I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 202 Lilith's superb business ability [ask for monthly votes! ]

"Ahem, how about you go back to your room to discuss? It's not a good influence here." Wan Yong coughed twice and said.

"Wow, this guy is as handsome as me, but why is he so popular? Moreover, he hooked up with Sun Lujia, the little witch." Huang Mao looked at this scene in shock.

"Brother Mao, it must be because of his money ability." A contractor next to Huang Mao said.

"Yes, TM, this guy is really rich. He directly booked two rooms for 10,000 yuan each. Mu Rufeng, he must be the one who has contact with the Weird World Group." Huang Mao looked at Mu Rufeng with envy.

This guy is not only handsome, but also has a lot of soul money. For female contractors, it is simply a killing.

"Little sister, although I know you are relatively flat, you can't frame me because I am big. It's so elastic and warm. Do you think it looks fake?"

Yang Zhaodi weighed herself and said.

"Say it again." Sun Lujia was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her hair stood on end.

"Little sister, figure out your own strength." Yang Zhaodi still had a smile on her face.

Wan Yong looked at the two people who completely ignored his words, shook his head, spent a thousand yuan, and chose the second-tier room.

The other contractors also chose rooms.

Unexpectedly, the two-level contractor did not choose the fourth tier, but the third tier.

You know, this requires seven days of stay, and five hundred a day means three thousand five hundred yuan.

"By the way, Manager Lei, it should be okay for me to pay for seven days directly, right?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lei Dun and said.

Mu Rufeng was not interested in the quarrel between Yang Zhaodi and Sun Lujia.

"Of course it's okay, sir." Lei Dun's originally straight body became a little hunched, and his face was full of flattering smiles.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out his bank card and swiped it against the card slot on the machine.

Afterwards, he also paid Sun Lujia's seven-day room fee directly.

It was only tens of thousands of yuan, which was really just a small amount of money for Mu Rufeng.

He still had more than 4 billion in his Tiandi Bank card. According to the 5% interest rate for large deposits, the interest for one day alone reached more than 600,000.

Of course, this was also calculated based on the interest of the previous 1 trillion.

Even if his more than 4 billion was a little less, 2% would be enough, which would be hundreds of thousands.

After all, Sun Lujia was also a colleague in the relevant department, so it was no problem to help.

"Brother Mu, I~~"

Before Yang Zhaodi finished speaking, she saw Mu Rufeng said, "Xiao Xiao, lead the way."

"Ah, oh oh oh, okay, Mr. Mu, please follow me." Xiao Xiao reacted and quickly made a gesture of invitation.

Upon hearing this, Yang Zhaodi immediately looked down at her capital and thought to herself, "It shouldn't be."

"Humph." Seeing this, Sun Lujia looked at Yang Zhaodi proudly as if she had won.

"Manager Lei, I'll also open a seven-day super VIP suite." Yang Zhaodi ignored Sun Lujia's eyes and then spoke.

"Okay, ma'am." Lei Dun quickly helped Yang Zhaodi open a seven-day super VIP suite.

It's hard to imagine that Yang Zhaodi, a casual person, can actually take out 70,000 yuan to live in such a room.

This is undoubtedly the biggest shock to Sun Lujia.

Sun Lujia suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "Manager Lei, I just saw Brother Mu directly swipe 70,000 soul notes for me."

"But I have a 10% discount on consumption, do you still have to refund me 7,000 yuan?"

Lei Dun's smile froze in place.

In the end, he spent some time operating the machine and then refunded Sun Jialu 7,000 yuan.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's fine to let a man pay for the room, but she actually collected the room check-out fee herself. The world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not the same as before." Yang Zhaodi shook her head and walked towards the stairs with a little maid.

"Hmph, it's none of your business." Sun Lujia's face suddenly became very bad.

"Oh, it seems so. Forget it. When I return, I will exchange the new prop in the department for him." Sun Lujia murmured and left here with a little maid.


Mu Rufeng followed Xiao Xiao into the elevator.

After Xiao Xiao pressed the button for the fifteenth floor, the elevator started slowly.

The entire cruise ship, fifteen floors below the deck and fifteen floors above the deck, is also quite strangely distributed, but Mu Rufeng doesn't care.

He is just a little confused now, why the plug-in hasn't appeared yet.

"That. Mr. Mu, are you also a player?" Xiao Xiao suddenly spoke.

"Well, yes, I'm from the relevant department." Mu Rufeng said.

"Related department? What is that?" Xiao Xiao was confused.

"Uh, is this your second copy?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, the second copy. The first copy was a single-player one. I just found out there were other players for the first time." Xiao Xiao said.

"The relevant departments are government units. They are actively recruiting players like you. After you clear this copy, you can go find the relevant departments and join them."

"You will get more information and some benefits at that time." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Great, as long as I can complete the copy alive, I will join the relevant departments." Xiao Xiao said excitedly.

"Ding Dong!" The elevator also arrived at the fifteenth floor at this time.

Xiao Xiao led Mu Rufeng out of the elevator.

