I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 198 September 1st and boat tickets [Monthly ticket requested! ]

"Aunt Liu is Brother Yong's mother. She told me yesterday that she would introduce a girl to me." Su Xin also said.

"Well, my mother is cleaning the branch. She has nothing to do all day, so she likes to think about these things. Please forgive me." Zhao Dayong was also a little embarrassed.

"This is also a good thing. What is there to forgive or not forgive." Mu Rufeng said.

"By the way, do you want to take a break? It will take an hour to get to the Shao City branch." Mu Rufeng said again.

"It's okay. I can still hold on. When we go to the next place later, someone else will drive." Zhao Dayong said.


An hour later, they arrived at the Shao City Wuhan Iron and Steel Branch.

It's just that the branch director here happened to be his father's birthday, so he ran to the countryside.

They waited here for an hour before the other party came back.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry. The road in the countryside is really hard to walk. I kept you waiting for a long time." A man in his thirties got off a Cadillac in a hurry.

This is the director of the Wuhan Iron and Steel Branch, Liu Changfeng.

"Minister Liu, we won't waste time. This matter needs to be kept secret, so..." Mu Rufeng didn't show any joy or anger. When he spoke, he looked at the people next to Liu Changfeng.

Next to Liu Changfeng, there was a young woman standing, holding a little girl of five or six years old in her hand.

In addition, there was a contractor who stayed behind and asked Mu Rufeng and others to rest in the rest room.

Liu Changfeng was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at his wife: "Xiao He, take Baoer back to the car first, Wang He, go cut some watermelon."

"Okay, Minister Liu." Wang He nodded and turned away immediately.

"Well, then I'll go back to the car first." Liu Changfeng's wife also nodded and left with the child.

Mu Rufeng felt it, and they all left, and immediately took out the login bracelet.

"What is this?" Liu Changfeng looked at Mu Rufeng in confusion.

"You'll know after you take a look at the attributes." Mu Rufeng said.

Liu Changfeng heard this and took the bracelet in his hand.

Suddenly, Liu Changfeng's pupils contracted violently.

"Bind it, Minister Liu, and this matter must be kept secret for the time being." Mu Rufeng said.

"My God, the Bureau of Strange Affairs is awesome, the headquarters is awesome!" Liu Changfeng swallowed his saliva and praised loudly.

Then he bound it without hesitation.

Seeing the appearance of the bracelet tattoo, Mu Rufeng also nodded.

"Minister Liu, time is tight, we still have to go to the next branch, we will leave first, if this bracelet is damaged, remember to report it to the Changsha headquarters." Mu Rufeng said.

"I know, by the way, Mr. Mu, leave a contact number, if you have any trouble in my territory in the future, you can find me." Liu Changfeng said hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, took out his mobile phone and added a WeChat account with him.

These people are powerful in their own territory, so it's good to have a contact number.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng gave such an important login bracelet, so everyone had to remember Mu Rufeng's favor.

Soon, the group went downstairs.

"I'll drive this time." Lan Hui took the lead and entered the driver's seat.

"Watermelon, watermelon." At this time, Wang He came jogging from the building.

He held a large bag of cut boxed fruits in his hand.

"Mr. Mu, there is nothing to treat you, just take some fruit to eat."

Seeing this, Liu Changfeng immediately took the fruit from Wang He, and then came to the van and handed it to Mu Rufeng through the window.

"Then we won't be polite." Mu Rufeng took it with a smile.

Immediately, Lan Hui started the car and drove away.

"Brother Mu, where are we going now?" Lan Hui asked.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was already one o'clock in the morning.

"Let's go to Yongcheng first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay." Lan Hui nodded, but soon remembered something and said, "Well, Brother Mu, I don't have a position."

"I'll send it to you. I have saved positions in all branches in the province." Zhao Dayong said in the back seat.

"Dayong is still reliable." Mu Rufeng praised.

"This is also part of my job." Zhao Dayong said with a smile.

"It's a bit far, it takes two hours and forty minutes." Lan Hui said.

"So, if you feel sleepy while driving, change people, don't force yourself, we have to drive all night today." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Lan Hui responded repeatedly.

"Come, have some fruit, two boxes of watermelon, two boxes of cantaloupe, and a box of peaches and a box of lychees."


At about four in the morning, Mu Rufeng and his group arrived at the Yongcheng headquarters.

The guard saw that it was Mu Rufeng's car, and let it pass without saying a word.

Mu Rufeng lowered the car window and greeted the guard: "You're not sleeping in at this time."

"Hi, I'm energetic. But, Mr. Mu, why are you back at this time? I remember you just returned to Changsha headquarters today?" The guard asked curiously.

"Something happened. Is Director Zhou in the department?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Director Zhou is not here. He went to Dao County. The branch there has just been established. He has to go there to handle affairs. Now Captain Mei is in there."

"It seems that Captain Mei is living in the department." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

After parking the car, Mu Rufeng said to the three of them: "We've been driving all the way. If you need to use the restroom, go to the restroom. If you want to drink water, there's water in the freezer in the lobby on the first floor."

"Okay, Brother Mu."

