I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 226 Young man, congratulations on your pregnancy


Just at this moment, the ground in the safe area cracked, and a white bronze statue of a woman slowly rose up.

"Where are the people?" Mei Tong looked around and slowly said.

"Master Mei Tong, the zombie king has flown away." A contractor said.

"Why are you still here, go and kill monsters?" Mei Tong said coldly.

"Ah, oh oh oh, it's Master Mei Tong." Everyone responded in a row, and then quickly left the safe area.

Zhou Wen and others did the same, chasing Mu Rufeng.

Not only them, it should be said that all the contractors walked in that direction.

Before they walked far, they felt the vibration coming from their feet and the incomparable terrifying aftermath.

It was also fortunate that they were far enough away and were not injured.

The fog was blown away directly, and they saw that in the distance, the scene was like the end of the world.

There was a sea of ​​fire over there, all of which were smashed by meteorites.

Moreover, the ground was still shaking, but the distance was getting farther and farther.

Apparently, Mu Rufeng had been releasing skills to kill monsters all the way.

"Fuck, I'm rich, so many equipment, so many soul money."

The contractors were extremely excited when they saw the flashing light of props around the sea of ​​fire.

"The monsters killed by the aftermath outside have exploded so many equipment, so there must be more equipment in the sea of ​​fire."

"Yes, it's a pity that we can't enter the sea of ​​fire, but those killed by the aftermath are enough for us to use."

"Go, grab the equipment!"

Although they were all wondering why there were so many equipment and items, they didn't think much about it, and a group of people rushed up immediately.

Zhou Wen and other teams didn't say anything, and they also rushed up to grab the equipment.

There were low-level monsters around here, and they could really wear the equipment that exploded.

At this moment, a touch of red light suddenly flew over and sank directly into Zhou Wen's hands.

Zhou Wen was slightly stunned, and then quickly put it into the inventory.

But the next second, two more streams of light flew over and sank into Zhou Wen's palm again.

This time, Zhou Wen's face became a little surprised.

Moreover, Zhou Wen suddenly found that a lot of potion bottles appeared under his feet.

Zhou Wen was slightly startled and quickly put away all the potions. After checking the properties, he was shocked again.

Then he looked around at the first time.

Because everyone was busy grabbing equipment, and the dazzling firelight, others didn't pay much attention.

Zhou Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted to the two people in the distance: "Cheng Youlin, Qu Lianhong, come here."

The two immediately ran over from a distance, and they didn't even grab the equipment.

"What's wrong, Zhou Bu?" Cheng Youlin asked.

"Follow me." Zhou Bu said without explanation, and walked quickly forward.

The two looked at each other, and didn't say anything, and quickly followed.

Soon, the three of them were far away from the crowd, and at the same time, they were closer to the meteorite surrounded by the sea of ​​fire in front of them.

"Zhou Bu, what happened?" Cheng Youlin asked while walking.

"Follow me, faster." Zhou Wen stepped hard, and his body instantly shot forward.

Seeing this, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and hurriedly speeded up to catch up.

Getting closer and closer to the sea of ​​fire, they could already feel a high temperature burning their skin.

They were a little bit unable to hold on.

"Zhou Bu." Qu Lianhong also shouted at this time.

Zhou Wen didn't say anything, but took out a bunch of potions, and then drank them one by one.

Then, Zhou Wen's level began to increase.

LV16, 17, 18, 19, 20, after reaching level 20, Zhou Wen stopped drinking experience potions.

This scene shocked Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin.

"Fuck, Zhou Bu, are you using cheats? Five levels in a row?"

"Zhou Bu, what happened? What did you drink? You leveled up so fast?"

Zhou Wen didn't say anything, but continued to take out a feather that was emitting flames, and a ring.

When the feather was taken out, the high temperature around them disappeared instantly.

The uncomfortable feeling of the three people disappeared directly.

Afterwards, Zhou Wen put on the ring, and then put on the feather.

Suddenly, a pair of flaming wings slowly emerged behind Zhou Wen.

"Hold my hand." Zhou Wen said.

"Ah? Zhou Bu, what's going on? What the hell are these wings?" Cheng Youlin was shocked.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, and explain on the way." Zhou Wen said.

