I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 212: Crab Island Arrived! [8,000 words, monthly vote requested! ]

First Mate Zhao wanted to say something, but he finally shut up.

At Mu Rufeng's signal, he casually launched a tickling attack on the bloody train.

First Mate Zhao had no problem paddling or anything like that.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of muffled noises came from a distance.

One after another, pig-headed ghosts descended on the deck.

Level 6, level 7, level 8, there were more than a dozen of them in total.

Their eyes were red, and they exuded a strange black aura. They had no rationality at all, which made people a little scared.

"That, Mr. Mu, these pig-headed ghosts are important assets on the ship. You'd better be gentle and don't kill them all." First Mate Zhao reminded hurriedly.

Mu Rufeng, who had just raised his hand, nodded slightly when he heard this.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took a step forward, and the black ghost cave spread out instantly, covering the pig-headed ghosts.


The pig-headed ghosts roared and began to smash the ground crazily.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of explosions sounded, the deck was damaged and cracks began to appear.

"This" First Mate Zhao was shocked when he saw this scene.

"These brainless creatures are still best dealt with by illusions." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I didn't expect Mr. Mu to have the ability of illusions."

There was no problem with the level 6 pig-headed ghosts attacking the deck, because the damage was too low and they could not cause any damage at all.

But the level 7 ones were slightly stronger and could smash cracks.

And the level 8 ones were the most ferocious. An eight-level pig-headed ghost was actually gnawing at the deck, and it could bite off a lot in one bite.

There were also those who spit, and once they spit, they quickly corroded the deck.

And the third one, with one punch, could smash a small hole.

If these pig-headed ghosts really wanted to continue to destroy, they would definitely break through the deck.

It seemed that the Gluttony Cruise was worried that the deck would be damaged by them, and actually issued an order to stop.

Those pig-headed ghosts stopped one by one.

At this time, the bloody train finally broke through the ghost den of the gluttonous cruise ship and landed directly on the deck.

However, because the bloody train was long, it could only circle around and land on the deck.

The gluttonous cruise ship would naturally not give up, and it burst out with terrifying power to press the bloody train.

The ghost dens of both sides were still fighting, making the surrounding space a little distorted.

At this time, Mu Rufeng received the order of the gluttonous cruise ship to attack again.

At the same time, the group of pig-headed ghosts started to attack again, but they were still under Mu Rufeng's illusion and attacked the deck frantically.

The helpless gluttonous cruise ship stopped it immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble this time, believe me." Mu Rufeng said.

He believed that the gluttonous cruise ship should be able to hear it, but it was unknown whether it could understand it.

After the voice fell, Mu Rufeng strode towards the bloody train.

At the same time, he also took back his own ghosts.

Because the front and rear of the train were exactly where Mu Rufeng was heading.

So the players in the carriage also saw Mu Rufeng walking towards them.

However, when Mu Rufeng took back the ghosts, he saw those pig-headed ghosts going crazy again and rushing towards the bloody train.

The terrifying momentum burst out, and the black breath emanated from their bodies and rushed straight into the sky.

"What a terrible pig-headed ghost." Brother Long looked at the pig-headed ghosts rushing towards him, and his face was suddenly full of horror.

The other players were also frightened by this scene.

They were afraid that these pig-headed ghosts would destroy the train and then eat them.

"Ah, it's Mr. Mu, it's really Mr. Mu, that's great." The attendant girl ignored the pig-headed ghosts and exclaimed.

She was not worried that these pig-headed ghosts would cause damage to the bloody train, but she suddenly worried about Mu Rufeng.

Although she knew that Mu Rufeng was very rich, it seemed that his strength was not good enough?

It's just that the next scene overturned her cognition.

"Go play." Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and a thunderbolt burst out instantly.


The thunderbolt flashed, and the thunderbolt instantly connected all the pig-headed ghosts together.

Mu Rufeng paused and continued to walk towards the bloody train.

The thunderbolt continued to wander around the pig-headed ghosts, not hurting them themselves, but paralyzed them because of the characteristics of thunderbolts and controlled them in place.

