I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Double monthly tickets at the end of the month, please give me some!

Secretly add one more chapter.

At the end of the month, that is, on the 29th, 30th, and 31st, there will be a double monthly ticket event.

So, Xiaowen is begging for a wave of monthly tickets here!

Double monthly tickets, begging!

Also, the 300 monthly tickets and 2,000 words added will be added from today.

Last month, it was 3,000 monthly tickets, and this month it is 2,400 monthly tickets for the time being, which means that I have to add at least 36,000 words.

According to 5,000 words per chapter, that is seven chapters.

Today, I secretly added a chapter of 5,000 words, and I will pay it back later.

As for rewards and extra chapters, it seems that there are no large rewards.

Also, let me talk about the results here. At present, the average subscription is 7,800. This result is really a big surprise for Xiaowen.

The recent chapters may be a bit bland, and some readers also say that the presence of plug-ins has weakened.

It is also relatively watery, and the female characters are too poisonous. I try to write less.

I will think about the subsequent plot and make the plug-ins more prominent.

Now I update 10,000 words every day. My brain hurts after writing them. But I will try to write more.

That's all!

Finally, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket, a subscription, and a reward!!!

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