I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 219 Special Items: The Chosen One

A strong aura emanated from Mu Rufeng.

Mei Xizi, who was on the phone, also noticed it at this moment and immediately looked at Mu Rufeng.

"What? The people are on your side, how come you got here so quickly?"

"Don't be impulsive, hold on for five minutes, I'll use my ability to rush over." Mu Ze's hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.

Immediately, the phone was hung up directly.

Obviously, Mu Ze's ability can allow him to rush from there to here in a short time.

The reason why he didn't use it before was probably because he was worried about the problem of ghost power consumption.

"Mu Rufeng, can you handle it?"

Looking at the corpse turtles that appeared in groups, including some high-level corpse turtles, Mei Xizi took a few steps back without realizing it.

"I just asked you to go to the car, but you didn't go? Why are you scared?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Of course I'm not afraid." Hearing this, Mei Xizi immediately came forward and stood beside Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, just watch, you don't have to do anything." Mu Rufeng slowly pulled out the seventh-level pig-killing knife.

Eighteen ways to kill pigs - Qi killing method!

I saw Mu Rufeng slashed with a knife, and suddenly a cold light flashed, and the knife energy was rampant.

Almost instantly, a large area of ​​corpse turtles in front were cleared.

However, it didn't take long before the vacant area was flooded by a steady stream of corpse turtles again.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about this at all. He didn't believe that the corpse turtles were endless.

But if you talk about his ghost power, it's not endless, but it's still no pressure to cut hundreds of knives.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of knives were chopped out.

The area of ​​dozens of meters in radius was all covered by the knife energy.

All the corpse turtles were cleared, and even the ground was plowed away.

Finally, the corpse turtles stopped moving forward. Obviously, even with so many corpse turtles, their owners felt a little distressed.

"Ah, damn, where did you come from, my precious corpse turtle." Mao Yirong's figure appeared on the roof in the distance.

Mao Yirong's face was full of regret at this moment.

He had raised so many corpse turtles for a long time.

He didn't pay attention to them at this time, and two-thirds of them were chopped off.

"The corpse turtles are yours? So, you are Mao Yirong?" Mu Rufeng looked up at Mao Yirong.

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

Mao Yirong kept muttering in his mouth, and then waved his hand, and a strange rune flew out and hit the body of a larger corpse turtle below.

Then, the corpse turtles around seemed to be summoned, and they all swarmed towards the corpse turtle.

The next scene surprised several people.

I saw that the corpse turtles were biting the larger corpse turtle madly, and the corpse turtle did not resist at all.

It was dismembered almost instantly.

A strange scene appeared. The little corpse turtles that devoured the rune corpse turtles became crazy and began to devour other corpse turtles.

They all started to kill each other.

In just a few dozen seconds, all the corpse turtles disappeared, leaving only a corpse turtle as big as a husky.

The corpse turtle's aura also reached the peak of level 4.

If there were not only one-third of the corpse turtles left, it would definitely reach level 5.

Then, Mu Rufeng swung his knife away, and the knife energy arrived in an instant, and the corpse turtle was directly cut in half.

[Triggering success, spirit +0.2, ghost energy +0.2%]

"Are there any more?" Mu Rufeng looked up at Mao Yirong.

Mao Yirong's eyes widened immediately.

How could he have thought that his corpse turtle was gone just like that? That was a level 4 corpse turtle.

"You are a level 3 contractor?" Mao Yirong couldn't believe it at all. His level 4 corpse turtle was cut by a level 3 contractor with one knife?

"No more? Then I'll chop you up." Mu Rufeng looked at Mao Yirong and said.

"Chop me up? Just because you can, don't think that just because you killed my corpse turtle..."


A cold light flashed.

Mao Yirong's words stopped abruptly.

Because his head had already fallen off his neck.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The head kept rolling on the tile house, making a muffled sound.


A sharp cry came from Mao Yirong's stomach.

Then, a corpse turtle emerged from the wound on its neck.

A strange scene appeared, and the head of the corpse turtle was directly embedded on it, and the wound no longer bled.

In this way, a monster with a corpse turtle head and a human body appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? This monster is a bit creepy." Mei Xizi frowned and looked disgusted.

