I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 201 Brother Mu, do you believe it? [Monthly vote requested! ]

"Just tell me if you want to or not." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems that you really have a fever." Sun Lujia shook her head: "But, let's not talk about the second one. If I can be the third one to board the ship, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then reached out and grabbed Sun Lujia's left hand.

"What are you doing?" Sun Lujia was stunned, and then reacted, scolded immediately, and immediately wanted to pull her hand back.

At the same time, her right hand slapped Mu Rufeng.

In just the next second, the two disappeared directly from the spot.

When they appeared again, they were already standing under the stairs.

With another flash, the two came to the pig-headed ghosts who had already walked up the stairs.

The furious pig-headed ghost was stunned for a moment, and then opened its bloody mouth and bit Sun Lujia.

Sun Lujia hadn't reacted yet, and finally reacted when the pig head stretched out.

"Ah~~!" Sun Lujia was startled, raised her foot, and the sharp high heels pierced directly into the eye socket of the pig head.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng's butcher knife also chopped on the head of the pig head ghost at the same time.

Just like cutting tofu, the butcher knife cut it in half horizontally from the top of the head.

When Sun Jialu retracted her foot, the chopped pig face was still hanging on the high heels.

[Triggering success, physical fitness +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

"You" Sun Lujia was just talking, but saw Mu Rufeng pulled her over and hugged her in his arms.

Then, a mouthful of acid was spit out, passing through the place where Sun Lujia stood before, and then fell on the railing.

"Chi Chi Chi~~!" A corrosive sound sounded.

Mu Rufeng did not continue to take action, but performed instant movement again and disappeared on the spot.

When Mu Rufeng appeared, he had surpassed Wan Yong and Yang Zhaodi, and was only five meters away from the strongest pig head ghost.

Wan Yong and Yang Zhaodi were obviously stunned when they saw Mu Rufeng and Sun Lujia suddenly appear.

He was only level three, but he brought someone with him and surpassed them?

"Two more meats, good, good, there are still two minutes, which is enough."

The pig-headed ghost opened his mouth and a thick tongue flew out.

You can't stay on the stairs for more than three minutes, otherwise there will be unpredictable consequences.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng's face did not change at all, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

The tongue passed through the place where Mu Rufeng stood before, and then penetrated the iron stairs.

Such a scene immediately startled the pig-headed ghost, and then he turned his head and looked back.

Mu Rufeng and Sun Lujia's figures appeared at the top of the stairs without knowing when.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng was seen boarding the deck first under the gaze of everyone.

And Sun Lujia was hugged by Mu Rufeng and boarded the ship in a daze.

When Mu Rufeng stepped on the deck, a prompt sounded in his mind.

[Enter the dungeon: Gluttony Cruise]

[Dungeon type: Multiplayer dungeon]

[Number of participants: 50 people]

[Identity type: Guest]

[Clearance task: Please survive on the Gluttony Cruise for seven days]

"Seven days, it's the same, but the number of participants." Mu Rufeng said softly.

As long as the contractors who boarded the ship with ordinary tickets, their clearance task is to survive for seven days.

As for the others, it is unknown, because from the beginning to the end, all contractors have obtained ordinary tickets and have never obtained higher-level tickets.

What made him a little concerned was that the number of participants was as many as fifty.

Minus their ten contractors, that is to say, there are still forty players who have entered the dungeon of the Gluttony Cruise.

"Ah~~~~!" Suddenly, Sun Lujia's scream that seemed to break the sky came to his ears.

"You, you, you~~!" Sun Lujia broke free from Mu Rufeng, and then pointed at Mu Rufeng with a shocked face.

"You are the second one to board the ship now, but remember what you said." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Ah~~~!" Sun Lujia screamed again.

"What happened again?" Mu Rufeng rubbed his ears.

"Second, I actually came up second, Mu Rufeng, how did you do it?" Sun Lujia's previous shock turned into surprise.

"I am not talented, one of my abilities is teleportation." Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face.

"Teleportation. No wonder, no wonder, it's really great." The joy on Sun Lujia's face could not be concealed at all.

"Bug, you are looking for death~~!"

Just at this time, a roar came from under the boat.

Then, a huge figure jumped up from below.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng took out a banana peel from behind and threw it at the stairs.

Then, the tall pig-headed ghost fell straight down, and stepped on the banana peel.


The latter immediately lost its balance, and then fell heavily on the stairs, and then rolled down.

Yang Zhaodi reacted quickly, quickly jumped out of the stairs, grabbed the edge of the stairs with one hand, and avoided the rolling pig-headed ghost.

And Wan Yong jumped high, also avoiding the pig-headed ghost.

As for the pig-headed ghosts below, they didn't react so quickly, just like playing bowling, and they were knocked down by a collision.

Yang Zhaodi's eyes flashed, and then she quickly flipped and landed on the stairs, and then ran quickly towards the top of the stairs.

With one step, she almost crossed several steps.

"The third one is mine!" Wan Yong shouted, and the whole person turned into a huge meat ball, smashed heavily on the stairs, and then shot upwards.

The speed was three points faster than Yang Zhaodi.

