I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 223 Opening the Ranking List, the Secret of Giant Copper [10,000 words]


A series of explosions sounded again.

The body of the black water dragon was blown into pieces, and then fell into the water.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV30 black water dragon (Lord level), experience value +500,000, points +240, kill the monster above the level, get an additional 500,000 experience points, kill the lord-level monster, get an additional 500,000 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV30 lord-level monster, get an additional point +300, experience value +500,000, do you want to make a full copy announcement? ]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV20, get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Congratulations to the player for reaching LV20 for the first time, get an additional point +200, do you want to make a full copy announcement? 】

"Wow, two million experience points for one monster, that's too much." Mu Rufeng smiled when he saw that he had reached level 20.

"Announcement, announcement, all announcements!"

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng ignored the multiple prompts in his ears and flew directly into the Black Water Lake.

There was no way, all the good things that the five monsters exploded fell into the lake.

If Mu Rufeng wanted to pick them up, he had to enter the water.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng's flame armor was not afraid of the lake water and toxins in the Black Water Lake.

After a while, Mu Rufeng picked up the items that the five monsters exploded into the inventory, and then broke out of the water directly.


Somewhere in the wilderness area.

"Purple equipment exploded, purple equipment exploded!" Qu Lianhong looked at the purple on the ground and exclaimed immediately.

"I'm lucky, I actually got purple equipment." Cheng Youlin on the side gasped and was also surprised.

Zhou Wen stepped forward and picked up the purple equipment, and a happy look appeared on his face: "It's the Corpse Demon Wand, a level 10 purple equipment."

"I'm a mage, I'll use this equipment first." Zhou Wen looked at everyone and said.

Everyone heard this and all raised their hands in agreement, no one objected.

[Congratulations to the player ''Salted Fish Zombie King'' for being the first to kill a LV30 commander-level monster. Hereby a full dungeon announcement is made! ]


[Congratulations to the player ''Salted Fish Zombie King'' for being the first to kill a LV30 lord-level monster Black Water Dragon. Hereby a full dungeon announcement is made! ]


[Congratulations to the player ''Salted Fish Zombie King'' for being the first to reach LV20. Hereby a full dungeon announcement is made! ]


[The first player to achieve the level 20 achievement, the points ranking list is opened, the level ranking list is opened, and the equipment ranking list is opened]

A series of announcements directly made Zhou Wen and others look confused.

When everyone reacted, they exclaimed immediately.

"Fuck, is this true?"

"What the hell is going on? Not only did he kill a level 30 leader monster, but he also killed a level 30 lord monster?"

"Hey, hey, hey, level 20, this guy is level 20, how long has it been announced that he has reached level 10?"

"We worked so hard, and only Zhou's team has the highest level, how come everyone else is already level 20."

"This is too incredible, right? How did he level up? How did he kill a level 30 lord monster?"

A group of people were talking about it, their faces full of amazement.

"This, this..." Zhou Wen didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Wait, it seems that the last announcement has three rankings opened, right? Let me take a look." Cheng Youlin immediately opened the level rankings.

What came into view was a series of level rankings.

[Level Ranking]:

1. LV20, ID Salty Fish Zombie King (Mage)

2. LV9, Wade Morgan (Warrior)

3. LV8, ID Murong Qifengle (Mage)

4. LV8, Chu Feng (Warrior)

5. LV8, ID Milky White Snow (Warrior)

Chopin (Mage)

7. LV8, Kiyota Eijiro (Warrior)

8. LV7, ID Ruan Ruan Ruan Ruan (Warrior)

9. LV7, Li Zaihu (Warrior)

10. LV7, Zhou Liulong (Warrior)

11. LV7, ID Xiaoguaiguai (Warrior)

20. LV7, Zhou Wen (Mage)

The ranking shows the top 100, but the gap is also very obvious.

The first place is LV20, which is more than double the gap with the second place.

The gap is not too big behind.

"Ah? Captain Zhou is only the 20th?" A contractor screamed suddenly.

"Really? It's normal that the Salted Fish Zombie King is the first, but why is the second one a foreigner? Hey, it seems that there are Japanese and Korean people."

"Sure enough, among the 100,000 people, there are third-level contractors in the world."

"To be honest, this Salted Fish Zombie King is really amazing. The LV20 level blinded my dog ​​eyes."

