I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 209 Conspiracy to kill Captain Zhu Shixuan [Double monthly tickets requested! ]

Faced with such a powerful attack, the pipe was able to accept it completely without any damage.

No, that's not right. Although it was not damaged, its size had shrunk. The three-meter-wide opening of the front section of the pipe had shrunk by half.

It was only about one and a half meters in size. At the same time, the pipe at the back had also shrunk a little.

The pipe was still swallowing the attack of the pig-headed ghost, and then quickly approached the pig-headed ghost.

When it reached a sufficient distance, the pipe suddenly flew out and hit the pig-headed ghost's belly directly.

The huge force made the pig-headed ghost retreat half a step, and then it was seen that it punched the pipe.

However, the pipe did not move at all, and was still firmly attached to the pig-headed ghost's belly.

"Gurgle!" A strange sound rang out.

Then, the pipe mouth suddenly bulged up a circle, and then recovered, but the bulged circle was heading towards the back of the pipe.

"Gurgle!" Another strange sound rang out.

The mouth of the pipe bulged again, and then went to the back.

From this situation, it seems that the mouth of the pipe is swallowing the pig-headed ghost?

Moreover, Mu Rufeng noticed that the pipe seemed to have become a little bigger.

Although he had not noticed that the pig-headed ghost had become smaller, there was no doubt that the pipe was swallowing the pig-headed ghost.

Although the pig-headed ghost had no reason, its instinct made it aware of the threat of the pipe on its belly.

He immediately raised his fists and then smashed them madly on the pipe.

However, no matter how hard the pig-headed ghost tried, it was difficult to shake the pipe attached to him.

As time went by, the pipe continued to grow, while the size of the pig-headed ghost was slowly shrinking.

In this way, the result was already very clear.

It would not take long for this out-of-control pig-headed ghost to be swallowed up by the pipe.

Mu Rufeng set his eyes on the first mate Zhao who was standing aside.

At this moment, the first mate Zhao's face showed a look of effort, and his right arm was still a circle larger than his left arm.

His thumb was still on the button, and he didn't even notice that First Mate Zhao's fingers were trembling slightly, as if he couldn't hold it down anymore.

Just at this moment, First Mate Zhao's hand trembled and the button bounced up.

Just at the moment the button bounced up, the pipe over there suddenly stiffened for a moment, and then it slid down the belly of the pig-headed ghost to the ground.

First Mate Zhao's face changed slightly, and he pressed the button again with force.

When he pressed it, the originally absent-minded pipe suddenly stood up, and then reattached to the pig-headed ghost's body.

It's just that the position is a little different, from the previous belly to a vital part, which looks weird.

The pig-headed ghost was stunned for a moment, and launched an even more violent attack.

However, no matter how the pig-headed ghost attacked, it couldn't shake the pipe at all.

At this time, Mu Rufeng walked to the side of First Mate Zhao.

"Is this remote control used to control that pipe?" Mu Rufeng asked.


"Looking at your appearance, are you going to give up?"

"Yes." First Mate Zhao was very frugal with words.

"Do you want me to help you?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No need." First Mate Zhao said two words this time.

"Are you sure? You should know my strength." Mu Rufeng said.

First Mate Zhao heard it and reacted immediately.

Yes, Mu Rufeng's strength is extremely strong, even he has no chance of winning.

Before Mu Rufeng asked him, he hadn't reacted yet, there was no way, now he was gritting his teeth and holding on.

"Then trouble Mr. Mu to take action and paralyze the pig-headed ghost, so that the pipe ghost can suck faster." First Mate Zhao said.

"Are you sure? That pipe is made of iron, it can conduct electricity, can it withstand it?" Mu Rufeng asked.


Mu Rufeng's words also directly stumped First Mate Zhao.

He was also completely unsure whether the pipe ghost could withstand Mu Rufeng's thunder power.

"It's okay, I have another way." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then took out a sandbag from his body.

