I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 213 Zhu Shixuan who swallowed the thunder [10,000-word chapter, please vote for me! ]

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Upon hearing this, First Mate Zhao nodded and responded, then turned around and left.

"Brother Mu, are you going to cross the Dead Sea alone to Crab Demon Island?" Yang Zhaodi looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

"Ah? Brother Mu, what are you thinking about?" Sun Lujia also climbed out of the swimming pool immediately and looked at Mu Rufeng with a worried look.

"Hurry back to the room, there might be some noise later."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he jumped directly without waiting for their reaction and fell down.

Seeing this, Sun Lujia and Yang Zhaodi were shocked and immediately rushed to the sidewall.

Looking at the falling Mu Rufeng, they realized that Mu Rufeng was not joking.


Mu Rufeng came to the deck, and then used instant teleportation to directly enter the dining car compartment.

The compartment was almost full.

When they saw Mu Rufeng coming, some people who knew Mu Rufeng immediately stood up and greeted him.

Those who didn't know Mu Rufeng also knew his identity through the conversation and greeted him.

Mu Rufeng nodded to them and then found A Fei.

"Mr. Mu, do you have any instructions?" A Fei asked Mu Rufeng in front of the conductor's office.

"Do you have any way to make the bloody train burst out with more powerful power? I want to use this to make the gluttony cruise ship stop here." Mu Rufeng asked.

"This. I know, just add fuel to the fuel furnace." A Fei said after thinking for a while.

"Oh? So simple? Well, let's go to the cockpit."

Mu Rufeng and A Fei immediately came to the door of the cockpit.

A Fei also put his hand on the door like the conductor.

A Fei was originally the chief purser, and now he is in charge of the affairs on the train, so he can also open the door of the cockpit.

It's just that he can't control it.

"Mr. Mu, this is the fuel furnace, but there are no passengers who have made mistakes now, so we can only burn soul notes." A Fei said.

(Passenger who made mistakes: Thank you!)

"How much should be burned?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, I don't know, if the train conductor knows." A Fei said.

"It seems that I can only try slowly." Mu Rufeng said, took out the soul notes and started throwing them into the fuel furnace.

More than ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng spent tens of thousands of yuan and finally found a critical point.

"By the way, A Fei, can I swipe the balance in the black gold card and throw it into the fuel furnace?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, Mr. Mu, as long as all the consumption on the train is OK, but the money thrown into the fuel furnace to burn, then you can't get a 40% discount." A Fei said.

"That's fine, I'll swipe 3 million first, you control the burning speed, and burn 100,000 yuan in an hour." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." A Fei nodded.

Soon, Mu Rufeng spent three million, and this money, of course, would not appear directly.

Instead, it would appear directly in the fuel furnace.

However, Ah Fei would operate the fuel furnace and set it.

In this way, three million could burn for thirty hours.

And during these thirty hours, the Bloody Train would burst out with more powerful force.

And this force could just allow the Gluttony Cruise to give up the power of sailing to fight against the Bloody Train.

And there was no need to worry that the Gluttony Cruise would increase consumption, because it was obvious that the Gluttony Cruise did not want to fight the Bloody Train head-on.

It seemed that they were afraid that the Bloody Train would burn again, and in this case, they would not be able to run away.

"By the way, if something goes wrong, immediately burn all the money together to suppress the Gluttony Cruise." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Yes. Mr. Mu!" Ah Fei said quickly.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then left the cockpit.

“Hua La La~~!”

A small lifeboat fell from a high altitude and then hit the water surface, splashing huge water.

Then, Mu Rufeng jumped down from the deck and landed directly on the lifeboat, almost blowing the hull off.

As soon as he entered the Dead Sea, Mu Rufeng felt that a very powerful special energy acted on Mu Rufeng.

A wisp of life breath was being absorbed by the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea, the Dead Sea, it absorbs the breath of life, not only is it weird, but the breath of life of the living, the force of absorption is even stronger.

Mu Rufeng immediately activated the ghost power and covered his whole body. In this way, the power of absorption was instantly reduced by most, but it still could not stop the ability to absorb.

It is hard to imagine that he is still on the boat. If he falls directly into the Dead Sea, I am afraid that the life breath in his body will be sucked out instantly.

Mu Rufeng looked up, looked upward, and then waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

First Mate Zhao, who had half of his body sticking out of the deck, also breathed a sigh of relief and immediately retracted his head.

