I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 206 Becoming a shareholder of Gluttony Cruise [Double monthly tickets requested! ]

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand, and before he could even take it, the black gold card automatically fell into his palm.

[Gluttony Cruise Black Gold Membership Card]: Gluttony Cruise's most distinguished black gold membership card, which can only be obtained by recharging 100 million soul coins or more on the Gluttony Cruise at one time, is a symbol of status.

Effect: With this card, you can take the Gluttony Cruise for free, and all consumption on the cruise is 40% off. You can spend soul coins to have Gluttony Cruise pick up guests at your door, including the real world.

Note 1: If you need to go to the real world for pick-up, it is limited to once a month.

Note 2: The balance of the black gold card must not be less than 10 million, otherwise it will be downgraded.

Special effect: You can command employees to a certain extent.

Current balance: 100,000,000 yuan

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was surprised.

It seemed that something incredible had happened to him.

He had a 10% discount coupon, which only cost 90 million, and then recharged 100 million here, and the balance was also 100 million.

If this can be withdrawn, wouldn't it be a huge profit of 10 million?

However, Mu Rufeng thought of the Black Gold Card of the Bloody Train again.

The balance of that Black Gold Card can only be refunded by one tenth, and it is estimated that it should be similar here.

"Mr. Mu, you have become the fifteenth Black Gold Card user of our Gluttony Cruise. It is an honor to apply for a membership card for you personally." First Mate Zhao on the side was a little excited.

It is impossible not to be excited. You know, he can get a commission of 1% directly for applying for a card.

This 100 million is one million, and one million is also a considerable fortune.

"Can the money in the Black Gold Card be refunded?" Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Ah?" First Mate Zhao was confused and didn't react.

"Well, Mr. Mu, once the recharge is completed, it cannot be refunded." First Mate Zhao reacted and said quickly.

"Oh, then, how should I propose to buy shares?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, you just need to hold the black gold card and recite it in your mind." First Mate Zhao said.

While speaking, he had already stood up from the ground: "Mr. Mu, I still have things to deal with, so I won't disturb you to rest."

After that, First Mate Zhao walked towards the door.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng also silently recited the words "buy shares" in his heart.

[Dear Black Gold Card user, your request has been accepted. You can buy shares with the captain's consent. ]

[Captain Zhu Shixuan is not on this cruise ship at present. Do you want to ask the third largest shareholder, Zhao Youren? ]

A mechanical voice appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

"The third largest shareholder Zhao Youren? First Mate Zhao?" At this moment, Mu Rufeng knew what First Mate Zhao had concealed from him.

"Yes!" Mu Rufeng responded.

Then, First Mate Zhao paused for a moment, and then continued to walk towards the door.

And Mu Rufeng also received a reminder from the Gluttony Cruise.

[The third largest shareholder, Zhao Youren, has rejected your request. You cannot purchase shares. If you want to purchase, please obtain his consent.]

"First Officer Zhao, can't you explain it to me?" Mu Rufeng looked at Zhao Youren and said slowly.

"Mr. Mu, thank you for recharging 100 million yuan. Now, the Gluttony Cruise has sufficient funds to repair itself."

"Maybe I can use your 100 million yuan to restore it to a level nine vehicle. Here, I, Zhao Youren, sincerely thank you." First Officer Zhao bowed to Mu Rufeng, and then without explaining, he stretched out his hand and held the door handle.

"Zizizi~~!" A burst of electric current sounded.

"First Officer Zhao, come here, let's continue chatting." Mu Rufeng's hand flashed with lightning, and he looked at Zhao Youren calmly.

Zhao Youren stopped right where he was.

He could feel a destructive breath emerging from behind him.

Zhao Youren turned his head slowly, and when he saw the thunder jumping in Mu Rufeng's hand, he instantly became terrified.

Looking at the thunder and lightning, he remembered the world-destroying thunder last night.