A crowd of people talked about the level ranking list.

"It's also good to be ranked 20th among the 100,000 people." Zhou Wen said with a smile.

Being able to rank in the top 20 is still due to the fact that the contractors behind them all beat the monsters to low health and left it to Zhou Wen to finish off.

At first, Zhou Wen was unwilling and wanted everyone to upgrade together.

But after a discussion, everyone finally decided to let Captain Zhou upgrade first.

Because level does not have much advantage in the early stage, only when you reach level ten will you have an additional skill that will make a big improvement.

Of course, equipment is also an extremely important existence.

When one person reaches a high level, he can lead others to upgrade monsters. In this way, upgrading is actually faster than everyone upgrading at the same time.

"Damn it, take a look at the equipment rankings." Cheng Youlin exclaimed.

After hearing this, the group quickly checked the equipment rankings.

【Equipment Ranking】

1. [Dragon Tooth Staff] LV30 (Golden Legend) Owner: Salted Fish Zombie King

2. [Dragon Tooth Sword] LV30 (Golden Legend)

3. [Dragon Tooth Blade] LV30 (Golden Legend)

4. [Dragon Scale Armor] LV30 (Golden Legend)

5. [Black Scale Armor] LV30 (orange)

6. [Black Water Python Robe] LV30 (orange)

7. [Giant Crocodile Hammer] LV30 (orange)

15. [Heart of Earth Dragon] LV20 (orange)

25. [Ghoul Poison Staff] LV10 (red)

50. [Earth Dragon Armor] LV20 (Purple)

100. [Poison Stinger] LV15 (Purple) Owner: Salted Fish Zombie King

The first hundred, all of them belong to the Salted Fish Zombie King.

Zhou Wen glanced at the level 10 purple quality wand in his hand, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and then put it directly into the inventory.

The equipment ranked 100th is also LV15. He really can't get rid of this level 10 purple equipment.

"Fuck you."

"Is this fake? It's so fake."

"One hundred, all the equipment on this ranking list are the equipment of the Salted Fish Zombie King???"

"The attributes of the purple equipment at level 10 are so good, so what attributes does the golden legend at level 30 have?"

"Oh my god, if you give this to me, I won't take off directly."

"Speaking of which, I feel like we are not in the same game. The explosion rate of this salty zombie king is too high."

All the contractors immediately started talking, unable to believe their eyes.

"This dungeon has been converted into a game dungeon. When playing the game, the first kill usually has a higher explosion rate. Is this the reason?" Cheng Youlin said.

"It makes sense." Qu Lianhong nodded in agreement.

"I really don't know which area this boss is from. I wish I could hold his thigh."

"Yes, just a few pieces of equipment can let us take off."

From the original exclamation, it suddenly turned into the topic of whether it can take off if it is hugged on the lap.

"Enough rest. This boss is working so hard, so we can't fall behind. We must upgrade to level ten as soon as possible, so that we can upgrade everyone." Zhou Wen stood up and said.

"Yes, upgrade, upgrade, upgrade."

All the people responded one after another, their momentum was like a rainbow.

The most important thing is that the name "Salted Fish Zombie King" sounds like China's online name. This can also make some domestic contractors feel proud.

As for the points ranking list, everyone subconsciously ignored it.

Because they still don’t know what the function of points is.

Somewhere in the wilderness.

Wade Morgan looked at the ranking list with a terrifyingly gloomy expression.

Then he opened the equipment ranking list again, and looked at the level 15 purple blade in his hand, and his face became even more gloomy.

He is second in the level ranking list, and he knows it very well. As for the equipment ranking list, no matter what, he thinks that he should be in the top twenty, right?

From this look, well, there are none in the first hundred, and these hundred pieces of equipment all belong to the same person.

How can this not make Master Wade so angry?

Watching the contractors he recruited exclaim from time to time made Wade even more annoyed.

"Get up and keep catching monsters for me to upgrade." Wade said coldly.

"Ah? Master Wade, we haven't even had a two-minute break." A contractor said.

"Go if you are told, why are you talking so much nonsense?" a subordinate immediately scolded.

Everyone had no choice but to get up and continue to capture the monster.

Somewhere in a wilderness area.

The dragon appeared alone at the entrance to a cave on Saturday.

The entrance to the cave is so narrow that a small child can barely pass through.


A small sound came from inside, and then, a python came out of the hole.