This ship was rather shabby, just a third-level vehicle, a lifeboat on the Gluttony Cruise.

The only advantage was that it could sail in the Dead Sea.

Of course, the most dangerous thing was not the Dead Sea's ability to absorb energy, but the countless ferocious and strange creatures in the Dead Sea.

Mu Rufeng used his ghost power and poured it into the engine of the lifeboat.


The engine suddenly roared, the propeller turned rapidly, and the lifeboat rushed forward.

The speed was not very fast, about 50 kilometers per hour.

It was still more than ten kilometers away from the Crab Demon Island. If there were no accidents throughout the journey, it would take about 20 minutes.

After traveling only a few hundred meters, a large number of strange fish began to gather and follow Mu Rufeng.

These strange fish were not strong, most of them were level one or two, and a small number were level three.

The breath of living people emitted by Mu Rufeng attracted them all the time.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

A large number of water arrows suddenly attacked from all directions, instantly covering the entire lifeboat.

Mu Rufeng glanced, and the ghost energy in his body shook, and the surrounding water arrows were instantly shaken away.

However, this was just the beginning. Countless water arrows attacked again, and this time they were still in a continuous state.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened his own ghost den and easily blocked all the water arrows.

The attacks of these weak strange fish could not even break the defense of the ghost den.

Mu Rufeng did not expand the ghost den, because once it was out of the range of the hull, the consumption would skyrocket.

The Dead Sea is really too unfriendly to land creatures.

Only the native creatures in the Dead Sea can adapt to this environment.

Mu Rufeng raised his hand, and a thunder appeared, and then sank into the water.


The lightning flashed in the Dead Sea and instantly spread over a range of more than ten meters.

The strange fish in this range were instantly scorched by electricity, and then turned into powder.

[Triggering success, spirit +0.1, ghost energy +0.1%]


This wave only killed five third-level ghost dens.

As the thunder fell one after another, the strange fish within a radius of tens of meters around the lifeboat were instantly cleared.

The remaining strange fish felt the breath of thunder and fled in fear.

It even overwhelmed the rage caused by smelling the breath of Mu Rufeng's living person.


In the distance, a huge strange shark jumped out of the water, then fell again, and finally floated on the water surface.

It seemed to have discovered Mu Rufeng's existence, and a pair of huge eyes stared at Mu Rufeng.


An hour later.


A loud noise.

Mu Rufeng shot out a thunder, which exploded on the head of a huge seventh-level ghost king's strange dolphin.

The terrifying attack directly sent the strange dolphin flying dozens of meters away.


The strange dolphin wailed and fell into the sea, unable to control itself for a while.

The paralyzing power of thunder was too strong.

"I'm so tired."

For an hour, a full hour, Mu Rufeng was fighting monsters.

However, the total mileage of the lifeboat was less than five kilometers.

Mu Rufeng turned around and looked back, and he could still see the Gluttony Cruise.

"Damn, the ghost power consumption is so great that it can't be recovered. No, we have to speed up the sailing."

Mu Rufeng looked down at the lifeboat, and then looked at the strange dolphin in the distance. Mu Rufeng instantly thought of an idea.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng quickly approached, and then suddenly released the bandage, and penetrated directly into the wound of the strange dolphin.

After entering, Mu Rufeng let the bandage wrap around a bone and tied it tightly.

Then he tied the other end of the bandage to the lifeboat.

In this way, as long as the strange dolphin moves, it can pull the lifeboat forward.

The strange dolphin also recovered at this time. Seeing Mu Rufeng next to him, he was shocked and dared not continue to attack, and then swam forward.

The speed of the lifeboat also soared.

But soon, the direction of the strange dolphin deviated.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng directly landed a thunderbolt on the left, and the strange dolphin immediately changed direction.

At this time, another thunderbolt fell on its right side to prevent it from deviating from the route.

However, stimulated by these two thunderbolts, the strange dolphin actually dived directly into the Dead Sea and headed for the bottom of the sea.

Mu Rufeng had expected this, grabbed the bandage, and then instantly released the terrifying power of thunder.

The bandage was already wet, so it could also conduct electricity.

Before it could dive into the bottom of the sea, the lightning spread instantly.

When the lightning dissipated, the strange dolphin twitched, and was then pulled to the surface by Mu Rufeng.

It took only a minute for the strange dolphin to recover and wanted to dive into the water again.

Mu Rufeng did it again immediately.