"Gurgle!" Zhao Youren swallowed his saliva and quickly calmed down.

"I didn't expect Mr. Mu to have the power of thunder. This is really incredible."

"I have never seen anyone who can control such a terrifying ability." Zhao Youren raised Mu Rufeng's position again at this moment.

Even so, Zhao Youren still did not connect Mu Rufeng with the world-destroying thunder last night.

"First Mate Zhao, have you forgotten what happened last night?"

Mu Rufeng smiled indifferently, and then waved his hand and saw dozens of thunders burst out from Mu Rufeng's body in an instant.

First Mate Zhao's body was instantly wrapped in thunder.

A palpitation of death suddenly emerged in his heart, and First Mate Zhao subconsciously wanted to mobilize the power of the Gluttony Cruise.

But he quickly suppressed it. He also saw that Mu Rufeng seemed to only block his body and did not attack directly.

"Mr. Mu, did you control the thunderstorm last night?" First Mate Zhao calmed down and asked tentatively.

"If not me, then who else? Besides, when have you ever seen the thunder and lightning in the thundercloud fall together? When have you ever seen the existence of thunder power in the strange world?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"So, I think you'd better agree." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

The power of thunder became stronger, and the terrifying aura made First Mate Zhao extremely stressed.

It seems that as long as he says no, thunder will come directly to him.

Even if his strength is upgraded to the eighth level ghost king, he will probably be damaged by one blow.

There is no other reason, the power of thunder is too lethal to their weirdness.

First Mate Zhao remained silent. In the end, First Mate Zhao's aura was upgraded to the eighth level ghost king. Obviously, he still didn't want to agree.

Because, whether it is the captain or First Mate Zhao, they would not be willing to add another shareholder to the Gluttony Cruise.

First Mate Zhao didn't believe it. This was just a third-level contractor. Even if he had the power of thunder, could he kill him, a temporary eighth-level ghost king, in seconds?

As long as he didn't kill him in seconds, once First Mate Zhao left here, then Mu Rufeng would not be able to threaten First Mate Zhao even if he became stronger.

"It seems that you made a very unwise decision." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Mr. Mu, you are indeed very capable, but to cause the terrifying attack like last night, there should be thunderclouds, right?"

"This is the Gluttony Cruise, you are our most distinguished guest, so it's better not to make things too awkward." First Mate Zhao said.


At this time, a dull roar came from outside the window.

Mu Rufeng looked out the window suddenly, and then a smile appeared on his face: "First Mate Zhao, look, it's thundering."

First Mate Zhao's face became a little ugly at this moment.

Yes, it was thundering.

If it happened again like last night, their Gluttony Cruise might even eat him as a shareholder.

What's more, last night it was just conductive through water, affecting their Gluttony Cruise.

What would be the consequences if all the thunder fell on the Gluttony Cruise?

First Mate Zhao didn't dare to think about it.

"So, do you still choose to refuse?" Mu Rufeng slowly stood up from the sofa and looked at First Mate Zhao coldly.

"Mr. Mumu, you are now participating in the dungeon. If you destroy the Gluttony Cruise, you will also be wiped out because you cannot complete the dungeon." First Mate Zhao forced himself to calm down and then spoke.

"If the dungeon is destroyed, I will only be forcibly teleported back to the real world. Who told you that I would be wiped out?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

First Mate Zhao was speechless when he heard this. He didn't fool him.

At the same time, the voice of the Gluttony Cruise appeared in First Mate Zhao's mind.

"Well, I need to ask the captain." First Mate Zhao did not refuse directly.

"Captain? Haha, I count to three, 3!" Mu Rufeng sneered and began to count down.

"No, Mr. Mu, if I agree, I will be dead when the captain comes back. I will really die. I still owe him tens of millions." First Mate Zhao's face became a little terrified.


"Mr. Mu, the captain has a morbid control over the Gluttony Cruise. If I hadn't followed him the longest, I wouldn't have been able to get this 1% share of the Gluttony Cruise."

