I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 216 Return, settlement of rewards, great harvest [10,000 words, monthly vote requested! ]

At Lu Xueqing's suggestion, Mu Rufeng contacted Ghost Communication and said that he wanted to re-establish a base station.

They readily agreed to the price of one million, and then sent people directly to the headquarters of Baibaolou.

It happened to be in Kyoto, so it wouldn't take long to get here.

Mu Rufeng immediately began to choose the items to buy on the Baibaolou APP.

First, Mu Rufeng chose a whole set of attribute fruits.

Although Mu Rufeng had eaten the attribute fruits of levels 1-4, Mu Rufeng still bought a full ten sets.

He bought three attribute fruits of levels 1-9 in ten sets.

At the same time, he also bought a large number of attribute fruits of levels 1-3, which were not only cheap but also in huge quantities.

Although he couldn't fit them on his body, he had Xiaoying's "space storage bag", so he didn't feel any pressure at all.

It has to be said that the things here at the headquarters of Baibaolou are rich enough.

Then, Mu Rufeng bought two more knives.

His butcher knife was broken, and the rule skill [One Cut in Two] requires a knife to perform.

This time, Mu Rufeng directly bought a level nine embroidered spring knife and a level seven butcher knife.

The highest level of a butcher knife is only level seven. Buying one, combined with his eighteen pig-killing styles and the title of pig-killing maniac, plus [You are a pig], the lethality is still not small.

As for the embroidered spring knife, it is pure and invincible.

Although it is strong, the price still makes Mu Rufeng feel a little distressed.

After more than ten minutes of selection, Mu Rufeng paid and slowly closed the APP.

"Mr. Mu, I didn't expect that you spent so much on this ordinary purchase? It seems that I have attracted a big customer, haha!"

Lu Xueqing glanced at Mu Rufeng's consumption record in his backend management and immediately joked.

"No way, I entered the dungeon, and I didn't have much chance to come out. I finally came to the Treasure House, so I must buy more things." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"That's right." Lu Xueqing nodded.

"By the way, Miss Lu, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, go ahead."

"Does Miss Lu know the relevant department?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Related department? Oh, of course I know, isn't this the official department in your real world?" Lu Xueqing said.

"Yes, I am an employee of the relevant department. I want to ask if the people in the relevant department have reached a cooperation with you and purchased a large number of low-level attribute fruits?"

In any case, Mu Rufeng still wants to know whether the relevant department has really purchased a large number of attribute fruits.

"Well, to be honest, it's not a large amount. Although the transaction time is not fixed, it's only 100 sets of first-level attribute fruits a day." Lu Xueqing said.

"One hundred sets a day?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then he converted it in his mind.

One hundred sets, that is 1,500 attribute fruits, and one first-level attribute fruit is 1,000 soul coins.

In other words, the relevant department spent 1.5 million soul coins every day.

The channel contract signed by Mu Rufeng can bring in about two million soul notes every day, which is equivalent to the relevant departments spending three-quarters of this income.

As for the remaining 500,000, it must be used for other places.

Yes, in these days, the contractors in the relevant departments of Changsha have already eaten the attribute fruit, all of which were sent by the headquarters.

Maybe because of Mu Rufeng, the entire Hunan Province seems to be given priority.

"Everyone in your relevant departments is a talent, and the price has been reduced to 70% off." Lu Xueqing said.

"70% off? 700 soul notes per piece?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised.

Good guy, the people in the relevant departments actually cut the price down.

But this also shows that even if it is 700 soul notes, Baibaolou still makes a lot of money.

"By the way, your relevant departments also purchased a large amount of a special ore, but they can't take it back every time."

"Last month, they bought 20 tons at a time, and so far they have only taken away about 3 tons." Lu Xueqing said.

"What ore?" Mu Rufeng asked curiously.

"It's an ore called the ore of life. The price of this ore is not high, only 500,000 yuan per ton, and it doesn't sell very well."

"We are planning to lay off half of the miners in that mine." Lu Xueqing said.

"The ore of life?" Mu Rufeng immediately took out his mobile phone and opened the Baibaolou APP.

After searching, he found this ore.

[Ore of Life]: Ore buried underground, containing the power of life.

Effect: Special ore, after mining, it will automatically merge, up to no more than 1,000 kilograms, and can be used to create special props.

