I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 221 The Power of Thousand-fold Explosion Rate [10,000 words! ]

[Congratulations to the player for getting a new set of robes]

[New Robe]: A set of robes that can be torn with a little more force, containing a very small amount of magic elements.

Level limit: 1

Occupation restrictions: Mage

Equipment quality: white

Defense: 1

“Sure enough, it’s a big gift package for newbies.”

[Congratulations to the player for successfully understanding the mage's initial skill: Fireball]

[LV1 Fireball]: Fire attack skill, which can release a fireball to attack the enemy. Attack distance and damage depend on your own spirit.

"Fireball, it's not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

That is to say, I don’t know what it would be like to perform the fireball technique with his mental attributes.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a heat wave hit, and a fist-sized fireball flew from a distance.

Mu Rufeng turned slightly to avoid the fireball.

Then, the fireball flew several meters away and landed on the ground. Immediately, the ground was directly burned to black.

"Oops, sorry, sorry, brother, I'm sorry, I just wanted to try out my skills, but I didn't expect to go directly towards you."

At this time, a fat young man trotted over and said apologetically.

"Be careful next time." Mu Rufeng glanced at the man and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The man apologized several more times.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng looked around and found that many people were beginning to use their initial professional skills.

What about ice picks, wind blades, and air cannons? These all belong to mages.

For warriors, there are many more, such as cross slash, mountain collapse strike, drawn sword slash, continuous stabbing, war trample, bull collision, etc.

For warlocks, there are healing, various attack and auxiliary spells, poison skills, etc.

Anyway, there are many kinds. Obviously, there is not only one initial skill among the three professions.

Mu Rufeng brought up the game properties panel again.

[Name]: Salted Fish Zombie King


【Occupation】: Mage

[Level]: LV1

[Strength]: 506.8 (related to the physical damage caused by oneself)

[Spirit]: 500.7 (related to one's own mana, magic damage and mana recovery)

[Physique]: 505.7 (related to one's own vitality, defense and vitality recovery)

[Lucky value]: 16

[Skills]: [Life or death] [Fireball]

[Ability]: [Thunder Element] [Eye of Darkness] [Teleportation]

[Equipment worn]: [Novice Magic Wand] [Chosen One] [Login Bracelet]

[Title]: [Game Terminator (not worn)]

[Inventory]: 999+

"It's a pity that the luck value is only 16 points, and the six points from the dice are not included." Mu Rufeng felt a little regretful.

"Hey, brother, look at you holding a magic wand, you must be a mage too, do you want us to form a team together?"

"I also found a girl who can heal and a warrior who can fight and resist." At this time, the fat man suddenly came over again and said.

"No." Mu Rufeng politely refused.

"Brother, this dungeon has been gamified by rules, so there will definitely be a team system. I'm the best at playing games."

"Professions need to be matched so that we can better kill monsters and upgrade. Moreover, the task is to clean up the area. I guess that a hundred of us must be responsible for this entire area."

"This definitely requires our full cooperation. Look, everyone is discussing forming a team." The fat man pointed at the people around him and said.

"No, thank you for your kindness. I prefer to be a lone ranger." Mu Rufeng politely declined again.

"Okay, but if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time." Fatty stopped forcing him and left directly to find his next teammate.

Mu Rufeng didn't find anyone familiar among the hundred people, otherwise Mu Rufeng wouldn't mind forming a team.

There are a total of 100,000 people participating in the dungeon here. These 100,000 people are divided into a thousand areas, with 100 people in each area.

But what worried Mu Rufeng was that he didn't see any foreigners.

Either there was no match, or foreigners and locals were matched separately.

Mu Rufeng didn't try his own skills. He had no choice. He didn't know how powerful his fireball technique was. It would be bad if he was accidentally injured.

Later, several people asked Mu Rufeng to form a team, but Mu Rufeng rejected them one by one.

