I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 227 Return, Settlement of Rewards [10,000 words]

"These equipments are yours too." Mu Rufeng pointed at the golden legendary and epic equipments dropped from the treasure chest monster and said.

"Thank you, big brother!" A group of people were immediately excited.

These are golden legendary and epic equipments, and the big brother actually gave them away casually. He was really generous.

Just when everyone wanted to say something, they saw that Mu Rufeng had already opened the copy of the Abyss Canyon and then directly immersed in it.

"Haha, I'm rich, hurry up, divide the equipment, divide the equipment." A contractor laughed and said.

No need to grab, no need to grab at all, because there are more than a hundred pieces of equipment here, which is enough to be divided.

That is to say, there may be some disputes over the distribution of those golden legendary and epic equipments.


When Mu Rufeng came out of the game copy, everyone had left.

Mu Rufeng immediately flew towards the safe zone. Not to mention, along the way, he saw many dying monsters and contractors who were constantly killing monsters.

Mu Rufeng knew that it was probably the guide of this wilderness area who took action. He did not kill the monster, but beat it to a low HP and let the contractors fight monsters to upgrade and get equipment so that they could go to other areas to hunt.

To be honest, Mu Rufeng didn't want to fight anymore. The three days of non-stop monster hunting really disgusted him.

The most important thing is that there are more than 800 wilderness areas.

Even if those contractors are hunting frantically, Mu Rufeng will calculate the maximum, and those people have cleared 300 wilderness areas.

Adding Mu Rufeng's more than 100, it is less than half of the total number of 1,000.

"Oh, forget it, just hold on a little longer, the points are really too useful." Mu Rufeng sighed and continued his crazy monster hunting.


In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

[Congratulations to the player for killing LV40 Evil Fire Kirin (King Level), experience +0...]

[Congratulations to the player for killing the first LV40 Evil Fire Kirin (King Level), and get an extra... Do you want to make a full copy announcement? ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the player Salted Fish Zombie King for killing the LV40 Evil Fire Kirin (King Level) and successfully clearing the dungeon. After ten minutes, he will be teleported away.]

[Please note that all lord-level BOSSes in the current one thousand wilderness areas have been killed. After three minutes, all contractors will be forced to return.]

"Is it the last one?" Mu Rufeng's lifeless eyes had a glimmer of light when he heard the last prompt sound.

For ten days, a full ten days, Mu Rufeng had not rested much. He just numbly swiped monsters, swiped monsters, and swiped monsters.

Although the attributes are powerful, it can't stand the mental consumption.

Both eyes were full of bloodshot. Although he could still hold on, Mu Rufeng felt that he needed to rest.

"There are still three minutes left. Eat something quickly. I will go to sleep directly after returning."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out a lot of food and water and stuffed them into his mouth frantically.

In just three minutes, Mu Rufeng's somewhat hungry stomach became much fuller.

When the three-minute countdown ended, Mu Rufeng's figure slowly disappeared from the spot.


When all the contractors returned, a beam of light flew high into the sky in all the wilderness areas.

If you look closely, the beams of light are the bronze statues. They flew for only a few seconds before all the beams disappeared.

On a wide platform somewhere, a thousand beams of light fell at the same time, and then the figures of the thousand bronze statues appeared.

"The wilderness pioneer copy is officially completed. The top ten points are as follows: first place, Giant Bronze in Area 008, second place, Beautiful Bronze in Area 854, third place, Sky Image in Area 1000, fourth place..."

Soon, the top ten points ranking appeared in front of everyone.

When the ranking was read out, a huge arena suddenly floated under the feet of Giant Bronze and the other ten people, and then directly lifted the ten people to dozens of meters above.

"Now, the bronze statues outside the top ten will start to divide into teams, 99 in a team, and each team will choose an arena to challenge."

"The last one standing on the arena will be the final ranking!"

A grand voice sounded.

At this moment, all the bronze statues had only one thing in mind, that is, the top ten, the top ten, the top ten!

After a while, the team was automatically divided into ten teams, each standing under the corresponding ring, standing in line.

There can be one challenger or two challengers on the ring to challenge, and the upper limit is ten. Of course, the number of people still needs to be decided by the ring master.

On the first ring, the giant bronze looked at the group of bronze statues below with contempt.

He said: "You, ten of you, come together."