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked towards the rest room alone.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the room where he lived before.

He remembered that Meizi said that she lived in this room on weekdays.

Looking at the do not disturb sign, it turns out that Messi is really here.

"Dong dong dong!" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door.

"Who!" A cold voice came from inside the house.

It was early in the morning, and Mu Rufeng's knock on the door could be said to wake him up instantly.

"It's me, Mu Rufeng, here to bring you warmth." Mu Rufeng said.

There was silence inside for a long time. The door was slowly opened, and Messizi wearing cool pajamas came into view.

It was very thin, probably made of silk. Under the light, the black bra and trousers were vaguely visible.

"I said, Mu Rufeng, it's four o'clock in the morning, tell me, what kind of warmth do you want to give me?" Messizi said with a look of resentment.

At 11 o'clock last night, another mutilated body was found, and she did not come back to rest until two o'clock in the morning.

He was woken up by Mu Rufeng after only two hours of sleep. Everyone felt resentful.

"Can I come in?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"What, are you really going to give me warmth?" Messizi looked at Mu Rufeng and got out of the way.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything and walked straight in.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door was closed by Messizi.

"Come on, let's see if this warmth is enough." Mu Rufeng held the suitcase in her left hand and took out the landing bracelet she had prepared earlier with her right hand from behind and handed it to Messizi.

"What is this?" Messizi took the bracelet in confusion.

Then, when she saw this attribute, she was shocked.

The resentment of being woken up disappeared instantly, and my mind, which was still a little confused, suddenly woke up.

"Take a deep breath and relax. It's not just you, but also the ministers of relevant departments across the country and the contractors of LV3." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hoo, ho, ho, Mu Rufeng, your warmth really warms my heart."

"Hurry up and bind it. With this login bracelet, you can have one more life." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes." Messizi nodded excitedly and completed the binding immediately.

Soon the binding of Meizi was completed, Mu Rufeng smiled and said: "Captain Mei, how are you? Is this warm enough?"

"Warm, very warm, thank you, Mu Rufeng." Meizi thanked her solemnly.

"Haha, just keep warm. There's no need to thank you. I'm just a delivery person. If you want to thank me, you should thank the country." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Messizi walked towards Mu Rufeng without saying anything, then opened his arms and hugged Mu Rufeng directly.

"No matter what, thank you, and the copy of the pig farm from last time." Messizi whispered in Mu Rufeng's ear.

Messi's capital is also very good. In addition, it is summer, so both parties wear relatively light clothes. Mu Rufeng can clearly feel the touch.

At the same time, there was a faint scent of shampoo coming from Messizi's hair, which made this young man unable to hold back his gun.

"Ahem, the stuff has been delivered. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng coughed twice and said.

Hearing this, Meizizi did not let go of Mu Rufeng. Instead, she whispered in his ear: "I can give you more warmth like this in the future."

After saying that, Messizi let go of Mu Rufeng.

"You'll have to keep me warm from now on. Let's go." Mu Rufeng said, coming to the door and preparing to open the door and leave.

However, before Mu Rufeng opened the door, Messizi said again: "Mu Rufeng, you should go to the Daoxian branch. It is newly built. Do you have a seat?"

"Ah, yes, we don't have a seat yet. You can send it. It's so late and it's hard to contact Director Zhou. It will be seven o'clock when I get there." Mu Rufeng said.

"Wait a minute while I look for my phone."

"Found it, here." Messizi immediately knelt on the bed, pressing the pillow with one hand, and reaching for the mobile phone on that side with the other hand.

"Gulu!" Mu Rufeng, who was standing at the door, swallowed unconsciously.

The silk dress reached her waist at some point.

In Messizi's current situation, Mu Rufeng could clearly see the indescribable part of her cock.

Of course, I was wearing briefs.

However, the white fat flesh is still quite eye-catching.

When Messizi got the phone and turned over, she noticed something strange about Mu Rufeng. She reacted instantly, got out of bed and straightened her clothes.

"Does it look good?" the cold-hearted Messi asked.

"What?" Mu Rufeng didn't react for a moment.

"Hmph, you bitch." Messizi snorted coldly, quickly unlocked the phone and sent the location to Mu Rufeng.

"Good riddance, don't see me off. I'm going to bed." Messizi gave the eviction order.

"Good night, I'm leaving first." Mu Rufeng opened the door and walked out.

Just when the door was about to close, Mu Rufeng suddenly said: "Captain Mei, next time you go to bed, wear more clothes, otherwise you may catch a cold when the air conditioner is so cold."

After the words fell, Mu Rufeng closed the door directly and left quickly.

Seeing Mu Rufeng leave, Mei Xizi suddenly smiled.

"Haha, it seems that I, an old lady, am still a little attractive." Mei Xizi pinched her own capital, and then patted her buttocks and laughed.

Mei Xizi seems to be about the same age as Mu Rufeng, but in fact, she is already 28 years old, and is already in her 30s.

According to the words of young people, she is indeed an old lady.

Mei Xizi's home is in Yongcheng, and it only takes about half an hour to drive home.