"Huh? It's not dead." Mu Rufeng looked at the corpse turtle monster in surprise.

"Damn it, you dare to chop off my head." The corpse turtle monster opened its mouth to speak, but the voice was Mao Yirong's.

Almost at the moment when he finished speaking, a pair of wings popped out from behind the corpse turtle monster.

The wings flapped rapidly, making a fierce buzzing sound.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse turtle monster had appeared in front of Mu Rufeng, and its ferocious mouth bit Mu Rufeng's neck.

"It can actually fly, and the speed is quite fast." Mu Rufeng sneered, and the knife light flashed again.


The corpse turtle monster's body was directly split into two halves, one on the left and the other on the right, and fell to the ground.

The pair of wings were still flapping, hitting the ground and making some strange sounds.

The powerful vitality kept the corpse turtle monster alive, and its eyes were fixed on Mu Rufeng.

He wanted to speak, but because he was cut in half, he couldn't speak at all.

"Sure enough, you are still awesome." Mei Xizi came forward and said with emotion.

"It's not over yet, there is still a deacon of the God Cult, a level 5 contractor." Mu Rufeng said.

"Or, let's wait for your uncle to come? After all, he is a level 5 contractor." Mei Xizi said.

"Well, you wait here, I'll go in and take a look." After the voice fell, Mu Rufeng swung the knife again, and directly chopped the body of the corpse turtle monster into pieces.

[Triggering success, physical fitness +0.2, ghost energy +0.2%]

After receiving the prompt, Mu Rufeng immediately disappeared from the spot.


Mu Rufeng's figure appeared in the bungalow.

Inside, there was a black mist that covered half of the room.

His ghost den had already spread out, but when it was covered by black mist, he found that the black mist was also a ghost den.

However, there was no comparison between the two.

Mu Rufeng's ghost den easily tore it apart.

Then, he saw a huge black meat ball.

The meat ball was still beating, as if it was alive.

Next to the meat ball, there was an old man, who must be the fifth-level contractor, the deacon of the Divine Church, An.

"Mao Yirong is really a waste. He can't even hold on for a few minutes." An's eyes slowly fell from the meat ball to Mu Rufeng.

"He is also very powerful. He can stop me for a minute." Mu Rufeng said.

"Third-level contractor? No, the momentum on you is not right. You can still break my ghost den."

"Are you also a fifth-level contractor? Did you use props to cover up your strength?" An said.

"What is this meat ball? Weird? But it's a bit wrong." Mu Rufeng asked.

"Hehehe~~! Guess!" An had a weird smile on his face.

In response to An, there was an insulting word.

"You are a pig." Mu Rufeng said.

"Pig? What?" An didn't understand.

However, the next second, An understood.

Because he turned into a thin old pig.

But even though he was thin, his body was still huge, twice as big as an ordinary adult pig.

"What kind of ability is this? Forget it, it doesn't matter if I turn into a pig. Killing you is like killing a dog. When you die, the ability will be lifted."

An raised his hand and pressed on the beating meat ball.

Immediately, a rune slowly emerged.

"Contract?" Mu Rufeng thought of this familiar rune as soon as he saw it. Isn't this the contract rune when he reached a contract with Wei Yi?

"Are you contracting a weird? Wait, a heart? A level 6 heart? What kind of weird is this?"

As the contract was concluded, the meatball slowly split open, revealing a beating heart half a person's height.

In an instant, this beating heart aroused great interest in Mu Rufeng.


An did not speak, but looked at Mu Ru with a weird look.

And the heart also slowly merged into An's body in Mu Rufeng's eyes.

"This is the heart of a god. It can allow me to exert power beyond my own level and let me control it."

"Boy, you will be the first food I eat after my transformation. You should feel honored."

When the heart entered the body, An slowly stood up with a pig's body.

And, it began to gradually transform into a human form.

It's just that it didn't become a human, but a pig-headed weird with a pig's head and a human body.

"It's more comfortable this way, but it's still a pig head. It seems that your skill is very powerful." An looked at Mu Rufeng with a defiant look on his face.

His momentum has also become several times stronger. It can be said that he was originally at level five, but now he has become level six.

Moreover, his momentum is still rising, and finally, he reached the peak of level six.

