Troll, go and throw the contractor into the teleportation rune." Dracula shouted immediately.

"Xu He, why are you still standing there? Go ahead." Ming Gui shouted suddenly.

Xu He also reacted at this time and quickly went over there.

The ghost dens of the six ghost emperors were twisted and mixed together in this venue, making the surrounding space extremely unstable.

Not to mention crossing the space, if you don't pay attention, you will be attacked by multiple ghost dens.

So Xu He's speed was a little slower.

The troll relied on the strength of his own body and approached the fallen angel one step ahead of Xu He.

On the Dracula side, a second Dracula was directly separated, and he actually stopped Lu Xueqing and Ming Gui.

At this moment, the interior of the Treasure House had already been cleared out.

What buildings, what stages, what boxes, all disappeared in the aftermath of the battle between the ghost emperors.

However, the main buildings were not damaged, at most there were some cracks.

Some weirds who did not have time to escape were also affected and died on the spot.

However, some of them were very smart and went to the warehouse of Baibao Building.

Lu Xueqing also notified the deputy owner of the building to open the first floor door of the warehouse and let all the employees and guests hide in it.

Even Lilith, the eighth-level ghost king, was brought in.

The door of the warehouse is also the main building of Baibao Building, and it cannot be shaken by the aftermath alone.

It is estimated that no ninth-level ghost emperor has the mind to attack the door of the warehouse.

"Fallen Angel, what are you doing? Hurry up and give me that kid." The troll looked at the fallen angel who avoided it and shouted angrily.

"The cherry blossom grass in the hands of lovers, a smile full of spring colors

Planted one by one, the youthful and brilliant youth

The cherry blossom grass in the arms of lovers, hear the heart beating in the chest

Secretly missing, that is the sign of our love..."

The response to the troll was still the beautiful cherry blossom grass.

The troll grabbed Mu Rufeng again, but the fallen angel avoided it again, but it can be seen that the fallen angel is only two meters away from the teleportation copy.

If the fallen angel can speak now, he must shout: "Quick, keep attacking, so that I can enter the teleportation copy."

Mu Rufeng also saw it, so he used absolute defense for one second again, and then took out the banana peel and threw it next to the teleportation rune.

It is impossible to break free. That hand, even with absolute defense, is like an iron hoop and is difficult to shake.

The troll seemed to see something, and his big hand grabbed Mu Rufeng again.

The fallen angel was happy, and his figure flashed, and he went towards the teleportation rune.

However, before entering, she felt her feet slip and she fell backwards.

However, the singing mouth maxed out the dodge BUFF.

She flew up into the air and then landed on the ground with her legs down.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

The banana peel appeared under her feet again, and the fallen angel slipped again, and fell backwards again.

The fallen angel with the dodge BUFF maxed out flew up into the air again, landed on the ground, and stepped on the banana peel again when she landed.

A dramatic scene appeared.

You can see that the fallen angel was singing a beautiful song while dancing and jumping in the air.

Anyway, as long as the fallen angel landed, he would step on the banana peel.

This scene made the trolls on the side dumbfounded.

Xu He was about to take action, but he was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"What are you doing? I can't hold on for too long. Hurry up." Dracula shouted angrily.

"Dracula, I don't know what's going on now. Look at the fallen angel. Is he playing? I can't catch him." The troll pointed at the fallen angel and said innocently.

Mu Rufeng was also a little confused at this moment.

He didn't expect that the two rule props, the banana peel and the singing mouth, were used together to successfully get stuck in the BUG.

However, he was still caught by the fallen angel, which was a bit painful.

However, there was less than a minute left.

As long as we hold on a little longer, there will be no problem.

"Lu Xueqing, you stop Dracula, Xu He, join me and kill the troll first." Minggui shouted, and a burst of black dark fire broke out all over his body.

Originally it was 3V2, and Minggui was at a disadvantage.

Later, Xu He used some props to temporarily possess the strength of the ninth-level ghost emperor, and it suddenly became 3V3.

Then, the fallen angel was restricted by Mu Rufeng's two rule props, and the scene suddenly became 2V3 again.

Dracula is a vampire and is fast. Lu Xueqing has the blessing of Baibaolou and many trump cards, so she can barely hold Dracula.

The troll is strong in strength and body, but slow, so Minggui and Xu He want to kill the troll first.

"Want to kill me? You are still a little naive." The troll sneered, and a black light flashed in his hand, and a huge mace appeared in his hand.

The terrifying power came in an instant, and Minggui's nether fire was instantly emptied.

"Damn it." Dracula shouted angrily, took out a prop, and threw it at Lu Xueqing.

Seeing this, Lu Xueqing's face changed slightly, and he took out an object without hesitation and crushed it directly.

A light curtain enveloped Lu Xueqing.

And the object thrown by Dracula also hit the light curtain directly.

However, the light curtain rippled, and then the object penetrated the light curtain and sank into Lu Xueqing's body.

Lu Xueqing's face changed drastically, and then she felt a wave of sleepiness coming over her. Immediately, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that his rule-type props were successful, Dracula ignored Lu Xueqing and shouted to the Fallen Angel: "Fallen Angel, release the contractor immediately. I will take him back first."

While shouting, he also went to the Fallen Angel.

But just as he took a step, he saw that Lu Xueqing's light screen also reproduced a prop exactly the same as the one thrown by Dracula.

It hit Dracula's body in an instant.

"Damn it." Dracula knew the moment he was hit. He cursed and fell into a deep sleep.

There is one thing that is very bad about their battle between the ninth-level ghost emperors, that is, you have no idea what rule-type props the other party has.

So, if it is not necessary, the ninth-level ghost emperors rarely fight.

Even in battle, the group's power will be controlled. Under the group's suppression, the role of rule props will be greatly reduced.

Unless it is a rule protection type or a rule prop that directly increases one's own strength.

It is true that some level 8 ghost kings also have rule props, but they are definitely not as many as level 9 ghost emperors.

Level 9 ghost emperors are not comparable to level 8 ghost kings in terms of strength and background.

"Dracula?" The troll also found the sleeping Dracula and scolded him immediately.

However, Dracula did not respond at all.

"Xu He, stop the troll, I will kill Dracula first!" Minggui ordered again and flew towards Dracula.

Xu He had no choice but to bite the bullet.

However, before the attack of Minggui came, Dracula's eyes suddenly opened.

However, it was too late, the attack directly hit Dracula's body.

However, Dracula's body exploded directly, turning into a group of bats, and then reunited in the distance to become Dracula.

At this moment, Dracula's right arm was bloody and burnt, and it was obvious that he had not avoided the attack just now.

In just a blink of an eye, the injury recovered.

On the other side, Lu Xueqing also regained consciousness.

In the end, her strength was still a little lacking. Even if he was hit first, he still woke up two seconds later than Dracula.

"There is not enough time, let's go!" Dracula glanced at Mu Rufeng in the hands of the fallen angel, and then shouted at the troll.

At the same time, he quickly went to the teleportation rune.

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