After repeated training, the strange dolphin finally followed the route set by Mu Rufeng and headed towards the Crab Demon Island at full speed.

As long as the speed was a little slower, Mu Rufeng would release thunderbolts.

The speed actually reached more than 100 kilometers per hour.

If Mu Rufeng hadn't stood on the lifeboat to stabilize and balance, the lifeboat would have been overturned long ago.

As the distance got closer, the fog became thicker, but Mu Rufeng's eyes could easily see through these ordinary fogs.

He saw the whole picture of Crab Demon Island.

It was originally just a crab shell, but it was covered with mud and rocks from top to bottom. What was surprising was that there were a lot of green things covering the entire island.

"Ah~~!" Suddenly, the strange dolphin howled and stopped directly, and did not move forward.

"Hmm? Keep moving forward." Mu Rufeng struck the strange dolphin with a bolt of lightning.

The latter looked at Mu Rufeng in fear and still did not move forward.

Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

After trying several times, the strange porpoise still failed to move forward. It seemed to be afraid of the Crab Demon Island.

After thinking about it, I guessed that there was something special on the island, so these strange creatures didn't dare to approach.

This place is about a few kilometers away from the Crab Demon Island. It's just right, so there's no need to worry about strange creatures.

"Since the work is done, I'll send you on your way." Mu Rufeng's voice fell, and several lightning bolts came in an instant.

The lightning flashed down, and the level 7 strange porpoise disappeared.

[Triggering successfully, killing the level 7 ghost general across levels, strength +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]

Immediately, Mu Rufeng drove the lifeboat towards the Crab Demon Island.

The Crab Demon Island seems to have never chosen players in the real world.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng has never learned about the information of the Crab Demon Island.

He only learned some from the first mate Zhao.

Although the Crab Demon Island is large and high, most places are not suitable for strange survival and are dangerous places.

Only the huge plain under the crab on Crab Demon Island is where many weird creatures live.

Moreover, you can only enter from the front, that is, from the front of the crab shell.

And you can only land on the island through a huge dock built here.

As for landing from other places, no ship dares to do so.

As they approached, a huge dock appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

Although it was huge, it could be seen that it was extremely dilapidated and no one had cleaned it.

The surrounding stone walls were full of shell creatures and red seaweed.

The fishy smell was even stronger.

There were quite a few ships docked, but most of them seemed to be broken and tattered, and I don’t know how long they had been docked here.

It seemed that Mu Rufeng appeared. The dock was originally empty, but several weird things appeared at once.

These weird things were very strange, either the lower body of an octopus or the upper body of a human.

Or the lower body was human, and the upper body turned into some fish.

"Oh my god, am I seeing things?" An octopus monster rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"I think we are seeing things. An eighth-level ghost king actually came here on such a small boat?"

"Eighth-level ghost king? How dare he? How did he get here alive?"

"I remember that we are eight thousand kilometers away from the nearest land, and even the island is one thousand kilometers away."

"Not to mention the eighth-level ghost king, even the ninth-level ghost emperor dares not cross the Dead Sea alone."

The four monsters looked at Mu Rufeng in shock.

Three of the monsters were all sixth-level monsters, and the leader was a seventh-level ghost general.

"Did he rent a boat to go out hunting? And then come back?" said a monster.

"How is it possible? How many monsters have you seen dare to go out on such a small boat? Aren't they all a group of monsters who rent a big boat to go out to sea?"

"Oh, that's right."


Soon, Mu Rufeng drove the lifeboat into a smaller mooring point.

However, although it is a small one, it is still too big compared to the lifeboat.

The four weirdos had been waiting for Mu Rufeng there for a long time.

"Level 6 mooring point, one thousand yuan for one day, at least three days, and when you leave, you can get more back or more." A weirdo looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

Mu Rufeng took out 10,000 soul notes and threw them directly to the level 7 ghost general, and then flashed and appeared in the cluttered aisle.

In order to prevent the breath of the living being discovered, Mu Rufeng always opened the ghost cave to cover himself.

In this way, even the level 8 ghost king could not see through his identity as a living person contractor.

Unless the level 9 ghost emperor came, it would be almost the same.

The level 7 ghost general was a little surprised when he saw the 10,000 yuan thrown by Mu Rufeng.

"This is my first time here, and I don't know the rules very well. Do you have any rules to teach me? The rest is considered as wine money for my brother." Mu Rufeng said.

The ghost general smiled.

