I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 228 The pain that men cannot experience

"Putting a reward on me? Haha, do you know that guy's true identity?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"That guy is the third heir to the Morgan Consortium. The first and second are his father and twin brother, a rich and powerful second-generation bastard." Cheng Youlin said.

"The Morgan Consortium sounds familiar. It seems to be a very big consortium."

"Wade united more than 700 contractors to ambush me..."

"Fortunately, the equipment has strong attributes, so I killed them all in the end."

"As for that guy, I just let him experience the pain that men can't experience." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Pain that men can't understand?" Cheng Youlin suddenly showed a confused look?

"What kind of pain is it? We men can't feel it? Aunt? Pregnancy and childbirth? Or..."

"Guess." Mu Rufeng smiled and said nothing.

"Just watch it slowly, I'm going to work first." Mu Rufeng patted Cheng Youlin on the shoulder and left the office.

"What kind of pain is it?" Cheng Youlin looked confused.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Youlin stopped thinking about it, reopened the Xunteng video, and continued watching the TV series, with the silly aunt's smile reappearing on his face.

Mu Rufeng came downstairs and drove away from the Wancheng District branch.

On the way, Mu Rufeng was thinking about something.

When he was settling the rewards before, there seemed to be no message left by the cheat.

It is definitely impossible. So, there is only one possibility, that is, he missed it, or in other words, it was already reminded, but he was sleeping so he didn't notice it.

"Can you give me another reminder about the plug-in legacy?" Mu Rufeng didn't feel any changes, so she could only give a tentative call.

[It is detected that the host has cleared the copy, and the plug-in is uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in’s legacy attributes: 100 times the explosion rate]

[Hundred-fold explosion rate]: When paired with [Chosen One], when an enemy is killed, the dropped items will have a hundred-fold explosion rate.

[It was detected that multiple monsters were killed in the host copy. A total of 598 monsters met the requirements. Gained strength +19.5, spirit +23.3, physical strength +17, ghost power +59.8%]

"Eh? Huh?" Mu Rufeng didn't expect that he would actually appear.

What surprised Mu Rufeng the most was that [Killing monsters makes you stronger] was also triggered.

When he was in the dungeon, he thought it couldn't be triggered.

Now it seems that the rules of [Wild Trailblazer] may be too high, and it can only be operated secretly and secretly, and it was only revealed again after the dungeon was released.

"However, only king-level bosses are counted. It would be more comfortable if commander-level bosses were also counted." Mu Rufeng said with a little pity.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng drove a van to an old resettlement community.

This place still belongs to Wancheng District.

Mu Rufeng found a unit in the third building based on what Cheng Youlin said, and then walked slowly upstairs.

After a while, Mu Rufeng appeared in front of Room 602 on the sixth floor.

Mu Rufeng sniffed and frowned slightly.

He smelled a faint stench, and also noticed a hint of ghostly aura.

But the ghostly aura quickly disappeared.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward, used her ghost power to easily unlock the door, pushed the door open and walked in.

The house is not big. When you enter, there is a small living room of about ten square meters. There are old sofas and a TV table without a TV, plus a dining table covered with grease.

Mu Rufeng walked through the living room and came to the master bedroom. She took a look and found nothing wrong inside.

Then he took two more steps and came to the door of the second bedroom. He took a look, and then he pushed open the toilet door directly opposite the second bedroom.

The faint odor suddenly became extremely strong.

The toilet was also very small, with a clear view, but in the corner of the toilet, there was a human head sitting there.

There was a hole on the top of the head, so the tofu inside must have been eaten.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the head and said slowly: "Stop hiding. Should you come out by yourself, or should I do it myself?"

Silence, there was silence in the toilet.


Before Mu Rufeng could say anything, a black shadow flew out from the toilet window and came to the kitchen.

Well, the layout of this resettlement house is very strange. The toilet enters the door, the window opens on the right side, and the kitchen is on the right side.

