I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 225 Bribe of the Bronze Statue: Game Skill Card

As Mu Rufeng's vision returned, a reminder sounded in his mind again.

[Congratulations to Area 008 for successfully clearing all monsters. Everyone cheers for the players in Area 008! 】

[Players in area 008 can return at any time]

[In view of the fact that area 008 was successfully cleaned within one day and the hidden king-level BOSS was successfully killed, double activities are now launched for all players in area 008. When going to other wilderness areas, they will receive double experience points, points, and explosion rates. times, attack power increased by 30%]

"Double activities? Haha, I like it the most." Mu Rufeng burst into laughter.

In this way, his upgrade speed will be faster. As for the equipment problem, he doesn't care. Anyway, Mu Rufeng guessed that the highest level of this dungeon monster should be level 40.

It is estimated that according to the dungeon rules, one would not have thought that someone could reach level 27 in such a short period of time, and even kill a king-level BOSS.

Just when Mu Rufeng was lamenting the double event, the safety zone of No. 1000 also aroused many exclamations at this moment.

Originally, there were more than twenty contractors resting in the safe zone.

Then, suddenly they discovered that a teleportation magic circle appeared in the central area.

The movement was so loud that it attracted them all directly.

Before they could figure out what was going on, a beep sounded in their ears.

"Shet, is this area No. 008 the area where the guy from the Salty Fish Zombie King is?" the curly-haired contractor said.

"Damn it, why is this Salted Fish Zombie King so powerful? I'm only at level five now." A black contractor cursed.

"It would be great if the Salty Fish Zombie King is from our area, so that I can hug him and ask him to give me some unused equipment." A contractor said.

"Yes, the equipment on the equipment ranking list used to be all the names of big guys, but then they were suddenly changed to other people's names. I think that must be the case." Another contractor said.

"We can only be envious. Also, I would like to ask, what is that magic circle used for?" A blond girl pointed at the magic circle and said.

At this moment, a tall man wearing flame armor walked out of the magic circle.

"Huh? Foreigners? Are all foreigners in Area 1000?" Mu Rufeng discovered the foreign contractors at once.

"Monster!!!" The black contractors were shocked when they saw Mu Rufeng appear. They stood up and prepared to release their skills.

"NO, stop, this is the contractor. He was speaking Chinese just now. He said that we are all foreigners." The blond girl immediately stepped forward and stopped several black contractors.

"Chinese?" Those niggas looked at Mu Rufeng suspiciously.

These contractors were sizing up Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng was also sizing them up.

Mu Rufeng watched these contractors speaking incomprehensible bird language to him and shook his head.

To be honest, his English scores have never been good. He barely passed CET-4. He couldn't read the subtitles when watching movies, let alone understand what they said.

"Hello, are you a contractor from Area 008?" The blond girl came up and asked in stiff Chinese.

"You speak Chinese quite well." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then his body slowly levitated, and he was ready to take off.

However, the next second, a rumbling sound was heard from the ground.

A crack appeared, and a huge bronze statue slowly rose.

"Mr. Zombie King, I didn't expect you to come to my area. My name is Tianxiang, and I am the guide of Area 1000." This bronze statue looks like an angel.

"Hello, Mr. Tianxiang." Mu Rufeng did not leave in a hurry and greeted him politely.

"Ah? Are you the Salted Fish Zombie King???" The blond girl on the side suddenly turned pale with shock.

"What happened?"

"What are you talking about? Why are you talking in Chinese?"

A group of contractors shouted quickly.

None of them spoke Chinese, so I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Zombie King, this man is the Salted Fish Zombie King, the number one in the three rankings." The blonde girl explained immediately.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the scene.

"Mr. Zombie King, I wonder if I can discuss something with you."

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to leave, Tianxiang spoke.

"Discuss something? What?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Can you please sir, go to another area?"

"Huh? Sorry, I'm planning to clean up the monsters from area 1000 down." Mu Rufeng refused directly.

"Mr. Zombie King, can we only kill lord-level monsters?" Tianxiang said in a retreat.

When Mu Rufeng heard this, she shook her head again: "Mr. Tianxiang, you should know the role of points. I need a lot of points, so when I talk about cleaning, I mean cleaning up all the monsters in the entire area."

