I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 207 Meat, I want to eat meat! [Double, monthly ticket requested!]

Mu Rufeng took the elevator to the first floor.

Under Xiao Xiao's guidance, Mu Rufeng came to the canteen.

It's called a canteen, but it's actually a huge exhibition hall.

In the center of the exhibition hall, there is a huge table, on which are piles of meat.

There are raw meat, cooked meat, minced meat, anyway, all meat.

There is blood everywhere on the ground, and a fishy smell hits you in the face.

"Mr. Mu, this is the first-level canteen. There are also second- to eighth-level canteens upstairs. Where are you going?" Xiao Xiao suppressed her hunger and asked.

There is not only one canteen on the Gluttony Cruise, but it is divided into multiple areas.

The canteen on the first floor is the first-level canteen, and the second-level canteen on the second floor, and so on.

There was originally a ninth-level canteen, but it was closed directly because the level of the Gluttony Cruise fell to eighth level.

Only by upgrading to ninth level can the ninth-level canteen be reopened.

"Is there anything special about this canteen?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The higher the level of the canteen, the better the food, the better the effect, and of course, the more expensive it will be." Xiao Xiao thought for a while and said.

Mu Rufeng nodded after hearing this, and then looked at the weirdos who were eating and drinking.

There were quite a few level one weirdos on the ship, and the entire table was almost full.

"Where do all these weirdos come from?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"They are all the weirdos at the bottom level. If they want to become stronger, they keep eating. If they can bear it, they will break through to level two and go to the second floor to continue eating."

"If they can't bear it, they will turn into meat and appear on the table." The voice of First Mate Zhao suddenly sounded from behind Mu Rufeng.

"First Mate Zhao, do you mean that as long as they can bear it, they can keep getting stronger?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Of course, this is the most powerful part of the Gluttony Cruise. It is said that if you eat all the way to the cafeteria on the ninth floor without losing your mind, you will become a ninth-level ghost king and eventually become the real owner of the Gluttony Cruise." First Mate Zhao said.

"Well, then I will go directly to the ninth floor to eat, not directly become a ghost king." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, Mr. Mu, if you go directly to the upper floors, you can only eat the dishes cooked by the chef there."

"Our captain was originally only the lowest level of weirdness, and it was extremely difficult to even reach the second level."

"But he got on the Gluttony Cruise, ate all the way from the first floor to the eighth floor, reached the eighth level of ghost king, and also won the favor of the Gluttony Cruise and became the captain." First Mate Zhao said slowly.

"Hiss~~! The captain is so powerful? Has he also become a pig-headed ghost?"

Mu Rufeng has seen Zhu Shixuan's face, which looks exactly like a human, so how can he be a pig-headed ghost?

"The captain has turned into a pig-headed ghost, but he became the captain, so he turned back into a human."

"And me too. If I get off the ship, I will probably turn into a pig-headed ghost." First Mate Zhao said.

"Well, that's a pity." Mu Rufeng looked First Mate Zhao up and down.

Although he is not very handsome, he is much better than the fat and big-eared pig-headed ghost.

"Haha, it doesn't matter whether you are a human or a pig. After all, strength is the hard truth." First Mate Zhao said with a smile.

"That's right. By the way, have you decided where to go?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I haven't decided yet." First Mate Zhao shook his head.

The weird world is also very big, even many times bigger than the real world.

"Do you have paper and pen?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes." First Mate Zhao took out a booklet and a pen from his pocket.

Mu Rufeng took the booklet and pen.

[Second Captain's Pen]: This is a vice captain's pen from a sunken ship.

Effect: Rule-based props, the ink inside can never be used up.

[Second Captain's Post-it Note]: This is a vice captain's post-it note from a sunken ship.

Effect: Rule-based props, the post-it notes can never be torn up.

"Heh, I didn't expect both of them to be rule-based props." Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Although they are both rule-based props, they have no effect, so I just use them to write." First Mate Zhao shook his head and said.