The black shadow was very fast and headed straight for the kitchen window.

But, how could Mu Rufeng let him escape.

A banana peel appeared on the stove at some point.

The black shadow fell straight down from above, and then stepped on the banana peel.

"Ah~~!" A cry came out.

The black figure landed directly on its back and made a muffled sound.

It was at this fall that the black energy on the shadow dispersed, revealing an extremely greasy middle-aged man with a stubble on his face.

This man was wearing a white vest with a Japanese manga girl on it, flowery pants on his lower body, and a pair of padded flip-flops on his feet.

After the man fell to the ground, he slapped his hands on the ground, quickly jumped up, and headed towards the window again. At the same time, he shook his hand and saw a handful of black powder being thrown out.

When the black powder met the air, it quickly reacted in some unknown way, releasing a large amount of black smoke.

In the blink of an eye, the entire kitchen was enveloped in black smoke.


Mu Rufeng flicked his finger, and a worn-out sandbag accurately hit the man flying towards the window.

"Ah!" The man's body was immediately restrained and unable to move, and then he fell heavily on the stove from mid-air.

"Bang!" There was a sound.

The stove was actually smashed directly by the man.

Then, Mu Rufeng opened the window, opened his mouth and blew, and the black mist was quickly blown out of the window.

Then, Mu Rufeng stepped forward and lifted the man up.

"Tell me, what's the situation?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I didn't kill anyone. When I came, the man was dead." The greasy uncle showed a frightened look on his face.

"Oh? Since he is dead, how did you find this place? Could it be that you still live with him?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, I live in the building next door. I went downstairs to get a package, and then the contract ghost in my body smelled the smell."

"He forced me here, and then ate the body." The greasy uncle fell to the ground and couldn't move at all, his eyes constantly dodging Mu Rufeng's gaze.

"Why do I not believe it?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"It's true, what I said is true."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but took out his mobile phone and pointed it at the greasy uncle's face.

After a while, the greasy uncle's identity information appeared on Mu Rufeng's mobile phone.

"Sun Yan, male, born on March 1, 1999, now 24 years old, graduated from Changsha University of Science and Technology in 21 years, and has been relying on the pension of his parents who had an accident three years ago to stay at home after graduation, and has never worked."

"So, you are a casual second-level contractor?" Mu Rufeng told Sun Yan's information one by one.

"Also, you're only 24 years old? Looking at your face and figure, I thought you were in your 40s or 50s."

Mu Rufeng really didn't expect that this 'middle-aged man' was only 24 years old, the same age as him.

"Yes, I'm 24 years old. I'm a loner. Brother, are you from the relevant department?"

"Tell me why you didn't go to the relevant department to register. With your ability, I think it should be no problem for me to join the relevant department." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"That... I... I don't want to join."

"Don't want to join? Why? Or do you want to join the group company?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

To be honest, the treatment from the state is really high.

"No, no, I just want to be a loner." Sun Yan said quickly.


"The protagonists in anime and novels are all lone rangers and never join forces." Sun Yan held back a word.

"You're right." Mu Rufeng really didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"Forget it, come back with me to the relevant department. Did you kill him or just eat the corpse? We have many ways to tell the difference."

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and saw the bandage flying out, and then tied him up, and then was dragged by Mu Rufeng to the door.

"Brother, I really didn't kill anyone. It's all my contract ghost. He insisted on tasting human flesh. I bought him fresh beef and refused it." Sun Yan almost cried.

"Even if you didn't kill anyone, it's a crime for your contract ghost to eat corpses. Shut up and go back with me, otherwise, I'll cut off your jaw."

Sun Yan was frightened by Mu Rufeng and immediately shut up.

When he walked to the bedroom door, Mu Rufeng suddenly turned around and walked in, then picked up a piece of quilt, wrapped Sun Yan up directly and carried him on his shoulders.

Although it was a bit eye-catching, it didn't look like there was a person, just carrying a piece of quilt, which saved a lot of trouble.