"Moreover, half of the money was lent to me by the captain."

"If Mr. Mu insists on doing so, then please destroy the Gluttony Cruise, so that I won't be tortured to death by the captain." First Mate Zhao stared at Mu Rufeng.

As long as Mu Rufeng took action, he would flee from here as soon as possible.

"In this case, why don't you sell your shares to me, and then you can go back to live on land?" Mu Rufeng didn't say 1 in the end.

"You want to buy my shares?" First Mate Zhao was a little shocked. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to say such a thing.

"What is the price of my shares? I will give you double your shares." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Okay." First Mate Zhao agreed.

"Well? You agreed?" This time, Mu Rufeng couldn't do it. He really didn't expect First Mate Zhao to agree so readily.

"But we can't buy it at the current price, we have to buy it at double the previous market price of Gluttony Cruise." First Mate Zhao said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng also agreed.

I think the stock price of Gluttony Cruise dropped sharply because it was downgraded to level eight.

"The stock price of Gluttony Cruise was 10 billion before, and 1% is 100 million."

"My bank card number is ****, you transfer 200 million to me first, and I will give you the contract, and then you can propose to continue to buy shares."

"The captain is not here, you have the authority." First Mate Zhao said.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng sneered: "Do you think I'm a fool? I'm transferring money to you first."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Rufeng took out a blank rule contract.

With a thought, the content appeared on it, and then Mu Rufeng bit his finger, wrote his name directly with blood, and then pressed his handprint.

"Sign it." Mu Rufeng threw the contract over.

After receiving it, First Mate Zhao looked through it, and said nothing. He took out a pen from his pocket, signed his name, and pressed his fingerprint.

Then, First Mate Zhao took out another contract from his body, and returned the two contracts to Mu Rufeng.

The contract that First Mate Zhao took out was naturally the share contract of Gluttony Cruise.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly transferred 200 million to First Mate Zhao's bank card, and he only deducted 180 million.

Can the transfer also be 10% off? However, Mu Rufeng soon thought of something.

How could there be such an obvious bug for him? It is estimated that only this kind of transaction setting can give a 10% discount. A simple transfer card bug must not be able to trigger the 10% discount plug-in.

Just like when he transferred 500 million to Lilith before, the 10% discount coupon was not triggered.

Concentrating his mind, Mu Rufeng then looked at the share contract, only to see the name of the first officer Zhao slowly disappear.

Mu Rufeng immediately bit his healed finger, wrote his name on the contract, and then pressed his handprint.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng has become a shareholder of the Gluttony Cruise.

He also has a vague connection with the Gluttony Cruise.

As long as he wants, he can call on the power of the Gluttony Cruise to bless himself at any time.

On the other hand, the first officer Zhao still has the strength of the eighth-level ghost king, and the power of the Gluttony Cruise is still in him.

Although the first officer Zhao has lost his status as a shareholder, he is still the deputy captain of the Gluttony Cruise.

"Mr. Mu, I'll leave first. I'll find an island where I can disembark before the next stop."

"The captain is waiting at the next stop. I don't want to meet him." First Mate Zhao said.

"Oh? Is he already at the next stop?" Mu Rufeng looked surprised.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, you'd better pay attention. After I get off the ship, I will pay him back. Then he will know that something has happened. I think the captain will definitely find a way to kill you and get your shares." First Mate Zhao urged.

"I know, you go and get busy." Mu Rufeng waved to First Mate Zhao.

At the same time, the thunder around him was also taken back into Mu Rufeng's body.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Mu's rest."

Watching First Mate Zhao leave, Mu Rufeng set his sights on the contract.

It is indeed more troublesome if the inventory is not opened.

As long as it is in the inventory, there is no need to worry about the contract being taken away.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng silently recited the purchase of shares in his heart.

