I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 217 Job Transfer, Yongcheng Storm [10,000 words, monthly vote requested! ]

More than forty minutes later, the vehicle stopped at the entrance of Xixin Temple.

Mu Rufeng got out of the car, sent Master Huinan to the door, and then drove away with Zhao Dayong.

inside the car.

Zhao Dayong asked: "Brother Mu, what the master said before, does it mean that I will be in danger?"

"If Master Huinan's numerology is really effective, I guess you may have to enter the dungeon." Mu Rufeng thought for a while and said.

"Enter the dungeon? Really?" Zhao Dayong suddenly said with a look of surprise.

To be honest, Zhao Dayong has been working in relevant departments for more than two years.

Starting out as a handyman, my rank has been promoted a lot, and I now manage a lot of chores.

Zhao Dayong is responsible for training some new people or new players.

He was also very serious about his work. When Mu Rufeng came to see him, he was basically always available.

In fact, Zhao Dayong's biggest wish is to enter the dungeon.

Zhao Dayong is 23 years old this year, one year younger than Mu Rufeng. He is an outstanding graduate of a police college.

Just after graduation, he was recruited into the relevant department and then assigned to the Wancheng branch.

It has been two years since he was selected to work in the relevant department, and he has been looking forward to it.

Although the death rate is high and he has seen many colleagues die, he still wants to enter the dungeon.

He is not a madman, but as a young man who has been exposed to so many supernatural powers, how can Zhao Dayong not be fascinated?

High mortality rate? So what about Gao, not everyone is afraid of death, Zhao Dayong is like this.

Moreover, he also has an older brother and a younger brother. Even if he dies, his parents will not be left without anyone to take care of him.

"Dayong, others are scared to death when entering the dungeon. Looking at you, you seem to be very happy?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, Brother Mu, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I have made a lot of preparations. Look, I have prepared the soul coins."

At this moment, just waiting for the traffic light, Zhao Dayong took out a purse from his underwear pocket.

After he opened the purse, he revealed the inside.

However, in Zhao Dayong's view, it was empty inside.

But from Mu Rufeng's perspective, she found that there were two hundred soul coins inside.

"Oh, you are really well prepared, but you probably can't see me," Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"I asked Team Zhou to help me prepare it. This is my savings in the past two years." Zhao Dayong said.

Two hundred soul notes are equivalent to two hundred thousand RMB.

Soul money is invisible to ordinary people, but it can also be placed on the body, just like the soul money he prepared for his parents.

There are also props, most of which are invisible to ordinary people.

However, some special props can still be seen by ordinary people.

Just like Mu Rufeng’s little electric donkey, and his van.

Mu Rufeng also specifically asked Tianbe, and Tianbe also said that as long as the vehicles are level five and below, they will be seen by ordinary people in the real world.

And above level six, it cannot be seen.

Some spiritual objects that can increase attributes can also be seen, just like attribute fruits.

It seems that any spiritual creature that is beneficial or poisonous to ordinary people can be seen by ordinary people.

"In the past two years, I have had high-intensity training every day, and I have also memorized a large number of copies of information."

"In addition, I also ate attribute fruit a few days ago, I think my first copy should be fine." Zhao Dayong said with confidence.

"Don't be too blind and arrogant. The copy is not as simple as you think."

"When your strength is not strong enough to kill Weiyi, then your brain is the most important. If you want to survive, you rely on wisdom." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Mu Rufeng admitted that if he didn't have a cheat for the first copy of Scarlet, there was no guarantee that he would be able to come out alive.

He is not the kind of person who is very smart. He was able to pass the undergraduate degree because his hard work can make up for his weakness.

"I know, so I often go to the mental training room." Zhao Dayong said.

"No matter what, I'm optimistic about you. Come on, I'll give you these attribute fruits. You can eat them." Mu Rufeng said, taking out a bag and pointing his palm at the bag.

Suddenly, fifteen fruits fell into the bag.

"Attribute fruit? Brother Mu, I just said that I have already eaten attribute fruit." Zhao Dayong said with a smile.

"Haha, this is a second-level spiritual attribute fruit, which can be superimposed with the first-level attribute fruit." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Ah? Two-level attribute fruit?" Now that the light was green, Zhao Dayong had started the vehicle. When he heard Mu Rufeng's words, his hands shook and he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel.

