I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 215 Crazy Chainsaw Cutting Meteorite: Stone of Rules [10,000 words, monthly vote requested!

[Shanlong Tea BUFF]: Concentration is increased by 50%, memory is increased by 50%, and brain operation speed is increased by 20%, lasting for one hour.

"If I had this tea when I was studying, I would definitely be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

It has to be said that this mountain dragon tea is simply a fatal temptation for scholars or scientists.

"Like it? I'll give you some as a gift later, and give you another ten pounds of purchase allowance every month." Lu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir. You're welcome." Mu Rufeng said with a smile on her face.

This thing, you can tell it's very precious just by looking at its attributes. The purchase limit of ten pounds per month seems small, but Mu Rufeng thinks it's actually high.

The attributes of Shanlong tea are excellent. Drinking it for the first time can increase all attributes by 5 points. In this way, Mu Rufeng can give it to her parents to drink.

"Lord, what is inside that meteorite?" Mu Rufeng asked Lu Chengfeng.

"I don't know." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Don't know?" Mu Rufeng was suddenly surprised.

I heard Lu Xueqing say before that the talks with the West are almost complete, which means that a deal should be reached.

Now that the deal has been concluded, we still don’t know what the objects are?

"People in the West bite very hard. No matter how much we ask, they don't tell us what's inside."

"At the same time, the fallen angel doesn't know what's inside, but it doesn't matter. I will take a look for myself after taking it out."

"Although they gave me a lot of chips and signed a contract, I still want to see what's inside the meteorite." Lu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"I want to know too." Mu Rufeng smiled.

He really wanted to know what secret was hidden in this thing, so that it was worthy of three ghost emperors coming to snatch it, and even deliberately guiding and arranging an eighth-level succubus to become a slave.

After a while, Lu Xueqing came with someone.

The fallen angel was still wearing the same clothes, there were no wounds on his body, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

Doesn't it look like he was tortured?

Also, if Luolonia is tortured, it will be fed back to Mu Rufeng in real time.

"Father, we have arrived." Lu Xueqing said.

Rolonia glanced at Lu Chengfeng, with a look of fear on her face, and then her eyes fell on Mu Rufeng.

Recalling her previous experience at the auction, a hint of humiliating anger flashed in her eyes.

"Well, Rolonya, please unlock Xiaoyou Mu's seal. There is still a thread of connection." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Yes, my lord." Lolonia heard the words and responded.

Afterwards, the ban on Mu Rufeng's inventory was immediately lifted, and then the thin line between the two of them was lifted.

On Mu Rufeng's side, a notification sound also sounded in his mind.

[Lolonia Aman has lifted the string of ties, and the string of ties between you and Lolonia Aman has been successfully lifted]

[Rule prop: Ring of Silence, the ban on your inventory has been lifted, and your inventory has been successfully unlocked]

"Oh, it's finally lifted, and I feel much more comfortable all of a sudden." Mu Rufeng felt that the heavy pressure on her body was gone, and she felt unusually relaxed.

"Lord, I have lifted the ban and the first string of ties, and have reached an agreement. Can I leave?" Lolonia asked.

"Of course you can, but accordingly, you have to hand over the Ring of Silence." Lu Chengfeng said.

Loloria didn't say anything. She reached behind her back and took out a thin black bracelet, which she immediately threw to Lu Chengfeng.

After Lu Chengfeng took the ring of silence and confirmed that it was correct, he nodded and said: "You can go, Qing'er, send her out."

"Yes, Father." Lu Xueqing nodded and said, "Please."

"Now that the agreement has been reached, can meteorite be used?" Lolonia asked again.

"I just reached an agreement with you. The time for the agreement with Meyer has not come yet." Lu Chengfeng said calmly.

"Why don't you want to leave? Well, Qing'er, take her there..."

Before Lu Ruo finished speaking, Luolonia immediately said: "Lord, I'm leaving right now."

Soon, the two left here.

"Lord, I see there is nothing behind the fallen angel. Why can I reach out and take out the prop?" Mu Rufeng asked doubtfully.

"Haha, as long as your strength reaches level five, you can open up a storage space, which is similar to your player's inventory."

"Because you contractors have inventory, even if you reach level five, you won't be able to open the storage space." Lu Chengfeng said.

"So that's it." Mu Rufeng suddenly realized.

No wonder he always pulls out something when he sees something strange.