"Mr. Mu's strength is really strong." First Mate Zhao said with emotion when he saw this scene.

Just relying on this thunderbolt, he can control four pig-headed ghosts of level eight ghost kings in place, which is simply too terrifying.

"Ah, Mr. Mu is not only rich, but also so powerful." The attendant's eyes were shining with stars at this moment.

"What a powerful weird." Long Fu widened his eyes.

"Yeah, it's amazing. Those scary pig-headed ghosts were subdued in an instant." Liu Daofeng said in shock.

"You are paying attention to the wrong thing. This ghost uses the power of thunder and lightning." Zhao Zhuo said in a deep voice.

"What's wrong with this?" Long Fu asked in confusion.

"Whether it is the relevant departments or the ghost forum, there has never been a contractor or ghost with thunder power." Zhao Zhuo said.

"No, I have seen a lot of them. In the few copies I have experienced, those security ghosts all have electric batons." Long Fu said.

"It is indeed an electric baton, but its lethality is not very strong. It can only paralyze people at most. If you want to electrocute someone, you have to put it in their mouth to paralyze their brain continuously."

"Others are only some special props, and this kind of props, high-level ones are completely invisible." Zhao Zhuo explained.

"Is it like this?" Long Fu was still a little confused.

"The power of thunder is a forbidden power in our weird world. No one has possessed this power from ancient times to the present."

"I didn't expect Mr. Mu to be able to use it. This is too shocking." At this time, the flight attendant girl on the side sighed.

Mu Rufeng was about to walk to the front of the train No. 1.

However, the door of the No. 10 carriage suddenly opened.

Mu Rufeng was a little surprised. After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng walked towards the No. 10 carriage.

Although the competition between the ghosts of both sides was fierce, it could not affect Mu Rufeng at all.

Wherever Mu Rufeng passed, the ghosts of both sides were dispersed under Mu Rufeng's ghosts, which seemed extremely domineering.

Inside the carriage, the attendant was waiting there with an excited look on her face.

She originally wanted to come out to greet him, but considering the terrifying ghosts outside, she decided to wait inside.

"Mr. Mu." The attendant greeted Mu Rufeng excitedly.

"Long time no see." Mu Rufeng looked at the attendant. Well, her legs were straighter, her breasts were bigger, and her face was prettier.

"Mr. Mu, I didn't expect you still remember me." The attendant's face was immediately full of joy.

"Of course I remember." Mu Rufeng smiled and entered the carriage, followed by the attendant.

"There are quite a lot of people." Mu Rufeng looked at the players in the carriage. There were thirty people, which was quite a lot.

"Mr. Mu, carriage No. 10 has now become a carriage exclusively for players. Other passengers cannot come to this carriage." The attendant explained.

Those players were also looking at Mu Rufeng, and they were all terrified.

When they heard the words of the stewardess, they all complained in their hearts: "They said that other weird things can't come, so what's the matter with this bandage monster?"

Obviously, no one would think that Mu Rufeng would be a contractor.

"Mr. Mu, you are on the Gluttony Cruise, why did you summon the bloody train?" The stewardess asked the doubts in her heart.

"Where is the conductor? I can't get in touch with him even if I call him, so I can only forcefully summon the bloody train." Mu Rufeng walked in the aisle and asked the stewardess behind him.

"Conductor? I don't know either. He hasn't shown up for a long time. Now everything is in charge of the chief stewardess." The stewardess said.

"Office? Not showing up? Forget it, I'll go ask Ah Fei first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Then Mr. Mu, I'll lead the way for you." The stewardess jumped over the side seat in a weird posture, then landed in front of Mu Rufeng, and then opened the glass door.

"Huh, it's open." The stewardess breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at the moment the glass door opened, another stewardess came over from the other side.

"Huh? Xiaohua, why are you here?" Lili was shocked when she saw the stewardess of No. 9.

"Mr. Mu got on the train, so of course I had to come. Mr. Mu, hello, I haven't seen you for so long, you're still so handsome." Xiaohua replied and then looked at Mu Rufeng, flattering him attentively.