Even though contractors from relevant departments gathered together to form a team and invited Mu Rufeng, Mu Rufeng still refused.

As time goes by, half an hour flies by.

The virtual panel pops up again in front of everyone.

[Restrictions have been lifted. Players can go out and kill monsters. Please note that this is a safe zone. If you stay within this range, you will not be eroded by monsters and fog]

"Safe zone? Holy shit, it's really just like the game. Is this our novice village?"

"Tell me, if you die, will you be resurrected here?"

"Resurrection? Why don't you try it and see if you can be resurrected?"

"Go away, why don't you give it a try."

There was a noisy sound in her ears, but Mu Rufeng didn't care about it.

Several leaps came directly to the edge, and then in the eyes of some people, he was the first to walk out of the safe zone and entered the fog that could not be seen through.

[You have entered the foggy area, you will continue to suffer erosion damage, and you will lose 10 points of life per second]

[Triggered by fire attribute, immune to erosion damage, lasts for one hour]

Mu Rufeng touched the fire mark between her eyebrows, and a warm breath emanated from the mark, and finally spread throughout her body.

"That's not bad."

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that he had about twenty meters of visibility.

Mu Rufeng guessed that the contractors with him were probably only a few meters long.

And he is directly 20 meters tall, which is most likely related to the [Eye of Darkness] ability he chose.

(I forgot that I still have this ability. The previous chapter has been modified, replacing [Psychic Immunity] with [Eye of Darkness])

[Eye of Darkness]: Subtly enhances one's own vision, can see objects in the dark, and see through illusions and fog.


Suddenly, there was some movement in the distance.

Mu Rufeng looked up and immediately saw a figure walking out of the fog.

No, I shouldn’t say walking away, but crawling out.

The body was twisted, without any clothes or hair, it was bald, and its face was ferocious, like an evil ghost.


Grade 1

Attack power: 5

HP: 100

Special attributes: When attacking, add corpse poison attack.

Introduction: The ghoul is the lowest existence among the monsters in the wilderness. If you encounter it, kill it as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will attract a large number of ghouls.

"Ghoul? Just in time, let's try the thousand-fold explosion rate and fireball technique."

Mu Rufeng raised her right hand, and immediately, red fire elements began to gather above the magic wand.

Over there, the corpse ghost also discovered Mu Rufeng, a living person, and immediately rushed towards this side crazily.

At this time, the fireball technique had also been completed.

I saw a huge fireball quickly hitting the corpse.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

A wave of heat hit from a distance, causing Mu Rufeng to take a few steps back unconsciously.

There is no other way. If you don't retreat, all your clothes will be burned off.

Looking over there, a huge pit of more than ten meters appeared. The pit was filled with liquid after the earth and rocks were melted by high temperature.

As for the corpse ghosts, Zha Zha has long since disappeared.

"Good guy, my fireball technique is too strong." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised, but somewhat expected.

Thinking about the previous contractors, the fireballs were no more than the size of a fist, and even some of the mentally weak ones were only the size of a ping pong ball.

Mu Rufeng's place turned directly into a fireball several meters large. The gap between the two sides was really not even a tiny bit.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV1 ghoul, experience +10, points +1]


I saw a lot of things falling out of the deep pit.

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that there were more than ten bottles of water, dozens of breads, and hundreds of soul coins.

Good guy, this thousand times explosion rate is too powerful.

However, what puzzles Mu Rufeng is why [Killing monsters makes you stronger] is not triggered?

Is it because the legacy plug-in cannot take effect in this wilderness instance?

Or are these monsters too weak to be triggered?

However, he is now at level one, and the monster opposite is also at level one.

Or is it calculated not according to one's own level, but according to strength?

After thinking for a while, Mu Rufeng couldn't figure it out. Mu Rufeng was too lazy to think about it.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward, waved her hand, and put all the dropped items into the inventory.

Then, he took out a bottle of mineral water, opened it, and drank it all in one go.