Although he is level 7, there is really too little money here. This wave of income is several thousand, which is still very good.

"The rules on Crab Demon Island? There is only one rule, that is, there are no rules, strength is everything." The ghost general put away the money and then said.

"If you are strong, you can overturn the Crab Demon Island."

"For example, the Octopus Gang we belong to took over the land of the mooring point after killing the Sea Sand Gang." The ghost general said again.

"I see, thank you for telling me." Mu Rufeng bowed and then strode forward.

Looking at Mu Rufeng who was leaving, a strange whisper said: "Brother Zhang, should we notify the gang leader? This guy looks like a big fat sheep."

"Pah!" There was a sound.

Brother Zhang slapped the weirdo on the face and scolded him, "Are you stupid? This guy came across the Dead Sea. Don't underestimate him because he is only a level 8 ghost king. Don't let him kill the gang leader."

"Yes, yes, Brother Zhang, I was wrong, I was wrong." The weirdo covered his sunken face and apologized repeatedly.

"Then Brother Zhang, should we add some materials to his boat? When we leave, we can take action to solve the problem. This way, we can make a fortune." After apologizing, the weirdo spoke again.

The other two level 6 weirdos were full of admiration when they heard this. They admired this guy's brain circuit.

With a "slap!" sound, another slap was thrown over.

"You really have no eyesight at all. You dare to mess with this guy who crossed the Dead Sea? Next time you want to die, don't drag me into it." Brother Zhang looked at this weirdo with a cold face.

He suddenly realized today why his younger brother was so stupid?

"I know, I know, I was wrong, I won't mess with him, I won't mess with him." The weirdo covered his cheeks with both hands and said aggrievedly.


Mu Rufeng left the mooring point and walked out of the dock soon.

In front of him, there is a large residential area. Surprisingly, they are all old and dilapidated second-floor houses.

There are many weirdos on the street. It seems that this is still a relatively lively market. When they look at Mu Rufeng, they are all afraid.

Strength is everything here, and the aura of the eighth-level ghost king exuded by Mu Rufeng obviously makes these people extremely afraid.

Mu Rufeng looked at the vendors and found that they were selling things he couldn't understand, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

Mu Rufeng found a quiet place and took out a black sphere.

[Ghost Tracker]: This item was developed by the Weird Affairs Research Bureau under the headquarters of the relevant departments in Beijing.

Effect: A second-level item that absorbs the ghost energy left by the target and can track within a range of five miles. During the tracking period, ghost power must be continuously injected.

Mu Rufeng took out another piece of clothing, tore the film, and then stuffed the tracker directly into the clothes.

This piece of clothing was obtained by Mu Rufeng and First Mate Zhao in the captain's room.

There was the smell of Zhu Shixuan on it, so it could be tracked through the ghost tracker.

However, in order to prevent the smell from dissipating, Mu Rufeng also found a plastic film to cover it with several layers.

It was precisely because of the ghost tracker that Mu Rufeng dared to make a plan to kill Zhu Shixuan.

Otherwise, it would be so difficult to find someone on the huge Crab Demon Island.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng took out the ghost energy tracker and looked at it. The actual breath collection had been completed.

There was no arrow, which meant that it was not within the range of five kilometers.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put away his clothes and began to wander around the Crab Demon Island.

According to First Mate Zhao, Zhu Shixuan came to the Crab Demon Island by plane.

And he arrived yesterday, so he must have stayed in a hotel.

Then, the hotel would probably be near the airport.

In this way, Mu Rufeng only needs to find the airport and then use the ghost energy tracker to find him.

At the same time, in order to prevent alerting the enemy, Mu Rufeng also restrained his breath and only revealed the breath of level five.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng walked forward.

It took only a few minutes.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Not far away, a house exploded directly.

Immediately, a huge head flew from a distance and rolled down at Mu Rufeng's feet.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that the head was still alive.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" The head glared at Mu Rufeng fiercely.

Immediately, flesh and blood began to grow rapidly under the head.

"Bang!" Mu Rufeng stepped forward and crushed it with one foot.

[Triggering successfully, killing the sixth-level weird, +0.4 strength, ghost energy +0.4%]

In the distance, a long-necked weird ran over and saw Mu Rufeng stepping on the head to death.

"Boy, this guy still owes me 100,000 yuan, and you just killed him like this?"

"That's perfect, you will pay back the 100,000 yuan." The long-necked weird smiled grimly and walked towards Mu Rufeng.