However, before he could catch up with Yang Zhaodi, several points around him suddenly exploded.

What exploded was not gunpowder, but spider silk all over the sky.

In an instant, the spider silk blocked this area.

Under the superposition of layers of spider silk, Wan Yong was also directly bound.

Although he quickly broke free, Yang Zhaodi had become the third contractor to board the cruise ship at this moment.

A level 6 weirdness, many level 5 weirdnesses, were actually snatched by three contractors.

Moreover, the first and second were still level 3 contractors.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a person from the relevant department. It's really amazing." Yang Zhaodi looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

Mu Rufeng's eyes moved away from Yang Zhaodi's chest, and then said: "You're flattering."

Yang Zhaodi was still wearing a black swimsuit. When she boarded the boat, she jumped 360 degrees into the air and landed on the deck.

So that the pair of milky white snow-white pupils shook constantly, and Mu Rufeng's eyes were unconsciously nailed there.

Sun Lujia glanced at Yang Zhaodi, then looked down at herself, very unhappy.

"Alas, I miscalculated this time. How could they be so powerful one by one."

At this time, Wan Yong also came up and saw them. After seeing them, he sighed.

Mu Rufeng looked at Wan Yong with some surprise. He thought Wan Yong would be furious.

But he didn't even curse or say a few harsh words. He just sighed with emotion.

"It's also a fluke. Who makes my ability more suitable." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"This is not a fluke, it's also thanks to you, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even get the third place." Yang Zhaodi said with a smile.

After a while, those pig-headed weirdos boarded the ship angrily.

As soon as they came up, they didn't do anything, but just stared at Mu Rufeng and other contractors.

"Bug, don't think that you can't be dealt with just because you're on the ship, you're dead." The sixth-level pig-headed weirdo said viciously.

Mu Rufeng heard it, smiled indifferently, and ignored it.

They wanted to eat Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng also wanted to eat them.

Oh, of course, it was Bandage who wanted to drink their blood, and Mu Rufeng just wanted to kill them.

After all the weirdos boarded the ship, Huangmao and other contractors boarded the ship.

The four sailor weirdos walked at the end.

"Woo woo woo~~!"

A whistle sounded.

The Gluttony Cruise is about to set sail.

Just at this moment, a man in a tattered suit, with a cigar in his mouth, walked over from a distance with an arrogant look on his face.

Behind him, there were a few strange people following.

"I am the deputy captain of the Gluttony Cruise. You can call me First Officer Zhao. Thank you all for taking our Gluttony Cruise."

"It's still the old rules. The first guest who comes up will be eligible for 20% off."

"The second guest who comes up will be eligible for 10% off, and the third guest who comes up will be eligible for 95% off."

As he said, First Officer Zhao looked at Mu Rufeng, Sun Lujia and Yang Zhaodi.

"Congratulations to the three of you. I didn't expect that the first, second and third guests this time were all contractors." First Officer Zhao also said with interest.

As First Officer Zhao's voice fell, a reminder sound rang in Mu Rufeng's mind again.

[LV3 contractor Mu Rufeng, the first to board the Gluttony Cruise, is eligible for 20% off consumption, and the clearance completion rate +300%]

"20% off? I still have a 10% off, 20% off + 10% off =? Off" Mu Rufeng thought silently in his heart.

"Okay, everyone, please follow me to the guest room area and choose your room." At this time, behind the first mate Zhao, a weirdo stood up and said.

"I wish you all a pleasant journey on the ship." The first mate Zhao turned and left after he finished speaking.

Under the guidance of the weirdo, the group entered the interior of the cruise ship.

Soon, they came to a carpeted and relatively wide place.

In the middle, there were 20 self-service room selection machines.

And on the walls around, there were ten waiters in maid costumes.

Among these people, there were contractors and ordinary people. Obviously, they were the players participating in the dungeon.

The only difference from Mu Rufeng and others was that these people were recruited as employees.

Mu Rufeng and others entered the dungeon as guests with boat tickets.

"Everyone, please choose the room you need. Friendly reminder, one guest can only open one room, not multiple people in one room. Of course, super VIP rooms are not included."

"I am the manager of the guest room department, Lei Dun. You can ask me any questions you have." Lei Dun said slowly.

Mu Rufeng heard it and didn't say anything, just walked over.

Surprisingly, none of the weirdos came forward, staring at them, the contractors.

These contractors also didn't say anything, strode forward, selected a machine and started to choose a room.

"Mu Rufeng, what price are you going to choose?" Sun Lujia stood in front of the machine next to Mu Rufeng and asked Mu Rufeng.

"What about you?" Mu Rufeng asked back.

"I choose 200 yuan a night, do you?" Sun Lujia said.

There are five levels of rooms on the Gluttony Cruise.

The fifth level, which is also the worst, is at the bottom of the cabin, 100 yuan a night.

The fourth level is located in the middle of the cabin, 200 yuan a night.

The third level is located on the deck, 500 yuan a night.

The second level is located on the upper deck, 1,000 yuan a night.

The first level, which is also the highest level, is located at the highest point of the entire cruise ship except for the wheelhouse, and 10,000 yuan a night.

