I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 203 The plug-in has arrived [Please give me a monthly ticket! ]

After learning everything, Lilith wanted to break through the ninth level ghost emperor one day, and then let the succubus no longer be enslaved.

In the end, her hope was shattered, because the senior leader was going to break through the ninth level ghost emperor, so Lilith was needed to continue to increase his breakthrough foundation.

Lilith was also told to quickly select the next leader and make a good handover, and the time was one week.

In order to prevent Lilith from running away, he was also given some powerful rune restrictions.

Desperate Lilith remembered that she had received news before that there was a rule prop in the branch building of Baibao Building, which could remove all rune restrictions except the rule type.

However, the difficulty of Baibao Building with or without the owner is completely different.

On the last day, Lilith found an opportunity. The Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce hosted a banquet for the leaders of major groups.

The owner of Baibao Building was also among them.

Lilith was ready to fight.

Although, relying on her charm ability and some props, she charmed the deputy building owner, an eighth-level ghost king.

With the help of the authority of this deputy building owner, she successfully stole the rule prop and broke her own restrictions.

If Lilith left at this point, she might really escape.

Unfortunately, she always wanted to break through the ninth-level ghost emperor. When she came to the warehouse of Baibao Building, how could she resist the temptation and return empty-handed.

In the end, because when she took the treasure, she alarmed the owner of Baibao Building. The owner returned immediately and suppressed it directly and forcefully, and then controlled it with a slave bracelet and was taken back to the east.

Then, for some unknown reason, a knight of the Succubus Cult, that is, the sixth-level contractor who exploded himself, also came to the East and opened the teleportation rune for the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that because of her identity, even when she was the leader of the Succubus Cult, the funds on hand did not exceed 10 million.

Now, such a large sum of money was so simple and easy to deposit into her bank card.

While Lilith was shocked, her loyalty to her master Mu Rufeng increased dramatically.

"You need some resources for cultivation, and you can also buy some as appropriate." Mu Rufeng said.

"Master, I am now at the peak of level eight. If I want to break through the Ghost Emperor, ordinary resources are no longer useful." Lilith said.

"Oh, okay, you can do it yourself." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Then he chatted with Lilith for a while, not just chatting, but wanting to get her original information and some information about the strange world in the West from Lilith.

The relevant departments definitely have very little information about this.

While chatting, suddenly, Mu Rufeng's face was happy, and then he quickly interrupted the topic with Lilith and hung up the phone.

The plug-in has arrived.

[Host has entered the dungeon, plug-in loaded successfully]

[Host, please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Water Element: You have the power to control the water element]

[2. Wind Element: You have the power to control the wind element]

[3. Thunder Element: You have the power to control the thunder element]

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when he saw these three plug-ins.

Why are the three plug-ins today a little different?

Then, Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

What is the most common thing on the sea? It's nothing more than sea water, rain, storms and lightning.

And these three plug-ins basically include these three most common natural elements.

Mu Rufeng was the first to exclude the power of wind element.

Thunder element is an extremely powerful ability, and for so long, even in the information database of the relevant departments, it seems that no one or weird has the power of thunder and lightning.

In this way, the power of thunder and lightning should be a very taboo power for weird, and it has a strong killing power against it.

The water element can be said to be the most suitable ability above the sea.

The power of the plug-in is generally extremely powerful, and it seems that it can only control the power of the water element.

If he chooses, Mu Rufeng feels that he can definitely control the sea within a certain range.

In addition, there are countless secret treasures and powerful strange creatures under the sea, and Mu Rufeng's [Killing monsters will become stronger] can also get a more terrifying bonus.

Mu Rufeng is more inclined to the power of the water element.

However, Mu Rufeng also has to consider the problems left by the plug-in.

"Should I choose the water element or the thunder element?" Mu Rufeng was immediately entangled.

If you choose the water element, with the plug-in [Killing monsters will become stronger], rush into the Dead Sea to kill and kill, the attributes will definitely skyrocket.

Choose the thunder element, don't say too much, facing those weird, the lethality will inevitably increase exponentially.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng made a choice, he chose the power of the thunder element.

Because Mu Rufeng thought that water can conduct electricity.

If he possessed the power of the thunder element, he could also kill the strange creatures in the sea of ​​death on a large scale.

When Mu Rufeng made his choice, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body.


A large amount of thunder power flowed over Mu Rufeng's body.

Lightning flashed, and a series of crackling sounds continued to explode.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng could feel that his strength and physical strength were skyrocketing.

"It hurts~~!" Mu Rufeng's face began to become distorted.

The power of thunder covered every inch of his body, constantly stimulating his body, stimulating his organs, and stimulating his cells.

【Ding! You have been tempered by the power of thunder, and your physique is +1]

【Ding! You have been tempered by the power of thunder, and your physique is +1]

【Ding! You have been tempered by the power of thunder, your constitution +1, your strength +1]

【Ding! You have been tempered by the power of thunder, and your physique +1, strength +1, and spirit +1]

This prompt sound appeared thirty times before it stopped.