It's ordinary, no different from mineral water in the real world.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng took out another piece of bread, tore open the package and ate it directly.

The bean paste filling tastes pretty good too.

In this case, Mu Rufeng's food problem can be considered solved.

"But, what are points?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

At the same time, he also felt a vague energy being absorbed by the fire mark between his eyebrows.

After taking a look, he found that the duration of his fire had increased by ten minutes.

In other words, a monster could allow him to stay in the fog for ten more minutes.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng quickly moved forward into the fog. The most important thing for him now was to work hard to upgrade.

After walking no more than ten meters, a corpse walked out of the mist again.

Then the second one, the third one...the tenth one.

"Ten corpses? Not bad, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng tapped her magic wand, and a fireball the size of a washbasin emerged.

Before they can be released, the second, third, fourth, and fifth people will appear.

A full five fireballs emerged.

As Mu Rufeng waved his magic wand, five fireballs shot out instantly.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of explosions sounded.

The fire soared into the sky and the fog was illuminated.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV1 ghoul, experience +10, points +1]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV1 ghoul, experience +10, points +1]

[Your experience points are full, your level has been upgraded to LV2, and you have obtained one free attribute point, which can be distributed freely]


The ground was covered with debris, and there were food, water and soul money everywhere.

The inventory is 999+, almost without an upper limit. Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward and put all the items into the inventory.

However, one of the items made Mu Rufeng slightly stunned, and then it appeared in his hand.

[Shiki Fang Blade]: Made of the fangs of Shiki, it contains deadly corpse poison.

Level limit: 5

Occupation limit: Warrior

Equipment quality: Blue

Attack power: 50

Attributes: Strength +2, poison resistance +10, when attacking, with deadly corpse poison, infected with corpse poison will drop 10 health points per second, lasting for one minute.

Note: Shiki are immune to this corpse poison.

The equipment quality in this copy game is divided into: white, blue, green, purple, red, orange, gold legend, epic, myth

"Wow, I actually exploded a blue equipment, a thousand times the explosion rate, it is really extraordinary."

Mu Rufeng put the Shiki Blade into the inventory, and then looked at his attribute panel.

[Name]: Salted Fish Zombie King

[Age]: 24

[Occupation]: Mage

[Level]: LV2 (0/200)

[Strength]: 506.8 (related to the physical damage caused by oneself)

[Spirit]: 500.7 (related to the blue bar and magic damage of oneself)

[Constitution]: 505.7 (related to the health bar and defense of oneself)

[Attribute Point]: 1 (This attribute point is only effective in this copy of the game.)

"What a pity, it is only effective in this copy?" Mu Rufeng shook his head, and then added the free attribute points to the spirit.

"Now it's level two, and I can level up by killing another twenty."

Mu Rufeng immediately continued to look for the corpse ghost.

Soon, Mu Rufeng found the corpse ghost in another area.

This time, Mu Rufeng did not take action directly, but broke its limbs and stepped on it.

The corpse ghost kept wailing, not only shouting.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it.

He felt that it would be too troublesome to search for the ghouls by himself.

Since ghouls are evil ghosts that live in groups, they can certainly call their companions.

Sure enough, in just ten seconds, a rustling sound came from the front.

Soon, ghouls crawled out of the mist one after another.

When they saw Mu Rufeng, they rushed over frantically.

Some ghouls were even afraid that Mu Rufeng would be snatched away by other ghouls, so they started fighting directly on the road.

"You came pretty fast."

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and released several fireballs.

Amid a series of roars, large pieces of things fell to the ground.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV1 corpse ghost, experience value +10, points +1]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV1 corpse ghost, experience value +10, points +1]

[Obtain equipment: corpse ghost leather top (blue)]

[Obtain equipment: corpse ghost leather boots (blue)]

[Obtain equipment: corpse ghost leather bottoms (blue)]

[Obtain equipment: corpse ghost fang blade (blue)]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV3, and you get a free attribute point, which can be freely allocated]

Just when Mu Rufeng was working hard to upgrade.

