I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 222 Lord-level BOSS Black Water Dragon [10,000 words]

“Boom boom boom!”

The terrifying explosion sounded.

After a long time, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

But the fire did not dissipate.

The ground was red, and the original soil and rocks had already turned into magma.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV15 poisonous lizard, experience value +1000, points +15, kill the monster above the level, and get an additional 1000 experience points]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV10, and you get 2 free attribute points, which can be freely allocated]

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to reach LV10, and get an additional point +100. Do you want to make a full copy announcement? ]

“Huh, finally level 10, this upgrade is too slow.” Mu Rufeng wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This area has been transformed into a magma land by him, and the temperature is also visibly rising, which makes him a little hot.

"Huh? Free attribute points have become two points?"

Mu Rufeng found that he had reached level 10, and his free attribute points had increased from 1 point to 2 points.

"Announcement, announcement." Mu Rufeng didn't care about it, and hurriedly shouted softly.

The next second, the full dungeon announcement rang in the ears of every contractor.

[Congratulations to the player "Salted Fish Zombie King" for being the first to reach LV10, and hereby announcing the full dungeon! ]

[The player successfully reached LV10, comprehended the second skill of the mage: Flame Armor, opened the skill tree, and obtained 10 skill points. Please call the panel to check it yourself]

[LV1 Flame Armor]: Fire defense skill. After releasing it, a flame armor can be formed around itself, which can defend against enemy attacks and reduce 50% of fire attribute damage.

"Defense skill? Open the skill tree?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng called out the skill tree.

"Okay, it's really enough for the game." Mu Rufeng pouted.

This skill tree is a real tree. The initial skill is Fireball. When it is level 10, two branches extend out, one of which is the second skill, Flame Armor.

The second branch is a passive skill.

[Experience Bar Upgrade]: After mastering this skill, the level experience will be constant after level 15. When it is upgraded to level 20, the experience value will increase by the experience value required for level 20 for each level increase. When it is upgraded to level 30, the experience value will increase by the experience value required for level 30 for each level increase... and so on.

"Hmm? Constant? This makes it easier to upgrade." Mu Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about subsequent upgrades.

Otherwise, this kind of upgrade requires double the experience value. When it reaches level 20, it will be tens of millions of experience points. If it reaches level 30, it is simply unimaginable how to upgrade.

Mu Rufeng calculated that if he wants to upgrade again after reaching level 15, he will need 1,638,400 experience points.

This value is constant up to level 20, and then at level 21, it is 1.6 million + 1.6 million = 3.2 million.

At level 22, it is 3.2 million + 1.6 million = 4.8 million.

At level 23, it is 4.8 million + 1.6 million = 5.4 million.

The rest is analogous, not to mention, this is much faster than doubling the previous upgrade.

Then on the skill tree, at level 15, there is another branch, and there is also a skill icon on it, but there is a question mark on the icon.

Going up, there is nothing, it is estimated that the skill tree will grow only after the job change at level 20.

Then, for each level up, you can get 10 skill points, and after level 10, each level gets 2 skill points.

And skill points can be added to the skills you have learned, which can increase the power of the skills.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly added skill points to the fireball technique.

In an instant, the fireball technique was directly upgraded to the full-level fireball technique of LV10.

【LV10 Fireball (MAX)】: Fire attack skill, can release a fireball to attack the enemy, and when the fireball hits the target, it will explode. The attack distance, explosion range and damage depend on one's own spirit.

"Huh? Fireball can explode? No, didn't it explode when I released the fireball?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"Forget it, I'll find a few monsters to try it later."

Mu Rufeng stood on a big stone, looked around, and locked some food and soul notes containing ghost energy.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng collected all the items he needed.

"Oh, right, I'm level 10 now, I can change my equipment."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the corpse ghost poison staff and equipped it directly.

At the same time, all the clothes, pants, shoes, necklaces, rings, earrings and other equipment on his body were replaced with purple ones.

At this moment, his strength was enhanced again. You know, purple equipment has all attributes +5.

Then, Mu Rufeng bit his finger again and sucked his own blood, bloodthirsty attribute, activated!