The sky suddenly fell silent.

He originally thought that Mu Rufeng didn't know the role of points, but now he knew. It must have been the leader of Area 008 who informed Mu Rufeng.

"I'll give you a skill card. How about you just kill the Lord BOSS?" Tianxiang said.

"Skill card?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"It's not a skill card in the dungeon, but a skill card that can be used in the outside world." Tianxiang said.

"What skill card? Let me see the attributes and then consider whether to agree to it." Mu Rufeng said.

"You should be very satisfied." Tianxiang said, and immediately raised his hand and saw a ray of light flying out.

Mu Rufeng spread out his palm, and saw that the light automatically fell on the palm. When the light dissipated, a card emerged.

There is a ? on both sides of this card.

[Random Game Skill Card]: After using it, you can randomly obtain a skill in the skill tree of your own game profession.

"Huh? You can get a skill card for a game profession?" When Mu Rufeng saw this attribute clearly, he was a little surprised.

As Mu Rufeng who has personally experienced the fire mage, he naturally knows how powerful these skills of the fire mage are.

When going to other dungeons, although there is no bonus from these powerful equipment, the power is definitely better than most skills.

"I am very satisfied with this skill card. I agree to your request." Mu Rufeng said.

"Thank you, Mr. Zombie King." Tianxiang was relieved when he heard this.

If he only killed the lord-level monsters, the power of the other monsters would not be obtained by the giant bronze, but would be absorbed by him.

In this way, he would not be at the bottom. According to what Mu Rufeng said, from area 1000 down, those bronze statues would definitely not be stronger than him.

Mu Rufeng also flew quickly towards the sky at this moment.

"Mr. Zombie King, do you have any unused equipment? Can you give me a few?" At this time, the blonde girl below suddenly shouted.

The blonde girl remembered the changes in the equipment rankings at this time. In addition, she was bold, outgoing, and knew Chinese, so she spoke with a try-it attitude.

If she got it, she would be happy and make a lot of money. Even if Mu Rufeng didn't give it to her, there would be no loss at all.

Mu Rufeng glanced at it and ignored it, but after thinking about it, he still threw out a set of low-level equipment.

The blonde girl was surprised to see that there was really equipment falling, and then she stretched out her hands to catch the equipment.

However, someone was faster than the blonde girl.

A black ghost contractor jumped high, and then he put all the more than ten pieces of equipment that Mu Rufeng threw down into the inventory.


The black ghost's feet landed on the ground, making a muffled sound.

"Luke, what are you doing? That's my equipment?" The blonde girl looked at the black ghost and said gloomily.

"Ai Jieli, what are you talking about?" Luke had a faint smile on his face.

"You know what I'm talking about, hand over my equipment, and those are all magician equipment, can you, a warrior, wear them?" Ai Jieli said coldly.

"Haha, you said it's yours? I clearly saw that the yellow monkey threw it out, how can you say it's yours?" Luke said.

"Will you give it to me?"

"Give it to you? Of course, but you have to sleep with me, right here." Luke said obscenely.

"Aren't you afraid that the Zombie King will kill you when he comes back?"

"Haha, although that yellow monkey is very powerful, so what, this is a safe zone, what can he do to me?"

"Anyway, he will kill the lord-level monster soon, so I can return directly." Luke said without any concern.

"Shit, I really shouldn't team up with you." Ai Jieli's eyes were still cold, but she had no other choice.

"Andre, you are a mage, how about sleeping with me, and I will give you all the mage equipment." Luke looked at another girl in the team who was second only to Ai Jieli and said.

"Bah! Shit, anyway, I'm going to return, why do I need this equipment?" Andre spit out a mouthful of saliva and said with disgust.

Luke was embarrassed when he heard that, but he didn't care. He said to the other mage girls in the team again: "What about you? I'll give it to whoever sleeps with me."

A group of people looked at Luke as if they were looking at a clown.

"That. Luke, give it to me, how about I sleep with you?" A white strong man said shyly.

"Get lost!" Luke shouted angrily when he heard that.

It is obvious that Luke's sexual orientation is normal.

"Damn guy, without equipment, I will be much slower when I go to other areas to hunt monsters." Ai Jieli was a little anxious at the moment.