Saturday Long stood at the entrance of the cave. When he saw the python's head coming out, he waved the sharp blade in his hand and slashed out a sword energy.

The sharp sword energy wrapped around the sharp blade easily cut off the python's head.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV10 green-skinned python, experience +400, points +10, skipping the level and killing the monster, and gaining an additional 400 experience points]

"Okay, okay, food dropped again." Saturday Long quickly picked up the fallen food and put it in the inventory.

Then, the python's headless body was seen instantly retracting into the cave.

Saturday Long also quickly threw the python head into the hole.

Soon, there was a rustling sound inside, and soon, another python came out of the hole. Saturday Dragon had no time to rest and chopped down again.

The python's head was chopped off again, and then the head was thrown into the hole as before.

"My dear, it's time to take a break, I need to regain my strength." Saturday Long suddenly shouted towards the back.

"Coming, coming." A small and exquisite girl ran over from not far away.

He trotted over with a mace that was taller than her on his shoulders.

"Brother Long, please rest and let me do it." Little Guaiguai immediately replaced Saturday Long's position.

When a python came out, he immediately swung the mace and smashed the python's head to pieces with a hammer.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV10 green-skinned python, the experience value is +400, the points are +10, and the monster is killed by leapfrogging, and an additional 400 experience points are obtained]

Saturday Dragon did not leave, but stood on the other side of the cave entrance to prevent little Guaiguai from causing problems and letting the python escape.

Resting somewhere is not resting anyway.

"Brother Long, you are reliable and you have found a good place to kill monsters." Xiao Guaiguai said with a smile.

"It's just good luck, but when you reach level ten, you have to change places." Saturday Long said.

"It's such a good place. It would be too bad to leave at level 10. It would be better to go to level 11." Little Guaiguai said again.

If you reach level 10, you won't have the experience of over-level killing. However, with such a good place, you can't give up.

"Okay." Saturday Long nodded.

Suddenly, a series of announcements appeared in their minds at the same time.

It seemed that the little boy was a little confused by the announcement, and he didn't even attack immediately when a python's head came out.

Fortunately, Longan was quick on Saturday and chopped off his head with a knife.

Otherwise, if the python escapes, it will take a lot of effort to kill it.

"My dear, feel free to fight monsters." Saturday Long reminded.

"Ah, okay, Brother Long, I was wrong." Xiaoguai stuck out his tongue and immediately prepared himself.

However, I still took a break and checked the rankings.

"Ah, Brother Long, look, our levels are actually only ranked tenth and eleventh. Wow, the number one zombie king is already level 20, which is so powerful."

Little Guaiguai exclaimed.

"It's a bit unexpected. I thought we could be ranked in the top five, but I didn't expect that there are so many good people." Saturday Long was also a little surprised.

You must know that they found this place when they were at level 3.

They are not weak in the early stage, so they can kill LV10 monsters.

Relying on this narrow hole to spawn monsters, it can be said that there is almost no pause.

In this way, Saturday Dragon felt that their level was at the forefront, but unexpectedly they could only be regarded as the second tier.

There was a sound of "Bang!"

The little boy smashed a python to death again and picked up the fallen soul money.

"This" Suddenly, there was a hint of shock in Saturday Long's tone.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoguaiguai asked.

"You, take a look at the equipment rankings for yourself." Saturday Long said in amazement.

"Let me take a look." Xiao Guaiguai immediately opened the equipment ranking list.

Then, Xiao Guaiguai froze on the spot.

"Shua!" Saturday Long cut off the head of a python with a knife, and then reminded the little boy again.

Little Guaiguai didn't even respond. Instead, he exclaimed: "Oh my God, Brother Long, Brother Long, all the equipment in the top 100 belongs to that salty zombie king."

"Golden legend, the first few items are all golden legends."

"Oh, it's really irritating to see people compare to each other. Okay, let's clear up the monsters." Saturday Long sighed and said.

"This Salted Fish Zombie King is really awesome. It would be great if I could team up with him." Little Guaiguai said with an expectant look on his face, and at the same time, he picked up the mace and killed a python again.

Saturday Long didn't speak, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Salted Fish Zombie King, this name was somewhat familiar to him, because it was Mu Rufeng's WeChat name.

"Is it Mu Rufeng? Or is it a coincidence?" Saturday Long thought in his mind.