"It's better to be a little messy, it's better to be a little messy." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that you can really fight unscrupulously here, and strength is everything.

"Hmm? What's going on?" At this time, the long-necked ghost realized that something was wrong.

Mu Rufeng's aura was originally only level five, but it suddenly rose one level, and then two levels.

"Your neck is quite long, I think it should be longer."

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he appeared beside the long-necked ghost.

Without waiting for the long-necked ghost to react, Mu Rufeng put one hand on his shoulder and grabbed his head with the other.

His five fingers directly buckled into his skull, and then pulled it hard.

The long-necked ghost's entire neck connected to the spine in his body was actually pulled out by Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng exerted force on his hand, and his entire head was directly crushed by him.

[Triggering success, killing a level six ghost, spirit +0.4, ghost power +0.4%]

He used his ghost power to shake off the filth on his hands, and then continued to walk forward.


Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng appeared in front of a hotel.

The hotel is not very tall, not even as big as the Blood-Drilling Hotel, with only five floors.

It should not be considered a hotel, but only a hostel.

But the sign says [Airport Hotel].

It's a bit small, but it's the best.

Mu Rufeng looked at the arrow on the tracker, and then looked at the not very luxurious airport hotel, and nodded with satisfaction.

This small hotel is only level six, so Mu Rufeng doesn't have to be so cautious.

With full force, Mu Rufeng doesn't have to be restrained in a level six small hotel.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng entered the hotel.

"Sir, welcome." A strange man with a fish head said at the front desk.

Mu Rufeng took a look, well, this is a mermaid.

The head is a fish, and the rest is a human body. The lower body is in good shape, and she is wearing a V-neck and black stockings.

However, this style is really chilling.

"Open a room for me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sir, how long will you stay? One hundred yuan a day, and you need to pay a deposit of one hundred yuan." The mermaid said.

"One day." Mu Rufeng took out two hundred soul notes and put them on the counter.

"Okay, sir, I'll take two hundred yuan from you. This is your room card, please take it."

"Also, sir, we prohibit violence in our hotel. If you violate it, our hotel will eat people." The mermaid reminded.

"Oh? Eat people, I know." Mu Rufeng smiled and took the room card and walked towards the stairs above.

After walking up the stairs, Mu Rufeng took out the tracker, and then followed the arrow and went directly to the fifth floor.

Finally, Mu Rufeng stood in room 503.

Mu Rufeng put away the tracker, and then walked straight past Room 503 and came to Room 502.

Mu Rufeng took out the room card, and it was Room 502.

What a coincidence, it was right next to Zhu Shixuan's room.

After swiping the card, Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and quickly closed it.

Then, Mu Rufeng summoned Xiaoying and asked her to spit out a bottle of Ghost Emperor series Moutai.

He needed to enhance his combat power as much as possible, and then resolve the battle as quickly as possible to prevent accidents.

Opening the lid, Mu Rufeng drank it all in one breath.

Suddenly, a smell of alcohol spread, and at the same time, he also felt a dizzy feeling.

However, in this state, Mu Rufeng realized that his strength seemed to have increased by 10%.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng took out the smelly water cup.

Although it was a bit smelly, it could also increase Mu Rufeng's ghost power by 10%, which was worth it.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng bit his finger again and sucked his own blood. He suddenly became energetic and his expression gradually became ferocious.

Mu Rufeng looked at his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV3 (0/4)

[Strength]: 6071.7 (501.8+5018+551.9)

[Spirit]: 5984.6 (494.6+4946+544)

[Constitution]: 6055.5 (500.5+5005+550)

[Contract Slot]: LV4 Weird Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 8

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig] [Cut It Off] [Game Terminator]

[Luck Value]: 4

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Coins: 4.144 billion

When crossing the Dead Sea before, he killed a lot of strange creatures within an hour.

Although most of them are low-level, the sum of the three attributes reaches more than 190.

With ten times the superposition, Mu Rufeng's current state can be said to be his strongest state ever.

Even his ghost power has reached the level of level eight.

"Pig-headed ghost, right? Although your butcher knife is only level five, it should still be useful, right?" Mu Rufeng slowly pulled out the butcher knife from his waist.

Then, Mu Rufeng stretched out his left hand and broke the wall directly with a circle.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The wall collapsed instantly, and Mu Rufeng's ghost cave expanded directly, and he quickly came to the next door.

