I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 211 The bloody train is coming! [One thousand monthly tickets plus more! ]

"The train conductor is timid, and I am the owner of the card, so I have to control it."

"So, without the card, the bloody train can only fight against the gluttony cruise ship and prevent it from responding to Zhu Shixuan's call." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu is right. In this way, there will be absolutely no problem." The calmed down First Mate Zhao nodded repeatedly.

This time, his position as captain was stable.

"Where is the next stop of the gluttony cruise ship? How long will it take?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The next stop is Crab Demon Island, where there are regular flights. I think the captain should have arrived there by plane."

"Crab Island is still a day's journey from here." First Mate Zhao said.

"One day? OK, then you can get busy." Mu Rufeng waved his hand to let him leave.

First Mate Zhao placed the flame vehicle card on the table, and then said goodbye and left the room.

However, Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered something and hurriedly shouted, "First Officer Zhao, wait."

"Mr. Mu, do you have anything else to say?" First Officer Zhao turned and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Do you have any way to shut down the communication on the entire Gluttony Cruise and prevent the passengers on the ship from contacting the outside world?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course, we just need to shut down the base station built by Ghost Communications on our cruise ship." First Officer Zhao said.

"Well, go and shut it down quickly. I don't want the news on the ship to spread." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I'll go right away." First Officer Zhao responded repeatedly, and then left here immediately.

Mu Rufeng put away the Flame Vehicle Card, and then looked at the Bloody Train Black Gold Card in his hand.

Mu Rufeng's plan is indeed promising, but the premise of all this is that the Bloody Train will appear.

"The phone can't be dialed, and I can't contact it. It seems that I can only force the summoning first." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Since I can't contact it, Mu Rufeng is ready to force the summoning.

After waiting for almost ten minutes, First Mate Zhao hurried over and knocked on Mu Rufeng's door.

"Mr. Mu, the communication has been shut down." First Mate Zhao's voice came from outside the door.

"Okay, go and get busy. There may be some fluctuations later. You can comfort the guests at that time. Of course, there may not be any." Mu Rufeng said.

If it cannot be summoned, it will be embarrassing.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." First Mate Zhao nodded and responded, then turned and left.

Mu Rufeng came to the French window and looked at the sea.

Although there was no sun, the weather today was relatively clear. At a glance, there was an endless sea.

From time to time, there were huge strange creatures rushing out of the sea and then falling back into the sea.

Similarly, there were also powerful individual strange creatures fighting, or tribes fighting, etc.

Without exception, these strange creatures did not dare to approach the Gluttony Cruise.

Mu Rufeng appeared outside in a flash, then jumped onto the roof, and then made several leaps and quickly went down to the first floor.

Then he came to the deck in the shocked eyes of several contractors who were cleaning the deck.

Now it was meal time, and there were few weird passengers on the deck. Mu Rufeng counted and there were only three or five.

There were about three or five contractors working.

When those contractors saw Mu Rufeng so unscrupulous, they quickly avoided him one by one and dared not look at him.

They were afraid of provoking this extremely dangerous weird.

Yes, they regarded Mu Rufeng as a weird.

The bandaged weirdo's appearance, coupled with the terrifying aura emanating from his body, it was impossible not to regard him as a weird.

I'm afraid that all the weirds they contracted would be like this.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about other people's opinions, and walked directly to the front of the deck. Then, he took out the black gold card and used his privilege to summon the bloody train.

Unlike in the real world, where you can only summon once a month, if you are in the weird world, you can summon it unlimitedly as long as you spend soul money.

The soul money consumed is not fixed, but depends on the distance between the two parties.

Mu Rufeng forgot how much money he spent last time, because it was directly deducted from the black gold card.

However, it should not be too much, anyway, there is no place to use the 100 million in the black gold card.

Mu Rufeng can sense that the black gold card in his hand is continuously releasing a wave.