After hearing this, Cheng Youlin had to step forward and hold Zhou Wen's hand.

Qu Lianhong also hurried forward to hold Zhou Wen's other hand.

"The Salted Fish Zombie King should be Mu Rufeng. These two pieces of equipment flew into my hands before."

"This one is the Wings of Fire, a level 30 epic equipment that can resist fire attacks and can also fly."

After Zhou Wen finished speaking, he directly pulled the two people up and flew up. The speed was very fast, and they flew directly into the sea of ​​fire.

After the three people soared in the sea of ​​fire, they did not suffer any damage because of the Wings of Fire.

"We are flying up, we are flying in the sea of ​​fire..." Qu Lianhong was extremely surprised at this moment.

"My God, this is too wrong, Zhou Bu, this is level 30 equipment, you are only level 20, how can you wear it?" Cheng Youlin said in surprise after being surprised.

"Also, Zhou Bu, you haven't told me how you jumped to level 20 in an instant. It's impossible that you drank experience potion." Qu Lianhong said.

"This equipment is called unlimited divine equipment, a level 20 epic equipment, each of which can automatically reduce the need to wear it by 10 levels."

"I wear the unlimited divine equipment, and then subtract 10 levels, so I can wear this Wing of Fire."

"As for my upgrade, it is indeed experience potion, one bottle increases 2 million experience." Zhou Wen explained.

It is these things that make Zhou Wen 100% sure that the Salted Fish Zombie King is Mu Rufeng.

As for these things, it goes without saying that they were given by Mu Rufeng, so that they could go and find him.

"Mu Rufeng is really amazing, I really don't know how he did it." Qu Lianhong was still extremely excited and excited at this moment.

"Hehe, it seems that we can hug Xiao Mu's thigh this time." Cheng Youlin said with a sinister smile.

"You will know when you see him later." Zhou Wen said with a smile.

At this moment, he was in a very good mood.

You know, in the past few days, they had to refresh the screen every 20 to 30 minutes, and they were almost sick of hearing it.

At the same time, because they were getting closer and closer to their area, they were getting more and more excited.

"But what is the use of points? Xiao Mu's level has reached the upper limit. It seems that he should be brushing points, right?" Cheng Youlin said.

"Why ask so many questions? We don't know. When we get there, we can just ask Mu Rufeng directly." Qu Lianhong said.

"Yes, yes, yes." Cheng Youlin stopped talking.

More than ten minutes later, Zhou Wen and the other two stopped.

Looking at the glowing orange equipment and golden legends on the ground, Zhou Wen knew that they had arrived.

Immediately, Zhou Wen landed on a meteorite with the three of them, and then picked up all the things directly.

Obviously, it was left on this meteorite on purpose.

"Where are the people? Why can't I see Mu Rufeng?" Cheng Youlin said excitedly.

"Are you stupid? He must still be in the dungeon, fighting the king-level monster." Qu Lianhong choked.

"You are stupid. Didn't you hear the announcement of killing the king-level BOSS when you came here just now?" Cheng Youlin said unhappily.

"Okay, wait here. I think it will take some time to get out of the dungeon." Zhou Wen guessed.

Several people immediately waited here quietly.

Five minutes passed quickly.

In the distance, a gorgeous halo appeared, and then a red figure walked out of the brilliance.

"Zhou Bu, Brother Lin, Qu Lianhong, long time no see." Mu Rufeng took off the armor on his face and greeted the three people.

"It really is you, Mu Rufeng, you are really amazing, how did you do it?" Qu Lianhong asked excitedly.

"Wow, Xiaofeng, to be honest, your flame armor is so cool, what level of skill is this?" Cheng Youlin said.

"You said it's flame armor, of course it's a level 10 skill." Mu Rufeng said.

"How can it be a level 10 skill, look at me." Cheng Youlin said, waving the magic wand in his hand, and then cast the level 10 skill flame armor.

Suddenly, a red light emanated from Cheng Youlin.

Well, the light was very weak, not to mention flame armor, not even flame clothes.

"Huh? Why are your skills different from mine? Wait, it should be that your attributes are not enough." Mu Rufeng saw this scene and said in surprise.

Originally, Mu Rufeng thought that all flame armors were the same, and after casting, they would be attached to a set of flame armor.

