I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 224 The real dragon parasitized by evil insects [ask for monthly votes]

Ju Tong heard this and said, "Then I will destroy all the monsters in our area."

"Wait a minute, I also got a token that allows me to enter the Dragon Palace instance. Will this have any impact?" Mu Rufeng said suddenly.

"What? It's actually the Dragon Palace dungeon token? You... you killed the Mimic and it exploded?" Ju Tong was shocked.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"That's great, sir, your luck is also a little too good. There is only a one in ten thousand chance of this happening." Ju Tong said with some surprise.

"One in ten thousand." Mu Rufeng murmured.

The probability is one in ten thousand, and then he has a thousand times explosion rate. Calculated from this, the real explosion rate is one in ten?

And his luck value is also high, plus it was the first kill, so he exploded?

"Mr. Zombie King, the Dragon Palace dungeon is extremely important to me. However, the monster levels in the Dragon Palace dungeon are all level 40, and there are even king-level monsters. With your current level, it may be a bit difficult."

"How about you go to other areas to kill monsters and upgrade them to level 30 before forming a team?" Ju Tong said.

"It's not necessary. It's just a level 40 monster. It's easy for me to catch." Mu Rufeng waved her hand.

"Okay, then I will destroy all the monsters in our area now." Jutong said immediately.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to speak, he saw the fat man on the side said quickly: "Well, Mr. Jutong, wait a moment."

"Boss, don't we kill these monsters ourselves? We get points by killing them ourselves. If Mr. Giant Copper takes action, we won't be able to get the points."

"Mr. Jutong also said just now that points are very important."

When the contractors on the side heard this, they also agreed one after another.

Points were so important as Ju Copper said, and they didn't want to give up the points from the monsters that still existed.

"Yes, I just wanted to say that if you kill, wouldn't the points be gone?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Don't worry about this. After I kill all the monsters, the points will be obtained in proportion to the monsters you clear off."

"The most important thing is that if I kill monsters, the points will be based on the highest level. It will not be said that the points obtained by killing low-level monsters at high levels will be reduced."

"In addition, you can also gain experience points. Of course, this is also obtained in the same proportion." Ju Tong said.

"That's a good feeling." The fat man heard this and immediately agreed.

Although they may not account for the majority, they can definitely gain a lot of points.

As for the majority of the points, it goes without saying that it must have been won by Mu Rufeng.

The few bastard contractors on the side heard this and opened their mouths, wanting to speak, but they did not dare to speak out.

Several people looked at each other, full of regret.

They almost didn't go out to fight monsters. They were all still at level one. What's the ratio? I'm afraid I won't even get any hair.

Immediately, these five people burst out of the foggy area like flying.

What is this for? Of course it's to kill monsters.

Even if you only kill one monster, you will definitely get a certain amount of experience points and points according to the proportion. Although it is very small, it is better than nothing.

Mu Rufeng also saw the movements of the five people, and it was immediately clear to him that he didn't care. It was none of his business anyway.

"Mr. Jutong, then I will go to Blackwater Lake to brush up the copy of Dragon Palace first." Mu Rufeng said hello, and then his body began to slowly levitate.

"Boss, boss, do you have any equipment that you don't need? Give some to me. I will be very grateful."

Suddenly, at this moment, the fat man came up and shouted towards Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? You are quite thick-skinned." Mu Rufeng suddenly became speechless.

Immediately, he saw a large number of blue equipment, purple equipment, red equipment, and even orange equipment with a wave of his hand.

In this way, on the ground, it was instantly scattered all over the ground, and even piled up. The flickering light simply blinded everyone's eyes.

"Fat man, you distribute it according to the needs. Everyone has a share." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he flew directly into the distance.

"Okay, boss, thank you, boss! I love you, boss! Boss, you will be my dad from now on!!!" The fat man was so excited that his speech was a little incoherent.

Mu Rufeng, who had just left the safe zone, staggered when she heard the fat man's words, then sped up and disappeared directly into the mist.

"What are you doing? Whatever you are doing, don't move. The big boss asked me to distribute it. Don't move. Otherwise, Mr. Giant Copper will take action."

The fat man saw that the contractors were already rushing towards the red and orange suits, and he immediately shouted.