With just one glance, Mu Rufeng saw Zhu Shixuan lying on the bed.

At this moment, Zhu Shixuan had already reacted, and jumped off the bed directly. The ghost energy also dissipated instantly, covering his pig-headed ghost again.

"Qi-killing method!"

Mu Rufeng waved the butcher knife in his hand and used the last Qi-killing method of [Slaughtering Pigs Eighteen Styles] to perform the rule-based skill [One Cut in Two].

A cold light flashed, and two thick thighs fell to the ground.

"Ah~~!" Zhu Shixuan screamed, and he fell directly to the ground without both legs.

But the next second, Zhu Shixuan opened his mouth and swallowed his broken legs together with the floor.

Then, Zhu Shixuan's legs recovered.

Afterwards, Zhu Shixuan crashed into the ground.

Bang! With a sound.

The ground was directly broken, and Zhu Shixuan appeared in 403.

However, Zhu Shixuan's momentum did not decrease, and he crashed into the floor of 403 again.

Bang! ~~Bang~~!

After three consecutive collisions, Zhu Shixuan actually appeared directly on the first floor.

"Boss, someone attacked me, get him!" Zhu Shixuan finished speaking and walked out of the hotel door in an instant.

But Zhu Shixuan just walked out of the door, and the whole person stopped in place.

In front of him, Mu Rufeng had appeared there without knowing when.

"Next time, it's your head that will be chopped off." Mu Rufeng finished speaking and performed the Eighteen Pig Killing Styles again, using the Taoist method of the Eighteen Pig Killing Styles to perform the rule-based skills and cut it in half.

"Want to kill me? Let's see if you have the ability!"

"Swallow the sky and devour the earth!"

Zhu Shixuan shouted loudly, and his body instantly expanded to five meters. At the same time, the black mist outside his body also dissipated, and the strange appearance of a pig-headed man appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

A huge mouth that was more than three meters tall, like a black hole, was swallowing Mu Rufeng directly.

The sword light has arrived.

I saw the densely packed sharp teeth in Zhu Shixuan's mouth burst instantly.

The butcher knife in Mu Rufeng's hand also shattered directly.

"My teeth~~! Impossible, what kind of ability do you have?" Zhu Shixuan took a few steps back, covering his mouth with a look of disbelief on his face.

You know, his teeth are extremely hard, even level eight items cannot shake his teeth.

"My knife was shattered, but it only cut off your teeth?" Mu Rufeng was a little shocked when she looked at the butcher knife with only one handle left in her hand.

He didn't expect that the level 5 props would be smashed to pieces.

The most important thing is that he still wears the title of [Pig Killer].

It increases the lethality of pig creatures by 100%, the butcher knife increases the damage bonus of pig creatures by 100%, and the sharpness of bones increases by 100%.

Then Mu Rufeng also performed the Eighteen Pig Killing Styles and the Cutting in Two, but it could only chop the teeth into pieces?

Are teeth considered a part of the body?

"Is it because the sword is weak?" Mu Rufeng murmured.


Zhu Shixuan opened his big mouth, and actually performed Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth together.

"You like to eat, don't you? I'll let you eat until you're full."

Mu Rufeng sneered, channeled the power of the thunder element in his body, and then all of it burst out.

Mu Rufeng's body instantly burst into dazzling lightning.

Countless thunderbolts spurted out and headed straight towards Zhu Shixuan's big mouth.

What is surprising is that all the thunder was actually swallowed by Zhu Shixuan, and he did not refuse anyone who came.

Mu Rufeng, who was in the lightning, was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

This Zhu Shixuan really has something, he can even swallow the thunder.

You know, with such an explosion of thunder power, if there were other eighth-level ghost kings, they would probably hate Xixi immediately.

"The power of thunder, you actually have the power of thunder, who are you? Who are you? Why are you here to kill me."

Zhu Shixuan was also in shock at this moment, and then asked angrily.

"You are very good at eating, right? Then let me see how much you can eat." Mu Rufeng sneered, did not answer, and continued to release thunder.

"So what if you have forbidden power? If you want to kill me, Zhu Shixuan, you are still a bit immature, Gluttony Cruise!"

Zhu Shixuan shouted loudly and used the shareholder privileges without hesitation.

Following Zhu Shixuan's loud shout, a huge fog suddenly appeared in the sky.

Immediately, the fog broke, and a huge cruise ship slowly emerged.