The bronze statues looked at each other, and then the ten strongest bronze statues came out and jumped onto the ring.

When the battle started, the giant bronze released ten black lights and flew out. Before the bronze statues could even react, their heads were directly pierced.

The bodies of the ten dead bronze statues suddenly turned into a pool of liquid, and then flew towards the giant bronze, and were directly absorbed into its body.

After absorbing these liquids, the giant bronze became a little stronger.

"Go on, what are you standing there for?" The giant bronze man looked at the bronze statues below and said calmly.

"I want to fight ten of them too, hurry up and get on the stage." At this time, the second beautiful bronze man on the stage also shouted at the bronze statues below.

The result is self-evident. In any case, the top ten are basically the ten with the strongest points.

The strong ones, like Giant Bronze and Beautiful Bronze, can fight ten at once and end the battle quickly.

The weaker ones, like the tenth one, kill the bronze statues one by one, then become stronger, and finally kill and devour the ninety-nine bronze statues.


The real world.

In the safe rest room on the second floor underground.

Mu Rufeng was lying on the bed, still snoring.

Three days, three days after returning, Mu Rufeng has been sleeping all the time.


Mu Rufeng, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly heard a muffled thunder in his abdomen.

Then, Mu Rufeng frowned, and then opened his eyes.

"I'm so hungry." The first thing Mu Rufeng did when he woke up was to feel that his body was hot because of extreme hunger.

Mu Rufeng shook his head to make himself more awake.

Then he went directly to the table and took out the tablecloth of delicious food and spread it on the table.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng threw 100,000 soul notes directly on it, and then quickly went to the bathroom.

After washing up as quickly as possible, Mu Rufeng returned to the table.

At this time, he was completely awake.

At this moment, the table was already filled with a lot of delicious food.

Mu Rufeng couldn't help it anymore, so he grabbed the roast suckling pig and gnawed it on the head.

The dishes on the table were quickly eaten up by Mu Rufeng, and his whole stomach seemed to be pregnant for ten months.

The food made with 100,000 yuan was too effective, and Mu Rufeng didn't want to waste it, so he could only force it to eat.

Mu Rufeng, who had eaten and drunk enough, returned to the bed again, placed the bedding and pillow at the head of the bed, and then Mu Rufeng leaned on it and half-lying, and exhaled a long breath.

"What time is it?" Mu Rufeng picked up the mobile phone from the bedside.

He glanced and found that it was twelve o'clock in the morning.

"Is it only twelve o'clock? I remember it was eight o'clock in the morning when I came out of the dungeon?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused. Could it be that he had only slept for four hours?

Mu Rufeng subconsciously glanced at the date and found that it was already October 26th.

"Huh? The 26th? I remember it seemed to be the 23rd when I came out."

"No way, I slept for three days?" Mu Rufeng was stunned, and immediately turned off and restarted his phone, and then entered the normal mode.

After entering the normal mode, there were suddenly a lot of missed calls, unread WeChat and QQ messages.

There were calls from Zhou Bu and others, his parents, his third uncle, and even Tian Bu and his uncle.

Mu Rufeng flipped down and saw the calls and messages from Li Yaocun, Zou Qiang and others.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng first called his parents back.

He told them that he was safe, and then listened to their nagging for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Then he replied to Tian Bu. Tian Bu didn't have anything to say. He just asked why he couldn't get through to Mu Rufeng before. Now that he got through, he asked him to call his uncle.

Mu Rufeng immediately called his uncle.

"Leader, I'm sorry. I have been sleeping since I returned and just woke up." After the call was connected, Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems that this copy is hard." The leader said with a smile.

"Leader, do you have anything to ask me?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Nothing, just to tell you that I sent a level 5 contractor to Yongcheng Branch." The leader said.

"Level 5 contractor? Going to Yongcheng? Is there something big going to happen in Yongcheng?" Mu Rufeng became nervous.

His parents, his grandparents, are all in Yongcheng.

"Nothing, his name is Ou Yang, he failed to clear the dungeon last week and lost an arm, but because of the login bracelet, he only lost an arm."

"It just so happens that he is from Yongcheng, so I transferred him to Yongcheng, first to let him rest, and second, to protect your family."

"He has good ability and can protect your family's safety at any time." The leader said.