Another foggy area.

Zhou Wen, Cheng Youlin, Qu Lianhong and a dozen contractors gathered together.

And around them, there were a large number of corpse ghosts.

They were surrounded by corpse ghosts.

"Qu Lianhong, An Cheng, Tian Feng... the six of you stand in three directions to hold back the corpse ghosts."

"Cheng Youlin... the four of you mages will perform long-range attacks in the back."

"Those who have treatment should focus on treating the soldiers in front, and the rest should attack freely, and make up for the lack of firepower wherever it is."

Zhou Wen gave the order directly.

"Yes, Zhou Bu!"

The group responded immediately.

Everyone was very obedient and had no complaints.

Because these more than ten contractors were all from relevant departments.

At the same time, Zhou Wen, Cheng Youlin, and Qu Lianhong were lucky to be in the same area.

And one of them was the director of a branch in a city in Hunan.

So, the four of them got together, all followed Zhou Wen's lead, and then gathered all the contractors from all relevant departments in this area together.

Similarly, everyone obeyed Zhou Wen.

When Zhou Wen's order was issued, everyone acted quickly and formed a very good formation.

Because they formed a team, the experience points were evenly distributed, so there was no need to worry about the distribution of experience points.

After more than ten minutes, the battle stopped.

There were many corpses of ghosts left around.

There were also some scattered items on the ground.

There were also equipment, but very few, mostly soul notes, food and water.

After a battle, everyone was exhausted, especially the warriors who resisted the attack, who were more or less injured.

He was poisoned by the corpse and continued to lose blood.

However, an antidote was also exploded, and after drinking it, the corpse poison was also eliminated.

Zhou Wen collected all the supplies, and then divided the food and water evenly.

Finally, he distributed several pieces of equipment that were obtained.

"Let's rest here and recover our mana, fighting spirit and physical strength." Zhou Wen said.

"I don't know how Mu Rufeng is doing." Cheng Youlin sat on a stone and tore open the bread to eat.

"He's very capable, so there's nothing to worry about." Qu Lianhong unscrewed the bottle cap, replied, and drank it in one gulp.

"No matter what, let's take care of ourselves first and work hard to upgrade. We haven't been far out yet and there are only so many monsters."

"If you want to clear out all the monsters in this area, it will definitely take a long time." Zhou Wen said.

"Bu Zhou, you said, this time there are 100,000 copies. How many people will return alive in the end?" A contractor asked.

"I don't know how much, but I know that all the people from our relevant departments will definitely return." Zhou Wen had a faint smile on his face.

As soon as these words came out, all the contractors immediately understood, and then unconsciously looked at the login bracelet on their arms and smiled.

Yes, the contractors of their relevant departments will definitely come back alive.

You know, as long as you are a third-level contractor of the relevant department, you can have a login bracelet.

Of course, if you are unlucky and the last copy fails and the login bracelet is used up, but the second bracelet you apply for has not yet arrived, then you will be really unlucky.

"Speaking of which, the rules of this dungeon are really strong this time. They actually pulled me directly from other dungeons." Another contractor said.

"I guess this wilderness dungeon is at the top level. Of these two dungeons, which one do you think is more difficult?" Cheng Youlin asked with a smile.

"I can't tell. I'm not sure I can get through that dungeon, and the current wilderness dungeon has just begun. However, it is definitely difficult to complete the wilderness dungeon."

"Everyone must remember not to be careless because you have a login bracelet. There will be a price to pay."

"If you lose an arm, what is the probability that you will come out alive in the next instance?"

"Yes, you can still apply for a login bracelet from the bank, but if you lose an arm, how much less strength will you have? What if you don't have a thigh in the future?"

At this time, Zhou Wen once again warned everyone.

"Yes, Zhou Bu." Everyone nodded quickly.