Underfoot, there is a very soft carpet, and on the walls around, there are extremely gorgeous landscape paintings.

The entire corridor is not long. Looking left and right, it is found that there are only twenty super VIP suites.

However, it can be seen that the end of both sides of the corridor is the endless Dead Sea.

Obviously, the super VIP suite is a pure sea view room.

"Mr. Mu, the room number assigned to you by the system is 1518." Xiao Xiao led Mu Rufeng to the door of Room 1518.

"Mr. Mu, you just need to put your hand on it, and your identity information will be automatically recognized." Xiao Xiao said again.

"Well." Mu Rufeng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold the door handle. The next moment, a sound of key jumping sounded.

Mu Rufeng pushed the door in response.

The dark room instantly became bright.

"Well, the room is very good." Mu Rufeng glanced at the layout inside and nodded with satisfaction.

Not to mention, it is not worse than some five-star hotel rooms in the real world.

Especially there is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, which can clearly see the scenery of the Dead Sea.

"Mr. Mu, I am your exclusive waiter now. I will be waiting outside. If you have any instructions, you can find me at any time." Xiao Xiao said.

"Your name is Xiao Xiao, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Did you just get a side quest?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Ah, Mr. Mu, how did you know?" Xiao Xiao exclaimed.

"When did you get on the ship? Oh, that is, when did you enter the dungeon." Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I have only been on for less than half an hour." Xiao Xiao said.

"Half an hour? Then how are you so familiar with the ship?"

This time is about the same as theirs.

"I don't know. Since I became a waiter in the housekeeping department, some memories about the housekeeping department suddenly appeared in my mind."

"What are your clearance conditions?"

"My clearance condition is to work on the ship for seven days."

Mu Rufeng heard this and nodded slightly, which matched the information he was familiar with.

"What is your side quest? What is the reward?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I want to serve you well and meet all your needs. You can rate once a day. If you give a good review, I will increase your clearance by 100% and reward you 100 soul coins."

"If it's an ordinary review, I will only get 50 soul coins. If it's a bad review, I will be punished." Xiao Xiao answered Mu Rufeng one by one.

"Well, will it be dangerous for you to stay here?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"No, Mr. Mu, this can be said to be the safest place on the entire ship, even in the aisle." Xiao Xiao said.

"That's fine." Mu Rufeng nodded, which matched the information he knew a lot.

Mu Rufeng encouraged Xiao Xiao a few words and closed the door.

Mu Rufeng took off his windbreaker and threw it on the sofa, then took out his mobile phone and called the conductor.

However, no one answered the call.

Mu Rufeng didn't force the call this time because there was no need.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng sent a text message to the conductor about his boarding of the Gluttony Cruise.

I believe that if the train conductor sees it, he will definitely reply to him.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out a business card from his back.

This business card was given to him by Lu Xueqing, the owner of Baibaolou in Qingshan City.

"Should I fight or not?" Mu Rufeng was a little entangled.

If he fought, Baibaolou might come directly and take him away.

Then, it would be difficult for Mu Rufeng to kill the Gluttony Cruise.

After all, the Bloody Train could not find the trace of the Gluttony Cruise at all.

But if he didn't fight, his inventory was banned and connected to the life of the fallen angel, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Damn train conductor, even if something happened, wouldn't he send a text message to tell me?" Mu Rufeng looked annoyed.

"Forget it, wait a few more days, anyway, I still have to stay on the cruise for seven days." Mu Rufeng finally made a decision.

Then, Mu Rufeng called Liu Mei.

After the call was connected, Liu Mei's surprised voice came: "Mr. Mu, you called so late? Have you entered the dungeon?"

The time in the strange world is now September 1, 12:38 am.

"Well, by the way, how is Lilith now?" Mu Rufeng nodded, and then asked.

"Mr. Mu, Lilith's business ability is really too strong." Liu Mei said excitedly.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng could feel the excitement from Liu Mei's voice.

"Mr. Mu, do you know that Lilith has now become the director of the commodity management department of our Scarlet Optimization Group..."

Liu Mei told Mu Rufeng a series of things that happened after Lilith joined the Scarlet Group.

After Xu He brought Lilith back to Scarlet Optimization, he handed her directly to Liu Mei and asked her to arrange things with Lilith's ability.

After the arrangement was completed, he hurried to make preparations so that he could retreat and break through the ninth-level ghost emperor.

When Liu Mei saw Lilith for the first time, she knew which department Lilith belonged to, which was the commodity management department.

Scarlet Optimum Group has multiple departments, namely the logistics department, sales department, strategic cooperation department, human resources department, technology department, internal control and supervision department, and combat department.

Among them, the commodity management department integrates the functions of commodity procurement and operation departments, and is mainly responsible for commodity selection, procurement, operation, quality control, and supplier management.

To put it simply, they are external personnel.

After Lilith joined the product management department, relying on her appearance and charm ability, coupled with her eighth-level ghost king's strength, she was simply crushing the situation.

Not only has the supplier's supply price been lowered, but more best-selling products have been cooperated, becoming single products or even exclusive items on the Scarlet Preferred Platform.