Now it seems that he was wrong. The reason why he could do this is because his attribute value is too high.

"Let's change places first. My mana is depleted too quickly, and I can't stand drinking blue mana potions all the time." At this time, Zhou Wen said.

"Let's stay here. I haven't rested for three days. I'm going to rest here and have lunch."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he raised his magic wand and tapped the void lightly.

Suddenly, the flames around him seemed to be summoned and quickly gathered here.

A fist-sized energy ball appeared on the magic wand, and a large amount of flames were absorbed by it.

In just over ten seconds, all the flames within a radius of 500 meters disappeared and were absorbed by Mu Rufeng's energy ball.

Zhou Wen and the other two could feel the terrifying power contained in this energy ball.

Cheng Youlin swallowed and said, "Xiaofeng, what skill is this? It looks so powerful."

"Oh, this is a level 35 skill, compressed fireball." Mu Rufeng said.

"Compressed fireball? Level 35 skill? Really amazing. I would have chosen a mage earlier." Qu Lianhong said with hope.

"Your strength attribute is off the charts. If you choose a mage, you won't even be able to cast a fireball." Cheng Youlin sneered.


Before Qu Lianhong could say anything, Zhou Wen interrupted her and said, "This fireball is a bit scary. Throw it farther away later."

Zhou Wen knew the power of this compressed fireball better than Cheng Youlin and the others.

"That won't do. It would be bad if I accidentally hurt those contractors. I'll keep this for the next extra copy."

Mu Rufeng said, and stuffed the compressed fireball into his flame armor.

"Ah, this." Seeing Mu Rufeng's action, the three people's eyelids jumped, and they were terrified.

They were afraid that the compressed fireball would explode accidentally and directly kill the three of them here.

"Wait, it's a bit uneven here." Mu Rufeng said, releasing a scorching ray as thick as a thumb, and directly cut a flat ground from the meteorite next door.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng flew over and kicked the meteorite that was cut off above, and then landed on the flat meteorite.

Seeing this, Zhou Wen quickly pulled Cheng Youlin and the other two to fly to Mu Rufeng's side.

"Mu Rufeng, you are too strong, you kicked it down with one foot?" Qu Lianhong was even more shocked at this moment.

This meteorite is not small. It is extremely heavy even if it is cut into a small piece.

"Hey, I have a full set of epic equipment of LV40. With the attribute bonus, I can kick this meteorite to pieces." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"A full set of epic equipment of LV40?" The three were shocked.

Then he thought about it and it seemed that it was true. Mu Rufeng had killed more than a hundred lord monsters, plus extra copies, so it didn't seem to matter if he got a full set of epic equipment.

"Let's take a break first. I'm tired and hungry."

Mu Rufeng immediately sat cross-legged on the ground. He didn't remove the flame armor, but turned it into a set of fire clothes, so that it would be easier to eat.

Zhou Wen and the other two also sat down immediately.

Mu Rufeng directly took out a lot of food and placed it on the ground.

All kinds of food were emitting precious light, which was a bit dazzling.

"Eat it. These are all good things that can increase temporary attributes." Mu Rufeng said, took a roasted chicken, and started eating it.

They didn't say anything and started eating.

After a while, Mu Rufeng ate all the food, then he rubbed his stomach and let out a long breath.

"So, Xiaofeng, your luck value has become very high because of the props of the chosen one, plus the dice of the gambler, and then there is a double explosion rate and an epic equipment that increases the explosion rate."

"Finally, plus they are all first kills, so the explosion rate has become super high?" Cheng Youlin looked at Mu Rufeng and said.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng burped and nodded.

Mu Rufeng just talked nonsense, regardless of whether they believed it or not, it didn't matter anyway, it was what he said.

"Anyway, we are still happy for you to achieve this achievement."

"Also, don't worry, we will definitely keep your identity confidential." Zhou Wen said.

"Yes, confidential." Qu Lianhong and Cheng Youlin said quickly.

"Thank you very much." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out a bunch of equipment and experience potions and threw them to the three people.

He had cleared more than a hundred dungeons, and he had no shortage of epic equipment at level 40.

He had no shortage of experience potions, which could fully allow the three of them to reach level 30, but level 40 was a bit difficult.

