I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 205 The Damaged Gluttony Cruise [Double monthly tickets requested! ]

If we count level 3 monsters instead of level 1 and 2 monsters, it is equivalent to killing 7,000 monsters.

There may be some high-level monsters, but there are certainly not as many as level 3 monsters.

But compared with level 1 and 2 monsters, there is no comparison at all.

He believes that most of the kills are level 1 and 2.

"This wave, a big profit."

"It's better to have more storms." Mu Rufeng smiled.

The thunder power he controls can also cause great damage, but the killing range is definitely not the same as the killing range under the storm.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng also knew one thing, which made Mu Rufeng very happy.

That is, the 10% discount coupon is not only useful for payment. He uses ghost power, consumes physical strength and mental energy, etc., and all of them are discounted by 10%.

What does it mean? For example, the ghost power consumed by Mu Rufeng to perform instant teleportation is reduced by 10%, and he only needs to pay 90% of the original ghost power.

And running, the physical strength consumed during running will also be reduced by 10%.

This point was only known to Mu Rufeng last night when he controlled Thunder.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng would not be able to return to the room, and he would have fainted directly on the deck.

The reason why he didn't notice it before was mainly because his ghost power was too strong, and it consumed very little to perform the ability. In addition, he didn't pay attention to this point because he rarely performed it.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and looked at the door.

It was only half past six, why would someone knock on the door?

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Mr. Mu, are you awake? There is an emergency now." Xiao Xiao's voice came from outside the door.

"Emergency?" Mu Rufeng did not reply, but walked to the door silently without making any sound.

Outside the door, there were still continuous knocks on the door and Xiao Xiao's shouts.

Mu Rufeng opened his cat's eye and looked outside.

Xiao Xiao, who had some dark circles under her eyes, was knocking on the door.

It seemed that Xiao Xiao had stayed here all night last night?

"Mr. Mu, wake up quickly?" Xiao Xiao seemed a little anxious.

"What emergency?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"I don't know either. It was ordered by First Officer Zhao. Now First Officer Zhao is waking up the guests one by one." Xiao Xiao explained hurriedly.

"First Officer Zhao?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, then thought for a while and opened the door directly.

Mu Rufeng glanced around and found that as expected, First Officer Zhao was knocking on a door not far away.

In addition to Xiao Xiao, there were also two players in maid costumes knocking on the door at the door of the room on his left and right sides.

As a contractor, as long as you live in the super VIP suite, you will have an exclusive maid service.

I think the people in the rooms on both sides are Sun Lujia and Yang Zhaodi.

On the other side, First Officer Zhao also knocked on a door.

But soon, a curse was heard from the door.

Faced with the guest's curse, First Mate Zhao was not angry at all, but still looked apologetic, hunched over and kept apologizing.

Then, the door was closed directly, First Mate Zhao stood up, then adjusted his clothes, and knocked on the door of the next guest again.

"Xiao Xiao, what happened? Did First Mate Zhao tell you?" Mu Rufeng looked at Xiao Xiao and asked.

"I don't know, First Mate Zhao just asked me to wake you up first, he said he would come to tell you later." Xiao Xiao said.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to answer, the doors on both sides opened at the same time.

Yang Zhaodi and Sun Lujia seemed to have heard Mu Rufeng's voice, so they also opened the door.

The two quickly came over and asked about the situation.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised to see Yang Zhaodi on this floor. He didn't expect that Yang Zhaodi, a casual person, would spend 70,000 yuan to live in a super VIP suite.

Mu Rufeng also shrugged, indicating that he didn't know.

"Wait, wait for First Officer Zhao to come." Mu Rufeng had a vague guess, it must be related to last night.

"Brother Mu, do you know what happened last night?" Yang Zhaodi suddenly said.

"Last night? I don't know, I went back to my room and fell asleep." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then you missed a big show. The scene last night was really amazing." Yang Zhaodi said with some fear.

"Yes, that kind of scene is probably a scene that I will never forget in my life. I feel like an ant." Sun Jialu said.

"Yes, I was almost scared to death in the corridor last night." Xiao Xiao also said with lingering fear.

The other two players also came over immediately and talked about the terrifying incident last night.

There are a total of 20 rooms on the 15th floor, which is also the most luxurious and best super VIP suite in the entire cruise ship.

At the end of both sides of the corridor, there is a small deck, swimming pool, chairs, parasols and other facilities.

Because there was a storm last night, the glass doors on both sides closed automatically to prevent the wind and rain from blowing in.

But because it was a glass door, the three players waiting outside were almost blinded by the lightning.

The terrifying aura emitted by the thunder also frightened them.

"The sea is really too terrifying. Now you can see many bodies of dead sea creatures on the sea." Yang Zhaodi said.

"Really?" Mu Rufeng immediately walked to the end of the corridor on one side.

Because he was in room 1518, he was closer to the corridor.

After a while, he came to the small deck.

At this moment, the sky was slightly bright, but he could clearly see the situation on the sea.

On the sea surface, there were densely packed corpses of strange creatures everywhere.

