I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 218: Staring at each other, the cult is making trouble [10,000-word chapter, please give me

"One is An, the deacon of the Divine Religion, a Level 4 Contractor, and the other is Mao Yirong, a disciple of the Divine Religion, a Level 3 Contractor."

"These two are only one copy away from promotion. As long as they are still alive, An must have reached Level 5, and Mao Yirong has also reached Level 4." Mu Ze said.

"One is Level 5, and the other is Level 4." Mei Xizi became a little solemn at this time.

You know, she is only Level 3.

Even the previous Minister Zhou Liulong was only Level 3.

"I wanted to come back some time ago, but I didn't expect that it took too long to enter the copy, so I came here now." Mu Ze said.

"Minister Mu, what should we do now?" Mei Xizi asked.

"First, let all the people go out, let all the official departments cooperate, and the Skynet system must also check in real time. Once there is a situation, notify immediately." Mu Ze ordered.

"Yes, Minister Mu." Mei Xizi responded repeatedly.

Then Mu Ze took out a black ball, which was the ghost tracker.

Mu Ze placed the tracker on the corpse and waited for a long time. A faint breath was absorbed.

"You go ahead and send a few people to prepare players for me. I'll go around the city first to see if I can find their traces." Mu Ze said.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Liu, you two follow Mu Bu." Mei Xizi hurriedly said to the two people standing aside.

"Yes, Mei Bu." The two responded in succession.

Immediately, Mu Ze took the two people and drove around the city.

To be honest, Mu Ze didn't think he could find anyone.

The tracker has been out for nearly a month. During this month, they have also discovered the disadvantages of the ghost tracker.

That is, as long as the contractor does not use ghost power to kill people, it is completely impossible to track.

Even if the contractor does not use ghost power, the strength of the flesh can easily kill ordinary people.

The most important thing is that even if some contractors use ghost power to kill, they can still clean up the traces of ghost energy.

However, since there is ghost energy left on this corpse, it is better to look for it.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Mu Rufeng arrived downstairs of his house.

However, there were no parking spaces on both sides of the road, so Mu Rufeng had no choice but to drive around nearby.

Finally, he found a very narrow parking space on the street next door.

Because of the road construction, this parking space was occupied by a quarter, and the car in front was parked relatively far back, so the space was relatively narrow, and it could almost be said that it could only accommodate a small car.

Even some top players would find it difficult to park in such a parking space with their skills.

However, Mu Rufeng was not worried. He just parked the car next to the parking space, got out of the car, looked around, and did not see any figure.

This is how small cities are. At around ten o'clock, there is basically no one on the road, and only the mahjong halls farther away are still relatively lively.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng exerted force with both hands and slowly pushed the van into the parking space.

"Perfect." Mu Rufeng looked at the gap of one finger from the car in front and the gap of one finger from the road construction fence behind, and nodded with satisfaction.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards home.

Ten minutes later.


The car in front of the van suddenly called twice.

A middle-aged man with a naked upper body, wearing shorts and flip-flops, came over.

The man went straight to the trunk, obviously ready to take something.

However, when he came to the trunk, he was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, this can be parked in? Are all Wuling drivers so awesome?"

The man looked at the van several times, exclaiming from time to time, and taking photos and videos with his mobile phone.

Finally, the man got in the car, started the car, moved forward a little distance, and successfully opened the trunk.


"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

As soon as Mu Rufeng entered the house, he greeted his parents who were sitting on the sofa.

"Are you back? Are you hungry? I left some food for you." Liu Meizhu stood up immediately.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.

"You must be tired from driving. Didn't you take a break at the service area?" Mu Shan said.

"Fortunately, I didn't take a break. I drove back directly. By the way, where are grandpa and grandma? Are they asleep?" Mu Rufeng looked at the bedroom and said.

That bedroom is his, but the door is closed now.

His house has three bedrooms and two living rooms. The two bedrooms are side by side, both have windows, and are exactly the same size.

The third room is almost half the size, and there is no window. It can be regarded as a utility room.

Of course, there is also a bed inside, and it is a bunk bed.

Moreover, this bunk bed is a very sturdy wooden bed, the lower one is 1.8 meters long, and the upper one is 1.5 meters long, which cost more than 3,000 yuan.

If there are guests, they will clean up and let the guests stay, and one more person can sleep on the upper and lower floors.