Although she didn't know the specific role of points, she knew from the conversation between Tianxiang and Mu Rufeng that points were extremely important.

"You don't need those mage equipment, I will use soul notes to exchange for these equipment." Ai Jieli said again.

"Soul notes? This is just the soul notes in the copy, and you can't take it back." Luke refused.

"How do you know that this soul note can't be taken out?" Ai Jieli asked back.

"Hmph, no matter what, if you want the equipment, then fuck me once." The black man Luke snorted coldly.

"You" Ai Jieli was immediately furious.

This black man is really a beast who only knows how to have sex, even though they are all level 3 contractors.

"Forget it, I will lower my requirements. You take off your clothes and I will just feast my eyes on you." The black man smiled and took out a magic wand from the inventory.

"Look, although it's only level 10, it's a level 10 red quality magic wand, with strong attributes and skills."

Ai Jieli turned to look at Tianxiang after hearing this: "Lord Tianxiang, this is the equipment given to me by Mr. Zombie King. You should have heard it at the time."

"Now it's been taken away, don't you care about it?"

Tianxiang thought about it after hearing this.

These equipment such as defense giants and accessories are all level 10 purple sets, and the weapons are still red. If you wear them all, you can definitely enhance a lot of attributes.

After Mu Rufeng kills the lord BOSS, he will leave. At that time, after he kills those monsters, he can also let other players in the area go to other areas for hunting.

In this way, his strength can continue to grow, and he can also take the initiative to make his own strength stronger. In this way, he can really compete for the top ten.

"It's better to train this little girl well."

A series of follow-up plans suddenly emerged in Tianxiang's mind.

As long as the plan succeeds, he will definitely be in the top ten.

Seeing that Tianxiang did not react, Luke immediately mocked: "Haha, Aijieli, I think you are out of your mind. How can Lord Tianxiang care about this matter?"

"Luke, hand over all the equipment immediately." Tianxiang said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Lord Tianxiang, why?" Luke obviously did not expect that Tianxiang would actually care.

"I count to three. If you don't hand it over, you will die! One." Tianxiang did not explain.

In his opinion, these contractors are just tools.

As for the safe zone that cannot kill people? Just kidding, this safe zone is a safe zone because of his existence.

Although he cannot attack them, as long as he removes the safe zone, things will be very simple, and he doesn't even have to worry about it.


When he counted to two, Luke panicked and immediately took out his equipment and handed it to Aijieli.

Aijieli took all the equipment in her hand, took a look, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Especially when he looked at the level 10 red corpse poison wand, he was even happier.

"I remember, there should be another piece of equipment." Tianxiang spoke again.

"It's gone, Lord Tianxiang, it's really gone." Luke shook his head repeatedly.

"Very good." Tianxiang immediately sent a message to Aijieli and several other people, explaining some things.

Then, Tianxiang directly put away the energy shield of the safe zone.

Suddenly, a lot of fog swarmed towards this side.

At this moment, Aijieli and several other girls took action instantly.

Before Luke could react, multiple skills came to him, and his entire life value was directly emptied, and he couldn't die any more.

Immediately, a large number of items exploded.

Some low-level garbage equipment, some food, water, potions, etc.

The most eye-catching one was still a red piece of equipment.

Obviously, this guy also hid a red outfit.

When Luke died, the safe zone was expanded again, and the fog quickly retreated.

Ai Jieli immediately stepped forward to pick up the red dress, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you, Lord Tianxiang." Ai Jieli hurriedly thanked him.

"You're welcome. I have something to tell you guys later." Tianxiang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Tianxiang." The five girls nodded in response.


On the other side, Mu Rufeng flew for a while and came to a huge canyon.

The level of the monsters in the canyon is about level 27 or 28. I think this should be the habitat of lord-level monsters.

"Let's see the power of the Fire Meteorite Falling from the Sky."

Mu Rufeng didn't want to waste time, and wanted to test the power of the level 25 skill.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the magic wand, and then directly cast the Fire Meteorite Falling from the Sky skill.

When Mu Rufeng finished casting the skill, there was no movement around.

This surprised Mu Rufeng a little, but soon he raised his head and looked up.

The mist that never dissipated all year round actually emitted a red light at this moment.