"Wow, Brother Long, look at the equipment rankings. They've been refreshed again. Oh my God, there's actually an epic piece of equipment. Two pieces of golden legend have also been refreshed." Little Guaiguai exclaimed immediately.

"Huh? Let's take a look." Saturday Dragon refreshed the rankings, and sure enough, the first place has become an epic piece of equipment.

Moreover, there are two more pieces of golden legendary equipment on the top ranking list.

As for the person who belongs, it is naturally the Salted Fish Zombie King.

A fiery red light lit up from the bottom of the lake, and immediately after, Mu Rufeng was seen breaking through the water.

Looking at the golden equipment in the inventory, a smile spread across his face.

The attributes are very powerful, but it's a pity that you need to be at level 30 to wear it, and Mu Rufeng is only at level 20 now.

However, Mu Rufeng still replaced all his equipment with a set of level 20 red equipment.

As for the weapon, it has not been changed, it is still a level 10 corpse poison wand.

At this moment, another vortex slowly formed.

There was a flash of purple light at the bottom of the whirlpool, and not long after, a treasure box emitting purple light was seen floating above the water.

"Treasure box? Is there a treasure box you can get after defeating the monsters?"

However, Mu Rufeng was a little dumbfounded in the next scene.

I saw that this treasure chest suddenly grew two big eyes, plus four limbs.

After glancing at Mu Rufeng, Sayazi started running wildly on the water.

That speed definitely reached eighty yards.

[Purple Mimic]: A purple quality Mimic that will appear after killing the Black Water Dragon Lord. It runs very fast. If it is killed, it will drop good things.

Level: 30

Attack power: 0

HP: 100000

Special attribute: running fast.

"Purple treasure chest monster? Great, very good." Mu Rufeng smiled immediately.

If it was an ordinary treasure chest, maybe nothing good would come out, because it couldn't be the thousand-fold explosion rate applicable to him.

But the treasure chest monster is different, it is equivalent to a monster, and after the monster is killed, it will naturally be applicable to his predecessor's explosion rate.

"Run fast? Hehe, can running be faster than flying?" A large amount of compressed flames instantly sprayed out from behind Mu Rufeng.

A huge sense of pushing back came, and soon, Mu Rufeng caught up with the fleeing treasure chest monster.

[Purple treasure chest monster]: ...

Level: 30

Attack power: 0

HP: 77500

Special attribute: running fast.

Status: poisoned

Mu Rufeng suddenly found that a green number of 500 points would float above the treasure chest monster every second.

Obviously, the treasure chest monster was poisoned.

At this rate, Mu Rufeng might not even have to do anything, as the treasure chest monster would be poisoned to death.

The treasure chest monster seemed to have discovered Mu Rufeng in the sky, and became a little anxious, running three times faster.

Immediately, a scorching ray directly hit the treasure chest monster.

Suddenly, five items fell out, including a large amount of soul notes, blood medicine and blue medicine.

Two pieces of equipment emitting golden light, one emitting orange light, and the remaining two were a token and a bottle of purple potion.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew over and collected all the dropped items.

There was no need to mention blood medicine and blue medicine, he had dropped a lot before, just to replenish health and mana.

There was also a lot of soul notes, a full one million.

The purple potion was the experience value potion.

[Experience value potion]: Drinking it can increase one million experience points.

[Water-avoiding Ring]: A ring with magical power.

Level limit: 30

Professional limit: None

Equipment part: Ring

Equipment quality: Golden Legend

Special attributes: All attributes +100, attack power +500, defense power +200, water attribute resistance +500, immune to 80% of water attribute attacks, can open a dry road in the raging waves, walk in the water as if walking on flat ground, and can breathe freely in the water.

Additional skills: [Treading on water without leaving traces]...

[Millennium Peach Wood Sword]: This is a peach wood sword made of a thousand-year-old peach tree, which has extremely powerful evil-killing attributes.

Level limit: 30

Professional limit: Warlock

Attack power: 5000

Equipment quality: Golden Legend

Special attributes: All attributes +100, the spell cast by the warlock, the spell power is enhanced by 30%, and the damage to monsters with evil attributes is increased by 30%.

Additional skills: [Sword Control]... [Demon Slaying]...

[Unlimited Divine Equipment]: This is a piece of equipment that breaks the restrictions.