But now that grandpa and grandma are at home, it is naturally impossible for them to live in the small room, so this small room is now occupied by Mu Rufeng.

"When people get old, they naturally go to bed early. You see, we have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning." Liu Meizhu came over with the food and said with a smile.

"Wow, there are so many dishes? It's so rich." Mu Rufeng exclaimed as he looked at the food his mother brought.

Steamed old hen, steamed pig's feet, flavored pig's tongue, coriander beef, hot and sour cabbage, and a big bowl of yellow duck call.

"I thought your uncle was eating at home, so I cooked a little more. Who knew he hasn't come back yet." Liu Meizhu said.

"You know, your uncle eats a lot. It's just right. You're getting a bargain. But you should leave some for your uncle. I just called him. He should be back soon." Mu Shan said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and sat on the side to eat.

After the meal was swept away, Mu Rufeng left half of the food.

To be honest, his uncle has been a big eater since he was a child. He is tall and strong. When he was a child, his uncle never lost in fights in the village.

Later, when he went to junior high school and high school, no one dared to fight him because of his tall stature.

"Xiaofeng, you are 24 this year. Have you found a girlfriend?" Liu Meizhu suddenly asked.

"Uh, no." Mu Rufeng shook his head.

"You are not young anymore. You were born when I was my age." Mu Shan said.

"Yes, yes, I'll try my best." Mu Rufeng didn't dare to refute, because refutation would be a lecture.

"By the way, I brought something back this time." Mu Rufeng said.


"It's what you ate last time, I brought some back, just right for grandpa and grandma to eat, and it can also make them healthier." Mu Rufeng said.

Last time, he wanted to give it to his grandpa and grandma.

But because grandpa and grandma were not in good health, they went directly to the big hospital in Modu for treatment.

This was also what his third uncle said for a long time before he took grandpa and grandma over.

Grandpa and grandma have lived there for almost half a year. I guess they can't stay idle today and want to come back. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will have to stay until the New Year.

"That's good, this time they came back from Modu, they are much better, the big hospital in Modu is still good, and they will be better after eating your fruit." Mu Shan also had a smile on his face.

"You go take a shower first, it's hot today." Liu Meizhu said.

"Okay, hey, I forgot to take my bag, I'll go get it from the car." Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that he forgot to bring his backpack with his spare clothes.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng put on his shoes and went downstairs.

When Mu Rufeng disappeared at the corner of the street, a tall middle-aged man with a briefcase in his hand walked towards this side at the other corner of the street.

"In recent years, Yongcheng has developed quite fast, and parking spaces are hard to find." The middle-aged man muttered twice.

The middle-aged man came to a corridor, went upstairs, and knocked on a door.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"So fast? Didn't you bring your keys?" Liu Meizhu said, opening the door.

"It's Aze, you are really a fool, you ran away without seeing anyone, and came back so late." Liu Meizhu said unhappily.

"Sister-in-law, brother, this is urgent." Mu Ze smiled and greeted the two.

"Have you had dinner? I left some food for you." Mu Shan pointed at the food on the table and said.

"I ate it, but I'm hungry again. My brother and his wife are good at cooking. My wife's cooking is really hard to describe."

"Don't talk nonsense. Xiao He's hands can't be used to cook. Doctors' hands are precious." Liu Meizhu said.

Mu Ze immediately sat at the table and started eating.

However, while eating, Mu Ze frowned slightly.

He seemed to feel a trace of ghost energy, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Is it an illusion?" Mu Ze secretly paid attention and continued to eat.

Soon, Mu Ze noticed the faint ghost energy again.

But it disappeared again.

Mu Ze's face became slightly solemn. If it was once, it might be an illusion, but the second time, it would not be wrong.

Without any hesitation, Mu Ze directly unfolded his ghost den and covered the whole room.

In an instant, Mu Ze's eyes were locked on Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu.

To be exact, it was locked on their mobile phones.

At this moment, Mu Ze's face became very ugly.

Ghost Qi fluctuations? The medium to enter the dungeon? Does this mean that his elder brother and elder sister-in-law are going to enter the dungeon?

"Aze, what's wrong?" Mu Shan asked immediately when he saw that Mu Ze looked a little ugly.

"Brother, sister-in-law, this, you eat it immediately." Mu Ze immediately took out a lot of attribute fruits from his briefcase.