"Boy, I won't kill you. I will make you an irrational monster in the Gluttony Cruise Ship and become my slave forever!"

Zhu Shixuan said with a ferocious smile.

He felt very uncomfortable at the moment. Although he could really swallow the power of thunder, he could not even digest it.

However, there is a certain amount.

Now, his stomach was filled with the power of thunder, and his digestion speed could no longer keep up with the devouring speed.

His stomach was still being stretched.

He had not experienced this feeling for a long, long time.

If it continued for a while, his stomach would really burst.

Seeing the arrival of the Gluttony Cruise Ship, his anxious heart could calm down.

Even though the Gluttony Cruise has dropped to level eight, even if the ghost emperor of level nine comes, he cannot be killed in this situation.

On the other side, on the deck of the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

The Gluttony Cruiser and the Bloody Train are still fighting ghosts.

The deck was also riddled with holes.

This is all caused by the ghostly competition between the two sides.

But soon a large amount of ghost energy rose up, and the deck instantly returned to its original state.

In the competition between the two sides, it can be said that they were unwilling to give in to each other. Strictly speaking, Gluttony Cruise Line actually had the upper hand.

After all, the Bloody Train is inside the Gluttony Cruise Ship, but it doesn't matter. After all, it just has a slight upper hand.

At this moment, Gluttony Cruise received a call from Captain Zhu Shixuan.

This is due to the rules. Even if there are enemies, the Gluttony Cruise Ship still bursts out with terrifying power to break the boundaries of the void and descend on the Crab Demon Island.

Just when Gluttony Cruise was preparing to respond to Zhu Shixuan's call and suppress Mu Rufeng, it discovered that the person who suppressed was actually a black gold card user of Gluttony Cruise.

Then, it paused.

It was this moment that gave Bloody Train a chance.

Ah Fei had already burned all the remaining two million soul coins.

It was precisely because of the burning of these two million that the bloody train burst out with terrifying power.

The ghosts instantly began to erode the hull of the Gluttony Cruise Ship.

Gluttony Cruise Line suddenly panicked and immediately exploded with more powerful force. At the same time, it was also preparing to pick Zhu Shixuan on board.

Only after Captain Zhu Shixuan boarded the ship was the Gluttony Cruise Line in its strongest state.

Because with the blessing of the Gluttony Cruise, Zhu Shixuan can have the strength of a ninth-level ghost emperor.

In this way, the bloody train can be driven out.

However, the outbreak of gluttony on the cruise ship also caused a chain reaction.

The bloody train also erupted again, and it seemed that it was exerting its full power.

Mu Rufeng's two million was like a fuse, setting off a decisive battle in the battle between the two sides.


The collision of the ghost den was like a muffled thunder, and the ghost dens of both sides continued to spread in all directions.

Every collision could destroy a piece of building.

The strange eyes on the Crab Demon Island were instantly attracted here.

Countless weirdness began to gather here.

Seventh-level ghost generals, eighth-level ghost kings, in a short time, dozens of seventh-level ghost generals and more than ten eighth-level ghost kings appeared in the distance, watching this battle.

"Gluttony Cruise? Why is the Gluttony Cruise here? Was it summoned by Zhu Shixuan?"

"And over there, Zhu Shixuan is fighting with someone? That's um? The forbidden power of thunder."

"What's going on here."

"Haha, it's really a big scene, a big scene, everyone is here, I'm afraid it's not so lively on the day of the blood day?"

The eighth-level ghost kings gathered together and talked about this battle.

The auras of these level eight ghost kings are extremely powerful, and each of them is the best among the ghost kings.

"Wow, guess what I saw." At this time, another level eight ghost king flew over from a distance.

"What?" a ghost king asked.

"Bloody train, I saw the bloody train on the deck of the gluttony cruise ship. Did you see the ghost dens that spread out? They were the result of the competition between the bloody train and the ghost dens of the gluttony cruise ship." The ghost king said excitedly.

"Haha, it's so interesting. I remember that the gluttony cruise ship was severely damaged by the bloody train and fell to level eight. Does that mean that the bloody train chased it?"

"No, their fight won't wake up the one below? If this wakes up, then we will all suffer together." A ghost king was shocked.

The pupils of the ghost kings shrank slightly when they heard this.

Yes, they will not forget what kind of existence is under the Crab Demon Island.

I will start compiling chapters today, 10,000 words per chapter, to see if I can get 10,000 subscriptions.

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