[Name]: Salted Fish Zombie King

[Age]: 24

[Profession]: Mage

[Level]: LV10 (10/51200)

[Strength]: 6640.4 (related to the physical damage caused by oneself)

[Spirit]: 6627.1 (related to the mana bar and magic damage)

[Constitution]: 6627.1 (related to the health bar and defense)

[Attribute Points]: 0

[Points]: 5123

All attributes have reached 6,600.

I can't believe how much all attributes he can achieve when he is equipped with top-notch divine equipment?


Somewhere in the wilderness area.

A group of twenty people are fighting many bat monsters.

One of them is a level 7 elite monster small BOSS.

These twenty contractors are all foreign faces. Obviously, this is the area for foreigners.

Surprisingly, one of the blond contractors sat on a chair, crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette.

The nineteen contractors were not dissatisfied with this at all.

After a difficult battle, these contractors dragged more than a dozen bat monsters with limbs and wings cut off to the blond man.

Among them was the elite monster.

"Master Wade, please." A contractor said with a very respectful look.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." The blond man slowly stood up from the chair.

Then, he took out the long sword in his hand and killed all the monsters that lost their resistance in a few strokes.

When the monster died, the blond man's level was directly raised to level seven.

"Congratulations, Master Wade, you have reached level 7. I believe your level must be the first among all the contractors." A contractor came forward to flatter him.

"Haha, that's all thanks to everyone. Don't worry, you will definitely get some benefits." Wade said with a smile.

He was lucky enough to be assigned to the same area as his two subordinates.

Then there were many contractors who knew him, so he directly recruited many contractors.

These contractors beat all the monsters to incapacity, and then let Wade finish them off to level up.

That's why he was able to reach level 7 in such a short time.

I won't say much. In terms of level, apart from Mu Rufeng, he is really the first.

"Okay, let's go kill the leader BOSS now."

"Damn, I don't know who that person is. He actually took away the first kill of the leader BOSS. However, the second first kill must be mine." The blond man said.

The group immediately walked towards a place.

Just at this time, the virtual panel popped up, and a server-wide notice suddenly sounded in their minds.

After a long while, the blond man frowned slightly: "Who is this salted fish zombie king? He has reached level 10 so quickly?"

"Humph, how could this guy level up so quickly?"

"Yes, so many of us are helping Master Wade to level up, how could he level up so quickly?"

"It is impossible that all the people in the entire area are killing monsters for him, right?"

A group of people also said indignantly.

"Don't care about him, let's kill the leader BOSS first, but we are not the only ones who are eyeing the leader BOSS." The blond man said.

Afterwards, the group immediately went to the depths of the fog.


In addition to this area, the other 998 areas were also somewhat shocked that Mu Rufeng had reached level 10.

At the same time, it also ignited a fighting spirit in them. Others have reached level 10, but they are only level 3 or 4. That won't work. They have to work hard.

Of course, there are still some guys who are afraid of death and hide in the safe zone directly, not caring about anything.

If there is no food, they will go out to kill some monsters to get food. If there is food, they will stay in the safe zone and not leave.

Because they thought that since the whole area had to be cleaned up anyway, with so many people dispatched, it would not be a big deal if he was not there.

When the monsters were cleared, he could also get a clearance and then return.

Among the 100,000 level 3 contractors, not all of them were adventurous, and there were quite a few who were afraid of death.

On the other side.

A wilderness full of black dead grass.

The fog here was lighter, but the erosion was no less, which only allowed the vision to be seen farther.

Mu Rufeng was standing on a boulder at the moment.

He looked into the distance and saw no monsters except dead grass.

Although only dead grass could be seen below, but no monsters could be seen, Mu Rufeng did not think so.

Because, in his opinion, this grassland was full of monsters.

He spent some time walking out of the swamp before, and then came to this grassland.

The grassland and the swamp were clearly distinguished.

Mu Rufeng did not see it at first, and stepped directly on the grassland.

Then he was attacked by the monster hiding underground.

Although he stepped on it to death, it also attracted several monsters around.

Mu Rufeng did not kill them all, but jumped directly onto a huge rock at the edge of the back.

He did not see the appearance of the monster just now, but he knew its name, which was called Earth Dragon Beast, a strange name.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out a bowl of soup containing ghost energy and threw it directly on the ground not far away.

Suddenly, the ground cracked directly, and a hideous big mouth emerged, swallowing the fresh soup in one gulp.