"To be honest, this special prop is hard to describe, but it has some uses, so the price of this ore is low and it is not easy to sell."

One ton of 500,000 is equivalent to 250 soul notes per kilogram.

Strictly speaking, it is not much different from the price of gold in the real world.

Converted to the currency of the real world, that is 250,000 yuan per kilogram, and one kilogram of 500 grams, that is 500 RMB per gram.

And what about gold? It is September now, and the price of gold is 468 yuan per gram, which is only slightly more expensive than gold.

"Indeed, it is not too expensive." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Mu Rufeng immediately placed an order and bought a ton. Regardless of whether it was the material for the login bracelet, Mu Rufeng still felt that he had to buy some.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng felt that this life ore was most likely the material for the login bracelet.

It was not that Mu Rufeng was unwilling to buy more, but that Xiaoying could not swallow so much.

"Ring, ring, ring~~!"

Mu Rufeng's phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, I am a staff member of the Ghost Communication Base Station. I have arrived downstairs at the headquarters of Baibao Building." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay, please wait a few minutes, I will come down." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

"Ms. Lu, the people who built the communication base station are here, let's go." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, but let's go to the warehouse first. The things you bought have been prepared for you." Lu Xueqing said.


Then, under the leadership of Lu Xueqing, they came to a very busy warehouse.

All the items purchased by customers in large quantities are shipped from here.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found the things he bought. Wow, they were piled up into a small mountain.

This also included the ten kilograms of Shanlong tea that Mu Rufeng could buy.

Next to the small mountain, there were two stone pillars similar to those on the side of the road.

Obviously, that should be the life ore. Each one weighed one thousand kilograms, and there was no need to fuse and pack it by himself.

Mu Rufeng first took out the things he needed and placed them in the item column or in the bandage.

Then, he called Xiaoying out.

"Xiaoying, put all these things in your stomach." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Dad, so many?" Xiaoying opened her mouth slightly and looked at the small mountain in shock.

"Thank you for your hard work. I bought you a lot of good things, and there is one thing you will definitely like." Mu Rufeng patted Xiaoying's head and said.

Lu Xueqing, who was standing by, saw this scene and was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Mu Rufeng to have a daughter?

No, this daughter is a contractor, and the name surprised Lu Xueqing.

"What is it?" Xiaoying looked at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng heard it and immediately fumbled in those items and finally took out a bag of spicy strips.

"Here." Mu Rufeng handed the spicy strips to Xiaoying.

Xiaoying saw that it was spicy strips and immediately took it with joy.

"Ah, daddy, this spicy strip, this spicy strip it." After Xiaoying read the properties of the props, her eyes lit up and she couldn't speak properly.

[Unlimited Spicy Strips]: This is a food that is very popular with children.

Effect: Rule-type props, you can arbitrarily convert spicy strips of various flavors, and the spicy strips inside will never be eaten up.

Note 1: Spicy strips! Spicy strips! Spicy strips! It's not junk food, definitely not junk food!

"Do you like it?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I like it, I like it very much, and there's more." Mu Rufeng took out another beverage bottle.

【Universal Drink】: This is a drink that is very popular with children.

Effect: A rule-based prop that can be used to convert drinks of various flavors at will, and the drinks inside will never be finished.

Note: Drinks, drinks, we want to drink delicious drinks.

What is a fatal attraction to children?

It is nothing more than snacks and drinks.

And now both of them have been occupied.

Although Xiaoying is a weird one, she has only been born for a few months. Now she looks like a little girl, which is also caused by swallowing too many soul notes.

At the same time, because she swallowed too many soul notes, she didn't want to eat those flesh and blood anymore, but turned to taste.

Snacks and drinks are unusually in line with Xiaoying's taste.

"Okay, go back and study your baby later. Help me store some things here first." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, daddy." Xiaoying was very excited at this moment.

Xiaoying took two steps forward, then opened her cherry mouth and sucked it suddenly.

The pile of objects that looked like a small mountain were immediately attracted and flew over one after another.

And as they approached, these objects actually began to shrink rapidly, and Xiaoying swallowed all of them without missing a single one.

"Daddy, daddy, the space in my stomach is full, and I can't put any more." Xiaoying touched her stomach and said.

"Well, Xiaoying is great, okay, let's go back." Mu Rufeng pinched Xiaoying's little face and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly, and then returned directly to the contract slot.