Level limit: 20

Professional limit: None

Equipment part: Ring

Equipment quality: Epic

Special attribute: All attributes +200, when wearing this equipment, you can break the limit and wear equipment that is ten levels higher than your own.

"Fuck!" When Mu Rufeng finished reading the attributes of the equipment, he was shocked.

He never thought that there was such equipment.

Without any hesitation, Mu Rufeng directly wore the unlimited divine equipment on his body.

At the same time, because of the attributes of the equipment, Mu Rufeng can also wear level 30 equipment at level 20.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng directly replaced his weapon with a level 30 golden legendary dragon tooth staff.

Then, he replaced all his equipment. It can be said that the worst equipment on his body was orange.

Mu Rufeng felt that his strength had increased again, and then he opened his virtual attribute panel.

[Name]: Salty Fish Zombie King

[Age]: 24

[Occupation]: Mage

[Level]: LV20 (200400/3276800)

[Strength]: 14650.4 (related to the physical damage caused by oneself)

[Spirit]: 14440.1 (related to the blue bar and magic damage of oneself)

[Constitution]: 14440.1 (related to the health bar and defense of oneself)

Life: 999999+

Mana: 999999+

Attack power: 999999+

Defense power: 999999+

[Attribute points]: 0

[Points]: 25123

Compared to before, his attributes have more than doubled.

And this is not just a doubling of strength, but a multiple increase.

These level 30 high-quality equipment are really too outrageous.

Mu Rufeng also found the ranking list at this time, and immediately opened the level ranking list and took a look.

"The second place is actually level nine, and the upgrade is quite fast." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

Then he looked at the equipment rankings again, and he was also shocked by the sudden appearance of [Salted Fish Zombie King].

Then, he had a faint smile on his face.

Yes, his thousand-fold explosion rate and monster spawning speed are simply outrageous.

Finally, Mu Rufeng opened the points rankings.

He ranked first with 25,000 points.

And Wade Morgan, who ranked second, only had more than 3,800 points. The gap is not a little bit.

After closing the leaderboard, Mu Rufeng took out the last item in the treasure chest monster, a token.

[Dragon Palace (game copy)]: With this token, you can go to the bottom of the lake in the center of the Black Water Lake and enter the Dragon Palace copy.

Note: The average level of the Dragon Palace copy is level 40. Please note that it is best to go there in a team.

"Huh? Game copy?" Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately.

For Mu Rufeng, this copy is a good place to upgrade.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng remembered something again, and quickly opened the virtual panel and started to scroll up to see the prompts.

Soon, Mu Rufeng saw what he wanted to see.

[Congratulations to player Salted Fish Zombie King for successfully killing the regional lord BOSS, Black Water Dragon. You only need to clear all the remaining monsters in area 008 to complete the clearance task]

"So, I am in area 008, and now the biggest BOSS in this area has been killed by me. As long as all the monsters in the area are eliminated, you can complete the clearance task and return?"

There were too many prompts before, and Mu Rufeng thought he had heard it wrong. Now it seems that it is true.

"It's really boring. Is it going to be cleared now?" Mu Rufeng felt the powerful power contained in himself, and still felt a little unsatisfied.

Afterwards, he flipped up again and saw another prompt.

[Congratulations to player Salted Fish Zombie King for reaching LV20 and returning to the safe zone to find Giant Copper for the second job transfer]

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. Go back to the safe zone first and talk about the second job transfer later." Mu Rufeng shrugged. If he really wants to return, then that's the only way.

But no matter what, he was really happy in this dungeon.

Safe Zone No. 008.

At this moment, the safe zone is quite lively.

People come and go, and some contractors even set up stalls to sell equipment, food and even props.

"Brothers, come and have a look, freshly baked bread and mineral water, ten soul coins, only ten soul coins, take them all home."

"Magic wands, wooden swords and knives, all are top-quality equipment, is there anyone who wants to take a look? Only props are exchanged, no soul coins are accepted."

There are many monsters in the wilderness, and some groups that have exhausted their physical strength and mana will return to the safe zone to rest.

So, in just a few hours, a small trading market was formed.

Not all areas can form dozens of groups at a time.

Most of them are three or five, and there are even many people who are alone.

Of course, after being alone, knowing the danger, they will naturally seek to form a team.

In an open space, some people sat in groups of three or two, eating bread and drinking water, and resting.