Then, the monster slowly shrank back, and the ground returned to its previous appearance.

"It looks a bit like an earthworm, no wonder it is called Earth Dragon Beast, so, under this grassland, there are monsters?"

Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Just right, let's try the full-level fireball spell."

Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand, and the huge mana burst out instantly.

Above the sky, one basin-sized fireball after another appeared.

Soon, the sky hundreds of meters above was filled with fireballs.

"Hey, the fireballs have actually gotten bigger, and their number and distance have also gotten farther." Mu Rufeng let out a startled sound, and then waved her wand down.

Then the fireball was seen falling directly from the sky.

Small mushroom clouds rose into the air, and the terrifying aftermath directly blew away the boulder at Mu Rufeng's feet.

The mana surged in Mu Rufeng's body, forming a flame armor on the body surface, which directly completely offset the aftermath.

Not to mention, there is actually a cloak behind the flame armor and a helmet on the head. It looks really handsome.

Moreover, Mu Rufeng also discovered another way to use the flame armor.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng was suspended in mid-air.

Flying is the dream of many people, dreaming of being able to soar freely in the sky.

But now, Mu Rufeng has achieved it.

In the strange world, if your strength reaches level seven, you can rely on ghost power to fly in the air.

However, in the weird world, basically no one would do this.

Firstly, there are no taboos in the city, and secondly, some law enforcement agencies do not allow flying in the city at all.

In the endless wilderness outside the city, it is all fog. When you fly, your ghost power will be consumed even more. Once the ghost power is exhausted, it will not be fun.

As for Mu Rufeng, she has enough strength, but if she doesn't have enough ghost power, she can't fly. This is a flaw.

But now, Mu Rufeng relied on the flame armor to achieve the ability to fly.

Just like the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four, he can control the flames under his feet and spray them continuously, thereby achieving the function of flying.

At the same time, it is extremely convenient to control the direction, just raise your hands to spray flames.

Of course, if you want to be proficient in flying, you still need to practice more.

Just like now, Mu Rufeng can only move up and down vertically. It is really difficult to control if she changes the direction.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV16 Earth Dragon Beast, the experience value is +1200, the points are +16, and the monster is killed by leapfrogging, and an additional 1200 experience points are obtained]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV17 Earth Dragon Beast (elite), the experience value is +2000, the points are +34, and the monster is killed by leapfrogging, and an additional 2000 experience points are obtained]

[Your experience points are full, your level has been upgraded to LV11, and you have obtained 2 free attribute points and 2 skill points, which can be distributed freely]

Mu Rufeng directly added two attribute points to her spirit.

The higher his spirit, the more powerful the spells he casts.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng added two more skill points to the flame armor.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng discovered that the flame armor consumed less mana, but its power also became stronger.

At this time, Mu Rufeng looked at the grassland below.

At this moment, there was no grassland, only a huge and charred pit with a diameter of several kilometers.

The ground was scorched black, emitting a strong stench, as if it was emitted by some unpleasant liquid or meat that had been burned and evaporated.

Suddenly, there was a lot of movement in the distance. Mu Rufeng looked into the distance and found that the ground further away was constantly rolling.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that those Earth Dragon Beasts that had not been attacked were running away crazily into the distance.

Obviously, Mu Rufeng's move scared away those earth dragon beasts.

"Want to run? That's not possible. You all have my experience points."

Mu Rufeng did not even look at the various objects scattered in the giant pit, even if they were emitting purple light. Compressed flames were continuously sprayed out from behind, sending Mu Rufeng flying forward.

Although I am flying, let’s just say that I am still a little unskilled. When flying, I always stumble, spin in circles, and go astray uncontrollably.

However, in just a few minutes, Mu Rufeng mastered the ability to fly.

It can be said that you can fly wherever you want to follow your heart, and there will no longer be the situation of wandering around in circles.

At this moment, the grassland has returned to calm, and the withered grass has disappeared. Obviously, those withered grass are some kind of tentacles on the Earth Dragon Beast?

If the ground is not dug up, there will be no trace of the Earthdramon at all.

But, does Mu Rufeng need to discover the Earth Dragon Beast?

"Monsters, are you ready to accept the baptism of fire?"

Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand, and countless fireballs suddenly appeared in the air, and then fell into the ground like meteorites.


A violent roar sounded.

Mu Rufeng didn't just launch towards one place, but flew at high speed over the grassland.

Wherever it passed, a large number of fireballs fell, and each fireball was like a small mushroom cloud.

The earth trembled violently, and the sky was dyed fiery red. This scene seemed like the sky was falling apart.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV16 Earth Dragon Beast, the experience value is +1200, the points are +16, and the monster is killed by leapfrogging, and an additional 1200 experience points are obtained]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV17 Earth Dragon Beast (elite), the experience value is +2000, the points are +34, and the monster is killed by leapfrogging, and an additional 2000 experience points are obtained]

Alerts kept ringing in my ears, most of them were ordinary earth dragon beasts, and there were also quite a few elite monsters.

But after going around, Mu Rufeng didn't see any indication that the leader-level BOSS had been killed.

[Your experience points are full, your level has been upgraded to LV12, you have obtained 2 free attribute points, and 2 skill points can be distributed freely]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV13, and you get 2 free attribute points and 2 skill points that can be freely allocated]

When there are no more new prompt sounds, Mu Rufeng's level has also reached level 13.

[Level]: LV13 (1030/409600)

"However, I am only level 13, and my experience value is already 400,000. Fortunately, the experience value is constant, otherwise it would be really tiring to upgrade."

Ignoring the large items on the ground, Mu Rufeng was about to leave the area.

Suddenly, the earth shook again.

Then, a huge deep pit cracked in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a huge earth dragon more than 20 meters long flew out from the ground.

When it saw Mu Rufeng for the first time, it opened its abyss mouth full of fine and sharp teeth and sprayed a mouthful of light yellow liquid directly at Mu Rufeng.

[Earth Dragon Beast Leader]: The leader of the earth dragon beast tribe, who governs the earth dragon tribe, sleeps deep underground, and only appears when the tribe is in danger of extinction.

Level: 20

HP: 100000

Attack power: 1500-2000

Special attributes...


HP is quite high, as high as 100,000.

Mu Rufeng was slightly interested.

"I wonder if it can withstand my fireball spell?" Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand.

A fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters quickly emerged.

The old spit spit out by the earth dragon beast leader was evaporated by the high temperature before it even got close.

Just when Mu Rufeng wanted to release it, he suddenly had an idea, and then used the poison gas magic bullet skill that came with the magic wand.

Suddenly, a poison gas bomb that was no smaller than the fireball appeared on the side.

Mu Rufeng stepped on the air and the fireball and the poison gas bomb began to merge.

Suddenly, a huge poison fireball emitting green flames appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

After the two merged, the body expanded again, reaching 30 meters.

The earth dragon leader over there seemed to have sensed the horror of the poisonous fireball, so he fell to the ground without hesitation, and then he went into the ground and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"You run fast, one is probably not enough, then I'll bring a few more, let's see how powerful my poisonous fireball is, can I blow you out."

As Mu Rufeng waved his magic wand, a large number of fireballs and poison gas bombs emerged, and then merged with each other.

Not long after, more than a dozen poisonous fireballs appeared.

Immediately, these more than a dozen poisonous fireballs turned into green lights and went in all directions.

After a few seconds, the poisonous fireball exploded.

Huge mushroom clouds as high as a hundred meters rose up.

The earth collapsed rapidly with the explosion point as the center, and a powerful shock wave carrying green poisonous gas spread in all directions.

Mu Rufeng was suspended in the air, not affected by the shock wave at all.

He just watched quietly.

After a long time, the terrifying movement subsided.

As far as the eye can see, there is no grassland, only more than a dozen huge pits.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV20 Earth Dragon Commander (Commander Level), experience +20,000, points +80, kill the monster above the level, get an additional 20,000 experience points, kill the commander-level monster, get an additional 20,000 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV20 commander-level monster, get an additional point +200, experience +20,000, do you want to make a full copy announcement? ]

"One monster, a total of 80,000 experience points, this upgrade is quite easy, announcement, announcement." Mu Rufeng had a smile on his face.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng saw a ray of orange light underground.

"Huh? Did it explode with something good?" Mu Rufeng immediately flew over and soon appeared below.

The Earth Dragon Commander did not drop much, only three items, two equipment, and one card.