Bang! A loud noise.

An stepped lightly, and the ground suddenly cracked.

"This is the power of level six, it's great." An tried his own strength, and his face was full of ferociousness.

"It seems that your cult has a lot of secrets. In this case, you can't kill him, you have to capture him alive." Mu Rufeng muttered.

"Capture alive? Haha, you actually~~!"

Before An finished speaking, he stopped abruptly, and his eyes instantly became terrified.

Because four sword lights came in an instant, so fast that he didn't have any reaction.

Then, his limbs were directly cut off, and without the support of his legs, his torso fell directly to the ground.

"You" An was shocked. He was at the peak of level 6 now.

Even if a level 6 monster was here, he could easily kill it. Now, his limbs were cut off without any reaction?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you be so strong?" An shouted loudly.

Mu Rufeng ignored An's voice, and the bandage flew over, binding An in the blink of an eye.

"Done! Go home and sleep in." Mu Rufeng dragged the bandage and walked out of the farm.

But what was unexpected was that a terrifying force suddenly erupted from An's body.

The bandage that bound him fell apart in an instant, leaving only the bandage in Mu Rufeng's hand.

The bandage seemed to be frightened and instantly retracted on Mu Rufeng's body. She was still trembling from time to time, which was obviously a serious injury.

On the other hand, An's body had expanded several times before he knew it.

The original height of two meters directly reached five meters, becoming a huge pig-headed monster.

However, this pig-headed monster is a little different. There are multiple tentacles on its back, waving randomly.

The hair on the pig's head also turned into small tentacles, which looked extremely cold.

The limbs chopped off by Mu Rufeng also turned into four thick tentacles.

The current look is simply more monster than monster.

"Ah? Why, why am I still a pig? I haven't changed back yet?" An roared crazily.

"Is there a possibility that you are too weak?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Impossible, I have the power of a god, and my strength has reached the seventh level of a ghost general. I will kill you like a dog."

An's eyes were blood red and he shouted angrily. He raised his tentacles and flew towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng withdrew the butcher knife, and then grabbed the flying tentacle.

"I caught you." An said with a ferocious smile on her face.

"Oh? Is there a possibility that I caught you?" Mu Rufeng's face showed an even more ferocious smile than An's.


A bolt of lightning flashed from Mu Rufeng's hand, and then, the lightning spread along the tentacles to An's whole body.

An Du didn't have time to speak as his whole body was covered by lightning.

The terrifying lightning made An's whole body tremble at the moment.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Rufeng pulled the tentacle and exerted force, and the latter was directly pulled over by a huge force.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng's right fist, still glowing with lightning, struck An's face.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

An smashed directly into the ground, and the earth seemed to shake.

Even the lightning exploded, filling An's whole body with the smell of burning.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the butcher's knife and directly pulled out all the tentacles on his body, turning him into a human stick again, no, a pig stick.

Mu Rufeng stretched out the bandage again and quickly wrapped An. At the same time, in order to prevent further accidents, the bandage was inserted directly into his wound.

A large amount of blood is absorbed by the bandage, which can not only restore the injury before the bandage was applied, but also limit An's strength, preventing it from shattering the bandage as before.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng dragged An towards the outside.

As for An, it seemed that his strength was exhausted, and his body slowly shrank, returning to his previous appearance.

The breath also dropped from the peak of level seven to level five.

At this moment, a black light was seen flying towards him, and then it stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

The black light dissipated, revealing a panting Mu Ze.

"Are you okay? Xiaofeng." The ghost energy in Mu Ze's body was a little unstable, obviously caused by being in a hurry.

"It's okay, Third Uncle, you came here really fast." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Wait for me." Messizi also ran over from outside the farm.

"Where is An? Where is he? Did he run away? Are you not injured?" Mu Ze could clearly feel the aura left over from the horrific battle on the farm.

"Of course I can't run away, Nuo, it's here." Mu Rufeng pointed to the bandage being dragged behind him and said.

While Mu Rufeng was talking, Mu Rufeng also let the bandage expose An's head.

"Huh?" Mu Ze looked at the bandage and frowned.

"Oh, I forgot, An was turned into a pig's head by me, and it should be over soon." Mu Rufeng said.