Those contractors who were not part of a gang didn't bother paying attention to Fatty. It was a safe zone anyway, so there was nothing they could do.

But when the giant copper was mentioned later, they immediately froze.

There is nothing the contractor can do to take the contractor in the safe zone, but the giant copper may not be able to do anything about it.

"You and you, please hand over the equipment you just took out. I will definitely distribute it fairly and everyone will have it. However, don't take it privately." The fat man pointed at the three contractors and said.

Each of these three contractors took away several pieces of red equipment, and the sharp-eyed fat man saw them.

The three people looked at the fat man and said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense, we didn't take it, we are all waiting for the big brother to distribute it."

The three of them said shamelessly.

There are too many equipments on the ground. If they secretly take a few, they are not afraid of being discovered. Even if they are discovered, they just need to deny it. What else can they do?

"Mr. Jutong." The fat man looked at Jutong on the side.

Jutong heard this and said, "Mr. Zombie King said that the things belong to Zhang Deyu, so he will distribute them."

"You guys, take out the equipments, and the others who secretly took the equipments, otherwise, I don't mind showing you my methods."

"Did you hear me? Take them out quickly. Besides, I said that everyone must have a share. Don't you see how many equipments there are here?" The fat man said unhappily.

Those people were silent, as if they were afraid of Jutong's words. In the end, they still took out the equipments.

"That's right, okay, I will distribute them now, first the low-level ones, so that everyone can get a set of equipment."

Immediately, the fat man began to distribute the equipments.


Mu Rufeng was also flying fast in the wilderness.

Not to mention, this area is really big.

Before Mu Rufeng could reach the Black Water Lake, he saw a black light falling from the sky.

Each light could accurately hit the body of a certain monster.

No monster could withstand the attack of the black light.

Obviously, these attacks were all the means of the giant copper.

I have to say, it was really powerful.

During the flight, Mu Rufeng suddenly thought of something, and with a thought, a purple potion appeared on his palm.

Mu Rufeng opened it immediately and drank the potion.

[Swallow the experience potion, experience value +1000000]

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the Black Water Lake.

At this moment, the Black Water Lake was still black and purple, and there was no movement inside.

Even the black light had not descended. Obviously, the monsters in the Black Water Lake had been poisoned to death long ago.

Mu Rufeng came to the sky above the center of the Black Water Lake, took out the token, and directly poured mana into it.

The next second, the token burst into a dazzling light, and then the token turned into a ray of light and sank into the Black Water Lake from Mu Rufeng's hand.

When the token sank into the lake, ripples began to appear on the originally calm water surface.

Then, a huge vortex quickly formed.


A huge crystal gate slowly rose from the bottom of the water and from the vortex.

There was also a plaque above the crystal gate, on which were written the two big characters "Dragon Palace".

Then, under Mu Rufeng's gaze, the Dragon Palace gate slowly opened.

Behind the door, there was a brilliant light. Seeing this, Mu Rufeng did not hesitate too much, and flew in directly and disappeared.

When entering the Dragon Palace gate, Mu Rufeng felt a flash of light in front of his eyes.

When he regained his sight again, he was already standing in a somewhat dark palace.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that the palace was extremely huge. At the same time, there were many stone sculptures around, which seemed to be the guards of the palace.

[Congratulations to the player who has entered the Dragon Palace dungeon. The double event is now open. Within one hour, the experience points, explosion rate, and points will be doubled. ]

"Double event? Double experience points, explosion rate, and points?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He likes this kind of event the most.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack~~!"

It seems that because of Mu Rufeng's appearance, cracks appeared on the stone carvings.

Soon, the stone carvings cracked layer by layer, and then all fell off.

One by one, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals with rotten bodies and a strong fishy smell appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

[Shrimp Soldier (Elite)]: Ordinary shrimp soldiers, guards of the Dragon Palace gate.

Level: 33

HP: 200,000

Attack power: 10,000


[Crab General (Elite)]: Crab General, guard of the Dragon Palace gate.

Level: 35

HP: 250000

ATK: 12000

Attributes: ...

"It's really shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Is there a thousand-year-old turtle in there? Isn't the BOSS really a real dragon?" Mu Rufeng's eyes lit up immediately.