"Mr. Mu, the weirdness of your contract is quite cute, and the ability is also very strong."

"How did you contract her?" Lu Xueqing looked Mu Rufeng up and down, and finally gave a thumbs up.

"It was a coincidence, just a coincidence." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

At that time, he didn't expect that the baby would be so powerful later, which really gave Mu Rufeng a big surprise.

"Mr. Mu is now level three, right? How many weirdness have you contracted now?" Lu Xueqing suddenly asked.

"Two have been contracted." Mu Rufeng said.

"Doesn't that mean Mr. Mu can also contract a weirdo?"

"Yes, that's right." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"How about it, do you want me to introduce you to a contracted weirdo?" Lu Xueqing said with a smile.

"Hmm? Miss Lu? You want to introduce me to a contracted weirdo?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lu Xueqing in surprise.

"What? Don't you want to? That's a pretty girl too." Lu Xueqing said with a smile.

"This." Mu Rufeng didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Contract, he naturally still wanted to contract the third weird, because this could enhance his strength.

But Lu Xueqing actually said to introduce him? What's the situation? It seems that this contracted weird is still the weird she knows.

"Who is that?"

"She is my cousin, only seven years old this year, with good abilities, and she likes the real world very much. She has always wanted to contract with a contractor to go to the real world."

"It's just that I haven't found a suitable candidate, and I think you are very suitable." Lu Xueqing said.

"This. What are her abilities?" Mu Rufeng said.

Although her status is high, Mu Rufeng still has to consider many things.

Of course, the most important thing is what her abilities are.

"My cousin has only one ability, that is, she is strong. Although she is only level three now, she can defeat level four weirds with her strength alone." Lu Xueqing said.

"Strong? With strength alone, you can defeat the fourth-level weirdness."

"Let me think about it. How about I give you an answer after I enter the dungeon next time?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course, no problem, and I also need to tell my cousin your information." Lu Xueqing said.

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly. Then the two came to the outside of the Treasure House.

At this moment, there were three men in work clothes waiting outside.

The strength was not very strong, and the strongest one was only level four.

"Are you Mr. Mu? I wonder where the base station is built?" A middle-aged man came forward to ask.

"Wait a minute." Mu Rufeng immediately took out the black gold card of the Gluttony Cruise and prepared to summon it.

However, Lu Xueqing grabbed Mu Rufeng.

"I said, you don't want to summon the Gluttony Cruise in the imperial capital?"

"Well, what? Is there any taboo?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lu Xueqing in confusion.

"The Imperial Capital is the largest city in the East, with a very powerful space barrier."

"Even if you summon the Nine-Level Group here, you can't destroy the space barrier. If you want to summon, you can only go to a specific place."

"The Gluttony Cruise is a ship, and you need to go to the dock of Dongfan Street to summon it." Lu Xueqing said.

"Is there such a saying? But why can the Treasure House come down when it is in the Dead Sea?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"How can it be the same? One is outside the Imperial Capital and the other is inside the Imperial Capital."

"Moreover, this barrier is also partly built by my Treasure House." Lu Xueqing said lightly.

"Okay, I understand."

Immediately, the group walked towards the dock.

After arriving at the dock, Mu Rufeng looked at the huge lake in front of him without any hesitation, and directly took out the black gold card to summon the Gluttony Cruise to come.

Not long after, a mist emerged above the lake.

Immediately afterwards, the Gluttony Cruise slowly emerged from the mist, and then slowly leaned on the dock.

Then the staircase fell from above and landed steadily on the ground.

Zhao Xize ran down from above quickly, and behind him was a skeleton in a suit.

The name of the first mate Zhao was Zhao Xize.

"Boss, Miss Lu." Zhao Xize hurried over.

"Captain Zhao, isn't the base station broken? I asked the people from Ghost Communications to come and rebuild a base station." Mu Rufeng pointed at the three staff members and said.

"So that's it. The boss is thoughtful. The people on the ship can't contact the outside world, but they are all very noisy."

"First mate Wang, go and take the staff to install it." Zhao Xize ordered the skeleton behind him.

"Okay, Captain." The skeleton's mouth actually came out of a royal sister's voice.

Obviously, this skeleton is a woman.

"Three, please follow me." First mate Wang immediately led the three staff members onto the ship.