In addition to these three items, there is also a pile of soul notes.

One of the equipment emits orange light, and the other emits red light.

Mu Rufeng picked up all the soul notes and three items.

[Earth Dragon Beast Summoning Card]: After activating, you can summon a level 20 Earth Dragon Beast Commander to assist in combat, which lasts for 120 seconds. The cooling time is two hours.

[Earth Dragon Battle Blade]: Made of the sharp teeth of the Earth Dragon Beast, it has powerful power.

Level limit: 20

Occupation limit: Warrior

Equipment quality: Red

Attack power: 1500-2000

Special attributes: All attributes +20, defense power +100, when attacking, it has a sharp effect.

Skills: [Earth Dragon Drill]: After casting, the body moves with the sword, breaking the surface with a point, ignoring defense, and adding true damage.

"Uh Earth Dragon Drill? Poison?? Am I thinking a little wrong?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

Then, he looked at the last piece of equipment.

[Heart of Earth Dragon]

Level limit: 20

Equipment part: Necklace

Professional restriction: None

Equipment quality: Orange

Special attributes: Strength +20, Constitution +20, Spirit +30. When underground, all attributes +50, Defense +1000, Life and Mana recovery speed +200%

Attached skills: [Earth Walking]: Can walk and shuttle underground.

"Hey, this orange equipment is interesting, Earth Walking?" Mu Rufeng put it on his neck without saying anything.

However, it was not successfully worn because Mu Rufeng was not yet at level 20.

But I think it should be similar to the earth escape technique in the novel.

It is estimated that the faster the speed, the more physical strength will be consumed, and the deeper the position, the more physical strength will be consumed.

After putting the equipment into the inventory, he relied on the flame armor to fly directly into the air, and then continued to move forward into the depths of the fog.

After flying over the giant pit, he traveled a distance and came to a lake.

The lake was very large. At a glance, you can only see the fog at the edge, and you can't see the end at all.

But even what appeared in his sight was several kilometers away.

And the real size must be many times larger.

An extremely strong fishy smell emanated from the lake, which made people feel uncomfortable in their nasal cavity.

It must be said that the stench in this wilderness is really everywhere.

"Hua La La~~!"

The water surface below suddenly appeared with a huge movement.

A huge crocodile rushed out from the water, and then quickly crawled towards the shore.

It was very fast, but a little panicked, as if something terrible was chasing it in the water.

The next second, black water plants shot out from the water one after another, and in the blink of an eye, they caught up with the crocodile and then entangled it.

The crocodile immediately used the death roll and cut the water plants in an instant.

Unfortunately, before the crocodile could escape, more water plants entangled it.

The helpless crocodile used the death roll again, but it only rolled up more and more water plants on its body.

After a while, the crocodile lost its ability to move and was quickly dragged into the water by the water plants.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng flicked his finger, and a fireball the size of a fingernail flew out and hit the crocodile's head directly.

There was a muffled sound of "bang!".

The crocodile's head exploded directly.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV22 Black Water Crocodile, experience +2200, points +22, kill the monster above the level, get an extra 2200 experience points]

"Four thousand four hundred experience points, not bad." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

The water plants seemed to sense the burning breath, and were startled and quickly retracted into the lake.

However, the next second, many water plants stretched out in the lake in the other direction, and instantly wrapped up the crocodile's body and dragged it back into the water.

Fireball spell-

Mu Rufeng waved his magic wand, and a large number of fireballs fell from the sky and smashed into the Black Water Lake.

"Boom boom~~!"

"Sizzle sizzle~~!"

The roar and the sound of boiling water resounded through the sky.

A large amount of water vapor rose up, but it contained an extremely strong stench, which made Mu Rufeng frown and landed directly on the shore.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV23 Black Water Grass Monster, experience +2300, points +23, kill a monster above the level, get an extra 2300 experience points]

A series of prompts appeared, Mu Rufeng counted, and only killed more than 20 monsters.

Moreover, they were all Black Water Grass Monsters.

Obviously, the waters near the shore are the territory of the Black Water Grass Monsters.

The water vapor slowly dissipated, and the lake water quickly poured into the holes on the shore. After a while, the lake water returned to calm.

Then, Mu Rufeng began to bombard the lake.