"Okay, you've almost rested, let's continue killing monsters and leveling up." Zhou Wen stood up from the ground, dusted himself off and said.

"Kill monsters, kill monsters!"

Everyone also stood up.

the other side.

Boom boom boom~~!

A series of explosions sounded.

A large number of corpses were killed instantly.

These corpses are much larger than before.

Their level has reached LV2.

The experience value has also reached twenty points.

"It seems that you still have to go deep into the fog to encounter high-level monsters." Mu Rufeng looked at the LV2 ghoul that appeared and nodded with satisfaction.

The higher the experience value, the faster the upgrade speed will naturally be.

Even if their vitality doubled, they were still instantly killed by Mu Rufeng's fireball technique.

Mu Rufeng collected the fallen items around him, and then quickly walked towards the mist.

Soon, Mu Rufeng met a lot of ghouls, all of whom were at level LV2.

However, Mu Rufeng did not take action, but used [Life or Death] towards them.

It's not that Mu Rufeng doesn't want to use it, but because it has been digitized, there is an extra prompt for the [Life or Death] skill.

【LV? Life or Death]: Rule-based skill, when the specified enemy dies, its own attributes will be doubled, and can be superimposed up to ten times.

Note: After being used, the speed of one's own physical strength consumption will be greatly increased.

Not a big difference, but it consumes a lot more physical energy.

Don't underestimate this physical consumption. When in other copies, Mu Rufeng can be said to be extremely hungry after using it.

But because of the gourmet tablecloth, you can easily eat food that contains ghost power.

But now, he can only eat ordinary food that these monsters burst out, and he can't stand it at all.

Casting the fireball technique again, Mu Rufeng was stunned.

Suddenly, hundreds of fireballs appeared in the sky.

Each fireball is as big as a footbath.

"Fuck!" Mu Rufeng was shocked.

He also didn't expect that his fireball technique would turn into a rain of fireballs.

As the fireball landed, the area within a kilometer radius was directly covered by flames.

The ground shook, and the earth and rocks beneath our feet melted rapidly.

The fiery red light illuminated the surrounding area, and the entire area turned directly into a piece of magma.

In addition, there are a large number of items scattered on the ground.

If it were not for the protection of rules, I am afraid that the fallen food and water would definitely be burned by the magma.

Mu Rufeng knew that he should have cast [Life or Death] himself, which caused the attributes to skyrocket, and a small fireball spell also received a super boost.

Mu Rufeng came back to his senses and looked around. He had already eliminated the corpses around him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, my fireball technique has turned into a rain of fireballs."

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng picked up the food, water, and equipment that had fallen on the ground, and headed towards the depths of the mist.

Along the way, Mu Rufeng saw many ghouls, and even a third-level giant ghoul appeared.

Anyway, it's a rain of fireballs, clear it instantly, and then move on.

After advancing an estimated eight or nine kilometers, Mu Rufeng's figure suddenly stopped.

The monsters here are already at level five.

【Poisonous Ghoul】

Level: 5

Attack power: 25

HP: 1000

Special attributes: Agility, when attacking, add poisonous attack.

Introduction: The whole body is full of severe corpse poison, it is best to burn them with fire, otherwise you will be poisoned to death.

"Level 5, it's almost there."

Mu Rufeng stood in place and waved his magic wand. Suddenly, hundreds of fireballs appeared in the sky.

As the fireballs fell, the surrounding area turned into a magma land.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV5 poisonous corpse ghosts, experience +100, points +5, kill monsters above the level, and get an extra 100 experience points]


[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV5, and you get a free attribute point, which can be freely allocated]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV6, and you get a free attribute point, which can be freely allocated]

After this wave, Mu Rufeng's level directly reached LV6.

"Haha, it turns out that killing high-level monsters is a fast upgrade, and the experience is doubled when you upgrade above the level." Mu Rufeng laughed.