"No, no, how can I ask for such a precious thing? Brother Mu, just eat it yourself." Zhao Dayong shook his head and refused.

"I can give it to you, naturally, because I have already eaten it. I put it here. You can remember to take it and eat it when you get off the car later."

Mu Rufeng immediately placed the attribute fruit in the armrest box in the middle.

"Brother Mu, I..." Zhao Dayong suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Okay, this doesn't mean anything to me, just think of it as my investment in you." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Mu, if you come to me if something happens in the future, I will go through fire and water without hesitation." Zhao Dayong said solemnly.

"What about going through fire and water? I'll just let you do some chores. Okay, just focus on driving." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Mu."


After returning to the Wancheng branch, Mu Rufeng went straight to Captain Zhou's office.

"Huh? Little Mu, you're back now? I remember that the Gluttony Cruise should be seven days? Did you use the landing bracelet?"

When Zhou Wen saw Mu Rufeng appear, he stood up from his seat.

"No, there were just some accidents. The main task was changed and the clearance conditions were met, so I came back a few days earlier." Mu Rufeng said.

"Could it be the meteorite? The Treasure House?"

"Yes, this experience was thrilling." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thrilling? Why? What big event happened? Come on, tell me." Zhou Wen was also a little curious at this moment.

He really wanted to know what Mu Rufeng experienced in this dungeon.

Mu Rufeng naturally did not refuse. Anyway, he was also ready to report.

"I'm too lazy to write a report. How about I just record a sound and upload it later? Captain Zhou." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, no problem. I'll let the people below sort it out for you later." Zhou Wen nodded and agreed happily.

Anyway, there are many people in the relevant departments, so this little thing is nothing.

Just like Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong, they were too lazy to write their own reports, so they just dictated and let the staff record it themselves.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng roughly described the dungeon experience of the Gluttony Cruise.

Of course, he still concealed part of it, after all, he didn't want to be discovered that he had become a shareholder of the Gluttony Cruise.

Of course, he also talked about the Crab Demon Island, but he just took himself out of it.

"Hiss~~!" Even with Captain Zhou's restraint, he took a breath of cold air when he heard that there was a ninth-level ghost emperor crab demon under the Crab Demon Island.

Later, he heard that the headquarters of the Treasure House came to suppress the crab demon, and then he was slightly relieved.

"Dead Sea Overlord Crab Demon, wow, there is actually such a thing that can resist the power of the Nine-Level Group, it's really amazing." Captain Zhou said with emotion.

"Yes, that crab demon really shocked me, I also took photos and videos, take a look."

Mu Rufeng said, and immediately turned out the photos and videos in his mobile phone.

Just listening to Mu Rufeng, the sense of the picture is still not that strong, but now that he has seen the photos and videos, he has become even more shocked.

The picture in his mind is also lingering.

"By the way, you should also organize these photos and videos into a report and send them to the system. At that time, the contribution value will definitely be higher." Captain Zhou said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, if you have nothing to do later, go to the headquarters." Zhou Wen said.

"Headquarters? What are you going to the headquarters for?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It should be something you applied for." Zhou Wen said.

"Really? So fast? I think I applied at the end of August?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"You are not ordinary, how can you not be fast, and if you hadn't entered the dungeon, you should have received the news the next day." Zhou Wen said.

"Okay, I'll go now." Mu Rufeng looked at the time, it was only half past five.

Tianbe is also quite dedicated, even if he doesn't get off work until after eight o'clock in the evening.

Moreover, his home is nearby, and it takes no more than five minutes to walk.

After saying goodbye, Mu Rufeng left Captain Zhou's room.

Then, Mu Rufeng went to the office area.

"Xiaoying." Mu Rufeng shouted inside.

"I'm here!" At this time, a girl jumped up from her seat and responded.

"Come here." Mu Rufeng waved at her.

"I'm here, Brother Mu." Xiaoying hurriedly ran over with her mobile phone.

Xiaoying, whose full name is Zhou Ying, is 22 years old this year. She started interning here in her senior year, and it has been about half a year.

All I did were trivial clerical tasks.

"Go to the report room and help me make a report." Mu Rufeng said.

"No problem, Brother Mu." Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

If you write a report yourself, you don't have to go to a special report room, but if you ask someone else to write it, you have to go to the report room.

Soon, the two came to a report room on the second floor.

"Here, this is the recording of my experience in this dungeon. You just need to write the report according to the recording later."