"Thank you, leader." Mu Rufeng was relieved after hearing this, and then he was quite surprised.

He didn't expect that the leader would actually send someone to protect his parents.

To be honest, he had this idea a long time ago, first to conquer them with his own strength, and then to spend soul money to hire a few contractors to protect his parents.

He could even use the login bracelet to tempt them to work for him.

"You have made very important contributions to the country, and the country naturally attaches importance to it. You don't have to worry about official issues, and the same is true for safety issues."

"But there are always some people who don't follow the rules, so necessary protection is still no problem."

"And if your family is willing, you can move into the agency compound, there are several houses prepared for you." The leader said.

"Move into the government compound? I'll ask my parents, but I don't think they will move."

Mu Rufeng thought of his parents running downstairs to chat with neighbors and play mahjong every day when they were not working.

Let alone playing mahjong, they can chat for a whole day, and they are well-informed about every household.

If I move into the government compound, I won't know anyone, and I'm afraid I will be bored to death every day.

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll go first. There have been a lot of changes outside in recent days, so you should pay more attention to it."

"Okay, boss."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng called his parents again.

When Mu Rufeng mentioned it, as expected, they completely disagreed, and his grandparents disagreed even more.

His grandparents did not live in the countryside, because the houses in the countryside were in disrepair for a long time, and there were not many people in the village, so they moved to the city.

At the same time, because of their age, in order to prevent problems when climbing stairs, Mu Shan directly tinkered with the storefront on the first floor of his house and let the two old people live there.

The two old people now have many friends to talk to nearby, so they naturally don't want to move away.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Your aunt's family will move back next month." Liu Meizhu said.

"Huh? My aunt is moving back?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

Grandpa and grandma have three children in total. His father Mu Shan is the eldest, the second daughter is Mu Pingping, and the third son is Mu Ze.

From birth to marriage and childbirth, and to now, Mu Shan has always been in Yongcheng. He has not gone to other cities to work or study, and his education is only a junior high school graduate.

The second daughter, Mu Pingping, was admitted to Wuhan University in Hubei with the support of Mu Shan because Mu Shan started working early.

After graduation, she stayed in Wuhan to work, and the person she married was her high school + university classmate. The two have been together since high school.

They are all from Yongcheng, so they can be regarded as supporting each other. In this way, the whole family of my aunt stayed in Wuhan to work. Although they are also workers, they also bought a house in Wuhan.

Therefore, Mu Rufeng was very curious why my aunt moved back to Yongcheng with her family.

Mu Ze's words were skipped.

"It's the news about the strange dungeon that the country has been talking about recently, which has caused a lot of uproar."

"Just last week, all the teachers of Xiaohong School were selected into the dungeon, and then died. The bodies appeared in the classroom, which scared the children terribly."

"You and Aze are now in the relevant department. After I told your aunt, she called Aze and then said she would move back." Mu Shan said.

It is obvious that your aunt and uncle really know the dangers of the strange world, and their family members hold positions in relevant departments.

Although they are not here, they still have some connections in Yongcheng Headquarters, so they are ready to return with their families.

As for work problems and the schooling of the two children of his aunt's family, I think there is no need to worry. After all, his third uncle will definitely make proper arrangements. Even if his third uncle does not arrange it, Mu Rufeng can arrange it.

"Well, this is the best. So, Mom and Dad, do you think you should let your aunt buy a house near our house..."

Mu Rufeng immediately told them about the fifth-level contractor at Yongcheng Headquarters protecting them.

"That's great. I'll go ask about the house right now." Mu Shan and Liu Meizhu responded.

Mu Shan and his three siblings have a good relationship. If they live close to each other, not only will grandparents be happy, but they will also be happy.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Rufeng sent a text message to his leader, and then continued to call Zhou Bu and replied.

Then he replied to a few friends including Li Yaocun.

They didn't have anything to do, they just wanted to get together with Mu Rufeng.

Especially Li Yaocun, this guy contracted a weirdness and wanted to show off to Mu Rufeng.

He also made a time with them to go to Li Yaocun's house for a meal tomorrow night.

Just a few phone calls, and an hour passed.

Mu Rufeng's stomach had already digested the food he had eaten, so he didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Settlement of rewards." Mu Rufeng whispered softly.