Soon, Mu Rufeng carried Sun Yan downstairs.

I didn't meet many people in the corridor, but after going downstairs, I met many residents one after another.

But they just looked at Mu Rufeng and stopped paying attention.

When he came to the van, Mu Rufeng opened the side door and threw Sun Yan directly on the back seat.

Soon, Mu Rufeng started the car and drove towards the branch.

On the way, Mu Rufeng also notified the employees of the unit and asked them to send someone to collect the body and deal with the follow-up matters.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng returned to the Wancheng branch.

After parking the car, Mu Rufeng pulled Sun Yan down and took him to the interrogation area on the negative first floor.

"Brother Mu, are you awake? What is this?" Just after arriving at the negative first floor, I saw Zhao Dayong walking from a distance with Su Xin and Lan Hui.

"Well, when I woke up, I was called to work by the Chengbu."

"I ran into the house of the person who entered the copy. When I went there, all that person was left was a head with a hole in it and this guy."

"It's just right, I'll leave this person to you. Pry his mouth open and ask him whether he killed people or just ate the corpse." Mu Rufeng put the bedding on the ground directly.

"Okay, Su Xin, you stay and deal with this matter." Zhao Dayong said to the people behind him.

"Okay, Brother Yong, Captain Mu, then I'll go to work first." Su Xin grabbed the bedding and dragged it inside.

"Remember to bring the bandage back to me when the time comes." Mu Rufeng said to Su Xin.

"Okay, Captain Mu." Su Xin nodded immediately.

"Brother Mu, it's just right that you woke up. There's something you have to do." Zhao Dayong looked at Mu Rufeng again.

"What's the matter?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Our Skynet filmed a roaming contract criminal. He is now staying in the Gaoxing Building Materials Market."

"It's near Xinsheng Youxuan, where Brother Mu used to work." Zhao Dayong said.

"The wandering contractor criminal? What did he commit?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"He ate a few people, and he was quite ruthless. He even killed two official contractors. There has been no news about him for two months. I thought he died in the dungeon, but I didn't expect that he would be photographed by Skynet this time." Zhao Dayong said.

"How many months, so you are at least a third-level contractor?" Mu Rufeng said.

I've slept for exactly three days, now it's time to move around.

"Yes, I was originally going to find Cheng Bu, but Cheng Bu stayed up all night last night and should be resting now."

"I just happened to meet Brother Mu, so I won't bother Cheng Bu." Zhao Dayong said.

"Okay, let's go." The three of them immediately walked upstairs.

The person driving the car was naturally Lan Hui.

"By the way, Dayong, you have already made a contract, right?" Mu Rufeng suddenly asked on the way.

"Yes, I'm lucky this time. I made a contract with a weirdo. Otherwise, I might not be able to come back safely this time."

Zhao Dayong said with a smile.

Zhao Dayong has a login bracelet, which was given to him by Mu Rufeng. Naturally, his life will not be in danger. However, if it is at the cost of an arm, then the subsequent copies will be even more dangerous.

"Yes, I will work hard and strive to reach level three as soon as possible, so that I can have more leisure time." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's Brother Mu." Zhao Dayong nodded helplessly.

In just ten minutes, they arrived near Gaoxing Logistics Park.

"Brother Mu, it was the camera that caught Lei Hui. Lei Hui bought something in that store." Zhao Dayong pointed to a Xinsheng Youxuan convenience store not far away and said.

"What a coincidence. When I go to work, I often come here to eat and buy things." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

Although it is said that Xinsheng Youyou is in charge of the food, sometimes I go out for a late-night snack, so this is the place to go.

This small street happens to have a lot of restaurants and shops. If you count, there are three. If you add the two buildings in front and behind and there are two more, that's five.

That's why, basically everything inside is relatively cheap. For example, a 1L bottle of Kangshuaifu drink costs RMB 4 in other places, but the price in these stores is RMB 3.5.