"Huh? This fruit." Mu Shan was surprised when he saw this attribute fruit.

Liu Meizhu also reacted at this moment. This fruit was what Mu Rufeng had brought to them before.

"Aze, you..." Liu Meizhu was about to speak, but was interrupted by Mu Ze: "Brother and sister-in-law, you hurry up and eat it. I will explain to you after you finish eating. Time is tight now."

After the voice fell, Mu Ze took out two more props and some soul notes. It seemed that he was ready to save their lives.

However, at this moment, Mu Ze's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his gaze fell on the door.

Immediately, he saw his ghost cave was torn apart, and a figure appeared at the door.

"Mom and Dad, are you okay?" When Mu Rufeng saw that his parents were okay, he was relieved.

Then, he stared at the contractor.

"Uncle San?"


Mu Rufeng and Mu Ze stared at each other.

"What's wrong, what's wrong? Xiaofeng, why did you come back so suddenly, and I didn't see you open the door?" Liu Meizhu was startled by Mu Rufeng.

"Xiaofeng, Aze, what's wrong?" Mu Shan seemed to have noticed something was wrong and asked.

"And Aze, how come this fruit of yours looks so much like the one Xiaofeng brought back." Mu Shan said again.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Xiaofeng, your parents are about to enter the dungeon."

"Brother, sister-in-law, take these two props and the soul notes first, I will tell you about the dungeon now." Mu Ze said immediately.

"What?" Mu Rufeng was shocked when he heard this.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng took out two stacks of soul notes, one stack of 10,000 yuan.

Then Mu Rufeng immediately took out seven or eight props and put them on the table.

"Mom and Dad, take the soul notes, and the props, the use is very simple, I will tell you how to use them." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

"Ah? What, what props? Where are they?" Liu Meizhu looked left and right but couldn't see where the props that Mu Rufeng and Mu Ze mentioned were.

"Aze, you just said we are going to enter the dungeon. What happened?" Mu Shan said worriedly.

"You can't see the props?" Mu Ze and Mu Rufeng said in unison.

"It seems that there are only food and fruits on the table." Liu Meizhu said, and at the same time she stretched out her hand and scratched the table twice.

Mu Rufeng clearly saw Liu Meizhu's hand passing through the props he took out.

Liu Meizhu and Mu Shan couldn't see the props at all, which proved that they didn't want to enter the dungeon at all.

"How is it possible? I clearly felt the ghost energy in your mobile phone. Isn't that a medium?" Mu Ze said with a puzzled face.

"Ah, I know, Uncle San, I put a thousand soul notes for each of my parents in the phone case." Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? Soul notes? Let me see." Mu Ze immediately took the phone and then opened the phone cover.

Immediately, he saw a thousand soul notes inside, and Liu Meizhu's phone also had a thousand soul notes.

"I was really scared to death. I thought my elder brother and sister-in-law were going to enter the dungeon." Mu Ze was relieved immediately.

Mu Shan is 48 years old this year. Mu Ze is Mu Shan's third brother and the youngest in the family. He is only 35 years old this year, and the difference between the two is 13 years.

After Mu Shan got married, he settled down in the city. Mu Ze went to a rural school for elementary school.

However, his grades were very good and he was admitted to the best junior high school in the city. It happened that this school was not far from Mu Shan's home, and it only took 20 minutes to walk.

So, he lived in Mu Shan's house for junior high school and high school.

For a total of six years, Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu basically took care of Mu Ze.

Therefore, Mu Ze respected his elder brother and sister-in-law very much.

This time he came back not only to send his grandparents home, but also to buy some attribute fruits with his own contribution points for his elder brother and sister-in-law.

"Xiao Mu, I really didn't expect that you would become a contractor, and you are already a level 3 contractor."

Mu Shan wanted to discuss with his elder brother and sister-in-law this time to take Mu Rufeng to the Magic City to join the relevant department as a reserve player.

He is now the director of the Pudong Division of the relevant department of the Magic City, so he naturally wants to train his own descendants first, so that he can help him deal with some things in the future.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want his elder brother's children to work as loaders for a lifetime.

But he never thought that his nephew would also be a contractor, and a level 3 contractor.

He was even more generous, casually taking out 20,000 soul notes, and so many high-level props.

"Third uncle, I really didn't expect that you are also a contractor, and a level 5 contractor." Mu Rufeng was also shocked at this moment.