Before, he saw the black water dragon, although it was just a dragon, which also shocked Mu Rufeng.

Now he is going to see a dragon, which makes Mu Rufeng even more excited.

But Mu Rufeng looked at the rotten shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him, and Mu Rufeng had a bad premonition.

"Forget it, let's work first, and quickly break through this dungeon so that we can go to other wilderness areas to kill monsters."

Mu Rufeng waved the Dragon Fang in his hand, and suddenly, dozens of scorching rays as thick as foot basins appeared, instantly submerging the more than ten shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The scorching rays hit the pillars or buildings of the Dragon Palace directly without any hindrance.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV33 Shrimp Soldier (Elite), Experience +13200X2, Points +132X2, Killing a monster above the level, and getting an additional 13200X2 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV35 Crab General (Elite), Experience 14000X2, Points +140X2, Killing a monster above the level, and getting an additional 14000X2 experience points]

"Fuck." Mu Rufeng was startled and quickly withdrew his hand.

Mu Rufeng was startled by the ten huge burning rays that appeared.

Yes, the worst thing on his body now is orange clothes, and his weapons are golden legends, all of which are level 30.

In this way, it can be said that the power of the level 15 skill: Scorching Ray is even more powerful.

"It seems that I need to practice more. If I cast a single Scorching Ray, I have to reduce the mana used by one tenth."

"If the size is normal, I have to reduce some mana." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Huh? The buildings of this Dragon Palace are quite solid." Mu Rufeng glanced at the place hit by his Scorching Ray and found that there was no mark left.

No, it can't be said that there was no mark left, but the black unknown skin on the building was shattered, revealing the original appearance of the Dragon Palace building.

At this moment, the exposed main buildings actually emitted a crystal-colored light, which was extremely beautiful.

Obviously, these buildings are made of crystal.

"This double experience is so cool." Mu Rufeng felt so happy when he saw that a monster had 70,000 or 80,000 experience points.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the pile of fallen things on the ground, then picked up the soul notes, and then stepped over the items on the ground and walked into the Dragon Palace Hall.

In the hall, there were also many statues.

In addition to the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, there were also many tall shark monsters with shark heads.

In addition, in the innermost part of the hall, there was an even taller patrolling sea yaksha that looked like an evil ghost.

These stone sculptures were slowly waking up.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng had nothing to say, and was too lazy to wait for them to wake up. He directly shot out dozens of thick and hot rays.

Without any surprise, these monsters were destroyed by Mu Rufeng before they woke up, and not even a slag could be seen.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV33 Shrimp Soldier (Elite)...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV35 Crab General (Elite)...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV37 Trickster General (Elite), experience value +14800X2, points +148X2, kill a monster above the level, and get an additional 14800X2 experience points.]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV39 Patrol Yaksha (Commander), experience value 150000X2, points +390X2, kill a monster above the level, and get an additional 150000X2 experience points, kill a commander-level monster, and get an additional 150000X2 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill the LV39 commander-level monster Patrol Yaksha, and get an additional points +390X2, experience value +300000X2, do you want to make a full copy announcement? 】

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV21, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV22, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Level]: LV22 (501200/4915200)


Mu Rufeng replied, and then picked up the high-quality preparations and soul notes that fell on the ground, and continued to move inside.

While walking, Mu Rufeng also added all those attribute points to the spirit.

However, when he saw the remaining skill points, Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that he seemed to have not seen the skills he had learned after changing his job at level 20.

He immediately called out the skill tree, and then he saw the skill icon on the branch that was separated from the level 20.

However, Mu Rufeng first upgraded the level of the flame armor to level 10 MAX, and then upgraded the level 15 skill, the scorching ray, to level 10 MAX.

In this way, there are still eight skill points left.

[Scorching Ray MAX]: Condensing high-temperature rays with powerful fire magic power, when hitting the target, it will carry extremely high temperature and strong penetration. After reaching the maximum level, the ray range, temperature and speed will be increased.

Finally, Mu Rufeng put all the remaining eight skill points on the skill of level 20.

[Explosive Flame]: A huge fireball can be cast, the flight speed is increased by ten times, with strong penetration ability and explosive power. After the explosion, a magma zone will be generated on the spot, causing burning damage to the enemy.