[Level]: LV6 (50/3200)

Looking at the experience slot of the level, he found that it seemed that the experience value required would double with each level increase.

Mu Rufeng didn't care, because the higher the level of the monster, the higher the experience value of the monster, not to mention that the experience value of the monster would double if it was killed above the level.

"This is a bit difficult to step on." Mu Rufeng looked at the magma around him and felt a little annoyed.

Within a thousand meters, only the one-meter radius under his feet was intact.

Although he was not afraid of magma, his shoes and clothes were afraid.

"Forget it, although it seems a bit disgusting, I'll still put it on."

Mu Rufeng directly put on a set of blue equipment.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng began to collect the dropped items.

[Equipment obtained: Toxic Top (Blue)]


[Equipment obtained: Toxic Blade (Blue)]

"Are they all blue equipment?" Mu Rufeng stroked his chin and thought.

Soon, Mu Rufeng changed into a set of level 5 poisonous suits again, and then continued to look for monsters.

After leaving the lava area, Mu Rufeng saw a giant corpse ghost that was three meters tall not long after walking.

[Giant Corpse Ghost (Elite)]

Level: 7

Attack Power: 70

HP: 10,000

Special Attributes: Possessing great strength and strong defense.

Introduction: Giant Corpse Ghost is the elite among the Corpse Ghost tribe, and can command lower-level Corpse Ghosts to fight for it.

In the dungeon, monsters are divided into: ordinary level, elite level, commander level, lord level, king level, epic level, and myth level.


The giant corpse ghost roared at Mu Rufeng.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Corpse Ghosts of Level 1-5 emerged from all directions.

"Did you meet the little BOSS?"

Mu Rufeng immediately waved the magic wand in his hand again.

Similarly, the sky was raining fireballs, and there was no suspense. The monsters in this area were directly cleared.

What if it's a BOSS? What if it has high HP? It will be killed instantly.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV7 Giant Corpse Ghost (Elite), experience +300, points +14, kill the monster above the level, get an extra 300 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing...]

A purple light appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

[Obtained equipment: Giant Ghost Hammer (Purple)]

[Giant Ghost Hammer]: A weapon that Giant Corpse Ghost loves very much.

Level limit: 7

Professional limit: Warrior

Equipment quality: Purple

Attack power: 100

Attributes: Strength +10, Constitution +5, when attacking, add a destructive effect, with a certain probability of destroying the enemy's weapon.

"Not bad, but it's a pity that only warriors can use it. When can I get a magic wand?" Mu Rufeng muttered.

But speaking of it, it doesn't matter. After all, he doesn't rely on equipment, but on his own attributes.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the things on the ground, and he was no longer interested.

All of them were ordinary food, and there were green, blue, or white quality equipment.

Mu Rufeng picked up all the soul notes.

Not to mention, because the level of the monsters increased, some food containing ghost energy could also be dropped, which he also picked up.

Eating this kind of food also made him feel fuller.

"Looking for the BOSS, looking for the BOSS." Mu Rufeng flashed a few times and disappeared directly on the spot.


I don't know how long it took, four figures appeared in this charred area.

The ground was still emitting residual heat, dispelling the cold air.

"My God, look, there are so many foods and water."

A contractor pointed at the things on the ground and shouted.

"Oh my god, why are there so many foods and water here? Wait, look, there are even equipment."

The other two did not speak, because they had already quickly stepped forward and began to put the dropped items into the inventory.

"Slow down, you two, slow down."

The other two also stepped forward immediately.

After a long time, all the things on the ground had been divided up by the four contractors.

"See, I said, we came to the advanced map together, and we actually got such a big bargain, haha." The leading fat man laughed.

"I said, we didn't encounter any monsters along the way, but there are traces of fighting, what's going on?"

"Are they attracted? Or are they gathered somewhere?"

"I think there is a big boss spawning monsters in front of us?"