The next second, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Congratulations to LV3 player Mu Rufeng for clearing the super-large multiplayer special copy: Wilderness Pioneer]

[Player successfully killed 598 king-level BOSS, successfully killed 2203 lord-level BOSS, successfully killed 3920 commander-level BOSS, and obtained 10,000% completion rate (upper limit), and obtained props: one designated game skill card, one designated game equipment card, one frost dragon pet egg, one inventory double expansion card, and obtained the title: Crazy Chosen One, and obtained 10,000 soul coins]

[Player successfully obtained points 1214 5410 points, Wild Area Guide No. 008 successfully won the first place. The points will be used to invite you to purchase assets in the city after the city is built.]

[Wild Area Guide No. 008 successfully obtained the right to build a city. You have obtained 8645001500 bound soul notes and an invitation to the Zombie King City]

[Players get nine random game skill cards and several props. Note: There is not enough storage space in the inventory. Please select a location within ten seconds]

"This" Mu Rufeng listened to the prompt sound in his mind and was stunned for a while.

Then he reacted and showed ecstasy.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng chose the ground on the side.

A large number of props appeared on the ground out of thin air.

Mu Rufeng knew that these were the props that Mu Rufeng had killed those contractors.

Let's not talk about this for now, let's look at the previous rewards.

First is the designated skill card, which allows him to specify a skill.

Although he has nine random skill cards, they are completely random. Maybe he is unlucky and gets the same skill randomly.

How powerful is the mage's fire skill? Mu Rufeng has seen it, especially the skill at level 40, which is absolutely super powerful.

Another is the designated game equipment card, which can designate a piece of equipment.

The epic equipment inside is really super powerful, and all attributes alone can be increased by 500. If it is paired with [Life and Death], the strength will not soar.

Then there is the inventory double expansion card, which is also very useful.

[Inventory Double Expansion Card]: A special item that can double the player's current inventory, and the inventory space obtained for each level will also be expanded once.

What does this mean? It means that after each level, Mu Rufeng's inventory can be increased by three, but now it has to be increased by three, that is, a total of six.

[Crazy Chosen Person]: This is a crazy Chosen Person who killed a large number of BOSSes in a short period of time, upgraded to the maximum level, and has a very high luck value. Because of his madness, he has been recognized by the rules.

Effect: When wearing this title, the attribute of the rule item: [Chosen One] doubles, and the luck value increases by an additional 10 points.

"Fuck!" Mu Rufeng was shocked, and then ecstatic.

What does this mean? It means that his luck value will soar again, and those chances will also double.

[Frost Dragon Pet Egg]: This is the offspring of the Frost Dragon, with a strong physique and ice attribute magic, and needs to be contracted with it before it can be hatched.

Needless to say, this is equivalent to giving Mu Rufeng a contract ghost.

Although Mu Rufeng killed the Frost Dragon directly, he also knew how powerful the Frost Dragon was, so Mu Rufeng's third contract ghost has surfaced.

As for Lu Xueqing's cousin, Mu Rufeng thought about it and still didn't want to contract, because he didn't want his secret to be exposed.

After all, the identity of Lu Xueqing's cousin involves too many forces and relationships.

As for points, there is nothing to say, just wait until the city is built.

As for the bound soul notes, Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

These more than 8 billion soul notes were picked up by Mu Rufeng after killing the BOSS and those monsters.

Mu Rufeng thought that he would give it to him directly, but he didn't expect it to be bound.

The meaning of this binding is that it can only be consumed in the city built with giant copper, and cannot be consumed in other cities.

Although it cannot be used now, it is equivalent to him having more than 8 billion assets for nothing.

As for the last Zombie King City ribbon-cutting invitation

[Zombie King City Invitation]: Invitation to the ribbon-cutting ceremony after the successful establishment of Zombie King City.

Special props: With this invitation, you can go to Zombie King City to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at a specific time.

Ribbon-cutting time: 10:00 on November 1, 2024.

Owner: Mu Rufeng

Note: When the contractor holds this invitation, he can summon the holder from the real world in the form of a copy to the Zombie King City ribbon-cutting ceremony within a specific time.

"Zombie King City. Giant Copper, this guy named it with my ID?" Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly.

However, he did not expect that he would actually receive an invitation to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

I guess they thought he had made the greatest contribution, so they let him participate.