Last time, Mu Rufeng was too weak to sense it, but now Mu Rufeng can sense it very clearly.

Obviously, it is this wave that allows the bloody train to come here accurately.

One minute later, there is still no movement on the sea.

Two minutes later, Mu Rufeng scanned the cruise ship and there was no movement.

Three minutes later.

"Woo woo woo ~~~~!"

Faintly, another whistle sounded.

Mu Rufeng smiled.

The bloody train is coming!

It took so long to come, it must be because the distance is too far?

Another minute later, the whistle sounded again, and this time, it became clearer.

At the same time, an old platform loomed above the sea.

The Gluttony Cruise, which was originally sailing, suddenly seemed to be stimulated by something, and suddenly turned around and drove to the side at full speed.

It seemed that the Gluttony Cruise also felt the breath of the Bloody Train and knew that it was the Bloody Train that had severely damaged it last time.

In its heyday, it couldn't beat the Bloody Train, and now it has been reduced to level 8, let alone.

So, it directly changed its route and ran away.

At the same time, the Gluttony Cruise Ship released its own ghosts, and the ghosts around it expanded rapidly, and its sailing speed suddenly increased.

"What's going on?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised when she saw the gluttony cruise ship turning around and running away.

At this moment, Mate Zhao came to the deck somehow.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, the Gluttony Cruise Ship is out of control. I can't control it. It changed its route on its own." Mate Zhao quickly came to Mu Rufeng.

But soon, Officer Zhao saw the old and solid platform not far away.

"Ah? Mr. Mu, you summoned the Bloody Train now?" Mate Zhao was shocked.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"But, Mr. Mu, you summoned me so early, what will the captain do?" Mate Zhao said quickly.

"Haha, it's okay. The conductor is my good friend. If the bloody train is there, he can suppress it at all times. Otherwise, I'm afraid that if he is summoned temporarily at that time, he will be in trouble if he doesn't have time to suppress it." Mu Rufeng said.

"But...but this..." Mate Zhao still felt that it was a little too early.

After all, the next stop is still a day's flight away.

It's impossible to follow the bloody train in one day. Another bloody train is coming, and the Gluttony Cruise Ship is out of control, making it even more troublesome.

"Don't worry, the conductor of Bloody Train is my good friend." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, the conductor is the conductor, and the bloody train is the bloody train. The conductor cannot control the train." It was necessary for Deputy Zhao to explain the stakes to Mu Rufeng.

"Don't worry, I have recharged 200 million on Bloody Train. I don't believe that Bloody Train won't give me this face." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Ah?" Deputy Zhao suddenly screamed strangely.

And the strange scream of the first officer Zhao immediately attracted the strange contractor from a distance.

However, they could not hear the words of Mu Rufeng and others. After all, this was the deck, the wind was loud, the waves were loud, and the distance was still so far.

"Two or two hundred million? Well, Mr. Mu, I was hasty." Deputy Zhao was really convinced now.

This is really a rich owner.

If it was a weird one, First Officer Zhao might not feel anything was wrong.

But Mu Rufeng is a contractor, a third-level contractor. This proves that it has not been more than four months since he came to the dungeon world.

If he knew that Mu Rufeng was only the third level's first dungeon, and the total time was less than two months, he would probably be even more shocked.

"What's going on on the Gluttony Cruise? Can you control it?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I can't control it anymore. I can't even get into the cab."

"It seems that the bloody train scared the Gluttony Cruise Ship in the last incident, but it doesn't matter, we are already here, and I guess we can't get rid of the bloody train." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

And even if it is thrown away, the black gold card in Mu Rufeng's hand can be located in real time.

"Yes." Deputy Zhao nodded.

"Okay, you go and appease the guests first, so as to save them from causing trouble, leave this place to me," Mu Rufeng said.



The loud whistle sounded across the sea.

"Besides, besides, besides~~!"