Some props that are not used very often, Mu Rufeng stored them in Xiaoying's stomach, and some frequently used ones, such as butcher knives, banana peels, gourmet tablecloths, sandbags, etc., are still on his body.

[Worn sandbag]: This is a sandbag that has experienced many games, but because it is a little worn out, it has been discarded.

Effect: Hitting the target with a sandbag will force the target to be bound. The duration depends on the strength of both parties. The minimum mandatory binding is one second.

Note: If the opponent catches it, you will be forced to be bound for three seconds. After the sandbag is thrown, if it does not hit the target, or the binding ends, it will automatically return to the user's hands.

This out-of-control weird is an eighth-level ghost king, and it is still the top one at the eighth level.

If the third-level Mu Rufeng throws a sandbag, it is likely to be forced to be bound for one second.

However, Mu Rufeng is different now. Not only does he have the power of thunder.

Now, the attributes have skyrocketed.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng bit his finger and activated the bloodthirsty attribute.

In an instant, the original tenfold attribute increased by another ten percent. At the same time, he also called on the power of the Gluttony Cruise to bless himself.

[Strength]: 5152 (425.8+4258+468.3)

[Spirit]: 5125.5 (423.6+4236+465.9)

[Physique]: 5529.7 (457+4570+502.7)

All three of his attributes are over 5,000.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng fell into a very strange feeling.

His ghost den unconsciously spread out and swept in all directions.

Instantly enveloped the entire cafeteria.

A strange breath rose up.

The five level eight ghost kings in the distance frowned when they saw this, and almost at the same time, all their ghost dens were released.

But soon, the faces of these level eight ghost kings changed drastically.

Because they found that their ghost dens could only protect themselves and could not expand to a larger area.

You know, they are all level eight.

And the guy who released the ghost den was only level three?

No, the breath emitted by Mu Rufeng at this moment definitely reached the level of an eight-level ghost king.


Arcs of electricity emerged in Mu Rufeng's ghost den.

The strange aura was finally known to them.

This is the power of thunder and lightning.

"This is a forbidden power."

"Thunder, how is this possible? How can someone possess the forbidden power of thunder?"

When the ghost kings saw this scene, they were immediately shocked.


Without any hesitation, the five ghost kings immediately urged their own ghost dens to tear apart Mu Rufeng's thunder ghost den.

However, even if they burst out with the greatest power, they still couldn't tear apart the thunder ghost den.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, what's wrong with you?" First Mate Zhao shouted when he saw the terrifying ghost den emerging and Mu Rufeng in a daze.

This shouting made Mu Rufeng wake up instantly.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I was immersed in it." Mu Rufeng looked apologetic, and then threw the sandbag in his hand.

The sandbag hit the pig-headed ghost, which had shrunk a circle, without any suspense.

The pig-headed ghost, who was still frantically attacking the pipe, suddenly stopped in place, and the whole person could not move at all.


The roar continued, but the pig-headed ghost could not move at all.

As for the pipe ghost, because the pig-headed ghost did not resist, the speed of swallowing increased dramatically.

After throwing the sandbag, Mu Rufeng no longer paid attention to everyone and continued to immerse himself in that wonderful feeling.

The attributes of the body are actually compared with the level.

For example, after a certain attribute breaks through a thousand, it reaches the threshold of level five, whether it is strength, spirit, or physique.

Relying on the attribute to break through a thousand, it reaches the threshold of level five.

And after the attribute breaks through two thousand, it reaches the threshold of level six.

And if the attribute breaks through five thousand, it reaches the threshold of level seven.

For level eight, it seems to be breaking ten thousand.

As for level nine, Mu Rufeng still doesn't know.

If a single attribute breaks through five thousand, it has the strength of level seven, and Mu Rufeng has three attributes that break through five thousand.

This is not a simple 1+1+1=3, this is definitely a multiple increase.