"Mr. Mu, Miss Lu, let's not stand here, how about going up and sitting down?" Zhao Xize said.

"Well, it's just right. I got a business for the Gluttony Cruise. Let's find a quiet place to talk about the details." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Mr. Mu." Zhao Xize had a happy look on his face.

Being able to do business with Baibaolou, no matter what aspect, can definitely make a lot of money.

Sure enough, the boss is worthy of being the boss. It only took about two hours to get the business.

Then, the three of them boarded the Gluttony Cruise along the stairs.

However, the moment Mu Rufeng boarded the cruise, a prompt sound appeared in his mind.

[Since the contractor Mu Rufeng has been away from the Gluttony Cruise for more than two hours, the clearance task has been changed and the conditions for the copy clearance have been met. ]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

"Hmm?" When Mu Rufeng heard the prompt sound, his face was slightly startled.

"Mr. Mu, what's wrong?" Zhao Xize noticed the change in Mu Rufeng's face and asked quickly.

"Mu Rufeng, is there something wrong?" Lu Xueqing also looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Because I left the Gluttony Cruise for more than two hours, my clearance task has been changed and has now been completed, so I have three minutes to return." Mu Rufeng said.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng was not ready to return.

This is only the third day. According to his idea, he will kill a lot of people in the Dead Sea in the next four days to earn a wave of attribute points.

"The clearance task has been changed? And it has been completed?" Lu Xueqing was slightly stunned.

"Ah, boss, what should we do now?" Zhao Xize said in surprise.

"It's okay, just talk about it. I have already decided to reach a cooperation. You just need to discuss the price and the quantity of supply."

"Captain Zhao will sign the contract." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Mr. Mu." Zhao Xize nodded in response.

"Mr. Lu, your share, after the negotiation, I will directly deposit it into your bank card number." Lu Xueqing said.

"Well." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"You go." Mu Rufeng waved to the two.

"Then let's talk about cooperation first. See you next time." Lu Xueqing nodded, and left the deck with Zhao Xize.

On Mu Rufeng's side, he called out the changed main task.

[Clearance Mission: The base station of the Gluttony Cruise has been destroyed and cannot contact the outside world. The passengers on the ship are very excited. Please contact the staff of Ghost Communication immediately to rebuild the base station. ]

[The Ghost Communication staff has arrived. Congratulations to the contractor Mu Rufeng for completing the clearance mission. ]

[Return countdown 159, 158, 157, 156... PS: You can also return immediately. ]

"So, this is considered to be shooting yourself in the foot?" Mu Rufeng was a little upset.

"Forget it, forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

This time, he also gained a lot from the dungeon trip.

Apart from anything else, the group of Baibaolou directly obtained two rule-based props for free.

Then he bought so many things, which cost him more than 200 million.

Moreover, this was the amount of money after he used the 10% discount coupon.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and called Lilith.

After telling her about the Gluttony Cruise, and then telling her some things, Mu Rufeng silently said to return.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng's figure disappeared from the spot.

September 3, 2023, 4 a.m., Dameisha Beach.

Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly appeared here.

"Hua La La~~!"

The sound of waves came from not far away.

The moonlight in the sky was bright, sprinkled on the earth, making the surroundings less dark.

Mu Rufeng looked around and did not find anyone nearby.

It was 4 a.m. now. If there were still people, who would they be?

"Buy a plane ticket first and go back to Changsha as soon as possible."

Mu Rufeng murmured a few times and walked out of Dameisha. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and started buying plane tickets directly.

"It's 1:30 in the afternoon, so let's go to the airport first and find a hotel nearby to rest."

After buying the plane ticket, Mu Rufeng also came to the road.

Finding a place without surveillance, Mu Rufeng directly took out the donkey in the inventory.

"Ah, Master, you finally need me again, woo woo woo, I haven't come out for a long time."

Ma Qiu has not been locked in the inventory for more than half a month. Now he suddenly appeared and whimpered in grievance.

"Okay, okay, there was a little accident, the inventory was locked, and I just finished a copy and it was unlocked."

"Here, I'll give you some soul notes." Mu Rufeng patted Ma Qiu, took out a stack of soul notes and put it on the QR code.

"Thank you, Master!" The aggrieved Ma Qiu was no longer aggrieved in an instant, and swallowed all the 10,000 soul notes in one mouthful.