[Dear Black Gold Card user, your request has been accepted. You can purchase shares with the captain's consent. ]

[Captain Zhu Shixuan is not on this cruise ship at the moment. Do you want to ask the third largest shareholder, Mu Rufeng? ]

"Agree." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised, and then agreed.

Soon, an inexplicable force descended, and then a brand new contract appeared on the coffee table.

Mu Rufeng picked it up and found that it was really a share transfer contract.

And the price on it was only 80 million.

Although it fell to the eighth-level vehicle, the stock price only dropped by about 20%.

Mu Rufeng signed the contract immediately, pressed the handprint, and then swiped 72 million directly into the card slot that appeared on the side.

When the soul banknotes were swiped away, the words on the share contract that Mu Rufeng had obtained from First Mate Zhao before slowly disappeared.

Then it became a blank rule contract.

And one of the data in the share contract that Mu Rufeng had just signed was also changed.

One percent of the shares became two percent of the shares.

Unexpectedly, the rule contract would automatically merge the two rule share contracts.

Mu Rufeng immediately put the contract on his back and was directly covered by the bandage.

Then, Mu Rufeng came to the French window and looked at the sea.

There were still many corpses of strange creatures on the sea.

However, to Mu Rufeng's regret, a strong wind had blown up at some point, and the dark clouds in the sky had long been blown away.

In this way, thunderstorms were impossible.

"Woo woo woo~~~!"

At this time, the Gluttony Cruise issued a ethereal whistle.

Immediately, the Gluttony Cruise started moving.

Before, it just went with the flow, but now, it has the ability to sail.

"This repair is really fast." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

"Dong dong dong!" At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Mu Rufeng, are you done talking?" Sun Lujia's voice came from outside the door.

Mu Rufeng came to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Outside the door, Yang Zhaodi, Sun Lujia and others were standing.

"Brother Mu, what's the situation now? Did First Officer Zhao leave? Have you finished talking?" Yang Zhaodi looked inside the room and then asked.

"Well, we've finished talking. It's all right. The Gluttony Cruise has set sail again." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is it solved like this?" Sun Lujia's face was full of question marks.

"Brother Mu, are we all right too?" Xiao Xiao asked with a worried look on her face.

"Well, everything is fine. Just do what you need to do. Okay, don't gather here. I just slept for a while today. I still need to make up for it. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

Mu Rufeng closed the door after he finished speaking.

Yang Zhaodi and Sun Lujia looked at each other and went back to the room with a puzzled look on their faces.

Xiao Xiao and the other two were waiting at the door.


Time passed in a flash, and it was twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Mu Rufeng, who was confused, was awakened.

"Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!" At the same time, Mu Rufeng's stomach also growled.

"Mr. Mu, it's lunch time. You didn't go this morning. We have to go to the cafeteria now." Xiao Xiao's voice came from outside the door.

For three meals a day, you must go to the cafeteria at the specified time, but Mu Rufeng, as a guest of the super VIP suite, can be exempted from going once.

But since I didn't go in the morning, I had to go at noon and in the evening.

However, Mu Rufeng was a black gold card user, so he could be exempted from the canteen rules.

However, Mu Rufeng still decided to go to the canteen. He wanted to see what the canteen was like, and maybe he could run into those pig-headed ghosts.

"Okay, I'll wash up." Mu Rufeng responded and walked to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Mu Rufeng opened the door of the room in a windbreaker.

"Are you very hungry?" Mu Rufeng noticed that Xiao Xiao's hands and legs were trembling. It was obvious that her hands and feet were weak from hunger.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, I'm so hungry." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Where are they? Have they gone to the canteen?" Mu Rufeng didn't see the other two maids.

"Yes, Miss Sun and Miss Yang just went down. They were supposed to wait for you, but my two companions were so hungry that they almost fainted, so." Xiao Xiao said.

"Well, let's go, I also want to see the most important canteen of the Gluttony Cruise." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Double the event, please give me monthly tickets!

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