However, Mu Rufeng was now covered with bandages, and I don't know how this Xiaohua girl saw that Mu Rufeng had become handsome again.

"Long time no see." Mu Rufeng smiled and said hello, and then continued to walk forward.

In this way, the two beautiful stewardess took Mu Rufeng into the No. 8 carriage.

"Oh my god, this is definitely a big shot."

"It must be, otherwise you can see those two beautiful stewardesses, they look like they are almost covered with bandages."

"Hey, we won't be in danger, right?"

"Aren't we going to the TV station? Now that we are here, how can we complete the clearance mission and return?"

A group of players immediately started to discuss.


Mu Rufeng, led by two stewardesses, passed through one carriage after another.

The strange passengers in the carriage all looked at Mu Rufeng with fear.

Obviously, they could also feel the terrifying pressure emanating from Mu Rufeng.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng arrived at carriage No. 1.

When Ah Fei saw Mu Rufeng, he immediately came up to him.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." Ah Fei hurriedly shouted.

"Ah Fei, what's the situation now? Why can't I contact the conductor?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"This. Mr. Mu, it's a long story." Ah Fei said with a wry smile.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything. He glanced at the passengers in the dining car. The quality of these passengers was much higher than before.

There were six level 7 ghost generals and one level 8 ghost king.

The level 8 ghost king also looked at Mu Rufeng. The two looked at each other and the latter nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng also nodded slightly and greeted him.

"Is my VIP room still there?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, that is your exclusive VIP room. No one can enter after you leave." A Fei said quickly.

"Okay, let's go in and chat." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

Soon, the two of them passed through the dining car and came directly to the door of his exclusive VIP box.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and grasped the handle. With a click, the door was pushed open by Mu Rufeng.

Looking inside, Mu Rufeng found that there seemed to be no changes.

There was no strange smell inside, and there was not even dust.

No one must have entered the box. It was estimated that the train itself cleaned it for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng walked to the sofa and sat on it.

After Ah Fei closed the door, he immediately came forward, but did not sit down.

"Ah Fei, what happened? What happened to the conductor?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Mr. Mu, I'm not really sure. I remember one day, when I was delivering tea to the conductor, I heard him calling to ask for the name of the captain of the Gluttony Cruise."

"After I left, the conductor never came out again. I knocked on the door, but there was no response."

"Later, the Bloody Train gave me instructions to take care of the things on the train first." A Fei said.

"Didn't tell you anything? Didn't tell you anything?" Mu Rufeng looked at A Fei.

"No." A Fei shook his head.

"That's really strange. The conductor couldn't possibly die in the office." Mu Rufeng complained.

"No, how could the conductor die?" A Fei shook his head again and again.

"In that case, I'll open the door and take a look." Mu Rufeng said as he stood up from the sofa.

"But the door can't be opened at all. If you break it forcibly, you can only do it if you can break the ghost of the Bloody Train." A Fei said.

"Haha, who said we have to force it?" Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked out of the VIP box, and A Fei followed quickly.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of the conductor's office.

Immediately, Xiaoying spit out a key, and Mu Rufeng held the key and inserted it into the keyhole.

[Decay Master Key]: This key can only open the lock 10,000 times. As the number of unlockings gradually increases, it has become somewhat rotten.

Effect: Rule-based props, a master key that can open all doors, even fingerprint locks or password locks.

Unlocking times: 9990/10000

Note: When the number of unlockings reaches 10,000 times, the key will disappear directly.

This key still has ten opportunities to use, and it will not be wasted if used here.

But when the key came to the keyhole, the master key was automatically deformed and then successfully inserted into the keyhole.

Mu Rufeng twisted it lightly, and with a click, Mu Rufeng pushed open the door of the office easily.

Mu Rufeng put away the key in his hand, and then looked inside.

The layout remained unchanged, and the train conductor was sleeping on the bed at this moment, with ghost energy all over his body.