"First, drink the experience potion and reach level 30, then put on the unlimited divine equipment, and you can wear the epic suit at level 40."

"After the bronze statue clears the monsters, you can go to other areas to form a team to kill the BOSS." Mu Rufeng said.

The three were immediately dazzled by the equipment Mu Rufeng brought out.

Soon, the three took the equipment that suited them and put it on one by one.

All of a sudden, everyone's image changed dramatically.

For example, Cheng Youlin was wearing a robe with a mysterious glow, a magic hat, and holding a magic weapon that emitted golden light. He was so cool that he soared into the sky.

Qu Lianhong was not bad either. He wore a set of armor, revealing his abdomen, thighs and white arms. His whole body was covered with a layer of red light, and he looked very heroic.

Zhou Wen was wearing a green Taoist robe, holding a ten-thousand-year-old thunder-struck peach wood sword, with lightning flashing all over his body.

"So strong, my attributes have skyrocketed." Qu Lianhong swung the long sword in his hand and slashed out a sword energy that broke through the air.

In an instant, the huge meteorite in front was split in half.

"Look at my flame armor!" Cheng Youlin shouted, and a piece of armor slowly emerged around his body.

Although it was not as fiery as Mu Rufeng, it was indeed a piece of armor.

"Thunder!" Zhou Wen, who was standing aside, was excited to see the prey and couldn't help but try it out.

As the voice fell, a thunder broke through the air and then pierced through a meteorite in the distance.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the meteorite exploded directly with great power.

In terms of the attack strength, Zhou Wen's attack was more powerful.

"I'm going to sleep here, so you guys go kill the monsters quickly." Mu Rufeng said.

"Xiaofeng, I really love you to death." Cheng Youlin was very excited at this moment.

"Don't do that, my sexual orientation is normal, I only like women." Mu Rufeng said with a look of disgust.

"It's so disgusting, get out of here." Qu Lianhong heard this and said with a look of disgust.

"I didn't say I love you, what are you disgusted with, what are you disgusted with." Cheng Youlin said unhappily.

"Okay, okay, you two haven't been quiet for a day. By the way, Xiao Mu, I want to ask, what are the points used for?"

Zhou Wen waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the two, then looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Points are a good thing..."

Mu Rufeng immediately explained to them the role of points.

"Is this how points are actually used? In this way, points are really extremely important." Zhou Wen's expression suddenly became solemn at this moment.

"So, why don't you hurry up and collect your points?" Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's leave then. Let's talk about other things after we return." Zhou Wen said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded, and then lay directly on the ground, entering a deep sleep almost instantly.

And when he fell asleep, the fire clothes automatically transformed into flame armor and wrapped him perfectly.

In this state, even a thirty-level lord-level monster could not break through Mu Rufeng's defense.

Immediately, Zhou Wen pulled the two of them to fly high into the sky, and left here soon.

In the blink of an eye, six hours passed.

Mu Rufeng woke up from her sleep.

"Ha~~!" Mu Rufeng yawned and stood up from a sitting position.

After looking around, there wasn't much change.

"Gurgugu~~!" At this time, my stomach suddenly made a sound.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out some food. After eating and drinking, Mu Rufeng identified the direction and quickly headed towards the safe area.

In just a few minutes, Mu Rufeng returned to the safe zone.

While on the road, Mu Rufeng didn't see any monsters.

There is no longer a contractor visible in the safe zone.

Obviously, the monsters have been killed, and these contractors have either returned or gone to hunt in other areas.

"Mr. Zombie King, I've finally waited for you." Mei Tong suddenly opened his eyes, which were originally closed, and looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Wait for me? What are you waiting for me for?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"You should know Zhou Wen and the others. Shouldn't they be grateful for their equipment?" Mei Copper said.

"Oh, um, anyway, I have a lot of them on me. They asked me for them, so they just gave them to me." Mu Rufeng said.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you. This skill card can be considered my reward." After saying this, Mei Copper immediately took out a card and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

After taking it, Mu Rufeng took a look and found that it was a random game skill card.

So, he has nine of them.

"It's quite generous, so I won't be polite. If nothing happens, I'll leave first." Mu Rufeng said.