As the notification tone subsided, Mu Rufeng's distorted expression also recovered.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng became taller and her body muscles became stronger.

The whole person is as if he has been reborn, just like the marrow-cleansing and bone-cleansing character in martial arts novels.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng's whole body was naked, and all the hair on her body had disappeared.

He became bald, but also stronger.

Originally 180, he grew another 5 centimeters, reaching 185.

The muscles of the body are also a bit stronger. Overall, they don't look obtrusive, but they feel more pleasing to the eye.

After calming down, Mu Rufeng checked her attribute values.

【Strength】: 1998.7 (181.7+1817)

[Spirit]: 1790.8 (162.8+1628)

[Physique]: 2036.1 (185.1+1851)

A total of thirty points were added to the physique, ten points to the strength, and five points to the spirit.

In other words, every three increases in physical fitness will increase one point of strength and 0.5 spirit.

This series of changes was something Mu Rufeng could not expect.

"Haha, it seems that I really chose the wrong plug-in." Mu Rufeng felt the explosive power in her body and couldn't help laughing loudly.

Because of the attributes of the body, Mu Rufeng is very concerned about it. In fact, the skill of "Life and Death" is too BUF, but the premise of BUG depends on the strength of your physical attributes.

"However, the current form is really weird." Mu Rufeng looked at her own appearance through the mirror against the wall again, and suddenly felt a little pained.

"Bandage, get some clothes and come out quickly." Mu Rufeng shouted towards the bandage at her feet.

After hearing this, the bandage went up Mu Rufeng's ankle in an instant, and soon turned into a bandage garment, and even hugged Mu Rufeng's head thoughtfully.

In this way, others will not be able to tell that Mu Rufeng is bald now.

Mu Rufeng took another look at the various props scattered around her feet.

When the power of the thunder element strengthened Mu Rufeng's body, the bandages felt threatened, so they dispersed directly, causing a large number of props to fall.

The clothes and pants he wore underneath were naturally scorched and turned into fly ash.

The bandage naturally took back Mu Rufeng's intention, and immediately picked up all the scattered props, and then stuffed them into the bandage again, making his back a little bulging.

But Mu Rufeng couldn't feel it at all, unless Mu Rufeng had her back against the wall.

"By the way, we have to search the room again." Mu Rufeng then remembered that after entering the room, she hadn't even found the paper cards with rules written on them.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found a booklet in the drawer of the bedside table.

[Gluttony Cruise Rulebook (Hardcover VIP Edition)]

Catalog 1: Deck Rules

Table of Contents 2: Housing Rules

Table of Contents 3: Entertainment Area Rules

Table of Contents 4: Canteen Rules

Table of Contents 5: Taboo Rules

Catalog 6: Things to note when boarding the ship

Catalog 7: Guest Attention Guidelines

"There is actually a catalog of rules?" Mu Rufeng looked at the seven-item catalog and was shocked.

This was the first time he knew that the rules could be presented so clearly in front of him.

Also, the Gluttony Cruise Ship is extremely huge and divided into multiple areas.

I guess there are still many rules that have not been written down in this booklet.

For example, some engine rooms, cockpits, etc. are not accessible to guests, so naturally there is no need to show them to guests.

Then, Mu Rufeng turned to the page of housing rules.

【Housing Rules】

1. In the super VIP room, it is absolutely safe and no one, not even the captain, can do anything.

2. The corridor on the 15th floor is extremely safe, and even the captain would find it difficult to do anything.

3. The hunger of guests in the super VIP room will be reduced by 50%.

4. The efficiency of practicing ghost power is increased tenfold.

5. You can skip the meat provided by the canteen and buy it yourself.

6. After stopping at a special location, guests will be provided with admission qualifications.

After Mu Rufeng read the guest room rules, she suddenly fell into deep thought.

What he is more concerned about is the third point, which can reduce his hunger by 50%.

You know, the theme of the Gluttony Cruise is gluttony.

Once on the ship, your hunger level will become higher, and will continue to increase the longer you stay on the ship.

Fortunately, he had eaten a lot of food to fill his stomach before boarding the boat.

But even so, Mu Rufeng was already a little hungry now.

Mu Rufeng knew that the fifth level room could reduce hunger by 5%, the fourth level by 10%, and the third level by 15%.

These are all things that contractors experience firsthand and then report the news.

According to the previous levels, the relevant departments guessed that the second level was 20% and the first level was 25%.

But unexpectedly, the first level reached 50%.

As your hunger increases, you have to eat, and on the Gluttony Cruise, multiple levels of cheap meat will be provided.

How cheap is it? Five dollars a buffet seat, although there are higher levels, the price has not increased much.

This kind of meat will make people develop in the direction of pig-headed ghosts, even if they are weird.

Those dozens of pig-headed ghosts are really weird attracted by cheap meat.