"Ah? Aze, you are the same as Xiaofeng? Do you also work in the relevant department?" Liu Meizhu said after realizing it.

"Xiaofeng?" Mu Ze looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Uncle San, I'm the captain of the action team of the Wancheng branch in Changsha." Mu Rufeng said.

"Sure, you've become the captain of the action team. You look pretty good. You actually tore my ghost den apart so easily."

"Do you want to go to the Magic City with me? I'm now the director of the PD branch in the Magic City." Mu Ze said.

"Go to the Magic City? No, you're not allowed to go." Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to speak, Liu Meizhu refused directly.

"I also want Xiaofeng to transfer back to Yongcheng. It's far enough in Changsha. If I go to the Magic City with you again, I don't want to be like you and stay away from home for two years." Mu Shan snorted coldly.

Mu Ze had very good college entrance examination results and was admitted to Fudan University in the Magic City. After graduation, he stayed in the Magic City to work.

In the past few years, he would come back every New Year and festival.

Later, it seemed that he was busy with work and only went home at the end of the year every year.

But since the year before last, he has never come back.

Mu Rufeng used to think that his uncle San was too busy to come back, but now, it is probably because he has joined the relevant department.

As for when he entered the dungeon, Mu Rufeng couldn't guess, but judging from his level 5, it was probably almost a year ago.

"Okay, I said I would take you to the Magic City to hang out with me this time. Now you're doing pretty well, pretty well."

Mu Ze's eyes fell on those high-level props, and he couldn't take his eyes off them.

Mu Rufeng saw his uncle's look and smiled and said, "Uncle, pick one and give it to you."

"Is it true? I've read a lot, don't lie to me."

"It's true. Do you want it? If not, I'll put it away." Mu Rufeng pretended to take the props back.

"I want it, then I'll choose this one." Mu Ze took the slingshot and a steel ball directly.

"I say, Third Uncle, you still like to play with slingshots so much." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

When Mu Ze used to live in his house, he liked to take him to the river to play during holidays.

Then he took the slingshot he made, picked up stones on the ground or marbles won from playing marbles as bullets, and shot fish in the water.

You know what, it's really accurate, and then sell the fish he caught to the fisherman.

In this way, pocket money has never been lacking.

"Xiaofeng, your slingshot is level 5, why is the steel ball level 7?" Mu Ze looked at Mu Rufeng with some surprise.

"This slingshot was obtained by chance. Although the power of ordinary steel balls is also strong, it is troublesome to use up the bullets, so I went to Baibaolou to buy this level 7 steel ball." Mu Rufeng said.

[Split Steel Ball]: This is a split steel ball.

Effect: Level 7 item. After launching the steel ball, it can split into multiple steel balls to attack the target. When the kinetic energy of the steel ball is exhausted, it can be automatically recovered.

"Xiao Mu, you are only level 3, how come you have so many high-level items, and you seem to have a lot of soul notes." Mu Ze asked the question in his heart.

Let's not talk about him when he was level 3, let's talk about him now. He has completed three copies of level 5, but the highest-level item in his hand is only level 6.

As for soul notes, there are not many, only 50,000 or 60,000 yuan, which is all his wealth.

And Mu Rufeng casually took out 20,000 soul notes and so many high-level items.

Let's not talk about anything else. If you sell the slingshot in Mu Ze's hand, it will definitely be a hundred thousand yuan, because it is an attack type and it is a long-range one.

Finally, there is this split steel ball, a level 7 item. If it is sold with this slingshot, the price will definitely explode.

"Uncle San, you are a high-ranking official. You must know that the relevant departments in Changsha are cooperating with the Scarlet Optimization in the strange world." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course I know. I don't know who is so powerful. It is only with Scarlet Optimization that the Beijing headquarters has extra soul notes to buy soul fruits and distribute them."

"The attribute fruits I gave your grandparents to eat were exchanged from the prop library." Mu Ze said.

"I was the one who facilitated the cooperation." Mu Rufeng said.

"What? It was you? Is it true?" Mu Ze still couldn't believe it.

Mu Rufeng smiled and said, "Relying on channel cooperation alone, the relevant departments can earn two million soul notes every day."

"How much? Two million? Every day?" Mu Ze was shocked: "What about you? How much can you take?"

"Originally, I was going to take the lion's share, but the country needs this money more than I do, so I will only take one percent, and the country will subsidize me for other things."