"You go slowly." Mei Tong smiled slightly and sent Mu Rufeng off.

After Mu Rufeng stepped onto the teleportation array and left, Mei Tong was still smiling.

Obviously, she did make a lot of money this time.

You know, in just these six hours, Zhou Wen and the others led a group of people to clean up monsters in other areas, and they were overwhelming.

Among their bronze statues, there is actually a ranking list, a points ranking list, and a strength ranking list.

Now, the first place is the giant copper in area 008 where Mu Rufeng is.

This guy can be said to have widened the gap between him and the second player that people look up to.

The second place is the sky image in area 1000.

And she ranked tenth.

You know, she was only ranked over 600 before.

In just six hours, he passed all the rankings and reached the top ten.

Moreover, she felt that it was far more than that. First place was completely impossible, but there was a high probability that the second place would go to her.

In this way, the more she thought about it, the more anticipation grew in her heart.

Within the safety zone of Wilderness Area 854.

A magic circle slowly emerged, and then Mu Rufeng walked out of it.

There is not a single contractor in the safe zone, but the bronze statue stands nearby.

When he saw Mu Rufeng arriving, he quickly said: "Mr. Zombie King"

Mu Rufeng glanced at it, ignored it, and galloped away into the distance.

Seeing this, the bronze statue didn't say anything, just sighed softly.

The bronze statues in each area can use the power gained when players kill monsters to condense random skill cards.

However, it costs 30%, of course, only 30% of all the monsters in your area combined.

The consumption of this power is already huge, and it is even possible that due to the loss of 30% of the power, it will directly become the bottom of the final ranking.

However, in the early stage when Mu Rufeng just started cleaning, those bronze statues thought that Mu Rufeng was going to kill all the monsters.

In order to prevent all the power from being taken away by Area 008, the only option was to gather cards to bribe Mu Rufeng.

And the first one to eat crabs is naturally the area No. 1000.

The following ones also followed suit, but soon, the bronze statues further behind discovered that Mu Rufeng did not have time to clean up all the monsters and only killed the lord monsters.

In this way, everyone ignored Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng was even asked to quickly kill the BOSS so that the bronze statue could train contractors in its own area to hunt in other areas.

The wilderness areas at the top are basically those with larger numbers.

More than ten minutes later, Mu Rufeng killed the Lord BOSS, cleared the extra copy, and returned to the safe zone.

Without even looking at the contractors who gathered in the safe zone, Mu Rufeng went straight into the teleportation array.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to area 853.

When Mu Rufeng walked out of the magic circle, he saw that the magic circle was directly interrupted by a force.

Mu Rufeng frowned, and just as he was about to move, a force of rules came over him, instantly binding Mu Rufeng in place.

[You are hit by the rule props, and you are bound for one second]

[Ding! The guide of area 853 consumes all his strength, forcibly closes the teleportation magic circle, and restricts the return to the real world for one minute. ]

At the same time, the safe zone also disappeared at this moment, and the surrounding fog slowly spread from all around.

It only took one second for the forced binding to end.

Obviously, this is a binding rule prop, but because Mu Rufeng is too strong, it is forced to limit for one second.

However, it was at this second that the next rule item hit Mu Rufeng, and Mu Rufeng was bound forcibly for one second again.

Then, another rule skill appeared, and Mu Rufeng was bound again.

At the same time, multiple skill BUFFs appeared on him.

[You are hit by a rule item, and you are bound for one second]

[You are hit by a rule skill, and you are bound for one second]

[You are hit by a rule item, and a random ability is sealed, which lasts for one minute]

[You are hit by a rule skill, and the attribute is weakened by 10%, and it lasts for 10 seconds]

"Do it now, we only have fifteen seconds."

A blond man shouted excitedly.

When he finished speaking, countless skills and offensive items came towards Mu Rufeng.

There were huge fireballs, terrifying three-pointed ice cones, powerful poison gas bombs, and even thunder symbols.

These are the skills of mages and warlocks, as well as the sword energy of warriors.

In addition, many contractors used their chosen abilities to attack Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng looked at the overwhelming attacks and multiple weakening BUFFs, and he looked ahead silently without blinking.

It can be seen that in this safe zone, with Mu Rufeng's position as the stage, a stepped platform was built on all sides.