The same goes for large bottles of mineral water, which are 50 cents cheaper.

"When did you take the photo of Lei Hu?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It's today, it shouldn't take more than two hours in total." Zhao Dayong replied.

"Two hours. If he has stayed here, there is a high probability that he has not left yet, but if he is just passing by, he must not be here anymore."

"Have you checked whether there are any missing persons here?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"There is one, but it's not near here, but in a resettlement community five kilometers away from here."

"You guys go visit the nearby stores and ask if there are any missing cats or dogs." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Brother Mu." After hearing this, the two people immediately got out of the car and went to visit and investigate.

Mu Rufeng sat in the car and began to rummage through the pile of props from Xiaoying.

There were too many props, and he wanted to see if there were any missing person props inside.

"Huh? Xiaomu? Is it really you? I thought I saw it wrong." At this time, three people walked out of the car window.

There were two women and one man, and the man was Uncle Liu, whom Mu Rufeng was very familiar with.

"Uncle Liu?" Mu Rufeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses, a smile appeared on his face, and he got out of the car.

"Xiao Mu, I haven't seen you for a few months, why are you here?" Uncle Liu asked.

"If you have something to do, come here," Mu Rufeng said with a smile, and then glanced at the two women beside Uncle Liu.

"Hello, Auntie." Mu Rufeng said hello to Hou Chun who was standing aside, and then nodded to Liu Yan as a greeting.

"Xiao Mu, I haven't seen him for so long. He's become more handsome. I don't think he's as bad as those celebrities." Hou Chun's eyes kept scanning Mu Rufeng, making Mu Rufeng feel a little embarrassed.

Liu Yan also looked at Mu Rufeng up and down. She was studying in college in Changsha, so naturally she came to see her father frequently.

He had seen Mu Rufeng many times. Although he was a bit handsome, his skin was too dark and a bit rough, so he was not her cup of tea.

But now, her skin has become fair and tender, and her overall temperament has also improved a lot. Coupled with the more formal-looking and high-end suit, it can be said that her appearance has been improved.

"It's not because I haven't been exposed to the sun that my skin has gotten better." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"It seems like today is not a holiday. Why are Auntie and Xiaoyan here?"

"Isn't it my birthday today? Xiaoyan has graduated and my wife has nothing to do in the afternoon, so she came over to celebrate my birthday together."

"No, we are going to Xixin Temple later." Uncle Liu said with a happy smile on his face.

"Happy birthday, Uncle Liu. I have nothing to prepare, so I'll just send you a birthday red envelope." Mu Rufeng immediately took out her phone and prepared to send a red envelope.

"No, no, no, no need for the red envelope." Uncle Liu quickly grabbed Mu Rufeng's hand.

"Forget the red envelope, if you are free in the evening, let's have dinner together." Hou Chun suddenly said.

"That's all. I can't disturb your family reunion. Besides, I also have an appointment to have dinner with my colleagues tonight."

To be honest, if he hadn't already made an appointment with Zhou Bu and the others, Mu Rufeng would definitely still go.

Liu Yan had been watching from the side without saying a word, or in other words, she couldn't get a word in and didn't know what to say.

"It's a coincidence that I met you today. By the way, Xiao Mu, did you enter that copy before?" Uncle Liu suddenly asked.

"Yes, Uncle Liu, it's not that I hid it, but it was really something that I couldn't tell anyone at the time." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Hey, it's nothing, don't you know now? By the way, is that weird world really scary? Is the mortality rate high?" Uncle Liu asked again. "Ah? Brother Mu, has he entered the dungeon?" Liu Yan was shocked.

As a contemporary college student, I am extremely interested in this strange copy, although I am also very scared.

However, when someone I know has entered the dungeon, it feels really unreal.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng smiled at Liu Yan, and then replied: "It is very dangerous. I am lucky. With the help of Chang Feng, who turned into a strange person, I successfully passed the first instance. ”

"Chang Feng? Is that Chang Feng?" Uncle Liu was suddenly surprised.

