I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 200 The butcher's knife is unsheathed! [Monthly vote requested! ]

"Wow, look, it's so foggy."

"Huh? Really? When did the fog appear?"

"Is it going to rain heavily?"

The sudden appearance of fog on the sea level surprised many tourists on the beach.

Many tourists took out their mobile phones and took photos of the sea.

They could only see the fog, and ordinary people could not see the Gluttony Cruise and the whistle.

When the whistle sounded, the young woman under the parasol slowly got up.

The fat man sleeping on the beach also woke up.

The yellow-haired man who was playing with the girl also stopped playing.

A few minutes later, the tourists on the beach had returned to their previous appearance, playing when they should play, and resting when they should rest.

After the surprise, they recovered.

"Woo woo woo~~~!"

A burst of dark smoke was discharged from the huge chimney of the Gluttony Cruise.

The Gluttony Cruise was approaching.

A huge cruise ship as high as 70 or 80 meters appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

On the front of the cruise ship, there is a huge mouth, which is full of dense giant teeth, which is extremely terrifying.

On both sides of the cruise ship, there is a charred hole.

The hole is sealed with dense iron plates.

It is obvious that the two holes were caused by Mu Rufeng driving the bloody train.

Until now, it has not healed yet, and it is only sealed with iron plates.

Obviously, the damage caused before is extremely difficult to heal.

"What a spectacular gluttony cruise ship, the momentum is so great, wow." Sun Lujia said with emotion.

"Is it big? It's okay." Mu Rufeng said.

The current gluttony cruise ship is much less imposing than when he first saw the gluttony cruise ship.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the size of the cruise ship, when they first met, it was as high as a hundred meters, but now it is only about seventy or eighty meters.

The gluttony cruise ship slowly approached the coast.

Such a huge cruise ship is so close to the coast that it will definitely run aground, but this Gluttony Cruise is not an ordinary cruise ship.

It's getting closer and closer.

A huge escalator fell from the deck of the Gluttony Cruise and crashed into the sea.


The heavy object fell into the water, causing huge waves.

The movement over there also attracted many tourists.

But they were only surprised for a moment, wondering if it was a large fish like sharks, dolphins, or whales that made the movement.

Soon, a floating bridge on the water extended from the Gluttony Cruise to the beach.

Except for the five contractors present, no one else could see this scene.

The Gluttony Cruise was here to greet them.

"Let's go." Sun Lujia walked over there.

"Uh, I said, when did you change your clothes?" Mu Rufeng looked at Sun Lujia with a look of surprise on his face.

At some point, Sun Lujia had already put on a pure black Lolita dress.

"This is a prop. Changing clothes is not a thought." Sun Lujia said calmly.

Soon, the two came to the passage.

Wan Yong, Cai Huiming and Yang Zhaodi also arrived one after another.

The three of them seemed to have discovered Mu Rufeng and the others a long time ago.

"It seems that there are only five of us this time." Cai Huiming's eyes kept scanning Sun Lujia and Yang Zhaodi, and then spoke.

"Hehe, there are more than five of us." Wan Yong smiled and looked behind.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng looked over there, but saw several figures coming from outside Dameisha and walking towards them quickly.

Contractors, all contractors.

After a while, the few contractors who came later gathered in front of the passage.

Mu Rufeng secretly pointed at the contractors present. Including him, there were a total of ten people.

At the same time, the five people who came later, one level 4 contractor, three level 3 contractors, and one level 2 contractor.

"Hey, Mu Rufeng, now we are not small shrimps anymore." Sun Lujia whispered in Mu Rufeng's ear.

"Are they all individual people?" Mu Rufeng asked in a low voice.

"There are people from the group and individual people. We are the only two people from the relevant departments here." Sun Lujia said.

"Sure enough, Shenzhen is indeed a big city, with hidden dragons and crouching tigers." Mu Rufeng sighed.

"Everyone, the time is almost up, why don't you get on the boat together?" Wan Yong spoke first.

"It turns out that it is Master Wan in person, nice to meet you." A third-level contractor recognized Wan Yong and greeted him quickly.

"Let's go." Sun Lujia didn't want to deal with these people, so she pulled Mu Rufeng and walked towards the passage.

It's called a passage, but it's actually a floating bridge formed by wooden boards, and there are iron chains on both sides of the floating bridge as handrails.

When you step on the floating bridge, it's still shaking, and sea water rushes from time to time.

Ten contractors stepped onto the floating bridge together.

When they stepped onto it, they all disappeared on the beach.

None of the tourists around noticed it.

When Mu Rufeng stepped onto the floating bridge, his face froze slightly.

The surroundings had turned into a strange area without knowing when.

The sky, which was originally sunny, became extremely gloomy at this moment.

The blue sea also became extremely dark at this moment.

A strange world, they had entered a strange world.

When they stepped onto the floating bridge, they had already come from the real world to the strange world.

"Is this the Dead Sea?" Sun Lujia stood beside Mu Rufeng, staring at the vast dark sea in a daze.