Mu Rufeng smiled, and then wrote Lilith's name and number on the post-it note.

"If you don't have a place to go, I can introduce you to a job. This is the phone number of my subordinate. You can call her and I'll say hello to her." Mu Rufeng returned the post-it note and pen to First Mate Zhao.

"Thank you very much, I'll consider it." First Mate Zhao was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him.

"Brother Mu," Xiao Xiao beside him suddenly called out weakly.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and found that Xiao Xiao's face was extremely pale at the moment, and he kept swallowing saliva.

There was also a very loud gurgling sound from his stomach.

The next second, Xiao Xiao collapsed on the ground, she was so hungry that she couldn't even walk.

"Mr. Mu, she needs to eat immediately. Although she won't starve to death, she will lose her mind and eat raw meat."

"Once she eats raw meat, it will be difficult to regain consciousness. The cooked meat over there can be eaten, but the effect will not be so strong." First Mate Zhao said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, then picked up Xiao Xiao and walked towards the stairs on the side.

Level 1 cafeteria? Of course he wouldn't eat here.

On the first floor, there was almost no contractor or player.

Soon, Mu Rufeng went up to the second floor.

The layout of the second floor was similar to that of the first floor, with a huge square table full of meat.

However, the number of people who could be seen was obviously much less than that of the first floor, all of them were level 2 weird.

Mu Rufeng also saw some players in the cooked food area, who were swallowing food in big mouthfuls.

These players were at least level 1 players, and there were also a few level 2 players.

Obviously, these contractors also knew that the food sequelae brought by meat in higher-level cafeterias were much smaller.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the third floor.

There were more contractors on the third floor than on the second floor, nearly two-thirds of them were full.

He also saw Sun Lujia and her exclusive waiter, and Yang Zhaodi's exclusive waiter was also here.

Mu Rufeng did not say hello, but continued to walk upstairs.

"Hungry~~Eat meat, I want to eat meat~~!" Xiao Xiao suddenly had strength and began to struggle in Mu Rufeng's arms.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

Xiao Xiao's eyes were red at this moment, as if she was about to lose her mind.

"Let me go, let me go." Xiao Xiao bit Mu Rufeng's shoulder.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything and walked upstairs quickly.

When he came to the fourth floor, Mu Rufeng saw acquaintances.

The yellow-haired man and another level 4 contractor who he had met before boarding the ship.

He even saw some of the weirdness he saw on board.

Obviously, most of these weirdness and contractors chose the cafeteria according to their level.

Mu Rufeng continued to go up.

When he came to the fifth floor, he saw Wan Yong and Yang Zhaodi.

And he also saw two other unfamiliar level 5 contractors.

Except for a few of the weirdness on this floor, the rest were already pig-headed weirdness.

"There are so many weirdness on this gluttony cruise ship." Mu Rufeng couldn't help but sigh.

It is no wonder that the Gluttony Cruise was able to escape by absorbing the power of the guests.

"Let me go, let me go, meat, I want to eat meat~~!"

Mu Rufeng's shoulders were already covered with Xiao Xiao's saliva.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao's eyes were red, almost losing her mind, and she kept muttering about eating meat, while biting Mu Rufeng's shoulders frantically.

Obviously, he was just a player who was no different from an ordinary person, but he burst out with a huge force, which was probably not suppressed by several adult men.

However, although the power was very strong, it was still easily suppressed in Mu Rufeng's hands.

"This little girl, I want to give you something good, but you don't want to?" Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head, and then came to the cafeteria on the sixth floor.

The layout of the cafeteria on the sixth floor was completely different from that below.

There was no large square table in the center, but it was divided into three smaller square tables.

There were raw meat, cooked meat and cooked minced meat respectively.

There were eight level six pig-headed monsters in front of the square table with raw meat. Their eyes were bloodshot and they seemed to have lost all reason. They only knew how to eat raw meat crazily.

There were fewer in front of the square table with cooked meat, only four pig-headed monsters.