"Alas, every time I look at this equipment ranking, my heart is shocked." A contractor sighed and said.

"Isn't it? Look at the epic equipment above, and then look at the green equipment in my hand. It's just fucked up."

"You still have green equipment, look, I only have one white equipment."

"Alas, it's all tears if I say too much."

"By the way, what's the matter with this salted fish boss? He actually has so many equipment."

"That's right, could it be that he has super props and abilities, so he is so abnormal?"

"I think he must have opened a plug-in, otherwise, how could he be so powerful."

"Although this is a converted game copy, this is a real weird copy, where does the plug-in come from?"

"I really hope to meet the boss, so that I can lick it and maybe he can give me some equipment." A fat young man said with hope.

"Go away, you guy, don't embarrass our team, okay?" A warrior girl said with disgust.


Everyone laughed when they heard it.

"Hey? Look, what is that?" Suddenly, a contractor pointed to the outside of the safe zone and said.

Everyone looked over when they heard it.

They saw a fiery red light rushing from the depths of the fog.

Everyone thought it was a monster coming, and they all stood up and stared at the fiery red figure.

But they didn't care much, after all, this was a safe zone.

Even the strongest BOSS in this area couldn't enter.

But, the next second, everyone was dumbfounded.

Because the fiery red figure easily entered the safe zone directly, and then came to their top.

"Fuck, the monster came into the safe zone." A contractor shouted.

All of a sudden, all the contractors who were still in the safe zone panicked.

"Monster? Where is the monster?"

The fire gradually dissipated, revealing Mu Rufeng's figure wrapped in armor.

"Ah, the monster can talk." The contractor shouted again.

Mu Rufeng looked at the fat man below and shook his head. It turned out that the monster he was talking about was Mu Rufeng himself.

"I'm not a monster." Mu Rufeng slowly fell from the sky.

Mu Rufeng didn't take back the flame armor, which was also to cover his face. He just retracted the flame armor a little, and the light became weaker.

"Huh? It's a contractor. You really scared me to death."

Everyone was relieved when they saw that Mu Rufeng was a contractor.

That is to say, if it was a monster, how could it enter the safe zone?

"Please move aside." Mu Rufeng said to those people.

"Okay, okay, but what is the flame armor outside? Equipment? So cool." The fat man said.

"Yes, handsome, you can actually fly." The warrior girl also said.

"Didn't you say it, flame armor, a level 10 skill of the fire mage." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Really? Flame armor is so cool? Then I have to upgrade quickly." The fat man's eyes lit up.

Soon, the group of contractors moved away.

Without waiting for those people to ask questions, Mu Rufeng directly hit the ground with a fireball spell.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared.

This terrifying power scared all the contractors present.

Especially the mages who have awakened the fireball spell, their fireballs are probably not even one-tenth of the power of this fireball.

Mu Rufeng was weakened many times. Otherwise, if he burst out with all his strength, if he was not in the safe zone, I am afraid that these contractors would be killed by the aftermath.

There were quite a few people in the entire safe zone, more than 20 of them, and they all surrounded him at this moment.

There was no way, Mu Rufeng's current appearance was too eye-catching.

"Fuck, what are you doing? You scared me." The fat man was startled.

"I have something to do with Ju Tong, but this guy doesn't know how to shout, so I can only do this." Mu Rufeng explained.

At this moment, the ground began to shake, and then the earth quickly cracked, and Ju Tong slowly rose from the ground.

"Who dared to disturb my sleep." Ju Tong opened his eyes, and then glanced around, his tone was extremely angry.

However, when his eyes fell on Mu Rufeng, his eyes paused slightly.

"This player, I wonder what you want to wake me up for?" Ju Tong's tone suddenly became very good.

"I'm level 20 and I want to change my job." Mu Rufeng said.

Hearing this, Ju Tong was silent again. After a long time, he said, "I didn't expect someone to reach level 20 so quickly. You go to the depths of the fog and kill 20 monsters of level 20 and above to complete the task."

"Or kill two LV20 elite monsters, or a LV15 commander-level monster."

"Commander-level monster? Does that count?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, then took out the head of the black water dragon and threw it on the ground.

"This is the lord-level monster Black Water Dragon in our area? You... You killed the lord-level monster Black Water Dragon?"

Ju Tong's voice was trembling at this moment.