"Explosive Flame, it seems that it should be a single group attack skill with high damage." Mu Rufeng murmured.

"Just right, I should meet the BOSS soon, and then I will try the power of the new skill."

After a while, Mu Rufeng passed through a huge portal and entered an extremely wide square.

There are five huge pillars on the square. Even ten adult men would not be able to hug them. They are hundreds of meters high and directly connected to the top of the palace.

There are two pillars on each side, and one in the middle, forming a mahjong five-tube pattern.

What is more interesting is that there is a huge dragon stone statue hovering on the pillars on the left and right.

And the stone pillar in the middle is hovering a real dragon stone statue.

"Four dragons, one real dragon, experience will soar again." Mu Rufeng strode forward.

"Ka Ka Ka~~!"

When Mu Rufeng approached, the stone sculpture on one of the stone pillars on the left quickly collapsed.


A roar resounded through the palace.

The dragon came to life, hovering on the stone pillar, raising its head and staring at Mu Rufeng.

The other three stone pillars and the one in the middle did not make any movement.

[Green Dragon General (Lord Level)]: One of the four great generals of Dragon Palace, powerful.

Level: 40

Tier: Lord Level

HP: 2000000

Attack Power: 50000

[Black Dragon General (Lord Level)]: One of the four great generals of Dragon Palace, powerful, sealed, defeating Green Dragon General will revive.

The attributes of the four great dragon generals are almost the same, even the special attributes and skills are almost the same.

High power, high blood and high defense, it can be said to be a super three-high monster.


The dragon opened its bloody mouth directly, and a bloody smell instantly spread.

The next moment, a terrifying cold air came in an instant.

But compared to its attack, Mu Rufeng was obviously faster.

In an instant, the entire dark palace was illuminated by the fiery red.

A huge fireball with a diameter of 20 feet appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

The attack hit the fireball instantly, and then it was annihilated into ashes.

"Wow, the fireball of this explosive flame technique is too big." Mu Rufeng sighed, and then threw the fireball technique directly.


A violent roar sounded.

The entire palace was engulfed by flames, and the powerful aftermath directly cleared all the black matter around.

Mu Rufeng stood very close, but did not dodge. Facing the impact of the flames, his flame armor could weaken most of the damage.

However, Mu Rufeng still retreated a distance because the ground collapsed.

The earth was shaking, and the entire Dragon Palace was shaking, giving people a feeling as if it was about to collapse.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV40 Blue Dragon General (Lord Level), experience +1000000X2, points +240X2, kill a monster above the level, get an extra 1000000X2 experience points, kill a lord-level monster, get an extra 1000000X2 experience points, points +240X2]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV40 Black Dragon General (Lord Level)...]


[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill a LV40 Blue Dragon General (Lord Level), get an extra +300X2 points, experience +1000000X2, do you want to make a full copy announcement? 】

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill the LV40 Black Dragon General (Lord Level)...]


[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV23, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]


[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV25, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Level]: LV25 (501200/9830400)

Well, this hasn't been unlocked yet, and the remaining three generals were killed directly by Mu Rufeng.

"Lord-level monsters have high experience values." Mu Rufeng looked at the instant upgrade to level 25, and the whole person was very comfortable.

"However, this real dragon is quite resistant." Mu Rufeng's eyes fell on the stone pillar in front.

I saw that the original four stone pillars had disappeared long ago, and the surroundings were charred black, and there was a huge deep pit in the center.

The deep pit was filled with red magma, which raised the temperature of the entire palace.

In the center of the magma was the stone pillar with the real dragon statue hovering in the middle.

The stone pillar seemed to be undamaged, but the dragon statue on it became bumpy.

Bang! There was a bang.

The real dragon statue exploded directly.


A dragon roar resounded.

Immediately, a golden light appeared, and with the appearance of the golden light, a huge real dragon rushed straight into the sky, and finally hovered a hundred meters above the sky.

A powerful momentum descended from the sky, giving people an extremely majestic and sacred feeling.

Dragon power, this is dragon power.

However, when Mu Rufeng saw the appearance of this real dragon clearly, he felt a little cold.