Moreover, after he kills high-level weirdos, some people always do not drop props, unless they are the ones they wear.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng stood up and walked past the sofa. Then with a thought, the huge meteorite appeared directly in front of the two of them.

Lu Chengfeng also got up from the sofa and walked over.

"Is this the meteorite? It looks pretty ordinary." Lu Chengfeng looked at the meteorite and said.

Although this meteorite is a level nine spiritual object, it can be used to create powerful props.

However, it was nothing in their main building of Baibao Tower. He didn't even know that there was a treasure called meteorite.

Her daughter Lu Xueqing wanted to better organize the auction in her own building, so she went to the treasure house to find it.

"It has been stored for ten years. I didn't expect that we were blinded." Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said.

He had taken a look at the storage record before. This meteorite was stored ten years ago.

Ten years ago, the Western Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce suddenly attacked and destroyed all the branches of Baibao Building in the West.

On the East side, led by the Wart Tie branch, many Western chambers of commerce launched an attack on the main building of Baibao Building.

In the end, it was annihilated by Baibao Building, and this mysterious meteorite was looted after destroying the headquarters of the Eastern Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce.

In other words, this meteorite itself belongs to the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce.

"Anyway, the meteorite is still in our hands now." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's right. It's probably because Meyer found some clues." Lu Chengfeng nodded.

I guess they didn't expect that this thing would end up in Baibao Building.

According to Lu Chengfeng's guess, it is likely that the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce did not know what this thing was before.

In the past ten years, it is estimated that some clues have been obtained, so they tried every means to get the things back.

"I want to see what it is?" Lu Chengfeng said, taking out a black pickaxe.

"Dang!" A crisp sound.

When the two collided, sparks flew.

"Huh?" Lu Chengfeng frowned slightly.

This pickaxe only left a small mark.

"So hard?" Mu Rufeng was also slightly surprised.

"The storage record shows that this meteorite was handed over to the forging department for a period of time. The forging department studied it for a whole month and couldn't open it."

"I didn't expect that I couldn't open this rule prop." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Rule prop? No matter how hard this meteorite is, it can't withstand the rule prop, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"We do have a lot of rule-based props in Baibaolou, but we can't find a stronger one than this pickaxe for a while." Lu Chengfeng said, handing the pickaxe to Mu Rufeng.

[Hard Pickaxe]: The hardest pickaxe in the world, nothing can destroy it.

Effect: Rule-based props, hard, hard, extremely hard, the destructive power to rocks, meteorites, and minerals is increased by 100%.

Indeed, this pickaxe absolutely has a strong destructive power to meteorite iron.

Each hit leaves only a small white mark. This meteorite iron is not small, and it will take a long time to open it.

Moreover, this was done by Lu Chengfeng, the ninth-level ghost emperor. If it was replaced by a weaker person, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to knock it open.

"Forget it, if it can't be opened, it can't be opened. There is only more than an hour before this meteorite iron will be returned to the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce." Lu Chengfeng shook his head.

Although Lu Chengfeng still has a way to easily destroy the meteorite, he is afraid that if he can't control the strength well, he may damage the meteorite and the objects inside it.

If it is a little gentler, the meteorite can be opened safely, but there will not be enough time.

The contract signed with the Wartie Chamber of Commerce starts from the moment Mu Rufeng lifts the contract ban, and the meteorite must be returned within two hours.

Now more than 20 minutes have passed.

Lu Chengfeng originally thought that this pickaxe could completely chisel the meteorite in two hours, but he didn't expect that this pickaxe would only leave a small white mark.

Such a large meteorite, at this speed, it will take at least one or two days to knock it?

"More than an hour?" Mu Rufeng showed a puzzled look on his face.

Hearing this, Lu Chengfeng immediately explained to Mu Rufeng.

"An hour?"

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng thought of something and quickly took out an electric saw from the inventory.

[Clown's Crazy Chainsaw]: A clown's favorite crazy chainsaw, until he was fired and couldn't pay the rent, so he sold the chainsaw and wandered around.

Effect: Rule-based props, as long as the ghost power is sufficient, it can saw off everything, but it cannot hurt any weird or biological things.

Clown slogan: I am a clown, but I am not ugly, I am scary, but I don't kill people!

As long as the ghost power is sufficient, it can saw off everything.