In just a few seconds, An's body shape changed again and became smaller.

The appearance of the pig's head also changed to An's again, but now An's head was bald and full of blood, and it seemed that her hair had been plucked out.

"It's really him, why is it like this?" Mu Ze stepped forward to check and found that the unconscious An had turned into a human stick, and he said in surprise.

"Isn't this to prevent him from escaping?"

"By the way, Third Uncle, when I saw him, this guy had a big meat ball next to him."

"In the end, he signed a contract with a still-beating heart in the meat ball and it became his contract trick."

"Seeing that the guy behind him couldn't beat me, he seemed to have used the power of this heart to increase his strength. However, he was still defeated by me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Meat ball? Heart? Contract?" Mu Ze's face gradually became serious.

"Oh, by the way, he also said that he used the power of the gods." Mu Rufeng added.

"I didn't expect that he actually succeeded in researching it. Unfortunately, you caught me." Mu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

"Research? What research?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Let's talk about this on the way. Let's go back to the ministry first. However, Xiaofeng, I really underestimated you. You actually captured me alive. How strong you are," Mu Ze said.

"Haha, let's go, Third Uncle." Mu Rufeng smiled and dragged An outside.

At the same time, the bandage was allowed to wrap An's head again.

"Meixi, just wait here and see how to deal with these farm matters." Mu Ze turned to Messi and said.

"Okay, Mubu." Messizi nodded.

Later, after watching the two people drive away in a van, they took out their phones to contact them.


On the way.

"Uncle San, what is this Divine Religion?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's called a Divine Religion, but it's actually like a cult. They believe in a ghost emperor called the Poison Thorn Ghost Emperor in a strange world."

"But that ghost emperor is dead, but the ghost emperor's heart was obtained by a certain contractor, and the contract was completed with him through the information left behind."

"Then, the Divine Religion was established, in order to revive the Poison Thorn Ghost Emperor. An is a deacon in the Divine Religion. Above the deacon, there are also the helmsman, the hall master, the guardian, the elder and the leader."

"Of course, you don't have to care too much, because in the Divine Religion, the most powerful is the helmsman, and no one can reach above the helmsman." Mu Ze said.

"Uh, Uncle San, that is to say, in the Divine Religion, the highest is only the helmsman? Is the helmsman a level 6 contractor?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Of course not. The helmsman is also level five, and the cult founded by the helmsman does not consider himself the cult leader."

"This guy hides very deeply. Several actions were led by the deacons in the cult. We still don't know his identity."

"The three deacons have been eliminated by us, but we still have to ask for information from this An."

"Xiaofeng, you captured An alive, which is really a great achievement." Mu Ze said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter whether it is a credit or not, Uncle San, you can say that you caught him when the time comes, so that I can avoid appearing in everyone's sight." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm? Are you sure? This may gain a lot of contribution points, and if more information is asked, the credit will be even greater." Mu Ze said.

"Uncle San, have you forgotten the channel contract I signed? If you want to talk about credit, can it be greater than it?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Well, it seems so, then I won't be polite with you." Mu Ze nodded.

"But, strangely enough, you have made such a great contribution. Logically, the relevant departments should have notified me."

"Your information must know everything, so they will also check your relatives, and I am sure they will find out that I am the director of the Pudong branch." Mu Ze said in confusion.

"Uncle San, now that you put it that way, it seems to be true. They didn't tell me about you either." Mu Rufeng was also quite confused.

"Hey, wait, Uncle San, when you went to bed last night, you said you said hello to Tian Bu. Do you know Tian Bu?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Yes, I have been to Changsha on business several times." Mu Ze said.

"It's impossible that Tian Bu didn't say it on purpose." Mu Ze suddenly thought of this.

"I don't know. I'll call and ask when I get to Yongcheng headquarters." Mu Rufeng said.


At seven in the morning, Mu Rufeng and Mu Ze drove a van back to Yongcheng headquarters.

As soon as they got off the car, Mu Ze took An straight to the interrogation room.

Mu Rufeng went straight to the cafeteria. In order to prevent An from escaping, he asked Bandage to go with Mu Ze.