And on these platforms, contractors were densely packed.

And they all stood in batches, obviously, it had been planned long ago.

Counting them down, there were at least seven or eight hundred people.

At the same time, most of them were foreigners, and about 30% were yellow people with yellow skin and black hair.

However, judging from the clothes and faces of these people, they were probably Japanese and Korean.

Mu Rufeng's face showed a gloomy look.

It seems that these people had planned it long ago, united so many contractors, and waited for him here.

The purpose was to kill Mu Rufeng and explode all his divine clothes.

Even the guide used his own power to prevent the players from returning within one minute.

At this time, some contractors looked ugly because they found that they could not break the defense at all.

A large number of attacks fell on Mu Rufeng, but they could not break through the flame armor on Mu Rufeng.

The flame armor can not only increase the power of fire spells, but most importantly, it is a defensive skill.

Even though Mu Rufeng's strength has been weakened now, the defense of the flame armor is still not something these little Karami can break.

Only those rule-based skills and rule-based props can break the defense of the flame armor.

It's just that when the attack fell on Mu Rufeng's body, it was directly immune to the powerful physical ability.

After all, rule-based offensive skills or props are too rare, and even if there are, most of them depend on the strength of both parties.

"You, have you had enough fun? So, are you ready to accept the baptism of heavenly fire?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Damn it, run." A contractor was shocked, roared, and fled into the fog.

Suddenly, a large number of contractors ran into the fog.

The Salted Fish Zombie King was too terrifying. He was bound in place by so many rule props. Even with so many contractors attacking, he couldn't break through the defense.

One minute later, as long as they could hold on for a minute, no, there were only more than forty seconds left before they could return.

The fastest runner was the blond man.

However, they still underestimated Mu Rufeng's current strength.

"The Fire Realm is coming!"

Mu Rufeng waved the magic weapon in his hand, and a large amount of fire elements gathered and then spread out.

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of flames emerged from the sky.

And this flame spread rapidly in all directions with Mu Rufeng as the center.

In an instant, the flame surpassed the blond man, and surged again at a speed that he was a little desperate, and then fell down in front of him.

Suddenly, the area within a radius of several kilometers was covered by this layer of fire curtain.


Mu Rufeng gently clenched his right hand, and saw the fire curtain quickly shrink back towards Mu Rufeng.

In the blink of an eye, those contractors were pushed back to the original safe zone by the fire curtain.

"Ah~! Ah~!"

These contractors were burning with flames and wailing in pain.

Mu Rufeng controlled the intensity of the flames to be very small, so that they could feel the pain of the flames burning, but they could not be killed in a short time.

Mu Rufeng calculated the time and there were still thirty seconds left. Well, there was plenty of time.

"Golden-haired ghost, you are the initiator, right?" Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and grabbed the blond man and pinched his neck.

"Humph, I didn't expect that the level 40 epic equipment would be so powerful. Don't be complacent. I will definitely settle accounts with you in the future." Wade Morgan snorted coldly.

This man actually spoke Chinese.

"You think you have a login bracelet, so I can't do anything to you, right?" Mu Rufeng glanced at Wade's bracelet tattoo and said slowly.

Wade Morgan didn't speak, but looked at Mu Rufeng quietly.

"Speaking of which, I happened to bring a good prop this time, you should like it."

Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face, and then took out a pair of sunglasses.

[Glare at someone and they will get pregnant]: Boy, you are so arrogant, be careful or I will make you pregnant for ten months, do you believe it?

Effect: Rule-based props, after wearing the glasses, concentrate and glare at the target fiercely, you can make them pregnant, regardless of gender or species, glare at anyone and they will get pregnant.

Note 1: ...

After wearing the glasses, Mu Rufeng glared at Wade fiercely.

The latter felt a special force invading his body and then flowing into his abdomen.

Apart from that, there was no other discomfort.

Then, Mu Rufeng released Wade's neck and let him fall to the ground.

"Ah~~! My my belly, my belly..." At this time, Wade looked at his rapidly growing belly with horror.

He could clearly feel that something was growing in his belly.

"Young man, congratulations on becoming a father. I estimate that your due date should be ten days later."

"Guess, can the login bracelet abort your child?" Mu Rufeng looked at Wade with a smile on his face.