"Guests on board, please move forward quickly and don't stay here." A shout came from the back.

Mu Rufeng turned around and saw two tall and strong strange people standing on both sides of the floating bridge.

And farther away, there was a huge dock.

Mu Rufeng could vaguely see more docked ships in the distance.

However, most of them were not as good as the Gluttony Cruise.

Even because the Gluttony Cruise docked, those ships scattered to both sides.

Even some of those who didn't escape were directly swallowed by the big mouth of the Gluttony Cruise.

"Fuck! Why doesn't this match the information in the database? Why did we arrive at the dock this time? There are still so many strange things?" Huangmao shouted suddenly, and then quickly went towards the Gluttony Cruise.

Not only Huangmao, but the rest of the contractors also moved quickly.

They all saw that there were dozens of weirdos on the dock, walking towards this side.

Some of the weirdos even discovered these living contractors, looked at this side greedily, and quickened their pace.

Mu Rufeng and Sun Lujia also saw it, so they quickly ran towards the Gluttony Cruise.

On the floating bridge, ten people were directly divided into four groups.

Two level five and two level four contractors were the first group.

Then three level three contractors were in the second group, followed by Mu Rufeng and Sun Jialu in the third group.

And the last one was the only level two contractor.

A minute later, Mu Rufeng and the others came under the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng stomped his feet lightly and found that his feet were soft and elastic.

Mu Rufeng glanced and found that this area was hundreds of meters long.

It was covered with giant tooth-like teeth marks, scorch marks, and wounds after decay.

"Wait. Could this be the strange whale?" Mu Rufeng recalled the scene when he drove the bloody train into the gluttony cruise ship and then collided with the strange whale.

"Huh! It's safe here. We just need to wait to get on board." Sun Lujia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Mu Rufeng learned from the information database that when boarding with a ticket, there is a chance of encountering strange passengers on board.

The maximum number can reach more than ten at a time. At the same time, when on the floating bridge, the strange can attack them.

And this time, there were dozens of strange.

Once they arrived at the black waiting area under the ship, those strange would no longer attack the contracted person.

The information in the information database did not clearly state whether it was a rule or something else.

But Mu Rufeng knew it now, because this area was completely standing on the strange whale.

If a strange dared to attack, it would be eaten directly by the strange whale.

As time went by, those weird passengers also came to this area.

Those weirds were all strange and almost invisible in normal form.

Moreover, most of them were pig-like weirds.

Mu Rufeng's right hand unconsciously touched his waist and stroked his pig-killing knife.

"Brother, it's time for you to appear again." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"I'm really unlucky this time. Most of the weird passengers I met were pig-headed weirds." Sun Lujia's face was a little solemn.

"Yes, it's really unlucky." Mu Rufeng nodded in agreement.

Of course, the bad luck he said was the bad luck of those pig-headed weirds.

[Pig Killer] + [Ferocious Butcher's Knife], plus the rule skill [One Cut in Two], it's just a random kill against these pig-like weirds.

At this moment, the two sailors guarding the two sides of the stairs suddenly said, "The boarding time has come. Please board the ship in order!"

As the sailor's voice fell, the tallest and most powerful one pushed away the others and walked up the stairs first.

Behind him, the pig-headed ones followed one by one and walked towards the ship.

The other forms of the weird didn't dare to move their heads.

Mu Rufeng and his friends came first, but they were afraid of the weirds, so they didn't stay in front of the stairs, but gathered at the edge.

"What a pity, I wish I could be the first to board the ship." Sun Lujia sighed and said.

Whether it is a weird or their contractors, every time they dock, as long as they are the first to board, they can get benefits.

If it is a weird, after boarding, all consumption will be discounted by 20%.

For contractors, all consumption is also discounted by 20%, and at the same time, the completion rate of clearance will be increased by 300%.

There are also rewards for the second and third, but they are much less.

The second is 90% off, plus 200% clearance.

The third is 95% off, plus 100% clearance.

To be honest, if Mu Rufeng hadn't known from the information database, he would have waited for these strange passengers to get on before leaving.

At this moment, Wan Yong kicked his feet hard and shot directly towards the stairs.

With a "bang", Wan Yong actually passed the second pig-headed ghost and stepped onto the stairs.

"Looking for death!" The tall pig-headed ghost on the stairs was furious and kicked Wan Yong.

However, Wan Yong seemed to have lost his breath and turned into a thin human skin, easily avoiding the attack.

Then he floated past the pig-headed ghost and quickly headed upwards.

Yang Zhaodi on the side was even more amazing. She raised her hand and a blood-red spider silk flew out and rolled onto the railing of the middle staircase.

Then she pulled it hard, and the elastic spider silk quickly contracted. She took off directly and flew upwards along the front.

The same thing happened to the yellow-haired man and another level 4 contractor.

Several people showed their magical powers and rushed over there, trying to grab the top three.

"Hua La La ~ ~!"

Dozens of black shadows the size of arms suddenly jumped out of the Dead Sea, and then flew towards Yang Zhaodi in the air.