"That's not right. We are all third-level contractors. There is no reason why any big boss is so powerful, right?"

"Besides, even if you are spawning monsters, how can you drop so many things?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Whatever, let's upgrade first, otherwise, our entire set of fifth-level equipment and weapons will be useless," Fatty said.

"That's right. Let's walk around first to see if we can find any monsters. Then we will continue to follow this road." A warrior girl said.

"Okay." Everyone nodded.

We have equipment, food and water, but what we lack now is level.

Deep in the mist.

Mu Rufeng was standing on a big tree at the moment.

"Hey, I found it." Mu Rufeng looked at it with a smile on his face.

Below is a huge swamp.

The swamp was black and purple, and poisonous gas was constantly rising. It was obvious that there was strong poison here.

In the center of the swamp, there is a poisonous pond about a hundred meters in diameter.

The poisonous water kept bubbling, and the rich poisonous gas escaped from it.

And in the center of the pool, there was actually a corpse soaking in it.

The body was purple-black all over, with rotting flesh and blood, bones could be seen, and the face was extremely terrifying.

[Ghoul Commander]: The leader of the ghoul clan, the strongest being in the ghoul clan.

Level: 10

Attack power: 200-250

Defense: 200

HP: 20000

Attributes: Increase dodge by 20%, and have a tearing effect when attacking.

Skill 1: [Toxic Gas Explosion]: Explode the poisonous gas all over your body at once, corroding everything, and you will die if you touch it.

Skill 2: [Corpse Poison Halo]: Within a range of ten meters, people will be infected by corpse poison and lose fifty points of blood per second. When the blood volume is less than 30%, they will be directly transformed into zombies. , at the mercy of the ghoul leader.

Skill 3: [Poison Gas Bomb]: Can release long-range magic gas bombs. After hitting the target, a poisonous gas explosion will occur, which is extremely powerful.

Vaguely, Mu Rufeng could still see some corpses hidden under the swamp.

"If this wave continues, it won't be able to take off anymore."

Mu Rufeng immediately waved the magic wand in his hand.

Suddenly, fireballs filled the sky, lighting up the entire area.

The originally cold weather also became hot at this moment.

The zombie leader who was soaking in the poisonous pool also noticed something was wrong with the sky. Without any hesitation, he ran straight into the distance.

This is about running away.

It's a pity that no matter how fast I run, can the fireballs rain down fast?

"Boom boom boom~~!"

A series of explosions sounded, flames shot into the sky, and poisonous smoke rose everywhere.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV10 ghoul leader, the experience value is +1200, the points are +40. If you kill the monster by leapfrogging, you will get an additional 1200 experience points. If you kill the leader-level monster, you will get an additional 1200 experience points.]

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill a leader-level monster. You will receive an additional +100 points and +1200 experience points. Are you going to make a full dungeon announcement? 】

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV7 giant ghoul (elite), experience +300, points +14, leapfrogging monsters, and gaining an additional 300 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV5 poisonous ghoul, experience +50, points +1]

[Your experience points are full, your level has been upgraded to LV8, and you have obtained one free attribute point, which can be distributed freely]

[Level]: LV8 (10/12800)

"Uh, are there district-wide announcements?" Mu Rufeng was slightly startled, then thought about it and directly chose the announcement.

When Mu Rufeng selected the area-wide announcement, a notification sound immediately appeared in his mind.

[Congratulations to the player ''Salted Fish Zombie King'' for killing the leader-level monster for the first time, hereby announce the full dungeon! 】

The announcement was made three times in a row.

Just kidding, it's not his real name anyway, who knew it was him? If you don’t pretend to be cool in this situation, then when will you pretend?

However, Mu Rufeng looked at the points and experience points gained from killing other monsters, and he also knew that there would be additional bonuses for skipping levels.

Then if you kill a monster with a lower level than him, it will be weakened.

In terms of points, the number of points equals the level of monsters. The elite monsters will be doubled, the leader will be doubled again, and so on.