Mu Rufeng felt that he could easily kill a level 7 ghost general with his physical body, but he could not defeat a level 8 ghost king, but he should be able to run away.

However, Mu Rufeng now has the blessing of the external thunder element and the power of the gluttony cruise.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mu Rufeng has reached the peak of level 8.

Just like the five level 8 ghost kings on the edge of the ghost den, Mu Rufeng felt that if he took action, he could easily kill them.

However, Mu Rufeng still did not take action. After all, they were guests on the ship, and they seemed to be platinum card users.

The powerful power made people intoxicated.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng came out of this immersion.

It must be said that this immersion benefited Mu Rufeng a lot, just like the enlightenment in the world of cultivation.

His strength may not have improved directly, but his control over himself and the ghosts has greatly improved.

At this moment, the pig-headed ghost has shrunk to a size of about three meters.

And the pipe has a size of four meters.

The pipe moved to the head of the pig-headed ghost, and then slowly began to swallow along the head.

At this time, a blood light flew out of the pig-headed ghost, and then fell into Mu Rufeng's hand and turned into a sandbag.

"It actually stayed still for a minute." Mu Rufeng was also a little surprised.

This shows that he can also crush the pig-headed ghost.

"Howl~~!" The pig-headed ghost regained its ability to move, and finally burst into a terrifying howl again.

Then he raised his hands and pressed on the edge of the pipe. The whole body burst out with extremely terrifying power, trying to pull himself out of the pipe.

However, it still underestimated the attraction of the pipe.

In this way, the pipe swallowed it bit by bit, and a huge bulge swam from the pipe, and then came to the wall.

"Bang! Bang!~~!"

The impact sounded, and then the raised pipe slowly returned to calm.

At the same time, First Mate Zhao also released the button on the remote control with sweat on his forehead.

But his arms were still shaking. It was obvious that he had amazing willpower to hold on until now.

"Mr. Mu, thank you so much." First Mate Zhao thanked Mu Rufeng.

"Haha, don't be so polite." Seeing that it was done, Mu Rufeng took back his ghost.

In this way, the heart-pounding aura of destruction disappeared.

The eight ghost kings were delighted when they saw the ghosts disappear, and then looked at Mu Rufeng with a fearful look.

The few people looked at each other, but they all came over at the same time.

"Hello, sir. Excuse me, is the power you just displayed the power of thunder?" A skeleton stepped forward to greet him and asked carefully.

The other four weirdos also set their eyes on Mu Rufeng, waiting for his answer.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Sir, was the world-destroying thunderstorm last night also caused by you?" The skeleton spoke again.

When the few people heard this, they were shocked. They didn't connect the two together.

"You have a good eye. Yes, it's me." Mu Rufeng did not hide what he did at all.

In the weird world, strength is everything.

"Hello, Mr. Mu. I am Liu Hao, the general manager of Chenggang Machinery Group. This is my business card."

"Mr. Mu, this is my business card. I am Yi Yonghao, the vice president of Tiandi Logistics Group."

"Mr. Mu..."

The five level eight ghost kings immediately took out their business cards and handed them to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then took them one by one.

"I don't have business cards for you. After all, I am a contractor and don't have much time to make business cards." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"If you have something to do, you can go to Lilith of the Scarlet Optimization Group. She is my subordinate." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Scarlet Optimization Group? Wait, it won't be the level nine group that opened up the channel in the real world, right?" A ghost king was shocked.

"Lilith? Such a familiar name, wait, isn't Lilith the leader of the Western Succubus Cult? How did it become yours, Mr. Mu." A ghost king said with some surprise.

"I say, Lao Gao, how long have you not watched the news? Lilith was captured by Baibaolou and sold as a slave, and the price was more than 300 million. I think the one who bought it should be Mr. Mu."

While the ghost king was speaking, he looked at Mu Rufeng with more respect.

"More than 300 million?" The ghost kings were shocked.

Although their assets are not much, hundreds of millions are no problem, and some of the stronger ones have hundreds of millions.