He didn't know Chang Feng before, but since October 1st, he has known him.

Because the news of the strange dungeon spread, everyone around them was talking about the people who died in the first place in July.

It can be said that Chang Feng's name was mentioned repeatedly during this period.

"The weird world is so dangerous, what should we do if we enter it in the future?" Hou Chun said worriedly.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry. I took part in the employment assessment of the relevant department, and my grades are also at the top. I should be given a job offer in the next few days." Liu Yan said confidently.

"Yes, yes." Hou Chun nodded repeatedly.

"Xiao Mu, are you working in the relevant department now?" Uncle Liu asked again.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded, there was nothing to hide.

In other words, there is no need to hide it. Uncle Liu was sure of the matter the moment the news came out.

"Team Mu." At this moment, Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui came over.

Upon hearing this, Uncle Liu and the others immediately looked at Zhao Dayong and Zhao Dayong.

Zhao Dayong and Lan Hui also smiled politely and nodded.

"Have you found anything?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No one here has cats or dogs, so I didn't even ask." Zhao Dayong shook his head and said.

"Is that so? It seems that he might just be passing by." Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Cats and dogs? Xiao Mu, what do you ask cats and dogs for? Don't tell me, there are cats and dogs being stolen around recently." Uncle Liu said.

"Huh? Uncle Liu, are you sure?" Mu Rufeng immediately looked at Uncle Liu.

"Of course, after you left, a young man was recruited. He couldn't get used to living in the dormitory, so he rented a house in the building next door."

"Last month at work, he complained to me that there were dogs barking in several stores every night and made a lot of noise. Later, he told me that it suddenly became quiet. He went to ask and found out that the dog had been stolen and there were cats. "Yeah." Uncle Liu said.

"Team Mu." Zhao Dayong looked at Mu Rufeng.

"Uncle Liu, did it happen last month?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, probably around the end of September." Uncle Liu nodded.

"Well, Uncle Liu, I have something else to do, so I won't talk more. Xiaolan, you drive Uncle Liu and the others to Xixin Temple." Mu Rufeng said.

"No, no, we can just take a taxi ourselves. It's not far anyway." Uncle Liu waved his hands repeatedly.

"Uncle Liu, why are you being polite to me? Besides, you didn't say it would be far, so it was delivered right away." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Uncle, aunt, come up." At this time, Lan Hui also opened the car door.

"Okay, thank you."

Finally, the three of them got into the car.

Lan Hui immediately started the vehicle and headed towards Xixin Temple.

"Brother Mu, how do you do it?" Zhao Dayong asked.

"Let's go, first go to the Logistics Park Information Building to look for properties. All the rented houses and facades here belong to Gaoxing Group."

"Let's go to the property management company to get the records of the renters, screen out the recent renters, and check one by one. Even if they use fake IDs, we can definitely find them," Mu Rufeng said.

Zhao Dayong nodded, and then led by Mu Rufeng, headed towards the information building.

On the van.

"Little girl, are you also from the relevant department?" Hou Chun suddenly asked.

"Yes, Auntie." Lan Hui nodded.

"I just heard you call Xiao Mu, Captain Mu, Xiao Mu, now he..." Hou Chun did not say the next words.

Hearing this, Lan Hui smiled and said: "Captain Mu is now the captain of the action team of our Wancheng branch."

"Captain of the action team? That should be a senior official, right?" Hou Chun was slightly startled and said quickly.

Uncle Liu and Liu Yan on the side were also a little surprised.

Especially Liu Yan, since she was preparing to apply for the relevant departments, she had searched for a lot of relevant information.

First of all, the headquarters of the relevant departments is in the capital.

Then each province will also have a relevant department.

The headquarters of Hunan Province is in Changsha, which is also the Changsha headquarters. Changsha also has two branches, namely the Changsha County branch and the Wancheng District branch.