Mu Rufeng thought the dragon was so rare at the time, so he put its head in the inventory, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" The fat man on the side said three times in a row, which surprised everyone.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Soon, a series of fucks broke out from everyone's mouths.

At this time, they realized that the LV20 super giant, the Salted Fish Zombie King, was the man in flame armor in front of them.

"Yes, he killed it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Great, it's really great, Mr. Zombie King, you don't mind me calling you that, right?" Ju Tong suddenly became a little excited.

"Of course I don't mind, and can I change my job now?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"Of course, I will change your job for you right now." Ju Tong finished speaking and stretched out his hand towards Mu Rufeng.

[Congratulations to the player, you have completed Ju Tong's task and successfully completed the second job change. ]

[Congratulations to the player, the first person to successfully change his job to a second-time mage, points +100, whether to make a full dungeon announcement]


[Congratulations to the player...]

Then, without waiting for everyone to react, Ju Tong grabbed the head of the black water dragon and put it directly to his mouth.

"Crack, crack!"

Ju Tong began to swallow the head of the black water dragon bite by bite.

After a while, he ate the entire head of the Black Water Dragon.

Immediately, the body of the giant copper began to shrink, and finally became the size of an ordinary person.

"Mr. Zombie King, now you just need to clear all the monsters in each area to complete the clearance task."

"The lord-level monster Black Water Dragon has been killed by you. I can use my own power to clear the remaining monsters." The giant copper said.

"Haha, great, as expected, I was very wise to hide in the safe zone at the beginning. It's really cool to be led by the big guy." A mixed-up contractor laughed suddenly.

Other contractors despised this mixed-up, but they were also happy in their hearts.

After all, no matter what, they had safely passed this copy.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Rufeng looked at the giant copper and said.

There was no need for the giant copper to tell him these things, just get started, so Mu Rufeng felt that the giant copper should have something to tell him.

"Mr. Zombie King, are you interested in going to other areas to kill lord-level monsters?" Ju Tong said.

"Go to other areas? Can I go?" Mu Rufeng was immediately interested when he heard this.

He was not satisfied yet, and now he could go to other areas to kill monsters, which was naturally not to be missed.

"Of course, I have this authority, and the bronze statues in every area have this authority."

"I'm just saying that I'm worried that you will return directly at that time." Ju Tong said.

"Haha, of course I won't. If you can let me go to other areas, it will be a great help to me." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No, no, no, it should be you who helped me a lot. You kill monsters, and I can also gain energy. When you return, your fire marks will all belong to me."

"I'm not afraid of you knowing that there are a thousand areas and a thousand bronze statues."

"Finally, when you return, it will be a battle between our thousand bronze statues. We will defeat other bronze statues and then absorb and fuse their power."

"Finally, the top ten will be decided, and the top ten will be able to build a brand new city on the wilderness with the bronze statue as the center." Ju Tong said slowly.

Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.

Even though he had some guesses before, he was still a little shocked when he heard Ju Tong say so.

It turned out that this Ju Tong was actually the foundation for building a new city in the wilderness in the future. No wonder, no wonder the name of this copy is called: Wilderness Pioneer.

It can be said that these players are real pioneers.

The contractors on the side were also shocked at this moment. It turned out that this copy was like this.

"What is the use of points." Mu Rufeng said.

"Points can be used to rent or purchase real estate or even create group forces in the built city." Ju Tong said slowly.

"What? You mean that points can be used to purchase or even create group forces in the newly built city?" Mu Rufeng's heart became a little uneasy at this moment.

"Yes, and points are very valuable. Although they cannot be traded to others, they are very valuable in purchasing real estate." Ju Tong said.

"In other words, in the newly built city, we can use points to purchase or create group companies first?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about the lack of local residents after the city is built. The weird world is the weirdest!" Ju Tong said.

"Wow, it's over. If I knew it earlier, I would definitely not be lazy."

"It's over, it's over. Is it too late for me to kill monsters now?"

Several scoundrels regretted it on the side.

They are all third-level contractors. Even if they are not from the relevant departments, as long as they are registered, they have been informed of some news in advance by the state.

The strange world will affect the real world to a greater extent as time goes by.

They don't know the time, but they know that sooner or later there will be such a day.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Jutong. I have to go to other areas to kill monsters." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

Recommend a friend's book "Peerless Sword Immortal! Sign in to Emei for Three Hundred Years"

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