After getting some breakfast, Mu Rufeng sat at the dining table.

While eating, he suddenly remembered something and immediately took out his phone to call Tian Lin.

"Hello? Xiao Mu, why are you calling so early? Didn't you sleep in today?" Tian Lin's loud voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Minister Tian, ​​a big thing happened in Yongcheng." Mu Rufeng said.

"Big thing? What big thing? The matter of the Divine Religion? Didn't they run away?" Tian Lin's tone became a little serious.

You know, after the Liu Yi incident, someone from the Beijing headquarters came to Yongcheng for a tour.

Because they didn't find any traces of the Divine Religion personnel, and there were traces of the Divine Religion personnel in Hong Kong Island.

They thought that the two fish that escaped the Divine Religion had moved to Hong Kong Island.

"No, An and Mao Yirong are still in Yongcheng. But, Tian Bu, do you know Mu Ze?" Mu Rufeng changed the subject and asked.

"Huh? Mu Ze? Mu Ze went to Yongcheng?" Tian Lin's tone changed slightly.

"So, Tian Bu, you know my third uncle?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"That's right, I know him. I didn't expect that Mu Ze is your third uncle, haha." Tian Lin's awkward laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Tian Bu, since you know that Mu Ze is my third uncle and I am my third uncle's nephew, why didn't you tell me and inform my third uncle?"

Mu Rufeng asked his question.

"There's nothing I can do about it. My uncle told me to keep the channel contract a secret. Your identity is top secret."

"Except for some high-level officials and us, people in other cities don't know your identity at all."

"There's another thing. I'm afraid that after you know it, you'll go to the Magic City. The Magic City is not as good as Changsha. There are all kinds of people there, and there are many contractors."

"The most important thing is that it's an international metropolis, and there are also many foreign contractors. If you go to the Magic City, it will be troublesome if you are caught and taken abroad."

"Although those foreign contractors don't know your true identity, it's still better to be on the safe side."

"Besides, even if I don't tell you, you know it, right? I can delay it for a while, but I can't delay it forever." Tian Lin explained.

"So, after all the twists and turns, Tian Bu is afraid that I will follow my third uncle?" Mu Rufeng summed it up and said.

"This. I guess so." Tian Lin said.

"." Mu Rufeng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"It's unnecessary, it's really unnecessary, Tian Bu, I suddenly found that you seem to be a little narrow-minded." Mu Rufeng said without any taboo.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to be transferred back to the capital anyway, so I'm narrow-minded. By the way, I have something to tell you." Tian Lin's tone suddenly became serious again.

"Tian Bu, you're really a bit blunt in changing the subject." Mu Rufeng said unhappily.

"Ahem, I'm talking to you about business."

"Then you go on, I'm listening." As Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he sipped a mouthful of noodles.

"On October 1st, we will officially release some dungeon news to the public. Starting from today, we will also release some gossips one after another."

"In addition, we have reached cooperation with major domestic groups and some foreign organizations to sell login bracelets to them."

"And they will open the prop library to us. Today, a large number of powerful props, special skill cards, and some special spiritual objects will surely emerge in the prop library."

"If you are free today, remember to sit in front of the prop library and wait, but many people are also staring at the prop library."

"Although the contribution value is precious, some contractors with backgrounds and abilities have acquired a lot of contribution value."

"The largest Xunteng Group in the country has also handed over their most precious prop to the relevant departments. You can refuse other props, but you must get that prop." Tian Lin said.

"Xunteng Group? What props?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"The Chosen One." Tian Lin said slowly.

"The Chosen One? What attributes?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

Tian Lin immediately informed Mu Rufeng of the attributes of the Chosen One.

[Chosen One]: The one chosen by God.

Effect: Special rule-based item. With this item, you will become the Chosen One, and your luck will be +10

Special attribute 1: When attacking, there will be a 1 in 10,000 chance of bursting out a 10,000 times attack. If the difference in strength between the two sides is large, the probability will be reduced.

Special attribute 2: When clearing the dungeon, the dungeon clearance will increase by 30%. (Total clearance x 1.3 = final clearance)

Special attribute 3: When killing an enemy, there is a certain probability that the item on him will burst out, including but not limited to items, skill cards, soul notes, etc.