The real dragon is indeed a real dragon. Even if only a skeleton is left, Mu Rufeng can tell that it is a dragon, because the head is not a skeleton.

The bones of this skull dragon are all black, and there are dense holes on the bones. Mu Rufeng can vaguely see some dead and dried insects in the holes.

Even if Mu Rufeng does not have intensive phobia, seeing this real dragon still makes Mu Rufeng feel goosebumps.

[Decayed Bone Real Dragon (King Level)]: It was parasitized by some unspeakable evil insects during its lifetime and turned into a bone dragon after death.

Level: 40

Attack power: 200,000

HP: 10,000,000

Special attributes: Immune to 90% of physical and magical damage, and restore 1% of health per second.

Additional skills:

[Dragon Power]: ...


[Evil Insect Control]: ...

Mu Rufeng looked at the series of skill lists, including immunity to 90% of physical and magical damage and recovery of 1% of health per second, and was a little confused.

It has a full 10 million HP, 1%, which means it can restore 100,000 HP per second.

When Mu Rufeng saw the introduction of the bone dragon, he had a strange feeling for some reason.

The densely packed pits were all filled with withered parasites. It was hard to imagine what kind of torture the real dragon had suffered in its lifetime.

"Forget it, let me free you." Mu Rufeng looked up at the bone dragon.

At this time, the bone dragon also opened its mouth, and a terrifying energy ball was gathering.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng also used the Explosion Flame Technique again.

Both of them released their own magic at almost the same time.

The black light ball spit out by the bone dragon was more than ten feet in size, while Mu Rufeng's Explosion Flame Technique fireball reached dozens of feet.

The gap between the two was extremely obvious.

When the two collided with each other, the entire palace was filled with dazzling light.

Mu Rufeng also floated directly in the air, ignoring the shock wave.

However, the ground and those buildings really could not withstand the terrifying aftermath.

The ground instantly cracked, and the stone pillar in the middle also collapsed.

A large number of boulders fell from the sky.

After a long time, Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. He did not hear the prompt sound of the virtual panel.

This means that his explosive flame technique did not kill the bone dragon.

When Mu Rufeng's vision recovered, the chaos around him gradually subsided.

This stage palace, which was hundreds of meters high, did not collapse after all.

Only a lot of the ground was plowed away.

The bone dragon hovered in the distance, staring at Mu Rufeng with a pair of empty eyes.

It can be seen that cracks of different lengths appeared on the body of the bones.

Obviously, even if Mu Rufeng's attack did not kill it, it also caused it to suffer a lot of damage.


Suddenly, a strange sound rang out, and countless evil insects flew out of the holes on the bone dragon, and then rushed towards Mu Rufeng in an overwhelming manner.

"Not powerful enough? Forget it, I'm also afraid that this palace will collapse, so let's use the scorching ray."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he burst out his powerful magic power and waved the magic zhang in his hand.

Suddenly, a huge scorching ray burst out from the magic zhang.

How big is it? The diameter reached dozens of feet, which is cylindrical. It can be said that it covers the body of the bone dragon and the flying evil insects in all directions.

Under such a full-coverage scorching ray, the evil insects were killed in an instant.

Then it hit the bone dragon without losing momentum.

After hitting the bone dragon, it also moved forward again and hit the palace wall in front.

The palace wall seemed to be an extremely strong material, which actually resisted Mu Rufeng's attack.

The bone dragon was still alive, and Mu Rufeng continued to release scorching rays.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, until the fifth second, a joyful prompt sound came to Mu Rufeng's ears.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV40 Corrupted Bone True Dragon (King Level), experience +2000000X2, points +800X2, kill a monster above the level, get an additional 2000000X2 experience points, kill a King Level monster, get an additional 2000000X2 experience points]

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill the LV40 Corrupted Bone True Dragon (King Level), get an additional +800X2 points, experience +2000000X2, do you want to make a full dungeon announcement? 】

【Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV26, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated】

【Level】: LV26 (6670800/11468800)

“Announcement, all announcements.”

“I can’t believe that such a monster actually has 16 million experience points. Double is really too strong.”

Mu Rufeng immediately allocated attribute points to spirit, and allocated two skill points to Explosive Flame, making it directly MAX level 10.

