I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 199 Entering the Dungeon: Gluttony Cruise [Monthly Ticket Request! ]

"Handsome boy, are you traveling alone?" The female driver seemed bored or outgoing, so she said to Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, I'm traveling. I haven't seen the sea in my life. It's just right to take advantage of the holiday to have some fun." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Dameisha is not bad, and it's a free beach attraction, but remember, don't buy swimming trunks there, they cost dozens of yuan each and the quality is poor."

"Oh, by the way, you look white and tender, remember to buy a bottle of sunscreen, you may not feel it when you play, but when you have enough fun, you will find that your whole body will be burning."

"The sun is very poisonous." The female driver reminded.

"Thank you, I will pay attention." Mu Rufeng smiled and thanked her when he heard it.

Not to mention, this female driver is quite nice.

Mu Rufeng didn't really think so much, after all, he had never been to the beach.

Now, because of the copy, he can also see the sea, which is also a wish of his.

Speaking of which, Mu Rufeng's biggest wish is to go to the north to see the ice and snow.

No matter what, southerners are still very obsessed with snow.

"Oh, by the way, there is water in the car. If you are thirsty, you can take a bottle to drink." The female driver said.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the grid behind the seat, where there were several bottles of 350ml mineral water.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded.


One hour later.

"Handsome, the road ahead is being repaired, and it seems that there was another car accident. It is only a few hundred meters away from Dameisha. Otherwise, you can get off and walk over directly, or scan a shared bicycle."

"Otherwise, I don't know how long you have to wait, so your fee is not cost-effective." The female driver turned her head and looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

Even if it is an online car-hailing service, if you encounter a traffic jam, there is still a waiting fee.

Looking at the time, it is already eleven o'clock, and there is only one hour left before boarding the ship.

"Okay, I'll get off here." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, add WeChat and I'll refund you some of the fare." The female driver said.

"No, just click on the delivery. You still have to pick up your daughter." Mu Rufeng smiled and waved her hand, and then got off the car directly.

To be honest, the female driver actually wanted to wait, after all, if there was a traffic jam, she could earn more.

However, the female driver's daughter sent a voice message, and Mu Rufeng heard it when it was played.

Her daughter was playing with friends nearby, and was about to go somewhere else for lunch, so she asked her mother to pick them up.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about this, after all, it was a win-win situation.

After getting off the car, Mu Rufeng came to the side of the road and scanned a shared electric donkey.

The female driver also ran directly onto the sidewalk, pressed the corner of the flower bed, turned into a small road, and disappeared in a short while.

Riding the electric donkey, Mu Rufeng came to the source of the traffic jam in a short while.

Well, this is a car that crashed directly into the road construction fence, and it can be seen that the car fell directly into a big pit.

On the only two lanes, a crane was parked directly in the middle, and there were four hydraulics extending from both sides of the car body and fixed to the ground.

The function of this hydraulic is to prevent the crane from rolling over when lifting.

In front of the crane, there is also an accident trailer parked.

In this way, the two lanes are completely blocked, so if this road wants to be unblocked, the crane must lift the car up and then tow it away with a trailer.

In the central flowerbed on the left side of the road, there is a family of five slumped there.

A couple, a pair of twin girls and a little boy about six years old, they are covered with mud and water everywhere.

Obviously, they are the owners of the car that fell into the pit.

According to this situation, this road may not be passable in less than half an hour.

It is better to use a small electric donkey, which is easy and comfortable, and not afraid of traffic jams.

In other words, the sun is a little bit.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng had ghost energy in his body. After a little movement, he felt refreshed and didn't feel hot at all.

In just four or five minutes, Mu Rufeng arrived at the entrance of Dameisha.

After searching around, he didn't find any parking spots for power-assisted bicycles outside Dameisha.

Even though there were several power-assisted bicycles parked, Mu Rufeng clicked to return the car and was prompted that this was not a parking spot.

Helpless Mu Rufeng could only pay a few dozen yuan for the dispatch fee and forcibly park the car here.

I think the four or five shared power-assisted bicycles next to him should be like Mu Rufeng.

Arriving in front of the gate, scanning the code for an appointment, filling in the ID card, Mu Rufeng soon walked into Dameisha Beach.

What came into view was the endless sea.

Then, there were all green awnings, and there were not a few people. Mu Rufeng also saw many beauties in bikinis.

Well, it was not uncommon to see aunties wearing fiery red swimsuits.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's eyes focused on a girl wearing a swimsuit.

Although she was a bit ordinary and approachable, her face was still very beautiful and her skin was extremely white.

The girl seemed to have noticed something and looked towards Mu Rufeng.

The two looked at each other, and Mu Rufeng nodded slightly at her.

The latter also nodded slightly.

This girl was also a contractor, and she was also a third-level contractor.

Mu Rufeng could sense her, so she could sense Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng walked down the stairs and stepped onto the soft and humid beach.

There was still a lot of garbage on the beach, including cigarette butts, betel nut residue, paper towels and beverage bottles.