"Tanbe, are you serious? They also traded such items?" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

The attributes of this item, are you kidding, who wants it?

Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up. If this item belonged to him, he would be so happy.

It has to be said that it is indeed a gaming giant group. Even the props obtained seem to be related to the game.

"Compared to props, they still prefer to have a second life. Moreover, it is rumored that the CEO of Xunteng has always been looking forward to entering the dungeon world." Tian Lin said.

"Tian Bu, such a powerful prop will be put into the prop library? Won't it be taken away by the people above for their own use?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Hehe, this is a transaction from the Weird Affairs Bureau, and it is not something that someone can put into his own pocket."

"Besides, the boss of the headquarters has also returned, so these people naturally dare not jump up and down, so you must be quick." Tian Lin said.

"Okay, I know, thank you Tian Bu." Mu Rufeng thanked him solemnly.

This level of news can only be known by the top leaders, and the top leaders told Tian Bu, and Tian Bu came to tell him.

Then, the result is naturally self-evident. They just want Mu Rufeng to get this prop.

"Well, it's okay, then I'll hang up the phone."

"Well." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Oh, by the way, I still want to ask, you shouldn't go to the Magic City with your uncle, right?" Tian Bu said.

"Of course not, if I go to the Magic City, I'm afraid my parents and grandparents will come and take me and my uncle back together." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? Then why don't you go back to the Magic City with your uncle?"

"." Mu Rufeng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Haha, just kidding, hang up, I won't leave until the day after tomorrow, you should be able to come back tomorrow, then let's have dinner together." Tian Lin said.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng hung up the phone.

Mu Rufeng immediately ate all the remaining breakfast in a few seconds, and then quickly ran to the prop library.

However, he didn't have the authority, so Mu Rufeng immediately called Mei Xizi.

Mei Xizi happened to be back, and rushed over to open the door of the prop library for Mu Rufeng as soon as possible.

"You go and do your work. I think I will have to stay in the prop library for a while." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, call me if you have anything." Mei Xizi nodded and left the prop library.

Mu Rufeng immediately came to the screen, and after logging in his identity information, he began to refresh the information of the national prop library at all times.

He still has the right to choose items three times, so as long as Mu Rufeng selects the props and clicks submit, it can be decided instantly.

It can be said to be extremely convenient, but in the end it depends on the operation. Mu Rufeng estimates that there are still many people staring at the chosen one.

Although the contribution value of the chosen one may definitely not be low, there are definitely many contractors across the country who can come up with so much contribution value.

Because the contribution value can be exchanged for props or soul notes.

I won't talk about props, they are naturally valued, and the soul notes are 1 to 10.

Ten soul notes can be exchanged for one contribution point.


In the blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Mu Rufeng sat in front of the screen bored, staring at the screen with dull eyes, and his right hand kept refreshing the prop library.

Two whole hours, boring, really too boring.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and called Tian Bu.

"Tian Bu, are you serious? I have been refreshing the prop library for two hours." Mu Rufeng said.

"I am absolutely not lying to you, just today. If I lie to you, I will stand and let you beat me up when you come back tomorrow." Tian Lin said firmly.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded, and then hung up the phone.

Immediately, he cheered up and continued to refresh.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing? I stand with Messizi and say, you have been sitting here for two hours without moving?" Mu Ze's voice came from behind.

"Alas, it was Tian Bu who told me a piece of news."

Mu Rufeng immediately informed Mu Ze of the props of the Chosen One.

"I didn't expect you to have such authority. It would be great if you gave it to me." Mu Ze said with emotion.

"But, if you ask me, you are really stupid. Can't you make a small program and let it shoot by itself?" Mu Ze changed the subject and said.

"Mini program? I don't know how to make one, and can I use this kind of small program in the system of the relevant department?" Mu Rufeng said with a suspicious look.

"Xiaofeng, you are really stupid. Have you forgotten what your third uncle's original profession is?"

"Besides, when I first joined the relevant department, I was a technician there." Mu Ze said.

"Oh, third uncle, what are you waiting for? Help me type one out quickly. It's been two hours. I'm going crazy." Mu Rufeng was overjoyed when he heard this.