The minister of the Changsha headquarters manages the headquarters and has two deputy ministers under his jurisdiction. Under the deputy ministers is the captain of the action team.

Below the captain of the action team, there are ordinary contractors, and above, it can be said that they are all contractors.

Under the contractors are the reserve players, and under the reserve players are the ordinary clerks.

This type of ordinary clerks is also the largest in number, and is responsible for some daily and tedious work, and handles some aftermath matters, maintaining the normal operation of the relevant departments.

The position that Liu Yan wants to apply for is the reserve player.

The other two branches, except for the lack of a deputy minister, are almost the same as the headquarters, and they all enjoy the same treatment, except that the two branches are under the jurisdiction of the headquarters.

In this way, Liu Yan knew how surprised Mu Rufeng, the captain of the action team, was.

"Captain of the action team, Brother Mu is so powerful?" Liu Yan exclaimed.

"Of course, Team Mu is very strong. I think that the entire Changsha should be the strongest one in Team Mu." Lan Hui said excitedly.

To be honest, Lan Hui used to think that Tianbu was the most powerful, but Tianbu was transferred to the capital.

Zhou Wen became the minister, so he also thought that Zhoubu was the most powerful.

But by chance, he learned about the cult incident that happened after Mu Rufeng returned home last time.

Mu Rufeng actually killed a level 4 contractor and captured a level 5 contractor alive with the strength of level 3.

The relevant departments of the entire Changsha went crazy and unanimously determined that Mu Rufeng's strength was the strongest.

"Xiao Mu turned out to be so powerful. By the way, my daughter Liu Yan also applied for your relevant department and her test score was in the top ten." At this time, Uncle Liu spoke.

"Yes, yes, my daughter also wants to join the relevant department. Xiaoyan, you are ranked tenth in the exam, right?" Hou Chun looked at Liu Yan.

"Yes, it's the tenth." Liu Yan was stunned for a moment and answered subconsciously.

"Oh? Then I'll help you check it." Just waiting for the traffic light, I saw Lan Hui took out her mobile phone and clicked on the internal APP of the relevant department.

Liu Yan became nervous when she heard it. She didn't expect Lan Hui to be able to find it directly on her mobile phone?

"Let me see, Liu Yan, female, eh, I found it, you are a fresh graduate of Hu Nan University, 22 years old this year?" Lan Hui asked.

"Yes, yes, Sister Lan."

"It is indeed the tenth place. You should have applied for the reserve player, but you were eliminated because your physical fitness was not up to standard." Lan Hui said.

"Ah? Am I eliminated?" Liu Yan said in disbelief.

"Ah? That, girl, are you sure? My daughter was really eliminated? She is in the top ten, did you see it wrong?" Uncle Liu was a little anxious.

"Yes, girl, take another look?" Hou Chun said anxiously.

"Liu Yan applied for the exam as a reserve player, and reserve players need certain physical qualities. Generally, we will give priority to those from the armed police and the army."

"We will also give priority to those with strong physical qualities and experience in fighting. Of course, the top five in the exam can be admitted without considering physical qualities."

"Liu Yan's physical qualities were barely qualified, almost the last batch, and her score was tenth, so she was eliminated, but don't worry, Liu Yan was also admitted."

"She became a clerk in the relevant department, and coincidentally, she has been assigned to our Wancheng District. You should receive a notice tomorrow."

Lan Hui said it all in one breath.

"Have I been admitted? That's great."

Although the reserve player has no chance, Liu Yan is also very happy to become a clerk.

After all, even as a clerk, the salary is 7,000 yuan a month, and it also includes food, housing, transportation and other subsidies and bonuses, as well as six insurances and two funds.

The year-end bonus can directly pay half a year's salary. What a concept, it is equivalent to paying six months' salary at a time as a year-end bonus.

All sorts of things, the average monthly salary reached more than 10,000.