Huge fireballs emerged from the mist and fell towards the valley below.

Although they were fireballs, Mu Ru could clearly see that they were huge meteorites.

The meteorites were red all over, and because of the high temperature, violent waves of fire were generated around them.

Each meteorite reached dozens of feet, and the number almost filled the sky.

At a glance, it was a bright red.

"Oh my goodness, if this move goes down, a city will be destroyed, right?"

"Boom boom boom~~!"

Huge meteorites fell from the sky, making violent sonic booms, and then smashed into the valley fiercely.

"Boom boom~~!"

The violent roar was endless.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the sea of ​​fire filled the sky. The scene here was like the end of the world, shocking and frightening.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV27 Pegasus, experience points...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV26 Griffin, experience points...]


[Congratulations to the player for killing LV30 Asian Dragon (Commander Level), experience points...]


[Congratulations to the player for killing LV30 Dragon (Lord Level), experience points +500000x2...]

[Congratulations to the player for being the first to kill a LV30 lord dragon. You will get an extra score of +300x2 and experience value of +500000x2. Do you want to make a full dungeon announcement? ]

[Your experience value is full, your level is upgraded to LV28, you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Your experience value is full, your level is upgraded to LV29, you get 3 free attribute points, and 3 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Level]: LV29 (108025500/16384000)

This wave of monster clearing, coupled with the double activity, directly raised his level by two levels.


Mu Rufeng looked down. At this moment, he could not see what was happening below.

Because there was a sea of ​​fire below, as well as intense smoke and explosions, even with Mu Rufeng's ability, he still could not see the situation below.

After waiting for a long time, the noise below gradually subsided, but the sea of ​​fire did not dissipate.

It can be said that the entire valley has disappeared, and the mountain has collapsed due to the meteorite.

Below are all huge meteorites, which are still emitting strong flames. Mu Rufeng estimated that the flames here will not disappear in a short time.

Mu Rufeng immediately fell from the sky.

He certainly couldn't miss the dropped items of the leader monster and the lord monster.

Most importantly, the treasure chest monster was probably killed by the aftermath.

The things that the treasure chest monster exploded, that is really not to be missed.

Ignoring the flames, Mu Rufeng began to search in the sea of ​​fire.

Although the vision is not good, it is surprising that all the items fell on the meteorite.

At the same time, those equipments are emitting various dazzling brilliances, which can make Mu Rufeng see them at a glance.

Purple, red, orange, and gold legends, but no epic equipment was seen.

Mu Rufeng immediately put all these equipment into the inventory, and at the same time spent some time searching the area.

Finally, in the gap between one or two meteorites, the items dropped by the treasure chest monster were found.

As expected, this treasure chest monster was really burned to death by the sea of ​​fire.

The things inside were not bad, there was a golden legend, an epic equipment, a token, and some miscellaneous things.

[Wings of Fire]: It is said to be made of the feathers of the fire phoenix, and has extremely powerful fire magic.

Level limit: 30

Occupation limit: None

Equipment part: Wings

Equipment quality: Epic

Special attributes: All attributes +300, when wearing this equipment, you can have the ability to fly, the fire ability increases by 50%, and is immune to 50% of fire attribute attacks.

Additional skills [Phoenix Dances for Nine Days]: After performing the skill, it will appear in the form of a fire phoenix, and can carry out multiple destructive fire attribute attacks on the target in a short period of time.

"Hmm? This is good." Mu Rufeng was immediately overjoyed, and then wore it directly on his back.

A pair of huge flaming wings appeared behind Mu Rufeng, making him even more majestic.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's attributes soared again.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng's mind moved, the wings of fire behind him moved slightly, and Mu Rufeng soared into the sky.

"So fast." Mu Rufeng stopped in mid-air and sighed.

Originally, he used the flame armor to fly, and his speed was not slow, but with this wing of fire, his speed increased by five times.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out the bottle of experience potion and swallowed it directly.

[Swallow the experience potion, experience value +1000000]

Then Mu Rufeng took out the token.

[Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain (game copy)]: With this token, you can enter the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain copy in the Dragon Valley.

Note: The average level of monsters in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain copy is 40. Please note that it is best to go in a team.

"Sure enough, another game copy." Mu Rufeng smiled and activated the token without hesitation.