"Master, why don't you try this prop of mine?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Chainsaw?" Lu Chengfeng reached out and took the chainsaw.

Then, his eyes instantly became bright.

"Friend Mu, it seems that you are blessed. You can get such rule props." Lu Chengfeng sighed.

"Master, can you saw it in more than an hour?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"With your chainsaw, it won't take an hour."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Chengfeng started the chainsaw.

"Buzz buzz buzz~~!"

The powerful ghost power was infused into the engine of the electric saw, and a roar suddenly broke out.

With a crisp sound of "clang!", the electric saw directly cut on the meteorite.

Then a sharp friction sound was heard.

The saw blade of the electric saw was slowly cutting into the meteorite.

The ghost power in Lu Chengfeng's body surged, and a strong sense of oppression unconsciously dissipated.

Soon, a piece of meteorite was completely cut off.

There was still meteorite inside.

"This electric saw is really good."

Lu Chengfeng continued to cut towards the cut surface.

Because Lu Chengfeng was worried about cutting the things inside, Lu Chengfeng cut vertically from top to bottom.

In this way, the speed would definitely be much slower, but it was safer.

Lu Chengfeng cut piece by piece, and in a blink of an eye, five minutes had passed.

The meteorite had been cut to a depth of almost one-third horizontally.

Now it was almost cutting to the middle, so Lu Chengfeng became extremely careful and the cutting speed also slowed down a lot.

Lu Xueqing had also returned a long time ago and was standing aside watching his father work.

Mu Rufeng was also on the side, staring intently at the meteorite iron. He also wanted to know what was inside.


Suddenly, there was an extremely harsh friction sound.

Lu Chengfeng reacted very quickly and quickly withdrew the chainsaw.

Suddenly, a golden light shone from the incision.

When Mu Rufeng saw the golden light, a strange feeling arose in Mu Rufeng's heart.

Then the wonderful feeling suddenly turned into a mysterious, obscure and incomprehensible feeling.

"Father, this is it." Lu Xueqing's face instantly became surprised.

"The Stone of Rules, is there actually the Stone of Rules in the meteorite?" Even with Lu Chengfeng's knowledge and knowledge, there was a look of surprise on his face at this moment.

"The Rule Stone? What is that?"

When Mu Rufeng heard the name, she knew that this thing was definitely not simple.

Looking at the expressions of the father and son, Mu Rufeng knew that this thing was absolutely extremely precious.

"It's a good thing. It's really a good thing. No wonder the Warty Merchant Guild is willing to spend so much money in exchange for meteorite."

"I think they were sure that I didn't dare to destroy the meteorite by force, and they were also sure that I couldn't cut the meteorite completely in a short time, so they set a time of two hours."

"Haha, I made a lot of money this time." Lu Chengfeng burst out laughing.

"Father, is it really the Stone of Rules?" Lu Xueqing still didn't believe it.

"Of course it's true. You guys spread out, I'm going to speed up." Lu Chengfeng said to the two of them.

Lu Xueqing and Mu Rufeng immediately stepped back.

Immediately, Lu Chengfeng began to cut quickly, at least several times faster than before.

Obviously I know what it is, and then I have a rough outline, so I don't have so many worries.

"Miss Lu, what is the Stone of Rules? You seem to value it very much. Is it precious?" Mu Rufeng asked Lu Xueqing.

"Of course, this is a rule stone. It can not only be used to create rule props, but can also be added to rule props to enhance its status."

"I can't tell you the details for a while. Can't you players check the attributes? After you cut it out later, you can touch it and you will know." Lu Xueqing said.

"Oh, okay." Mu Rufeng was shocked when she heard this.

Unexpectedly, this can actually create regular items, and can also improve the status of regular items.

As for the person, isn't it the person Lu Xueqing mentioned in the Dead Sea?

ten minutes later.

There are a bunch of meteorite fragments scattered on the ground. Even if they are chopped into pieces, they are still level nine spiritual objects and can be used to create powerful props.

In the center of the meteorite fragments, there stood an oval golden stone about one meter long.

The feeling I had before became even more intense.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect, that there would be such a big stone of rules." Lu Chengfeng kept looking at the stone of rules.

He kept stroking her, as if the stone in front of him was not a stone at all, but a peerless beauty.

"Um, Sir, can I touch it? I want to see the properties." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course it's no problem." Lu Chengfeng stood up and said with a smile.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng thanked him, then leaned forward and put his hand on the Rule Stone.