And, with the train conductor's breathing, the ghost energy kept surging.

Even when Mu Rufeng and the others suddenly came in, they did not wake him up.

"What is this?" Mu Rufeng looked at this scene, a little surprised.

"What is the train conductor doing? Practicing?" A Fei looked at the train conductor who was constantly swallowing and spitting out ghost power and said.

A Fei's strength was not very strong, so he didn't know the train conductor's current state.

However, Mu Rufeng saw it.

"Break through the ninth-level ghost emperor?" Mu Rufeng tilted his head, his face full of questions.

Why did he suddenly want to break through the ninth-level ghost emperor?

Moreover, looking at the train conductor's appearance, there is a high probability that he will fail.

The most important thing is, why not wait until the Bloody Train breaks through the ninth-level vehicle before breaking through.

In this way, there will be a greater chance of breaking through.

At the beginning, Mu Rufeng did not know the strength of the train captain, and he asked Zhang Xiaojie curiously.

Zhang Xiaojie said that he had never seen the train captain take action, and he could not sense it from his breath. He guessed that it was most likely a seventh-level ghost general.

It was just that Mu Rufeng later knew that the train captain was an eighth-level ghost king.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of something.

"I know, the Bloody Train is about to break through, so the train captain will break through immediately."

"There is not even time to send me a message?" Mu Rufeng guessed.

And once the Bloody Train breaks through the ninth-level vehicle, even if the train captain fails to break through, then with the ability of the Bloody Train, it will be easier to find the Gluttony Cruise.

And if the breakthrough is successful, it will be even better.

"Then I don't know." A Fei shook his head.

"It seems that this is the case. Ah Fei, you should also be prepared. Once you break through the ninth-level vehicle, your strength will break through again." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Yeah." Ah Fei nodded.

"Okay, let's go out. Although the train conductor can't do anything, I think the bloody train will not be able to respond to Zhu Shixuan's call after landing on the gluttonous cruise ship." Mu Rufeng said.

"Zhu Shixuan?" Ah Fei was confused and didn't know what Mu Rufeng was talking about.

"Okay, you comfort the passengers on the train. I will pay for their meals on the train. Let them order whatever they want and deduct it from my black gold card." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Ah Fei nodded.

But soon, A Fei thought of something and said, "Mr. Mu, do you need to set a certain amount? Otherwise, I'm afraid they will waste it or take it away."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. With such a small amount of people, can they still defeat me? Just don't let them waste it. Just let them take some away with you."

"By the way, the same goes for the staff meals on your train. Eat whatever you want and I'll pay for it," Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu!" A Fei was overjoyed when he heard this.

When he saw Mu Rufeng didn't give him a tip earlier, he thought Mu Rufeng had changed his temper, and he was a little disappointed.

Unexpectedly, everyone in the car, including their employees, paid the price.

In this case, the cost will be much more than tipping directly.

Not to mention too much, with so many passengers on the train, millions will definitely be spent.

However, Mu Rufeng has a black gold card and can get a 40% discount, so she can burn a lot at once.

That is to say, I don’t know if Mu Rufeng’s 10% discount coupon can be used on the black gold card.

For Mu Rufeng, a few million is not too much, but the money on the black gold card cannot be refunded, so no matter how much she spends, she probably won't be able to spend it all.

Just in time to get Bloody Train to help, he would have to stay here for at least more than a day.

I am still willing to give these passengers some sweetness.

"A Fei, please go make the announcement, I'll get off the car first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I'll go to the cab to broadcast." A Fei said quickly.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng came to the door of the dining car.

Mu Rufeng, who wanted to get off here, found that the door was not open. After thinking about it, she could only walk towards the No. 10 carriage.

Obviously, Mu Rufeng's current status is not only a distinguished guest, but also a contractor, so he can only get off the car from No. 10.

Not opening other doors must be to prevent those weird passengers from getting off the bus, or from the gluttony cruise ship getting on.

As for why you are not afraid of carriage No. 10? Naturally, it was because there was a rule set up in Car No. 10.

