I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 210 Yes, I was the one driving the bloody train and crashed it [Double, monthly ticket reque

"Mr. Mu, if you need anything in the future, just contact me."

"Yes, my phone is on 24 hours a day, and I am also up 24 hours a day."

"Mr. Mu, if you have any mechanical needs, you can find me. I will definitely give you the lowest price, and we will also provide free shipping."

Several ghost kings immediately said attentively.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Liu Hao of Chenggang Machinery Group. To be honest, Mu Rufeng felt that he would definitely contact Liu Hao in the future.

It is estimated that the relevant departments should need machinery from the weird world, right?

Immediately, Mu Rufeng and First Mate Zhao walked towards the stairs.

There is no elevator in the cafeteria, and it is separated from the living area. Therefore, if you want to go back to the room, you have to go down to the first floor and take the elevator.

"First Mate Zhao, why doesn't this cafeteria have an elevator? It takes a lot of time to go down." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ahem, Mr. Mu, there was an elevator originally, but it disappeared after the Gluttony Cruise was downgraded." First Mate Zhao said.



In room 1518 of the super VIP suite.

Mu Rufeng sat on the sofa and looked at First Officer Zhao who was sitting opposite him and feeling a little uneasy.

When the two met for the first time, First Officer Zhao was arrogant and superior.

Now, in just one day, Mu Rufeng has become arrogant, while First Officer Zhao has become uneasy and cautious.

"First Officer Zhao, I remember you said before that with the 100 million I recharged, the Gluttony Cruise can not only repair the machinery and equipment damaged by the thunderstorm."

"It can also allow the Gluttony Cruise to break through to the ninth-level vehicle again, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, and it's not just one hundred million, but also the money you bought the shares." First Officer Zhao said.

"Well, First Officer Zhao, have you thought about it? I'll introduce you to the job." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Mr. Mu, I've thought about it. I'll join your team and be willing to serve you." First Officer Zhao said solemnly.

Although he now has 200 million in funds, he still owes the captain 80 million.

Originally, there was not so much, but the interest slowly rolled up and rolled to so much.

Both parties signed a regular loan contract, and it was difficult not to pay it back.

Although after paying it back, he still had a full 120 million, but he was only a level 7 gui.

Without a backer, it was difficult to keep this wealth.

Unless he hid somewhere and was careful not to spend it, otherwise, once he was discovered, as a level 7, he would definitely make wedding clothes for others.

Therefore, he must seize this opportunity to allow himself to have a safe environment for cultivation.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Mu Rufeng continued: "First Mate Zhao, do you want to be the captain of the Gluttony Cruise?"

"Ah? Mr. Mu, what did you say?" First Mate Zhao was startled, a little unsure if he heard it wrong.

"Do you want to be the captain of the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng said again.

At this moment, First Mate Zhao heard Mu Rufeng's words clearly, but he did not answer because he did not know how to answer.

"The shareholders of Gluttony Cruise should be only me and Captain Zhu Shixuan, right?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes," First Mate Zhao nodded.

"Then tell me, if Zhu Shixuan dies, who will take over Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"It is another shareholder, that is, you, Mr. Mu, but the captain is very powerful, even if the ninth-level ghost emperor takes action, he cannot kill him." First Mate Zhao said.

"Even the ninth-level ghost emperor can't take him down? Are you sure?" Mu Rufeng looked at First Mate Zhao suspiciously.

"Of course, the captain owns more than 5% of the shares of Gluttony Cruise. If he encounters danger, he can use the shareholder privilege."

"Even, the captain can use this to return to the cruise ship at any time, and once the captain returns, the ghost emperor will be suppressed by him." First Mate Zhao said.

"What if he can't use the shareholder privilege? Can I kill him?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Zhu Shixuan has a very powerful rule prop, but Mr. Mu controls the power of thunder, so there should be no problem."

"The most important thing is that there is no way to stop Zhu Shixuan from using his shareholder privileges." First Mate Zhao said.