[Rule Stone]: It is a product under rules and contains powerful power of rules. It can be used to create rule props and rule skill cards. It can also be integrated into rule props and rule skill cards to enhance the rule status. It can also be integrated into group forces. Among them, the rule status is improved.

Very simple and clear introduction to properties.

It's basically the same as what Lu Xueqing said, and there is an additional rule skill card and the most important one seems to be a position that can enhance the group's power.

"Little friend Mu, you really gave me a big surprise today, and I won't let you suffer. This is for you."

Lu Chengfeng said and threw a thin black bracelet over.

Mu Rufeng took it immediately, with a hint of surprise on her face.

[Ring of Silence]: I said you can’t use abilities, then you can’t use abilities.

Effect: A rule-based prop. Use this prop to seal a certain ability of the target.

Note 1: Under the premise of sealing, you need to know what abilities the target has.

Note 2: You can remove the target's seal at any time.

Note 3: It can only be used once on the target. Once used, it cannot be used again without removing the seal.

Mu Rufeng originally thought that this item could only seal the contractor's inventory, but she did not expect that it could seal a certain ability of the target at will.

This prop is very useful.

"Thank you, sir." Mu Rufeng thanked him with a smile.

"I should be the one thanking you. If it weren't for your chainsaw, this baby would be at the Warts Chamber of Commerce."

"If the Stone of Rules is obtained by the Warty Merchant Guild, their strength will skyrocket, which will also be very detrimental to us."

"Now, because of your presence, this situation has been reversed." Lu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"But, father, you have signed a contract with the highest standards of rules and regulations with Meyer, the president of the Wart Chamber of Commerce. There is no way for us to violate it."

"This meteorite still has to be traded to them." Lu Xueqing said worriedly.

Lu Chengfeng smiled when he heard this. His daughter was good at everything, but sometimes she was silly.

"Qing'er, why are you so blind? The contract I signed with Meyer said it was just meteorite. Why don't I just give them the meteorite?"

"As for the Rule Stone, it's not meteorite. Why should I give it to him?"

Lu Chengfeng said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, what Father said is that I didn't expect this." Lu Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then realized and was overjoyed.

In this way, they obtained benefits, and they also obtained the most precious stone of rules in the meteorite. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Then, Lu Chengfeng opened his palms, and a bottle of glue appeared in front of several people.

With a wave of his hand, the meteorite fragments quickly floated up and gathered together, changing into the appearance of the meteorite before.

"No, no, you still have to stuff something inside." Lu Chengfeng thought for a while, turned his palm, and a huge piece of blood ore appeared.

Lu Chengfeng cut the blood ore into a shape that was almost the same as the Rule Stone, and then wrapped the blood ore with the meteorite fragments.

At the same time, Lu Chengfeng also spilled the glue in his hand.

After a while, a meteorite that was exactly the same as before appeared in front of them.

If it weren't for the Rule Stone placed beside it, no one would have realized that the meteorite had been dug up.

After doing all this, Lu Chengfeng put away the Rule Stone and the meteorite, then picked up the chainsaw on the ground and handed it back to Mu Rufeng.

"Xiao Mu, I would like to thank you very much this time. In this way, you can choose an item from the Dizi treasure house in our Baibao Building."

"Qing'er, just take him there, entertain him by the way, and also handle the matter of cooperation with Gluttony Cruise Line."

"I'm going to the West now to complete the deal with Meyer." Lu Chengfeng said.

"Okay, Father." Lu Xueqing nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, sir." Mu Rufeng quickly thanked you.

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite." Lu Chengfeng laughed and disappeared.

"Mu Rufeng, let's go. Let's go to the treasure house first. You can choose anything." Lu Xueqing said.

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Lu." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The main building's treasure house, if you choose something, Mu Rufeng has to choose it carefully.

As for the "Shuo Di" library, Mu Rufeng guessed that the Baibao Tower treasure house is divided into four major warehouses: heaven, earth, black and yellow?

Under the leadership of Lu Xueqing, they walked through many places and finally came to a huge stone wall.

On the stone wall, there is a dragon carved on the left and right sides.

What is surprising is that when the two people arrived, the two dragons slowly poked their heads out of the mural.

A strong sense of oppression came over him instantly.