This is just the most ordinary clerk. Every year, the clerk's level will be upgraded by one level, and the salary, bonus, etc. will continue to increase.

Liu Yan has just graduated. She went to a company for internship in the second semester of her senior year. The internship salary was 4,000 yuan, and the regular salary was only 5,500 yuan.

There are subsidies, but the total amount does not exceed 500 yuan per month. The two are simply incomparable.

So, Liu Yan is extremely happy and excited at this moment.

Uncle Liu and Hou Chun on the side also became excited.

Their daughter applied for the relevant department, and they naturally learned about the salary level and benefits from Liu Yan.

Now that my daughter has successfully joined the company, I am still very happy.

This salary level has actually been raised to a higher level.

Originally it was only 5,000, but because the strange events became more and more intense, the funds were tilted towards the relevant departments, so all aspects of the benefits have been improved.

For example, the original basic salary of LV1 players was 10,000 yuan, and now it has doubled directly.

If you are a contractor, you can double it, not to mention the year-end bonus, at least one year's salary.

Of course, if you really become a contractor, this is actually a small amount of money.


Just when Lan Hui sent someone to Xixin Zen Temple.

Mu Rufeng had already started looking for the names of the tenants in Gaoxing Building Materials Market one by one with the list.

To be on the safe side, Mu Rufeng looked for new tenants who had moved in in the past three months.

Because the management is strict now, you need an ID card to rent and you need to report the number of people living there, so Mu Rufeng can clearly see these.

There are a lot of people, dozens of them.

However, Mu Rufeng didn't care, and instead used the relevant department's internal APP to check the identities of these people.

The ID card used to rent a house was fake, and the employees in the information building naturally did not know the authenticity.

But the fake identity naturally cannot find the information in the archives.

In just five or six minutes, Mu Rufeng and Zhao Dayong checked all the information on these people.

"This should be Dong Peng." Mu Rufeng pointed at the man who rented the house a month ago and said.

"This man is quite smart. He knows that if he rents a house in such a mixed place, if he hadn't accidentally been photographed in profile and identified using the latest recognition technology, he might not have been able to catch him." Zhao Dayong said.

"Building materials market phase 1, building 44, 119 facade, 402. This is building 35, which should be in the back.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the number of buildings on the side wall and said slowly.

There are more than a hundred buildings in the entire building materials market. The buildings are not high, all on the fourth floor, and they are not too dense.

There were not so many people here before, and it was all because Xinsheng Youxuan moved here, and a large number of floating people came, making this place very prosperous.

"Let's go, now that we have found his location, he can't escape." Mu Rufeng immediately walked towards the back.

Zhao Dayong nodded and followed. He did not question Mu Rufeng's strength.

After only three minutes, Mu Rufeng stopped.

He glanced at the house number. This was Building 44, No. 119.

Both 119 and 118 were open and seemed to be the same store. In 118, a large number of broken Cokes and other sodas were piled up in a large wash basin.

There are two aunties on the 119 facade. One aunt is packing the cartons of Coke soda with tape.

Another aunt was wiping bottles of drinks with a wet towel and then putting them into cartons.

Mu Rufeng knew that these colas should be damaged drinks returned from the preferred return warehouse.

The so-called damaged beverages mean that the packaging film is damaged during transportation in the warehouse, or a bottle is scratched by a forklift. As a result, the beverage cannot be sold on the platform and will be returned in its entirety.

If it is returned and cannot be sold anymore, it can only be wiped and packaged again, and then sent to Youxuan for sale.

However, what surprised Mu Rufeng was that someone had directly rented this building.

Presumably it was rented by someone who ‘Dong Peng’ found himself, so why did the identity information of ‘Dong Peng’ appear in the information building?

Did he think it was wrong? Or is it just a cunning rabbit trick made by Lei Hu? Was Mu Rufeng already exposed when she went to the information building to get the information?

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng's face instantly became a little solemn.