"Powerful rule prop? Tell me, what is the rule prop, and what is his ability?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Under Mu Rufeng's questioning, First Mate Zhao also told all the information about Zhu Shixuan.

First, Zhu Shixuan became the captain of the Gluttony Cruise fifteen years ago.

For fifteen years, Zhu Shixuan has been at the peak of the Ghost King for fifteen years and cannot break through.

Even if the Gluttony Cruise was upgraded from the previous level eight to the ninth level, Zhu Shixuan still did not break through.

However, First Mate Zhao had a hunch that if the captain was allowed to board the ship this time, then when the Gluttony Cruise was upgraded to the ninth level again, Zhu Shixuan would have a high probability of breaking through the ninth-level Ghost Emperor.

Zhu Shixuan's ability is not very strange, there is only one, that is, eating.

Swallowing the sky, swallowing the earth, swallowing ghost energy, swallowing all energy attacks, if you want to defeat him, you can only rely on powerful physical attacks.

And that rule prop, in fact, compared to outsiders, is not very strong, even useless, but with Zhu Shixuan's ability, it is abnormal.

[Hungry Stomach]: The stomach of a powerful starving ghost.

Effect: Rule-type props, you can replace the stomach bag with your own stomach bag. After replacement, the digestive ability is increased tenfold, and even highly toxic substances can be easily digested.

Note: Hungry, so hungry, I want to eat. After replacement, the stomach bag will devour your stomach and replace it. Once the prop is removed, you will face the risk of having no stomach bag.

"It is also this rule prop that allows Zhu Shixuan to eat all the way from the first floor to the eighth floor."

"Moreover, even if there is no other way, the captain has been eating in the ninth-level cafeteria for many years. At most three years, he can break through the ninth-level ghost emperor by swallowing a lot of gluttony power."

"If you break through the ninth-level ghost emperor in this state, then the captain will never be able to leave the gluttony cruise ship again, because once you leave, you will lose your mind."

"So, the captain has been hesitating whether to break through the ninth-level ghost emperor in this way." First Mate Zhao said.

"I think Zhu Shixuan will definitely choose this way to break through in the end. As for this rule prop, it is really useless."

"But for Zhu Shixuan, it is an extremely powerful prop." Mu Rufeng nodded.

He already has the ability to devour, and the prop also strengthens him tenfold, which is simply superb.

Just like Mu Rufeng's attributes are multiplied tenfold, his level 3 strength can beat the level 7 ghost. Do you think this is reasonable?

"With Zhu Shixuan's means, even the level 9 ghost emperor can hardly kill him instantly. Even the ghost of the level 9 ghost emperor can eat his way out."

"Unless he reaches the level 9 ghost emperor by strength. And, most importantly, there is no way to stop him from using shareholder privileges." First Mate Zhao said.

"I ask you again, do you want to be the captain?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

As long as the captain is killed, then even if he only owns 1% of the shares, he can control the Gluttony Cruise and become the official captain.

It's just that, as both of them are captains, Mu Rufeng's authority may not be as great as Zhu Shixuan's.

However, it doesn't matter, as long as Mu Rufeng controls the Gluttony Cruise, the rest can be done slowly.

As for the captain's issue, Mu Rufeng also plans to hand it over to First Officer Zhao.

First of all, this guy is the first officer second only to the captain, and is very familiar with the daily affairs on the ship. It is estimated that most of the affairs should be handled by First Officer Zhao.

Let him take over the captain's affairs, there should be no problem, and it is also the most suitable.

As for letting Lilith take over, forget it.

In this way, Lilith will be tied to the Gluttony Cruise, and his assets will be taken care of by no one.

As for worrying about First Officer Zhao's rebellion, it's a joke, with the rules and contracts, it's impossible.

"I want to! Mr. Mu, even if you really want to deal with Zhu Shixuan, I can only provide you with some information at most. I have signed a contract of employment. In addition to not being able to do anything that harms the interests of Gluttony Cruise, I cannot take action against the captain." First Mate Zhao said.