The remaining point was added to the new skill at level 25.

【Fire Meteorite Falling】: Casting this skill will consume a lot of mental power, and can summon multiple flaming meteorites for precise strikes. The power and number of the summoned fireballs are proportional to the spirit.

This skill is super powerful and is definitely a super skill for clearing the field.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player Xianyu Zombie King for killing the King-level Bone Dragon and successfully clearing the dungeon. He will be teleported away in ten minutes.]

Mu Rufeng was pulled back to his senses by the reminder sound, and then he immediately began to look for dropped items in the ruins.

Not to mention, the dropped items this time are still very rich.

Four lord-level dragons and one king-level bone dragon simply made Mu Rufeng fat again.

The lowest level of the equipment that was dropped was orange, most of them were golden legends, and two epic equipment were even dropped.

Among them, Mu Rufeng also found four small things called dragon beads.

This thing is not equipment, but a special item. The quality is not high, but it is red.

However, these four special items can weaken the attributes of the bone dragon. Each one can weaken it by 10%, and four of them is equivalent to 40%.

To be honest, if it was not Mu Rufeng who opened the Dragon Palace dungeon, it would most likely be a group of contractors with levels of more than 20 or even 30.

They would fight monsters step by step to get here, and then kill the four great dragon warriors one by one.

Then they would use the dragon beads to weaken the attributes of the bone dragon, and then either completely destroy them or successfully kill the bone dragon.

Mu Rufeng did not play by the rules, and directly crushed the dungeon with his powerful strength and completed the clearance.

"A level 40 epic quality magic wand and an epic robe, really good." Mu Rufeng was extremely satisfied with the two epic equipment that dropped.

The only downside was that he needed to upgrade to level 4 before he could wear them.

"Oh, and there are also experience potions." Mu Rufeng immediately took out five bottles of experience potions from the inventory.

Four bottles of 1 million experience points, and one bottle of 2 million experience points.

[Swallow the experience potion, experience +1000000]


[Swallow the experience potion, experience +2000000]

[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV27, and you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Level]: LV27 (1202000/13107200)

Now, you only need to upgrade to level 3 to wear level 40 equipment.

"Hmm? The double bonus didn't work. Is it invalid because the dungeon has been cleared? Or is it that the experience potion can't be doubled?"

"It doesn't matter."

Mu Rufeng immediately began to search in the Dragon Palace.

When there was only one minute left, Mu Rufeng sighed: "What a pity, there is no treasure chest monster."

He searched the entire Dragon Palace, but still didn't find the treasure chest monster.

Soon, the time was up, and Mu Rufeng's figure was directly teleported out and disappeared on the spot.


On the other side, the safe zone of the 008 wilderness area.

At this moment, the safe zone was full of contractors.

Counting them carefully, there were ninety-four people.

It can be said that in this area, except for Mu Rufeng, all the contractors gathered here.

As for why there were only ninety-four people, it was naturally because the other five died.

One hundred people, only five died to complete this cleaning task. To be honest, this mortality rate is very low.

Of course, the five people were not really dead, because they all had login bracelets.

Among them, two were from relevant departments, and the other three were group contractors.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me." Fatty stood on a seven or eight meter high ice column and shouted to everyone.

In an instant, everyone quieted down and looked at Fatty.

No other reason, because Fatty gave each of them equipment.

Of course, those who came back later would not get good equipment, but they would still get a full set of blue equipment and a purple weapon.

Mu Rufeng gave too much.

At this moment, the monsters were also cleared by Giant Copper, and the speed was very fast, but there was one bad thing,

that is, the monsters killed by Giant Copper did not drop items.

"Now Mr. Giant Copper has cleared all the monsters in our area, and we can return at any time."

"But I think everyone should not return for the time being. With powerful equipment, we can go to other areas to hunt and increase our own points."

"We need to give Mr. Giant Copper enough power so that he can become one of the ten bronze statues that win in the end, and then build a new city."

"I think everyone should know what this means, so do you agree or return directly?"

The fat man shouted loudly to everyone.

"Agree! Agree!"

Half of the people spoke directly without any hesitation.

However, the remaining half of the people did not speak immediately, but thought in their hearts whether to continue the adventure.