However, this pressure came and went away quickly. After Lu Xueqing took out a token, the faucet slowly retracted.

Immediately, the runes on the stone gate began to light up, and then moved towards both sides.


The huge stone wall began to slowly open towards the inside.

"Let's go. Remember, follow me closely. Don't walk around or touch things." Lu Xueqing warned.

"Okay, Miss Lu." Mu Rufeng responded repeatedly.

After entering the stone gate, Mu Rufeng was dumbfounded.

Because it was not the treasure house that Mu Rufeng had imagined.

But a huge sea of ​​sand.

Yes, it is the sea of ​​sand, endless sand as far as the eye can see.

"Miss Lu, why is your treasure house full of sand? Or am I under an illusion?"

Mu Rufeng looked at the different shades of footprints under her feet and the steaming sand. It didn't look like an illusion, but a real desert.

"Haha, when I first saw this scene, I would be like you, thinking it was an illusion."

"But what I want to tell you is that this is a desert, and all the treasures in our main building's treasure house are scattered in this desert."

"This desert is very big, very big. It is transformed by a powerful rule prop. It is almost impossible to see the boundaries."

"No matter who comes, it will be difficult to find the treasure, let alone steal the treasure inside. Even if you are lucky enough to find the treasure, you will not be able to get out of this sea of ​​sand." Lu Xueqing explained.

"This sand sea world is actually a regular item? Today I have opened my eyes."

"But, Miss Lu, if that's the case, how do you get the corresponding treasures yourself?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"Of course this only requires specialized methods. For example, my father can take any props from the treasure house as long as he is in the treasure house."

"For example, the glue and blood mine from before were taken directly from the treasure house by my father. Moreover, even the Rule Stone has been placed in the treasure house," Lu Xueqing said.

"I see, today is really an eye-opener." Mu Rufeng sighed again.

After walking for a few minutes, they came to a house.

It was strange. He had never seen this house before, but as he took a step forward, this house suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Here we are, you can see all the props in the treasure house, and you can choose one from inside."

Lu Xueqing took Mu Rufeng into the house.

The house is not big, only two hundred square meters, and it only has one floor.

The layout inside is also extremely simple, with only a huge screen.

"Little Shasha, little Shasha? Are you there? You've come out to work." Lu Xueqing suddenly shouted.

"Come here, come here, little Shasha is here."

A crisp voice sounded, and immediately, a gust of wind swept the fine sand and suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Then, the fine sand turned directly into a sand doll the size of a baby.

Also chubby and extremely cute.

"It turns out to be Xiao Qingqing, why are you here free today? What kind of treasure do you want to get?" Xiao Shasha said in an old-fashioned way with her hands behind her back.

"Little Shasha, you are still so cute. This is Mr. Mu Rufengmu. Father gave him the authority to choose anything in the Dizi Treasure House." Lu Xueqing knelt down and reached out to touch little Shasha.

"Hmph, don't call me cute, I'm hundreds of years old." Little Shasha took a few steps back, avoided it, and then snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, little Sasha is not cute, not cute at all." Lu Xueqing stood up and said helplessly.

"Mu Rufeng, right? Let me check." Little Shasha raised her head proudly, then looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

Soon, little Shasha said: "Well, the host has given him permission. Xiao Mu, then you can start choosing."

Little Shasha finished speaking, and then waved her hand.

Then I saw the big screen above light up directly, and then it flew towards this side.

Finally, in front of Mu Rufeng, it turned into an ordinary screen that was twice as big as a computer screen.

"You have ten minutes to choose the treasures inside. Remember, it's only ten minutes." Little Sasha said.

"Thank you." Mu Rufeng stepped forward immediately.

The interface on the screen is similar to the one on the self-service purchasing machine in Baibao Building when Mu Rufeng went there.

At the top, there is also a big word "di", which means that what he is looking at now is the treasure house of "di".

First, there is a division for levels 5-9, and then there is a separate division for regular props.

Then, under each level of partition, there are many classifications.

Such as props, spiritual objects, etc., and under the props, there are more detailed divisions, such as attack types, auxiliary types, etc.

Even the spiritual objects are divided into many categories, which dazzled Mu Rufeng.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that there were no items of levels 1-4.

I guess the level is too low, so I won't include it.

In the ordinary prop area, Mu Rufeng didn't even click on the regular props.