The relevant departments do not have too much information, and many of them are only half-understood.

As long as people on board, whether guests or employees, must eat the meat provided by the cafeteria.

But in the room of super VIP guests, they can refuse and then buy normal food.

"But what is that special place?" Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the sixth point.

"Wait, could it be." Mu Rufeng suddenly understood.

On the third day of the Gluttony Cruise, it will stop somewhere for one day and will not set sail again until the next day.

Combined with the sixth point, the third day will go to a special place.

That is to say, this special stop should be the exclusive benefit of the Super VIP room.

"Three days? I want to see what special place it is." Mu Rufeng said with a chuckle.

Then, Mu Rufeng looked through other rules.

Half an hour passed unknowingly.

So far, Mu Rufeng has a general understanding of the Gluttony Cruise.

The canteen is an extremely important part of the Gluttony Cruise.

Whether it is employees or guests, even the captain, the first mate and other senior executives have to go to the canteen three times a day.

Corresponding to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In addition to some basic places, guests cannot go to many places. Once they go there, they will violate the rules and there will be weirdness to clear them.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and began to take pictures of the photos in the booklet one by one.

Although I don't know what will happen to the Gluttony Cruise in the end, it is definitely correct to save the rules above.


Just at this moment, there was a sound of lightning and thunder outside the window.


After a while, heavy rain poured down, and the thunder in the sky was still flashing.

Looking out through the French window, the Gluttony Cruise was shrouded in black clouds with lightning and thunder within a radius of several kilometers.

"Hmm? The opportunity has come, just in time, I can try the ability of the plug-in."

How could Mu Rufeng miss such a godsend opportunity.

Under the weather of lightning and thunder, no matter how Mu Rufeng uses his ability, I am afraid he will not be able to alarm others.

The most important thing is that there is a rule in the manual.

[In thunderstorm weather, please return to the cabin immediately and do not go out]

This rule is not only for guests, but also for employees, including deck workers and patrol personnel.

Mu Rufeng stood up and turned off the lights in the room.

Considering that Xiao Xiao was waiting outside the door, Mu Rufeng went directly to the window, first pulled the curtains, and then used the characteristics of teleportation to teleport outside.

At the same time, using Bai Jingwei's ability, he stood on the glass, then climbed up along the glass, and soon climbed to the top.

Not far away, there was a taller building, the cockpit.

At this moment, the cockpit was pitch black, and it was obvious that no one was inside.

"Could it be that the captain hasn't come back yet?" Mu Rufeng thought about it and went back to the house.

Then he took out his phone and called Han Chun, the manager of the Xuetong Hotel.

After about five rings, the call was connected.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry, I was sleeping just now. I called so late. Do you have anything to do?" Han Chun's tone was extremely respectful.

"I want to ask, are the two people who first checked into the VIP room on the eighth floor still there?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, are you talking about the two guests who checked into the eighth floor before it was open to the public?" Han Chun asked.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"One guest has left, but the guest in room 801 has not left yet." Han Chun said.

"Is the guest in room 801 called Zhu Shixuan?"

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

"Thank you very much. If he leaves, call me." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry. As long as he checks out, I will tell you as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng quickly left the room. This time, he did not climb up, but fell directly downward.

Relying on his ability to teleport, he landed safely next to the side wall in a short while.

Bean-sized raindrops kept falling, instantly soaking Mu Rufeng's body.

Mu Rufeng did not care about this. He leaned against the wall and then looked down.

At this moment, the violent storm, thunder and lightning made the Dead Sea extremely uneasy.

But surprisingly, the Gluttony Cruise was extremely stable, and it seemed that these winds and waves could not affect the Gluttony Cruise.

At this moment, a huge strange shark was blown away by the waves and then crashed into the hull of the Gluttony Cruise.

The strange shark was so rotten that its bones were visible, but its body was extremely huge, dozens of meters long, and the aura it exuded was also at level six.

However, at this moment, the strange shark exuded a breath of fear.

"Boom!" With a loud bang.

The strange shark crashed into the hull of the Glutton Cruise.

And the strange shark also wailed and fell towards the sea below.

At this moment, a thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit the strange shark instantly.

When the lightning disappeared, the strange shark turned into a piece of charcoal and fell downwards.

However, before it fell on the sea, it was torn into pieces by the rain, and then washed away by the sea water and dissipated into nothingness.

Mu Rufeng, who was standing by the bulwark, smiled.

He could not only exert the power of thunder, but also control the thunder in the dark clouds.

With just one blow, he killed the sixth-level strange shark in seconds.

Mu Rufeng seemed to have a feeling that if he burst out with all his strength, he could cause all the thunder in the dark clouds within a radius of several kilometers to fall.

If all of it is concentrated on one point, with such a huge force, Mu Rufeng feels that even an eighth-level Ghost King will not be able to escape, and even a ninth-level Ghost Emperor should have to temporarily avoid the edge, right?

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