Although the fat man said it very nicely, they still felt that their lives were the most important.

Especially those few idiots, as well as the contractors and individual players of the capital group.

Not every contractor of the capital group can get a login bracelet, let alone individual players.

At this time, a series of full copy notices rang in the ears of everyone.

[Congratulations to the player "Salted Fish Zombie King" for being the first to kill the LV40 Qing Jiao General (Lord level). Hereby, a full dungeon announcement is made! ]

[Congratulations to the player "Salted Fish Zombie King" for being the first to kill the LV40 Corrupted Bone True Dragon (King level). Hereby, a full dungeon announcement is made! ]

When the announcement sounded, all the contractors present were stunned.

"Agree, return to the hammer, I want to kill the monster!!!" A previously hesitant individual contractor shouted.

"Yes, kill the monster!"

"Agree, agree!"

All of a sudden, all the contractors cheered.

Are you kidding? If you don't hug a big thigh now, when will you hug it? Will you encounter such a good thing next time?

Moreover, if it is dangerous, the worst case is to stay in the safe zone of another area and not leave.

"Big brother is awesome!" Fatty also shouted excitedly at this moment.

"Haha~~ Good, very good!" At this time, the giant copper who was resting with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and laughed.

Ju Tong suddenly spoke, startling all the contractors and instantly quieting them down.

"Well, you guys continue, I'm a little excited." Ju Tong said with a smile.

The bone dragon has been killed, and the Dragon Palace dungeon has been cleared. Ju Tong's strength can be said to have doubled directly.

With such a high-intensity start, he can definitely occupy the top ten.

Then he can rely on Mu Rufeng to go to other areas to kill monsters to gain strength for him, so that he has already occupied the first place in advance.

First, this is the first. The city built at that time will be a very developed city, and it can be said to be a key city in the strange world.

In this way, the development will be extremely rapid. Without saying too much, all the old-fashioned ninth-level forces in the strange world outside will have to come here to open a branch.

"Hua La La~~!" The contractors came back to their senses, and the scene became noisy again.

"Everyone, be quiet, be quiet." The fat man came back to his senses and shouted to everyone again.

The fat man still had some face, and everyone quieted down again.

"Very good, everyone agrees to stay, so now we start to form teams, with ten people in a team, and form ten teams."

"Our ten teams will go to ten areas respectively, whether it is upgrading or killing the leader BOSS."

"If it is a lord-level monster, then we can't compete with the zombie king. Remember, do what you can."

The fat man said slowly.

"Well said, but you can also kill the Lord BOSS. After all, there are a thousand areas. If I kill them all, I will be exhausted to death."

"Kill as many as you can. I will start from area 1000 and clean up the area." Mu Rufeng's voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

Then, everyone saw a very handsome figure wearing flame armor falling from the sky.


"Boss! Boss!"

"Wow, this is the salted fish boss. This flame armor is so handsome."

"Yes, it's so handsome."

When everyone saw Mu Rufeng coming, they exclaimed.

Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded to everyone, and then pressed his hand, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Mr. Zombie King, I will open the teleportation array to other areas now." At this time, Ju Tong also spoke.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then he said to everyone: "Remember what I said, I will start cleaning from area 1000."

"You go to the front area first, everything is based on safety, and try not to conflict with other contractors. Of course, foreign contractors are another matter."

"Yes, big brother!"

The crowd replied with great momentum.

Just at this time, some magic fluctuations came from one side.

Mu Rufeng turned his head and found that Ju Tong had successfully built a huge teleportation array.

"Mr. Zombie King, you only need to step into the teleportation array to choose the wilderness area you want to go to."

"Everyone, I'm waiting for your return here." Ju Tong bowed deeply to everyone.

These contractors are related to whether he can successfully reach the top among the thousand bronze statues, so his attitude towards everyone has changed a lot.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew into the teleportation array.

[Please select the wilderness area you need to go to]

A prompt sound appeared in his mind.

Mu Rufeng immediately selected the wilderness area No. 1000.

[Successfully selected wilderness area No. 1000, about to be teleported, countdown 3, 2, 1]

When the countdown ended, Mu Rufeng felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes.

When he regained his sight, he had already appeared in the wilderness area No. 1000.

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