The token suddenly glowed with a green light, and then flew out of his hand and sank directly into the void in front of him.

The next moment, a huge portal slowly emerged.

Mu Rufeng's wings fluttered slightly, turning into a red flame, and then sank directly into it.


The Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain is indeed an extremely huge snow mountain.

It is more than a thousand feet high, and the temperature here is extremely low. There is a fierce blizzard in the sky.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. Mu Rufeng guessed that the temperature here should have reached minus seventy degrees.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng was covered with flames and did not feel the cold at all.

Even the flames outside his body were not affected at all.

[Congratulations to the players who have entered the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain dungeon. The double activity is open. Within one hour, the experience points obtained will be doubled, the explosion rate will be doubled, and the points will be doubled. ]

"Sure enough, there is also double." Mu Rufeng smiled.

This dungeon double and the original double, added together, are definitely taking off.

Even the thousand-fold explosion rate has become four thousand-fold.

Then Mu Rufeng flew high into the sky and headed for the snowy mountain. He was considering whether to use another wave of meteorites to directly destroy the snowy mountain.

At this moment, a huge head was seen rising from the ice and snow on a huge flat ground halfway up the snowy mountain.

"Huh? Frost dragon?" Mu Rufeng's eyes narrowed slightly.

(A picture from a long time ago, an ice dragon, haha)

[Frost Dragon (King Level)]: The Frost Dragon that lives in the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain has extremely powerful ice magic and a strong body.

Level: 40

Attack Power: 200,000

HP: 10,000,000

Special Attributes: Immune to 70% of physical and magic damage, restore 1% of HP per second, immune to ice damage, and increase damage by 50% when receiving fire damage.

Additional Skills:

[Dragon Might]: ...


[Frost Storm]: ...


The Frost Dragon discovered the intruder Mu Rufeng and roared immediately.

In an instant, a large number of flying dragons flew out from the ice and snow below and headed straight for Mu Rufeng.

Among them, there were two particularly huge Western dragons.

[Dragon (Lord Level)]: One of the two great generals under the Frost Dragon.

Level: 40

Level: Lord Level

HP: 2000000

Attack Power: 50000

[Evil Dragon (Lord Level)]: One of the two great generals under the Frost Dragon.

Level: 40

Level: Lord Level

HP: 2000000

Attack Power: 50000

"Just right, I'll try the skill of Fire Wings, Phoenix Dances in the Sky."

Mu Rufeng immediately released the skill: Phoenix Dances in the Sky.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng's body began to rotate, and the wings behind him also burst out with unparalleled power at this moment.

Mu Rufeng instantly felt that he had turned into a high-speed rotating electric drill.

A huge flame instantly burst out, and finally, it actually formed a huge fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix spread its wings, soared above the sky, and also began to rotate.

Immediately afterwards, countless flame feathers flew out, simply covering the sky and heading towards the snow-capped mountains.

The whole sky was covered by the rain of fire released by the fire phoenix.

The blizzard that was originally blowing in the sky also stopped instantly at this moment.

The cold space was also covered by heat.

Before the flying dragons even got close, they were directly pierced by the flame feathers and then burned into charcoal.

Suddenly, a series of killing prompts rang in Mu Rufeng's ears.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV33 flying dragon (elite), experience value +13200x2x2...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV35 big flying dragon (elite), experience value +14000x2x2...]


Wow, this monster has an experience value of more than 100,000 points, and this wave directly killed dozens of them.

In an instant, the experience value increased by more than 4 million.

Then, two more prompts rang.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV40 evil dragon (Lord level), experience value +1000000x2x2, points +...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV40 dragon (Lord level), experience value +1000000x2x2, points +...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV40 evil dragon (Lord level)... Do you want to make a full dungeon announcement?]


[Your experience value is full, the level is upgraded to LV30, 30 free attribute points are obtained, and 10 skill points can be freely allocated]

"Awesome!" Mu Rufeng saw the explosive experience value, and he had to say that this double + double activity was simply explosive.

A lord-level dragon directly gave Mu Rufeng 16 million experience points.

Two dragons would be 32 million, but unfortunately, there were only two.

[Level]: LV30 (30644000/32768000)

Looking at the level experience, there are more than two million to upgrade.