The eyes of these four pig-headed monsters were only slightly red, and they were not so crazy when eating meat. Obviously, they still had their own consciousness.

There were only two monsters in front of the square table with cooked minced meat.

One was the pig-headed monster that Mu Rufeng used a banana peel to make him roll off the boat before he got on the boat.

As for the other one, surprisingly, it was a human-shaped monster, but the whole face had only a big mouth, and then there were no other organs.

And this big-mouthed monster was not only eating cooked minced meat, but also had a roasted pig, some stir-fried vegetables and rice in front of him.

Obviously, this big-mouthed ghost ordered stir-fried vegetables with soul notes.

At this time, Xiao Xiao in his arms suddenly stopped struggling.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that Xiao Xiao had fainted from hunger, still muttering about meat.

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng immediately went downstairs and came to the fifth floor.

Then he walked straight to Yang Zhaodi.

"Huh? Brother Mu? Why are you on the fifth floor?" Yang Zhaodi said in surprise.

Wan Yong ate the dishes ordered by Hua Hunchao, and then looked at Mu Rufeng: "Little brother also brought a level one player."

"Xiao Xiao fainted from hunger, so I'll leave her to you. Let her order some food." Mu Rufeng handed Xiao Xiao directly to Yang Zhaodi.

Yang Zhaodi was a little dazed, and when she came to her senses, Xiao Xiao was already in her arms.

"Meat, I want to eat meat!" Xiao Xiao suddenly woke up, as if she smelled the aroma of food at close range, and then struggled and pounced on the table.

"Hey, hey, hey, you can't eat this level five meat, eat some of the braised pork I ordered, it's cheap for you." Yang Zhaodi grabbed Xiao Xiao.

Immediately, he took the chopsticks and picked up a few pieces of fat meat and stuffed them directly into Xiao Xiao's mouth.

Xiao Xiao finally regained some of her rationality at this time, but soon, hunger suppressed her rationality again, and she grabbed the braised pork in the bowl with both hands and stuffed it into her mouth frantically.

"Brother Mu, are you going upstairs?" Yang Zhaodi took the menu and was about to order some more dishes, but found that Mu Rufeng was walking towards the stairs.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng responded and continued to walk forward without looking back.

"Little brother, you are only level three. Although you may not be short of money, your body cannot withstand the food in the high-level cafeteria."

"No, it should be said that you can't resist the temptation of high-end meat. Once you eat it, you will lose your mind instantly." Wan Yong reminded.

At this time, I saw some rational fifth-level conspirators who were about to make a move, but after seeing the two fifth-level contractors, Yang Zhaodi and Wan Yong, they did not take action in the end.

"Thank you, I know my own rules." Mu Rufeng thanked him with a smile, and then stepped onto the steps.

Mu Rufeng came to the cafeteria on the sixth floor, but did not enter, but continued up.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the seventh-level canteen, she found that the layout here had changed again.

The square table is no longer visible, but there are booths, and above each booth, there is a black pipe.

Moreover, there are only two kinds of meat here: raw meat and cooked meat. Whichever you want to eat, the meat will fall from the black pipe to the table.

Mu Rufeng smelled the scent of meat in the air, and swallowed for some reason.

Mu Rufeng glanced around and saw that there were a total of five guests inside, all of whom were seventh-level ghost generals.

Three of them were dressed very well, sitting around a table, eating gorgeous Western food, and even red wine.

The other two were both pig-headed tricksters. They also lost any sense and devoured the raw meat on the table crazily. Their bodies were extremely huge, like monsters.

"Ha, look, there's actually a bed bug coming to the seventh floor." An old man dressed as a gentleman put down the red wine in his hand and sneered at Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? It's true, a third-level bed bug actually dares to come to the seventh floor. How brave he is." A middle-aged man said in surprise.

"Are you full? I'm not full yet, so I'll have another meal."

An extremely seductive female spy who looked like a peach stretched out her tongue three times the normal length and licked her lips.