There were all kinds of strange fish, but most of them seemed to be level one or two strange fish.

I saw a strange creature that was tens of meters long. Even though it was dead, it could be seen from the breath it exuded that it was a level seven ghost general.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that the Gluttony Cruise was like this everywhere.

"It's so shocking." Sun Lujia swallowed and couldn't help sighing.

"This is caused by the thunder sea last night. Even the level seven ghost generals were not spared." Yang Zhaodi said slowly.

Mu Rufeng was not shocked, but only regret and heartache.

"Three guests, I'm so sorry to disturb you so early." At this time, First Mate Zhao had come behind them without knowing when.

"First Mate Zhao, what happened?" Mu Rufeng looked at First Mate Zhao and asked.

Yang Zhaodi and others also looked at First Mate Zhao.

"I guess Mr. Mu has seen the situation on the sea?" First Mate Zhao pointed at the strange creatures on the sea and asked.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng and others to reply, First Mate Zhao continued: "Although the thunderstorm that occurred last night did not damage the main building of our Gluttony Cruise, it caused great damage to the machinery."

"In this way, we not only have no ability to sail, but the power is also running out. If we want to repair it, we urgently need a lot of ghost power to support it."

"But our captain is not here. Without the captain's authority, there is not enough money, so the Gluttony Cruise has to absorb the power of passengers and employees on the ship to repair itself."

"You are a guest of our Gluttony Cruise. As long as you stay in the room, you will not be affected." First Mate Zhao explained.

"What?" Sun Lujia was shocked when she heard this.

".There are still so many players on the ship." Yang Zhaodi's face also became solemn.

"Then blame them for not having money." First Mate Zhao said with a sneer.

Unless they were guests of the super VIP suite, he did not notify them.

Otherwise, some guests would definitely spend money to open super VIP suites, and in this case, the loss would be huge.

After all, once the Gluttony Cruise sucks, not only the money of the guests will be sucked, but also the cruise itself will be sucked.

"First Mate Zhao, what about us?" Xiao Xiao suddenly asked.

"You? We don't need you here, go downstairs." First Mate Zhao directed Xiao Xiao and the other two to go downstairs.

The three of them turned pale instantly when they heard this.

First Mate Zhao's words obviously sentenced them to death.

As soon as this was said, Sun Lujia, Yang Zhaodi and Mu Rufeng all looked at First Mate Zhao.

"Is there no other way?" Xiao Xiao said, "There are still so many strange fish in the sea, can't we just let the Gluttony Cruise swallow them?"

"Yes, can't we just let the Gluttony Cruise swallow those corpses?" Sun Lujia nodded and said.

"Xiao Xiao is right, so many corpses, aren't they enough?" Mu Rufeng also said at this time.

First Mate Zhao heard this and shook his head and said, "Mr. Mu, this is the Dead Sea. The ghost power in the bodies of the creatures that died in the Dead Sea will quickly dissipate and be absorbed by the Dead Sea in a short time."

"Last night, the Gluttony Cruise swallowed a large number of corpses before the ghost power in these corpses dissipated."

"If it weren't for this, I should have found you last night."

"Don't look at the corpses that are still there, but in fact, there is no value in them. Even the first-level strange fish will not eat these corpses."

"These corpses will decompose and melt in a few days and disappear in the Dead Sea." First Mate Zhao said slowly.

"So, are we doomed?" Xiao Xiao's face turned pale.

"Wow, I don't want to die." A maid burst into tears. This was a new player.

The other maid was a second-level contractor. Her eyes were uncertain at the moment, as if she was thinking about something.

"Brother Mu..." Xiao Xiao looked at Mu Rufeng at this time.

Obviously, she felt that only Mu Rufeng could save them.

"Where is your captain?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Well, our captain has something to do and went to land. I have informed the captain and he will wait for us at the next stop." First Mate Zhao said.

"You said there is no money?" Mu Rufeng said suspiciously.

"Yes." First Mate Zhao nodded.

"Does your captain have no money?"

"Of course the captain has money, but he is not on the ship now." First Mate Zhao said.

"Then you have a bank card, so you can ask the captain to transfer the money to you, and then you can take the money out to feed the Gluttony Cruise." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, you are a contractor, and you don't seem to understand it very well, although the captain and I control the Gluttony Cruise."

"But we won't use our own money to feed the Gluttony Cruise, unless it sells its shares, but the captain is not here, and no captain has proposed it, even if the Gluttony Cruise wants to sell its shares, it can't do it."

"Mr. Mu, if you are okay, you should return to the room as soon as possible." First Mate Zhao's tone became a little impatient.

After all, Mu Rufeng was just a contractor. Even though he spent more than 100,000 soul notes yesterday, First Officer Zhao still didn't take it to heart.

If it weren't for the rules of the Gluttony Cruise, he might have killed Mu Rufeng.

Being scolded by the other seven guests was already annoying enough, and being asked so many questions by Mu Rufeng and the others was really impatient.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything after hearing this.

Yes, no matter the captain or First Officer Zhao, it is impossible for them to use their own money to be swallowed by the Gluttony Cruise.