After reaching level 30, the demand for experience points has increased dramatically, but what surprised Mu Rufeng was that the free attribute points and skill points added at each level also increased dramatically.


The frost dragon roared.

It seemed to be angry because Mu Rufeng killed all its men.

It was also because the flame feathers injured it.

A terrifying frost storm formed, and the terrifying cold air and fierce cold wind produced an extremely strong attraction.

Mu Rufeng did not move at all, but the flames around him shrank a little because of the cold air.

Mu Rufeng did not care about it, he was checking the new skills of level 30.

[Heavenly Fire Destroying the World]: Summon the powerful heavenly fire to come, burn everything, and purify the world.

"Heavenly Fire Destroys the World? Is it so high-end?" Mu Rufeng looked at this brief introduction with a little expectation.

Immediately, after maxing out the attribute points of Fire Meteorites, he added all the remaining points to Heavenly Fire Destroys the World.

As for the attribute points, they were added to the spiritual attribute as usual.

At this moment, the frost storm not far away had formed a super huge tornado.

The temperature dropped again, reaching minus 100 degrees Celsius.

The terrifying suction force even attracted the rocks and ice blocks below.

But it still did not affect Mu Rufeng.

"Frost dragon, right? Let me show you a new skill."

Mu Rufeng was about to release the skill, but suddenly remembered that he was already level 30.

Then Mu Rufeng replaced all the level 40 golden legendary equipment and epic equipment that had exploded before.

In this way, all the preparations on him were golden legends at the lowest level.

And his attributes soared again.

Skyfire destroys the world——

As Mu Rufeng waved his magic wand, golden flames emerged one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the whole sky was covered by the golden flames.

The terrifying high temperature instantly melted the frost storm and then dissipated into nothingness.

Minus 100 degrees, minus 90, minus 70, minus 50, minus 10 degrees, 10 degrees, 20 degrees, 30 degrees, 50 degrees.

In the blink of an eye, the temperature soared directly to 50 degrees.

The snow-capped mountains that had not melted for thousands of years began to melt slowly.

The frost dragon also noticed the change in the air and became restless.

Just as it was preparing to attack, it saw countless skyfires falling from the sky.

There was no explosion, no smoke, or even water vapor, only the dazzling golden light.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the LV40 Frost Dragon (King), experience +2000000x2x2, ...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV40 Frost Dragon (King), and additionally obtaining ... Do you want to make a full dungeon announcement?]

[Your experience is full, your level is upgraded to LV31, you get 30 free attribute points, and 10 skill points can be freely allocated]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player Salted Fish Zombie King for killing the King Frost Dragon and successfully clearing the dungeon. He will be teleported away in ten minutes]

[Level]: LV31 (29876000/49152000)

"Leveling up is getting slower and slower." Mu Rufeng murmured.

The highest level in these wilderness areas should be those level 30 lord-level monsters.

Among the higher-level monsters, that is the level 40 King-level monster in the extra dungeon.

Because Mu Rufeng used a plug-in, he reached level 30 in just a few hours.

If a normal contractor wants to reach level 30, it will still be very slow.

"Alas, there are a thousand areas and a thousand extra dungeons. Some have to run." Mu Rufeng sighed.

"Go back." Mu Rufeng chose to leave the dungeon directly.

Unfortunately, the dungeon mechanism ignored him, so Mu Rufeng waited awkwardly for ten minutes before being teleported out.

Originally, Mu Rufeng was going to look for treasure chest monsters on the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain.

Unfortunately, under the sky fire, the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain was melted into a pile of magma, and nothing was left.

Mu Rufeng appeared in the fire meteorite zone, glanced at the still burning meteorite, identified the direction, and then quickly headed towards the safe zone.

His flying speed increased dramatically because of the wings of fire, so in about ten minutes, Mu Rufeng returned to the safe zone.

At this moment, many contractors gathered in the safe zone.

Mu Rufeng ignored them and came directly to the teleportation array.

"Mr. Zombie King, did you kill the Frost Giant as well?" Tian Xiang's tone was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, I got a token." Mu Rufeng paused and nodded in response.

"Thank you, Mr. Zombie King, take care."