"Then let's have another meal. My appetite has been a little bad lately, so just leave his head to me." The old man said slowly.

"Then I want one arm and one leg." The middle-aged man said strangely.

"Okay, then the rest will be mine." The long-tongued female ghost stood up and walked towards Mu Rufeng in a charming manner.

In the cafeteria, you are not allowed to use your hands, but there is one situation where you can.

Then he entered the cafeteria on a floor higher than his own level.

Just like now, Mu Rufeng is only a third-level contractor, but he has come to the seventh-level canteen. This is a violation of the rules and he can take action.

Mu Rufeng calmly looked at the long-tongued female ghost approaching.

This long-tongued female ghost should be a guest in the super VIP suite, or in other words, all three seventh-level ghost generals.

Through their identities as shareholders, Mu Rufeng learned that these three people were just gold card users on the Gluttony Cruise Line.

Due to the identities of both parties, he couldn't make a move. However, once the long-tongued female trickster made a move on him first, it would be a violation of the rules.

Mu Rufeng was able to kill her.

"Little brother, how about having a drink with sister?" The long-tongued female ghost came to Mu Rufeng.

"Are you trying to strike up a conversation?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"Hehe, little brother is quite brave. Not only am I chatting with you, I also want to kiss you."

As the long-tongued girl finished speaking, her soft tongue slowly lengthened, and then shot towards Mu Rufeng's mouth.

Apparently, he wanted to have a deep snake kiss with Mu Rufeng.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The long tongue girl's tongue hit Mu Rufeng's palm.

"Sorry, although you are beautiful and have a mature figure, your mouth is too bad and I can't stand it."

After the words fell, Mu Rufeng grabbed his tongue with her backhand, and then, a powerful electric current burst out instantly.


The terrifying thunder and lightning followed Mu Rufeng's arm and spread all over her body in an instant using the long tongue as a medium.

"Ah~~!" The long-tongued girl wailed in pain.

The powerful body and rich ghost power prevented the long-tongued female ghost from fainting immediately.

But just like that, the feeling of thunder all over her body also made her feel what the punishment of thunder was.

At this moment, she couldn't even mobilize the ghost power in her body, and her whole body fell into a state of paralysis.

Mu Rufeng pinched the long-tongued female ghost's tongue and continued to release the weakened thunder power.

This was also done on purpose by him. He wanted to try it out to see how far this seventh-level ghost could withstand lightning damage.

‘It’s really soft, but a bit smelly. ’ Mu Rufeng pinched it, with a look of disgust on her face.

"This kind of ability?" The faces of the old man and the middle-aged man changed drastically at this time.

They stared at Mu Rufeng. Throughout the years, the power of thunder seemed to have never been controlled, whether it was Weird or the contractor.

As Mu Rufeng gradually strengthened her power, the electric light kept flashing on the female spy's body. The long-tongued female spy's face became distorted, and the smell of burning began to appear all over her body.

The tongue held in Mu Rufeng's hand had also turned black.

The female spy stopped wailing at this moment because she had already passed out.

I'm afraid that before long, my whole body will be scorched by electricity.

"You two, your friend is about to die, what's wrong? Why don't you come to save him?" Mu Rufeng turned to look at the two weirdos.

Although the old man and the middle-aged Gui were shocked, they sat still and did not move, showing no intention of helping.

Even though the three of them were eating together, they all wanted each other to die.

Even though Mu Rufeng mocked him, he still sat on the Diaoyutai, and even drank a sip of liquid that was not sure whether it was red wine or blood to calm down.

[Triggering successfully, killing the seventh-level ghost general, spirit +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]

Mu Rufeng slowly released the tongue of the long-tongued female ghost, and at the same time, the power of thunder and lightning was also taken back by her.

When the attraction of thunder and lightning was gone, the body of the long-tongued female ghost instantly turned into powder and scattered on the ground, and then was blown away by the sea breeze, and then disappeared.

"Congratulations to the two of you, you have successfully escaped a disaster, so, goodbye to the two of you." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly.

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