However, they are definitely reluctant to spend more than 300 million to buy a slave of the eighth-level ghost king.

After all, their main thing now is to expand the level of their group's power, so that they can have a chance to break through the ninth-level ghost emperor.

And Mu Rufeng can take out more than 300 million to buy it, so his assets are definitely not lower than any of them.

If it was just like this, it would be fine, but Mu Rufeng is a living person, a third-level contractor.

They have never seen a living contractor with so many assets, not to mention that Mu Rufeng is so strong.

"I heard that Scarlet Optimization Group had one more shareholder some time ago, and he became the third largest shareholder after General Manager Xu He." Another ghost king said.

(The largest shareholder is Scarlet Optimization Group itself)

"Mr. Mu, could it be that you are the real channel of Scarlet Optimization Group?" A ghost king suddenly said.

"Well, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't be able to become a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization Group." Mu Rufeng nodded.

First Mate Zhao, who was listening to the conversation between the few people, was shocked again and again, and his eyes gradually became respectful when he looked at Mu Rufeng.

"No, after getting off the ship, I must contact Lilith as soon as possible, so that I can hold on to this thigh, and even the captain will not dare to touch me in the future." First Mate Zhao made up his mind instantly.

He didn't care about Mu Rufeng's previous suggestion to introduce him to a job.

And now, after knowing so much about Mu Rufeng, he changed his mind without any hesitation.

"Mr. Mu, how about we leave contact information? Maybe we can have a chance to cooperate." Gao Xukun took out his mobile phone and lowered his posture.

Mu Rufeng looked at Gao Xukun. Mu Rufeng had seen his business card. What's more, there is a chance for cooperation.

Because this person is the owner of Kunshan Chicken Farm.

Doesn't it look familiar? It was the first stop for Mu Rufeng to pass the dungeon after he got on the bloody train.

Mu Rufeng had heard of Kunshan City, which was separated from Qingshan City by a city.

If calculated by the travel time of a large truck with a level 6 vehicle, it would take about two hours.

"Of course, I have heard of the chickens in your Kunshan Chicken Farm. You can visit the Scarlet Optimization Group when the time comes. I will tell Lilith in advance."

Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu. Let's add a ghost communication number." Gao Xukun was overjoyed. He didn't expect that their Kunshan Chicken Farm was so famous.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng added a communication number with this Mr. Gao.

The other ghost kings also rushed to add Mu Rufeng's communication number.

First Mate Zhao also took the opportunity to add Mu Rufeng as a friend.

In just a short time, the previously destroyed boxes and the traces of damage have been restored to their original state.

Because Mu Rufeng's 100 million recharge can be said to be no shortage of money, so the repair is naturally so fast.

If Mu Rufeng is standing down now, he can also find that the big holes on both sides of the Gluttony Cruise are also slowly repairing.

Mu Rufeng seemed to know this, so he decided that he must not let the captain Zhu Shixuan board the ship. It would be best to kill him on the dock.

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your guests' dining. The private room has been repaired and you can continue to dine. We will provide you with a free meal."

"You can continue to dine, or you can dine in the evening." Deputy Zhao said.

"I'm not in the mood to eat, so I'll just leave it until the evening. Mr. Mu, how about we go to the entertainment area to play?" Gao Xukun invited Mu Rufeng.

"I have something else to do. You can go and have fun on your own. Mate Zhao, go to my room and have a chat." Mu Rufeng looked at Mate Zhao and said.

"Okay." Mate Zhao was stunned for a moment, then responded.

It’s the last day of double doubling, please vote for me!

Recommend a book from a friend: "Da Ming: The Sims of Life, Lao Zhu's mentality collapsed"

"Historical Records of the Ming Dynasty": He used soldiers like a god, knew people well and used them well, created a prosperous age, and reached far beyond the Han and Tang Dynasties. Over the past thousands of years, the only person who can be called a saint is Zhu Zhu.

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