However, Mei Xizi often stays in the relevant departments. Why? Isn't it because she is often urged to get married by her family?

A few years ago, she worked in the Magic City, and the work was too busy, so she had no time to fall in love.

Because the pace of the Magic City is too fast, the work pressure is also high, and she has made a little money in these years, she returned home at the end of the year and prepared to start a small business in Yongcheng.

But after returning, it is endless blind dates, blind dates, and blind dates!

At first, Mei Xizi was not opposed to blind dates. After all, she was old and it was time to consider marriage.

But because she was old, the matchmakers introduced her to people who were either divorced or unmarried with children, or all kinds of weird blind date candidates.

For example, the blind date candidate that impressed her the most was a 33-year-old man.

His conditions were not bad. He was unmarried, had a building at home, drove a BMW, was the third in command of a factory, had dividend shares, and could earn 400,000 or 500,000 yuan a year.

However, when they met for the first time, the man said, "You should quit your job and live with me first."

Then, we should get a marriage certificate after giving birth to a boy, and finally hold a wedding.

Mei Xizi was numb on the spot. She left before the dishes she ordered were served.

The matchmaker also arranged for Mei Xizi to meet young people in their twenties, but those young people didn't like strong people like Mei Xizi at all.

I like those spirited little sisters who are young and obedient.

Later, because she accidentally entered the dungeon world, she gave up the idea of ​​getting married.

Basically, she rarely went home and lived in the milk tea shop she opened.

Now the milk tea shop is also closed because she doesn't want to open it.

Now, seeing Mu Rufeng in this situation, let alone being angry, she is a little happy.

"Mu Rufeng is also from Yongcheng, and I am also from Yongcheng, but... he is at the Changsha headquarters"


Mu Rufeng and his group drove away from the Yongcheng headquarters.

This time, it was Su Xin who drove.

"To go to the Dao County branch, you have to take the mountain road. You drive steadily. If you feel sleepy, change people." Mu Rufeng reminded again.

"Brother Mu, I have slept for four or five hours, and I am energetic." Su Xin said.

"That's good, I'll take a nap, call me when we get there." Mu Rufeng said, and then leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

The rest of the journey was relatively smooth, and Mu Rufeng delivered the remaining bracelets one by one.

When they finished delivering them, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Except for eating, drinking, and defecating, they really didn't stop at all.

The main reason was that Dao County was too far away from Huaihua, nearly 500 kilometers in total. Mu Rufeng was driving, and the three of them had worked hard all night.

"Brother Mu, let's find a hotel. I just want to sleep now." Zhao Dayong, who was driving, said.

Although they rested a lot in the car, they couldn't rest well in the car at all. They had a sore back after sitting for a day.

Now they just wanted to lie on the soft bed and have a good sleep.

"Okay, let's find a hotel. I've been driving for so long and I'm tired." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Zhao Dayong immediately navigated to the nearest hotel.

Five minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

"Vienna Hotel, there are really many hotels here." Mu Rufeng glanced at the name of the hotel and muttered.

Soon, the group entered the hotel. Mu Rufeng was not short of money, so he booked a room for each person.

After returning to the room, Mu Rufeng did not go to sleep directly, but took out his phone and dialed Tian Bu's number.

"Tian Bu, the bracelets have been delivered." Mu Rufeng said.

"So fast? You didn't rest all night, did you?" Tian Bu was slightly surprised.

"This is not what Tian Bu said. The bracelets are very important. Time is a bit tight, so I delivered them all night." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hard work, hard work, so, I will give you a few days off to rest, is three days enough?" Tian Bu said.

"That's great, three days is enough, okay, Tian Bu, I'll hang up if there's nothing else, I'm almost asleep."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you. By the way, remember to tell me when you are in the next copy." Tian Bu said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then hung up the phone.


Time passed in a blink of an eye, and it was September 1st.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was standing at the exit of the Anbao International Airport in Shenzhen.

Mu Rufeng took a flight from Changsha Lvhua Airport early in the morning and arrived in Shenzhen after several hours of flight.

It was not a business trip, but September 1st came, and he came to board the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng took out an old ticket from the bandage.

[Ticket]: This is a ticket for the Gluttony Cruise. With this ticket, you can board the Gluttony Cruise.

Note 1: On September 1st every year, the Gluttony Cruise will appear on the sea. With this ticket, you can know the location of the Gluttony Cruise on that day.

Note 2: The date has arrived. Please go to Dameisha Beach in Shenzhen at 12 noon on September 1st in the real world and board the ship with your ticket.

He quietly put away the ticket, then took out his mobile phone to check the time. At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

He navigated to Dameisha Beach again. It was 64 kilometers and an hour's drive. There was enough time.

Immediately, he came to the side of the road and walked towards a tram.

This was the online car he had booked earlier, and the price was not bad. Only 183 yuan.

"Handsome boy, is your last number 2618?" The driver was a woman in her forties, speaking with full energy.

"Yes, it's me." Mu Rufeng stood by the car window and nodded.

The car door was unlocked immediately, Mu Rufeng opened the door and sat in, and the car immediately drove towards Dameisha Beach.

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