This is the disadvantage of free attractions. The cleaning is much worse than that of paid attractions.

But Mu Rufeng didn't care about it. After all, he didn't come here to play this time.

After a while, Mu Rufeng walked to the awning area.

Looked at the fee sign, okay, the awning is 100 yuan for four hours.

Looked at the time, there were still 50 minutes left, Mu Rufeng immediately chose an empty awning and sat there directly.

Not long after, a manager in a vest came over.

Mu Rufeng immediately scanned 100 yuan, took a ticket and sent him away.

"The inventory is banned, and some props can't be used. I wonder if the Treasure House can sense it when I enter the dungeon this time?" Mu Rufeng thought to himself.

Mu Rufeng had six inventory slots at level 2 before, and after clearing the Blood Boring Hotel, he got the inventory expansion card, which became nine.

Then, after clearing the auction at the Treasure House, he was upgraded to level 3, and the inventory was increased by 3 again, reaching twelve slots.

Three of them were vacant, and the other nine slots were respectively placed with nine items, including [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract], [Blood Boring Hotel Share Contract], [Qingshan Pig Farm Share Contract], [Scarlet Optimized Channel Cooperation Contract], [Clown's Crazy Chainsaw], [Mysterious Meteorite], [Singing Mouth], [Small Electric Donkey Ball], and [Locke's Homemade Revolver].

As for the others, they were all placed behind Mu Rufeng, wrapped in bandages, and carried with him.

There were actually quite a few things, but even though these things were relatively thin and small, and Mu Rufeng was wearing a windbreaker to cover them, they were also very strange.

Of course, it's not strange to say, but it's still strange to wear a windbreaker in the hot summer.

Look, Mu Rufeng is on the beach under the scorching sun, and the tourists passing by are looking at Mu Rufeng with strange eyes.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it. He ordered a glass of iced watermelon juice, looked at the seaside, and waited quietly for twelve o'clock.

"I say, handsome boy, it's so hot, you wear a windbreaker, aren't you hot?"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded.

Immediately, the girl wearing a swimsuit who had looked at Mu Rufeng before sat on the chair next to Mu Rufeng.

"Is it hot? Why can't I feel it? Are you hot?" Mu Rufeng said after looking at the ordinary girl.

Especially Mu Rufeng also stayed on her right hand for a while.

There is a familiar tattoo there.

"Of course I'm not hot, handsome guy. I didn't bring my phone. Can you buy me a glass of watermelon juice? I've been thirsty for a long time."

"Also, you shouldn't mind if I sit here and take a rest, right?" the girl said.

"Of course no problem." Mu Rufeng said as he scanned the code on the table to place an order, and ordered two more glasses of iced watermelon juice plus some snacks.

I have to say that this is quite convenient, and you don't have to run to a distant beverage store.

"Thank you, let me introduce myself. I'm Sun Lujia, the captain of the action team of the Iwata District Branch of the relevant department of Shenzhen City, and a third-level contractor." Sun Lujia introduced herself.

"So it's Captain Sun. I'm Mu Rufeng from the Wancheng District Branch of the Changsha Branch, a third-level contractor." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Mu Rufeng had already guessed Sun Lujia's identity when he saw the bracelet tattoo.

Although half a month had passed since the last time, those group forces also knew the news of landing on the bracelet.

But such a short time was not enough for them to complete the negotiations.

However, it is estimated that after a while, not only the contractors of the relevant departments will be able to own the login bracelet.

"Sure enough, my guess is right." Sun Lujia had a faint smile on her face.

"Are you here for the Gluttony Cruise copy this time?" Sun Lujia suddenly said.

"Huh? You too? I thought you were playing here." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Isn't it because of this copy that I have time to come here to play?"

"Here in Shencheng, there are all kinds of people, there are countless independent contractors, and there are all kinds of evil organizations, which are annoying."

"At the end of the year, there is not much time to rest." Sun Lujia sighed and said.

"Yes, I'm busy to death." Mu Rufeng nodded and agreed.

In the past half month, Mu Rufeng has really not been idle, and he is busy every day.

There are more and more players, disappearances, independent fights or killings of innocent people, and thefts and robberies. There are more and more things.

This series of changes seemed to indicate that the connection between the weird world and the real world was getting closer and closer.

"Sir, these are the two cups of watermelon juice, five hamburgers, five chicken fillets, and ten grilled sausages you ordered."

"The remaining five bowls of ice jelly, ten fried tofu, five fried noodles, and five fried rice will be here later." A staff member took a large tray and placed the things on the table.

Fortunately, the table under the awning was relatively large, and even if these things were placed, it only occupied less than one-third of the table.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Rufeng smiled and thanked him.

"Wow, you ordered so much, you probably can't finish it, I wonder if I can eat a little, I'm hungry too, and I didn't bring my phone." Sun Lujia looked at Mu Rufeng with her big watery eyes.

"Of course, but I'd like to ask, how old is Captain Sun now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hmm?" Sun Lujia frowned slightly: "Don't you know it's very impolite to ask a girl's age?"