"Master, Master, where are you going, I'll take you there now." Ma Qiu said.

Long before, Mu Rufeng downloaded the global offline map and loaded it into Ma Qiu's database.

In this way, not only is Qingshan City in the weird world familiar to him, but even the real world is also very familiar to him. It can be said that Ma Qiu is now a man who knows everything.

"It's okay to go a little faster to the Anbao International Airport. It's so late, and few people can see it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Master."

As soon as Ma Qiu finished speaking, he burst into a huge speed.

In just two seconds, he was already about 100 kilometers per second.

It can be said that this acceleration is simply a supercar.

After a while, the speed soared to 200.

Mu Rufeng immediately squeezed the brakes and slowed down.

"Ma Qiu, I asked you to go faster, but not so fast. One hundred is about right."

"Ah? Okay, Master, I thought you were in a hurry, so you ran faster." Ma Qiu nodded repeatedly, and then kept the speed at about 100 yards.

At this time, he happened to pass a crossroads.

Because it was four o'clock in the morning, there were few cars, and the traffic lights at the crossroads turned yellow and were not used.

Ma Qiu was like a gust of wind, and he passed through the crossroads with a whoosh.

A car that happened to arrive at the intersection was startled.

"Oh my god, so fast? Is it a motorcycle?" The drowsy driver suddenly woke up.

"This kind of fat motorcycle is handsome, but if there is a car accident, it will be terrible." A young man in the co-pilot seat shook his head and said.

"It doesn't seem to be a motorcycle? It feels small." Another young man in the back seat said.

"Forget it, never mind, let's go back to sleep, we've had a great night." The driver yawned and crossed the intersection.


It took Mu Rufeng 40 minutes to arrive near the Anbao International Airport.

Along the way, he encountered many vehicles or pedestrians late at night.

Even the surveillance camera captured the extremely fast sesame ball.

It's just that Mu Rufeng didn't care, because even if he was seen by these people, most of them would think it was a modified electric car or motorcycle.

Even if someone retrieved the surveillance, it didn't matter, generally these were government units.

As long as you investigate a little deeper, you will know that Mu Rufeng is from the relevant department, so it will definitely be left unresolved.

Finding a deserted place, Mu Rufeng put the sesame ball into the inventory.

Then he found a hotel nearby that looked pretty good and booked a room.

It will take a long time before the plane takes off.

"Huh~~! It's still comfortable in the real world." Mu Rufeng, who had just finished taking a shower, lay on the soft big bed with a comfortable look on his face.

He was a little sleepy now, but no matter what, he had to settle the reward first.

[Congratulations to LV3 contractor Mu Rufeng for clearing the multiplayer dungeon: Gluttony Cruise]

[The player successfully survived on the Gluttony Cruise for two days and obtained 100% clearance. The player successfully completed the second clearance task and obtained 100% clearance]

[Player Mu Rufeng finally cleared 200% clearance and obtained the item: Hair Growth Agent and 200 Soul Coins]

[It was detected that the host had cleared the dungeon and the plug-in was uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Thunder Element Power]

[Hair Growth Agent]: Whether you are bald or white tiger, you will have lush hair after using it.

Effect: Two-level props, spraying the growth agent on the skin will promote hair growth.

Note: Please note, don't spray too much, otherwise you will become a hairy monster.

[Thunder Element Power]: You have the power to control the thunder element.

The hair growth agent can be ignored. After all, this time, his clearance completion is indeed a bit low.

But the thunder element power seems to be very good.

Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and the thunder power in his body burst out instantly.

The lightning flashed the whole room.

After a long time, it gradually subsided.

The thunder element power in his body was weakened a lot.

In the weird world, he could fight against the eighth-level ghost king with the thunder element power.

And this weakened thunder element power is only at the level of level three.

But the lethality can reach level four or even level five.

It seems to be based on his current level.

However, this is not important, because Mu Rufeng's strength cannot be measured by level.

He should rely on the strength of his body. At the same time, when he fights, he can also make his own attacks accompanied by thunder.

In this way, the lethality will be even stronger.

Then Mu Rufeng called Xiaoying out and asked her to take out a set of attribute fruits of levels 5-9.

There are three types of fruits in total, which adds up to a total of 75.