As for operations, the same thing happened. An advertisement was filmed with her as the spokesperson and then broadcast on TV stations, which greatly increased the traffic of Scarlet Preferred Group.

So much so that the stock price of Scarlet Preferred Group has reached 80 billion.

And once Xu He, the general manager of Scarlet Preferred, successfully breaks through the ninth-level Ghost Emperor, there will be no problem if the stock price exceeds 100 billion.

The most important thing is that the Scarlet Preferred Group has not yet been listed on the market. Once it is listed, doubling it will be an understatement.

Looking at Xixi Preferred and Undead Preferred, the stock prices of the two major groups are falling every day.

It can be said that Lilith's abilities have been recognized by all the senior management. At the same time, Lilith is extremely popular among many employees and has become a die-hard fan.

It can be said that Lilith can easily mobilize hundreds of weirdos with a wave of her arms.

After hearing this, Mu Rufeng had to admit that she was really right to buy Lilith.

"It's best if you have the ability. Is there anything happening in Baibao Tower recently?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Bai Bao Lou? I heard from my father that the chief owner of Bai Bao Lou seemed to have gone to the West. There is no news about what happened to him." Liu Mei thought for a moment, and then said.

"Is that so? By the way, Lilith should have bought a phone. Give me her number." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I will text you his number right now." Liu Mei nodded repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Mei sent a text message not long after.

Mu Rufeng dialed the phone number immediately.

"Who?" Lilith's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's me." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Master? Master, have you entered a strange world?" Lilith's tone was obviously full of surprise.

Obviously when they were first bound, they were still a little resentful towards Mu Rufeng. It had only been half a month, but their attitude had changed so quickly.

"Well, how are you doing at Scarlet Choice during this time? Are you getting used to it?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Thank you, Master, for your concern. It's very nice here, and the employees are very obedient. They do whatever I ask them to do."

"Those suppliers who cooperate with us, they agree to whatever I say." Lilith said.

"Just get used to it. Just work hard there first. By the way, I also own a Qingshan pig farm and a 5% stake in the Blood Boring Hotel."

"If you have time, you can go there. You can just take a job at the Blood Boring Hotel. As for the Qingshan Pig Farm, I own 40% of the shares."

"I also appointed the factory director. You can go to the pig farm to see how to expand the scale. If the pig farm is willing to let me inject capital, you can come to me to get the funds."

"You can also add a batch of vending machines to these three companies. Anyway, you can help me take care of the assets under my name." Mu Rufeng said a lot in one breath.

"Okay, Master, I will definitely take care of your assets for you." Lilith replied solemnly.

"Oh, by the way, you should also have a bank card, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Master, I applied for a Tiandi Bank Card a few days ago." Lilith said.

"Submit your card number and I will send you a sum of money. If there are any good projects or investment projects, you can invest in them."

"Yes, Master, my card number is *****"

Soon, Mu Rufeng transferred 500 million directly to Lilith.

On the other side, Scarlet Preferred Group, in a more comfortable dormitory.

Lilith, who was wearing cool clothes, was lying on her side on the bed at the moment, her pair of milky white snowflakes being squeezed out of shape.

At this moment, she was talking to Mu Rufeng on the phone with a happy face.

[Your card with the last number is 6656, the transfer income was 500000000.00 yuan at 12:40 on September 1, and the balance was 500.1 million yuan]

The ordinary Tiandi Bank Card was instantly upgraded to a Platinum Card.

Lilith, who was well-informed, looked at the bank card in her hand in shock.

She is an eighth-level ghost king, but because of the special characteristics of her race, her life is extremely difficult.

Those eighth-level ghost kings were chasing her crazily, hoping to obtain her for the first time so as to add to the foundation of breaking through to the ninth-level ghost king.

And some ninth-level ghost kings also want to get her.

In this way, she has been living in hiding since she was a child.

The most difficult moment was when she was at level 5, when she was caught by a steward from the Warty Chamber of Commerce and wanted to auction her off.

Fortunately, she was saved by the leader of the Succubus Cult. From then on, she lived a peaceful life in the Succubus Cult and became stronger.

Year after year, day after day, she successfully reached the eighth level of the Ghost King with the help of the safe environment and resources within the Succubus Cult.

Then, she took over the leadership of the Succubus Cult from the previous leader.

Then, she knew everything about the Succubus Cult.

It turns out that the Succubus Cult is just a slave supplied by an established financial group in the West.

Almost all the succubi were taken into the Succubi Cult.

Once the level reached a certain limit, they would be sent to this force, or even sold.

No wonder many of Lilith's friends would leave once they broke through a certain level, and then never be seen again.

And the reason why she stayed in the Succubi Cult was because she had good qualifications and was a good seedling for breaking through the Ghost King.

Originally, as long as Lilith broke through to level eight, she would be taken away by a high-level official of the force.

However, she was stopped by the previous leader and allowed to take over as the leader of the Succubi Cult, and the previous leader calmed the anger of the high-level official at the cost of himself.

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