"You are a little weak, how can I let you take action." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

However, First Mate Zhao could not do anything that harmed the interests of Gluttony Cruise, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

You know, no matter which group company's senior executives, they have to do it up and down, otherwise, how can they practice with that little salary?

Mu Rufeng immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

First Mate Zhao explained with a smile: "Mr. Mu, when signing a contract with a group company, there will be such a clause that the interests of the group company cannot be damaged."

"However, the rules are dead or alive, and there is no clear definition of not damaging the interests of the group company."

"For example, our Gluttony Cruise needs to purchase a batch of materials from a certain cooperative supplier. The value of the materials is one million, and Gluttony Cruise recognizes this price."

"Then, the cooperative supplier said that due to some specific reasons, the price rose to 1.2 million, and Gluttony Cruise would also recognize this price."

"Finally, we negotiated and lowered the price to 1.1 million. In this way, we only paid 1.1 million."

"And the supplier will only receive 1 million, and the other 100,000 is our income. Of course, if you are kind, you can give some to the supplier." First Mate Zhao explained.

Mu Rufeng understood, meaning that both parties would collude to make money.

Some suppliers even don't get any kickbacks, they just want to sell goods, and the benefits are all obtained by the buyers.

And how to collude is also very simple, just find an outsider who knows the business and let this outsider negotiate.

In this way, the captain did nothing, so naturally it was not considered to have done anything that violated the interests.

"It's hard to imagine how much money these senior executives of those group companies can make in a year." Mu Rufeng sighed.

Especially the general owner of Baibaolou, the value of the items is determined by people.

Mu Rufeng thinks that the general owner of Baibaolou should be richer than the general manager of Tiandi Bank?

Not right, maybe the general manager is better, after all, it is easy to make money in the bank.

As for the weird one who started his own business and established a chain hotel group.

He also said that he was the richest man in the weird world, I'm afraid he was just bragging.

The water in the weird world is deep.

"Mr. Mu, do you really have a way to stop Zhu Shixuan from using shareholder privileges?"

"Wait, I know, Mr. Mu, you are a shareholder of Scarlet Optimization, you can also use shareholder privileges."

"Yes, yes, if that's the case, then there's no problem, Scarlet Optimization Group can definitely suppress the Gluttony Cruise." First Mate Zhao was overjoyed.

Zhu Shixuan couldn't use shareholder privileges, and with Mu Rufeng's powerful strength, he would definitely be able to kill Zhu Shixuan.

In fact, Scarlet Optimization is a level nine group, which can easily suppress it, and then free up his hands to kill Zhu Shixuan.

In this way, Mu Rufeng controls the Gluttony Cruise, and Mu Rufeng is a contractor and cannot serve as the captain at all.

In other words, what Mu Rufeng said before about him being the captain is true and can be achieved.

"Then you may be disappointed, I have already used shareholder privileges." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" First Mate Zhao was shocked.

A sense of loss swept over him instantly, and it can be said that he fell from the peak to the bottom.

"Haha, look at what this is." Mu Rufeng suddenly took out a card.

On one side of this card is a bloody train, and on the other side is a void of space.

"Huh? This is the Black Gold Card of the Bloody Train?" First Mate Zhao said in surprise.

"I have to say that the amount of recharge required for your two Black Gold Cards is too different."

"The Bloody Train only needs to recharge one million, and the balance must be no less than one million to upgrade to a Black Gold Card."

"And the Gluttony Cruise requires a one-time recharge of 100 million, and then the balance must be maintained above 10 million to become a Black Gold Card user." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, we are a level nine vehicle, and the Bloody Train is a level eight vehicle, and this can be set by the controller."

"Like the Bloody Train, it is set to the lowest level. It should be that the Bloody Train wants to absorb funds and try to break through the level nine vehicle."

"And our Gluttony Cruise is not short of funds, so it is directly set to the highest level. That is why Black Gold Card users can buy shares."

"And the Bloody Train is set to the lowest level, so there must be no such option." First Mate Zhao explained.