After sending Xiaoying back, Mu Rufeng took the fruits and ate them one by one.

[Eat the fruit of strength, increase the strength attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of soul, increase the spiritual attribute by 1 point]


[Eat the fruit of meat, increase the physical attribute by 1 point]

Soon, all 75 attribute fruits were eaten.

Then, Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV3 (1/4)

[Strength]: 531.8

[Spirit]: 526.2

[Constitution]: 530.5

[Contract Slot]: LV4 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 5

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig] [Cut it in Two]

[Luck Value]: 4

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Coins: 3.927 billion

He has not used the rules and skills to strengthen his body, but he can feel the powerful power contained in his body now.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng sits and trains every day, and his ghost power is not low, which allows Mu Rufeng to control the sudden surge of power.

Otherwise, Mu Rufeng should be walking with a pit at every step, and the door will be directly removed when opening.

Eating, drinking, etc., I'm afraid he may have crushed the bowls, chopsticks, cups, etc. directly.

"Sleep, sleep, this time I've gained a lot." Mu Rufeng fell asleep contentedly.


"Ring, ring, ring~~!"

The alarm of the phone suddenly rang.

Mu Rufeng reached out to pick up the phone and then turned off the alarm.

"It's eleven o'clock, I have to eat and catch the plane."

Mu Rufeng got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

As for lunch, Mu Rufeng didn't go out to eat, but directly took out the gourmet tablecloth.

His current appetite, if he went out to eat, it would be scary.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng ate food made from spiritual objects exchanged with soul notes.

In this way, he didn't need to eat so many portions for dozens of people.

Not only is it better than ordinary food, it is also very convenient.

After eating and drinking, Mu Rufeng immediately went to the airport to go through the formalities, and then entered the waiting room forty minutes before boarding.

It must be said that it is really troublesome to enter the waiting room so long in advance when taking a plane.

However, after entering the waiting room, Mu Rufeng's eyes unconsciously fell on a monk.

This monk is about fifty years old and his body is extremely thin.

There is no hair on his forehead, only a few scars.

In addition to his simple clothes and the Buddhist sounds he whispered in his mouth, his right hand kept chasing a string of Buddhist beads.

This monk is definitely a very authentic monk.

Unlike now, even if you go to the temple, most of the monks inside are fake.

Although he shaved his head, you can see the layer of black fine short hair on it, and the scars are not visible at all, and he is fat.

Mu Rufeng has been to several temples and has never seen a thin monk. Of course, he has seen thin nuns.

When those monks chant, they are mumbling and it is hard to hear what they are chanting. If you get closer, they seem to be talking nonsense.

But this monk is different. He has a ring scar and closes his eyes while chanting. He chants in a very low voice.

With Mu Rufeng's hearing, he can hear clearly that this monk is chanting the Diamond Sutra.

Most importantly, this monk is also a contractor.

Mu Rufeng can feel the ghost power in him. This monk is a level 5 contractor.

As if he also noticed Mu Rufeng's gaze, the monk slowly opened his eyes and looked at Mu Rufeng.

The monk smiled slightly and nodded to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately nodded and greeted him, and then walked straight towards the monk and sat next to him.

"I am Mu Rufeng, and I am affiliated with the relevant department of Changsha. I wonder where the master is practicing?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Amitabha, it turns out that I am the donor Mu from the relevant department. My name is Huinan, and I am practicing in Chanxin Temple." Huinan clasped his hands together and nodded slightly.

"It turns out that it is Master Huinan. Is Master Huinan going to Changsha?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Chanxin Temple, Mu Rufeng has never heard of it, and there is no such name among the ten famous temples in Shenzhen. I think it should be in a small and unknown temple in Shenzhen.

"Yes, I am going to Xixin Zen Temple in Changsha to exchange Buddhist teachings." Huinan said.

"Xixin Zen Temple? I remember it is in Wancheng District. What a coincidence, I am from the Wancheng branch." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Amitabha, donor, I see that you have a disaster in your face. You must be careful in the next copy." Huinan suddenly said.

"Hmm? Will there be a disaster in the next copy? Haha, thank you Master Huinan." Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then thanked him indifferently.

With a cheat, what disaster could he encounter?

Seeing that Mu Rufeng was not paying attention, Huinan immediately explained: "The strange person in the poor monk's contract is a strange person who is proficient in numerology. The donor should be careful."