What surprised Mu Rufeng was that only the fireballs he released along the shore killed more monsters.

Once in the deeper lake water, the number of monsters killed was much less.

Mu Rufeng thought about it for a while and understood.

Presumably, it was because of the deep water that his fireball technique was weakened, so the lethality was not so strong.

There is another one, that is, the deeper the lake is, the more scattered the monsters are.

The water in this black water lake is a bit strange, and it seems to have some strange abilities, so it weakens the flames even more.

"This lake is so big, even if it is all sprinkled with a circle of fireball rain to kill the monsters, it is still slow. I wonder if I can poison the monsters to death?"

Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of the poison gas bomb attached to his corpse ghost poison stick.

The toxicity of this poison gas bomb is not fixed, but depends on Mu Rufeng's spirit.

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately began to calculate.

Suddenly, ten huge poison gas bombs appeared in front of him.

Mu Rufeng did not release them directly, but continued to pour in mana, and the poison gas bombs became larger and larger.

As time went on, the originally green poison gas bombs had actually turned into purple, and the size reached tens of meters.

"Well, it's almost done." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then flew into the air, and then flew about a kilometer away and came to the sky above the lake.

Behind Mu Rufeng, there were ten huge poison gas bombs.

However, before Mu Rufeng could release them, the lake below was broken, and a huge crocodile over 20 meters long opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng smiled slightly, and with a light wave, ten poison gas bombs flew out in a fan shape with Mu Rufeng as the center.

However, there was another poison gas bomb that fell directly downwards.

As luck would have it, it just happened to land on the mouth of the huge crocodile.

The huge crocodile didn't last even a second in front of the poison gas bomb, and its body was corroded instantly.

The giant crocodile didn't even make a sound, and was poisoned by the gas bombs, leaving only a blackened skeleton, and fell into the lake.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV24 Black Water Giant Crocodile (Elite), experience value +4800, points +48, ​​kill the monster above the level, and get an additional 4800 experience points]

"Boom boom boom~~!"

Ten gas bombs exploded at the same time.

The sky was full of water vapor.

"Hua la la~~!"

It was raining in the sky.

However, this rain was a bit purple and black.

It made a sizzling sound when it fell on the land on the shore.

Before it could get close to Mu Rufeng, it was evaporated by the heat of the flame armor.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV24 Black Water Giant Crocodile (elite), experience value +4800, points +48, ​​killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 4800 experience points]


[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV25 Black Water Grass Monster (elite), experience value +5000, points +50, killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 5000 experience points]

It seems that there are monsters near the poison gas bomb, which were killed instantly by the explosion of the poison gas bomb.

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV14, and you get 2 free attribute points, and 2 skill points can be freely allocated]

Mu Rufeng immediately added attribute points to the spirit, and continued to add skill points to the flame armor.

Below, the originally black lake water began to turn purple.

Moreover, the purple color continued to spread, spreading rapidly in all directions from the location of the poison gas bomb explosion.

The bodies of monsters kept floating to the surface of the water, and there were dropped items all around.

But they soon sank into the water.

Mu Rufeng also heard reminders to kill monsters from time to time.

Although the poison spread quickly, the Black Water Lake was too big, and it was unknown how long it would take to spread completely.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng was ready to try his best, work harder, and release more poison gas bombs.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng accelerated towards the depths of the Black Water Lake.

Every time he flew a certain distance, Mu Rufeng released ten huge poison gas bombs.

In just over 20 minutes, Mu Rufeng ran through the entire Black Water Lake.

It can be said that the entire Black Water Lake has now turned purple-black, and the Black Water Lake can be renamed Purple Water Lake.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV27 porcupine, experience +2700, points +27, killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 2700 experience points]


[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV28 poisonous porcupine (elite), experience +5600, points +56, killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 5600 experience points]


[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV28 black water python, experience 2800, points +28, killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 2800 experience points]


[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV30 black water python (elite), experience +6000, points +60, killed the monster above the level, and got an additional 6000 experience points]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV18, get 2 free attribute points, and 2 skill points can be freely allocated]

"18, it's really hard to upgrade." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

If he hadn't used a cheat, it would take at least a week for others to reach level 18.

Calculating the time, it has only been more than two hours since he left the safe zone.