"There are also some videos and photos. You can transfer them directly to the computer, and you can upload them to the system at that time."

Mu Rufeng said, and took a data cable to connect it to the computer.

After a few operations, he copied all the videos and pictures he had taken.

"Leave it to you. After you finish mine, you can go home." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Brother Mu." Xiaoying nodded in response.

Mu Rufeng shook his black hair and left the report room.

Originally, because of the thunder element plug-in, all the hair on his body fell off.

In the dungeon, he didn't care because he was wrapped in bandages.

But now that he's back in the real world, if he had a bald head without even eyebrows, he would definitely be socially dead.

So the bottle of hair growth agent that Mu Rufeng got before came in handy.

His eyebrows and his hair are all thanks to this growth agent.

Moreover, he only used three drops.

When he went out this morning, one drop of hair made his hair fall to his shoulders.

The remaining two drops were for his eyebrows, which made him look like a long-browed warrior.

After his trimming, he became the handsome man he is now.

Mu Rufeng came downstairs and directly opened the van parked in the parking space below.

He immediately drove the van towards the headquarters.


At 6:30 in the evening, Mu Rufeng arrived at the Changsha headquarters.

Even though he drove on the highway, the last section of the road was really too congested.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Mu Rufeng knocked on the door of Tian Bu's office.

"Come in."

Mu Rufeng pushed the door open and entered: "Tian Bu, is there any progress on the matter I applied for?"

"It's Xiao Mu. You came back very quickly this time. Is there any change?" Tian Bu was a little surprised to see that the person who came was Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, there was some change. I asked someone to write a report. It should have been uploaded. You can take a look." Mu Rufeng said.

"Oh? OK, go sit down for a while, I'll take a look." Tianbe pointed to the sofa and then checked the report that had been uploaded.

It took only about ten minutes for Tianbe to finish reading it. During this time, he frequently looked at Mu Rufeng and even asked him questions. He was always in a state of shock.

"You are really thrilling this time, and the rule stone in the meteorite iron actually has such a powerful effect."

"It's a pity, it would be better if the rule stone was ours." Tianbe said with a look of pity.

"Anyway, I won't suffer a loss." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The report said that he obtained two rule props, but Mu Rufeng did not tell him the attributes.

Tianbe and Zhou naturally would not ask about it.

"Your application has been approved, and you have been given a few more. Come on, follow me to the prop library now." Tianbe said.

"Really? That's great." Mu Rufeng was overjoyed.

Before he entered the dungeon, he suddenly remembered his parents, and then he directly applied to Tianbu for two more login bracelets.

Although Tianbu still had a lot of them, he still reported to the higher-ups.

The higher-ups also readily agreed, and gave three more, that is, a total of five more bracelets for Mu Rufeng.

It is estimated that Mu Rufeng's identity is relatively special, and having more login bracelets can also increase the hope of survival.

Although the login bracelet can only be used once, if you have a new one after it is damaged, you can use it again.

Moreover, after these days of experiments, Mu Rufeng and others also know that because the dungeon failed, the body that was saved and then erased by the login bracelet cannot be restored.

Unless it is a rule prop or a body prop that can replace the body.

Just like Mu Rufeng's nameless ghost hand, if he had one arm erased, then if he wore the nameless ghost hand, his entire arm would be a ghost hand.

Moreover, it can be used like a normal arm, that is, it may look or feel different.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng followed Tian Bu to the prop library.

Tian Bu also handed Mu Rufeng a box containing five login bracelets.

"This matter is top secret, only my uncle and I know it, so you'd better not reveal it to prevent any accidents." Tian Bu said.

Even Zhou Wen didn't know what Mu Rufeng applied for.

"Don't worry, Tian Bu." Mu Rufeng smiled and put the box away directly.

"By the way, Tian Bu, can you give me your uncle's phone number?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"Huh? What do you want my uncle's phone number for?" Tian Lin frowned immediately.

"I want to talk to him about something."

"Something to say? How can I not know it?" Tian Lin said.

"I think it's better for Tian Bu not to know. Of course, it's okay if you want to know. What I want to ask is~~~!" Mu Rufeng was interrupted by Tian Lin before he finished speaking.

"Okay, okay, then you go outside and wait for a while, I'll make a call."

"Okay, Tianbu." Mu Rufeng immediately left the prop warehouse and waited outside.