The bloody train sped out of a burst of black mist, quickly passed through the platform, and then continued to drive towards the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

Even though the speed of the Gluttony Cruise Ship has reached its extreme speed, it is still slower than the speed of the Bloody Train.

Today's bloody train is different from the past. It has been baptized by a large amount of soul money.

Breaking through the ninth-level vehicle is really a matter of time.

Mu Rufeng even guessed that the conductor's phone call could not be reached because the bloody train was about to break through, so he

On top of the bloody train.

In carriage No. 10.

There are not many guests here, there are more than 100 seats, only 30 people.

And these people are all players.

Among them, there are only three contractors, five first-level players, and the remaining twenty-two are all new players.

The atmosphere among these players was very harmonious, and no one had a look of fear on their faces.

There is no doubt that these people are lucky.

Because of Mu Rufeng, Car No. 10 is not open to the public and is only an exclusive train for players.

"Oh, I'm so lucky. I didn't expect that this copy would encounter the bloody train." A third-level contractor leaned on the seat comfortably.

"Yes, Brother Long, I remember that Bloody Train used to have a very high death rate, but I didn't expect it to become a welfare dungeon." Another two-level contractor also agreed.

"These people are really lucky. I think about my first dungeon, ten people entered, and I was the only one who passed the level alive." Another two-level contractor said with a sigh.

"It's a pity that after passing one station, you have to download a dungeon. It would be more comfortable if you could clear ten stations." Brother Long said with a pity look on his face.

"No matter what, after this dungeon, I will be able to reach level 3. From now on, it will only be once a month, hehe." Liu Daofeng said.

At this moment, the originally dark windows suddenly became loud.

"Huh? It's getting brighter. Is this the station we're about to arrive at?" Zhao Zhuo looked at the pager in surprise.

"No, I didn't hear the broadcast." Long Fu also looked out the window in surprise.

"Wow, look, it's actually the ocean."

"Really, but why is this sea black?"

"Oh my God, look, are there any monsters over there?"

"Holy shit, why is it so big? Is that a whale? Why is it all rotten?"

At this time, the players in the carriage also looked out the window, attracted by the black sea and the strange creatures.

"Something's wrong, something's very wrong." Long Fu's face became serious.

"The station we are going to this time is the Kyoto TV Station. It must be a city. Why are we suddenly at the sea?"

Long Fu tried to open the window of the carriage, but when he opened the window, he saw the flight attendant next to the glass door immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Sir, please don't open the window, otherwise you will be severely punished." the flight attendant reminded.

"Ah, oh, ok, thank you very much." Long Fu immediately retracted his hand and thanked him.

"You're welcome, sir." The flight attendant smiled slightly.

"Oh, I haven't seen Mr. Mu for a long time. I really hope to see Mr. Mu again." The stewardess sighed inwardly.

She still remembers how majestic Mu Rufeng was.

With Mu Rufeng's aura, she had already advanced from the second level of weirdness to the third level of weirdness.

Hey, wait, this can’t be the case

"Miss stewardess, what happened? Shouldn't our next stop be a TV station? Why did we end up at the sea?" Long Fu asked.

"I don't know, but in this case, a Black Gold Card user should have summoned the bloody train, so the bloody train will forcibly change its route." The flight attendant paused and said.

"Black gold card user? Change the route?" Long Fu and other contractors were a little confused.

"Miss stewardess, what is the black gold card?" Long Fu asked again.

"You need to recharge more than 10 million at a time, and the balance must not be less than 10 million to become a black gold card user." said the flight attendant.

It was originally one million, but after the bloody train instance, the train conductor immediately set the qualifications for the black gold card to ten million.

After all, in the opinion of the train conductor, they are no longer short of money, and they are about to reach the ninth level vehicle.

If you set up a one million black gold card, then you will lose money.

"Ten million?" Long Fu swallowed.

Let alone 10 million, he wouldn't get even 10,000 yuan.

Even in the real world, he couldn't even afford 10 million.