If they want them to pay, the Gluttony Cruise will have to sell its shares.

And it is impossible for the Gluttony Cruise to take the initiative to sell its shares. Even if the Gluttony Cruise is going to perish, it will not take the initiative.

Instead, it is up to the largest shareholder to propose it, and the largest shareholder is undoubtedly the captain.

"First Officer Zhao, you should be a shareholder, right? Is there no way to make a proposal?"

"No, if you want to make a proposal, besides the captain, only the most distinguished black gold card member of our Gluttony Cruise can do it."

"Okay, guest, please go back to the room immediately, otherwise, if there are any bad consequences later, it will not be decided by me." First Officer Zhao's tone changed.

"You three, go downstairs immediately." First Officer Zhao looked at Xiao Xiao and the other two and said in an imperative tone.

"First Officer Zhao, I have a way to solve the problem of Gluttony Cruise." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"You have a way? Guest, do you know what you are saying?" First Officer Zhao looked up and down at Mu Rufeng, his face full of disbelief.

"If I say yes, then yes, how about going to my room to talk?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Sorry, guest, I don't have time to joke with you, I still have a lot of things to deal with." First Officer Zhao refused directly.

Just kidding, a little third-level contractor told him that he could solve it, isn't this nonsense?

If it weren't for the identity issue, First Officer Zhao would have pounced on it and tore it apart.

"First Mate Zhao, I'm not kidding you. If I remember correctly, your captain's name is Zhu Shixuan, right?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

First Mate Zhao's attitude also made Mu Rufeng a little annoyed.

"Huh? How do you know our captain's name?" First Mate Zhao was a little surprised.

"Now, can we have a good chat?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"Although I don't know how you know our captain's name, I can give you three minutes." First Mate Zhao said, turned and walked towards Mu Rufeng's room.

"You go back to your room first and wait for my news. Xiao Xiao, you guys go into their room too." Mu Rufeng said.

After that, without waiting for their reply, he strode towards his room.

After a while, Mu Rufeng and First Mate Zhao came into the room.

Mu Rufeng closed the door and then looked at First Mate Zhao.

First Mate Zhao sat on the sofa by himself, and then looked up at Mu Rufeng: "You still have two minutes, I also want to know what your method is."

"First Mate Zhao, you just said that the black gold card members of Gluttony Cruise can make share proposals, right?"

Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa opposite slowly and spoke slowly.

"Of course, what? Can you still become a black gold card member?"

"Of course." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Haha, this is really the funniest joke I have ever heard. Don't you know that if you want to become a black gold card user of our Gluttony Cruise, you need to recharge a full 100 million soul notes?" First Mate Zhao said with a big laugh.

"Contractor? Haha, guest, I won't play with you." First Mate Zhao shook his head and then stood up.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, just took out his Tiandi Bank black gold card, and then let its breath out.

"You..." In an instant, First Mate Zhao's eyes were attracted by the bank card in Mu Rufeng's hand.

"Respected Mr. Mu, I was rude before, I'm really sorry."

First Mate Zhao immediately bowed and apologized to Mu Rufeng with a sincere face.

"So, can you apply for a black gold card for me now?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Mr. Mu, of course you can."

First Mate Zhao immediately came to Mu Rufeng's side, and then half-crouched on the ground, holding a card slot in his hand.

This attitude was in sharp contrast to the previous one.

"Mr. Mu, you only need to swipe your bank card in the card slot and recharge your soul banknotes to apply for my Gluttony Cruise's black gold card." First Mate Zhao said flatteringly.

Mu Rufeng played with the bank card in his hand and said calmly: "Tell me clearly, I want to know if there will be any obstruction or restriction if I propose to buy shares after recharging."

If he can get shares of Gluttony Cruise, he won't care even if he spends a little more money.

First Mate Zhao heard this and immediately explained to Mu Rufeng.

As long as Mu Rufeng becomes a Black Gold Card user and the Gluttony Cruise is in a particularly critical situation, he can propose to buy shares.

If the captain is on board, he can use his authority to refuse.

However, the captain is not here now, so Mu Rufeng can definitely propose it.

It’s just that if you buy with this identity, there is a limit, that is, you can only buy 1% of the shares at most.

This is still a rule set by the captain, and only the captain can set such a rule.

This is also to prevent someone from usurping the throne.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the flattering First Mate Zhao and sneered in his heart.

He knew that First Mate Zhao had definitely concealed some information from him.

Mu Rufeng took the bank card and directly swiped 100 million on it.

No, it was 90 million, because he had a 10% discount coupon.

The next second, a blood-red light appeared in the air.

After a few seconds, the blood light disappeared, and a blood-red card appeared there, and then slowly fell down and floated in front of Mu Rufeng.

The front of this card was a portrait of the Gluttony Cruise, and on the other side was the turbulent Dead Sea.

It exuded a palpitating breath, a unique breath of the Gluttony Cruise.

There was a slight modification in the previous part. First Mate Zhao emptied half of his deposits to increase his holdings to 1% of the shares, and changed it to empty all the deposits

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