After about a few minutes, Tian Lin came out of the prop warehouse.

"I sent it to you, my uncle's number, pay attention to it, I'll go up first." Tianbu operated the phone and then said.

"Okay, Tianbu." Mu Rufeng responded and then took out the phone.

On WeChat, a number was sent by Tianbu.

Mu Rufeng did not dial it immediately, but returned to the first floor and sat in his van.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng dialed it.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hello, leader, I am Mu Rufeng from the relevant department of Changsha." Mu Rufeng hurriedly introduced himself.

"It's Xiao Mu, Xiao Linzi also called me just now, what do you want to ask me?" The leader said.

"Leader, I want to ask, is the raw material of the login bracelet the ore of life?" Mu Rufeng asked in a low voice.

"Huh? How did you know?" The voice on the other end of the phone became a little serious.

"The owner of Baibao Building told me, he said that our relevant department bought 20 tons of ore of life last month, the money was paid, but only less than three tons were taken away." Mu Rufeng explained.

"The owner of Baibao Building? So, you asked Xiao Linzi for my phone number just to ask this?"

"Almost. This time I also bought a ton of life ore from Baibao Building. I want to hand it over to the relevant departments." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? What did you just say?"

"Uh, I said, I bought a ton of life ore from Baibao Building this time. I want to hand it over to the relevant departments." Mu Rufeng repeated it again.

"Are you serious?" The leader's tone suddenly became a little excited.

"Of course, I wanted to tell Tianbe, but after thinking about it, I decided to tell the leader directly." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's okay to tell me. The raw materials are extremely confidential. No one knows except us senior executives and main researchers."

"Because of the limitation of the inventory, we have only taken back three tons after so long. It's also for his good not to tell Xiao Linzi."

"Xiao Mu, you have made a great contribution this time." The leader said.

"Leader, I have a small request." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Request? You say."

"Leader, let me ask, how many login bracelets can be made with one ton of raw materials?" Mu Rufeng asked.

After a moment of silence, the leader slowly said: "If one ton of raw materials is combined with other materials, about 10,000 can be made."

"Ten thousand? Leader, my request is, can you give me another 100 login bracelets." Mu Rufeng said.

"One hundred, no problem, and I will give you another 50,000 contribution points." The leader said.

"Thank you, leader." Mu Rufeng smiled when he heard it.

Five hundred thousand, in exchange for one hundred login bracelets, really, he didn't lose anything.

Moreover, there are 50,000 contribution points, which is equivalent to 500,000 soul coins.

So it is equivalent to him being a porter and earning 100 login bracelets.

"If you can continue to bring raw materials in the future, one ton can also be exchanged for 100 login bracelets." The leader said.

"Okay, leader, thank you leader." Mu Rufeng nodded repeatedly.

"I will send someone to get it tomorrow. Remember, his name is Li Changsheng. When he arrives, remember to call me again."

"Okay, leader." Mu Rufeng nodded.

The leader did not ask Mu Rufeng how he brought the things back, nor did he ask Mu Rufeng where the money came from.

Everyone has their own secrets.

Oh no, money is not a secret either, because Mu Rufeng can earn 20,000 soul notes every day.

After coming out of the prop library, Mu Rufeng did not leave in a hurry, but went directly to the cafeteria.

It was a traffic jam, and it was still dinner time, so Mu Rufeng decided to eat before leaving.


The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng was eating noodles made by [Gourmet Tablecloth] at the dining table.

I have to say that just two bowls of noodles made Mu Rufeng full.

Not only did it taste good, but he didn't have to eat a lot.

If he went to a noodle shop outside, he would have to eat dozens of bowls to fill his stomach.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng suddenly looked up and looked forward.

"Mu Rufeng? You are quite alert." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Then, a figure slowly emerged, and the position where this person stood was exactly where Mu Rufeng's eyes fell.

"If you come uninvited, you are a thief. Please give me a reason, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Mu Rufeng took a tissue and wiped his greasy mouth.

"Interesting, you are only level three, do you think you can be rude to me?" The man in casual clothes looked interesting.

"Then do you want to try it?" Mu Rufeng took out a revolver and played with it in his hand.

"Although I haven't practiced shooting for a long time, it's still no problem to shoot at such a close distance." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Wow, this Locke's revolver was exchanged by you, I surrender, I surrender, don't shoot." The man made an exaggerated expression, and then immediately raised his hands and surrendered directly.