It is completely unimaginable what a concept of ten million soul coins is.


The bloody train quickly passed through the platform and continued to speed across the sea.

"Hey, what's going on? Why didn't you stop at the platform? You're still running. Your speed is much faster."

"Damn it, Brother Long, look, that's a shark. It's so big and terrifying."

Long Fu looked outside and suddenly saw a strange shark tens of meters in size biting a strange whale more than ten meters in length in two pieces.

"Gulu!" Long Fu swallowed, his heart beating violently.

"Mother Xipi, don't make any trouble today."

"Huh? What is that?" Brother Long's eyes suddenly focused. Through the cars and ships, he actually discovered an extremely huge super cruise ship on the side.

He only saw the cruise ship because it turned around and ran sideways.

"Ah? Brother Long Long's cruise ship is finished. Brother Long, that's the Gluttony Cruise Ship." Liu Daofeng suddenly shouted.

"Gluttony Cruise? What is that?" Long Fu is an individual player and doesn't know much information.

"Level 9 vehicle, Gluttony Cruise Ship, Brother Long, don't you go to the forum? You are at level 3, so you should have received messages from the weird forum, right?"

"The Gluttony Cruiser is a level nine vehicle. It had a fight with the Bloody Train and drove the Gluttony Cruiser away," Liu Daofeng said.

"Well, it was after that incident that Car No. 10 became the exclusive car for our players." Zhao Zhuo said.

Zhao Zhuo is from the relevant department, so he knows more information.

"Then this is going to be another fight, then aren't we going to suffer?" Long Fu said in shock.

Before the others could react, the stewardess said with a horrified look on her face: "No, if there is a fight with the Gluttony Cruise Line, we will be the first to encounter it in Car No. 10."

"No, I can't stay here. I have to go to compartment one."

After the stewardess finished speaking, she strode towards Car No. 9.

However, when she opened the glass door, she found that the door was automatically locked and could not be opened.

"It's over~!"


The loud whistle sounded again.

The bloody train has caught up with the gluttony cruise ship.

Then, the bloody train flew directly into the air and headed towards the deck.

However, the evil spirit of the gluttonous cruise ship has already begun.


The terrifying fluctuations spread out instantly.

The bloody train slammed into the ghostly beast.

The Bloody Train shook violently, and the Gluttony Cruise Ship also kept shaking.

The Dead Sea below was also affected, with large waves moving in all directions.

At this moment, the sky changed color and suddenly became gloomy.

The ghosts on both sides were constantly competing, and Mu Rufeng could clearly see that Bloody Train had the upper hand.

Because a small locomotive has already come in.

The Glutton Cruise seemed to be a little anxious, and actually gave Mu Rufeng an order, urging Mu Rufeng to attack the bloody train.


Just at this time, a terrifying wail came from the cafeteria, and there was more than one.

"Huh? Did they bring all the irrational pig-headed ghosts here?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

You know, there are still four level eight pig-headed ghosts on the eighth floor, and there are also many level seven ghost generals.

"Mr. Mu, it's bad, those level eight and level seven pig-headed ghosts are controlled by the Glutton Cruise."

"I was also ordered to attack immediately." First Mate Zhao ran over again, still shouting loudly.

"It will be fine when the bloody train comes in, I will stop those pig-headed ghosts." Mu Rufeng said.

Secretly add one more chapter, it happens to be a double monthly ticket event, ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

Recommend a friend's book "Game Design: Is it OK? Rookie》

Although the game produced by Cai Gou is hardcore and makes players feel like they are in heaven, when faced with the developer's message [Is it okay? Rookie!], the players are firmly divided into two factions.

The radicals think the game is not hardcore enough!

The conservatives think the radicals are too conservative!

Seeing that the players are more stubborn than the dead duck, Cai Gou waved his hand: "You can resist [Hardcore], then if I unlock [Abstract], [Depressing], [Freedom], [Real], [World] and other terms, how should you deal with it?

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