That is, except for train employees, no other weirdos are allowed to enter Car No. 10.

Break the rules and you'll be swallowed by the bloody train.

Just when Mu Rufeng walked to the fourth carriage, the broadcast room rang in time.

[We are now broadcasting a notice. Mr. Mu, the black gold card user of this train, is hosting a banquet for all train personnel, including employees. You can order any food on the train. All expenses are covered by Mr. Mu. However, please be careful to choose as appropriate and do not waste. Accordingly, we will spend a day or two on the Gluttony Cruise. 】

The announcement was made three times in a row so that all your passengers could hear it clearly.

Passengers on the entire train were instantly excited.

The steward in the No. 4 car immediately fell on Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, is what the flight manager said true?" the flight attendant asked excitedly.

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and then continued walking forward.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Mu!" The flight attendant quickly thanked him.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu!" The strange passengers in Car No. 4 also reacted and quickly thanked them.

Although they did not know Mu Rufeng, it did not prevent them from expressing their thanks.

When Mu Rufeng came to Car No. 10, the players were all excited.

The bloody train is no longer the same as before. If you want to eat good food, you can only go to the dining car.

Now you can directly scan the QR code to order food, but those players do not have mobile phones and cannot scan the QR code.

However, now there is a self-service machine in front of the glass door of each carriage.

You can check what you want to eat on it and place your order.

They had nothing to do but looked at it all over. Now, knowing that they can eat for free, they all crowded at the door and ordered food frantically.

"You need to order a moderate amount of food. If you can't finish it, don't blame me for being rude." The stewardess said coldly from the side.

"Yes, yes, yes." Everyone was frightened by the cold tone of the flight attendant, and they responded one by one.

After looking at the crowded crowd, Mu Rufeng felt that she could only rely on teleportation.

However, soon, he thought of something again, and then smiled and shook his head.

With his teleportation, he can teleport away regardless of the building as long as his eyes are on it.

And he stupidly walked to the No. 10 carriage.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng looked out the window, and then teleported.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that his figure flickered for a moment, but he was still in the same place.

"I almost forgot, I also have to activate the ghost."

Mu Rufeng immediately activated his own ghost, and then teleported again, and this time, he teleported out smoothly.

When Officer Zhao saw Mu Rufeng coming out, he originally wanted to come over, but the ghosts on both sides of the vehicle were still fighting, so he didn't dare to go over.

Only a powerful person like Mu Rufeng can come and go freely in such a place.

Mu Rufeng stretched out her hand and put away the thunder.

Those pig heads deceived Thunder's paralysis, but they did not stand up from the ground. Instead, their eyes turned white, they foamed at the mouth, and their bodies twitched from time to time.

Although Mu Rufeng's thunderbolt is not very lethal, it has super controllability and the sequelae will last for a long time.

"Okay, don't worry about it here. Also, don't let anyone come to the deck until you reach the Crab Demon Island." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he walked inside.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Officer Zhao responded and followed behind Mu Rufeng.

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

On the small deck of the fifteenth floor.


There were splashes in the swimming pool, but Sun Lujia jumped directly from the platform several meters high, splashing a lot of water.

"Sun Lujia, when you dive, just jump farther. Every time you jump so close, water splashes all over my face." Mu Rufeng woke up from a light sleep on the recliner. He wiped his face and scolded him immediately.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'll pay attention next time." Sun Lujia popped her head out of the swimming pool, stuck out her tongue, and looked apologetic.

"It would be nice if there was another sun." Yang Zhaodi, who was wearing a black suspender swimsuit, said.

"Sun? If the sun appears on the Dead Sea, it will be a disaster." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

The sun does appear above the Dead Sea, but it only appears one day a year.

And it still enveloped the boundless Dead Sea.

However, this sun is a blood day. On this day, most of the creatures in the Dead Sea will become cruel. This day is definitely a bloody feast.

"Brother Mu, what are you planning to do by summoning the bloody train to the Gluttony Cruise? The ghosts over there have been working hard for a whole day." Yang Zhaodi asked curiously.