"Including but not limited to houses, cars, RMB, powerful props, rule props, skill cards, attribute fruits, and the latest props researched by the Weird Affairs Bureau." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"One percent? One percent is 20,000 yuan a day?" Mu Ze was shocked.

Even if it is only one percent, it is enough for 20,000 yuan a day, and 600,000 soul notes a month.

That's 7.2 million a year.

This is definitely an unimaginable huge fortune.

Mu Rufeng didn't say that he can choose three items from the national prop library every month.

And there is no restriction. As long as you like it, just report it.

He has already taken the three props last month, and this month's authority has not been used yet.

Mu Rufeng put away the props, and then took out some soul notes and placed them on the table.

"Uncle San, I don't need soul notes too much now, but I think you need them very much, so you can take these." Mu Rufeng said.

"How can I be so embarrassed." Mu Ze said so, but his hands had already touched the 100,000 soul notes, and then he put them away directly.

"Uncle San, you really haven't changed at all." Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

Mu Ze is 35 years old this year, and Mu Rufeng is 24 years old, 11 years apart.

When Mu Rufeng was five years old, Mu Ze had just started high school.

Mu Rufeng also liked to play behind Mu Ze, and similarly, he also liked to cheat Mu Rufeng of his New Year's money or snacks.

"So, Aze is also working in the relevant department like Xiaofeng? He also went into that book?" Mu Shan said.

"Yes, I didn't expect Xiaofeng to tell you." Mu Ze nodded.

This time I came back not only for the members of the cult, but also to inform my family.

After all, the first wave of news will be released on October 1st.

Some countries abroad have already released the news, but because of the firewall, it has not spread in China.

Several people immediately started chatting.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered something and quickly took out a lot of level 2 and level 3 attribute fruits.

"Mom and Dad, I prepared these attribute fruits for you."

"Uncle San, you~~!"

Before Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Ze: "These are level 2 and level 3 attribute fruits, I have eaten them all."

"Oh, Mom and Dad, eat quickly, Uncle San, have grandpa and grandma eaten?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Your grandparents have only eaten the first-level ones. Remember to leave some for them." Mu Ze said.


Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu didn't say anything. They picked up the fruit and started eating.

This fruit is not only good for their health, but also tastes good.

"By the way, Uncle San, this is for you. This is the attribute fruit of level 4-9." Mu Rufeng said, and took out a lot of fruits.

There was no place on the table, so Mu Rufeng put them all on the sofa.

"So many? Wait, I understand the low-level attribute fruit, but how did you get the high-level attribute fruit?" Mu Ze was shocked again when he saw these attribute fruits.

"I bought them. Last time, I helped the owner of Baibao Building a lot. He opened the purchase permission for me directly, and then I bought a lot of attribute fruits." Mu Rufeng said.

"Old, old, young people are still powerful." Mu Ze sighed and said.

"Old ass, you are only thirty-five." Mu Shan laughed and scolded.

"Yes, I think I am only thirty-five." Mu Ze laughed.

Then, Mu Ze picked up the attribute fruits and stuffed them into his mouth frantically.


Eleven o'clock in the evening.

In the small room.

Mu Rufeng was sleeping on the upper bunk at the moment.

His third uncle Mu Ze was sleeping on the lower bunk.

A fan beside the bed was blowing air.

Although the room was very hot and stuffy, neither Mu Rufeng nor Mu Ze could feel the heat at all.

A ghost cave spread out and wrapped the room.

Suddenly, the stuffy room was like falling into an ice cave.

"Xiaofeng, when did you enter the dungeon?" Mu Ze asked.

"In July..."

The two began to chat immediately.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Mu Rufeng also learned about the general experience of his third uncle.

It must be said that his third uncle was quite lucky.

Third uncle Mu Ze was a programmer and his salary in Shanghai was also very high.

However, programmers have high salaries, but this industry is a young job.

Basically, programmers who reach the age of 35 will be laid off.

Two years ago, Mu Ze had become the project manager, but it happened that the company's directors changed.

A new emperor appoints new ministers, and Mu Ze was fired, but the compensation was very sufficient.

It was also this resignation that a friend of Mu Ze gave him a job offer.

It was also this offer that allowed Mu Ze to join the relevant department and become a technician there.

Even as a technician, Mu Ze also knew about the dungeon and the strange world.