What caught his eye was actually a super powerful regular prop that he had seen before. It was just that after looking at the properties, he knew that this was not a prop.

[I want to become an immortal (pseudo)]: I want to ride on an immortal and return home, but I am afraid that the towers and jade buildings in the sky are so cold that I can dance to clear my shadow, how can I feel like I am in the human world.

Effect: A one-time rule-type prop, after speaking the above poem, it can turn into a pseudo-immortal, possessing the power of a ghost emperor.

Note: The duration is calculated based on age. Each year consumed lasts for one second. Once used, it cannot be stopped until the age returns to zero.

One is false and the other is true.

The former can transform into a pseudo-immortal and gain the power of a ninth-level ghost emperor, while the latter can transform into an immortal god and possess the power of an immortal god.

In this case, the one-time rule prop [I Want to Become an Immortal] from Baibaolou with a price tag of one billion should be the treasure in the Tianzi Library.

In this way, Mu Rufeng knew at once that if this was priced at one billion in the major Baibao branch, it was just for fun.

"Don't change this. Although it can give you the strength of a ninth-level ghost emperor, you will die if you use it." Lu Xueqing warned.

Mu Rufeng smiled and then continued to read.

Not to mention, these rule props are really good.

Mu Rufeng even saw a super weird and extremely powerful regular prop.

[glaring at so and so for being pregnant]: Boy, you are very arrogant. Be careful, I will keep you pregnant for ten months. Do you believe it or not?

Effect: It is a regular prop. After wearing the glasses, you can concentrate and glare hard at the target to make them pregnant. Regardless of gender or species, whoever you stare at will become pregnant.

Note 1: If you don’t want to experience the pain of giving birth, you can try a caesarean section.

Note 2: Please note that the target you choose cannot exceed level three of yourself, otherwise it will be invalid and the effect will be reflected back on yourself.

Note 3: Please do not use it more than three times in a day. Once exceeded, the user will also bear the effect of the prop once.

Look, this is a rule prop. Are you afraid?

If you just stare at a man, you will truly realize the unbelievable thing that a man is pregnant.

Moreover, it can only be used three times a day. If it is used more than three times, the user will be pregnant, which is a bit scary.

After browsing through the rules and props for a few more minutes, Mu Rufeng clicked on the skill card option again.

Mu Rufeng spent a few minutes looking through the skill cards and rule skill cards.

Finally, Mu Rufeng clicked into the spiritual objects section.

When ten minutes arrived, the screen disappeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

At this time, Xiao Shasha looked up at Mu Rufeng and said, "Xiao Mu, ten minutes are up. Which item do you choose?"

Mu Rufeng heard this and immediately said, "I choose [Whoever you stare at will get pregnant]."

"Ah? You actually chose this item? This item is very perverted." Xiao Shasha exclaimed.

"Mu Rufeng, are you sure you want to choose this item? If this item appears in the outside world, it will cause a big uproar." Lu Xueqing said.

"Big uproar? What do you mean?" Mu Rufeng asked puzzled.

"This item was previously owned by a weirdo. He used it wantonly and made a lot of weirdos pregnant."

"In the end, he was killed, and this item was acquired by us."

"Back then, those pregnant weirdos hated this item to death. Among them, there seemed to be a ninth-level ghost emperor." Lu Xueqing said.

"Ninth-level ghost emperor? Really? Who is it?" Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately, and then he asked.

"Well, it's better if you don't know. Let me see, do you want to change a prop? There is a rule skill card, which should be suitable for you." Lu Xueqing said.

Mu Rufeng knew that the rule skill card Lu Xueqing mentioned was a rule skill card called [Drowsy].

It can be regarded as a control skill, which can force the target to fall asleep.

"No, I still decided to choose this prop." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, whatever you want." Lu Xueqing no longer insisted.

"Okay, then I will take out this prop."

As Xiao Shasha finished speaking, she reached into her chest.

Immediately, Xiao Shasha took out a pair of black sunglasses from her chest and threw them directly to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took it immediately.

After looking at the attributes, it happened to be the strange prop [Whoever you stare at will get pregnant].

After Mu Rufeng took it, he subconsciously put it on.

"Hmm? Mu Rufeng, if you dare to look at me, don't blame me for being rude." Lu Xueqing immediately flashed behind Mu Rufeng and then scolded.

"Xiao Mu, although I also want a companion, but if you stare at me, I will kill you." Xiao Shasha said.