"Are you Li Changsheng?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, let me introduce myself. I am the deputy captain of the action team of the Beijing headquarters, Li Changsheng, a level 6 contractor." Li Changsheng put down his hands.

"Level 6?" Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows. To be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a high-level official contractor.

"How about it, do you still think you can teach me a lesson now? It's useless to rely on this revolver alone." Li Changsheng ignored Mu Rufeng's revolver and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Oh, it's comfortable to come to your place. I was really exhausted in Beijing."

Li Changsheng lay directly on the sofa and said with a comfortable look.

Mu Rufeng also put away the revolver, and then took out the phone to call the leader of the third in command of the headquarters.

After asking and confirming Li Changsheng's identity, Mu Rufeng did not call Xiaoying out and let him spit out a ton of life ore.

There are two pieces in total, each piece weighs one thousand pounds, and needs to occupy two slots in the inventory.

"Your contract ghost is so cute, and its ability is so useful. I'm really envious." Li Changsheng also came over from the sofa at this time, saying with envy.

"Ah~~!" Before Mu Rufeng could reply, Li Changsheng cried out in pain.

"Oh, I'm not envious, I really am not envious, no one is better than you, you are the best, aunt." Li Changsheng kept shouting, as if begging for mercy from someone.

"Uh, Captain Li, what are you doing?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah, it's okay, my contract ghost has her period." Li Changsheng waved his hand, and then put the two pieces of life ore into the inventory.

"Uh-huh, um, I'm leaving first, see you later, this is yours." Captain Li groaned, his face twisted.

He dropped a black box, said goodbye, and disappeared directly from the spot.

"Dad, that uncle is so weird." Xiaoying scratched her cheek and said.

"Yes, that uncle is very weird, don't play with him in the future." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Dad, then I'll go back first. I played with Aunt Bai until very late last night, and I haven't slept yet." Xiaoying said.

"Go, tell Dad if you need anything." Mu Rufeng pinched her little face and said.

"Yeah." Xiaoying responded and returned to the contract slot.

Mu Rufeng picked up the box, opened it, and found that there were four layers of login bracelets neatly arranged inside.

There were twenty-five on one layer, and one hundred on four layers.

Not to mention, the login bracelets issued by the leader were really fast.

Moreover, this box seemed to be made of special materials, and the whole box could be put into the item column.

This surprised Mu Rufeng a little, but he didn't think much about it. Anyway, it would be much more convenient.

After putting away the tablecloth, Mu Rufeng went out of the house and drove the van to the Wancheng branch.

"Good morning, Brother Mu." The guard greeted Mu Rufeng.

"Good morning, why are your dark circles so heavy today? Did you stay up all night last night?" Mu Rufeng smiled and greeted.

"I was on the night shift last night. Xiao Wang had something to do, so he asked me to cover for him for two more hours. I was so sleepy."

"Haha, then you have to ask him to treat you to a big meal."

Mu Rufeng smiled and entered.

After arriving at the training ground, Mu Rufeng started today's daily training.

There were quite a few people in the training ground, and even the reserve players had a lot of training.

An hour later, Mu Rufeng came to the rest area, eating iced watermelon and watching the people who were still training.

"Hey, Xiao Mu, have you heard? Our Tian Bu seems to be promoted." Cheng Youlin came over and said.

"Ah? Tian Bu is going to be promoted? Where?" Mu Rufeng asked puzzledly.

"It seems that he is going to be transferred to Beijing." Cheng Youlin said.

"How did you know?" Mu Rufeng looked at Cheng Youlin.

"Hehe, it's a rumor." Cheng Youlin laughed.

"You also said it was a rumor, so maybe it's fake." Mu Rufeng said.

"How could it be fake? The cleaning lady at the headquarters is my aunt. She told me yesterday."

"It was said that when I was cleaning last night, I heard Tian Bu making a phone call." Cheng Youlin said in a low voice.

"Your aunt is really amazing, but if that's the case, who will take over the Changsha headquarters?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised and then asked.

"I heard from my aunt that it seems that our Captain Zhou is going to be promoted. Captain Zhou has been promoted, and I don't know who will take over Captain Zhou's position."

"Xiao Mu, do you think it will be me?" Cheng Youlin said with a smile.