So, in addition to work, he also started training with his friend.

Well, his friend is now the director of the Magic City Headquarters.

"Third uncle, my parents said that you left grandpa and grandma before, is there something urgent?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Hearing this, Mu Ze immediately told Mu Rufeng about the things about the Divine Cult.

"So that's the case. It seems that the last time Liu Yi attacked the Yongcheng headquarters, it should be the Divine Cult's trick." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Hmm? How do you know? Wait, the report says that it was a contractor from Changsha headquarters who arrested him. Is that you?"

"Yes, it was me." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"That was unexpected. If you hadn't caught that guy, I might not have known that the two escaped fish of the Divine Cult had come here."

"Well, you follow me to find the person. I'll say hello to Tian Lin in Changsha and second you for a few days." Mu Ze said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Okay, go to sleep and get up early tomorrow."


After the chat, the two fell asleep soon.


Somewhere in Yongcheng.

A man wearing takeaway clothes and a yellow helmet rode a small electric donkey into an old community.

The small electric donkey turned around inside and finally stopped in front of a building.

This building has seven floors, pure stairs, and no elevator.

Mao Yirong went directly to the seventh floor and then opened a door on the left.

After locking the door, Mao Yirong was about to take off his clothes and take a shower.

Suddenly, his face darkened and his eyes suddenly looked at the sofa.

When he entered the room, he did not turn on the light. It seemed that because of the strange contract, he liked the darkness more and more.

Although the room was extremely dark, Mao Yirong could clearly see the figure sitting on the sofa.

"Hello, Mr. Deacon!" Mao Yirong quickly reacted, his face became respectful, and he bowed to the man.

"You are very hardworking. You deliver food to this point." A hoarse voice sounded.

"Isn't this working for the Divine Religion Plan? It's better to act at night." Mao Yirong said.

"Well, get ready, and start the plan directly." The deacon said.

"Ah? Has it started already? Deacon, half of the larvae still need some time to hatch."

An said: "Mu Ze came from the Magic City. Time is tight. In order to prevent accidents, I can't care so much. How many adults are there now?"

"The ranches around Yongcheng have basically hatched adults. I have also spread a lot of eggs in places like vegetable markets, fresh food markets, fruit markets, water plants, and residential buildings with a lot of traffic."

"Most of the people in the city should have eggs in their bodies."

An nodded after hearing this: "That's fine. Livestock are all relatively large in size, and their flesh and blood are not worse than humans, which is enough."

"But, it always feels a bit regretful if it's like this." Mao Yirong said with some regret.

"It's all your fault. You found that Liu Yi and lured Mu Ze from the Magic City. What a waste." An snorted.

"Yes, yes, the deacon taught me that in order to prevent accidents, should I start now?" Mao Yirong said.

"Well, let's start. When the plan succeeds, we will kill Mu Ze, and then we will change places."

"As for these insect eggs, let them be quiet first, and come back to harvest them when the wind comes." An said.


It's half past five in the morning.

A quick ring rang.

Mu Ze and Mu Rufeng woke up instantly.

"Hello." Mu Ze answered the phone.

"What? OK, OK, I'll be there right away."

"Xiaofeng, let's go, something happened."

"What's wrong?" Mu Rufeng jumped off the bed immediately after hearing this.

"Let's go first, and talk on the way."

The two hurried out the door.

As soon as they got downstairs, Mu Rufeng ran to the left, while Mu Ze ran to the right.

"You drove? Is it far?" Mu Ze reacted, stopped, and shouted to Mu Rufeng.

"Not far, just turn two corners."

"Okay, then take your car, my car is parked far away."

Soon, the two came to the van.

"Wow, it's still a vehicle?" Mu Ze looked at the van and said in surprise.

"Where to?" Mu Rufeng opened the cab and was about to get in the car.

"To Wanglin Ecological Farm." Mu Ze said in a deep voice.


Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng drove the van to a remote farm.

But before he could get in, he was stopped by someone.

"Brother Mu? Why are you here?" An employee of the relevant department recognized that this was Mu Rufeng's car at a glance.

"What's the situation? Where is Captain Mei?" Mu Rufeng opened the car window and asked.

"Inside, still checking the surveillance."

"Xiaofeng, go in first and see what's going on."


"Eh? Minister Mu, why are you in the car?"


The van stopped in front of a bungalow.

The two got out of the car immediately and went in.