"You stay down below and I'll go up and take a look." Mu Rufeng finished her words and walked straight inside.

Just as the two aunts were about to speak, Mu Rufeng took out a clock and pressed it.

Suddenly, the two aunts were seen froze in place, and even stopped breathing.

This is a good thing, which Mu Rufeng obtained from killing those contractors in the dungeon.

However, he is a bit vulgar.

[Time Stopper]: Don’t worry, although I can pause time, I will only do things I love to do.

Effect: A regular prop. After pressing the button, you can pause the time of creatures within ten meters, or designate a target to pause the time. The duration depends on the mental power, and the maximum cannot exceed one minute.

Note: The continuous effect on male creatures is reduced by 50%, and the duration on female creatures can be up to three minutes.

Mu Rufeng felt that its last owner must have been an islander, someone who was very sexually happy but very fast.

It's a pity that it was finally handed over to him.

I have to say that Mu Rufeng herself was surprised that this thing would actually fall into Mu Rufeng's hands one day.

The first time he used it was on two aunts.

Mu Rufeng jumped up and appeared quietly on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is very small, with only a step less than two square meters connecting the stairs.

Then there is a room directly in front of and on the right side of the steps.

Both rooms were closed. Mu Rufeng listened carefully and found that there was no heartbeat in the room directly in front of her.

In the room on the right, in 402, the heartbeat was heard.

Obviously, there's someone here.

Mu Rufeng kicked open the door and rushed in.

Dark, the room was pitch dark, extremely messy, and smelly.

Not the stench of rotting corpses, but the sour stench of food that hadn't been cleaned in months and the stench of takeout garbage.

The man who was originally lying on the bed jumped up instantly, and then looked at Mu Rufeng in horror.

"I am Mu Rufeng, the leader of the action team of the relevant department, Lei Hu, your incident has happened."

Although he was somewhat unshaven, Mu Rufeng recognized this person as Lei Wu at a glance.

When Lei Wu saw Mu Rufeng announcing herself, he became extremely excited and quickly opened his mouth to speak.

However, only a hoarse whimper came out of Lei Wu's mouth.

Mu Rufeng took a step forward, only to see Lei Wu immediately back away, directly push against the wall, and then quickly shrink into a corner.

"Woo woo woo." The man whimpered and waved his hands, as if to tell Mu Rufeng not to come over.

Mu Rufeng vaguely sensed something, thought about it, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a breath of cold air.

In an instant, Lei Jue was quickly wrapped by a piece of ice, and the whole person was motionless.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng stepped forward, picked up the ice and walked out the door.

Just at this time, some strange noises came from the roof.

"Damn, this guy still has grenades?" Mu Rufeng turned around immediately, then raised his head and opened his mouth, puffing up his cheeks.

Suddenly, a strong cold air blew towards the roof.

The terrifying cold air spread instantly, and almost in the blink of an eye, it froze the entire roof into a lump of ice.

It seems that the grenade was also frozen by him and could not be detonated.

"Hmm?" Mu Rufeng suddenly realized something, and with a thought, he took the Kirin Staff in his hand and threw it towards the wall facing the road.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the staff pierced through the wall and disappeared.

Then, Mu Rufeng carried the frozen 'Thunder Fragrance', kicked the window open, and jumped straight down.

Recommend a book "Siheyuan: Literary Stars in the Red Era"

Introduction: Li Xiangrong traveled through time and became a member of the Siheyuan.

However, he started off badly, hit the wall when he landed, and hell started

Fortunately, the awakening proficiency system, no matter what he did, his comprehension and learning ability were several times that of others.

Li Xiangrong relied on this golden finger to dominate the time when everything was in ruins, and he blossomed in all fields and was repeatedly appreciated.

Became the most famous person in the red era.

Facing all kinds of calculations by the beasts in the courtyard, he was also at ease and easily resolved them, which made the beasts miserable and worse than death.

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