This is good, at least he can clear the level once more, and he can also spend a lot of money in the city.

Then there is the time issue. It will be November next year, which means that the city will take a year to build.

"One year is one year, but it's a pity to waste the interest of more than 8 billion soul notes that I have bound." Mu Rufeng said with some regret.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng took out the inventory expansion card and used it directly.

[Inventory expansion card is used up, inventory +12]

All of a sudden, Mu Rufeng's inventory doubled directly to 24 grids.

Then Mu Rufeng placed nine random game skill designated cards, one designated game skill card, and the equipment card in front of him one by one.

Mu Rufeng picked up the first random card and tore it directly.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Fireball]

Instantly, Mu Rufeng felt a strange power coming, and then he raised his right hand, and saw a basin-sized fireball slowly emerging.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, he had a strange feeling, although he could cast the fireball, but there was always a feeling of incompatibility, so his casting speed was a bit slow.

Mu Rufeng guessed that it should be a wand or a staff to cast smoothly, and it might even increase the power of the fireball.

Then Mu Rufeng used the second random card again.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Fire Meteorite]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Fireball. Since the player has already learned Fireball, the Fireball level is +1]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Flame Armor]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Explosive Flame]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Flame Armor. Since the player has already learned Flame Armor, the Flame Armor level is +1]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Fireball. Since the player has already learned Fireball, the Fireball level is +1]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: Explosive Flame. Since the player has already learned Explosive Flame, the Explosive Flame level is +1]

"Uh" Mu Rufeng looked at the skills he had obtained, a little dazed.

Good guy, eight cards, high-level skills, but none of them were obtained. The highest one was the level 25 Fire Meteorite.

Isn't his luck value quite high? How come he got Fireball three times?

[LV3 Fireball]

[LV1 Fire Meteorite]

[LV2 Flame Armor]

[LV2 Explosive Flame]

[LV2 God of Fire]

Mu Rufeng slapped his head, he felt that his brain was crazy.

Mu Rufeng immediately put on the title of the Chosen One, and then took out the gambler's dice and threw it.

[You threw a 6-point dice, luck value +6]

So, his luck value reached 42 points.

Afterwards, Mu Rufeng tore open the last random card again.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: God of Fire]

[LV1 God of Fire]: After casting, you can control the powerful power of fire, just like the God of Fire.

"Perfect." Mu Rufeng nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng used the designated skill card again.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the fire skill: God of Fire Descent. Since the player has already learned God of Fire Descent, God of Fire Descent level +1]

Although there are still a few skills that have not been obtained, it doesn't matter.

God of Fire Descent is the most powerful skill.

Even before using this skill, Mu Rufeng felt that he seemed to have an extremely powerful fire elemental power in his body.

This is also the horror of God of Fire Descent.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the game equipment card in his hand.

If the fire skill is an extremely powerful attack, then the game equipment is definitely a super god.

Especially the epic equipment that Mu Rufeng has.

Mu Rufeng directly PASSed other parts, and the first choice was weapons, because it can enhance the fire skills he uses.

Mu Rufeng immediately designated a piece of equipment, and it appeared in his hand immediately.

[Evil Fire Kirin Wand]: The wand nurtured by the king-level BOSS Evil Fire Kirin has extremely powerful fire attribute power.

Effect: Level 9 item, increases damage to fire attribute ability by 50%, reduces consumption of fire attribute by 30%, super hard, indestructible.

Special attribute 1: All attributes +200, strength attribute increases by 100.

Special attribute 2: Additional skills: Kirin collision, Ring of Fire, Evil Fire Sacrifice.

Special attribute 3: Increase damage to physical body by 30%.

Note: Through rule conversion, equipment attributes are slightly reduced.

Although the attributes are indeed reduced a little, it is also a super powerful item.

And, most importantly, this equipment is simply a super weapon for melee mages.

It cannot be destroyed, increases damage to physical body by 30%, and increases additional attributes by 100 points. Isn't this a clear way for users to fight melee with this?

And it just so happens that Mu Rufeng should be the legendary existence of dual cultivation of body and magic.

Finally, only the egg of the frost dragon is left.

Mu Rufeng did not hesitate too much and signed a contract with it directly.

Then, following the instructions, Mu Rufeng bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood into it.

Suddenly, the pet egg moved.