Then they saw Mei Xizi and several contractors standing in front of the surveillance screen, and several staff members were checking the cameras.

"Minister Mu, Mu Rufeng? What's wrong with you?" Mei Xizi was a little surprised when she saw the two of them coming together.

"Oh, this is my third uncle. I just happened to go home today, so I came together." Mu Rufeng explained.

"Third uncle? Mu." Mei Xizi figured it out at once.

"Mei Xizi, what's going on now, what happened on the farm?" Mu Ze asked.

"Oh, my cows, my sheep, and my pigs, it's over, oh, it's over~~!"

At this time, a loud wailing sound came from the side.

Mu Rufeng looked over and found a man in his fifties sitting on the ground crying loudly.

Then, he fainted again without catching his breath.

An employee rushed over to check and helped him back to the chair.

"He is the owner of the farm. All the pigs, cattle and sheep he raised died. He couldn't accept it. This is the fourth time he fainted." Mei Xizi said.

"Tell me what happened." Mu Ze looked at the surveillance screen.

All the pigs, cattle and sheep in the surveillance were dead, and only a piece of skin and a skeleton inside the skin were left.

Mei Xizi immediately told the whole story.

At three o'clock in the morning, the boss got up to go to the toilet, and then habitually came to the monitoring room to take a look.

Unexpectedly, the employee who was on night watch disappeared, leaving only a large blood stain.

Then he looked at the surveillance again and fainted on the spot.

When he woke up, he called the police immediately.

The police notified the relevant departments as soon as possible, and then both parties came here together and blocked the scene.

"You guys keep watching the surveillance. Xiaofeng, let's go check on the cattle and sheep."


Mu Rufeng nodded, and left the bungalow with Mu Ze.

Seeing this, Mei Xizi quickly followed.

Soon, they saw the bodies of the livestock.

There was really no flesh and blood left, only bones and a layer of skin.

Obviously, this was definitely a weird move.

However, the strange thing is that there was not a trace of ghost energy left.

"Captain Mei, Captain Mei, it's not good, there's also a problem at Mu Tian Ecological Farm."

At this time, Wu Peng ran over while shouting in the bungalow.

"What? There's also an accident at Mu Tian Ecological Farm?" Captain Mei was shocked.

Mu Ze's face on the side also became solemn.

"How many ranches are there in Yongcheng, not to mention the far ones." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Four, a total of four, starting from the city, the drive is within an hour, in addition to these two, there are two more, namely One Plus One and Tianyang." Wen Yao said.

"Quick, send people to these places immediately to check if there are any problems." Mei Xizi said immediately.

"Wait, maybe it's someone from the Divine Religion. I'm a Level 5 Contractor. I'll go to One Plus One alone, and you two will lead the team to Tianyang." Mu Ze said.


No one objected, and they set off immediately.

Mu Rufeng naturally didn't worry about himself, and as for his third uncle, there was no need to worry.

A level 5 contractor was not so easy to be tricked.

Not to mention that his third uncle also got a level 5 slingshot and a level 7 split steel ball from him.

One plus one and Tianyang were almost in two directions, but the time for both was about the same, and it would take about 40 minutes to drive there.

However, because he was in a hurry, Mu Rufeng drove the van at a high speed and arrived at the destination in less than 30 minutes.

Mu Rufeng and Mei Xizi got out of the car and immediately walked inside.

They did not bring anyone else, but only the two of them.

"It's so quiet, why is there no light?" Mei Xizi said with a frown.

"Hey, is there anyone?" Mu Rufeng entered and shouted loudly.

"Ah? What are you doing?" Mei Xizi was startled by Mu Rufeng's shout.

"Shh~~! There is movement."

Mei Xizi heard the words and immediately closed her mouth and listened attentively.

After a while, some hissing sounds were heard.

Mu Rufeng had the ability of night vision, and saw at a glance that under the lush grass, a large number of hideous corpse turtles were approaching quickly.

The target was clear, that was the two of them.

"Corpse turtles? Haha, it seems that they are here. Captain Mei, go back to the car and call my uncle." Mu Rufeng said to Mei Xizi.

"I can call here too." Mei Xizi said, took out the phone, and started dialing directly.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Mei Xizi and said nothing.

Forget it, this guy doesn't want to leave, it doesn't matter.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng used the rule skill [Life and Death] on these corpse turtles.

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