"You, you, you." Wade covered his stomach and looked at Mu Rufeng with horror.

"Oh, by the way, you can also experience a caesarean section, I believe it will bring you unforgettable memories."

"Okay, it's almost time, so let's send you on your way."

As soon as Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he saw those people enveloped by flames, and the contractors who were still wailing in pain instantly turned into charcoal.

Of course, those who turned into charcoal were those who did not log in to the bracelet, accounting for about 90%.

The remaining 10% of the people were all covered by a black light, and then disappeared on the spot.

In an instant, a large number of items fell from the bodies of these contractors, covering the ground, layer by layer.

Mu Rufeng glanced at it, and there were quite a few rule props in it, which should be the props of these people themselves.

Because there were too many things, Mu Rufeng was too lazy to pick and choose, and directly put all the things on the ground into the item column.

Fortunately, the inventory is unlimited, and it can hold as many things as possible.

Look at the equipment rankings now, all of them are epic equipment, and all of them belong to Mu Rufeng.

Even the epic equipment given to Zhou Wen and others is still not ranked in the top 100.

Mu Rufeng retracted the fire curtain, and the ground was burned black.

The bronze statue had already retracted into the ground when Mu Rufeng took action.

At this time, the one-minute time was up, and the teleportation magic circle in front reappeared.

"I'll give you some small things."

Mu Rufeng waved the magic stick and then walked directly into the teleportation circle, and then left area 853.

After Mu Rufeng left, a super-huge flaming meteorite appeared in the sky.

When the meteorite appeared, the surrounding fog was instantly evaporated by the high temperature and dissipated into nothingness.

Some dry flowers, plants and trees below also burned.

As the meteorite slowly fell, the temperature around it became higher and higher, and even the soil and rocks on the ground began to melt.

The meteorite fell with a bang, and the entire wilderness area was engulfed by the terrifying impact and flames...


Mu Rufeng came to Area 852.

When he walked out of the teleportation array, there was no sudden attack from the contractors, and it was completely empty.

Even the bronze statue was nowhere to be seen underground.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, flew around inside, and found that there was no monster inside.

The Lord BOSS was naturally gone.

I think this area should have been cleared, so maybe some of the people who ambushed Mu Rufeng were from this area.

Mu Rufeng did not stay here and entered the next area.

However, it was still empty.

Mu Rufeng walked through several wilderness areas in a row and found that they were all empty. Obviously, the more than 700 contractors who ambushed him were all from these wilderness areas.

It was not until the 845 wilderness area that Mu Rufeng saw the contractor.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew to the place where the Lord BOSS was.

It was just that the Lord BOSS was being beaten by more than 60 contractors.

When everyone saw Mu Rufeng in the sky, they were all shocked.

"Fuck, pay attention up there, there's another monster coming." A man shouted.

Others also looked up at the sky.

As expected, they found Mu Rufeng wearing flame armor.

However, the next scene surprised them.

Mu Rufeng shot out a scorching ray as thick as a thumb, which instantly hit the Lord BOSS.

With a "boom!", the Lord BOSS exploded directly, shocking the surrounding contractors.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV30 scale beast (Lord level), experience +0... Do you want to announce the whole copy?]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first V30 scale beast (Lord level), and get an additional experience +0...]

"Announce." Mu Rufeng muttered.

"You are the salted fish zombie king!" A contractor came back to his senses and exclaimed immediately.

"Boss, why are you stealing our monsters." A girl said weakly.

The next second, a large amount of purple equipment and red equipment fell out. At first glance, there were more than a hundred pieces.

No orange equipment or even golden legends were dropped.

Obviously, this is another attribute of the thousand-fold explosion rate.

"The things belong to you, I just want the points."

Mu Rufeng said slowly.

While speaking, Mu Rufeng released the scorching ray again, killing the treasure chest monster that appeared in the distance in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, the halo of orange equipment and golden legends flashed out from the treasure chest monster.

Mu Rufeng did not look at the equipment, but directly took out the token from it.

[Abyss Canyon (game copy)]: With this token, you can enter the Abyss Canyon copy at Black Wind Cliff.

Note: The average level of the Abyss Canyon copy is level 40. Please note that it is best to go in a team.

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