Tiny cracks appeared on the pet egg.

Then, a fist-sized head pushed the eggshell open.

"Ying-ying-ying!" The little dragon looked at Mu Rufeng and made a few affectionate calls.

Then it began to gnaw the eggshell quickly.

In a short while, the eggshell was gnawed away.

"Ying-ying-ying." The full little guy hurried to Mu Rufeng's side and rubbed hard.

Obviously, he could feel that Mu Rufeng was his master, or the contractor, or the father?

"From now on, I'll call you Mu Xiaolong." Mu Rufeng touched the little guy's head and said with a smile.

"Ying-ying-ying." The little dragon seemed to like this name very much, and his face was very happy.

The appearance of Xiaolong is somewhat similar to the Frost Dragon, the king-level BOSS that Mu Rufeng killed. I think when he grows up, he should be able to grow into the appearance of the Frost Dragon.

"So cute." Xiaoying suddenly appeared on the side.

She knelt on the bed, holding Xiaolong in her arms, rubbing him hard, with an excited look on her face.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Xiaolong could also feel Mu Rufeng's breath from Xiaoying, so he did not resist, but liked it very much.

"Hehe, with Xiaolong here, we won't be so bored in the future." Bai Jingwei's figure also appeared on the side, reaching out to touch Xiaolong's wings, and said with a smile.

"Xiaoying, play with Xiaolong later, it's time to work, put things away." Mu Rufeng pointed to the props on the ground and said.

"By the way, you can pick a few you like from them." Mu Rufeng added.

"Thank you, Brother Mu." Bai Jingwei was overjoyed when she heard it.

She made the right decision to sign a contract with Mu Rufeng. It had only been a short time, but her wealth had increased countless times.

She also had many more good things on her body.

Soon, the two picked up a few props, and then Xiaoying sucked all of them into her stomach in one breath.

Then, the two took Xiaolong back to the contract slot, and Mu Rufeng was the only one left in the room.

Now that she had signed a contract with Xiaolong, Mu Rufeng also gained an ability.

[Ice Breath]: Open your mouth to spit out an extremely cold breath to freeze the enemy.

Simple, ordinary, the little dragon has just been born, and when it becomes stronger, it will definitely have many more skills.

Mu Rufeng took the Fire Kirin's wand in his hand. It must be said that this wand looks really good.

The whole body is red, about 0.7 meters long, with a small Kirin head on the top, and a constant red glow.

At the same time, there are a lot of magic patterns engraved on the wand, and you can tell at a glance that this thing is not simple.

Mu Rufeng held it in his hand and could clearly feel the attribute value he had increased.

Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV3 (2/4)

[Strength]: 831.8

[Spirit]: 726.2

[Constitution]: 730.5

[Contract Slot]: LV4 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV1 (Mu Xiaolong)

[Ghost Power]: Level 5

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]... [God of Fire]

[Luck Value]: 42

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Coins: 3.927 billion

Bound Soul Coins: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

The attributes also skyrocketed a lot, but unfortunately, it was really incomparable to the time in the copy.

To be honest, he had already used the powerful attributes in the copy, and when he returned to the real world, he still couldn't adapt to it for a while.

After sleeping for three days, I felt much better.

"But it's a bit eye-catching when I hold it in my hand."

Mu Rufeng immediately extended a bandage on his body, then wrapped up the wand, and then hung it around his waist.

As for why he didn't put it in the inventory, it was naturally because the attributes in the inventory would not increase.

Not to mention, his own attributes have been increasing.

"I stink all over, I have to take a shower." Mu Rufeng sniffed his body and felt a little disgusted.

He didn't wash for more than ten days in the copy world.

When Mu Rufeng finished washing and dressing, he left the rest room.

Today is October 26, Thursday, and it's working time.

Mu Rufeng just walked out and saw two employees coming over.

"Brother Mu, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded, and walked past the two people towards the elevator entrance.

Then he remembered something and turned around and asked, "By the way, is Cheng Bu in the company?"

"Yes, he is in the office."


Mu Rufeng immediately took the elevator to the lobby.

He met many familiar employees along the way and greeted them one by one.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to Cheng Youlin's office.

"Bu Cheng, your job is so leisurely, you are still watching TV series?" Mu Rufeng appeared behind Cheng Youlin without knowing when.