Mu Rufeng saw clearly that those black shadows were actually hideous fish.

There are many terrifying beings in the Dead Sea, and there are also a huge number of strange creatures. The strength of these strange fish is not weak either, all of them are level 4.

But they are afraid of the strange whale, so they dare not attack the people standing on its back.

And because Yang Zhaodi has already left the back of the strange whale at this moment, she is in mid-air, and below her is the deep Dead Sea.

In this way, the creatures in the Dead Sea can attack Yang Zhaodi without any scruples.

Yang Zhaodi seemed to have expected it. She opened her mouth and spit out a spider web, which instantly shot out, and then expanded rapidly, wrapping all the strange fish in it.

Those strange fish easily broke through the shackles of the spider web, but because they were also in mid-air, and there was no place to borrow strength, they could only fall straight down.

Soon, Yang Zhaodi grabbed the bottom of the stairs with one hand, and then turned over and stood directly on the stairs.

And when Yang Zhaodi stepped on the stairs, the strange fish that were ready to continue attacking stopped moving.

"Wan Yong, I'll go first." Yang Zhaodi said with a smile, and then quickly went up.

"Fuck, Yang Zhaodi, you don't play by the rules." Wan Yong was shocked when he saw Yang Zhaodi appearing on the middle staircase.

"You are looking for death!"

A terrifying breath burst out from the pig-headed ghost.

The terrifying sound wave actually made Wan Yong and Yang Zhaodi's bodies shake.

It was at this time that the pig-headed ghost suddenly jumped up and jumped directly from below to the front of Yang Zhaodi.

In this way, the pig-headed ghost was only ten meters away from boarding the deck.

"Dare to compete with me? Just right, I'll use you to whet my appetite!"

The pig-headed ghost turned around and looked at Yang Zhaodi and Wan Yong below, his face full of ferociousness.

Judging from his appearance, he was not going to board the ship, but was going to eat Wan Yong and Yang Zhaodi first.

The yellow-haired man and the fourth-level contractor who had already rushed to the stairs were shocked and did not dare to step on the stairs again.

Instead, they quickly retreated.

At this time, the pig-headed ghosts reacted, and they became furious, and then ran up the stairs with red eyes.

It seemed that they wanted to attack Yang Zhaodi and Wan Yong who were blocked on the stairs from the front and back.

Yang Zhaodi glanced at the Dead Sea below, and her eyes became solemn.

Because there were dense black shadows on the sea surface, countless.

One by one, they showed their heads, which was terrifying.

If a person with trypophobia came, he would be scared to death after taking a look.

Mu Rufeng looked at the strange fish on the Dead Sea, and his heart moved.

He immediately took out a slingshot from the bandage, touched a few iron balls, and shot them fiercely at the bottom.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!" The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Then, many strange fish were directly pierced through their bodies, and then they exploded one by one.

[Triggering success, strength +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]


[Triggering success, constitution +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng increased his constitution by 0.4, his strength by 0.2, and his spirit by 0.2.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

A total of 0.8 attribute points were increased, which means that he killed eight strange fish.

However, the few marbles he just used killed at least more than fifteen, so why did it only increase by 0.8 attribute points?

Mu Rufeng had a vague guess about this, but he still needed to test it.

"With so many strange fish, even if I confirm my guess, it is enough to increase my attributes." Mu Rufeng's heart also had some ripples.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to stay here and kill fish!

"Are you crazy? You actually did it on the strange whale?" Sun Lujia was shocked.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not attacking the guests." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

As expected, the strange whale did not move at all.

However, the next moment, there were violent splashes in the water.

All the strange fish looked at Mu Rufeng.

The levels of these strange fish were not fixed. There were level one, level two, level three, and even level four. No higher ones were seen.

However, there were too many of them, all staring at Mu Rufeng. This movement also made Mu Rufeng frown slightly.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!"

Countless water arrows suddenly spit out from the mouths of the strange fish.

They all shot towards Mu Rufeng.

However, before they could get close, they were blocked by a transparent invisible barrier.

This was the ghost of the strange whale, which blocked all the attacks.

Then, the strange whale under his feet trembled violently.

A terrifying momentum rippled out, and the strange fish in the Dead Sea exploded instantly and turned into powder.

The terrifying momentum shocked everyone present.

The eighth-level ghost king, they were stepping on a terrifying eighth-level ghost king.

Soon, the strange whale regained its peace, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please board the ship quickly, passengers." At this time, a sailor spoke again strangely.

"Ahem." Mu Rufeng suddenly coughed twice.

It woke up several contractors on the side.

Those contractors looked at Mu Rufeng with a strange look.

They really didn't expect that Mu Rufeng was so bold.

"It's time to leave. I'll be the first one to go. Do you want to be the second one?" Mu Rufeng said to Sun Lujia on the side.

"I say, you don't have a fever, right? The worst of those pig-headed ghosts are level four, and the leader may be a level six ghost." Sun Lujia looked at Mu Rufeng with suspicion.

I made some changes to the previous part. The meteorite is in the inventory, and the banana peel is on the body.

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