"I understand." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"However, Mr. Mu, do you want to summon the Bloody Train? However, if the Bloody Train comes, it will directly destroy the Gluttony Cruise and then devour it."

"It will not stop just because you are a Black Gold Card user. As long as it eats the core of the Gluttony Cruise, the Bloody Train can instantly break through to the level nine vehicle." First Mate Zhao said.

Don't even mention that you are a black gold card user, even if you are a shareholder, the Bloody Train will not care about you, they all aim to break through the ninth level as their first goal.

"The Bloody Train is at the eighth level, and the Gluttony Cruise is also at the eighth level. At most, they can only compete with each other. How can they destroy the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Mr. Mu, don't you know? Last time when we were at our peak, we were all tricked by the Bloody Train, so we were downgraded to the eighth level." First Mate Zhao also looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

It seemed that he was a little confused as to why Mu Rufeng didn't know about this news.

After all, in his opinion, Mu Rufeng, a third-level contractor, is so powerful in the weird world, so in the real world, he must be a powerful existence.

How could such an existence not know about the major events that have happened recently?

The chase between their Gluttony Cruise and the Bloody Train is also a major event, which has been on the headlines of the news and on TV.

"Of course I know, but do you know why the Bloody Train, which is only a level 8 vehicle, suddenly became so powerful and severely damaged the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"Why?" First Mate Zhao asked subconsciously.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but took out a card from his body.

[Flame Vehicle Card]: Stick this card on any vehicle to release the hellfire, activate the vehicle, and give it incredible abilities. The duration depends on the user's ghost power.

Note: At least two levels of ghost power are required before it can be used.

When First Mate Zhao read this attribute, he was shocked.

"Mr. Mu, the outbreak of the Bloody Train is because of this card item?" First Mate Zhao looked at Mu Rufeng with some stammering.

"No, no, no, that's not right. This Flame Vehicle Card cannot have such a powerful power. Even if it can, the soul money required will be an astronomical figure." First Mate Zhao shook his head and said.

Mu Rufeng also understood that First Mate Zhao thought that the bloody train could become a burning bloody train.

The bloody train in this state is a level nine vehicle, and it is also a top vehicle.

"Yes, at least I burned 1 billion soul notes. You said, I am willing to pay 100 million to let you retreat, but you insist on fighting. What can I do?" Mu Rufeng shrugged helplessly.

"Ten billion?" First Mate Zhao looked at Mu Rufeng in disbelief.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng couldn't remember how much it was. Mu Rufeng was too lazy to calculate the series of zeros, otherwise, 1 billion should be there.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your captain for being greedy. However, it feels great to drive the bloody train."

"When I become the captain, I will also try how good the burning gluttony cruise is." Mu Rufeng showed an eager excitement on his face.

Of course, Mu Rufeng was just thinking about it, because Mu Rufeng couldn't bear to spend so much money. The money he had now was all earned by his hard work.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, was it the bloody train you drove that hit us?" This time, First Officer Zhao was shocked again.

Even if First Officer Zhao knew about this flame vehicle card, it should be driven by the train conductor.

It's impossible that Mu Rufeng is also a shareholder of the bloody train, right?

Recommend a friend's book "Reborn Cat: Are You My Shit Shoveler?"

The programmer died suddenly due to overtime work, and woke up to become a little orange cat, with a talent awakened. You are standing at the peak of cat appearance;

Two: Sage Halo;

Three: Nine Lives;

Four: Lucky Halo;

Okay, find a shit shoveler to eat and drink for free.

Pooper scooper candidates: The True Colors of a Man, A Zu from New Police Story, Myth of Gaoyao, Jiang Yuyan from Little Fish and Flowerless, Guo Jing from The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Zhou Zhiruo from The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, Murong Fu from Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, Lin Daiyu from Dream of the Red Chamber, Cao Zhengchun from The World's Number One, Song Yuzhi and Tian Dao from The Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, Duan Lang from The Storm Riders, Zhao Linger from The Legend of Sword and Fairy, Zuo Qianhu from A Chinese Ghost Story, The Hero of the Sky, The Void.

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