"But forget it, since you're treating me to food, I'll tell you, I'm 24 this year." While Sun Lujia was talking, she had already taken the watermelon juice and a hamburger and started eating.

"Twenty-four, that's the same age as me, but I really can't tell."

"If Captain Sun hadn't told me, I would have thought Captain Sun was a high school student." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Are you praising me or belittling me? Do you think I don't know that you've looked at my bear many times?" Sun Lujia rolled her eyes.

"Ahem, sorry, sorry." Mu Rufeng coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Men are all the same, huh." Sun Lujia snorted coldly and ate the hamburger in big mouthfuls.

"You just said that I came here for the Gluttony Cruise copy. So, you also have a ticket?" Mu Rufeng asked, changing the subject.

"Of course, how can you get on the ship without a ticket? Or, didn't you read the copy information of the Gluttony Cruise?" Sun Lujia said.

"Of course I have read it." Mu Rufeng said.

He had already checked the information of the Gluttony Cruise after getting the ticket.

There are only two ways to board the Gluttony Cruise.

The first is to be directly recruited by it and go to the Gluttony Cruise to become a sailor doing odd jobs.

The second is to hold a ticket and get on board at a specific time and become a guest on the ship.

Guests and sailors are completely different.

Let alone other things, just talking about the survival rate, that is, guests with tickets are higher.

Moreover, just after Mu Rufeng drove the bloody train to severely damage the Gluttony Cruise, there were still many contractors who entered the copy of the Gluttony Cruise.

This also let Mu Rufeng know the information of the copy later.

The Gluttony Cruise, because of being severely damaged, fell to the eighth level of the vehicle. It seems that the captain of the Gluttony Cruise is not on the ship, and there are no major changes in other things.

"Since you have seen it, then you still ask, how can the contractor have the heart to play on the beach."

"The contractors who appear here now are all the same."

"I think you should have discovered that there are not only two of us contractors here." Sun Lujia said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Mu Rufeng had already discovered that there are more than just Sun Lujia contractors.

A hundred meters away, the fat man who was sleeping on the beach.

In the sea, a yellow-haired young man was having fun with several bikini beauties.

From Mu Rufeng, count five awnings to the left, a young woman wearing a black suspender swimsuit, half of her milky white snow-white skin exposed.

Counting these three people, then, there are now a full five people.

Of course, this does not mean that there are only five people on board.

Because there are many kinds of tickets, and the ticket that Mu Rufeng took is just the most common one.

"How about you order two glasses of watermelon juice for me, and I will tell you the information of those people?" Sun Lujia put down the watermelon juice she had finished drinking and said.

"Okay." Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat, no matter whether it is the information of the copy or the information of the contractor.

Soon, Mu Rufeng scanned the code on his mobile phone and ordered five glasses of iced juice again.

Sun Lujia immediately told Mu Rufeng about the information of those people.

The fat man sleeping on the beach is Wan Yong of Tengchang Group, a level 5 contractor.

The yellow-haired man playing with the girl in the sea is Cai Huiming of Shunfeng Group, a level 4 contractor.

The young woman on the lounge chair under the awning is a casual person named Yang Zhaodi, a level 5 contractor.

"You should pay special attention to Yang Zhaodi. Although she is a lone player, she is very powerful and should be the most dangerous among us." Sun Lujia said.

"Captain Sun, it seems that only the two of us are small shrimps." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Among the three contractors, two are level 5 and one is level 4. Aren't these two level 3 contractors small shrimps?

"Hehe, if I hadn't entered the dungeon too late, I would definitely be no worse than them." Sun Lujia said with a snort.

Mu Rufeng smiled but said nothing when he heard it.

As time passed, there were only ten minutes left until twelve o'clock.

And their table was now full of dining garbage.

The food and drinks ordered by Mu Rufeng were actually eaten up by the two of them.


Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's bracelet vibrated a few times and flashed a black light.

Mu Rufeng subconsciously looked at the bracelet, and then a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Instance information has been generated]

[Enter instance: Gluttony Cruise]

[Instance type: Multiplayer instance]

[Number of participants: ? ? ]

[Please note, LV3 contractor Mu Rufeng, you hold a ticket for the Gluttony Cruise, and the Gluttony Cruise will dock in ten minutes]

“Is this the instance information that the bracelet received ten minutes in advance?” Mu Rufeng looked at the login bracelet in surprise.

To be honest, this ten minutes in advance is really good.

Ten minutes is enough for you to get the information of the copy from the database of the relevant department, and then apply for props and so on.

"It's the first time I use the login bracelet after getting it. It's really good." Sun Lujia stroked the tattoo on her hand and nodded with satisfaction.

"After eating and drinking, it's time to leave." Mu Rufeng stood up slowly, stretched his body, and squinted his eyes to look into the depths of the sea.

At some point, large patches of fog appeared above the sea.

"Woo woo woo~~~!"

A ethereal whistle sounded from the sea.

A huge cruise ship slowly emerged from the fog.

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