Yes, how could he forget it.

If it weren't for his third uncle's words, he would really have to sit there and refresh it again and again.

"Wait." Mu Ze immediately took out his mobile phone and then pulled out a data cable from the central console to connect the phone.

Then Mu Ze began to operate various operations on the screen.

All kinds of black frames flashed and a lot of incomprehensible codes came out, which made Mu Rufeng dazzled.

After a few minutes, Mu Ze stopped and took back the phone.

He clapped his hands and said, "Done, your identity has been logged in. As long as the props of the chosen person are on the shelf, the program will automatically take a photo for you in seconds."

"The speed is definitely faster than other people's hand speed. No matter how fast they react, they can't be faster than my program."

"Of course, you still have to stay here, because after taking the props, you have to verify it yourself."

"If you don't verify, after fifteen minutes, it will be determined that you don't need to exchange this prop and put it back on the shelf in the prop library."

Mu Rufeng heard this and showed an expression of joy on his face: "Uncle San, you really helped me a lot."

"It's just a small matter, you have given me a lot of benefits." Mu Ze said with a smile.

"By the way, Uncle San, you came here, have you found out?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"That guy is very tough. He used all means but didn't say anything. I plan to take him back to the Magic City."

"There are more people over there, and there are more ways to pry open this guy's mouth." Mu Ze said.

"Uncle San, let me try. I have the power of illusion, so I think I can trick him out." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's useless. The power of illusion is useless to him, not to mention that he has contracted the heart of the poisonous thorn."

"Unless your strength reaches the ninth level of the ghost emperor, An will be immune." Mu Ze said.

"That's not right, Uncle San, didn't you say that the leader of the God Cult contracted the heart of the poisonous thorn? How come this An also contracted it?" Mu Rufeng said puzzledly.

"There is no rule that the poisonous thorn ghost emperor only has one heart." Mu Ze said.

"So that's the case." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"By the way, your parents called just now, and I told them that you and I had something to come out."

"Also, I'm going back to the Magic City later. Remember to tell me when you go home that you should remember to give the attribute fruit to your grandparents." Mu Ze said.

"Ah? Going back now? Aren't you afraid that my grandparents will beat you up the next time they see you?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"Ahem, there's nothing I can do. Time is running out. I'll beat him up. I'm thick-skinned anyway."

"Then Third Uncle, are you going home for the New Year?"

"Yes, I'll bring your Third Aunt and Bao'er back with me." Mu Ze said.

"That's fine. I'll have an explanation." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Soon, Mu Ze left.

Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and started to watch short videos.

Fortunately, there was WIFF underground, otherwise, the video wouldn't work.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

It was at this time that the picture on the screen changed.

Mu Rufeng, who was watching the video, also noticed it at the first time and looked over immediately.

"Haha, Third Uncle's program is still reliable. I really got it."

Mu Rufeng laughed and then immediately performed the verification program.

It took only thirty seconds for the verification to succeed, and the item [The Chosen One] will be delivered to Yongcheng this afternoon and delivered to Mu Rufeng's hands.

Mu Rufeng was in a good mood after grabbing the [Chosen One], and then continued to look for new props in the prop library.

However, after looking around, he found that there were indeed many more good things.

However, those powerful props were of no use to Mu Rufeng.

After all, Mu Rufeng now had too many good things.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng randomly selected two auxiliary props and placed an order, which were also delivered to him in the afternoon.

In a luxurious villa somewhere in Beijing.

A majestic middle-aged man looked extremely gloomy.

"Who is it? Check it for me. I want to know who exchanged the [Chosen One] away."

"Yes, Han Bu." A contractor responded repeatedly, and then quickly started to operate on the computer.

Not long after, he looked up at the leader and said, "Han Bu, I found out that it was Mu Rufeng, the captain of the action team of the Wancheng District Branch of the relevant department in Changsha."

"It turned out to be him?" Han Bu's face became even colder.

"You, go there in person and give him the item. Tell him that I am willing to pay double the contribution value for that item." Han Bu said.

"Yes, Han Bu." The contractor responded repeatedly, and then quickly left the villa.

"Mu Rufeng, humph." Han Bu snorted coldly, turned around and left the living room, disappearing.

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