It does not say what the advantages or disadvantages are, but the information he got from the information database is that it is best to live in the fourth level.

The fifth level is too dangerous and the environment is extremely bad.

"If you want to choose, naturally choose the best." Mu Rufeng opened a room in the first level without any hesitation.

"I also want to choose the best, but unfortunately, I have no money." Sun Lujia shook her head and said.

"Oh." Mu Rufeng had a stack of soul notes in his hand at some point, and then placed it in the groove of the machine.

"Ah you." Sun Lujia was shocked when she saw the stack of soul notes.

Then, in his shocked eyes, the stack of soul notes disappeared, and a line of words appeared on Mu Rufeng's machine, saying that the super VIP room was successfully ordered.

No, there are still a few soul notes left.

Mu Rufeng reached out and took it, counted it, and there were still 800 soul notes left.

He took 8,000, and then gave a 10% discount, spending 7,200, leaving 800.

As expected, the 10% discount coupon can still be used in the dungeon world.

Just when Mu Rufeng finished ordering, Lei Dun, who was waiting on the side, suddenly came over.

The originally cold face had already smiled and greeted him without knowing when.

"Dear guest, hello, congratulations on your successful order of a super VIP suite."

"Can I use it now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, dear guest." Lei Dun still had a smile on his face.

Then, he turned his head, looked into the distance, and shouted, "Xiao Xiao, come here."

"Here I am, Manager Lei." A woman in a black maid outfit ran over from a distance.

"Dear guest, she will lead you to the super VIP suite." Lei Dun said to Mu Rufeng.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

This Xiao Xiao is not a contractor, but not a new player, but a LV1 player.

It is obvious that she has already cleared at least one dungeon.

"Brother Mu, do you still need a bed warmer in your room?" At this time, Sun Lujia on the side pulled Mu Rufeng.

"Uh, what? You want to warm my bed?" Mu Rufeng looked at Sun Lujia.

"If you want, it's not impossible." Sun Lujia said shyly.

"Forget it, I don't want you to warm my bed, but I can open a room for you." Mu Rufeng said, and directly took out another 8,000 soul notes.

"Manager Lei, can I get a 20% discount if I help my partner to open a super VIP suite?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Sorry, sir, you can only enjoy a 20% discount if you consume it yourself. If you pay for others, it won't work." Lei Dun said quickly.

"Yes, you can open a room by yourself." Mu Rufeng took out another thousand, a total of nine thousand soul notes and threw them to Sun Lujia, the second.

"How come you are so rich?" Sun Lujia was shocked.

Mu Rufeng smiled but said nothing.

No one in the relevant departments would find his current source of funds strange.

After all, there are a lot of daily deposits, and others will only think that he is extravagant, and will not doubt the source of the funds.

"Wait, you are not that one." Sun Lujia looked at Mu Rufeng in shock again.

Since last month, the funds of the headquarters of the relevant departments have suddenly become sufficient.

At first, no one knew the reason, but as time went on, there were still rumors.

Sun Lujia didn't know the plot, but the rumor she learned was that a contractor in the Changsha headquarters had cooperated with a group in the weird world.

I don't know what kind of cooperation it is, but the relevant departments can get a lot of soul money every day.

"Hehe." Mu Rufeng smiled and didn't answer.

"Well, can I get a room for 500? Super VIP suite, I think it's too wasteful." Sun Lujia said in a low voice.

"Well? OK, then you give me the rest of the money." Mu Rufeng said.

"Forget it, I'll open it." Sun Lujia said with disappointment.

Obviously, Sun Lujia's little thoughts were discovered.

Those contractors naturally noticed the situation here.

Each one was shocked by Mu Rufeng's wealth and generosity.

Especially Wan Yong, his eyes kept turning around, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"Brother Mu, my body is very soft, how about a big sister to help you warm the bed?" At this time, Yang Zhaodi came over and directly hugged Mu Rufeng's right hand.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's arm fell directly into the gentle land, feeling two warm breaths.

Yang Zhaodi whispered in Mu Rufeng's ear, extremely tempting.

"Ahem, this big sister, ah, no, it's Miss Yang."

"I..." Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he saw Sun Lujia grab Mu Rufeng's left hand and pull it violently.

But he directly pulled Mu Rufeng out of Yang Zhaodi's arms.

Immediately, Sun Lujia hugged Mu Rufeng's arm and said without any taboo: "Mu Rufeng, that guy is not a good person, don't talk to her."

Yang Zhaodi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Sun Lujia to do this.

Then Yang Zhaodi smiled, came forward again, hugged Mu Rufeng's right arm, and let Mu Rufeng feel the tenderness again.

"Little sister, what you said is wrong. How can I be a bad person? Don't you think so, Brother Mu?" Yang Zhaodi looked at Mu Rufeng with a pair of charming eyes.

Mu Rufeng swallowed his saliva and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Sun Lujia: "Mu Rufeng, don't be confused. Don't look at her age. She actually had surgery."

"Oh? Surgery? Brother Mu, do you believe it?" Yang Zhaodi said while wrapping Mu Rufeng's arm tighter.

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