If he kills a monster lower than himself, the points will be one point.

The same is true for experience points. As long as you kill a monster lower than your own level, level one is worth ten experience points, level five is 50 points, and elite monsters will be doubled.

Anyway, it was very troublesome to calculate, and Mu Rufeng didn't care about the amount of experience. Anyway, everything happened in seconds, and the experience also increased rapidly.

At this time, a red light and multiple purple lights flashed below.

Mu Rufeng immediately jumped up, and before landing, his figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared at the place where the corpse leader died.

[Ghoul Poison Staff]: The weapon of the ghoul leader.

Level limit: 10

Occupation restrictions: Mage

Equipment quality: red

Attack power: 200-250

Attributes: All attributes +10, poison resistance +50. When releasing skills, it will attack with corpse poison. If infected with corpse poison, it will drop 50 points of health every second for one minute.

Attached skills: [Poison Gas Bomb]: It can release long-range magic gas bombs. After hitting the target, a poisonous gas explosion will occur, which is extremely powerful.

"Finally, the magic wand was cast." Mu Rufeng said with emotion.

He also looked at the other purple equipment. They were all protective gear on his body. They could be replaced, but they all needed to be worn at level 10.

Then, Mu Rufeng picked and chose among the dropped items, took away all the things he needed, and then left in a hurry.

However, there were still a lot of dropped items on the ground.

Mu Rufeng took no more than one-tenth.

The items dropped by killing monsters will not disappear even if no one picks them up.

Of course, if the items are dropped for more than ten minutes, another person can pick up the dropped items.


Somewhere in the wilderness.

Zhou Wen and others who had just killed a wave of monsters sat together, eating and resting.

At this moment, their levels were relatively even, and they had reached level 4.

Zhou Wen had the highest level, reaching level 5.

"Zhou Bu, you are now level 5, so you should be considered the highest level batch, right?" Cheng Youlin said.

"It's hard to say." Zhou Wen smiled and replied.

"Our levels are relatively average. Although we can't be the first, we are definitely in the first tier." A contractor said.

"You're right, Zhou Bu is still powerful. After such a long time, we haven't lost a single person."

"I don't know what's going on in other areas."

Just as everyone was discussing, their virtual panel suddenly popped up, and a prompt sounded in their minds.

"Huh? How long has it been, and someone killed a commander-level BOSS?"

"We just worked so hard to kill a level 7 elite monster. Wow, others have killed the commander BOSS."

"Salted Fish Zombie King? What a weird ID, this person didn't use a real name."

The kill notice instantly made the group of people boil.

However, Zhou Wen, Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin didn't say a word.

The three of them looked at each other at the same time, and they immediately understood.

They had Mu Rufeng's WeChat, and Mu Rufeng's WeChat name happened to be: Salted Fish Zombie King.

Is it a coincidence? Or was it intentional?

The three of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds, and they guessed that this big guy was very likely Mu Rufeng.

Somewhere in the wilderness.

Sun Lujia and his companions were fighting a huge slime.

This slime was a level 5 elite monster. Although there were only five of them, the battle was unusually easy.

Because Sun Lujia was holding a rule-type prop in her hand, restraining the slime.

It was equivalent to a live target. Killing it was just a matter of time.

Their virtual panel suddenly popped out, and a notification sounded in their minds.

"Ah? Someone killed the leader BOSS?"

"My God, who is this? It's so amazing."

The four people who were fighting talked a lot.

Sun Lujia, who was controlling the props, was also a little surprised, but she quickly reacted and said, "Stop talking, hurry up, the props won't last long, kill the slime quickly."

"Okay, okay, let's speed up."

"Damn it, I thought we weren't slow, but I didn't expect that the leader was killed."

"Comparing yourself to others makes you depressed."

"I don't know if the first kill will give you good equipment."

The four of them sighed a few times, and then increased the frequency of their attacks.

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