"It's possible, if this is true." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Cheng Youlin's qualifications are also older. It can be said that he has the oldest qualifications except Zhou Wen.

In terms of strength, he has also reached the third-level contractor. If Mu Rufeng and Cheng Youlin are not counted, his strength is the strongest in Wancheng Branch.

At the same time, his management ability and event response ability are also very strong. It is likely that he will really take over the Wancheng Branch.

As for Mu Rufeng, he doesn't really care about these. He is more interested in how to improve his strength.

As for management affairs, like Captain Zhou, I don't know what he is busy with. He doesn't get off work until 7 or 8 o'clock every day. If Mu Rufeng comes, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Just at this time, Zhao Dayong ran over.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Mu, the boss is looking for you. He is in the office." Zhao Dayong said breathlessly.

Obviously he also ran over.

"Is there anything?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know. All the contractors of our branch have gone there." Zhao Dayong said.

"Okay, we will go there now." Cheng Youlin said immediately.

Soon, the two went to Captain Zhou's office together.

After entering the office, Mu Rufeng found that indeed, all the contractors of the branch were here.

Not many, only five people in total.

Zhou Wen, Qu Lianhong, Cheng Youlin, Mu Rufeng, and Xue Fan.

Except for Xue Fan who is a level 2 contractor, the remaining four are level 3 contractors.

"I came to you this time because I have something to announce to you." Zhou Wen said.

"Captain Zhou, you are not going to be transferred to the headquarters to accept the position of the head of the headquarters, are you?" Cheng Youlin said.

"Ah?" Qu Lianhong looked at Cheng Youlin in shock.

"Huh? Cheng Youlin, you are well-informed, you know all this?" Zhou Wen looked at Cheng Youlin in surprise.

"No, Captain Zhou, is what Cheng Youlin said true?" Qu Lianhong said in disbelief.

"Well, Tian Bu will be transferred to the headquarters, and I will take over the position of the head of the headquarters tomorrow."

"The transfer orders for you guys have also come down, I will tell you now."

Zhou Wen straightened his mind and glanced at everyone, and slowly said: "Qu Lianhong, follow me and go to the headquarters together."

"Cheng Youlin, you take over the position of director of Wancheng Branch, Mu Rufeng, you take over the position of captain of the Wancheng Branch Action Team."

"Yes, Captain Zhou! Oh no, it should be called Director Zhou." Cheng Youlin responded quickly.

Zhou Wen is the director of Wancheng Branch, but because he has to be different from Director Tian, ​​and he was also the captain of the headquarters before, everyone calls him Captain Zhou.

Captain Laohei is the same.

"Okay, Director Zhou." Qu Lianhong also said with a smile.

"Director Zhou, are there any changes in the Changsha County Branch?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked.

"Laohei also went to the headquarters and became the deputy director. His position was taken over by Zhao Rong." Zhou Wen said.

Mu Rufeng still remembers Zhao Rong. She was in the game copy of the IF Center with them last time.

She is Captain Laohei's subordinate. She was promoted to level three after coming out of the copy some time ago. It is no problem for her to take over the Changsha County Branch.

"Don't spread the news. We will issue a formal notice tomorrow. Cheng Youlin, I am relieved to hand over the branch to you."

"Xiao Mu, you have to bear more responsibility. There are more and more troubles now. We still need to train more of our own team." Zhou Wen said.

"Yes!" The two nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's go. Xue Fan, you have to work hard too. There will be a surprise for you when you reach level three." Zhou Wen said with a smile.

"Yes, Zhou Bu, I will definitely work hard." Xue Fan nodded repeatedly.

"Call me Captain Zhou. I haven't even taken office yet, but I call him Captain Zhou. It seems like I am that kind of person." Zhou Wen said.

"Yes, yes, Captain Zhou." Several people smiled and responded.

Soon, everyone dispersed.

However, Mu Rufeng did not leave.

"Xiao Mu, do you have anything else to do?" Zhou Wen looked at Mu Rufeng who stayed and asked.

"Captain Zhou, I want to take a day off to go home." Mu Rufeng said.

"Going home? Did something happen at home?" Zhou Wen asked.

"No, I just got some gains this time. I got some attribute fruits and wanted to give some to my parents." Mu Rufeng said.

"Attribute fruit? That's fine. Let's do it tomorrow. It happens that I have to transfer positions tomorrow and there are not so many things to do." Zhou Wen said.