The most important thing is that from level 15 onwards, the experience required for the level does not need to be doubled, but is constant, and will continue to increase after reaching level 20.

Listening to the constant killing prompt sound in his ears, Mu Rufeng was a little concerned that he had not encountered a commander-level monster yet.


Just at this time, a terrifying roar resounded from the bottom of the lake.

Then, the waters in the center of the Black Water Lake began to ripple.

In just a few seconds, a whirlpool with a diameter of 100 meters was generated.

"Hua La La~~!"

A huge figure jumped out of the whirlpool and rushed straight into the sky.

"Is this a dragon?" Mu Rufeng looked at the black dragon that was a hundred feet long in the distance and was a little confused.

Dragon, this is a black dragon. This is the first time that Mu Rufeng has seen this kind of mythical creature.

[Black Water Dragon (Lord Level)]: The ruler of the Black Water Lake, an extremely powerful black water dragon.

Level: 30

HP: 1000000

Attack Power: 25000-30000

Special Attributes: Possessing a strong body and terrifying recovery ability, can fly in the air...


"Lord-level Black Water Dragon!!!" Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Hua La La~~!"

Four more figures jumped out of the vortex, one by one floating above the water.

[Black Water Grass Leader (Leader Level)]: The leader of the Black Water Grass tribe, with an extremely soft and tough body, and strong digestion ability.

Level: 30


[Black Water Giant Crocodile Leader (Leader Level)]: The leader of the Black Water Crocodile tribe, with extremely powerful strength and hard skin, and unparalleled bite force.

Level: 30


[Poisonous Porpoise Leader (Leader Level)]: The leader of the porpoise tribe, has an extremely fast speed in the water, unmatched by anyone, and possesses extremely powerful poison.

Level: 30


[Black Water Python Commander (Commander Level)]: The leader of the Black Water Python clan, with extremely tough scales and a soft body, and extremely powerful strangling power.

Level: 30


Unlike the Black Water Dragon, these four commander-level monsters all have purple light on their bodies, and they are losing blood every second, but the blood loss is not much.

This also proves that these four commander-level monsters are poisoned.

Only the Black Water Dragon is the most powerful and is directly immune to the poison.

"One lord-level monster, four commander-level monsters, haha, this is going to make a fortune." Mu Rufeng's heart beat faster unconsciously.

"Roar!" The Black Water Dragon hovered in the air and roared at Mu Rufeng.

Then, the four commanders rushed towards Mu Rufeng one after another.

"Just right, try my new level 15 skill."

Mu Rufeng was not afraid at all, but was extremely looking forward to it.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng raised his right hand and pointed the magic wand at the four monsters.

A red fireball the size of a basin appeared, and then four basin-thick scorching rays shot out.

These four scorching rays instantly penetrated the heads of the four commanders.

A smell of barbecue and burnt meat drifted in.


At the same time as the penetration, a series of explosions occurred in the bodies of the four commanders.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV30 Black Water Python Commander (Commander Level), experience +100,000, points +120, kill the monster above the level, get an additional 100,000 experience points, kill the commander-level monster, get an additional 100,000 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV30 commander-level monster, get an additional point +300, experience +100,000, do you want to make a full copy announcement? 】

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV30 Black Water Giant Crocodile (Commander Level)...

This wave directly earned 1.3 million experience points. (40W+30W+30W+30W)

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV19, and you get 2 free attribute points, and 2 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Level]: LV19 (301400/1638400)

"It's level 19, I wonder if I can reach level 20 by killing this lord Black Water Dragon?" Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the Black Water Dragon.

It seemed that it saw Mu Rufeng kill its four little brothers, so it was extremely angry, opened its bloody mouth, and a black death ray came straight at Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng's reaction was also very fast. Almost when the other party opened his mouth, Mu Rufeng's scorching ray had already erupted.

The scorching ray with a green halo and poisonous ray collided with the black death ray in mid-air.

There was no shock wave, nor a huge roar.

I saw Mu Rufeng's scorching rays almost crushing the death rays, and then directly sank into the bloody mouth of the black water dragon.

Thanks to Lie Yanyanyi for the 1,500 points reward! Thanks to Hu Hu, book friend 170109212429696, and Qingshan Jianwo He Rushi for the 100 points reward!

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