"Oh? Proficient in numerology? Don't worry, Master, I will be careful." Mu Rufeng was a little more serious this time.

However, he still didn't take it too seriously. With a cheat, a login bracelet and a resurrection card, it was really difficult for him to encounter danger.

Huinan nodded slightly, and then slowly closed his eyes, the Buddhist beads in his hand continued to turn, and he began to chant Buddhist scriptures again.

I have to say that Mu Rufeng was still interested in seeing such a real monk.

Apart from anything else, the feeling of chatting is very different from those fake monks.


3:30 pm, Changsha Green Flower Airport

After Mu Rufeng left the hall, he took out his cell phone and called Dayong.

"Dayong, I'm out, where are you?"

"Brother Mu, I'm in the P1 parking lot. Are you at the door? I'll come to find you."

"Okay, come on, I'll wait for you here." Mu Rufeng hung up the phone after saying that.

This airport is very big. Mu Rufeng came here for the second time. He didn't know the way at all. He just waited for Zhao Dayong to come.

"Master Huinan, are you alone? Or is there someone to pick you up?" Mu Rufeng suddenly saw Master Huinan standing not far away, and he walked over immediately.

"Amitabha, someone will come to pick me up." Master Huinan said.


"All things are impermanent, they are the law of birth and death; birth and death are extinguished, and nirvana is happiness...!" Just at this time, a ringtone of the Diamond Sutra sounded in Master Huinan's pocket.

Master Huinan took out an old flip phone from his pocket.

"Abbot Huinan, um, I may trouble you to wait for a moment. I rear-ended someone when I entered the parking lot just now."

"Now we are waiting for someone to come and deal with it. It will take a while. How about I help you call an online car-hailing?"

A young woman's voice came from the phone.

Master Huinan used the hands-free function, and Mu Rufeng could hear it clearly.

"Amitabha, little donor, then help me call an online car-hailing." Huinan said.

"Master Huinan, there is no need to be so troublesome. I am also going to Wancheng District. How about I take you there together?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Amitabha, donor, poor monk~~!"

Master Huinan had not finished speaking when Mu Rufeng immediately interrupted him and said, "Master, you read my face before, and I am just giving you a gift in return. It's on the way anyway."

Master Huinan heard this, put his hands together, and said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Mu. Little donor, you should have heard it too. After you have dealt with the matter, go back directly."

"I heard it, I heard it. I'm so sorry, Abbot Huinan, and Mr. Mu, you really helped me a lot."

The young woman on the other end of the phone apologized first and then thanked Mu Rufeng.


The two stood there waiting for about three minutes, and then saw Dayong driving a black SUV slowly parked aside.

Mu Rufeng immediately opened the door and let Master Huinan get on the back seat.

And Mu Rufeng got on the co-pilot.

"Brother Mu, who is this master." Zhao Dayong saw an unfamiliar monk coming up and immediately asked Mu Rufeng.

"This is the abbot of Shencheng Chanxin Temple. He is going to Xixin Zen Temple to exchange Buddhist teachings. The person who picked him up has something to do and can't come."

"It just so happens that I have to go back to Wancheng, so I'll take him along the way." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Oh, it turns out to be Master Huinan. My mother has been to Xixin Zen Temple many times. She also said that she would go to Xixin Zen Temple to ask for a peace amulet for me tomorrow." Zhao Dayong said with a smile.

"Amitabha, my friend, it seems that your mother loves you very much. However, I see that you really need a peace amulet."

"Tomorrow, ask your mother to come to the temple to find me." Master Huinan said slowly.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Dayong didn't react for a while.

"Master Huinan, did you see something?" Mu Rufeng's face also became slightly solemn.

"The Buddha said, it cannot be said, it cannot be said." Master Huinan played a riddle.

Zhao Dayong immediately looked at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng said: "Master Huinan is a level 5 contractor, and he is very good at fortune-telling. Ask your mother to go to Xixin Zen Temple tomorrow."

"Okay, I know, Brother Mu, Master, I'm sorry to bother you." Zhao Dayong said quickly.

"Amitabha, today's cause, tomorrow's result, good will be rewarded, evil will be punished." Master Huinan put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name, then slowly closed his eyes.

"Drive safely, take the highway back, faster." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Zhao Dayong nodded.

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