"Uh" Mu Rufeng didn't dare to speak for a moment, and then immediately took off his sunglasses and put them in the inventory.

Seeing the sunglasses taken off, Lu Xueqing reappeared in Mu Rufeng's sight.

"Xiao Shasha, you can go back and rest, I will take him away first." Lu Xueqing said.

"Okay." Xiao Shasha nodded, and then the whole thing collapsed, and then a gust of wind whistled in, rolling up the fine sand and disappeared.

"Let's go. I'll take you out." Lu Xueqing said.

"Sorry to bother Miss Lu."


After leaving the treasure house, Lu Xueqing took Mu Rufeng to a meeting room.

On the coffee table, there was tea and some fruit cakes and so on.

Both parties sat on the sofas on both sides of the coffee table.

"Mr. Mu, let's talk about the cooperation with your Gluttony Cruise now." Lu Xueqing said.

"Of course, no problem, but before that, can I buy something from you first?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Buy things? That's fine, but how about buying after we finish talking?" Lu Xueqing said,

"Okay, I wonder what you want to cooperate with me on?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Soon Lu Xueqing told all the cooperation matters.

The Dead Sea is vast and boundless, and the Baibao Building has never been built in the Dead Sea.

Originally, they wanted to build the Baibao Building in the Dead Sea City, the largest in the Dead Sea.

However, there is a group similar to the Baibao Building in the Dead Sea City, which was established by the Lord of the Dead Sea City.

Therefore, the Lord of the Dead Sea City refused to build the Baibao Building.

The Baibao Building used many methods, but failed to persuade the Lord.

Lu Chengfeng simply built an island on the Dead Sea, and then gathered a group of people to build a city centered on the Baibao Building.

Now, they have chosen the address and used a group of extremely special creatures to lay the foundation.

And this kind of creature relies on swallowing soil to lay the foundation in the Dead Sea.

Their construction speed depends on the speed of swallowing and digesting soil.

The gluttony power on the glutton cruise ship is just matched with this special creature.

The gluttony power can make them digest faster and become more hungry. The more they eat, the faster they build.

"I see, that means you only need the raw meat in the cafeteria, right?" Mu Rufeng said.

"That's right, those raw meats contain gluttony power. Don't worry, our Baibaolou Group will definitely not let you suffer a loss. As for the price, you tell me a number, and then I will give you 10 percentage points back." Lu Xueqing said.

"What level of raw meat do you want?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We want all, whether it is level one or level eight. Unfortunately, the glutton cruise ship has been reduced to level eight, otherwise, we would also want level nine raw meat." Lu Xueqing said.

"I don't know much about this market, after all, I just took over the Gluttony Cruise, so I'll call the current acting captain." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem." Lu Xueqing nodded.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and called First Officer Zhao.

Ah, no, it shouldn't be First Officer Zhao, it should be Captain Zhao.

"The number you dialed is currently out of service!" This voice came from the phone.

"Well, I destroyed the base station on the gluttony cruise ship. It seems that I can't contact him for the time being." Mu Rufeng said suddenly awkwardly.

"Then is there any way for you to return to the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Yes, I also have a black gold card for Gluttony Cruise, which can summon Gluttony Cruise here." Mu Rufeng said.

"That's fine. I'll go with you to meet the acting captain then." Lu Xueqing said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, how about I buy something first, and then I summon the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

After shopping, Mu Rufeng couldn't stay here. She would definitely have to spend the remaining days on the Gluttony Cruise.

"Of course, you should download the Baibaolou APP. Just choose what you want to buy on it," Lu Xueqing said.

"Well, Miss Lu, I wonder if you can give me permission. I want to buy some high-level ones." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, no problem. Let me see what your digital ID is? Well, I'll give you permission right now."

Soon, Lu Xueqing gave Mu Rufeng the purchasing authority.

In this way, Mu Rufeng can see all props and items of levels 1-9.

"By the way, Miss Lu, what should we do if we rebuild the base station on the Gluttony Cruise?" Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of this and asked.

"It's very simple. Just call Phantom Communications' customer service and explain the situation. One base station only costs one million." Lu Xueqing said.

"Is this enough?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"Of course, you are giving them money, how can it be simple?" Lu Xueqing said.

Recommend a friend's book "Hong Kong Zong: I Am the Hero"

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