"Thank you, Captain Zhou, this is for you." Mu Rufeng said, and took out a set of two-level attribute fruits.

"Attribute fruit? No, have you forgotten that I have eaten it?" Zhou Wen said with a smile.

"Captain Zhou, take one and have a look." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Zhou Wen heard it and took one immediately. After reading the attributes, he immediately looked up at Mu Rufeng.

"Two-level attribute fruit? This should be worth a lot of money, you can keep it yourself." Zhou Wen refused.

"Oh, keep it. This time I helped Baibaolou a lot and gave me a lot of low-level attribute fruits." Mu Rufeng said.

"That won't work. This is yours. Even if it's a gift, this one should cost two thousand soul coins."

"Well, I'll buy it from you with soul coins." Zhou Wen said.

Although he didn't have much soul coins on him, it was still no problem to buy these attribute fruits.

This was also thanks to the slaughterhouse, which was the channel contract signed by Mu Rufeng.

"Captain Zhou, don't refuse. You can better manage the relevant departments when you become stronger."

"Besides, you should also know that I earn 20,000 soul coins a day, which is really nothing. Besides, Captain Zhou is a big boss who is about to be promoted. What's wrong with me giving him a gift in advance? Don't you think so?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, since you said so, if I refuse again, it seems that I don't give you face." Zhou Wen smiled and agreed.

"Captain Zhou, you are busy, I'll leave first."

Mu Rufeng said hello and left the office.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng found Cheng Youlin, Qu Lianhong and Xue Fan, and gave them a set of two-level attribute fruits.

Cheng Youlin and Qu Lianhong are good friends, so this will help them improve their strength and build relationships.

As for Xue Fan, it is natural to win him over. Indeed, he also needs to cultivate his own team.

After all, as Mu Rufeng becomes stronger and stronger, his position will definitely improve.

In this way, it is inevitable to spend some time on handling things.

At this time, the team he cultivated will come into play, and they can handle these affairs for him, so Mu Rufeng can rest assured.

The three of them also postponed it at the first time, but they still accepted it happily under Mu Rufeng's persuasion.


At 6 pm, Mu Rufeng returned home.

After a simple packing and dinner, he drove the van directly to Yongcheng.

On the way, Mu Rufeng called his mother.

"Hello? Xiaofeng, how come you have time to call me today?"

"Mom, look at what you said, I miss you."

"You kid, by the way, your grandparents are back too." Liu Meizhu said.

"Ah? Grandparents are back from the Magic City?" Mu Rufeng said in surprise.

"Well, your third uncle personally sent them back, but I don't know what your third uncle did. He dropped your grandparents off downstairs and left without even saying hello to us."

"He didn't even have dinner. He said he had something urgent. I don't know what kind of urgent matter he could have in Yongcheng." Mu Shan's voice sounded.

"That's perfect. I'm on the highway now. I'll be home around 10pm." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

"Are you coming back? Don't you have to go to work?" Liu Meizhu said in surprise.

"I have something to do when I come back." Mu Rufeng did not say that he had asked for leave.

"Okay, okay, I'll clean up the house for you right away." Liu Meizhu said in surprise.

"Yeah, where are your grandparents? I'll talk to them." Mu Rufeng said.

"We just finished dinner. Your grandparents went out for a walk to digest their food. Let's talk when you come back." Mu Shan said.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first."

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Rufeng hung up the call.


At the same time, in Yongcheng headquarters.

Mu Ze was standing in front of a horrible corpse at this moment.

Mei Xizi was also standing aside at this moment.

"How long has this body been found?" Mu Ze asked.

"This body was found in a drainage ditch this morning." Mei Xizi replied.

"Sure enough, these cult members are in Yongcheng..." Mu Ze said slowly.

"Cult? Which one?" Mei Xizi was slightly surprised when she heard this.

Obviously, Mei Xizi knew some relevant information about the cult.

"Do you remember the corpse turtle you reported before?" Mu Ze said.

"Of course I remember, could it be..." Mei Xizi also had a guess in his heart.

"Some time ago, we wiped out the cult in the Magic City in one fell swoop, but we also missed two contractors, and this ability to control corpse turtles is one of them."

"I didn't expect that they actually came to Yongcheng." Mu Ze said in a deep voice.

"Minister Mu, how strong are the two contractors who were missed?" Mei Xizi asked.

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