When Sun Lujia, who was swimming in the water, heard this, she immediately came to the shore, lay down on top, and looked at Mu Rufeng: "Yes, I'm curious too."

Mu Rufeng did not speak, but raised her hand and waved: "Xiao Xiao, coconut juice."

"Brother Mu, here you go, here it is, it's still iced." Xiao Xiao took out a coconut from an ice bucket and ran over and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, she put the straw on the coconut into her mouth, and then took a deep sip of the iced coconut juice.

"Why are you so anxious? You will know today." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No fun, swimming." Sun Lujia shook her head and continued swimming.

"Brother Mu, can't you really tell me in advance?" Yang Zhaodi turned to the side and asked.

Mu Rufeng shook her head: "You will naturally know about it after this incident. There is no point in telling you in advance now."

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, we're here, Crab Demon Island is almost here." At this time, Deputy Zhao ran over in a hurry.

"Are you here?" Mu Rufeng stood up from the recliner and looked at First Officer Zhao.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, look, you can already see it." Mate Zhao pointed to the sea in the distance and said.

Mu Rufeng immediately stood up and looked where Deputy Zhao was pointing.

Then, in the far distance, in a mist, an extremely huge super crab was looming.

"Crab? Crab Demon Island? So, Crab Demon Island is really a crab?" Mu Rufeng's expression became a little solemn.

I hadn’t seen Crab Demon Island before, so I didn’t sense anything.

But now when he saw it, he immediately felt the terrifying aura coming from Crab Demon Island.

Ghost Emperor, that big crab is the ninth level Ghost Emperor.

"Mr. Zhao, is that big crab alive or dead?" Mu Rufeng asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Mu, that Crab Demon Island is not a big crab of the ninth-level ghost emperor, but a body."

"The Crab Demon Island was built with the shed body of a ninth-level ghost emperor, the Crab Demon. I heard that the owner of the Crab Demon Island is that Crab Demon." Deputy Zhao explained.

"It's really spectacular. It's so huge, it's over a thousand meters high." Mu Rufeng visually measured the height and was shocked.

Moreover, this is only above the water surface. If you add the underwater one, it will be enough to know how huge this crab devil emperor is.

"Yes, this Crab Demon Island is also famous in the Dead Sea. However, it is extremely chaotic and many strange people who come to the Dead Sea to hunt for treasure will gather here." said Deputy Zhao.

"Mr. Zhao, can you stop the Gluttony Cruise Ship?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Let the Gluttony Cruise Ship stop? Mr. Mu, are you planning to go to the Crab Demon Island alone?" Zhao Mate's eyes narrowed slightly and he asked.

"Yeah. If it were further away, Zhu Shixuan wouldn't be able to come here anyway." Mu Rufeng said.

"But, Mr. Mu, we are still at least fifteen kilometers away from the Crab Demon Island. With such a long distance, you will be in a dangerous situation."

"The flesh and blood of living people will make the strange creatures in the Dead Sea become violent and ignore your pressure and swarm in. Even if you are powerful, your ghost power will be exhausted at that moment." Deputy Zhao didn't want to let Mu Rufeng go deep. In danger.

"Haha, it would be best to attract more, but I can't hold it in anymore." Mu Rufeng said with a laugh.

"Okay, Mr. Mu, I won't say anything if you insist on it, but I can't control the Gluttony Cruise Ship now, let alone stop it," said Chief Zhao.

"Can't you? Haha, it's okay, Bloody Train will help me." Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face.

"Sun Lujia, Yang Zhaodi, and Xiao Xiao, you guys, please go back to your room immediately. If you don't hear from me, don't leave the room."

"Mr. Zhao, please ask those passengers to return to their rooms immediately. They are not allowed to come out except during meal times."

Today I officially moved from home to rent a house. I ran up and down more than a dozen times today. I am still on the fourth floor. I am half exhausted. My clothes are soaked. I am really sleepy. I have only 8,000 words today. Monthly passes or something, you guys can give them to me! Sorry, guys!

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