Cheng Youlin, who was originally giggling, was suddenly shocked and hurriedly turned off Xunteng Video.

"What's the use of turning it off? I saw it all. But, Brother Lin, you actually watch "The Stars Are Brilliant"? "Mu Rufeng teased.

"Ahem, Mu Rufeng, why are you here? And how did you get in?" Cheng Youlin coughed twice and changed the subject.

"You know my ability, isn't it easy to get in? By the way, is "The Stars Are Brilliant" good?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"It's good, very good, I recommend you to watch it..." Cheng Youlin blurted out.

"It's really good. I watched the first and second parts of this drama when it came out, and the second part is even better." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, yes, I saw the comments too, saying that the second part "The Moon Rises Over the Sea" is even better." Cheng Youlin nodded repeatedly.

"Brother Lin, has anything major happened recently after the news of the strange world was released?" Mu Rufeng asked.

Mu Rufeng could also search online by himself, but Mu Rufeng decided to ask Cheng Youlin first.

After all, the relevant departments are still much more informed.

"After the news was released, it naturally caused an uproar, and some big cities also caused some unrest."

"But there is nothing to be afraid of. After more than 20 days, it has gradually calmed down, and everyone has accepted the existence of the strange world."

"There are even a large number of people on the Internet who hope that the strange world will come soon, so that they can kill and achieve extraordinary results."

"Ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel. I don't know what the results will be for these people in the future." Cheng Youlin sighed and said.

"Don't worry, when the strange world comes, the login bracelet will definitely be available to the public at that time." Mu Rufeng said.

"I hope so." Cheng Youlin shook his head slightly.

"Since you are awake, should we have a meal tonight?" Cheng Youlin suddenly said.

"Well, I have already told Zhou Bu that we will have a meal with Chef Fei at the IF Center tonight." Mu Rufeng nodded in response.

"Chef Fei? Don't you want to go to a higher-end place?"

"Isn't this a coupon from Qu Lianhong? It says that if you don't use it, it will expire next week." Mu Rufeng said.

"This Qu Lianhong, is she still short of that little bit of money? Really?"

"By the way, Xiao Mu, go to XXX later to see if anyone has returned, or if there are any dead bodies."

"Is it someone who has entered the strange world?"

"Well, recently, because of the news, we also know that something is wrong when entering the dungeon."

"As long as someone knows that they are about to enter the dungeon, they will immediately call our relevant departments to report."

"We are still short of people now. As long as they have reported, they can directly join the relevant departments when they return."

"But there are some people who have no news after all, and they still live alone, so we can only send people to check them out."

"Originally, I was going to go, but now that you are here, you must go, and I still have to review some documents." Cheng Youlin said.

"So busy now? Is there such a shortage of manpower?" Mu Rufeng asked in confusion.

"Of course, didn't you see that the contractors were sent out to work, and even the training time for the reserve players was reduced a little."

"Then why is Brother Lin still watching the show here?" Mu Rufeng teased again.

"Get lost, I was busy all night last night, and I only had lunch and a break at noon. Why can't you even let me watch a TV show?" Cheng Youlin said unhappily.

"Just kidding, just kidding."

"By the way, the 100,000-person copy this time should also have a big impact, right?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"Of course, as far as I know, at least 2,000 people died this time. If it weren't for the login bracelet, it is estimated that this number would be at least multiplied by ten times."

Mu Rufeng was also slightly surprised when he heard this.

Don't look at the ratio of 100,000 people to 1,000 people involved, the mortality rate is only equivalent to 1%.

But we have to look at the total base number, not to mention that these are all level 3 contractors, and almost 99% of them have contracted weirdness.

Because if you don't contract weirdness, it's difficult to upgrade to level 3.

And this is Mu Rufeng killing more than half of the lord-level BOSS... Wait, Mu Rufeng seems to have killed the more than 700 contractors who ambushed him.

Calculated in this way, the mortality rate is

"By the way, what did you do to foreigners? Those people cursed you crazily on the forum."

"Especially a guy named Wade Morgan, he directly offered a reward of 10 billion plus some soul notes and props to kill you, or your true identity." Cheng Youlin said.

I recommend the new book "The Gatekeeper of All Worlds" by the great god of fireworks. It's good, I'm also following it, it should be on the shelves this week.

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