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and then slowly walked into the teleportation array. Not long after, the teleportation array flashed and disappeared from the spot.

After seeing the people leave, Tian Xiang's tone suddenly became cold. He looked at the contractors and said:

"Now, go kill the monster immediately. I will beat the monster to the remaining HP. Remember, leave all the BOSS to Ai Jieli, and take out all the good equipment you get."

"I want to form a strong team to go to other areas to hunt BOSS."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally nodded vigorously in response.

They had to agree, and this also related to their clearance.

After clearing the monsters in the area, they could clear the clearance and return.

However, if they go to other areas, they can get double the experience points and points from hunting monsters.

At the same time, if Tianxiang successfully ranks in the top ten, they will get a higher clearance and many rewards.

They also know the great role of points, and they also know that if their guide successfully builds a city, they will have higher rewards.

This is why they don't return directly but go to other areas.


In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Mu Rufeng came to the 855 wilderness area through the teleportation array.

For more than three days and more than seventy hours, Mu Rufeng has not rested, constantly slaying monsters in these wilderness areas.

Because there are too many sub-areas in the wilderness area, and each sub-area is also very large, with a lot of monsters.

If Mu Rufeng really plans to clear one area after another, he doesn't know how much time it will take.

Therefore, in order to be quick, Mu Rufeng only targets the lord boss, plus an extra copy.

Of course, when traveling, Mu Rufeng would also release a large range of fire meteorites to the roadside, so that he could kill a large number of ordinary monsters.

The experience points were just a drop in the bucket, but the points were still good.

As for the level...

[Level]: LV40 (196608000/196608000)

Mu Rufeng's guess was indeed correct, the level cap was level 40.

After reaching level 40, the experience points could not be further increased.

And the equipment he was wearing was already a full set of epic equipment.

Yes, it is a complete set of epic equipment, but I have never seen mythical equipment.

In the past three days, I ate in the ten minutes of waiting after the special dungeon, and I didn’t rest at all.

When I ran out of mana, I drank blue potions.

Fortunately, Mu Rufeng’s attributes are strong now, so he doesn’t feel tired, but after three days, Mu Rufeng also feels that he needs to rest and sleep.

Otherwise, it always feels wrong.

On average, Mu Rufeng spends about half an hour in one area.

The main reason is that the ten minutes of waiting for the extra dungeon is too time-consuming, and the same is true for traveling.

However, later on, the attributes became stronger, and the travel became faster, and it took about ten minutes to go back and forth.

At the same time, the bronze statues in the wilderness area also took things to bribe him, but they were all random game skill cards.

Mu Rufeng naturally accepted them all, but when he had eight cards in his hand, the bronze statues became very cunning.

It seems that they know that Mu Rufeng is in a hurry and only kill the lord boss.

They all completely ignored Mu Rufeng, and even if Mu Rufeng asked, they all said no.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to talk to those bronze statues, because there was no need, eight were enough.

Mu Rufeng walked out of the teleportation array.

However, when he appeared, more than 90 contractors looked at Mu Rufeng in unison.

This scene made Mu Rufeng slightly stunned.

Surprisingly, the contractors in this area were all yellow people.

You know, the areas that Mu Rufeng had visited before were all foreign contractors.

The contractors in this area, judging from their dress and appearance, were all Chinese, because Mu Rufeng saw acquaintances in it.

"The boss is here, the boss is really here."

"Haha, he has been here for three days, and he hasn't rested for a moment."

"Yeah, I watched the area numbers come down one by one, and it's finally our turn."

"Oh, I finally see the boss in person, as expected, he is really handsome."

The contractors exclaimed immediately.

Zhou Wen, Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin in the crowd looked at each other and nodded slightly.

They didn't speak.

Because if the Salted Fish Zombie King is really Mu Rufeng, then they can't speak anymore, because they can't expose Mu Rufeng's identity.

Now that the Salted Fish Zombie King has made such a big splash, when he returns to the real world, it will definitely attract the world's attention.

Mu Rufeng also noticed the strangeness of Zhou Wen and the other two, and after thinking about it for a while, he became spiritual.

At the same time, he also knew that Zhou Wen and the other two must have guessed his identity.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the three people, and then took off directly on the spot, and instantly disappeared in the mist.

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